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Iterative Channel Estimation Using Joint Zero Padding and

Nonzero Padding for TDS-OFDM Systems

Raza Ali Shah Poompat Saengudomlert
Asian Institute of Technology Asian Institute of Technology
Pathumthani, Thailand Pathumthani, Thailand

Abstract—This paper focuses on the use of guard intervals [4], [6], [7].
(GIs) between successive symbols for iterative channel estima- In the context of OFDM GIs, BCE corresponds to us-
tion (CE) in a time domain synchronous orthogonal frequency ing zero padding (ZP) instead of NZP sequences. Efficient
division multiplexing (TDS-OFDM) system. A hybrid of zero
padding (ZP) and nonzero padding (NZP) frame structures is equalizers are designed using the ZP scheme in [8], while
proposed to create an energy efficient scheme that can maintain a subspace algorithm in [9] provides a lower limit on the
accurate CE as well as a low transmission bit error rate (BER). number of symbols required for CE in the ZP scheme. In
The proposed hybrid scheme, i.e., joint zero padding-nonzero [10] and [11], the CE schemes presented in [8] and [9]
padding (ZP-NZP) scheme, is tested in Rayleigh fading channel are combined, and a generalized BCE scheme is proposed.
environments using computer simulations. The results show
that, for the same BER performance, the proposed joint ZP- However, the scheme performs better only at high signal-to-
NZP scheme outperforms the existing NZP scheme on the basis noise (SNR) values, i.e., SNR ≥ 20 dB. In [12] and [13],
of the reduction in the required signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) three different GI techniques used for CE, i.e., CP, ZP and
while its CE results are comparable to the existing NZP scheme. NZP, are compared, and a lower bound on the CE error is
obtained for the NZP scheme. According to the analysis in
[13], NZP OFDM outperforms the other schemes. In [14], the
CE results of [13] are improved by considering an iterative
We consider the problem of iterative channel estimation data aided CE scheme. In [15], the processing of an extended
(CE) in time domain synchronous orthogonal frequency received OFDM symbol is proposed which provides a new
division multiplexing (TDS-OFDM) systems. OFDM is the look at the TDS-OFDM circular convolution and CE. The
technology of choice for next generation wireless commu- work presented in [15] has been extended in [16] and [17]
nications for its robustness to channel imperfections for by considering the cyclic reconstruction of NZP sequences.
high bit-rate transmissions [1]. TDS-OFDM is a variant of It should be noted that all of the existing schemes use
conventional cyclic prefixed OFDM (CP-OFDM); it replaces either the same NZP or ZP sequence in every OFDM
the CPs in CP-OFDM systems with nonzero padding (NZP) symbol. In this paper, we propose a hybrid of ZP and NZP
sequences in TDS-OFDM systems [2]. The NZP sequence is GI techniques to create an energy efficient joint ZP-NZP
used for CE and synchronization purposes. Accurate CE is scheme. The scheme is energy efficient because we limit the
needed to ensure reliable transmissions. use of NZP sequences (high power pilots) to only a subset of
Various researches have proposed different CE methods for OFDM symbols. We use the iterative CE algorithm presented
OFDM systems. Different algorithms used in the literature in [15] for CE after some novel preprocessing of the received
for CE can be classified into three main categories [3]: pilot signal. The proposed joint ZP-NZP scheme does not require
aided channel estimation (PCE), blind channel estimation an initial CE. It uses OFDM frames comprising of both ZP
(BCE) and semi-blind channel estimation (SCE). PCE meth- and NZP OFDM symbols.
ods provide good channel estimates. However, their main The organization of the remaining sections is as follows.
drawback is the relatively high overhead as some data carriers The system model is explained in section II. Section III
are used for pilots [3], [4], [5]. BCE and SCE methods provides the details of the proposed iterative CE scheme.
use information transmitted during guard intervals (GIs) for In section IV, the equalization process is described. Section
CE. The need to achieve higher data rates motivates the V presents the numerical analysis. Section VI discusses the
search for BCE methods as it does not require pilots that simulation results. Finally, we conclude the paper in section
can utilize up to 20% of the data subcarriers [4]. However, VII.
the performances of BCE methods are generally not as good
as those of PCE methods. Besides, BCE methods also face II. S YSTEM M ODEL
the synchronization problem [4]. Compared to BCE methods, The system diagram for the proposed joint ZP-NZP
SCE methods lead to lower CE error, better synchronization OFDM scheme is shown in Fig. 1. Let N be the number
and faster convergence. These SCE methods are more suit- of OFDM subcarriers and D = [D0 , D1 , ..., DN −1 ] be a set
able for time selective channels than their blind counterparts, of N QAM symbols at the input of the inverse fast Fourier
and are more reliable for practical communication systems transform (IFFT) block. The GI sequence of length c, denoted
by g = [g0 , g1 , ..., gc−1 ], is appended to the IFFT output.
For an NZP symbol, g = p where p = [p0 , p1 , ..., pc−1 ]
represents the pseudorandom sequence. For a ZP symbol, g
is a zero vector. The output of the parallel-to-serial converter,
i.e., s = [d0 , d1 , ..., dN −1 , g0 , g1 , ..., gc−1 ], which can be
rewritten as s = [s0 , s1 , ..., sN2 −1 ] where N2 = N + c,
is transmitted through a Rayleigh fading channel having
the channel impulse response (CIR) h = [h0 , h1 , ..., hL−1 ],
where L represents the length of CIR. It is assumed that L
is known. Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) corrupts
the signal in the channel. Fig. 2. Structure of ZP-NZP frame.
The N2 samples of the received OFDM symbol, denoted
by r = [r0 , r1 , ..., rN2 −1 ], and the last c samples of the
previous symbol is used for CE. The first N samples of r
represent the received data samples. The equalized data vec-
tor, denoted by d̂ = [dˆ0 , dˆ1 , ..., dˆN −1 ], is used as an input to
the FFT block to get another vector D̂ = [D̂0 , D̂1 , ..., D̂N −1 ]
of equalized QAM symbols.

