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  embodied, you exist here. If your body is ill how can
you be healthy? If your body is poisoned O  are poisoned. If your body carries too many
toxins and is heavily burdened, you cannot be light; you cannot have wings. So now you
have to work on your body and its purity.
There are foods which make you more earth-rooted; there are foods which make you
more sky-oriented. There is a way of living where you are more under the influence of
gravitation; there are ways of living where you become more available to the opposite
phenomenon...of levitation.
There are two laws: one is gravitation, another is grace. Gravitation pulls you down;
grace pulls you up. Science knows only gravitation; Yoga knows grace also. Yoga seems to
be more scientific about it than science itself because every law must have an opposite. If
the earth pulls you down there must be something which is pulling you up also; otherwise
the earth would have pulled you, would have completely pulled you in. You would have
You exist on the surface of the earth. That means there exists a balance between the law
pulling you down and the law pulling you up. Otherwise you would have been destroyed by
the earth long ago. You would have gone back into the womb of the earth and disappeared.
But you exist. There is a balance between the opposites, and every law is possible only if
the other, the opposite, exists. The name of the opposite law is 
You may have felt sometimes, unknowingly, one day in the morning, suddenly, you feel if you can fly. You walk on the earth but your feet are not falling on the earth ²
you are so weightless, featherlike. And some day you are so heavy, so burdened, that you
cannot even walk. What is happening? Then you have to analyze your whole style of life.
Something helps you to be light, and something helps you to be heavy. All that makes
you heavy is impure, and all that makes you light is pure. Purity is weightless; impurity is
heavy and burdened. A healthy man feels light, weightless; an unhealthy man feels
burdened too much by the earth, pulled down too much. A healthy man does not walk;
really, he runs. Even if an unhealthy man sits he is not sitting, he is sleeping.

Yoga knows three words, three  : 

 . Sattva is purity; rajas is
energy; tamas is heaviness, darkness. What you eat makes your body and, in a certain
sense, makes you. If you eat meat you will be more heavy. If you just live on milk and
fruits you will be light. Have you observed sometimes being on a fast how weightless you
feel, as if the whole weight of the body has disappeared? If you stand on a measuring
machine it will show your weight, but you don¶t feel it. What has happened? The body has
nothing to digest; the body is freed from the day-to-day routine. The energy is flowing, the
energy has no work to do ² it is a holiday for the body. You feel relaxed; you feel beautiful.
One has to watch one¶s food. Whatsoever you eat, it is no ordinary matter. You should
be careful because your body is constituted of whatsoever you have eaten in the past. Every
day you are constituting it with whatsoever you are eating. Eating less or more, or just
right, also, makes much difference. You can be an obsessive eater ² you can eat too much
of that which is not needed ² then you will be very, very low, very weighted down. You can
eat just the right amount: you will feel happier, not weighted down ² energy flowing, not
One who is going to fly into the inner world, is trying to reach the inner center, will need
to be weightless; otherwise the journey cannot be complete. Being lazy you will not be able
to enter that inner center. Who will walk up to that inner center?
Be careful what you eat, be careful what you drink. Be careful how you keep and care for
your body. Small things matter. For an ordinary man they don¶t matter because he is not
going anywhere. Once you start on the path, everything matters.
Whether you are taking a bath every day or not ² it matters. Ordinarily it doesn¶t
matter. Working in the market, in the shop, it doesn¶t matter if you have taken a good bath
or not. In fact, if you have been taking a good bath every day it may be a disturbance in
your market. You may feel so light that to be cunning may be difficult; you may feel so
fresh that to be cheating may be difficult. You may feel so virgin, innocent, that to exploit
may almost become impossible. Being dirty may be a help in the market, but not in the
temple. In the temple you have to be as fresh as dewdrops, as clean as flowers; only then
can you enter the shrine. In the temple, where you leave your shoes, leave the whole world
and all the burdens of it. Don¶t carry them in.
Bathing is one of the most beautiful phenomena ² very simple, but if you start enjoying
it, it becomes a meditation for the body. Just sitting under a shower and enjoying it,
swaying or humming a song or humming a mantra ² then it becomes doubly forceful. If
you are sitting under your shower and humming ³aum´ and the water falls on your body
and the aum falls in your mind, you are taking double showers: the body is being purified
by the water, it belongs to the world of elements, and your mind is purified by the mantra
of aum. After the bath you will feel ready to pray; you would like to pray. After this bath
and the mantra you will feel totally different; you will have a different quality and aroma
around you.
î  , purity. means purity about food. purity. about body, purity about mind ² three
layers of purities. And the fourth, which is your being, needs no purity because it cannot
become impure. Your innermost core is always pure, always virgin, but that innermost core
is covered with other things which can become impure, which become impure every day.
You use your body every day; dust collects. You use your mind every day; thoughts collect.
Thoughts are just like dust. Living in the world, how can you live without thoughts? You
have to think. The body collects dust, becomes dirty; the mind collects thoughts and
becomes dirty. Both need a good, cleaning bath. It should become a part of your style. It
should not be taken as a law; it should be just a way of living beautifully.
And if you feel pure then other possibilities immediately open because everything is
linked with everything else; it is a chain. And if you want to change life always start from
the beginning.


