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NRC FORM 464 Part I U.S.


2006-0275 1

SEP 1 2006
Melanie Sloan
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NRC FORM 464 Part 1 (6-1998) PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER his form was designed using InForms

1 09102105 - 09/02/05 NIA NRC input to DHS SITREP (12 pages)

Page Iof 1
input t o DBS SITREP lGOO 2 Scptcmber 2005
Nuclear Regui:ktory Con~rr~issiorl
W:iterro'ortl Unit3 is the only nuc1c:tr pl:iat in the Gulf Coast are:r
irnp:lcted. This urlir
was shutdown in :inticipation o f the storm, arld subsequently lost
offsite power. Offsite

Offsite power +rill be

fully restored to the plant when grid stability Is verifie,
o Wilterford Unit 3 - r i091 .WY7 unit in Killonr. L4.
power is currently available and supplying power to hdIf o f the p l ~ l t ' s
snfety systems.
l ' h r remair~irrghalf is powered by an emergency d i e s e gexier:itor.

- The site continues to be in a Notice of Unusual 'Event .(thr lowest - .-

emergency .- -
classification) due to the loss of offsite power. ---
- The plarst is in a Cold Shutdown condition. .,
- Offsite pnwet is itvailnbl~,and conr~ectedto non-vital electricnl buses,
Offsite power
t~asheen rtstrjred t o one o r the vit:ll el~ctricalhuses to p ovide power
to s d e t y
tquipmeilt. T h e o t h e r vit:ll bus is being powered by a er~tcrgcr~cy diesel generat&.
Seven days uf diesel fuel a r e heir~qrnrint:~incdullsitl
- I
,411 pl:int systerns, including safety sys terns, are nv.1'1, ble a n d
operating normally.
T h e licerlsee shut duwn one of the emergency diesel generiators,
repaired a fuel oil . .
leak, and ret~lrriedthe diesel to oper:lble. The other diesel has n small
leak that does
,lot cul-rently arrect oper:~lioaof the diesel.
- Offsite emergency notification sil-ens :ire functjor~:k~l on b:ickup
battery power.
- Communications capabilities have been severely impacted due to
local infl-astr-ucture . .
- - Evacuation routes a r e open except those to the eiu through zones
I33 a n d R1.
- Storm crews (two full shirts plus emergency respor se personnel)
colltinue to be onsite
a r o ~ ~ ther ~ dclock. ----
- Unrestricted ikcccss 11:~sb e e ~grantrtl
~ to St. CI1:irle:i alld St. John the
Baptist parishes.
- T w o temporary diesel generators a r e inst~ilitdand available to
supply power to one
safety -rela tell bus.
o River- Bend - a 980 MPY unit in St. Francisvillc, LA

out of service for
the p u m p inner and o u t e r seal replacernerrt.

- Pl:~ntpower level is at YO% power. Reactor feedw ter pump '9' is

T h e r e has been no errlergency clnssification 311d n danlnge to plant

Evncuatioa routes were cor~firrnedto be c1e:lr.
A number of offsite emergency notification sirens a r e on b:~ckup
b:~ttcrypower b u t
o Gr:ir~dG u l l - 11 1373 hLW unit
- Pl:i11t power level is :it 97'>0 power..
ill Port Gibson, hlS '

- T h e r e has been no enlergelrcy classil'ic:~tionand no dam;ige to the

- Steps being t:tken to restore: a r ~ u r n b e rof offsite enlergency
nutific:rtion s i r ~ n which
a r e without power d u e to downed power lines. Comperisntory rotrte
a r e in place.
- Evacuation routes have been verified to be clritr.
- Selected emergency response persorlnel a r e within pager coverage. -- -
o The NRC r r n ~ ; ~ i nins Mnnitoring hiode. KRC Reg o n It' is
n1aint:iining open line
c~mmi~nic;itionu with NRC Eieaclquarters and regular cuntact with
the affected pla:irs
(wil! canti~luez t least through Tucsday, 6 S e p t e n ~ b c
coverage is being
~n:aintninedaround the clnck by VRC inspectors at each site. Tri :iddition, NRC
IY is coordiriating with FE&W Regions 4, 6, local F
State of Louisian;l to
review sirens arld evacuatio~lroutes associilted fyitl
b8.C input to 0300 2 September 2005 SITREP I

