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WASHINGTON , D .C . 20220

April 26, 20 11

Ms. Anne L. Weismann

Chief Counsel
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethic
In Washington (CREW)
1400 Eye Street, NW, Suit e 450
Washington, DC 20005
Re: FOIA #20 11-03-026

Dear Ms. Weismann :

This letter is in response to your Freedom ofI nformation Act (FO IA) request dated March 7,
20 11.

A search has been conducted by this office and 20 pages of records were located and found to be
responsive to your requ est. Some information has been redacted in accordance with subsection
(b)(6) of the FO IA, 5 U. S.c. 552 . Exempti on (b)(6) exempts "personnel and medical files and
similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearl y unwarranted invasion of personal
pri vacy."

Should you choose to app eal this response, you mu st do so within 35 days from the date of this
letter. Your appea l must be in writing, must be signed by you, and should contain the reason(s)
why you believe an adeq uate searc h was not conducted. Your appeal should be addressed to:

Freedom of Information Appeal

Disclosure Services, DO
Department of the Treasury
Washington, DC 20220

The other offices assigned to perform docum ent searches will respond directl y to you. No other
responsive records were located.

No fees were incur red in pr ocessing your request.


Gail Harris -Berry
Leg islative Analyst
Office of Legislative Affairs

Enclos ures

From: Namoos, Sandra

Sent: Friday, October 08,20105:03 PM
To: Starks. Ora
Cc: Goedman, Menno
Subject: FW: Grant Number: 1996-LB-VX··3741
Attachments: t,i1artin County.jpo

Ol~a) Please log into "fACT for a response. Thanks) Sandra

From: Conn) Tony~

Sent: Friday, October 6S, 2616 2:59:55 PM
To: LegAffai!'s
Subject: H'i: Gr arrt Number : 1996-L8-VX-3741 Auto forwar-ded by a Rule

To Whom it May Concern)

My office has been contacted my of Martin County Kcrltucky per the

attactled letter. • that Ile has a Debt stemming from J
pr'evious adnJinistration with regard to a Local Law Enforcement Block rant) issued by ttle US
Department of Justice. The Sher-ri ff that actually r ece.i ved the gr an t s no longer' in office
and there was no paper work indicating what the office actually used he grant for} (tle
gr'ar1ti,1g agency requested the money to be returned.

Unfol'tlJflatelYJ ttl€ County Judge Executive's office was not 110tified of the grant) the lack of
documentation or the subsequent delinquency of the debt that Martin County is now responsible
for repaying. The County is wishing to pay this debt, however, due to the economic stress
Martin County is facing, as well has their ignorance of the debt, they are requesting that
any penalty and interest be waived. The original debt was $11,932.63 however, they are being
asked to repay, $15,511.60. The County is prepared to pay the $11,932.06 in full with the
permission of your office and debt forgiveness of the penalties and interest, Martin County
suffers from high poverty levels and the tax base is low. The money to pay the $11,932.60
will strain the county, however, they will pay this to rid themselves of this debt. It is to r
my understanding, per the email below, the US Department of Justice is Willing to accept the r
pr~incipal amOuflt due of the original grant) however) this must be cleared through your office I
as well as a final payoff amount. There also seems to be a question of a collection fee I
accessed by your office. Please advise, to what office the money should be sent to with a I'.
finaJ. payoff amount.

Please advise as soon as possible if the proposal presented by Martin County Judge Executive
is possible. Any and all assistance in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Please see
the email's below._ .. these are correspondence between the granting agency as well as Martin
County officials with r-egar-d to this issue.

Click here<> to visit Congressman Rogers' new website and sign-up

for his e-newsletter.
From: Lynch, Wendy
S(~nt:: ~!ednesday J 5ept€rnber~ 22) 2818 10; 83 ;\i"
To: Hall) Regina
SutJject: HE: Grant Number': 1996- L8-VX-3741

Please contact Dept of Treasury for your inquiry. The debt collection o·f OCFO stated that
$11)932 is due fro!n your~ agency.

~'lendy LynCh
Office of Chief Finarlcial Officer
Office of Justice Progralns
Department of Justice

Sent: ~iednesday, September 22, 2616 9: 55 Mo1
To: Lyncll} Wendy
Subject: Re: Grant Number: 1996-LB-VX-3741

So what would be the total to settle this debt at this time?