Fig. 3. Processing of ZP-NZP frame before channel estimation.

sequence at the end of the symbol. To maintain the circular

Fig. 1. System diagram for joint ZP-NZP TDS-OFDM. convolution property, we propose to add p ∗ ĥm−1 to the
tail of the received symbol as depicted in Fig. 3(b). Here
III. I TERATIVE CHANNEL ESTIMATION ∗, m, and ĥm−1 represent the linear convolution operation,
A. ZP-NZP OFDM Frame iteration index of iterative CE, and the CIR estimate of the
previous symbol respectively. Note that this signal addition
A set of OFDM symbols forms an OFDM transmit frame. is not needed in both existing ZP and NZP schemes. The
Each frame contains M1 NZP symbols followed by M2 ZP resultant signal as represented in Fig. 3(c) fulfills the circular
symbols repeatedly. Such a frame prior to transmission may convolution property and can now be processed for iterative
be visualized as CE. Note that this preprocessing is carried out for each ZP

C. Channel Estimation
After our novel preprocessing, we use the algorithm
k th
where s represents the k OFDM symbol in the frame. The presented in [15] for iterative CE. The received prepro-
ratio of NZP-to-ZP OFDM symbols in the given transmit cessed OFDM signal as shown in Fig. 4(a) is consid-
frame can be represented by M1 : M2 . Note that M1 = 0 ered for iterative CE. The proposed algorithm uses two
corresponds to a ZP OFDM system, while M2 = 0 corre- received vectors, i.e., the k th received symbol rk and
sponds to an NZP OFDM system. Fig. 2 depicts the structure the extended received symbol r̃k as depicted in Fig.
of a ZP-NZP transmit frame for a TDS-OFDM system with 4(a). These are defined as rk = [r0k , r1k , ..., rN k
2 −1
] and
k k−1 k−1 k k k
M1 = M2 = 1. In Fig. 2, each GI is indicated whether the r̃ = [rN2 −c , ..., rN2 −1 , r0 , r1 , ..., rN2 −1 ] respectively. The
ZP sequence or the NZP sequence is used. extended signal after the m th iteration is depicted in Fig.
4(b). The iterative CE procedure is explained with the help
B. Preprocessing of ZP-NZP OFDM Frame of Fig. 4 in the following steps.
The algorithm presented in [15] is used for CE. The Preparation: An extended NZP sequence p̃ is defined
algorithm requires preprocessing of each received ZP-NZP by appending c zeros to p, and is expressed as p̃ =
frame. It is shown in Fig. 3(a) that the tail of the k th received [p̃0 , p̃1 , ..., p̃2c−1 ]. The frequency domain NZP sequence, i.e.,
OFDM symbol is free from any signal overlapping caused P̃ = [P̃0 , P̃1 , ..., P̃2c−1 ], can be computed by taking the FFT
by g. The reason for this overlapping-free tail is the ZP of p̃. A constant α = 0.125 is predefined to give a 12.5 %
transmitted signal can be expressed in the frequency domain
as S = [S0 , S1 , ..., SN2 −1 ] where Sj is computed from

Sj = Rj /H˜m j (4)

