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© Kamla-Raj 2010 J Economics, 1 (1): 45-51 (2010)

Determinants of Inflation: A Case of Pakistan (1970-2007)

Rana Ejaz Ali Khan* and Abid Rashid Gill**

Department of Economics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur,

Bahawalpur-63100, Pakistan
Telephone: 062 9255456 ext: 433
*Cell: +92 0345 8724744, *E-mail:
**Cell: +92 0301 4126963, **E-mail:

KEYWORDS Supply of Money. Exchange Rate. Imports. Support Prices. Budget Deficit

ABSTRACT The high inflation is undesirable phenomenon. The causing factors of high inflation remained inconclusive
by both monetary and fiscal perceptions. The procurement prices and administered prices along with imported inflation
have contributed to higher inflation. The paper focuses on the determinants of inflation in Pakistan using four price
indicators, i.e. CPI, WPI, SPI, and GDP Deflator for the long-run (time period of 1971-72 to 2005-06). It is found that
depreciation of exchange rate and increase in the value of imports has contributed shooting up of CPI, WPI, SPI and GDP
deflator. The support prices of sugar-cane, rice, wheat, and cotton (collectively) have affected all the indicators positively
however, the support price of wheat independently has affected only GDP deflator. Expectation effect has also contributed
positively towards all the indicators. Contrary to the general perception that budget deficit creates inflation, our results
explain that budget deficit has played no role in boosting all the four indicators of inflation in Pakistan in the long-run.

JEL Classification: E31, E50, E51, E64, H62

1. INTRODUCTION hike and nationalization of the economy create

inflationary pressures of an unprecedented na-
The effects of inflation on economy may take ture. Accommodating monetary expansion also
the form of redistribution of income. It hurts sav- played a greater role in fuelling inflation in the
ers as price rises, and real value or purchasing 1970’s (Jones and Khilji 1988). Currency devalu-
power of savings deteriorates. Saving account, ation and devastating floods affecting agricul-
insurance policies, annuities and other fixed value ture production exacerbated these pressures. The
paper assets meet decline in real value during role of inertia seemed evident in this era as people
inflation. Unanticipated inflation benefits debt- do consider expected inflation while making their
ors at the expense of creditors. For the macro- optimization decisions. The trend of inflation in
economic management, low rates of inflation are Pakistan remained low as compared to other de-
prerequisites particularly in developing countries. veloping countries in 1980s and early 1990s. The
Inflation can have a series of adverse conse- annual average inflation rate from 1980 to 1993
quences for the economy. Firstly, inflation erodes was 7.4 percent, significantly below than its
the purchasing power of the people and hence, South Asian neighbors. The combination of im-
leads to a contraction in economic growth. It proved performance of commodity producing
leads to increase in macroeconomic instability sector, lower public expenditures and reversal
as an inflationary environment creates many un- of the nationalization policy played the role.
certainties. Secondly, inflation has regressive Moreover, the country has a very conservative
consequences on the poverty profile of a coun- rate of increase in money stock when compared
try. The increase in overall prices hurts the poor internationally. The State Bank has allowed the
more since their consumption basket becomes money supply to increase by only about 15 per-
significantly reduced in every inflationary bout. cent annually between 1970 and 1993.
Thirdly, inflation can damage a country’s com- The 1990’s has witnessed an end to the pe-
petitiveness by leading to an appreciation of the riod of low inflation and the trend reversed to-
local currency and a consequent overvalued ex- wards accelerating inflation. Given Pakistan’s
change rate, which have a negative effect on ex- general price stability during the preceding de-
ports. cades, the upsurge of prices in the 1990’s threat-
In case of Pakistan the mid-1970’s was the ened to reduce the rates of return on financial
most inflationary time, with inflation rates aver- assets and created a general climate of uncer-
aging more than 15 percent annually. The oil price tainty. The whole sale price index (WPI) almost

