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Something You Always Want Know About

Sleep Disorders

A sleep disorder (somnipathy) is a medical disorder of the sleep patterns.
It’s important to understand why sleep disorder can deteriorate your
health and interfere with normal physical, mental and emotional
functioning as it effects your nervous system in the production of the
natural hormone melatonin which is necessary for sleep and
wakefulness. Polysomnography testing can help to evaluate and detect
the patterns of sleep disorder.

The basic of sleep

Why sleep is so important, you might already know that a normal night
of sleep is about eight hours as recommended by most doctors. Why it is
important, because during sleep our bodies repair the wear ant tear of
muscle tissue, consolidate memories, and release hormones to regulate
our growth and appetites and enhance the immune system, etc. The
effect of disorder sleep can reduce the functions of the immune system in
fighting against disease and sickness.

Most Common sleep disorders - The symptoms

1. Primary insomnia
Most of us might find hard to sleep and maintaining sleep sometime
during our life time because of what ever reasons, but prolonged period
of difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or both without primary
reason is considered the medical issue as chronic insomnia. It effects
about 10% of general population.

2. Bruxism
Bruxism is a condition in which you grind, gnash or clench your teeth
while sleeping, involuntarily.

3. Delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS)

Delayed sleep phase syndrome affects about 10% of all chronic insomnia
cases. It is defined as a sleep disorder of people who have a natural
inclination to go to bed later other than normal sleep routine and difficult
to wake up at the desired time as it also interferes with daily activities,
such as school or work, that requires to wake up earlier than would
otherwise be natural, leading to sleep deprivation and other issues.

4. Hypopnea syndrome
Hypopnea Syndrome is a condition in which an individual experiences
overly shallow breathing or a abnormally slow rate of airflow during
sleep, leading to disruption in breathing causes lower oxygen absorption
that affect the blood oxygen level that disrupts the stages of sleep.
Individual with hyponea syndrome even though get full night sleep but
still feels tiredness at daytime.

5. Narcolepsy
Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder caused by the brain's
inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles normally, causing overwhelming
daytime drowsiness, leading to extreme fatigue and possibly falls asleep
at inappropriate times that interferes with daily routine activities. People
with narcolepsy often find it hard to stay awake for long periods of time.

6. Night terror
Night terror is defined as a health condition with characteristic of fear,
flailing and screaming while asleep. It is most happened to children with
age two to six and affects about fifteen percent of all children. Night
terror often is paired with sleepwalking.
7. Parasomnias:
Parasomnias are sleep disorders characterized by abnormal and unnatural
movements, behaviors, emotions, perceptions, etc. including bedwetting,
sleepwalking, nightmares.

8. Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD)

Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) is a condition in which a
person crampsor jerks the legs repetitively and uncontrollably during
asleep causing excessive daytime sleepiness and falling to sleep during
the day. PLMD can occur at any age but happens most common in
middle-aged and older people.

9. Rapid eye movement behavior disorder

Rapid eye movement behavior disorder is a sleep disorder characterized
by abnormal behavior while sleeping with rapid eye movement. It is
mostly associated with the elderly with neurodegenerative disorders.

10. Restless legs syndrome (RLS):

RLS is a neurological disorder characterized by an irresistible to move
your legs while you're sitting or lying down due to comforting if stop.

11. Situational circadian rhythm sleep disorders

Circadian rhythm sleep disorders is characterized as health condition of
disruptions in a person's circadian rhythm, leading to excessive
sleepiness and a lack of daytime alertness that interferes with normal
work, school, and social needs.

13. Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea is a common disorder in which you have one or more
abnormal pauses in breathing or shallow breaths during sleep. Each
pause in breathing called an apnea can last for a few seconds but
sometime minutes. This types of abnormal breathing can occur 30 times
or more in an hour.

14. Sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis consists of a period of inability to perform voluntary
movements either at sleep onset (called hypnogogic or predormital form)
or upon awakening (called hypnopompic or postdormtal form). It can
occur in healthy persons or may be associated with excessive daytime
sleepiness, a sudden loss of muscle tone, etc.