Sent f,~om my iPhone

Or; Sep 22, 2618, at 9: 53 Mo1, "Lynch, Wendy"

• $'
GOOd !'lor'nillg, ..... , .•. , .....•..

In response to your request, I have confirmed with debt collection section of OCFO that OJP
is not charging you interest or penalty. OJP requested that you pay the principal part of
grant furlds $11)932.08 only; However, Dept of the Treasury has incurred the expense by
serving as collection agency for OJP and they tacks of their their fees on top of the

I'iendy Lynch
Office of Chief Financial Officer
Office of Justice Progr'ams
DelJartment of Justice

ent: Thu, August 26, 2616 16:54:55 M1

ubject: Grant Number: 1996-LB-VX-3741
o whom it may corlcern:
inc VI~H~tin County Sher'iff's Office received a gr-ant in 1996 the t.oc al L2h' En-rorc menr
Block Gr'ant Program. The books were closed on that grant in 2907 and it became delinqLlen in
2008. Funds were expended in the amount of $11,932.0B, but the necessary documentation 0
support these expenditures was not submitted. Unfortunately) the Sherriff who held office
cur i ng that time left the next Sheriff and the county without those records. The delinquent
notices wer-e going to the Sheriff's office and not the judge' s office. The ~lat'tin County
Judge Kelly Callaham) was made aware of the debt owed on this grant when ~le received a

notice from the treasury collections office. The debt has grown from the grant funds
expended amount of $11,032.00 to $15, 511.60.

l:ncs ~I·C ~x:f'e~01v GJfficult In MartIn County) hnere revenues are at all
"{j:'? each d..l y. _ w o U : " d Li ke t o resolve tru s debt . \.Jould it be possible to submit
tt)e Lalar:~e Lrldt wa~ owed when the grant closed} $11}932.00 to the Office o·f Justice Progr~ams
and Ilave tt12 debt cleared? It will be very difficult for the county to pay this amount} bu,t
the jUdge would like to help the cur-r-ent Sheriff to Impr-ove his standing \o,'ith the Office of
Justice Programs, so that he could eventually apply for additional funds. If the OJP could
accept: a lesser' amount to settle this debt, that would be much appreciated. If not, the
county would like to request to have the additional fees that have accrued since closeout
removed from the balanced owed.

Please contact me for any additional informatioll or flegotiation as we work together to

f'esolve this debt and grant closeout) so that we may once again be able to work together.


P roject Developer
Community and Economic Development
Big Sandy Area Development District
118 Resource Court
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41240

"Planning ... It's wha't we do,"

Confidentiality Notice; This e-mail message, including any attachments is for the sale use of
the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any
unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the
intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copics of the
original message."
Covnry Ji..:dg.::;T;:XCOll1 VC
~, ~,)~\

Phone 2-9$,nUJ Inez, KWt\..iCky.:i 12:24 ;::1
F.:l.l. 29S ..1_{(14

CongresSm3rl Hal Rogers

1"1 0 f~esource Court, Suite A
i"restonsburg, Kentucky 41653

Septen-:ber 30, 2010

Dear Congressman Rogers!

As you are aware from your recent conversaiions wi: from B~g Sandy Area
Developnlent District, The ~1artjn County Sheri-ff's Office received a grant in 19f)G through the
Local EnforC8rT'lent Block Grant ProgTafTt The books 'Here closed on tr13t grant in 2007 and
it became delinquent in 2008. Funds were expended In the amount of $11,932,00, but tne
necessary docurnentation to support these expenditures Vias not submitted. Unfor1unateiy. tr:c
Silerflff who held office during that time left the next Sheriff and the county without those
reco(ds. The delinquent notices were going to the Sheriff's office and not the judge's office
\.<;85 made aware of the debt owed on this grant when J received a notice trorn the treasury
ccnections office. The debt has grov/n from the grant funds expended amount of $1 -1 ,932.0010

Times are extrealely difficult in Martin County, where revenues are d8cre~lsing at an alarrnrng
rate each day, The Fiscal Court would like to resolve this debt. I would iike to ask your staff to
work with omce of Justice Programs and the Treasury to accept a lesser amount or at least to
rO!i:ove the foes and penalties requiring only the original balance owed of $1 i ,93200 to be
10 clear the debt. It wiil be very difficult for the county to pay this amount, but I would !ike to help
the current Sheriff to improve his standing with the Office of Justice Progranis, so that he could
eventuallY apply for additional funds. Thank you in advance for your time and attention to his
.narter I look forward to \vorking with you to get his matter resolved.