The time domain representation of S is denoted by s =

[s0 , s1 , ..., sN2 −1 ].
Step 4: The first N elements of s corresponds to the data
part, denoted by x, and can be separated from s by replacing
the last c elements of s by zeros, i.e., x = [x0 , x1 , ..., xN2 −1 ]
where xj is given by
Fig. 4. Received OFDM signal. sj , 0 ≤ j ≤ N − 1
xj = (5)
0 , N − 1 < j ≤ N2 − 1
weight to the estimate of the (m − 1) iteration during the Note that x can be represented in the frequency domain as
m th iteration of CE. X = [X0 , X1 , ..., XN2 −1 ]. The expected frequency domain
Step 1: A buffer b = [b0 , b1 , ..., bN3 −1 ] of size N3 = received signal based on X and H̃m can be expressed as
N2 + c is created where b = r̃k . The iteration index m is Y = [Y0 , Y1 , ..., YN2 −1 ] where Yj is computed from
set to zero to indicate the start of iterative CE from r̃k .
Step 2: A new vector z is defined to copy the first c +L−1 Yj = Xj H̃jm (6)
elements from b and contain c − L + 1 additional zeros for
CE. It can be represented as z = [z0 , z1 , ..., z2c−1 ] where It can be represented in the time domain as y =
( [y0 , y1 , ..., yN2 −1 ].
bj , 0 ≤ j ≤ c + L − 2 Step 5: The buffer b can be updated using y . The updated
zj = buffer, denoted by b0 is expressed as b0 = [b00 , b00 , , ..., b0N3 −1 ]
0 , c + L − 2 < j ≤ 2c − 1
z can be written in the frequency domain as Z = (
[Z0 , Z1 , ..., Z2c−1 ]. bj ,0 ≤ j ≤ c − 1
b0j = (7)
The above information suffices for obtaining the frequency bj − yj−c , c − 1 < j ≤ N3 − 1
response estimate H0 = [H 0 0 , H 0 1 , ..., H 0 2c−1 ] of the chan-
nel where H 0 j is computed from The iterative procedure completes at step 5. The iteration
index m is incremented, and the next iteration starts from
H 0 j = Zj /P̃j . (1) step 2 with b = b0 . The process is repeated until ĥm
converges to some ĥ.
The time domain CIR h = [h00 , h01 , ..., h02c−1 ]
can be
computed from H0 by taking its IFFT. The CIR estimate IV. E QUALIZATION
h0 contains noise. In addition, its length (i.e., 2c ) is greater
than the actual length of the CIR. To reduce the effect of The equalization process is performed on a received
noise, only the significant channel taps are kept from the OFDM frame {s1 , ..., sF } of F symbols. The mean CE
first c samples of h0 while the last c samples are set to zeros. for one frame is represented as h̄ = [h̄0 , h̄1 , ..., h̄L−1 ],
After these two modifications we denote the modified h0 by where h̄j is the mean of the j th component of ĥ. We
h00 = [h000 , h001 , ..., h00c−1 , 01xc ], where 01xc is a 1xc zero vector define e = [e0 , e1 , ..., ec+L−2 ] as e = h̄ ∗ p. The received
and overlapping-free signal r0 = [r00 , r10 , ..., rN
2 −1
] is computed
00 h0j , 0 ≤ j ≤ c − 1, |h0 | > 4
h j= (2) (
0 , otherwise 0 rj − ej+c , 0 ≤ j ≤ L − 2
rj = (8)
with 4 denoting the significance threshold. The condition rj , L − 2 < j ≤ N2 − 1
imposed in (2) causes only the significant taps to be selected. for ZP symbol, while for NZP symbol it is computed as
The channel estimate for the m th iteration, denoted by ĥm , (
can now be computed from the previous CIR estimate ĥm−1 0 rj ,0 ≤ j ≤ N − 1
and the current estimate h00 as rj = (9)
rj − ej−N , N − 1 < j ≤ N + c − 1
ĥm = αĥm−1 + (1 − α)h00 = [ĥm m m
0 , ĥ1 , ..., ĥ2c−1 ]. (3) The first N + L − 1 elements of r0 are selected which can
Step 3: An extended frequency domain CIR denoted by be represented in the frequency domain as
H̃m = [H̃0m , H̃1m , ..., H̃N
2 −1
] is obtained by appending R00 = [R000 , R100 , ..., RN
+L−2 ]. (10)
N2 − 2c zeros to ĥm and then taking its FFT. The fre-
quency domain received signal R = [R0 , R1 , ..., RN2 −1 ] The channel frequency response H̄ = [H̄0 , H̄1 , ..., H̄N +L−2 ]
is determined by computing the FFT of rk . The estimated is computed from h̄ after appending N − 1 zeros. The
estimated transmitted signal Ŝ = [Ŝ0 , Ŝ1 , ..., ŜN +L−2 ] is P OWER DELAY PROFILE OF AN EXAMPLE CHANNEL MODEL ( MODIFIED
computed from R00 and H̄ where Ŝj is computed as FROM [2])

