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Sweet Paradigm Shift

r. John Peldyak couldn’t have planned the timing
of his presentation better. On February 14, Valen-
tine’s Day, Dr. Peldyak, along with several other
researchers and health professionals, opened the first of 3
half-day seminars at Xlear’s 3rd Educational Conference
on Xylitol in Cancún, Mexico with a sweet introduction
to xylitol.

“Manage the Damage”

Dr. Peldyak’s presentation started with the pass-
ing out of goodie bags. He instructed the audience to
reach into the bag and pull out 2 silver dimes. “Take
the 2 dimes in your right hand, and now transfer them
to your left hand,” said Dr. Peldyak. Pausing for ef-
fect, he added, “And that is shifting our paradigms.” A
light-hearted joke, this example also underlined a more
serious key point in Dr. Peldyak’s presentation. He em- eruption. He said that xylitol enhances early mineral-
phasized the need to reframe old mindsets; to go from ization and blocks colonization by cariogenic bacteria.
“manage the damage” to health promotion. Since a baby can receive cariogenic bacteria from the
Xylitol, according to Dr. Peldyak, is one way health mother’s mouth, Dr. Peldyak suggests that moms use
professionals can begin to reshape their mindsets when xylitol, such as in the form of xylitol gum. Xylitol can
approaching tooth decay and other health issues. Spe- also be used on the baby’s pacifier as seen in Spry Tooth
cifically, Dr. Peldyak cited xylitol’s ability to reduce Gel.
bacterial cohesion and adhesion in the mouth and nose.
How Much? How Often?
The Xylitol Way According to Dr. Peldyak, the daily range for xylitol
From fructose to sucrose to processed starches, such is recommended to be between 4 and 12 grams. How-
fermentable carbohydrates can lead to tooth damage. ever, he does advise, one should allow time to adjust to
“On teeth, it’s all just sugar,” Dr. Peldyak said. Xylitol, larger xylitol intake.
on the other hand, is a polyol or sugar alcohol, which is He said that xylitol should be used at least 3 times
“essentially nonfermentable by oral bacteria.” And un- a day, although aiming for 5 times a day is preferred.
like common dietary sugars (-ose ending), xylitol features Xylitol should be used after each meal and snack as a
1 less carbon atom (5-carbon structure) and no reactive supplement to toothpaste every morning and night. Dr.
carbonyl group. “It doesn’t matter whether it comes Peldyak went on to say that when it comes to basic care,
from birch trees or corn cobs,” said Dr. Peldyak. “The “xylitol is an essential adjunct.”
end result is still the same—xylitol.” From its ability to prevent tooth decay to its mouth
moisturizing properties, xylitol has offered clinicians
Sweet Tooth and patients an effective way to reshape old mindsets
“Tooth decay progresses when damaging factors and start to promote proper oral care. With xylitol,
prevail over protective factors,” said Dr. Peldyak. Xyli- patients no longer have to be helpless victims of tooth
tol, however, is one preventive factor that is providing decay. “Proactive self care, that’s the beauty of xyli-
health professionals with a new way of combating tooth tol,” said Dr. Peldyak, who concluded his lecture with a
decay. Bad bacteria must either “shape up or ship out,” Valentine’s Day appropriate handout. “In conclusion,”
according to Dr. Peldyak. He added that sucrose is the said Dr. Peldyak, grinning as he pulled mini chocolate
most damaging sugar to teeth in part because bacteria hearts out of the goodie bags, “Take heart.” The audi-
get energy out of sucrose. The waste product is acid, ence sweetly obliged. —Elyse Fetherman
which dissolves tooth mineral.
Xylitol, on the other hand, blocks tooth-damaging
factors, according to Dr. Peldyak. Additionally, he said
John Peldyak, DMD
that xylitol stimulates saliva, making products such as
Dr. Peldyak received his Doctor of Dental Medicine
Xlear, Inc.’s Rain Oral Mist a great option for the pre- degree from Southern Illinois University in 1980.
vention of dry mouth and caries. Since then he has been in private practice den-
tistry. Dr. Peldyak was a member of the University
Dr. Peldyak also mentioned that xylitol can benefit of Michigan research group (1986-1992), which
patients with gingivitis or periodontitis as it can reduce investigated use of sucrose substitutes for caries
plaque quantity and virulence. Another beneficial time prevention. Dr. Peldyak is the author of Sweet Smart
(Alternative Sweeteners, 1996).
to use xylitol according to Dr. Peldyak is during tooth

Dental Learning

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