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WASHINGTON ± Speaking to the American people from Indianapolis, Indiana, President
Obama said that clean energy companies like Allison Transmissions will keep the economy
growing, create new jobs, and make sure America remains the most prosperous nation on Earth.
Clean energy is also part of the ultimate solution to high gas prices. Until we reduce our
dependence on oil, we will be held hostage to the ups and downs of the oil markets. That means
we need to continue to invest in clean, alternative sources of energy ± like advanced biofuels and
natural gas ± and more efficient cars, buses and trucks. See an infographic explaining the
President's short and long term approach to high gas prices HERE.

The audio and video of the address will be available online at at 6:00 a.m.
ET, Saturday 7, 2011.


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Hi. I¶m speaking with you today from the Allison Transmissions plant in Indianapolis, Indiana.
I came here because this is a place where American workers are doing some big and impressive

The hybrid technology they manufacture here already powers nearly 4,000 buses all over the
world ± buses that have already saved 15 million gallons of fuel. Soon, they¶ll expand this new
technology to trucks as well. That means more vehicles using less oil, and that means jobs ±
more than 200 new workers at this plant alone.

That¶s important because even as the economy is growing after one of the worst recessions in our
history; even as we¶ve added more than 2 million new private sector jobs over the past 14
months; I still meet and hear from Americans struggling to get out of their own personal

A lot of folks are still looking for work. And many folks who do have jobs are finding that their
paychecks aren¶t keeping up with the rising costs for everything from tuition to groceries to gas.
In fact, in a lot of places across the country, like Indiana, gas is reaching all-time highs.

So although our economy hasn¶t been the focus of the news this week, not a day that goes by that
I¶m not focused on your jobs, your hopes and your dreams. And that¶s why I came here to
Allison Transmissions.
The clean energy jobs at this plant are the jobs of the future ± jobs that pay well right here in
America. And in the years ahead, it¶s clean energy companies like this one that will keep our
economy growing, create new jobs, and make sure America remains the most prosperous nation
in the world.

Allison Transmissions is also part of the ultimate solution to high gas prices. We know there are
no quick fixes to this problem. In the short term, we¶re doing everything we can to boost safe
and responsible oil production here at home ± in fact, last year, American oil production reached
its highest level since 2003.

But over the long term, the only way we can avoid being held hostage to the ups and downs of
oil prices is if we reduce our dependence on oil. That means investing in clean, alternative
sources of energy, like advanced biofuels and natural gas. And that means making cars and
trucks and buses that use less oil.
Other countries know this, and they¶re going all in to invest in clean energy technologies and
clean energy jobs. But I don¶t want other countries to win the competition for these technologies
and these jobs. I want America to win that competition. I want America to win the future.

Now, I know that in a difficult fiscal climate like the one we¶re in, it¶s tempting for some to try
and cut back our investments in clean energy. And I absolutely agree that the only way we¶ll be
able to afford the things we need is by cutting the things we don¶t and living within our means.
But I refuse to cut investments like clean energy that will help us out-innovate and out-compete
the rest of the world. I refuse to cut investments that are making it possible for plants like this
one to grow and add jobs across America.

We can do this. I don¶t just believe that because I see it happening in plants like this. I believe
that because I believe in the Americans making it happen in places like this. I¶m optimistic
about our economic future, because for all the challenges we face, America is still home to the
most entrepreneurial, most industrious, most determined people on Earth. There¶s nothing we
can¶t accomplish when we set our minds to it. And that¶s what we¶ll keep doing as long as I
have the privilege of being your President.

Thanks, and have a great weekend.

Hebdomadaire Adresse: énergie propre va nous aider hors compétition et hors-Innover dans le
Reste du Monde
WASHINGTON - S'exprimant devant le peuple américain d'Indianapolis, Indiana, le président
Obama a déclaré que les entreprises d'énergie propre comme les transmissions Allison maintenir
la croissance économique, créer de nouveaux emplois, et assurez-vous l'Amérique reste le pays
le plus prospère de la planète. L'énergie propre est également une partie de la solution ultime aux
prix élevés du gaz. Jusqu'à ce que nous réduire notre dépendance au pétrole, nous allons être
l'otage des aléas des marchés pétroliers. Cela signifie que nous devons continuer à investir dans
des locaux propres, des sources alternatives d'énergie - comme les biocarburants avancés et du
gaz naturel - et les voitures plus économes, les autobus et les camions. Voir un infographique
expliquer le président de l'approche à court et à long terme des prix élevés de l'essence ICI.