Nuclear: 1
Waterford Unit 3 is the only nuclear plant in the Gulf Coast area impacted. ~ d i unit
was shutdown in anticipation of the storm, and subsequently lost offsite power. Offsite
power is currently available and supplying power to half of the plant's safety systems.
The remainins half is powered by an emergency diesel generator. Offsite powel- will be
fiilly restored to the plant when grid stability is re-established.

o Waterford Unit 3 - a 1091 MW unit in Killona, LA

- The site continues to be in a Notice of Unusual Event (the lowest emergenc
classification) due to the loss of offsite power.
- The plant is in a Cold Shutdown condition.
- Otfsite power is available and connected to non-vital electrical buses. Of'fsite power
has been restored to one of the vital electrical buses to provide power to safdty
equipment. The other vital bus is being powered by a emergency diesel genkrator.
Seven days of diesel fuel are being maintained onsite.
' - ,411 plant systems, including safety systems, are available and operating normally.
The licensee shut down one of the emergency diesel generators to repair a d e l oil
leak. The other diesel has s small leak that does not currently affect operatibn of the
- Emergency sirens are functional on backup battery power.
- Communications capabilities have been severely impacted due to local
- Evacuation routes are open.
- Storm crews (two full shifts plus emergency response personnel)
around the clock.
- Unrestricted access has been granted to St. Charles and St. John
o River Bend - a 980 MW unit in St. Francisville, LA
- Plant power level is increasing to 100%.
- There has been no emergency classification and no damage to plant equipment.
- Evacuation routes were confirmed to be clear.
- A number of emergency sirens are on backup battery power but functional.
o Grand Gulf - a 1373 MW unit in Port Gibson, MS
- Plant power level was increased to 937b power.. i
- There has been no emergency classification and no damage to the plant.
- Steps being taken to restore a number of evacuation sirens left without powkr due to
downed power lines.
- Evacuation routes have been verified to be clear.
- Identified emergency response personnel are within pager coverase.
o The NRC remains in Monitoring Mode. M C Region IV is main!aining ope 11ne
communications with NRC Headquarters and regulzr contact with the affected plants4 '
(will continue at least through Tuesday, September 6, 2005). Site coverage i :Ins
maintained around the clock by NRC inspectors at each site. In addition, NR Legion
IV is coordinating with FEMA Regions 4, 6, local parishes, and the State of I isiana to
review sirens and evacuation routes associated with Waterf~rdUnit 3.
NRC input to DHS SITREP 1600 4 September 2005

Waterfprd Unit 3 is the only nuclear plant in the Gulf Coast area currently impacted.
o Waterford Unit 3 - a 1091 MW unit in Killona, L A
- The site'continues to be in a Notice of Unusual Event (the lowest emergency . .
classification) due to the loss of communications.
- Communications capabilities have been severelyimpacted due to local inti structure
damage. The licensee is enhancing their.communications capability by adding lines
from Arkansas (501 area code) which are routed outside the New Orleans area.
- Offsite emergency notification sirens are functional. All 72 sirens are
are on AC power and 45 are on battery power.
- The plant is in a cold shutdown condition.
- Offsite power is available and connected to the vital and non-vital
- The emergency diesel generators have been shut down and are available, if needed.
- Two temporary diesel generators are installed and available supply power one10
safety-related bus.
- All required safety systems are available.
- Storm crews (two full shifts plus emergency response personnel)
around the clock.
- The licensee reports that all evacuation routes are now open.
o The NRC remains in Monitoring Mode. The Region 1V Incident Response &enter is
staffed and maintaining open line communications with NRC Headquarters and regular
contact with -Waterford Unit 3 (will continue at least through Tuesday, 6 September

o Site coverage is being maintained around the clock by NRC inspectors at V terford
Unit 3; The NRC has suspended 24-hour onsite coverage by NRC inspectors :Grand
Gulf and River Bend..

o NRC Region IV is coordinating with FEMA Regions 4, 6 , local parishes, a, the State
of Louisiana to review emergency preparedness with Waterford Unit 3.
Nuclear Sector - Hurricane Katrina
9/04/05 I330

Waterford III Nuclear Power Plant:

a Plant continues to operate in a "Cold Shutdown" state (coolant is less In 200
degrees F) and will continue so until start up
a Plant continues to be in a Notice of Unusual Event (NOUE) emergenc condition
(lowest level) due to loss of communications
Offsite power has been restored to the plant

