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The city Democratic Party doesn’t always care what voters think. By Holly Otterbein


FAIR AND SQUARE: 40th Ward Democrats consider Tracey Gordon too disruptive to honor her May 18 election.

uring May’s primary election, Republicans finally glommed “Where in America do you have to ask to run for election?” (Brown

D the city’s attention for the first time in a half-century — by

thoroughly self-destructing. In order to squash a small,
but ballooning cadre of party newcomers, the Republican City
denies saying that.)
Everyone in the group was either kicked off the ballot or with-
drew from the race. Well, almost: On March 22, the Court of
Committee (RCC) filed ballot-petition challenges against members Common Pleas denied the DCC’s challenge to Gordon. On Election
of its own party, rewrote bylaws to make it harder to elect its own Day in May, she won with 38 votes.
committee persons, and declined to recognize a dozen of its own But on June 7, at the ward’s first post-election meeting, deputy
ward leaders. chair Gregory Moses suggested that the committee oust Gordon.
Now a small group says the Democratic City Committee (DCC) He cited a bylaw to support his position:
treats its rookies the same way. “If at any time in the opinion of the majority of the entire ward
This winter, six residents of the 40th Ward, in Southwest Phila- committee, a member is unfaithful to the Democratic Party
delphia, decided to do an innocent enough thing: They ran for and the best interests of the party, or refuses, fails or neglects
Democratic committee positions. None of them — Tracey Gordon, to work in harmony with the ward committee, the ward committee
Than Lim, Donald Henry, Tony McCloud, Beverly Austin and shall be empowered to remove said person from its membership.”
Robin Akers — were committee persons at the time, and many The committee agreed, and unanimously voted Gordon out. A
were utterly fresh to city politics. police officer — Brown says she called the cops ahead of time to
They say they wanted to make their community a better place. make sure that Gordon went
Gordon, for instance, who serves as president of the community “How can quietly — escorted her out-
group Southwest Concerned Citizens, thought she might able to
a ward go side. Brown readily admits
J U L Y 8 - J U L Y 1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | C I T Y PA P E R . N E T

lift the voter participation rate in her ward. At about 8 percent that her animus was moti-
during nonpresidential election years, it ranks among the lowest against the vated, in part, by Gordon’s
in the city. Henry, meanwhile, wanted to see fewer young people will of the support of the five other out-
getting into trouble. citizens who siders who also ran for com-
“The ward doesn’t place enough emphasis on finding something
for the youth here to do,” he says.
elected me?” mittee positions. Brown adds
Call me today to see how you can save that when she got Gordon a
The city Democratic Party didn’t share the group’s zeal. In job with then-Mayor John Street’s Office of Community Services,
when you combine your auto policies.
March, Steven Kaplan, an attorney for the DCC, filed ballot peti- Gordon lost it because she was “disruptive.” Gordon says she was,
(Spend more on your honeymoon).
tion challenges against all six. in fact, laid off.
“In some of these divisions where they filed challenges, there “She filed committee people against the ward,” says Brown. “She
Thomas Stephenson
wasn’t even another committee person running,” says Damon tried to take over the ward.” (The 40th Ward, it’s worth noting, has
(215) 564-6336
2001 Walnut St. Roberts, the group’s pro-bono attorney. “These were good people a total of 102 available Democratic committee positions.)
Philadelphia they were challenging, too. Henry is president of the Eastwick Gordon asked for a copy of the bylaw she broke. That request was
10 | P H I L A D E L P H I A C I T Y PA P E R | Dynasty Dragons Youth Organization; McCloud owns a small denied. She also phoned the DCC, Philly Democratic kingpin U.S.
business.” Rep. Bob Brady and the Pennsylvania Democratic Party about the
The DCC says that it took the fledglings to court because they meeting, but heard zip back.
didn’t have enough legitimate signatures of registered Democrats “How can a ward go against the will of the citizens who elected
to get on the ballot. (You need 10.) Gordon, however, remembers me?” she asks.
things a little differently. In her telling, Ann Brown, one of the two Quite easily, it turns out: According to Jonathan David, director
Democratic leaders of the 40th Ward, chided the group for running of voter services at the Committee of Seventy, it “may not seem
against existing committee persons. right, but it’s legal.”
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