L'audio et vidéo de l'adresse sera disponible en ligne à à 06h00 HE, le

samedi 7, 2011.
Remarques du président Barack Obama
Tel que préparé pour la livraison
Samedi 7 mai 2011
Indianapolis, Indiana
Salut. Je parle avec vous aujourd'hui à partir de transmissions Allison l'usine à Indianapolis,
Indiana. Je suis venu ici parce que c'est un endroit où les travailleurs américains font des choses
grandes et impressionnantes.

La technologie hybride qu'ils fabriquent ici déjà près de 4.000 autobus pouvoirs dans le monde
entier - les autobus qui ont déjà économisé 15 millions de gallons de carburant. Bientôt, ils vont
développer cette nouvelle technologie pour les camions ainsi. Cela signifie que plus de véhicules
consommant moins de pétrole, et cela signifie des emplois - plus de 200 nouveaux travailleurs de
cette usine seul.

C'est important parce que même si l'économie est en croissance après l'une des pires récessions
de son histoire, et même que nous avons ajouté plus de 2 millions de nouveaux emplois du
secteur privé au cours des 14 derniers mois; j'ai encore rencontrer et d'entendre les Américains
du mal à sortir de leurs propres personnels récessions.

Beaucoup de gens sont toujours à la recherche d'un emploi. Et beaucoup de gens qui ont un
emploi se rendent compte que leur salaire ne sont pas à répondre à la hausse des coûts pour tout
de scolarité à l'épicerie au gaz. En fait, dans beaucoup d'endroits à travers le pays, comme
l'Indiana, le gaz est atteint des sommets de tous les temps.

Ainsi, bien que notre économie n'a pas fait l'objet des nouvelles cette semaine, pas un jour ne
passe sans que je ne suis pas concentré sur votre travail, vos espoirs et vos rêves. Et c'est
pourquoi je suis venu ici pour transmissions Allison.

Les emplois de l'énergie propre à cette usine sont les emplois de l'avenir - des emplois qui paient
bien ici en Amérique. Et dans les années à venir, ce sont des entreprises d'énergie propre comme
celui qui gardera notre économie en croissance, créer de nouveaux emplois, et assurez-vous
l'Amérique reste le pays le plus prospère au monde.
Transmissions Allison fait également partie de la solution ultime aux prix élevés du gaz. Nous
savons qu'il n'existe aucune solution rapide à ce problème. À court terme, nous faisons tout notre
possible pour stimuler la production de pétrole sûre et responsable ici à la maison - en fait,
l'année dernière, la production pétrolière américaine a atteint son plus haut niveau depuis 2003.

Mais sur le long terme, la seule façon que nous pouvons éviter d'être pris en otage des hauts et
des bas des prix du pétrole est si nous réduisons notre dépendance au pétrole. Cela signifie
investir dans des locaux propres, des sources d'énergie alternatives, comme les biocarburants
avancés et de gaz naturel. Et cela signifie que la fabrication d'automobiles et de camions et
d'autobus qui utilisent moins d'huile.
D'autres pays le savent, et ils vont tous dans d'investir dans les technologies d'énergie propre et
des emplois de l'énergie propre. Mais je ne veux pas d'autres pays pour gagner la compétition
pour ces technologies et ces emplois. Je veux que l'Amérique pour gagner cette compétition. Je
veux que l'Amérique pour gagner l'avenir.

Maintenant, je sais que dans un climat budgétaire difficile comme celle que nous vivons, il est
tentant pour certains d'essayer de réduire nos investissements dans les énergies propres. Et je suis
absolument d'accord que la seule façon que nous serons en mesure de se permettre des choses
qu'il faut, c'est en coupant les choses que nous ne et vivre selon nos moyens. Mais je refuse de
couper des investissements comme l'énergie propre qui nous aidera à-innover et de concurrencer
le reste du monde. Je refuse de réduire les investissements qui font qu'il est possible pour les
plantes comme celui-ci à croître et à créer des emplois à travers l'Amérique.