Just be alone, sit silently, look into the darkness. Become one with
the dark, disappear into it. Look at the stars ² feel the distance, the
silence, the emptiness, and use night for your meditation. Sitting in
the bed doing nothing...just feeling. Many people are completely
unaware of the beauties of the night...and night is tremendously
beautiful. It is the right time for meditation.

In yoga psychology we divide human consciousness into four stages.

First we call the waking state of consciousness, the day
consciousness. You work, and you appear a little alert. And the
second we call the dream consciousness. You are asleep, but dreams
are running like a procession. The whole mind is in a traffic jam.
Then the third state we call sleep, when dreams have stopped. And the fourth, we simply
call the fourth, but it is closest to sleep. It is just like sleep with only one difference, and
that is that one is alert in it. It is as silent, as deep as sleep, with just one plus ² that one is
alert. In sleep you are completely unconscious. In samadhi, the fourth state, you are
absolutely silent, yet aware.

So night in the past has been used for meditation. The day is too worldly ² the night is very
spiritual. So start using the night more and more. By and by you will feel so tremendously
in tune with night. By and by the whole world goes to sleep. Everything stops ² traffic
stops, noises stop...the mundane world is over. People ² their unconsciousnesses, their
criminal attitudes ² have all disappeared into sleep. The atmosphere is absolutely jarring note.

So just start enjoying the beauty of the night and feel more and more for the night.
Would you like to discover another Osho Meditation?

The Resolution

½ J At night
u J 10 minutes

î J      

³Gently, very slowly, allow your lungs to fill completely, and
as you do so, repeat to yourself whatever it is that you
want to introduce into your life, e.g. µI will experience

î J   |        

³When your lungs are completely filled, hold your breath for a while and repeat
µI will experience meditation.¶ You may get nervous, you will feel like exhaling,
but still holding your breath repeat, µI will experience meditation.¶

î J      

³Now slowly start exhaling, again repeating, µI will experience meditation.¶ Keep
exhaling until you feel you are empty, and repeating µI will experience

î J  

³Now, feeling absolutely empty, hold this emptiness, don¶t inhale; and repeat µI
will experience meditation´ as often as you can.

î J   
³Now slowly begin to inhale. So one in breath and one out breath is one round.

³After doing this five times, straighten your back, breathe slowly, sit quietly,
your body loose and relaxed, with eyes closed for five minutes.

³µI will experience silence, I will experience meditation. I am determined that I

will experience meditation.¶ Let your whole being take this oath ² that it will
enter into meditation. Let your whole being resound with it. This should reach
the innermost layer of your consciousness.

³During this rest period, whatever resolution you have made will sink deeper
inside you. Make the resolution five times. Then sitting quietly, watch your
breath for five minutes, taking slow breaths.

³When you go to bed repeat this exercise five to seven times, as long as you
feel comfortable. Then fall asleep thinking, µI will be in silence ² this is my aim.¶
When sleep envelops you, that thought is with you. Then switch off the light.

³If you exhale completely, if you stop yourself from inhaling, what happens? If I
exhale completely and then pinch my nose shut and do not inhale, what will
happen? In a little while won¶t my total being struggle to inhale? Won¶t every
pore of my body and those millions of cells scream for air? The longer I try to
hold my breath, the deeper the longing for air is going to spread in my
unconscious mind. The longer I hold my breath, the more the innermost part of
my being is going to ask for air. It is not a simple question anymore; the top
layer is not the only one affected; now it has become a question of life and
death. Now the deeper layers, the layers underneath are also going to demand

"In that moment, when you reach a state where your whole being is gasping for
air, you should repeat to yourself, µI am going to experience meditation¶.... Your
body will ask for air and your mind will repeat this thought. The stronger the
demand for air is, the deeper your decision will enter inside. If your whole being
is struggling and you repeat this sentence, your resolution increases many times
over. In this way it reaches to your unconscious mind."