reached twenty percent by the middle of the de- Other studies (Jones and Khilji 1988; Agha
cade, with the consumer price index (CPI) not and Khan 2006) explained that changes in the
lagging far behind. Compared to the historical real money balance in Pakistan have contributed
level of single digits, the inflation of the 1990’s to the acceleration of inflation, while other esti-
created a serious disturbance. It was the period mates suggested that the financing of the budget
of liberalized policies, frequent changes of the deficit has done so. It has also been argued that
governments, inconsistency of the policies and the money supply in Pakistan has not been exog-
of nuclear explosion. Increase in procurement enous, but rather it depends on the position of
prices of wheat (Hassan et al. 1995), government foreign exchange reserves and the fiscal deficit.
borrowing, private sector borrowing, exchange Khan et al. (2007) concluded that expansionary
rate depreciation and adaptive expectations were economic policies of the government and the
the main factors behind this surge in inflation. State Bank of Pakistan over the last few years
In the era of 2001-08, the inflation has shown improved various macroeconomic indicators but
a mixed trend. During 2001-04 inflation re- it resulted into a significant increase in Consumer
mained low but CPI shot up in 2004-05 and it Price Index. The current study will be an attempt
reached to 9.3 percent. It dropped to 8 percent to analyze the determinants of inflation in Paki-
in 2005-06 but it again shoot up in 2006-08 and stan for four inflation indicators, i.e. Consumer
reached to its historical high level. Non-govern- Price Index (CPI), Whole Sale Price Index
ment sector borrowing and rise in import prices (WPI), Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI) and GDP
may be the factors behind it. deflator by explanatory variables of budget defi-
In the long-run, certainly, the inflation is con- cit, exchange rate, wheat support price, interest
sidered to be—as Friedman (1963) stated—al- rate, value of imports, support prices of sugar-
ways and everywhere a monetary phenomenon. cane, cotton, rice and wheat together, inflation-
However, structuralist school of thought pointed ary expectations and money supply. The study
out supply side developments in explaining in- will cover the period of 1971-72 to 2005-06.
flation. It holds that supply constraints that drive Since we are using all four measures of infla-
up prices of specific goods can have wider re- tion, it would provide better insight about caus-
percussions on the overall price level. If infla- ing factors of inflation and provide policy mea-
tion is a monetary phenomenon, it is the respon- sures for Pakistan.
sibility of the central bank and the fiscal authori- A variety of literature exists on determinants
ties to achieve price stability. If inflation is caused of inflation based on different techniques and
primarily by structural factors then government time periods. Different sets of explanatory vari-
should adopt policies to avoid these supply side ables have been analyzed by the researchers.
bottlenecks. Hossain (1989), Nasim (1995), Khan and Qasim
The causing factors of inflation in Pakistan (1996) and Kemal (2006) estimated inflation as
remained inconclusive in both fiscal and mon- a monetary phenomenon. However, Hossain and
etary aspects. Heavily dependent on specifica- Akhtar (1986), and Naqvi et al. (1994) related
tions, the varying econometric results have yet inflation to supply side bottlenecks, adjustment
to resolve the debate. Some of the empirical stud- in government administered prices, exchange
ies (see for instance, Bilquees 1988; Hassan et rate adjustments, escalation in indirect taxes and
al. 1995) found that contrary to popular percep- inflationary expectations.
tions about the contribution of monetary expan- Some of the variables have been repeatedly
sions and supply shocks to inflation, it was the taken by researchers to explain inflation. For in-
rise in procurement prices and administered stance money supply has been discussed by
prices, as well as the increase in indirect taxes in Naqvi and Khan (1989), Hossain (1989), Nasim
the 1994-5 budget, that explain the spiraling in- (1995), Khan and Qasim (1996), Khalid (2005),
flation. It explained that government demand and Kemal (2006). Khalid (2005), Khan and
management policy, in the form of reducing the Schimmelpfennig (2006) and Khan et al. (2007)
rate of monetary growth and controlling the bud- have discussed exchange rate depreciation as a
get deficit, was not too successful to combat in- determinant of inflation. Similarly, procurement
flation in the absence of controls on procurement and administered prices have positive pressure
prices of wheat, and fuel, gas and electricity on inflation is discussed by Hassan et al. (1995),
charges. Khan et al. (2007). Naqvi and Khan (1989) and

