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Disorders of the Respiratory System ANSWERS

Cause Tonsillitis
inflammation (swelling) of the tonsils caused by bacteria or virus infection swelling and irritation (inflammation) of the voice box (larynx) caused by allergies, infections, physical injury, pneumonia Infection of the lungs Bacteria/virus from nose end up in lungs can cause this; you can breathe these in as well or get it through foods Allergic reaction to foreign substance

Difficulty swallowing Ear pain Fever and/or chills Headache Sore throat Fever Hoarseness Swollen lymph nodes or glands in the neck Cough Fever Chills Shortness of breath Headache Loss of appetite

Prevention/Cure/ Treatment
Antibiotics (bacteria infection) Drinking cold liquids Get tonsils removed Take medication Resting Using humidifier



Antibiotics Lots of rest


Inflammation of bronchi and bronchioles Excess mucus Muscles surrounding bronchia and bronchiole spasm out and cause air passage to narrow making it difficult to breath Inflammation of bronchi and bronchioles more mucus made coughing could lead to pneumonia

puffers (with drugs bronchodilators) no 2nd hand smoke


Virus, bacteria, chemical irritants like smoke

don't smoke prescribed bronchodilators no 2nd hand smoke

Exposure to 1st/2nd


hand smoke; industrial pollutants; aerosol sprays; internalcombustion engine exhaust and old age

- difficult for air to pass through to alveoli - cilia or lining of bronchi & bronchioles become damaged, therefore, no filtering of dirt (all debris) - this builds up in the air tubes and therefore bronchioles constrict and so there is less air to alveoli all this results in increased air pressure - lungs inflate and the alveoli cannot handle this increased pressure resulting in walls of the alveoli to tear when alveoli are damaged, it means there is less surface area for agas exhange and so less oxygen gas being exchanged -- resulting in heart working harder (leading to more stress on the heart) - mucus blocks airways/pathways (leading to more lung infections) - person: coughs and wheezes more - first symptoms are seen in childhood

- don't smoke - don't place self in pollutants - no 2nd hand smoke

Genetic disorder

Cystic Fi br os is
Mostly caused by smoking Toxic chemicals in cigarettes irritate the cells in the lungs Tar & other toxic materials get trapped in the mucus and can trigger mutations in the cells

No cure Give antibiotics, pancreatic enzymes and chest physiotherapy

Coughing Excess mucus Tumour development

Do not smoke Do not inhale 2nd hand smoke

Lung Cancer

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