Nous pouvons le faire. Je ne crois tout simplement parce que je vois qu'il se passe dans les usines
de ce genre. Je crois que parce que je crois que les Américains font y arriver dans des endroits
comme ça. Je suis optimiste sur notre avenir économique, car pour tous les défis auxquels nous
faisons face, l'Amérique est toujours le foyer de la plus entreprenants, les plus industrieux, les
gens les plus déterminés sur la Terre. Il n'y a rien que nous ne pouvons pas accomplir lorsque
nous avons mis nos esprits pour lui. Et c'est ce que nous allons continuer à le faire aussi
longtemps que j'ai le privilège d'être votre président.

Merci, et ont un grand week-end.

Discurso semanal: energía limpia nos ayudará a salir de la competencia y fuera Innovar el Resto
del Mundo
WASHINGTON - En declaraciones al pueblo estadounidense de Indianápolis, Indiana, el
presidente Obama dijo que las empresas de energía limpia como las transmisiones Allison
mantendrá el crecimiento de la economía, crear nuevos puestos de trabajo, y asegúrese de que
Estados Unidos siga siendo la nación más próspera en la Tierra. La energía limpia es también
parte de la solución definitiva a los precios de la gasolina. Hasta que reducir nuestra dependencia
del petróleo, vamos a ser rehén de los vaivenes de los mercados del petróleo. Eso significa que
tenemos que seguir invirtiendo en fuentes limpias de energía alternativas - como los
biocombustibles avanzados y gas natural - y coches más eficientes, autobuses y camiones. Vea
una infografía que explica enfoque a largo plazo del Presidente de corto y largo plazo para los
precios del gas de alta AQUÍ.

El audio y el vídeo de la dirección estará disponible en línea en a las 6:00

am ET, el sábado 7, 2011.
Palabras del Presidente Barack Obama
Preparado para ser Pronunciado
Sábado, 7 de mayo 2011
Indianápolis, Indiana
Hola. Yo estoy hablando con ustedes hoy de la planta de transmisiones Allison en Indianapolis,
Indiana. Vine aquí porque este es un lugar donde los trabajadores estadounidenses están
haciendo algunas cosas grandes e impresionantes.

La tecnología híbrida que fabrican aquí ya las competencias cerca de 4.000 autobuses en todo el
mundo - los autobuses que ya ha grabado 15 millones de galones de combustible. Pronto, van a
ampliar esta nueva tecnología a los camiones también. Eso significa que más vehículos que
utilicen menos petróleo, y eso significa puestos de trabajo - más de 200 nuevos trabajadores en
esta planta solo.

Eso es importante porque incluso cuando la economía está creciendo después de una de las
peores recesiones de la historia: así como hemos añadido más de 2 millones de nuevos puestos
de trabajo del sector privado en los últimos 14 meses, todavía conocer y escuchar a los
estadounidenses que luchan por salir recesiones de su personal.

Mucha gente todavía está buscando trabajo. Y muchas personas que tienen trabajo están
descubriendo que sus salarios no van a la par con el aumento de los costos para todo, desde
clases de alimentos a gas. De hecho, en muchos lugares de todo el país, como Indiana, el gas está
llegando a máximos históricos.

Así, aunque nuestra economía no ha sido el foco de las noticias de esta semana no, un día que
pase que yo no estoy enfocado en su trabajo, sus esperanzas y sus sueños. Y por eso he venido
aquí para transmisiones Allison.

Los trabajos de energía limpia en esta planta son los empleos del futuro - empleos que paguen
bien aquí en Estados Unidos. Y en los próximos años, que las compañías de energía limpia como
ésta que nuestra economía siga creciendo, crear nuevos puestos de trabajo, y asegúrese de que
Estados Unidos siga siendo la nación más próspera del mundo.

Las transmisiones Allison es también parte de la solución definitiva a los precios de la gasolina.
Sabemos que no hay soluciones rápidas a este problema. En el corto plazo, estamos haciendo
todo lo posible para impulsar la producción de petróleo seguro y responsable aquí en el país - de
hecho, el año pasado, la producción de petróleo estadounidense alcanzó su nivel más alto desde

Pero en el largo plazo, la única manera de evitar ser rehén de los vaivenes de los precios del
petróleo es si podemos reducir nuestra dependencia del petróleo. Eso significa invertir en fuentes
limpias de energía alternativas, como biocombustibles avanzados y gas natural. Y eso significa
que la fabricación de automóviles y camiones y autobuses que usen menos petróleo.
Otros países lo saben, y van todos en la inversión en tecnologías de energía limpia y el empleo
de energía limpia. Pero no quiero que otros países para ganar la competencia por estas
tecnologías y estos trabajos. Quiero que Estados Unidos para ganar la competición. Quiero que
Estados Unidos para ganar el futuro.