Ŝj = R00 j /H̄j . (11)

Tap Delay Average Power
The time domain signal ŝ = [ŝ0 , ŝ1 , ..., ŝN +L−2 ] is computed (µ s) (dB)
1 0 0
from Ŝ by taking its IFFT. The first N samples of ŝ are 2 2 -13.8
selected as d̂ = [dˆ0 , dˆ1 , ..., dˆN −1 ], i.e., 3 7 -16.2

dˆj = ŝj ,0 ≤ j ≤ N − 1 (12)

The frequency domain signal D̂ = [D̂0 , D̂1 , ..., D̂N −1 ]
is computed from d̂ by taking the FFT of d̂. Note that
these D̂0 , D̂1 , ..., D̂N −1 are the equalized received sig-
nal values corresponding to the transmitted signal values
D0 , D1 , ..., DN −1 .
Numerical analysis is presented in this section to show
how much the proposed joint ZP-NZP scheme is more energy
efficient than the existing NZP scheme. The notations N ,c,
Es,QP SK , Es,BP SK , Es,ZP N ZP and Es,N ZP are used to
represent the number of QPSK symbols per OFDM symbol,
Fig. 5. MSE of CE from NZP and joint ZP-NZP schemes for static but
the number of BPSK symbols (pilots) per OFDM symbol, unknown CIRs.
the energy per QPSK symbol, the energy per BPSK symbol,
the energy per OFDM symbol for joint ZP-NZP scheme and
the energy per OFDM symbol for NZP scheme respectively. modulation for data and BPSK modulation for the NZP
Let Es,QP SK = A and Es,BP SK = 2A [2]. Then, sequence are considered with N = 64, L = 8 and c = 9.
Simulations are performed over 5000 channel realizations
Es,N ZP = N × Es,QP SK + c × Es,BP SK = (N + 2c)A
generated according to the Rayleigh fading statistics given
In case of joint ZP-NZP, only M1 of the M1 + M2 OFDM in Table II. The mean square error (MSE) is computed for
symbols are padded with the NZP sequence. It follows that each frame and is defined as
M1 c l
Es,ZP N ZP = N × Es,QP SK + × Es,BP SK 1X
M1 + M2 M SE = |h̄i − hi |2 (13)
l i=1
2M1 c
= (N + )A where l represents the number of significant channel taps
M1 + M2
M1 +M2 and is equal to 3 for our simulations. The threshold ∆
The power savings for different values of K = are
M1 for selecting the significant channel taps is 19 dB smaller
shown in Table I.
than the maximum magnitude of the channel taps [15]. The
TABLE I OFDM symbol duration is set to 500 µs which is very close
P OWER SAVINGS OF JOINT ZP-NZP SCHEME OVER NZP SCHEME FOR to the symbol durationpgiven in [2]. The coherence time τc
N = 64, c = 9
is computed as τc = 9/16πfd2 [18], where fd represents
the Doppler frequency.
K Es,N ZP : Es,ZP N ZP Power saving (dB)
2 1 : 0.8902 0.5000 A. Static but unknown CIR
5 1 : 0.8244 0.8386
10 1 : 0.8024 0.9559 Comparison of CE error
15 1 : 0.7951 0.9957
30 1 : 0.7878 1.0358
MSE from CE as a function of SNR is shown in Fig.
5. It can be observed that joint ZP-NZP and NZP schemes
perform equally well for a Rayleigh fading AWGN channel
in terms of CE error.
Data transmissions are simulated using Matlab for the Comparison of BER performance
joint ZP-NZP scheme as well as for the existing NZP Fig. 6 depicts the BER comparison of joint ZP-NZP and
scheme for performance comparison. Since the ZP scheme NZP schemes with static but unknown CIRs. It can be seen
is known to perform poorer than the NZP scheme [13], we that the proposed joint ZP-NZP scheme performs better than
do not consider it here. Each experiment is carried out by the existing NZP scheme. In particular, a power saving (i.e.,
transmitting one OFDM frame, estimating h̄ and then com- reduction in the required SNR) of 1.59 dB can be obtained
puting the BER. The size of the frame is kept fixed. QPSK for the joint ZP-NZP scheme with K = 2 over the existing
NZP scheme is proposed by combining the existing ZP and
NZP schemes. Simulation results are obtained for the CE
error as well as the BER performance. From the simulation
results, it can be seen that the proposed ZP-NZP scheme is
energy efficient and outperforms the existing NZP scheme
on the basis of the required SNR for the same BER. Since
the NZP scheme is used in the Digital terrestrial/Television
Multimedia Broadcasting (DTMB) standard, it is suggested
that the proposed ZP-NZP scheme be considered as an
alternative and more power efficient CE method.
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