Khan et al. (2007) have taken inflationary ex- food prices as wheat and wheat related products
pectations to explain inflation. Imported in- account for 5.1 percent of CPI basket in Paki-
flation is discussed by Khalid (2005); Naqvi et stan. Borrowing either by government or private
al. (2006) and Khan et al. (2007). Credit expan- sector is expected to exert positive pressure on
sion is discussed in explaining inflation by Khalid inflation due to increase in aggregate demand.
(2005), and Khan et al. (2007). Impact of interest rate on inflation is assumed to
In the recent literature, Khalid (2005) used a be positive or negative depending on the pur-
bivariate VAR and concluded that imported in- pose of loaning. If major part of the loaning is
flation, deficit-GDP ratio, seigniorage, money for production sector, an increase in interest rate
depth, exchange rate depreciation, openness and would increase the cost of borrowing and en-
domestic credit were the important determinants hance inflation. On the other hand if major part
of inflation. Agha and Khan (2006) have looked of loaning is for consumption, an increase in in-
at the fiscal deficit and total bank borrowing by terest rate would reduce aggregate demand and
the government sector to explain inflation. decline inflation. Money supply and inflation are
Whereas Khan et al. (2007) identified inflation assumed to be positively related. Increase in
expectations, private sector credit and imported money supply after full-employment leads to in-
inflation as the most significant explanatory fac- crease price level.
tors. According to our knowledge, none of the Fiscal policy in the form of increase in indi-
studies have included four indicators of inflation. rect taxes such as sales tax and excise duties raise
We will use time series data set of 34 years to the prices of consumer goods leading to higher
explain the determinants of inflation taking a dif- inflation. Budget deficit is also one of the im-
ferent set of variables and four indicators of in- portant determinants of inflation. Rising budget
flation as mentioned earlier. deficit means excess of expenditure over income
Inflation determines many macro-economic which leads to increase aggregate demand either
factors and is also determined by them. We are through printing new currency notes or internal
focusing on the latter, i.e. how inflation is deter- and external borrowing. Conceptually the sup-
ply shocks have positive effect on inflation due
mined by macro-economic variables. For in-
to demand pressure.
stance, exchange rate depreciation which means
more rupees per dollar and hence increased num- 2. METHODOLOGY
ber of rupees for imports alternatively increase
in cost of imports results into inflationary effect The prime consideration in designing meth-
on domestic prices. Increase in the import prices odology is to incorporate all important variables
other than due to exchange rate depreciation is in explaining the causes of inflation expressed
also considered to increase inflation to capture by four indicators. For the purpose we have gen-
the external price shock. In case of Pakistan, it erated a series of models. The data set for all the
leads to increase the cost of production as the models (for the year 1971-72 to 2005-06) has
major imports are comprised of machinery and been taken from Pakistan Economic Survey by
raw material for local industry. International in- Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS various years)
flation through inelastic imports of raw-material and Statistical Bulletin of State Bank of Paki-
used in domestic industry exerts upward pres- stan (SBP various years). The models for CPI,
sure on domestic prices. WPI, SPI and GDP deflator are shown below.
Theoretically, expectations play a critical role LN (CPI) = á + á1LN(BD) + á2LN(ER) + á3LN
in the determination of future prices and rising (WSP) + á4LN(IR) + á5LN(IMP) + á6LN(SP)
prices create expectations. People expect higher + á7LN(CPILAG) + á8LN(M2)……...(1)
salaries to compensate for expected increase in LN (WPI) = â + â1LN (BD) + â2 LN(ER) + â3LN
prices. Along with it speculation in asset prices (WSP) + â4LN(IR) + â5LN(IMP) + â6LN(SP) +â7
increases and funds for manufacturing sector di- LN(WPILAG) + â8LN(M2)…………..(2)
verts to real estate and stock markets. Conse- LN (SPI) = ã + ã1LN(BD) + ã2LN(ER) + ã3L
quently, hoarders, profit seekers and renters be- N(WSP) + ã4LN(IR) + ã5LN(IMP) + ã6LN(SP)
come active in expectation of higher prices in + ã7LN(SPILAG) + ã8LN(M2) ……………(3)
the future. LN(GDPD) = ä + ä1LN(BD) + ä2LN(ER) + ä3L
Conceptually, increase in support prices may N(WSP) + ä4LN(IR) + ä5LN(IMP) +ä6LN(SP)
have positive effect on inflation through rise in + ä7LN(GDPDLAG) + ä8LN(M2) ………(4)