Ahora, sé que en un difícil clima económico como el que estamos, es tentador para algunos para
tratar de reducir nuestras inversiones en energía limpia. Y estoy totalmente de acuerdo en que la
única forma en que será capaz de pagar las cosas que necesitamos es mediante la reducción de
las cosas que no y que viven dentro de nuestras posibilidades. Pero me niego a recortar las
inversiones, como la energía limpia que nos ayudará a innovar y fuera de la competencia del
resto del mundo. Me niego a reducir las inversiones que están haciendo posible para las plantas
como ésta para crecer y generar puestos de todo el país.

Podemos hacer esto. Yo no sólo creo que porque veo que sucede en las plantas como esta. Creo
que porque creo en los americanos lo que sucede en lugares como este. Me siento optimista
sobre nuestro futuro económico, porque para todos los desafíos que enfrentamos, América sigue
siendo el hogar de los más emprendedores, más trabajadoras, las personas más decididos en la
Tierra. No hay nada que no se puede lograr cuando ponemos nuestras mentes a la misma. Y eso
es lo que vamos a seguir haciendo todo el tiempo que tienen el privilegio de ser su Presidente.

Gracias, y tienen un gran fin de semana.

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. That means we
need to continue to in clean ˬ sources alternative of energy invest -- like biofuels advanced and
gas natural -- and more cars efficient ˬ buses and trucks. 



 7  2011.

Saturday ˬ 2011 7 ϩϡ
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WASHINGTON ± #   to the American people  Indianapolis, Indiana, President
Obama said that clean energy companies like Allison Transmissions will keep the economy
growing, create new jobs, and make sure America remains the most prosperous  on Earth.
Clean energy is also part of the   solution to high gas prices.

È#$     !  È      ! 



"     !    
     " "|
       " |


' (     ! 
"     " 
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È   )   

Until we reduce our    on oil, we will be held   to the ups and downs of the oil
È#*  +   ,    !  , 
  '(  ,    |
markets. That   we need to continue to    in clean, alternative sources of energy ± like
advanced biofuels and natural gas ± and more efficient cars, buses and trucks. See an
infographic explaining the President's  and long term approach to high gas prices HERE.



The audio and video of the address will be available online at at 6:00 a.m.
ET, Saturday 7, 2011.

      !   È     -,  

   "   !   "    
#  $% &$'()) "   ' "   (|
È   . / ' (  |
È0 1   ! 



Hi. I¶m speaking with you   from the Allison Transmissions   in Indianapolis, Indiana.
I came here because this is a  where American workers are doing  big and impressive
È0 1      !  È       "  

  "     2 &

     È  $   !  " |

The ! technology they manufacture here   powers nearly 4,000 buses all over the
world ± buses that have already saved 15 million gallons of fuel. Soon, they¶ll expand this new

È   )   )    "

,    2   |

technology to trucks as well. That   more vehicles using less oil,  that means jobs ±
more than 200 new workers at this plant  .

   "  | È     
2   |

È   .   

| È      2   |

That¶s important because  as the economy is *  after one of the worst recessions in
our history; even as we¶ve added more than 2 million new private sector jobs over the past 14
months; I still meet and   from Americans struggling to get out of their own personal
È   3    2   |
È   .    2   

A lot of folks are still   for work. And many folks who do have jobs are finding that their
paychecks aren¶t keeping up with the rising costs for everything from tuition to groceries to gas.
In fact, in a lot of places  the country, like Indiana, gas is reaching all-time .

È      5 6  

È   4  2   |
6  ,    !  6  |
È#$   ! 
 | È#*           
   !     |

So although our   hasn¶t been the   of the news this week, not a day that goes by
that I¶m not focused on your jobs, your hopes and your dreams. And that¶s why I  here to
Allison Transmissions.