15. Sleepwalking
Sleep walking or somnambulism is defined as an disorder of is a disorder
of walking or doing any activity when sleeping.These activities can be as
benign or extremely hazardous.

16. Nocturia
Nocturia or nycturia is a condition in which you need to get up during
the night to go to washroom to urinate.

17. Somniphobia
Somniphobia or hypnophobia is an abnormal fear of sleep. It may result
from a feeling of control loss, anxiety around bedtime, panic attacks,
repeating nightmares, etc.

18. Etc.

Causes and Risk Factors

1. Genetics
Narcolepsy is a type of neurological sleep disorder caused by a number
of genetic abnormalities such as Chromosome 6 also known as the
human leukocyte antigen system, inherited from parents affecting certain
biologic functions in the brain, together with other environmental factors
during the child early brain's development.

2. Working the night shift

Working night shift may interfere with the brain natural production of
the sleep hormone serotonin and normal functions of the inner biological
clocks, leading to drowsiness. If this type of problem happened in a
prolonged period of time may cause sleep disorder.

3. Medications
Certain types of medicines such as medication for high blood pressure,
oral contraceptives, diet pills, anti depression, etc. and medication with
with caffeine can increase the risk of sleep disorder.

4. Aging
The risk of sleep disorder increases with age as over half of adults over
the age of 65 have some sort of sleep disorder.

5. Smoking
Cigarette contains high amount of nicotine, a stimulant which can cause
sleep disorder as researchers found that smokers enhances daytime
sleepiness more than do nonsmokers, especially in younger age groups.

6. Illegal drugs
Illegal drugs interfere natural brain normal functions in productions of
certain hormones and blocks certain chemicals' function in transporting
important neural signals, leading to sleep disorder.

7. Alcohol
Although it is considered as a sedative or calming drug, but it increases
the number of times a person awakens in the later half of the night,
leading to lead daytime fatigue and sleepiness causing alcohol-related
sleep disorders.

8. Etc.

Improve your diet

1. Tryptophan rich foods
Tryptophan is an essential amino acid, the precursor to serotonin, in turn,
converted to melatonin, via N-acetyltransferase and 5-hydroxyindole-
O-methyltransferase activities which are necessary neurotransmitter
responsible for transmitting nerve impulses in the brain and induce
relaxation and natural sleep, but high levels of tryptophan can increase
the risk of drowsiness and cause harmful harmful effects of the age-
related increase in brain serotonin. Intake food rich of tryptophan from
the food below.
a. Chicken breast and Turkey
b. Tuna
c. Soybean
d. Beef
e. Lamb
f. Halibut
g. Shrimp
h. Salmon
i. Etc.

2. Carbohydrate
Eating foods with high in carbohydrate stimulates the pancreas in
production and releasing insulin in the blood stream as it also reduce
others amino acids which would otherwise complete with trytophan,
leading to the production of serotonin, which in return enhances the
production melatonin, the natural sleep induced hormone.
a. Bread and pasta
b. Whole gain cereal
c. Potatoes
d. Apple pie and
e. Ice cream
f. Oatmeal and raisin cookies
g. Etc.
High amount of simple carbohydrate over prolonged period of time can
increase the risk of type II diabetes due to over work that diminishes the
function of pancreas in production of insulin. It If you are any symptom
of sleep disorder, eating turkey combined with complex carbohydrate
rich foods would be a better choice for meat and glucose. What is your

3. Chlorophyll
All green plants including algae contain at least one type of chlorophyll,
the green pigment of plants which allows plants to absorb sun light and
convert them into usable energy. Beside it is best known as oxygen
uptaker to the blood, it is also important to calm the nervous system, to
induce sleep due to rich amount of magnesium.
a. All dark green plants( Roman lettuce is the best choice)
b. Algae (Fresh water organic growth is the best choice)
c. Etc.

