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Screening potential employees is increasingly becoming standard practice, even when not legally required.

Week talks to Kim Kerr, general manager of LexisNexis Risk and Information Analytics Group, about what is involved
Xxx xxxscreening
Résumé xxxx

Honesty is the key to job applications

How widespread is pre-
employment screening?
About 86% of all companies do
some form of background checks,
although this may be as simple
as checking references. The larger
LexisNexis offers several levels
companies do background checks
of screening, ranging in cost
as a matter of course – the figure
from $30 to several hundred
approaches 99% for bigger organi-
dollars, depending on the level of
sations. For smaller companies it’s
complexity. Specialist screening
more hit and miss – they normally
companies are increasingly being
do it if they’re required to, such as
used to identify and weed out
in industries like aviation where
deceptive job applicants.
there are legal requirements.
Kim Kerr, general manager of

Is it a growing area?
LexisNexis Risk and Information
It is a fast-growing business. It’s
Analytics Group says: “A person
becoming a part of doing good
can have all the right qualifications
business, because people do lie on
People who lie on their CVs could be blacklisted rather than shortlisted on their résumé, but what you
their applications.
need to know is: are they really
How common is it for checks lar industry, your credibility is what has access to, the so-called “back of
who they say they are? Are they
to reveal discrepancies? you’re selling and if you want to house” at airports. Any of the sup-
as squeaky-clean as they claim
About 3% of the time we get a hit lose your credibility, the easiest way pliers within the industry should
from a criminal perspective, and
in the criminal area that hasn’t to do it is to falsify your résumé. also ensure their employees have
are they qualified for the job?
been disclosed on the application. Everyone wants to put forward a adequate screening.
Have they got the qualifications
We have a higher variance in the good résumé and there’s a lot of What problems arise if com-
they detail on their résumé,
education and employment area. skilled writing out there where panies don’t screen résumés?
and have they worked for the
If we’re working off a résumé, individuals are trying to put their Not checking can be risky, espe-
companies and in the positions
between 30% and 40% of the time best foot forward, but you can do cially when you’re making a
that they say they have?”
we would have a variance. It can that without inflating your résumé detailed decision on talented
be a degree they don’t have or a to the point of being deceptive. individuals, or someone who has
degree from a diploma mill, or How relevant is this for the to have a specific degree or cer-
maybe the dates are wrong. But aerospace industry? tification. Recently there was a Common résumé lies:
30-40% would have a significant The aviation industry is probably case in the USA where a law firm ■ Inflating previous job titles
difference. With job application one of the most active in terms of hired an attorney without doing ■ Padding of grades
forms, this falls to about 10%. The background checking. It does a lot a background check and it turned ■ Falsely claiming a degree
job application form is a very good of excellent work concerning the out that he didn’t even have a law ■ Changing dates to give
tool for hiring because the appli- people who are directly connected degree. It can be absolutely stag- employment continuity
cant has the opportunity to certify with airlines. One area that needs gering in terms of their liability. ■ Claiming technical knowledge
that the information they have to be looked at is employees that And of course if they’re not able ■ Boosting their previous salary
provided is accurate. are related to the airline industry, to do the work and you start miss- ■ Claiming language fluency
What are the consequences if such as at airports. Background ing projects, you’re talking about ■ Not disclosing a past conviction
deception is discovered? checking is very important for big problems as well as the cost of
If you’re a professional in a particu- anybody that is connected to, or replacing that individual.


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