   ( 89 #:;;2< " 
È   >  2    
 |  , , " 6


=  , "   6
È   ?      ,   

   ,   &


The  energy jobs at this plant are  jobs of the future ± jobs that pay well right here in
America. And in the years ahead, it¶s clean energy companies like this one that will keep our
economy growing, create new jobs, and make sure America remains the  prosperous nation
in the world.
È   /  

È0 1 

+   ,   

Allison Transmissions is also   of the ultimate solution to high gas prices. We know there are
no quick fixes to this problem. In the short term, we¶re doing everything we can to boost safe
and responsible oil production here at home ± in fact, last year, American oil  
reached its highest    since 2003.

È       !  È@   ! 

'" ( " 6 '  (  
 "       |

È       È   "4 , 2   

  |  6    


But   the long term, the only *  we can avoid !   held hostage to the ups and downs of
oil prices is if we reduce our dependence on oil. That means investing in clean, alternative
sources of energy, like advanced biofuels and natural gas. And that means making  and
trucks and buses that  less oil.

È%   :; 


|   8  |

È   )   


È     2   |

Other countries  * this, and they¶re going  in to invest in clean energy technologies and
clean energy jobs. But I don¶t want other countries to win the competition for these technologies
and these jobs. I *  America to win that   . I want America to win the future.

È1    ; ,  È  $     ! 

"  &  2     &| 
  ,     ! 


È%  A &  


Now, I know that in a   fiscal climate like the one we¶re in, it¶s tempting for some to try
and cut back our investments in clean energy. And I absolutely agree that the only way we¶ll be
able to afford the things we need is by cutting the things we don¶t and living within our means.
But I refuse to cut investments like clean energy that will help us out-   and out-compete
the rest of the *.
È#*   ! 

6         2   
,      ,

 "   ! 


I   to cut investments that are making it possible for plants like this one to * and 
jobs across America.

È   .   


È   .   È%   ! 

 |      , |



We can  this. I don¶t just believe that because I see it     in plants like this. I believe
that because I believe in the Americans making it happen in places like this. I¶m optimistic
about our economic future, because for all the challenges we face, America is still home to the
most entrepreneurial,  industrious, most determined   on Earth.
È   /  È   :; 

 "|      ! 





There¶s nothing we can¶t accomplish * we set our   to it. And that¶s what we¶ll  
doing as long as I have the   of being your President.

È1      ! 

È   4

" ,   C|
     B    |
È   ?     

r , and have a   weekend.

È   ?  2   |




||| |

| | || 

||| |

| |

| |



||   |






WASHINGTON ± Speaking to the American people from Indianapolis, Indiana, President

Obama said that clean energy companies like Allison Transmissions will keep the economy
growing, create new jobs, and make sure America remains the most prosperous nation on Earth.

 energy is also part of the ultimate solution to high gas  .


Until we   our    on oil, we will be held hostage to the ups and downs of the oil
markets. That means we need to continue to invest in clean, alternative sources of energy ± like
advanced biofuels and natural gas ± and more efficient cars, buses and trucks. See an
infographic +    the   , short and long term approach to high gas prices HERE.

| |

The audio and video of the address will be available online at at 6:00 a.m.
ET, Saturday 7, 2011.


#  $% &$'())


Hi. I¶m    with you today from the Allison Transmissions plant in Indianapolis, Indiana.
I came here because this is a place where American workers are doing some big and  

The ! technology they manufacture   already powers nearly 4,000 buses all over the
world ± buses that have already saved 15 million gallons of fuel. Soon, they¶ll expand this new
technology to trucks as well. That means more vehicles using   oil, and that means jobs ±
more than 200 new *  at this plant alone.

| |

That¶s   because even as the   is growing after one of the worst recessions in
our history; even as we¶ve added more than 2 million new private sector jobs over the past 14
months; I still meet and   from Americans struggling to get out of their own personal

A lot of  are still looking for work. And many folks who do have jobs are finding that their
paychecks aren¶t keeping up with the rising costs for everything from tuition to groceries to gas.
In fact, in a lot of places across the country, like Indiana, gas is    all-time highs.


So  our economy hasn¶t been the   of the news this week, not a day that goes by
that I¶m not focused on your jobs, your hopes and your  . And that¶s why I came here to
Allison Transmissions.

The clean energy jobs at this   are the jobs of the future ± jobs that pay well right here in
America. And in the years ahead, it¶s clean energy companies like this one that will keep our
economy growing, create new jobs, and make  [beyond any doubt] America remains the
most prosperous nation in the world.


