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An Educational Services Public:ation of the
(G-12-62) National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Relay satellite superimposed on artist's conception of space .

Within five years, advances in space tech- and facsimile signals vIa a medium-altitude
nology may create an operational com munica- active-repeater sate II ite. It is also equipped to
tions satellite system that will vastly increase report on the functioning of its equipment and
intercontinental telephone, telegraph, and data on radiation in space .
exchange channels and make possible transocean
television. Contributing to progress toward this
w communications era is NASA ' s Relay satel-
Relay is the first space communications experiment
~ program.
designed to link three continents-North America, Europe,
Relay is designed to test intercontinental and South America.

transmission of telephone, television, teleprint,

Page 2 NASA FACTS (G-12-62)

Medium-altitude IS an arbitrary designation

for altitudes from several thousand to about
2,000 miles. Active repeater signifies that
elay is equipped to receive, amplify, and
tra nsmit radio signals. Active-repeater satel-
lites di ffer fro m passive co m m u n i cati ons satel-
lites, such as Echo, in that the latter function
simply as mirrors for reflection of radio signals.
Relay is but one of several experimental
communications satellite projects embarked upon
by the United States. The different technical
approaches of these programs are providing an
extensive variety of information that is advancing
the time when establishment of on operational
system will be achieved.



Tremendous growth in oversea com'munications

demands is expected during the next two dec-
ades. The number of overseas telephone calls
to and from the United States is rising about 15
percent each year. Use of oversea teleprinter
xchange is climbing even more rapidly. De-
and for world-wide television is mounting.
Computers are talking to each other from
coast to coast in growing numbers. As foreign
economies expand, a need is developing for
high-speed transmission of specialized data from
one side of the world to the other and for data
origi nating in numerous oversea locations to be Symbol of modern overlond communications-a micro-
fed into centrally located computer systems for wave tower.
rapid processing and analysis. Existing trans-
ocean radio and cable equipment cannot, for the
most part, su pply such services. quires a vast increase in circuit capacity-an
Radio and cable links currently furnish about increase possible through employment of micro-
600 telephone circuits between the United States wave.
and abroad. Industry estimates that twice this
number will be needed in 1965 and that require- MICROWAVE-COMMUNICATIONS
ments will double again by 1970. By 1980, SUPERHIGHWA Y
about 10,000 circuits may be needed for tele- Microwaves are extremely short, ultra high
phone and a few other services, not including frequency radio signals that can carry at the
telecasts nor high-speed data transfers. speed of light vast quantities of every known
Although short wave radio and undersea cable form of com munication. Moreover, microwa'
ill continue to play an important part in future communication is immune to weather and iono-
ommunication, they alone cannot meet future spheric disturbances that interfere with short wave
needs. Keeping pace with global demand re- radio. Within the continental United States and
NASA FACTS (G-12-62) Page 3

build a line of microwave towers across the ocean.

But a communications satellite such as Relay
functions as the equivalent of a microwave tower
high in the sky, enabling microwaves to vault


The 172-pound Relay satellite is 33 inches high
and has a maximum breadth of 29 inches. The
18-inch long mast-like structure mounted on its

Th is shows how a series of microwave towers spaced

narrow end is the broadband antenna for carry-
about 30 miles apart on land can relay microwaves ing out television and other experiments in
around the earth ' s curvature. broadband communications. The four whip-like
antennas projecting at about 45-degree angles
from the broad end of the satellite are for com-
mand, tracking, and telemetry; that is, they are
part of the systems for turning Relay experiments
on and off, for tracking the satellite, and for ac-
quiring and sending to earth data on component
behavior and on radiation in space.
The satellite's eight sides are encrusted with
a total of 8,215 solar cells. These are photo-
electric cells that absorb sunlight and convert it
to electricity for charging three nickel cadmium
batteries. Relay's power supply is designed to
permit communications experiments aggregating
100 minutes per day without excessive drain on,
and consequent damage to, the batteries.
Relay's orbit passes through zones of intense
radiation including part of the Van Allen Radia-
tion Region. Radiation can damage solar cells,
A satellite can act as a microwave tower in the sky,
reducing their ability to convert sunlight into
relaying microwave signals across oceons.
electricity. Except for some left unprotected for
experimental purposes, all of Relay's solar cells
are shielded against radiation by a thin layer of
many other countries, microwaves are major car-
riers of telephone, television, telegraph, punched
card, magnetic and punched tape, teleprinter, Relay has two receiving, amplifying, and