;-\SS,ST",,,H 5ECHETAR'( October 12,20 I0

The Honorable Harold Rogers

Member of Congress
110 Resource Court, Suite A
Prestonsburg, KY 41653-1842

Dear Mr. Rogers:

Thank vou for your email of October 8 on behalf of your constituent,

_ County Judge/Executive, Office of [he Marrin COIJIlty
Judge/Executive of Inez, Kentucky.

Vie are working on this matter and will send a reply to your office as
soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to call me at 622-1900 if! can
be of any further assistance.


V_ .. r.
· l., F Gl~{. crt.«:«
~1/ u-'
~ A • ."
Kim N. Wallace
Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs
W/,SH1NGTON.0.C. 20227

The Honorable liar Rogers OCT 28 20m

h-fcrnbcl of Congress
: 10 Resource COurt
Pr,,-:;stonbuIg-)K'l 41653

I)C71I i\:1r Rogers.

trv 1Cor YOUI email dated October S, 2I) I O. on bchal f Qf 'i'ou; coustituenr
County Judgc/Execurive, MUJiiIl County Kentucky. who wrote to you
Martin COUll(~'5 ind.eblCd,!.ltSS to the Department of Justice (DOl). _
IS concerned aoout tne \'ojjduy of Inc deb:

The Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 (DCLA.j requires f.hat llle fin;mcI2!
tvl an 3gcm cnt Sen!ICC (H\'fS), <1 bureau within rhe Department ofthe Treasury (Treasury).
act as an agent for all other goverrunent agencies In connection \vith the collection 0;;(
delinquenr non-tax fcderal debe Before submitting a deb: for collection, fedcral agenCies
are required !O ccrufy th;tl the debt is past due and kgitHy enforceable in the amount
subrmucd. DO] forwarded to FMS cerrificauon of l\1 art in County's indebtedness lO DOJ.

A demand letter was sent (0 County of Marrin on July is, 2008 Subscqucnrly, the debt
was referred to Diversified Co llecticn Services, a private: co llection agency (peA) under
contract to perform debt collection services for the Treasury. In uddi!lon. on August 8.
2008, the debt W<>..s referred to the Treasury Offset Program (TOP), which matches
delinquent non-tax federal deb! against federal payments No offsets occurred.

c~sc notes indicate rhar &~1a.rtin County disputed DOf's ccruficauon that the: debt IS vaud
Since FMS must defer to the creditor agency Of} Issues rcgarC1f18 the technical rncrus or
the debt, DO; was non fled of the dispute on January 5, 2009. F!viS 11,'\..$ no record of DOS
responding to the dispute. Therefore, In accordance wirh established procedure, the debt
was returned \0 DO) on t,.:fay 5,2009 and collection action by F\tS ceased that sarne day.

In June 2010, DOJ re-rcfcrred the debt (0 FMS ior collection and a second demand leuer
was sent to County of Martin on June 17,2010, On July 3,2010, the debt was referred to
the PCA, The CBS Group. Since your consruuenr IS Willing to repay the debt, J
recommend rhs! your consrirucnt contact Denise Bauler, Alternate Project Manager, The
CDt Group, to discuss repayment options including any possible compromise. Ms.
Bouler can be reached at 1-866-89S-I n 66.
Page 2 - The Honorable Hsl Rogers

'1'/111> respect [0 fees, \he DCL:\ at 31 U.S C § 3711(gj \6) "\,i,hori2cs the Tre;,sury 10
chuge f¢cs \0 (edend agencies when providing debt co llccn o n servic.cs. The DejA
expressly stares that Treasury's fees rna)' be added to a dchnquent debt as a collection
cost at 31 USc. § 3717. Since DOl elects to have its debrors pay Treasury's fcc, the fG"
was added (0 Martin County's debt balance.

I hope the above information adequately addresses your inquiry.

