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Some Interesting Facts:

ALCOHOL • Low da•ly consumptJon of alcohol •s cardto

Or ManoJ Shrestha. MD resident protect•ve for only older men and
postmenopausal women
Forenstc Medictne. 10M • Wh1le consuming same amount of alcohol per
24-12-2010(X-mas Eve) body wetght. blood alcohol level reaches htgher
1n women than m men
• The Lethallevelpf alcohot•s between 0 4% and
0 6"To0y volume •n the blood
• The damagmg effect of alcohol tends to be
greater for women than for men
• One mght of heavy dnnkmg can •mpa1r your ability 10
thmk abstract!') for up to 30 da~s. hmillng your ability
to relate textbook rcadmg 10 \vhat your professor says,
or to thmk through a football pia'

Why Alcohol use is so wide

• Use of alcohol is legaL
• Easy availability.
"God give you of the dew of the • Wide spread advertisement promote
sky, of the fatness of the earth and the notion that use of alcohol is as
normal and safe as drinking fruit juice.
plenty of grains and new wine"
• Alcohol use has long traditional
Genesis 27:28, The Bible • Alcohol is often considered as social
drug/lubricant as it represses
inhibitions, strengthens extrovers1on
and leads to increased sociability.

Advertisements - Who are

they trying to attract? (_ Alcohol Chemistry ...
• Some Familiar types of Alcohol..
L - Ethyl Alcohol
II. -Methyl Alcohol toxic industrial
Ill. -Isopropyl Alcohol: Shaving lotion.
antifreeze. anttsept1c etc.
r( Ethanol Methanol

H H H Us melabohtes are very toxtc and
even small amount( 4 ml) can cause
blin<lness atfecttng reltna and B0-
Ethyl Alcohol Methyt Alcohol 150 mt ts fatal

Moonshine liquor claims 47 in India

Jupcrintenc!cnl of police. S.
IC Alcohol Chemistry ..
• Production of Alcohol:
-Fermentation - Sugar to Alcohol
-1 NYc aakcd my men tO 80 and Carbon dioxide
.around the vilJaacs 10--- them
d'w::n: will be noec:Uon c.bnapift!ft
lhan and lhey muse immecliatcly
nnh 10 ttw ~· hospitU.,- he
""""-Three allcced sc:Ucn of the C6 H 120 6 - . 2(CH 3 -CH 2-0H) + 2C0 2
~I br_.- haw: been wratc:d.
.J1cd and 30 p~~:oplc were~
(suger) ( ethyl alcohol)
llo!>~nt,.Jiscd m Nad1.1 afic~
t~· du.nk moonshmc '

His orical Development

History of Alcohol
J;. ~eer
• Alcohol is the part of human culture
10,000 years ago- accident from grain?
since the beginning of recorded
1100 AD guild formed devoted to brewing
1722 - a nourishing drink for potters and
laborers created called Potter • Natural alcohol concentration limit
that can be produced by fermentation
r Wine is 12%-14% because beyond that limit
8,000 years ago - kills yeast.
5,000 years ago the vineyards
• Around 800 BC Arab Alchemists
2,000 BC - Hammurabi ruler of Babylon sets
rules for the sale and purchase of wine
introduced distillation technique that
1,500 BC Greek god of wine- Dionysus I
could produce alcohol upto 50% or
Bacchus higher. This made it easier for people
to nPt rln mk
;:J v Ethyl Alcohol
~~ • Beer-3.2-4% EtOH usually
• Table wines-7-14%
• Whisky-40-70% (80-140 proof)
• Vodka-40-50% (80-1 00 proof)
• Gin-40-85% (80-170 proof) One I -oz. shot One 5-oz. glass One 12-oz. mug
ofwhiske> of wine of beer
• Rum-40-95% (80-190 proof)
Approx1mare EqutvaJents m
Alcohol Content


Alcohol Physiology ....

• Absorption. distribution and
Metabolism ...
IC 05-1%

( to lhe Sbnadt.,ld ~
- ..... a. htUlelh:i ard 10.20
The_ ....._
. ' ab5ioflltiDnishuppir'

Alcohol Physiology contd .. ol Physiology cond ..