Where the dependant variables are as: fects of increase in the prices of imports and the
CPI = Consumer Price Index effect of exchange rate depreciation.
WPI = Wholesale Price Index A substantial increase in support prices of
SPI = Sensitive Price Index wheat is expected to have an inflationary effect
GDPD = GDP Deflator on prices. Support prices of sugarcane, rice, cot-
The explanatory variables are: ton and wheat are also used to explain inflation
BD = Budget Deficit in Pakistan. Increase in their prices is expected
ER = Exchange Rate (Rupees/Dollar) to have positive effect on all indicators of infla-
WSP = Wheat Support Price in rupees/40 Kg tion.
IR = Annual Interest Rate The role of expectations is critical in the de-
IMP = Value of Annual Imports in rupees termination of future prices. Rising prices create
SP = Annual Support Prices of Sugarcane, expectations for future inflation. People expect
Rice, Wheat, and Cotton in rupees higher salaries to be compensated for expected
M2 = M2 Supply of Money increase in prices. It is hypothesized that expec-
CPILAG = One Year Lagged Value of tation would increase the inflation. Money sup-
Consumer Price Index ply that increase aggregate demand in the
WPILAG = One Year Lagged Value of economy is also expected to have positive effect
Wholesale Price Index on all indicators of inflation.
SPILAG = One Year Lagged Value of Our analysis is based on time series data so
Sensitive Price Index stationary properties of the variables would be
GDPDLAG = One Year Lagged Value of taken into account. A regression of one non-sta-
GDP Deflator tionary series on another non-stationary series
In the models the budget deficit (BD), ex- can generate the so-called “spurious regression”
change rate (ER), wheat support price (WSP), and lead to incorrect statistical inference. An
interest rate (IR), value of imports (IMP), sup- important indicator of spurious regression is that
port prices of sugar, cotton, rice and wheat (SP), Durban Watson statistics remain less than Coef-
and money supply (M2) are used to explain the ficient of Determination. If such problem does
variation in CPI, WPI, SPI and GDP deflator res- not arise in our model, we will be comfortable to
pectively. The adaptive expectation for each in- use OLS model rather than to use complex co-
dicator is explanatory to relevant indicator, e.g. integration technique.
one year lagged value of CPI (CPILAG) is ex-
planatory variable of CPI and so on. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
For the models, we hypothesized that fiscal
policy may be an important determinant of in- For almost all of the models, the estimated
flation. Budget deficit financed by printing results are in accordance with the prior theoreti-
money and borrowing resulted in the expansion cal expectations and have correct signs and rea-
of money supply so it may create inflationary sonable in magnitude. Since in all four models
pressure. If government finances fiscal deficit by D>R2 so we have used OLS model. To get the
non-bank borrowing, it increases domestic inter- model auto-correlation free, we have used AR
est rate due to the sale of treasury bills, short- and MA processes. The high values of R2 for each
term federal bond, etc. it may create inflationary model indicate good fit of the model. The Durbin-
pressure. Exchange rate is expressed as rupees Watson values have rejected the existence of
per dollar, which means that a depreciation of auto-correlation in all the models. They fall in
Pakistani rupee would mean more rupees for a area of no-autocorrelation that supports the
dollar and it increases the cost of imports and model specifications.
would have an inflationary effect on prices. The estimated results of four models (as four
It is, further, hypothesized that a rise in inter- indicators of inflation, i.e. CPI, WPI, SPI and
est rate increases the cost of borrowing, and leads GDP deflator) are presented in table 1. Contrary
to reduce the demand for loans that in turn re- to popular perception of the significance of bud-
duces money supply and negatively affects the get deficit in explaining inflation, our results have
prices. It is expected that increase in the value of shown that budget deficit does not affect any of
imports would create inflationary pressure in the the four indicators in the long-run. The result is
long-run. Value of imports captures both the ef- in line with the findings of Ackay et al. (2003 for