4. Magnesium
Magnesium is a natural sedative and stabilization of abnormal nerve
excitation as it is used in conjunction with other medication to treat
depressed elderly type 2 diabetics.. The mineral is important in
manipulating of ATP, DNA, and RNA and many enzymes.
a. Leaf green vegetables (due to high amount of Chlorophyll)
b. Almonds
c. Sesame seed
d. Blackstrap molasses
e. Brewer's yeast
f. Whole grains
g. Etc.

For details of foods of above visit

100+ Healthy Foods Classification
or Super Food Health Effects

Improve your Lifestyle

1. Cut down intake of alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine
Alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine are stimulant, some may have health
benefits for the short time, but prolonged of period of using them can
cause tension of nervous system, affecting the brain in transmitting
information between nerve cells and cells in other parts of the body,
causing many kinds of disorder, including sleep disorder.

2. Artificial ingredients
Artificial ingredients are man made chemical compounds which have
been proven to be harmful to our health and sleep, if eating in measure
amounts. Drinking water will keep the body hydrated, dilute toxins
concentration and eliminate toxins. Always wash your fruit and
vegetables in cold water before eating to prevent pesticides.

3. Toxins induced sleep disorder

Heavy metals and toxic chemicals in the blood can cause sleep disorder.
Exposure to heavy metals and toxic chemicals over a prolonged periods
of time also interrupt the normal function of brain in production of
hormones and damage to the body organs, leading to diseases, including
hormone imbalance and sleep disorder.

4. Improve sleep
There are some steps which you can do to improve healthy sleep and
prevent to become a victim of sleep disorder. Researcher found that a
good night's sleep not only boosts the immune system in fighting against
foreign invasion but also repairs all tear and wear of the body after daily
activity in previous day and restore energy and keep you functioning
during times when sleep is limited.
5. Eating healthy foods
Eating some kinds of healthy food above enhances the production of
serotonin which induces sleep and protects us against the accumulation
of toxins by promoting the immune system to cope with today out of our
controllable environment hazard.

6. Exercise
Exercise not only improves blood circulation and enhance body
movement but also help to cleanse our body organs by eliminating toxins
from the blood and lymph system.

7. Weight loss
Weight loss for overweight or obesity person may reduce the symptoms
of disorder or cure your sleep disorder entirely. Researcher found that
overweight and obese individuals slept less than those of normal weight
and sleeping less than 8 hours a day, time of sleeplessness increases
proportionally with weight gain of BMI index.

8. Etc.

1. With nutritional supplements
There is no quick way in detoxification, fasting too fast may even
harmful to your health. Nutritional supplements not only help to improve
our health, restore our energy but also revitalize our metabolism, the
chemical processes in our body by restoring and balancing the existing
deficiencies of nutrition required by our organs to detox. Types of
nutritional supplements used to detox include
a. Beta Carotene
b. Vitamin A
c. Vitamin C
d. Vitamin E
e. Calcium
f. Folate acid
g. Vitamin B Complexes
h. Selenium
i. Zinc
g. Lycopene
k. Etc.

2. With diet
Detox diet is a short-term diet, focused on cleansing environmental and
dietary toxins accumulated in our body system, often focused on
removing toxins from the body by increasing the frequency of bowel
movements and urination, as it provides an optimal conditions for our
bodies to focus on self-healing, retore and raise energy levels, enhance
organs and system functions, stimulate optimal health, prevent premature
aging, disease, etc. by minimizing intake of the amount of toxic
chemicals, eating foods with high amount of vitamins, nutrients,
antioxidants, high fiber and water.

3. Juice fasting
Juice fasting is a type of fasting and detox diet in which a person
consumes only fruit and vegetable juices. Since juice contains little to
no fiber, it is often used to cleanse your body toxins by expelling waste
from the intestines and colon.The below are used generally in juice
a. Vegetables
Celery, cucumber, bell pepper, etc.
b. Leaf Greens
Parsley, kale, beet greens, chard, spinach, etc.
c. Cruciferous vegetables
Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.
d. Root vegetables
Carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, etc.
e. Fruits
Dark grapes, apples, lemon, etc.
f. Wheat grass
g. Etc.