1 v~ Scott H. Johnson
V Assistanr Commissioner
Debt ManagcIll<...l1t Services

Q:ongrcs5 of tnt 'Jl:lnitni ;6tntc5

1J10lJ1J£ or l'ZeprcIiCntatiuc.s
111)Jslllngtoll, 13[' 205J5-1I05

April 5,2010

United States Department of the Treasury

:\'lo'l'N: Congressional Liaison
1500 Pennsylvania Ave., N\V
\Vashingron: D.C. 20220

[)cctr Siri1vfaJam:

dinn to
According the inf
to 11C '1
' I i'nave reCCIVCC
In ormauon .~\vas _' ' toon dlliar
given a savings

was purchased by her son in the 1960's, Unfortunately the bond was burnt in a fire and ~
~does nOI have any of the serial numbers, Any suggestions forglll would be
greatly appreciated.

Your assistance in this matter will be greatly appreciated, Please refer all correspondence
in this regard to my District Office in Somerset, Kentucky,

Thanking you in advance for your kind cooperation in this regard, I remain


r:\ :\ .- \
~ , '.j .. \
; ,.J.~


Oihcr phc[jc(

SOC.lii! Securir)' ...._ .._._ ... ..... ..__. ._.. . ._. • II of Children under i 8__ .0._.

Other ldClltitic3{lOn NUHlbcrs:

(examples: OWCP, OPM, Black Lung, VA, etc)'·.X

,. Id; income of Family in hOllsehold:~J.3() J/,"¢.l?- ~:(J.([1£li4 From wha: sources: __...... =.:,-'--',.<cc.._._.__..._... _._....
Description of Ingnin or Claim .
(WI!'.':: what you need assistance with, please btl as demikd as possible, use back of tor:n in or 51:ach 5cpar;He piece of pilpc:r)
r7 (Also please enclose an)' you fcel necessary)
J/ ,q.
L,-')Guy(j (
'/J -rn 1

................................... "' " " ..

Privacy Act Release
I hereby authorize Congressman Harold Rogers and those acting on his behalf, in order to attempt to be of assistance to
me, to obtain ; hl aws nd regulatIons.

X (Sign here

Please "hil to: Congressman Harold Rogers

551 Clifty Street
Somerset, Kentucky 42501

'If you have any questions, please contact my office ar 1·800-632·8588


1'>1ay 6, 2010

The Honorable Harold Rogers

Member of Congress
55l CliJ1y Street
Sornerest, KY 42501

Dear 11'11". Rogers:

Th,U1k you for your letter of April 5 concerning the inquiry from your

We are working on this matter and will send a reply to your office as
soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to call me at 622-1900 if! can
be of any further assistance.


Kim N. Wallace
Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs
Se arc he r . .' _
[;i.::partrnsn( the Tre3SL;:-/
3~}ro2U of the Put;[ic Debt r--------TIs'PE6AL'rx-CONGRESSlONAL--'----
{ReVised 1\;)[;12004)
! LA/Control No, 2010-L.00062~ _ _._ _. _ _ . DueJ2?~ 5120110 _'._,_

OSee Attached BATS Request Screen

:?]Custornor t'lfumbor:
Customer Namo:


t~~J To:
l~~ Frorn:



Seriestllpe of Securities:
Par/Face Arncunt


[6) C[aun [J Reissue 0 Exchange U Recovery D Interest n Sale

[J Dofiritlve C Redemption 0 Reinvestment D Conversion 0 Nev-,' Tre8su ryDifect D Tr8nsfcr
:Ji$_ 0\:'.6[: Congressional
Ronson for Call: ----_._-----_.--,_.. _.~
D Age(s) of Minor(s) U Info re Estate or pepresentalive D 1099 incuir/
o Date of Death 0 Supporting Evidence ReqUired 0 SC8iCh Info
____________. . ~~ __.__._. ~ .~=_~Yin2_f\q~~1.:~~~
,_._... .__._._...._....__. _. .....§!!.'.!!!)) ar)! of Call ()nE!2.!.3 c lion T"-i<.E!l.-
~ .. . .__.__.__..j
1) Spoke with Doris Tucker. I advised her that we s earcb ed our records arid.Ioc ate d a bond. Wo will bo sonding !
h or a cInim form for her an d Stephen to sign co rtify and return to our ottic e.: If s hc wnnt s clirc ct deposit, S~-lC

nods to provido hor banking Information on the form. She was greatful for the call. 2) Called Reb ccc o at
Congressman Hogors office. I told her about tho call to Doris Tuck or and asked if this could close our their flie,