It is not physical; it is certainly concerned with relaxation, total
melting, forgetting oneself completely. In those moments it
disappears, so certainly it is not physical. You have to learn to
give more love. This is not only your problem; in varying degrees
it is the problem of everybody.


It starts because the child, the small child, cannot love, cannot
say anything, cannot do anything, cannot give anything; he can
only get. A small child¶s experience of love is of getting: getting
from the mother, getting from the father, getting from brothers,
sisters, getting from guests, strangers ² but always getting. So
the first experience that settles deep in his unconscious is that he
has to get love.

But the trouble arises because everybody has been a child, and
everybody has the same urge to get love; nobody is born in any
other way. So all are asking, ³Give us love,´ and there is nobody
to give because the other person was also brought up in the
same way.

One has to be alert and aware that just an incident of birth

should not remain a constant prevailing state of your mind.




But you are not to think about getting. You are not even
indirectly, by the side, to watch whether you are getting it or not.
That much will be enough disturbance. You simply give, because
to give love is so beautiful that getting love is not so great. This
is one of the secrets.

Giving love is the really beautiful experience, because then you

are an emperor. Getting love is very small experience, and it is
the experience of a beggar. Don¶t be a beggar. At least as far as
love is concerned, be an emperor, because it is an inexhaustible
quality in you. You can go on giving as much as you like. Don¶t
be worried that it will be exhausted, that one day you will
suddenly find, ³My God! I don¶t have any love to give anymore.´

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The raincloud does not bother where it rains ² on the rocks, in

the gardens, in the ocean ² it doesn¶t matter. It wants to
unburden itself. And that unburdening is a tremendous relief.

So the first secret is: Don¶t ask for it, and don¶t wait, thinking
that you will give if somebody asks you. Give it!

Just give your love to anybody ² a stranger. It is not a question

that you have to give something very valuable, just a helping
hand and that will be enough. In twenty-four hours, whatever
you do should be done with love, and the pain in your heart will
disappear. And because you will be so loving, people will love
you. It is a natural law. You get what you give. In fact you get
more than you give.

Learn giving, and you will find so many people being loving
towards you who had never looked at you, who had never
bothered about you. Your problem is that you have a heart full of
love but you have been a miser; that love has become a burden
on the heart. Rather than making the heart blossom you have
been hoarding it, so once in a while when you are in a moment of
love you feel it disappearing. But why one moment? Why not
every moment?

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Then you will find a great relaxation and a great disappearance of

your self ² which is a burden ² and a melting into the whole.

This is certainly a disease, in the literal meaning of the word: it is

a di  . It is not sickness, so no physician can help you. It is
simply a tense state of your heart that just wants to give more
and more. Perhaps you have more love than other people,
perhaps you are more fortunate, and you are making out of your
fortune a great misery for yourself. Share it, without bothering to
whom you are giving.

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One can come to meditation through many directions; perhaps

this is going to be your direction.



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Many should feel jealous of you. To know that all has failed is the
beginning of a new journey.

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When one is utterly disillusioned with the world and all its
successes, only then does one become spiritual.

You may not yet be aware of it, but something is stirring, a new
joy is arising behind the curtain of sadness ² a joy of a new
search, of a new adventure, of a new life, of a new way to be.

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It is an ongoing process. Mysteries upon mysteries are waiting

for you, hence the thrill and the ecstasy.

Feel ecstatic that there is no end to life, that when you have
reached one peak, suddenly another peak starts giving you
challenges ² a higher one, a more arduous climb, a more
dangerous reach. And when you have reached the other peak,
there will be another peak; peaks upon peaks. It is an eternal
Himalayas of life.

Just think of a point where you arrive, and now there is nothing
else left. You will be utterly bored then; boredom will be your
only fate then! And life is not boredom, it is a dance. Life is not
boredom, it is exultation, exuberance.

Many many things are going to happen, and many many things
will always remain to happen. The mystery never ends, it cannot
end. That¶s why it is called a mystery, it cannot even be known.
It will never become knowledge, that¶s why it is called a mystery;
something in it is eternally elusive. And that¶s the whole joy of
life. The great splendor of life is that it keeps you eternally
engaged, searching, exploring. Life is exploration, life is

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That¶s why you look so tired, because misery is really hard work;
to maintain it is really difficult, because you are doing something
against nature. You are going upstream ² that¶s what misery is.

And what is bliss? Going with the river ² so much so that the
distinction between you and the river is simply lost. You are the
river. How can it be difficult? To go with the river no swimming is
needed; you simply float with the river and the river takes you to
the ocean. The river is already going to the ocean.

Life is a river. Don¶t push it and you will not be miserable.

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