Direct voice communications with the Control Room via the Emergen I

Notification System (ENS) are still not available

There is indirect communications to the Control Room througi he onsite
Outage Control Center, satellite phones, and the onsite NRC R ident

Emergency Preparedness
All 72 sirens around the site are operable
Evacuation routes are open except those to the East
e An NRC Resident Inspector is onsite around the clock
NRC, FEMA, and State and local authorities are conducting an emerg ICY
preparedness review; the next SitRep might be able to provide a comp tion date
based on a 2 PM EST conference call today
Restart will not occur until the emergency preparedness review is con .eted

The nearby Riverbend and Grand Gulf plant are operating at reduced power 11 els of
80% and 97%, respectively, due to continued grid reliability concerns
NRC inptlt to DHS SlTREP 0400 6 Septeniber 2005 1

Waterford Unit 3 is the only nuclear plant in the Gulf Coast area currently
impacted. ' 1
o \/Vatorford Unit 3 - a 1091 MW unit In Killona, LA
- The site continues to be in a Notice of Unusual Event (the lowest emevgency
classification) due to the loss of communicatioris.
- Cocnmunications capabilities had been severely irnpacted due to local
infrastructure darnage. The licensee has enhanced their com~nuriications

capability by adding lines which are routed outside the New Orleans a ea.
- Offsite emel-gency notification sirens are functional. All 72 sirens are
operable; 27 are on AC power and 45 are on battery power.
- The plant is in a cold shutdown condition, preparing to comtnence a plant
heatup using reactor coolant pumps.
- Offsite power is available and connected to the vital and non-vital zlec rical
- The 2 emergency diesel generators have been shut down, both are available

if needed.
- One temporary diesel generator IS installed and available to supply po er to
one safety-related bus.
- All required safety systems are available.

- Stor~ncrews (two full shifts plus emergency response pmsonnelj cant nue to
be onsite around the clock.
- The licensee reports that all evacuation routes are now open.
o The NRC rernains in Monitoring Mode. T ~ Region
P ILJIncident Response enter
is staffed and maintaining open line commclnications with NRC Headqua el-sand
regular contact with Waterford Unit 3. RIV expects to continue in Monitoring
Mode through day shift today, 6 September 2005

o Site coverage is being maintamed around the clock by NRC ~nspectors.

o NRC Region IV is coordinating with FEMA Regions 4. 6. local parishes, at d t h ~

State of Louisiana to review emergency preparedness w~thWaterfor, Uait 3.
* Waterfirrd Unit 3 is the only n~~clear plant lil it~eGulf Coast area with any siyn
impact. This uiiit was shutdown in anticipation of the s~orm,and subsequently 1
power. Offsite power is available b ~the t grid is unstal1l.6,so the ,plant's safety I
are being powered by emergency diesel generators. Offsite power will be filly
to the plan:t wllen ,orid stability is re-esrablisheci.

o CVaterhrd Unit 3 - a 1091 bnQunit i in Killona, J2A

- The she contin~~es to be in a 'P.Ic~tic.e
of Unusual Event (the Io~vestemcrge1lc.y
clissi.Iicatio11)due to tile loss ofok'tsite power. Storn~crews (two fill1 shifts plus
emergency response perso~ineljcorrtinue to he onsite around the clock.
- Tlie plant continues to be r~~aintained in a Hot Shutdown cotldiiion, with salet:
being powered by emergeocy diesel generators. Seven daysot' fuel are being rn
- OtTsite power is available and is supplying nun-vital equipment.
- All plant systems, including safety systems, are available and operating nornl;
- Emergency sirens are firnc-tional.@n backup battery pcwer.
- Co~nmunicatiunscapabilit.ies have been severely impacted due to iocal
- Evacuation routes are open to .the so~~tli nmd west of the plant., but are ~~nauaila
places to thc north arid east.
- Unrestricted access has been granted to St. Charles &d St. John rhc Baptist p:

o River Bend - a 980 MW unit in St. Francisville. L.4

- Plant power level was reduced to 717,; in ordcr to improve grid stability.
- There has been no emergency classification and no damage to plant equipme11
- Evacuation routes were confirmed to be. clear.
- 11nun~bcrof erncrgency sirens are on backup battery Ful.ver but. ~uunctional.