Allison Transmissions is also part of the    to high gas prices. We know there
are no quick fixes to this problem. In the short term, we¶re doing everything we can to boost
safe and responsible oil production here at home ± in fact, last year, American oil  
reached its highest level since 2003.

But over the long  , the only way we can avoid being held hostage to the ups and downs of
oil prices is if we reduce our dependence on oil. That means investing in clean, alternative
sources of energy, like advanced biofuels and natural gas. And that means making  and
trucks and buses that use less oil.


Other countries  * this, and they¶re going all in to invest in clean energy technologies and
clean energy jobs. But I don¶t want other countries to win the competition for these technologies
and these jobs. I want America to win that competition. I want America to * the future.

Now, I know that in a difficult   climate like the  we¶re in, it¶s tempting for some to try
and cut back our investments in clean energy. And I absolutely agree that the only way we¶ll be
able to afford the things we need is by cutting the things we don¶t and living within our means.
But I refuse to cut investments like clean energy that will help us out-innovate and out-compete
the rest of the world. I refuse to cut investments that are making it ! for plants like this
one to grow and add jobs across America.


c can do this. I don¶t just believe that because I see it happening in plants like this. I believe
that because I believe in the Americans making it happen in places like this. I¶m optimistic
about our economic future, because for all the challenges we face, America is still home to the
most entrepreneurial, most industrious, most determined people on Earth. There¶s nothing we
can¶t accomplish when we set our minds to it. And that¶s what we¶ll   doing as long as I
have the privilege of being your President.

r , and have a great weekend.







Y  |r|O 

| |

WASHINGTON ± #   to the American   from Indianapolis, Indiana, President

Obama said that clean energy companies like Allison Transmissions will keep the economy
growing, create new jobs, and make sure America remains the most prosperous nation on Earth.
Clean energy is also part of the ultimate solution to high gas  .


Until we reduce our    on oil, we * be held hostage to the ups and downs of the oil
markets. That means we need to continue to invest in clean, alternative sources of energy ± like
advanced biofuels and natural gas ± and more efficient cars, buses and trucks. See an
infographic +    the President's short and long term approach to high gas prices HERE.

The audio and video of the address will be available online at at 6:00 a.m.
ET, Saturday 7, 2011.


#  $% &$'())


Hi. I¶m    with you   from the Allison Transmissions plant in Indianapolis, Indiana.
I came here because this is a  where American *  are doing some big and impressive


The ! technology they    here already powers nearly 4,000 buses all over the
world ± buses that have already saved 15 million gallons of fuel. Soon, they¶ll expand this new
technology to trucks as well. That means more vehicles using less oil, and that   jobs ±
more than 200 * workers at this plant alone.

È!  *   !   , 


 B   , |

That¶s   because  as the economy is growing after one of the worst recessions in
our history; even as we¶ve added more than 2 million new private sector jobs over the past 14
months; I still meet and hear from Americans   to get out of their own personal

| |

 w| u|uv|x w|yz |
uv t| u|

A lot of  are still   for work. And many folks who do   jobs are finding that their
paychecks aren¶t keeping up with the rising costs for everything from tuition to groceries to gas.
In fact, in a lot of places across the country, like Indiana, gas is reaching all-time highs.

So although our economy hasn¶t been the focus of the news this week, not a day that goes by that
I¶m not focused on your jobs, your hopes and your dreams. And that¶s why I came here to
Allison Transmissions.

The  energy jobs at this plant  the jobs of the future ± jobs that pay well right here in
America. And in the years ahead, it¶s clean energy companies like this one that will keep our
economy growing,   new jobs, and make sure America remains the most prosperous nation
in the world.

" 7  È"D 

E <   
  ,  &
!    < F  , 

È   "/ "  &  

"/  "  "    

Allison r   is also part of the ultimate solution to high gas prices. We know there
are no quick fixes to this problem. In the short term, we¶re doing everything we can to boost
safe and responsible oil production here at home ± in fact,   year, American oil production
reached its highest level since 2003.

| |

But over the long  , the only *  we can avoid being held hostage to the ups and downs of
oil prices is if we reduce our dependence on oil. That means investing in clean, alternative
sources of energy, like advanced biofuels and   gas. And that means making cars and
trucks and buses that  less oil.

| |

Other countries know , and they¶re   all in to invest in clean energy technologies and
clean energy jobs. But I don¶t want other countries to win the competition for these technologies
and these jobs. I want America to * that competition. I want America to win the future.

