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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070

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1)Introduction 2)Aims 3)Hypothesis 4)JustificationofHypothesis 5)Methodsofdatacollection 6)Justificationformethodsofdatacollection 7)Datapresentation+Analysis 8)ConclusionDelineatingtheCBD 9)Evaluation 10)Bibliography 11)AppendixRawDataSamples


Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070

The city of Antwerp is considered to be the capital of commerce and business in Belgium. With a population over 520,000, Antwerp is Belgiums secondlargestcityandisthecapitaloftheFlandersprovince.1 Apart from downfalls during both world wars, Antwerp continued to experience great economic success, and geographically expanding both horizontallyandvertically. My ultimate objective will be to delineate the Central Business District of Antwerp, and we have chosen to study outwards from the Franklin Rooseveltplaats,whichweassumetobetheCBDofthe city.Informationalongthenorth,south,eastandwest transectswillbeconsidered.


Figure1.1FranklinRooseveltplaats 2

AntwerpFacts.Antwerp.8January2007.Wikipedia.11Jan2006<>. Antwerp.AviewoncitiesAntwerp.3Jan2007.Aviewoncities.11Jan2007<>.


Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070

I. TodelineatetheCentralBusinessDistrict(CBD)ofAntwerp,Belgium. II. To investigate the extent to which Antwerps urban morphology conformstotheBurgess(1924)ConcentricRingModelofthecity III. To investigate the distributional pattern and location presence of Antwerpshotels

I. AclearcutedgetotheCBDwillbeapparent,andtheCBDwillbe identified. II. Theproportionofofficeandretailspacetoresidentialusewilldecline withdistancesfromtheCBD. III. TrafficandpedestriancountswilldeclinewithdistancefromtheCBD. IV. TheheightofbuildingswilldeclinewithdistancefromtheCBD V. ThepriceofcarparkingwilldecreasewithdistancefromtheCBD VI. ThedistributionalpatternofAntwerpstophotelswillberegular


Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070

Reasoningforourhypothesesisbasedonavarietyofurbantheories, notablyBurgessandhisConcentricRingModel,neoclassicaltheoriesand othermorerecenttheoriesaboutthelocationandcharacteristicsoftheCBD Burgess assumed that cities contained a variety of clearly defined socio

economic areas; therefore the CBD could be clearly outlined. Moreover, he statedthattheCBDwouldbethecentreofmajorshopsandoffices,andthatitis thefocusfortransportroutes.3 Also he claimed that land values in the area were highest and declined

rapidlyoutwards,alsothezonewasthecenteroftransportation.4 More recent studies suggest that similar businesses would try to be distributed in a regular pattern in order to maximize their sphere of influence and not create competition. Therefore the distribution of Antwerps top hotels shouldberegular.




Flint,Corrin,andDavidFlint.Urbanisation:ChangingEnviroments.2ndEdition.London:HarperCollins,1998.pages5154 Waugh,David.Geography:AnIntergratedApproach.ThirdEdition.Cheltenham,England:NelsonThornes,2002.page420421


Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070 Ratiosofoffices,andshops,tootherproperties Buildingheights(instoreys) Sample5minutetrafficandpedestriancountsatvariouslocations Parkingpricesatvariouslocations Hotelprices/numberofstars(notdoneonfieldstudyday)

We will set out in four groups each group will be responsible for samplingagiventransect(North,South,East,West)comingfromthepresumed CBD(Rooseveltplaats).Althoughweimplementedlinesamplingbymeasuring only4differenttransectsinthecrosssection,anotherwaycouldbetomeasure heightsevery10buildings.Furthersamplingtechniqueisfoundonpage19.


have actual distances (in meters) and this can help us accurately estimate the edgeoftheCBD(hypothesisI).Wewantdataforratiosofshopsotherbuildings andofficestootherbuildingssothatwecanrelatethistoBurgesstheoryabout theratiosandhypothesisII.BuildingheightsarealsocentraltoBurgessclaim (hypothesis IV), andquite easytomeasure. Trafficandpedestriancounts will be taken to test hypothesis III. Distributions and prices of hotels and parking spots relate to hypotheses V and VI, however the data for these does not necessarilyhavetobecollectedonthefieldstudyday.


Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070

7.DataPresentation+Analysis: First,toaddressbuildingheight,Ihavecompiledbarchartstoshowhow



Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070




Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070 Analysis: By observing the graphs we can notice that some transects do indeed show that as distance from the CBD increases, the height of buildingsingeneral,decreases(hypothesisIV). Certainlyinthenortherntransect(Figure7.1)thiswasthe
The KBC Building: tall anomaly 2 Figure7.5

case, as the bars clearly show a downward trend. For the southerntransect(7.2),thiswaslessapparent.Tothewest(7.3), on the lefthand side there is a decrease in heights, but for the righthandside,theheightsremainsimilarwiththeexceptionoftheanomalyof thetallKBCbuilding(oneofthefirstskyscrapersinEuropeFigure7.5).Inthe easterntransect(7.4),noapparenttrendcanbeseen. It must be also noted that as we were conducting the field study, it was noticeable that many of the buildings close to the Rooseveltplaats seemed very old, and as we reached the final steps of our assigned transects, the buildings appearedtobesomewhatnewerorrenovated.