For details of foods of above visit 100+ Healthy Foods Classification

Super Food Health Effects

4. Organs detoxification
4.1. Liver detoxification
Liver is the first line of defense. It helps to regulate the level of
cholesterol in the circulatory system by producing bile to the digestive
system. It also help to balance our body hormones such as estrogen level
in women as well as protecting our body from inflammation. Weakened
liver will cause many types of diseases, such as cholesterol and
triglyceride building up in our blood, inflammation, hormonal
imbalance, etc. The natural remedies used for liver cleansing include
a. Milk thistle
Milk thistle, a flower plant of the daisy family have been traditionally
claimed in treating chronic liver disease. It contains silymarin that helps
to protect liver function and the liver in expelling toxins.

b. St. John wort

St. John wort is also known as tipton weed or klamath weed. It has been
used traditionally in treating depression. It contains different flavonoids
and 3-O-coumaroylquinic acid that has anti-inflammation and
antioxidant effects by stimulating the immune system in fighting
allergies and liver protection from toxins.

c. Fennel
Fennel contains anethole, polymers and essential oil that helps the liver
and pancreas in the metabolism of fats and sugars. It also helps to
dissolve fat deposits of the body and restore damaged liver cells that
cause jaundice, hepatitis and other liver disorders.

d. Etc.

4.2. Lung detoxification

The best lung cleansing method is exercise. Moderate exercise such as
walking, Tai chi only helps to improve the respiratory muscle functions,
but also helps our lung to expel toxins accumulated through the air.
Natural remedies used for lung detoxification include
a. Wild Cherry Bark
Wild cherry bark traditionally has been used to treat irritable and
persistent, cough of bronchitis, and pertussis due to increased irritability
of respiratory mucosa. Since it has antispasmodic qualities, it has been
used with other herbs to treat asthma and enhance relaxation as well as
removing toxins from the lung.

b. Platycodon
Root Platycodon has been used in Chinese medicine for over a century in
treating abscesses, respiratory disorders, and intestinal disorders. Study
shows that platycodon roots not only help to treat coughs due to purulent
sputum and inflammation in the chest area but also removes toxins in the

c. Mullein Mullein contains coumarin and rotenone. It has a long history

of being used as a medicine and is an effective treatment for asthma and
respiratory disorders. Mullein also helps in soothing the mucous
membranes, reducing inflammation and encouraging healthy fluid
production in the lungs.

d. Etc.

4.3. Bowl detoxification

Bowel detoxification is particularly helpful for improving body
conditions and controlling weight loss. It brushes the intestine clean and
helps the liver to cleanse toxins rapidly, so you can get rid of all
parasites and plaques in your stomach, intestines and colon. The choice
of bowl cleansing include
a. Flax seed
Flax seed contains high amounts of omega 3 fatty acid, fiber and lignan
that not only helps in controlling cholesterol in the blood stream and
provides essential nutrition to our body, its fiber also helps to soften the
stool and promote bowel movements for relief of constipation by
removing all toxins accumulated in the colon.

b. Psyllium
Psyllium contains about 70% soluble fiber and 30% insoluble fiber.
Besides having proven record in Chinese medicine in treating high levels
of cholesterol, its fiber portion has been used to treat constipation by
softening stools and easing bowel movements.

c. Bentonite
Bentonite is a natural clay that comes from volcanic ash. Taken
internally, the adsorbent action of bentonite helps to eliminate and
remove toxic material from the intestine.

d. Liquid clay Liquid clay moves through our body and attaches to any
bacteria, virus as well as toxins in our intestine and removes them out of
our body as wastes resulting in improved intestinal regularity, easing
chronic constipation and easing indigestion.

e. Etc.