and facsimile communications . transmitting systems (transponders) for communi-

cation experiments and two command systems by
In effect, microwave is to other electronic
which the transponder can be turned off and on
communication methods in use today as a mod-
from the ground. This duplication is one way
ern expressway is to a neighborhood street.
of increasing the chances that a spacecraft will
However, microwaves, like light, travel in straight
do its job. If a part fails, another is ready to
lines-a serious limitation on a round earth.
su bstitute for it .
land, this limitation is overcome by use of
re ay towers spaced about 30 miles apart so that Relay is designed to handle a single television
microwaves can move in a straight line from one broadcast, 12 simultaneous two-way telephone
to the next. Admittedly, it is impracticable to calls, or their equivalent in data, teletype, and
Page 4 NASA FACTS (G-12-62)

Cutaways showing Relay satellite interior from two angles .


2. SOLAR CELLS (Indicates Satell ite Orientation )
13. RADIATION DAMAGE PANEL 23 . VOLTAGE REGULATOR (Indicates Satellite Orientotion)
B. COMMAND CONTROL UNIT On August 31,1962, President John F. Kennedy signed
lB . TRAVELING WAVE TUBE the Communications Satellite Act of 1962 authorizing the
(Ampl ifying Device )
creation of a communications satellite corporation. The
19. PRECESSION DAMPER bill provided for half of the stock in the new corporation
(Adjusts Orientation)
(Reduces Wobble)
to be made available to the general public and half to
common carriers in the communications field. The bill
also specified that public stockholders will elect six of the
company's directors; the communications companies, six;
and the Government will appoint three directors. The
Technician works on Relay satellite. law gave the Federal Communications Commission broad
powers to regulate rates and services, including alloca-
tion of facilities to insure effective competition.
The Act directed NASA to:
"1) advise the Federal Communications Commission
on technical characteristics of the communications satel-
lite system;
"2) cooperate with the corporation in research and
development to the extent deemed appropriate by the
Administration in the public interest;
"3) assist the corporation in the conduct of its re-
search and development program by furnishing to the
corporation, when requested, on a reimbursable basis
such satellite launching and associated services as the
Administration deems necessary for the most expeditious
and economical development of the communications
satellite system;
"4) consult with the corporation with respect to the
technical characteristics of the communications satellite
"5) furnish to the corporation, on request and on
a reimbursable basis, satellite launching and associated
services reauired for the establishment, operation, and
maintenance of the communications satellite system
approved by the Commission; and
"6) to the extent feasible, furnish other services,
on a reimbursable basis, to the corporation in connection
with the establishment and operation of the system."
NASA FACTS (G-12-62) Page 5

other forms of communication. The satellite's Brazil; and, in the United States, at Andover,
transmitter has an output of 10 watts. Maine; and Holmdel and Nutley, New Jersey.
A major part of Relay's equipment is devoted An example of the specially-designed ground
measuring space phenomena and satellite cir- station required for communications experiments
t, equipment, and design performance and to is the American Telephone and Telegraph Com-
transmitting this information to earth. Among pany fac ility at Andover, Maine. Its principal
devices performing these tasks are radiation par- feature is a giant horn antenna 1 77 feet long
ticle detectors, circuitry to measure radiation and 94 feet high . The horn can transmit a
damage to components, and the telemetry powerful 1 O,OOO -watt signal and can receive and
encoder. amplify to useful strength a signal as faint as a
The telemetry encoder is Relay's most compli- billionth of a watt.
cated unit . It converts information from all the The antenna is housed In a radome 210 feet
data-gathering instruments into electronic codes in diameter and 160 feet high (about the height
and flashes these codes to earth over 128 differ- of a 16-story building). The radome is com-
ent channels at the rate of a channel a second . posed of man-made fiber and synthetic rubber
The one-pound encoder is made up of 5,186 parts. that are transparent to radio signals.
A unique station is the transportable unit near
RELAY GROUND FACILITIES Rio de Janeiro . The unit can be delivered to
Relay ground facilities include stations for any location that can be reached by sea, air, road,
communications experiments; test stations for or rail and can be set up in a day. It can handle
checking out the satellite in advance of communi- telephone, teletype, and high-speed data transfer
cations experiments and turning its transponders services via the satellite. Later versions may be
on and off; and the NASA Minitrack network for modified for television.
tracking and acquiring data from the spacecraft. Test stations check out the Relay satellite, in-
The ground stations that conduct experiments cluding operation of its communications trans-
intercontinental and transocean communica- ponder, prior to communications experiments.
n are located at : Goonhilly Downs (near They set the transponder for the type of trans-
Falmouth), England; Pleumeur-Bodou, Br ittany, missions scheduled and shut it off when the ex-
France; Fucino (near Rome), Italy; Rio de Janeiro, periment is concluded. If the satellite is out of