Antwerp.AviewoncitiesAntwerp.3Jan2007.Aviewoncities.11Jan2007<>. KBCTower.jpg


Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070 Certainlynowadaystherearearchitecturallimitationsbythecouncilthat

Figure 7.6 The Antwerp Tower 2

restrict the construction of taller building near the Rooseveltplaats. Antwerp is a very old and culturerich city and it would be impossible to gainpermissiontoteardownoldbuildingsnear the Rooseveltplaats and erect new ones that are outside the limitations. One example of a time when it was permissible to construct tall

buildingsistheAntwerpTower,(builtin1974)2(canbeseenasthefirstbuilding onthenortherntransectdiagram). Theseresultsdotosomeextent,thoughnotclearly,supporthypothesisV,

andcansomewhathelpindelineatingtheedgeoftheCBD(aimI,II,hypothesis I).
Antwerp.AviewoncitiesAntwerp.3Jan2007.Aviewoncities.11Jan2007 <>.Antwerptower.jpg


Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070 Inordertoseehowlandusevaries,Ihavecompiledpiechartsforeachof thefourtransectsshowingthevariouspercentagesoflanduse:



Other 3%

Office 10% Commerc ial 9%

Other 13%

Office 14% Commercial 6%

Residential 78%

Residential 67%


Other 8% Office 25%

Other 15% Office 13%



Commercial 7% Residential 60%

Residential 42%


Althoughthisdatadoesnotexactlyshowushowlandusevariedwith distancefromtheCBD(hypothesisII),wecanseeverywellthatcertaintransects havegreaterproportionsofoffice/retailthanothers. Fromthegraphsabove,itcanbededucedthatthewesterntransecthasa largeproportionofcommerciallanduse,incomparisonwiththerestofthe transects(thisisunderstandableasthemainshoppingstreetofAntwerp,the Meir,islocatedalongthetransect).

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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070 Moreover,thesoutherntransecthasthegreatestproportionofoffice space,whencomparedtotheothertransects.Boththeeasternandthenorthern transecthavegreaterpercentagesofresidentiallandusehintingthatperhaps theCBDdoesntexpandasfarEastandNorth,asitdoestotheSouthandWest.


the following page that would show a blockbyblock (block = 200 meters) analysisofthevaryinglandusageforeachofthefourtransects.Themapgives us a better understanding of perhaps where the border of the CBD is once proportionsofofficeandretailspacedrasticallyfall.Myanalysisforthismap isbasedupontheconceptthatwheretheratioofshopstootherpropertiesis1:3, orratioofofficestootherpropertiesis1:10,thenthatareashouldbecountedas beingwithintheCBD4(aimI,hypothesisII). Possible errors and limitations that occurred whilst gathering and

analyzingthedataincludedtheproblemofnotbeingabletotellwhattheland use was at higher floor levels (perhaps it would be better to use only bottom floors). Another problem was that some home offices were a split between residentialandoffice,andtheotherscategory.Forthepurposeofthisstudy, banksandbuildingsocietieswereincludedinofficecount.


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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070 MAP1LANDUSAGE

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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070 MAP2PED+CARCOUNT

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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070 To be able to see how pedestrian counts differ with distance from the presumed CBD, I will be using line graphs (a pedestrian was defined as someoneofschoolageandoverwalkingalongorinthetransect):

Pedestrian Count vs Distance (Northern Transect)

Pedestrian Count vs Distance (Southern Transect)


110 # of Pedestrians per 5 mins

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 0 200

100 # of P edestrians per 5 m ins





0 Distance from Rooseveltplaats

400 600 800 Distance from Rooseveltplaats



# of pedestrians per 5 m ins

Pedestrain Count vs Distance (Western Transect)

# of pedestrains per 5 mins

Pedestrain Count vs Distance (Eastern Transect)

90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 0 200 400 600 800 Distance from Rooseveltplaats 1000 1200


250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Distance from the Rooseveltplaats 1200 1400

Analysis: Thesegraphs,combinedwiththemapontheprevious page,showsthatinalmostallinstances,asdistance increased,thepedestriancountdecreased.Inthenorthern transectthisisveryclear,ascanbeseenbythenearlystrait downwardslineinthegraph.Alsobylookingatthemap,it

Figure7.14TheMeir shoppingstreet2

canbeseenthatthelargerclustersofpeoplewerelocatedinorneartothe Rooseveltplaats.