;_5;'8 s"id yes. I(this Is an Incoming Call and a Rotum Call is lloodec(, mark -o-Yos-:' - ..--.----. --!
Tho person me kft1.fL!..!!!!. ref.!!!.:n ..~aJ!;ny_~fpC?xJd:.?Pf!LO~ri~~'! In.!~rn!?J!f?.t2 ?la..!?Y~:_ _
Call returned by: at: Da.rn. Clp.r11. on ~~-~~---_._-

(Nama of AssistanUSpeciallst} (D3le)

Actio ria taken:

·1 :: II ( ~j

Treasury Retail Securities

'20;) rr-::d SI'H-i
','';v ';;0:: H)6-S:'

This letter relers to your lnqulry concorning United States Savings Bonds

The reccros ct Series E, EE, and I savings bonds issued ..!a:1uar/1974 and thcreaf1er are Itted
by .ssue date and dencrntnation acccrding to the social secur:ty number (~)SN) that appeur s on
the bond. Even though some SSNs that appear Of) cords contain asterisks (.), bends arc !lled
by UiC complete SSN used to purchase the bend. ire the case of gift savings bones, the
purct"8ser's social security number may have been us ed

The Series E records were searched from J

denominations, usIng the names of, '. ~~."~~~~~t(:,;,h and ,'iiH1GU:
your rnicole initials, at the addrus s cf MonU en,uc!<j',
unredeemed bond described On the enclosec form.

To cornp.ete your recuest, we need the enclcseo Cteitn tor Lest, Stolen or Dostrovot:
Un/tod S!8tos Savings Bonds (PO F 1048), The form must be ccrnpieted to the best of your
abJdy, 8f~d signed In the presence of an authorized ccrtti!ng officer, availab'e at most C:nanc!al
lnsmunons. "(he cortlfying orncer most sign 41nd data, Include his/her tHis; and affix !ho
ins\1tLrUon's official stamp or seal in the space provicod. The Oecartmentot the Treasury
requires the property completed form be submitted In order to process the claim.

Tne cor-d that was fdentified" ssuoc in December ~ 9(37, reached ns kH3i
maturity il"; December 1997, Its value is $1 8< Since the bond has reached final maturIty,
you must request payment of the bond. it cannot be re.ssuec. I am cnciQs(ng a print cut from
the Savings Bend Calculator showing yOiJ the value 0{ tne bond and the amount of :nter8st that
has occn earned.

Please send your response in the enclosed eovetcpe. W1lBil contac.:tingJ:i, please provide the
customer name and reference number shown at the top of (his letter

For ifdcrH'Btlon eucvt TremL','Y Rcill~ eecunne a. go 10;

05/14/l0l0 06:~G FAX 2025043630

Fer genetaf cucsuons atcut United Slates Savings Bones or Series HH/H 8ccovrls, c a.l one cf
the res-tree numbers at the top cf this letter or vislt CU! a! WJh'l if
304~"l&D-7711 pet-veer,. 1:'013 hours of
'/0'.1 have questions ot oot this' ic:ter, caf a.m J;:.j
~:30 p.rn Eastern Ttms.

Sincer eiy,

1. Ill,
Barbara A. Srau:ls, Director ~
Dlvfalor- of Customer As~i.,tance

PO F 101,8, amended
Savings Bond Calculator print (Jut
Return envelope

For ~,ji)(m!!tlo:l at-out l'n.!8!Ury Re;u~ H~CJ(~: e s. go to:

FEB 2 5 ZOt-fJ

>~.{T I '''' L-
1...:) F':~

TOP 2C2·87~-6S7G


i=lH;",r,JC1/, L M ANAGE;-/,cNT Sf: RVICE
·.., \jf.. SHIt''':G-rOi\, D.C. 20227

FEB 25 2010
Tae Honc:raok Han)ld Rogers
f\1ember of Congress
55 i CEfty Slr~et
Snrncr:"\ct, KY '12 50 1

Your letter to the U,S. Departrnent of the Treasury dated JanuzHy 12, 20 I 0, «as t\)["\vzirdcd
ti)(he Financial Managcrnc»t Service (F?vfS) for a r cspor.s e. '{OUi constituent
(fDl{3 onracted your office because L~ bilS been ths- ,..ic urn of 3. fnwch:lcn:
student loan taken using his personal inforrnanon. HiS Socia! Security checks efe being

~~);~c~/~:~'~'2:i~:~:i;~~~OU;;~i:~~I~:~_.ft~r~:)~i~~T~~~'i~t~;nt:;'~J,~~,':~:~~}ll~(~ ~~_;;::~c o
his S"lcI3! Security payments.