4.4. Circulatory detoxification

Chelation therapy is the first choice of treatment, with the IV above your
head, the substances in the IV help to cleanse the toxic chemicals such as
lead, mercury, calcium, etc in your arteries and brain. It is usually
applied to people with pre existing heart conditions and between ages of
35-45. Natural remedies include
a. Raw sauerkraut
Sauerkraut is finely shredded cabbage and has been fermented by
various lactic acid bacteria with distinct sour flavor. It contains high
amounts of vitamin C, lactobacilli and other nutrients that helps to
improve blood circulation and increase level of oxygen in the blood
stream. It also is said to have done a super job in purifying your blood as
well as anti aging effects.

b. Garlic Garlic is nature's super food. Besides having been used in

strengthening the immune system, fighting inflammation and infection
caused by bacteria, virus, and chronic illness. It also is a blood thinner,
blood purifier as well as increasing the level of oxygen in the blood and
improving blood circulation.

c. Dang Qui
Dang qui has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousand of
years in improving blood quality and purity, and help strengthen the
immune system as it supports the body's removal of toxins in the blood.

d. Etc.

4.5. Skin detoxification

Skin is our body third line of defense. If the weaken liver and kidney can
not completely eliminate all the toxins in our body, our body will try to
eliminate them through the skin causing certain types of skin diseases
such as free radicals.
a. Chromium
Chromium is very important in rejuvenating the skin condition. It helps
to balance the blood sugar, and lower stress and depression. Both are
main factors that impact skin problems. It also helps to get rid of skin
toxins caused by bacteria and virus infection.

b. Zinc
Deficiency of zinc causes the thickening of skin. It is also a powerful
antibiotic in treating acne and other forms of skin diseases caused by
skin inflammation and toxins accumulation as a resulting of stimulating
the release of vitamin A from the skin.
c. Lecithin
Lecithin is a fat-like substance, or phospholipid, produced by every
healthy liver that is needed for a healthy skin. Lecithin helps the body in
utilizing vitamins A, D, E in fighting against the bacteria and virus that
causes skin problems. It also helps to eliminate the toxins on the skin or
around the eyes caused by fatty deposits.

d. Strawberry leaf
Strawberries come in endless varieties but all leaves of all strawberries
contain healing tannins. It has also been used to aid in the treatment of
anemia, eczema, jaundice and other skin problems caused by weakening
of the liver.

e. Etc.

4.6. Kidney detoxification

Our kidneys process a special function to eliminate waste products and
extra fluids from our blood. The waste and extra fluids flow through
ureters as you urinate. If your kidneys are damaged or weakened, the
wastes would build up in the blood causing blood poison and damaging
other organs. Natural remedies used to cleanse kidney include

a. Dandelion leaf
Dandelion is a rich source of vitamins A, B complex, C, and D, as well
as minerals such as iron, potassium, and zinc. Dandelion root has been
used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine in treating liver
disease by stimulating the removal of liver toxins. Dandelion leaf on the
other hand are used as a diuretic to stimulate the excretion of urine in
removing the toxin accumulated in the kidney.

b. Echinacea
Commonly called purple coneflower. It contains a wide variety of
chemicals that not only helps to strengthen the immune system but also
stimulates the removal of toxins that causes kidney inflammation and

c. Corn silk
Corn silks are the silky fibers that are found under the leaves and on top
of an ear of corn. It contains flavonoids, essential oil and minerals that
helps effectively in treating acute and chronic inflammation of the
urinary system caused by toxins accumulated in the kidney.
d. Etc.

4.7. How to sharpen your brain

The best method to cleanse your brain is oxygen therapy. By providing
the oxygen necessary for brain cells needs, it helps to rejuvenate and
sharpen the brain cells. Study shows that oxygen therapy helps to restore
some cells in patient with Alzheimer diseases. Natural remedies used to
sharpen brain functions include
a. Gingko
Ginkgo is perhaps the most widely currently used herbal treatment in
memory enhancing. Extracts of Ginkgo leaves contain active and potent
form of terpenoids such as bilobalides and ginkgolides that help to
enhance the central nervous system functions. Ginkgo should only be
taken under the guidance of a knowledgeable medical professional
because of risk of bleeding .

b. Rosmary
Rosemary is a hardy bushy perennial shrub with aromatic, evergreen
leaves and pale-blue flowers around the stem. It contains phenolic acids ,
bitter diterpenes, triterpenes, and flavonoids. it is used for headaches,
nervous system disorder as well as preventing forming of free radical
with its amazing antioxidant properties.

c. Etc.

