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6 Science Times2 Monday, July 13, 2009

Listen to your body clock

Inside the brain is a body clock that resets every 24 hours, and it’s important for your health, Nyssa Skilton writes

eep inside our brains lies Evening people’s brains were most
a tiny clock that ticks excitable at 9pm.
over 24 hours and resets
Even more interestingly, the
with light each morning.
This clock, found in life researchers studied how rhythms
forms right down to the lowest in the nervous system related to
organisms, including fungi, can human movement.
regulate body temperature, when They designed an experiment to
we feel sleepy or alert, and maybe test muscle strength, which
even how strong we are. involved participants pushing
Population studies have down with their foot on a device
revealed those who ignore their like a car accelerator pedal. They
inner clocks risk poorer health and found evening people became
now scientists are working to find physically stronger throughout the
out how. day, but the maximum amount of
Associate Professor David force the morning people could
Kennaway, a world-leading expert produce was constant.
on clock genes, has studied One of the study authors,
biological timing for the past 30 Associate Professor David Collins,
years. says they think morning people
At the University of Adelaide, may never reach their true
Kennaway and his team study the maximum because they have
body clocks in mice and rats to try opposite ‘‘rhythms of excitability’’
to uncover the mechanisms of of the brain and spinal cord.
how they work and how they
interact with the rest of the body. Studying the excitability of the
spinal cord and the brain, Collins
Kennaway explains clock genes
and his colleagues found for
are like a genetic battery of the cell.
evening people, both the brain
Genes contain information
and spinal cord were most
needed to make proteins, the
excitable in the evening and this is
‘‘building blocks of life’’. Clock
when they were strongest.
genes, which scientists are now
showing operate throughout many In contrast in the morning
of our cells, produce proteins on a people, the rhythms of brain and
feedback loop to a rhythm of 24 spinal cord excitability were
hours. opposite. The brain was most
‘‘I think it’s a really fundamental excitable in the morning and
part of our biology that keeps us spinal cord at night and the
going,’’ Kennaway says. researchers found no difference in
‘‘The value is that it allows our how much force they generated
bodies to predict what’s going to during voluntary contractions over
happen if you like. the day.
‘‘A good example would be ‘‘Thus, we suggested that the
getting your body ready for the opposing rhythms of excitability of
onslaught of waking up, getting the brain and spinal cord offset
up, and having breakfast. You’re each other and they never reach
going from rest to activity, so your their true maximum,’’ Collins says.
heart’s got to be prepared, your ‘‘In contrast the synchronised
digestive system has to be ready to
rhythms for the evening people
utilise breakfast and that has all
allow them to perform maximally
been set up ahead of time by the
cellular clocks in your liver and at night.’’
your muscle and up in your Collins says their work may one
brain.’’ day have applications for
The master clock, which rests maximising human performance,
deep in the brain behind the eyes perhaps in sports or shift workers.
in a small part of the Kennaway says biological timing
hypothalamus, ‘‘talks’’ to the is an intriguing area of biology, but
clocks throughout the body it’s a system that even his fellow
through neural connections or scientists often totally ignore.
hormones like the sleep hormone
He says he sees profound
melatonin. This clock exists in a
changes in systems across 24
group of cells called the
suprachiasmatic nucleus. hours which are as large as some
Scientists have separated this part of the changes scientists see in
of the brain in animals, placed it their experiments with a particular
into a culture dish and watched it treatment.
continue to tick away in the ‘‘So that then begs the question
absence of any other inputs for at ‘‘We don’t really know exactly combination with sleep real clocks, some run fast and of, sometimes in experiments and
least three to four days. what their roles are and all the disruption, may affect metabolic some run slow. studies that people do, whether
In the brain, the master clock is interactions yet, but we’re starting health. The studies suggest If you’re body clock runs fast, for their results may even be
in contact with the outside world to understand how they regulate peripheral clocks in the body may example 24.1 hours, then you are a confounded by the time of day
through the eyes. Light that makes things like digestion and all those have a role in the way we process morning person and are happiest they made their observations,’’ he
contact with nerves in the eyes sorts of body functions,’’ she says. nutrients. when you go to bed early and get says.
resets the clock each day, like a ‘‘Messing around with when you Listening to your body rhythms up early. Evening people’s body ‘‘We try and control everything
watch that runs too fast or slow eat and when you sleep is starting may involve more than just going clocks run a bit slower, for we use the same sort of animal, the
and needs to be adjusted. to look like that’s what’s impacting to sleep at night and waking up in example 24.6 hours, and they like same weight. But often what goes
University of South Australia on health with shift workers and the morning. It may be important to go to bed late and get up late. astray is when researchers don’t
Centre for Sleep Research assistant other workers who are trying to to be aware of when you feel alert A new study from do the experiment at the same
director Dr Sally Ferguson studies operate outside of the normal and sleepy – whether a morning or neuroscientists at the University of time of day each time.’’
circadian rhythms and how the hours.’’ an evening person. Alberta in Edmonton, Canada,
environment, particularly light, Routines are important,
Population studies find shift Morning people tend to feel examined the differences between
can influence them. Kenneway says, not just in science,
workers are at higher risk of more alert in the morning, while the brains of larks and owls. The
Ferguson says the growing body but also in our day-to-day lives.
developing type 2 diabetes, evening people feel liveliest at neuroscientists found the brains of
of research on peripheral clocks in cardiovascular disease and night. This difference relates to people who identified themselves But despite advances in
different tissues throughout the obesity. Emerging studies reveal individual’s body clocks and the as morning people were most knowledge of our biological
body shows how important it is to disruption to the circadian system fact that they don’t all run to excitable at 9am, and slowly rhythms, it’s a system our 24/7
listen to your body rhythms. associated with shift work, in exactly a 24-hour rhythm. Just like decreased throughout the day. lifestyle often forces us to ignore.

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