Table 1: Estimates of OLS models: Determinants of four is repaid by increasing exports and reducing im-
indicators of inflation
ports that may have positive or negative effect
Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 on inflation. Bank borrowing for budgetary sup-
(for CPI) (for WPI) (for SPI) (for GDP port can either be from commercial banks or from
Co-effi- Co-effi- Co-effi- Deflator)
cient cient cient Co-effi- the central bank. When a commercial bank sub-
and and and cient scribes loan to government its cash is reduced.
T-stat T-stat T-stat and This act involves a shift of private purchasing
power to public purchasing power. The expen-
Constant 0.56 0.65 0.53 0.47 diture of government so financed remains non-
(2.16) (2.86) (1.96) (1.67)
LNBD 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.009 inflationary. It means that government’s policy
(0.95) (0.09) (0.75) (0.19) of financing the deficit has no inflationary ef-
LNER 0.32 0.34 0.32 0.60 fects.
(3.12)* (2.16)* (1.88)* (4.29)* As expected, the exchange rate depreciation
LNWSP 0.006 0.06 0.02 0.18
(0.09) (0.55) (0.56) (1.63) has positive effect on indicators of inflation. The
LNIR -0.21 -0.42 -0.06 -0.23 co-efficient of exchange rate in model 1 shows
(-2.21)* (-2.56)* (-0.79) (-1.57)** that a 10 percent increase in exchange rate led to
LNIMP 0.15 0.24 0.13 0.20
(3.65)* (2.92)* (2.20)* (2.99)* increase CPI by 3.2 percent. From model 2, it is
LNSP 0.17 0.22 0.14 0.19 estimated that WPI would increase by 3.4 per-
(2.00)* (2.89)* (1.81)* (1.41)** cent with every 10 percent increase in exchange
LNCPILAG 0.49 - - -
(6.35) rate. For model 3 it is estimated that a 10 percent
LNWPILAG - 0.51 - - increase in exchange rate would increase SPI by
(4.74) 3.2 percent. Similarly, from model 4 it is esti-
LNSPILAG - - 0.80 -
(5.28) mated that a 10 percent increase in exchange rate
LNGDPDLAG - - - 0.51 would result into 6 percent increase in GDP de-
(6.61) flator. The results are supported by a number of
LNM2 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05
(0.82) (0.72) (0.65) (0.51) studies, for instance, Hossain and Akhtar (1986)
R squared 0.999 0.998 0.998 0.998 Hossain (1989), Bilquees (1988), Naqvi et al.
Adjusted R 0.999 0.998 0.997 0.997 (1994), Hassan et al. (1995) and Maliszewski
squared (2003) explained the positive effect of exchange
Durbin-Watson 2.05 1.89 1.84 2.12
Stat rate depreciation on inflation. The explanation
may be that exchange rate depreciation increase
Number of Observations: 34
Sample: 1971-72 to 2005-06 the cost of imports and raise the nominal value
Note: Coefficients are formatted bold and in the parenth- of goods produced domestically which in turn
esis are T-Statistics put upward pressure on the inflation measured
*shows significant at 5 percent level and ** shows signi-
ficant at 10 percent level. by any of the indicators. Another alternative ex-
planation may be that exchange rate deprecia-
tion makes the imports costlier resulting into in-
Turkey) that budget deficit is insignificant fac-
tor for the explanation of CPI. Jones and Khilji creased cost of production.
(1988 for Pakistan) have also estimated that bud- Wheat support price was expected to have
get deficit remains insignificant in affecting CPI. increasing effect on inflation in Pakistan. Hassan
The explanation may be that impact of budget et al. (1995) estimated an increasing effect of
deficit on inflation depends upon the method of wheat support price on CPI but Khan et al. (2007)
covering the deficit. In Pakistan, like most de- concluded the insignificant effect of wheat sup-
veloping countries, three methods are used to fi- port price on CPI. Our results have shown that
nance the deficit, i.e. domestic borrowing from wheat support price have played no role in ex-
non-bank source, external borrowing and bor- plaining CPI in the long-run, and the effects on
rowing from the banking system. Domestic bor- WPI and SPI are also insignificant. The estimates
rowing from non-bank source may lead to crowd- are supported by the findings of Khan et al.
ing out of investment by raising the interest rate (2007). It explained that government policy to
and thus leading to reduced aggregate demand. raise procurement prices of wheat has not af-
The external borrowing helps to preserve domes- fected the consumers and poor community in the
tic investment rates and also leads to reduce fu- part of price hike. The results of model 4 have
ture consumption/investment when foreign debt shown that wheat support price has positively