• Factors that speedup the absorption of • Factors Slowing the absorption:
alcohol are
• Eating before or while drinking( esp
-Increasing the amount drunk or drinking
meat. milk. fatty food)
-Drinking on empty stomach. • Diluting alcohol with ICE. water, or fruits
- Using h1gh alcohol concentrations in
- Dnnkmg carbonated drinks. such as
-Warming the alcohol.
- Women absorb more alcohol during
premenstrual penod then at other times
Alcohol Metabolism ...
• Alcohol Acetaldehyde
Oehydrogenas 1"'- Acetaldehyde Oehydrogena
e I

Acetic Acid
• gm of alcohol provtdes
7Jcal of energy C02. H20, and
- cohol dehydrogenase and
a etaldehyde dehydrogenase energy
a ma1nty found tn hver - ')r--e.:t<nt. :'c"",
- etabohsm occurs at r""'oounle:'S - D'..
c nstant r-ate -TI'lle<:dlor~<;


Dis ribution Elin~ination

) Uniformly distributed throughout Urinary Excretion

tissues and body fluids
> Readily crosses placenta, to Exhalation
exposure fetus Metabolism

Alcohol and neurotransmitters

I( oender Differences

• Serotonin: Alcohol initially ~levates

mood by causing the release of emales higher blood alcohol levels
serotonin then depletes it with excess
than males

use;Scarcity causes depression.
• Met-enkephalin release by drinking
reduces pain. '

• Dopamine- surge of pleasure. .

• GABA-Iowers psychological mhibitions
and eventually slowing down all the
brain process.
For Example: hy Do Women Get Drunker After
Aft ~r consuming two drinks in one hour... D inking the Same Amount as Men?

A 2001b male will have a

BAC of -.035 Body Size
Body Composition
A 1501b female will have a
BAC of -.06! Enzymes
~er blood alcohol concentration is almost
tlltice his blood alcohol concentration after
they've had the same amount to drink'

Body Composition

. r general, women have a greater percent of

ody fat and a smaller percent of muscle 0 01 0'c~
ssue than men_ • • 0 r.o,J

• 0 ......TE'!
ecause women have less muscle tissue,
hey also have less body water in which to
Men Women
istribute consumed alcohoL ,,. ~

Enzymes Hormones
• Women have lower levels of alcohol strogen slows the metabolism of alcohoL
dehydrogenase, an enzyme involved in
• ntoxicating effects of alcohol are most
~e metabolism of alcohol.
)OWerful when a woman's estrogen levels
• ~ven if a man and a women have the same 3re highest- i.e right before her period.
~ody size and composition, the women will
• Nomen on birth control pills metabolize
~till have a BAG about 1/3 higher than the
~lcohol more slowly throughout their cycle_
man if they drink the same amount!
Gender difference
• It takes less alcohol consumption for
women to become dependant on
alcohoL "'II. ;>men have come a long way over the past
• The course of alcohol addiction 20 ears, but in substance abuse and addiction
progresses at a faster rate among women have come the wrong way."
women than men.
- Joseph Calitano. Center on AddlClton
• Death rates for female alcoholics are 50 and Substance Abuse, Columb1a
- 100 percent higher than for male
• 55% of female students involved in
acquaintance rape had been drink1ng
or using drugs at the time.
• 60% of colle e w~ectw1th

IC Desired effects of low to

evels of alcohol use are:
moderate dose alcohol. ..
• Produce the feelings of warmth since the
Social/Recreational use. vessels dilate and mcrease the blood flow to
the subcutaneous tissue.
Habituation. • Local disinfectant, pain reliever, for certain
Abuse. nerve related pains, ? To prevent premature
labour, systemically ethanol is used to treat
Addiction. methanol and ethylene glycol poisoning.
• Reduces the incidence of heart disease and
plaque formation by increasing HDL.. and
lowers risk for stroke by acting as
anticoagulant. But higher dose increase the
risk of stroke.
• Sleep
• Psychosocial effect