5. With Melatonin
Beside it is used as a supplement in promoting immune system and anti-
aging, melatonin supplement also benefits for varies sleep-wake rhythm.
Melatonin pills work quickly, usually people taking the pill fall into
sleep in less than an hour. Unfortunately, prolonged period of using the
supplement may reduce the functions of endocrine system in production
its own melatonin in regulating the sleep cycle if you constantly supply
the body with external sources.
Synthetic melatonin is different than natural one, it can cause some
unknown long term effects.
Also researcher have not found out the optimal dose to make the
supplement working in perfect objective, it is up to individual to
experiment with different dose before finding the right dose for their
Treatments for sleep disorders generally can be grouped into four
1. Psychotherapeutic treatments
a. Behavior therapy
Behavior therapy is a psychotherapy pproach based on learning theory
with purpose to treat sleep disorder by reinforceing desirable habits and
eliminating undesired behaviors by replcaing them with more satisfying

b. Congnitive behavior therapy

Cognitive behavior therapy is another psychotherapy approach and
mental health counseling with a purpose to solve problems concerning
dysfunctional emotions, behaviors that affect the the sleep patterns by
teaching people specific cognitive and behavioral skills to help them
control and preventing dysfunctional emotions, behaviors and cognition
through a systematic method.

c. Interpersonal therapy
Interpersonal therapy is another form of psychotherapy approach has
been used successfully with depressed patients causes of sleep disorder
by improving the quality of patient’s interpersonal world, relationships,

d. Gestalt therapy
Gestalt therapy is a psychotherapy approach based on the philosophy of
existentialism and phenomenology by emphasizing personal
responsibility, focussing upon the individual's experience in the present
and working together (The therapist and patient) work together to help
the patient understand the environmental and social contexts of a
person's life. The theory was developed by Fritz Perls, Laura Perls and
Paul Goodman in the 1940s and 1950s.

e. Etc.

2. Rehabilitation
Polysomnography is one most common used sleep machine to record
patients sleep behavior usually performed at night by monitoring the
body functions including brain (EEG), eye movements (EOG), muscle
activity or skeletal muscle activation (EMG) and heart rhythm (ECG)
during sleep, etc. Once the symptoms of sleep disorder is identified, the
specific rehabitation program is desired for the patient to obtain an
optimal result.

3. Medications
Medication used depending to particular sleep problems of each
a. Anti-Parkinsonian drugs (dopamine agonists)
Used to treat restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movement

b. Benzodiazepines, including in a class of drugs called hypnotics.

Used to treat parasomnias, bruxism (teeth grinding) and short-term

c. Non-benzodiazepine hypnotics
Used to treat short-term insomnia.

d. Antinarcoleptics
Mainly used to reduce daytime drowsiness for shift workers or suffered
from narcolepsy or sleep apnea.

e. Anticonvulsants
Used to treat nocturnal eating syndrome, restless legs syndrome, periodic
limb movement disorder, and insomnia related to bipolar disorder.

f. Etc.

4. Other somatic treatments

a. Surgical treatments
Surgical treatment may sometime is necessary to treat breathing-related
sleep disorders in some patients, such as obstruction or airway

b. Phototherapy or light therapy

Phototherapy uses bright, specific wavelengths of light in a prescribed
amount of time to change the timing of sleep and wakefulness. It is
worked specially well for patient with Circadian rhythm sleep disorders
such as chronic CRSD, and situational CRSD.

c. etc.
5. Etc.
We will come back with the same subject viewed under the microscope
of Traditional Chinese Medicine and sleep disorders through the subjects
of the inner clock and hormone imbalance affects

At the mean time, enjoy reading.

Sleep Help - Sleep Aids to Assist In Natural Sleep

Current research has established a remarkable relationship

between disorders like heart problems, elevated blood
pressure, weight increase and sleep disadvantaged
persons, etc.

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We will come back with the same subject viewed under the microscope
of Traditional Chinese Medicine. At the mean time, enjoy reading.

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