affected the GDP deflator. A 10 percent increase chinery, petroleum products, chemicals, steel,
in wheat support price has resulted into 1.8 per- fertilizers and raw material for textiles. So, in-
cent increase in GDP deflator. The explanation crease in the value of imports increases the cost
may be that increase in the wheat support price of production domestically boosting CPI.
raised nominal value of GDP and hence increased We have also taken in to account the support
the inflation measured by GDP deflator. prices of sugarcane, rice, cotton and wheat to-
The interest rate was hypothesized to affect gether to explain its effect on four indicators of
inflation negatively. Our results have shown that inflation. The estimated coefficient on model 1
a 10 percent increase in interest rate would lead implies that a 10 percent increase in the support
to decrease CPI by 2.1 percent. It implies that prices would result in to increase in CPI by 1.7
increase in interest rate enhances the cost of bor- percent. Our results are supported by Lissovolik
rowing which results into reduced aggregate de- (2003 for Ukraine) that explained a positive ef-
mand. It ultimately affects the CPI negatively. fect of administered prices on acceleration of
From model 2 it is concluded that WPI would be CPI. In the model 2 and 3, the support prices
negatively affected by interest rate. The WPI have affected the WPI and SPI positively show-
would come down by 4.2 percent with a 10 per- ing 2.2 and 1.4 percent increase respectively by
cent increase in interest rate. However, in model a 10 percent increase in support prices. GDP
3, the interest rate has shown insignificant re- deflator would also increase by 1.9 percent by
sults. In the model 4, the estimates have shown the same change in support prices in model 4.
that GDP deflator is negatively related with in- In model 1 the expectation effect of inflation
terest rate. A 10 percent increase in interest rate proxied by lagged value of CPI, emerged as the
has resulted into 2.3 percent decrease in GDP most important determinant of CPI. It captured
deflator. The explanation may be that increase the 4.9 percent effect out of 10 percent change
in interest rate raised the cost of borrowing and in CPI. Naqvi et al. (1989) and Khan et al. (2007)
hence reduced the physical investment and di- have estimated same type of results for Pakistan
verted the capital to financial investment. In our economy. The explanation may be that inflation-
models we have included the value of imports ary expectation results into hoardings, assets
along with depreciation of exchange rate as ex- price hike and surge in household rents. In model
planatory variables, because there may be other 2 the inflationary expectations captured by the
factors for change in value of imports rather than lagged value of WPI again emerged as an im-
exchange rate, like the tariffs and global prices. portant factor affecting WPI. The size of the ef-
Our results have shown that a 10 percent increase fect is 5.1 percent with a 10 percent increase in
in the value of imports would increase the CPI inflationary expectation. The lagged value of SPI
by 1.5 percent. The explanation may be that the like the previous two models again emerged as
value of imports of necessary raw-material for the most significant factor explaining 80 percent
textile, petroleum and machinery increases the of the expectations effect is SPI inflation out of
cost of production and thus raises CPI, while the 100 percent change in SPI. It is evident that ex-
increased value of imports of consumer goods pectations of people about the increasing prices
directly enhance the CPI. It is also estimated that of essential items of life affect SPI strongly. In
a 10 percent increase in the value of imports the fourth model, the inflationary expectations
would increase the WPI by 2.4 percent. The captured by the lagged value of GDP deflator
traded goods are part of WPI basket so increased have also affected the GDP deflator positively.
value of imports results into increase in cost of It captured 5.1 percent effect out of 10 percent.
production and prices domestically and rise in It was hypothesized that M2 supply of money
WPI. Similarly, SPI would increase by 1.3 per- will affect all the indicators of inflation positively.
cent and GDP deflator by 2 percent with a 10 Our results reject the hypothesis with insignifi-
percent increase in the value of imports. The es- cant coefficients implying that M2 supply of
timated co-efficient of value of imports in model money in the long-run did not affect CPI. Our
4 bear positive sign and is statistically signifi- results are supported by Jones and Khilji (1988)
cant. Increase in the value of imported items that and explain that the movements in money sup-
are used in the production domestically increase ply fail to cause changes in consumer prices. It
the nominal value of GDP and hence increase is based on the fact that, price controls exist on
the GDP deflator. Pakistan’s imports are mainly major commodities at the retail level for quite
comprised of few items namely petroleum, ma- some time, and the CPI is not as broad measure

of the general price level as WPI. It makes CPI imported inflation. To give a break to such
less responsive to movements in money supply. type of factors import substitution industries
Furthermore, classical and monetarists stance of should be encouraged in the country.
neutrality of money are based on the assumption 5. Expectations effect has affected the CPI, WPI,
of perfect market. Since Pakistan is a develop- SPI and GDP deflator. To dampen inflatio-
ing economy characterized by imperfect markets, nary expectations strong policy should be
so our findings that real sector variables are more adopted by the government to contain
important than money in explaining inflation are inflation.
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