Now, I know that in a   fiscal climate like the one we¶re in, it¶s tempting for some to try
and cut back our investments in clean energy. And I absolutely agree that the only way we¶ll be
able to afford the things we need is by cutting the things we don¶t and living within our means.
But I refuse to cut investments like clean energy that will help us out-innovate and out-compete
the rest of the world. I refuse to cut investments that are    it possible for plants like this
one to grow and  jobs across America.

We can do this. I don¶t just !   that !  I see it happening in plants like this. I believe
that because I believe in the Americans making it happen in places like this. I¶m optimistic
about our economic future, because for all the challenges we face, America is still home to the
most entrepreneurial, most industrious, most determined people on Earth. There¶s nothing we
can¶t accomplish when we set our minds to it. And that¶s what we¶ll   doing as long as I
have the   of being your President.

| |

|{ ||} |{ |

|~ ||€ || | t| |u|
Thanks, and have a   *  .   ||
v | 
v |t
||  | v|w ||
|uv|  |t||  
| |uv| t |








WASHINGTON ± #   to the American people from Indianapolis, Indiana, President

Obama said that clean energy companies like Allison Transmissions will keep the economy
growing, create new jobs, and make sure America remains the most prosperous nation on Earth.
Clean energy is also part of the ultimate solution to high gas prices. Until we reduce our
dependence on oil, we will be held hostage to the ups and downs of the oil markets. That means
we need to continue to invest in clean, alternative sources of energy ± like advanced biofuels and
natural gas ± and more efficient cars, buses and trucks. See an infographic explaining the
President's short and long term approach to high   prices HERE.

The audio and video of the   will be available online at at 6:00 a.m.
ET, Saturday 7, 2011.


#  $% &$'())

Hi. I¶m speaking with you   from the Allison Transmissions plant in Indianapolis, Indiana.
I came here because this is a place where American workers are   some big and impressive

The ! technology they manufacture here already powers nearly 4,000 buses all over the
world ± buses that have already saved 15 million    of fuel. Soon, they¶ll expand this new
technology to trucks as well.

That means more     using less oil, and that means jobs ± more than 200 new workers at
this plant  .

That¶s important because even as the economy is growing   one of the worst recessions in
our history; even as we¶ve added more than 2 million new private sector jobs over the past 14
months; I still meet and hear from Americans struggling to get out of their own personal

A lot of folks are still looking for *. And many folks who do have jobs are finding that their
paychecks aren¶t keeping up with the rising costs for everything from tuition to groceries to gas.
In fact, in a lot of places across the  , like Indiana, gas is reaching all-time highs.

| |

So although our   hasn¶t been the focus of the news this week, not a day that goes by
that I¶m not focused on your jobs, your hopes and your dreams. And that¶s why I came here to

The clean energy jobs at this plant are the jobs of the future ± jobs that   well right here in
America. And in the years ahead, it¶s clean energy companies like this one that will keep our
economy growing, create new jobs, and make sure America remains the  prosperous nation
in the world.

Allison Transmissions is also part of the ultimate solution to high gas prices. We know there are
no quick fixes to this problem. In the short term, we¶re doing everything we can to boost safe
and responsible oil production here at home ± in fact, last year, American  production reached
its highest level since 2003.

But over the long term, the only way we can avoid being held hostage to the ups and downs of
oil prices is if we reduce our dependence on oil. That means investing in clean, alternative
sources of energy, like advanced biofuels and natural gas. And that   making cars and
trucks and buses that use less oil.

s| ‚
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| | 

| |
 |…  | |
 |  |
 |† |t|xv |   |

Other countries  * this, and they¶re going all in to invest in clean energy technologies and
clean energy jobs. But I don¶t want other countries to win the competition for these technologies
and these jobs. I *  America to win that competition. I want America to win the future.

Now, I know that in a difficult fiscal   like the one we¶re in, it¶s tempting for some to try
and cut back our investments in clean energy. And I absolutely agree that the only way we¶ll be
able to afford the things we need is by cutting the things we don¶t and living within our means.
But I refuse to cut investments like clean energy that will help us out-innovate and out-compete
the rest of the world. I refuse to cut investments that are making it possible for plants like this
one to grow and add jobs  America.