January 11, 1946- July 10, 1962-

Project Diana. Radar signals beamed to moon are Telstar launched. On July 23, Telstar relayed the first
reflected back to earth for first time. (Department of live telecasts between Europe and the United States. It
Defense (DOD) Project) has provided high-quality transmissions of voice, data,
December 18, 1958- television, telegrams, teleprint, and other forms of com-
Score launched. On December 19, this satellite munications. (Joint project of NASA and American
broadcast to the world a tape-recorded Christmas greet- Telephone and Telegraph Company. The company paid
ing from President Eisenhower. This was the first voice all costs.)
message from a satellite. (DOD Project)
August 1 2, 1960- December 13, 1962-
Echo I launched. Echo I has demonstrated the feas- Relay launched. Aims to provide first satellite com-
ibility of sending voice, record, and facsimile long dis- munications link between North and South America and
tances by bouncing microwaves from a passive satellite. Europe. An active-repeater satellite, like Telstar, Relay
(NASA Proj ect) differs from its predecessor in important structural and
October 4, 1960- technical features. As a result, the functioning of diver-
Courier launched. This satellite demonstrated that gent designs can be compared and information acquired
"active-repeaters" can be employed for voice, record, to develop equipment for eventual operational use.
and facsimile communication. (DOD Project) (NASA Project)
Page 6 NASA FACTS (G-12-62)

G iant horn antenna at Andaver , Maine , dwarfs man stand i ng (center ) an one of its supports . This is be ing used
in Relay communications expe riments .

Braz i l i an eng i neers , stonding b e for e 30 -foot ant enna,

confer on Relay e x per i ment s. The antenna is part of a
transportabl e ground station for space communications
experiments set up near Rio de Jane iro .

range of the test station, an automatic timer will

turn the equipment off two minutes after use to
conserve the satellite ' s power supply. The test
stations are located at Nutley, New Jersey, and
Mohave, California.
NASA 's world-wide Minitrack network is track-
ing the Relay satellite and acquiring data on
performance and condition of Relay equipment
and on radiation in space. The stations are lo-
cated at Blossom Point, Maryland; East Grand
Forks, Minnesota; Fort Myers, Florida; College,
Alaska; Mohave, California; St . Johns, New-
foundland; Woomera, Australia; Winkfield, Eng-
Iand; Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa;
Antofagasta and Santiago, Chile; Lima , Peru ; a
NASA FACTS (G-12-62) Page 7
Quito, Ecuador . All stations funnel information
for processing to NASA ' s Goddard Space Flight
Center, Greenbelt, Maryland.

Planned communications experiments with
Relay include intercontinental transmissions of
television, telephone calls, teleprinter, photo-
facsimile, and data. Arrangements have been
made with commercial broadcasting organizations
of Europe and the United States for public trans-
atlantic telecasts. Public demonstrations involv-
ing other types of communication are also
plan ned .
Detectors within the satellite report the num-
ber and kinds of energetic particles in space.
Such particles are free protons and electrons
stripped from atoms-usually hydrogen atoms .
The particles constitute much of the lethal and
da maging radiation with which man and equip-
ment must cope in space.
Another experiment is intended to determine
the effects of radiation on solar cells and semi-
conductors. Thirty solar cells mounted on the
es of the spacecraft are wired to report on their
dition . These solar cells differ in design and
material and in the amount of protective coating.
Some are unshielded.
Engineers at Cape Canaveral mate Relay satellite ta third
In addition, six diodes are attached to a radi -
stage of its Delta launch vehicle.
ation damage experiment panel where they are
exposed to the maximum radiation encountered
by the satellite. Ordinarily, diodes are enclosed
This orbiting of Relay was the fourteenth con-
in packages within the spacecraft.
secutive success for NASA's Delta launch vehicle.
Delta also launched Echo I, NASA's first com-
munications satellite; Telstar, the joint active-
LAUNCH AND ORBITAL INFORMATION repeater satellite experiment of NASA and the
A Delta vehicle launched a Relay satellite from American Telephone and Telegraph Company;
Cape Canaveral, Florida, at 6:30 p . m., EST, De- TIROS II through VI experimental weather satel-
cember 13, 1962. This satellite's perigee, or litesi the Orbiting Solar ObservatorYi Explorers
closest approach to earth, is about 820 miles; XII, XIV, and XV scientific satellites; and Ariel
apogee, or farthest distance from earth, approx- built by the United States and United Kingdom,
imately 4,612 miles . It is inclined 47.47 degrees the world's first international satellite.
to the equator, enabling it to pass over a ground The three-stage Delta vehicle can orbit satel-
rea extending from 47.47 degrees north latitude lites weighing as much as 800 pounds. It is
o 47.47 degrees south latitude . Relay com- assigned a major role in future communications,
tes a circuit of earth about every 185 minutes. weather, and scientific satellite experiments .