Federal ];::,w requires Ff't1S to intercept, or offset, F\;deral p8yrne:its. including Soc:a:
Sccun ty benefit payments, to repay delinqucnt debts s'¥d. nn:neJ by Fcdcrrd agencies ior
collection. Education certified to FIv1S (halml. debt was due, legally
enforceable. and that all due process prerequisites had been met. FtviS' records indicate
t h a t " - h a s an active debt wirh Education delinquent since December 1\ i 996,

Since Education maintains records arid makes all <ic,ciston~, about his
account, it 1S unportant rha ork directly \vlIh them mm
contact Educauon at gOO~62 i -3115 or write to U,S Depar1ment of Ecucarion, FC_C:'-"':faJ
Offset Unit , P.O. Dox 5227, Grcc nvil!c, TX 75-103.

I hope \bi$ information will assist you in responding to your constirucru

1\ .:> Scott H, Johnson

\J :\~siSliJnl CU11';:1}issioiicr
Debt h'faD?lgenlcnt Service-s

February 17,2010

The Honorable Harold Rogers

Member of COl1h'TesS
551 Clifty Street
Sornerest, KY 42501

Dear Mr. Rogers:

Thank you for your letter of January 12 concerning the inquiry on behalf
of your constituent,

We are working on this matter and will send a reply to your office as
soon as possible, Please do not hesitate to call me at 622-1900 ifI C,U1
be of any further assistance,


Kim N, Wallace
Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs

'. O:iitFART!>.'U'l
,.""t __,':-il}Si:"",:-i'

Q:ongrcBs of th£1tlllit£d ;omtcB

t'10U5C or 1{eprcsClltJt\0C5
Washington, EHI' 205)5-1(05

January 12, 20 10

1)cparllnCnl the Treasuryor

Congressional I.iaison Office
l oih and I'enn Avc. "iW Rrn. 3134
WaSll1l1glon. 1).('.20220-000 I

Rc: .la m cs "1'." Justice

1'.0, Box 987
llarold, KY 41635

Social Security t'umbcr: 400-13-4938

Dear Sir/Madam:

.urncutation enclosed with this Congressional Inquiry. My

'I ' .
has advised me that he has Callen victim to identity theft: lie
attended Pikeville College in Pikeville, Kentucky and thai a Student Loan Officer employee] hv
Pikeville Colfege fraudulently obtained student loans using his So ,'. lhc
Stud,:nt Loan Officer used an incorrect date ofbirth, and the name • on thc
irauouicnt applications, however, these loans have been charged to my constituentSIS
(CDa.lh: Studcnt Loan Officer's crime was discovered and he took a plea bargain and has
since died. however, 110 action has been taken to clear my constituent's record or lhcsc fraudulent
studenl loans.

Currently. my constituent, (b) (6) " is still being held financially responsible
I(H these fraudulent student loans. iv1y consutucnt ~1dS since become disabled and is trying to live
Oil.';,. X07n:onthly Social Security Disabiluyand e.\~tl' .• rcatcncd with collcc.tion
crlorts. 1illS IS absurd to penalize my c o n s t H u c l l L _ r o r a crime cornrmucu by
-omconc clsc ' Officials at Pikeville College have been or
no assistance to him because
apparently they arc trying to keep the details or this incident quiet to maintain ihcir reputation in
the community vlcanwhilc. mv con: nt's niulumarc continues. Pkase advise me whUl
action \vill he taken to absolve' o lthc student loans that were charged to his
rcum] by the traudulem acts or this Student l.oan Unicef employed by i'ikc'viiiL' College to
include the repair or hI:) credit reports that include this information. while
corrective action is being accomplished. please make certain that no collection ctlons arc taken
against his SOC1U) Security Disability benefits.

Your assistance in this maucr will be greatly appreciated. Please refer all correspondence
in this regard to rny District ()C11cc in S0I11CrSC{j Kentucky.

lhank ing you in advance for your kind cooperation in this regard. i remain

MCI11 bcr or Congress


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