My Doctor said "Only l glass of

alcohol a day··. I can live "~th that.
. (J, /High dose use of alcohol..
\.._ ) ( _ • Binge dnnk 1s defined as consuming 5 or
more drink at one sitting for male and 4 or
more for females.
• Heavy drinking is defined as 5 or more drinks
in one sitting at least 5 times a months
• One standard drink is:
• 3 to 4 ounces unfortified wine
• 1 0 ounces w1ne cooler
• 12 ounces regular beer
• 1 'h ounces hard liquor (60 proof)
High dose use of alcohol
• Results:
( • Hangover condt.:
-Due to dehydration of brain and
-Alcohol poisoning( over dose) other tissues.
BAC > 0.4. -Due to loss of K+, Mg++
-Due to accumulation of
-Black outs. acetaldehyde.
-Hangover -Due to acute withdrawal response
(especially in alcoholics)
Tx: enough fluid, electrolytes. PCM+ caffine.
but actual better feelings come with rest and
sufficient recovery time. If hangover IS due to
withdrawal, taking some alcohol actually


( Driving Under Influence ..

• Directly related to the BAC.
( Measuring BAC ..
• A breathalyzer-- measures deep lung
air and provides a rough estimate of
• There are some skills that are even
the amount of alcohol in your system,
impaired at 0.02 BAC; such as ability
based on a scientific formula .. which
to divide attention between two or is not very precise. So your Blood
more visual inputs. Alcohol Content may vary somewhat,
• BAC vs Chances of being killed in a either more or less, if it is measured
sinale vehicle crash ... by other means (such as a blood or
I BAC(gmsldl) Chances of being killed l urine test).
!002-004 1 4 times normal I • Blood and Urine: By using Ethanol test
1o os.o og
0 1 5 and above
11 tsmes normal
48 times normal
380 bmes nonnal
=1l kits.

. ; and innamea dle,~
6olh ChfOfW: and acute

.. ,
l EmoUon811md aoclal
Emodonat. soctal. and economic pmbtema
are aBSOda&ed wttth heavy dnoiung
··- ~--·-.
Heavy dfinkef:s often haw
poor diets and may bleed
_ thO ft9: or gutrok\l.esdnat
tiver. and breastcancera.
Smoking fu"ttrllr lnCfltaMII
from the mge:stiva tract
~. theSe nsks
Ao.Jte effects. ate
d<unl<- LOng,lenn
' oflecls ofchrooicalcohol.
/ ~are dGmenlfa.
' memotY iQN,.and -

l =:"'~·:•t;z Ost~t.
p.,fph-.1 neuropetfty
Painful neiYO ln!lemma'tion
He&"'Y G-lnking oontrlbOteS • on haOda. arms, feel. anr:1
Continued contad. with
'• '
to bone loss, espedaly In
llme neavv ak:oho1 oeetS
• excess alcohol tmtales
T . . LOCKHORNS/Bill Hoest
f~';-p Jcoholics and Malnutrition
1 por diet
~lcohol - energy but no nutrients
~ o

I conomic factors
. ack of interest in food; Gl problems

• E: )dy weight
• nconsistent effect of alcohol calories on weight
•\i tamin deficiencies
fl.lcohol interferes with vitamin metabolism
. olate. thiamm.


lcoholics and Malnutrition
Alcohol and Pregnancy ..
• Fetal Alcohol syndrome( FAS).
·~ ineral deficiencies Alcohol related neurodevelopment
• Inadequate diet and fluid losses disorders, Alcohol related birth
·Calcium, magnesium. iron, zinc defects.
• Some mineral levels are elevated • Not all the children who drink heavily
•r acronutrients during pregnancy bear children with
·!Alcohol interferes with amino acid absorption FAS.
·!Alcohol raises blood levels of fats • Since brain is among the first organs
to develop and last to finish it appears
to be vulnerable throughout

l( Fetal Alcohol syndrome ...