Page 8 NASA FACTS (G-12-62)

Second stage of Delta launch vehicle is hoisted to mate it with first stage on launch pad in background.

NASA FACTS format is designed for bulletin-boord display NASA FACTS will be mailed only to addressees who request
uncut, or for 8 x lOY, looseleaf notebook insertion when it from: Office of Educational Programs and Services, NASA,
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-tl u.s. GOVER NM ENT PRINTI NG OFFICE ; 1963 Of-670374

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.N 63 I e-r72

An Educational Services Publication of the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration


January 14, 1963

The first Relay satellite, launched December tor No.1. Because of difficulties experienced
13, 1962, could not at first function properly with the command system of transponder No.1,
because of an abnormal power drain on its project managers decided to employ the other
storage batteries. The problems relative to the transponder. On January 3, 1963, they ac-
satellite had been partially resolved by January tivated transponder No. 2 and carried out a
3, 1963, making possible the beginning of ex- continuing sequence of transatlantic television,
periments in transatlantic communication. telephone, and teletype communication tests.
On Relay's fifth orbit, some 14 hours after Some difficulty has been encountered with the
launch, the ground test station at Nutley, New command system of the satellite. However,
Jersey, checked the satellite's condition. The techniques have been developed for satisfactorily
satellite's voltage was indicated at 22.5, which commanding the equipment.
is below the lower limit of 24 volts required for Encouraged by the success of the tests, NASA,
operation of the communications equipment with- in cooperation with broadcasting companies of
out damage to the battery. the United States and Europe, scheduled a pub-
The trouble was traced to the voltage reg- lic telecast via Relay. On January 9, 1963,
ulator in the No. 1 transponder-the receiving, Relay carried a television program from the Na-
amplifying, and transmitting apparatus in Relay. tional Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., to
Relay is equipped with two identical transpond- stations in France and Great Britain. British and
ers, each with its own voltage regulator. The French viewers saw the unveiling of the Mona
voltage regulator channels power to the trans- Lisa painting in the National Gallery and Presi-
ponder at a proper voltage and acts as an on-off dent Kennedy and others who were present at
switch for the transponder. the unveiling ceremony. (Leonardo da Vinci's
Telemetry showed that the regulator was con- Mona Lisa was loaned to the United States by
ducting power to the transponder even though it France.) Reception in Europe was excellent.
was nominally off. As a result, it was partially The television pictures from the gallery were
powering the transponder, and draining the transmitted conventionally to the Relay ground
batteries. Extensive tests and analyses indicated station at Andover, Maine, from which they were
that the main power transistor for the voltage beamed to the satellite for retransmittal to
regulator had temperature characteristics that Europe.
could account for the equipment's malfunction. A second Relay launch is scheduled in the sec-
This transistor fails to function properly if it is ond quarter of 1963.
too hot or too cold.
Telemetry taken from the satellite on Decem- USE OF THIS SUPPLEMENT
ber 15, 17, and 19 showed a slow charging The Information In thl. supplement to NASA FACTS,
Project Relay (G-12-62) Incarparate. data on re.ults
of Relay ' s batteries. Tests were suspended on obtained after the fact sheet had been printed.
the possibility that Relay would recover. The supplement has been designed for bulletin board
display along with the fact sheet, or for punching and
On December 31, a check of the satellite re-
looseleaf notebook Insertion as page 9 of NASA fACTS,
vealed that it was functioning satisfactorily ex- Project Relay.
cept for a small power drain by voltage regula-
u.s. GOVERNMEN T PA I NT ING OFFI CE : 1963 OF-57!122

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