We can  this. I don¶t just believe that because I see it happening in plants like this. I believe
that because I believe in the Americans making it happen in places like this. I¶m optimistic
about our economic future, because for all the challenges we face, America is still home to the
most entrepreneurial, most industrious, most determined people on Earth. There¶s nothing we
can¶t accomplish when we set our minds to it. And that¶s what we¶ll keep doing as long as I
have the   of being your President.

‚v | v |
| ||



Thanks, and have a great *  .



  |‡ ||
|ŠŠ|  |‚|r‹|Œ   |
v |t|  
u| v  |




| |

WASHINGTON ± #   to the American people from Indianapolis, Indiana, President

Obama said that clean energy companies like Allison Transmissions will keep the economy
growing, create new jobs, and make sure America remains the most prosperous nation on Earth.
Clean energy is also part of the ultimate solution to high gas prices.

Until we   our dependence on oil, we will be held hostage to the ups and downs of the oil
markets. That means we need to continue to invest in clean, alternative sources of energy ± like
advanced biofuels and natural gas ± and more efficient cars, buses and trucks. See an
infographic explaining the President's short and long term approach to high gas prices HERE.

The audio and video of the address will be available online at at 6:00 a.m.
ET, Saturday 7, 2011.


#  $% &$'())

Hi. I¶m speaking with you today from the Allison Transmissions plant in Indianapolis, Indiana.
I came here because this is a place where American workers are doing some big and impressive

The hybrid technology they manufacture here already powers nearly 4,000 buses all over the
world ± buses that have already saved 15 million gallons of fuel. Soon, they¶ll expand this new
technology to trucks as well. That means more vehicles using less oil, and that means jobs ±
more than 200 new workers at this plant alone.

That¶s important because even as the economy is growing after one of the worst recessions in our
history; even as we¶ve added more than 2 million new private sector jobs over the past 14
months; I still meet and hear from Americans struggling to get out of their own personal

A lot of folks are still looking for work. And many folks who do have jobs are finding that their
paychecks aren¶t keeping up with the rising costs for everything from tuition to groceries to gas.
In fact, in a lot of places across the country, like Indiana, gas is reaching all-time highs.

So although our economy hasn¶t been the focus of the news this week, not a day that goes by that
I¶m not focused on your jobs, your hopes and your dreams. And that¶s why I came here to
Allison Transmissions.
The clean energy jobs at this plant are the jobs of the future ± jobs that pay well right here in
America. And in the years ahead, it¶s clean energy companies like this one that will keep our
economy growing, create new jobs, and make sure America remains the most prosperous nation
in the world.

Allison Transmissions is also part of the ultimate solution to high gas prices. We know there are
no quick fixes to this problem. In the short term, we¶re doing everything we can to boost safe
and responsible oil production here at home ± in fact, last year, American oil production reached
its highest level since 2003.

But over the long term, the only way we can avoid being held hostage to the ups and downs of
oil prices is if we reduce our dependence on oil. That means investing in clean, alternative
sources of energy, like advanced biofuels and natural gas. And that means making cars and
trucks and buses that use less oil.
Other countries know this, and they¶re going all in to invest in clean energy technologies and
clean energy jobs. But I don¶t want other countries to win the competition for these technologies
and these jobs. I want America to win that competition. I want America to win the future.

Now, I know that in a difficult fiscal climate like the one we¶re in, it¶s tempting for some to try
and cut back our investments in clean energy. And I absolutely agree that the only way we¶ll be
able to afford the things we need is by cutting the things we don¶t and living within our means.
But I refuse to cut investments like clean energy that will help us out-innovate and out-compete
the rest of the world. I refuse to cut investments that are making it possible for plants like this
one to grow and add jobs across America.

We can do this. I don¶t just believe that because I see it happening in plants like this. I believe
that because I believe in the Americans making it happen in places like this. I¶m optimistic
about our economic future, because for all the challenges we face, America is still home to the
most entrepreneurial, most industrious, most determined people on Earth. There¶s nothing we
can¶t accomplish when we set our minds to it. And that¶s what we¶ll keep doing as long as I
have the privilege of being your President.

Thanks, and have a great weekend.


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