Effects of Prenatal Alcohol
I( • Growth Retardation. Small head
• Facial deformities.
• CVS and extremites problem.
• CNS involvement- delayed intellectual
development. neurological anomaly,
behavioral problems. visual problems,
hearing loss
~lcohol Blood Levels and Brain
Blood alcohol
Blo d Level Brain Response
Frontal kX>e seaanon - reasonmg
o.os~. 0 0~ Judgment impaired
"""JUdgement impaired
F rental lobe
0 1( Emotional control impaired
Speed'l aod vtSIOI1 cenret sedation-
trnpr;wed coordinabon, VISK>O, driW19
01 IMuscle coordination. reflexes
VOitrltary musde control ~ed - 0.2( ,impaired
015% staggering gart. slurred speed>.
blurTed "VlSion 0.3( Vision impaired
0.20% lnabiloly to wal~ 0.3 Drunk, lacking control
030"1> Stt4u. oonluSion 0 5( 1--0 60 In a stupor
ILoss of consciousness. death
;O,,~~~>· ;~~~" ..

I "'

~c holism - Alcohol Dependence Alcohol Dependency Syndrome

I~ Characterized by the following: • Includes four or more of following

raving: A strong need, or compulsion, to drink.
o 1.Narrowing of drinking repertoire
oss of control: The inability to limit one's drinking
n any given occasion. o 2.Salience of drink seeking activity

hysical dependence: Withdrawal symptoms, such o 3.1ncreased tolerance

~ nausea, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety, occur
o 4.Repeated withdrawal symptoms
hen alcohol use is stopped after a period of heavy
o S.Relief drinking
olerance: The need to drink greater amounts of • 6. Awareness of compulsion to drink
lcohol in order to "get high." (Dispositional, o ?Rapid reinstatement after abstinence
harmacologic, behavioral, select)

Withdrawal lcohol vs. Injuries and suicides.
Among the alcoholics suicide rates are twice
ndrome Clinical Findings Onset as high as for the general population.
IM.I ~ Tremulousness, mild anxiety, l6-36h Causes: Social, familial, interpersonal. Health
headache, diaphoresis,
palpitations. anorexia, Gl
I~ ~ Generalized, tonic-<:lonic 6-48h
seizures. status epilepticus
-~ ~ I
Visual, auditory, and/or tactile 12-48 h
Ha ucinosis halluconations1

[lli; ill!!!! Delirium. tachycardia. f4s:-96h--

,rr, ~ hypertension. agitation. fever. 1
diaphoresis I
Drugs used in the treatment of
alcohol problems
• Drugs used in withdrawal
~ Chlorchazepoxtde {Ubnum)
" Chlormethtazole (Hem•nevenn)
" Otazepam
• Drugs used in relapse prevent1on
" Disulfiram (Antabuse)
• Acamprosate (Campral)
• Nallrexone
• Vitam1n replacement
~ Th•amtne
• Vttamtn B complex
" Pabnnex

Naltrexone therapy improves treatment

outcomes when added to other components
of alcoholism treatment. For patients who
IC HowdoesCamp~lwo~?

Acamprosate (Campral) reduces the

craving for alcohol by inhibiting a
chemical in the brain called gamma
are motivated to take the medication.
naltrexone is an important and valuable
aminobutyric acid (GABA). Several
tool. In many patients. a short regimen of studies have indicated that it may help
naltrexone will provide a critical period of drinkers remain abstinent
sobriety, during which the patient learns to
stay sober without it.


onpharmacological Treatment

UJet env1ronment
utrition and hydration:
IC Referances:
• Drugs and Society- Hanson. Venturelli
and Fleckensten. 2008.
;... Oral th1amine (prevents Wemicke-Korsakoff) I foJ1c actd • Uppers. downers and allrounders-
:r- Oral fluids I electrolytes lnaba and Cohen. 2009.
• rientation to reality, social and psychological • Internet-
~ ~pport. • Associate Prof. Dr. H. Wasti. MD.
• I rief interventions I motivate to change Msc. LLB.
eferral to AA I relapse prevention tx.

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