o Grand Gulf - a 137; bIW u ~ l i in

t Port Gibson, TvlS
- Plant ,power level was reduced to 8 1% in order t o improve grid stability.
. - There 1x1s bee11no eniersel?cjiclassification and no damage to the plant.
- Steps being taken to restore a number of evacuation sirens left \vitllout power
donl~ledpower lines.
- Evacuation routes hzve bee11verified to be clear.
o The NRC ren~ainsin Monitoring ILlode. NRC Region l V is maintaining open
con~rnunicaticinswit11 NRC Sieildclual-tersand !.rsula.rcontact .with the afTectecl F
(,will continue at least through Tuesday, 6 September 2Ci05,. Site coverage is be
. . ini!intair-led aruund the clock by NRC: inspectors a1 eac.11site. 111arlititiun, YKC i
1V is coor.:linating with Ii'EL;tA P,egions 3, 6 >li!csl parislies; and the State at' L ~ L
rfiiierv sirens and evacn!ation routes associated with Wateribrd Unit 3.
NucIear Kegulatol-y Commissioaa input to DRS SITREP 1600 ?1 September 2005
* \+'aterford 87nit 3 i s the only lieclear plant in the Gr Coast area
impacted. This unit
was shntdo~vnin anticipatiori of the storm, and subse enat!!. lost
offsite powcr. Offsilc .
power is currerlrly available andsupplying powel-,ts :
7:li,e remaining hulFis powe~.edby an einergcl~cydies1 ;enrerator.
Offsite power will be
fi~llyrestul-cd 10 the plant whcngrid stability is vcrifi
o Waterford Unit 3 a 1091 'MW lrrrit in Killona, 1.,A
- The site contir~uesto be in a Notice sf Unusrlal Even tile lowest
classification) due to the loss of offsite power.
- The plant'is in a Cold Shutd~wrtcooditioo.
- Offsite.po\y!:el-is available nrld connected to no!^-vit:~ Isctricnl buses.
Offsite power
has beest I-estoredto orle o f thevitnl electrical buses tc rovide power
to s;ifet.v
equipment. T h e other vital bus is being powered by a emergency diesel generator.
Seve~ ~ of diesel fuel are being maintained onsite.
- All plane systems, including safety systems, are avail: ! and
operating r~ol~rnally.
Tlle licensee s h ~ i down
t one of the enlergcncy diesel gel alors,
repaired a fuel oil
leak, and returned tlae dicscl to operable. 'Tltae other d i ~ has a sm:illl
leak that does
not curl-ently affect operation of the diesel.
- Offsite emergency notification sirens are functional a
battery power.
- Communicatio~lscapabilities have beenr severely imp
local iiufi.astructure
- e s ope11 except those io the enst tl
Evacuation r o ~ ~ t are
R3 and 1124.
- Stornt crews (two full shifts pEos emergency responst e
continue to be onsite
arour~dtlle clock.
- Unrestricted access has been1 granted lo St. Charles r St. John the
Baptist parishes.
- Two temporary diesel generators are installed and a. able to
supply power to one
safety-reln ted bus.
o River Bend - a 980 M.1V w i t in St. Franciswille, LA
- Plalli power level is at 80'% power. Reactor fecdwatc
out of service for
the pump inner and outer seal replacement.
- There 113sbeen no emergency elassifiration and ao d age to plant
equipment. n

- Evacuation routes were confirmed to be clear.

- A number of ofysite emergency nolificatio~lsil-eais a r
battery power but
o Grand Gulf - a 1373 MW unit in Port Gibson, MS
- Plant power level is a t 97% power.. .
-There 113s been no emergency classification and no clam
plant. I
- Steps being taken to restore a number of offsite erne I
n o t i l i r a t i o ~sirens
~ which
sl-o without power due to downsd potses lincs. Coaapf :aLS:
d e r t i n g methods
are i~aplace.
- E\~sct~ntiomrontes have been ve~.ifaed.tsbc clesr.
- Selected emergelacy response personnel a r e within page r coverage.
o The NWC remains in Monitol-ing Mode. WRC Regio~ r aI'V is
naair~talriin~g open lirre
corniii~~ilicatioris with NWC Headquarters and r8egul;i~ 8ntLzct wit11
1I1eaffected pbtils
(will continue at less: Ihrongh Tuesday, 6 September 15). Site
coverage is being
naairliai~iedarournd the clock by NWC inspectors at each site. 1st addition, NRC Reg 11
llris coordit~atitlgwith FERH Regions 4,6, local pari! :s, and the
State of Louisiana to
review sirens and evacuaiion I-ou!cs associated wit11 W trfard Unit 3.

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