Antwerp.AviewoncitiesAntwerp.3Jan2007.Aviewoncities.11Jan2007 <>.Meir.jpg

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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070 Significant observations can be made about the western transect, where

pedestrian count remained very high in the initial stages this is because Antwerpsmainshoppingstreet,theMeir),waslocatedinthebeginning. This analysis supports hypothesis III, where we stated that indeed the


To see how traffic counts vary with distance from the presumed CBD area,wewillusebargraphs:
500 450 Am o u n t o f T raffic p er 5 m in s 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 22 655 824 1156 Distance from Rooseveltplaats (meters)

Traffic Count vs Distance (Northern Transect)

Traffic Count vs Distance (Southern Transect)


120 Traffic count per 5 mins 100 80 60 40 20 0 62 450 757 Distance from Rooseveltplaats 1089

90 80 Traffic count per 5 mins 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 151

Traffic Count vs. Distance (Eastern Transect)

Traffic Count vs Distance (Western Transect)

Traffic count per 5 mins 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 212 497 827 Distance from Rooseveltplaats 1274


406 693 Distance from Rooseveltplaats


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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070 Analysis: Although for the eastern and the southern transect there appears to be evidence of an inverse relationship between distance from the CBD and the trafficcount,forboththewesterntransectandthenortherntransect,thereisno suchpattern.Thesebargraphshelpusunderstandthatperhapstheedgeofthe CBD is further out to the west and north, then the south and east, where the trafficcountsclearlystartedtodrop.Alsoitmustberecognizedthatauthorities arecontinuouslytryingtodecreasetheamountoftrafficandcongestionaround theRooseveltplaats. These graphs do not support our hypothesis III, where we claimed that


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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070 MAP3HOTELS

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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070

I will be using Spearmans rank correlation method to see if there is a

closerelationshipbetweenhotelpricesandthedistanceofthehotelsfromthe Rooseveltplaats. Although we could draw a scatter graph and look for a relationship there, the more precise method to look for a relationship between thetwosetsofdatawouldbeastatisticaltest.Mynullhypothesisisthatthere shouldbenorelationshipbetweenthetwovariables(hypothesisIX). The method for calculating the coefficient includes first ranking the two

setsofdataandthenfindingthedifferencesintheranks(givenbyd).Oncethe differenceshavebeensquared(d2),theymustbesummed(d).Lastly,byusing theformulabelow,thecoefficientcanbeobtained:

AfterIrankedthetwosetsofdataandhadExcel(sheetattachedinRaw DataSamplesection)calculatethecoefficient,Iobtainedthevalueof: 0.340 Keeping in mind that the figure had to be between 1 (very strong negative relationship) and 1 (very strong positive relationship), it can be concludedthattherelationshipbetweenthedistancefromtheCBD,andtheprice of the hotels, has a fairly weak positive relationship. When evaluating the validityofthistest,onemustkeepinmindthatitispossiblethattherelationship - 18 -

Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070 occurredbychanceandtheremaybenosignificancetotherelationship.Also, although15istheminimumamountneededinasampleinorderfortherankto bevalid,Ihaveusedallavailable30hotelsthusincreasingsignificance. By using this data, and the map provided on the previous page, I have shownthatalthoughthereisasignificantweakrelationshipbetweentheprice ofthehotelanditsdistancefromtheCBD(hypothesisVI,aimII),thereseems to be a trend for hotels, both expensive and inexpensive, to cluster around the Rooseveltplaatsanditssurroundingareas.

It is important to consider the benefits that sampling gives us. If, for

example,wewantedtoexamineadistributionofMuslimsorJewsinAntwerpin order to gain better knowledge of the distribution of ethnic groups and the percentagethatlivewithintheCBD,itwouldbeimpossibletointerviewallthe residentshoweverwecouldsampleacrosssection.Wewouldnotbeableto gain access to the complete population as it would take too long and be very expensiveandnearimpossibleandmostofthetimeitisunnecessarytomeasure the whole population if a good random sample can be found. Sampling has various benefits, many of which are largely discussed in Barnaby Lenons FieldworkTechniquesandProjectsinGeography.5

Lenon,Barnaby,andPaulClevens.FieldworkTechniquesandProjectsinGeography.1sted. London:HarperCollins,1994.page13

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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070 MAP4PARKING

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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070 Analysis: The map on the previous page allows us to see that indeed the

distributionofparkingpricesisregular.Thereseemstobeaclusterofparking lots,bothexpensiveandinexpensive,aroundtheRooseveltplaatsregion.There are practically no parking places to the north, south and east, however still a significantnumberofcheapandexpensiveparkinglotstothewest.Thiscanbe explainedbythefactthatthereisasmallmallandmostofAntwerpsshopsare located there, along with the majority of the citys cultural tourist attractions. This data supports hypothesis V, where we claimed that parking prices would decreasewithdistancefromtheCBDasthemapshows.

Having gathered all the data and analysis possible given the restraints, I

feelIhaveenoughadequatedatatodefinetheCBDboundariesfromitscenter at Rooseveltplaats (aim I). Referring back to Burgess Model where the CBD is the social, commercial and cultural heart of the city, often dominated by departmentstores,shops,officesandhotels,Iamconfidentofoutliningthisspot inAntwerp.Takingintoaccountdetailssuchas:therewasmoreretailandoffice space in the west and also south, there was a substantial amount of hotels and parkinglotsnearRooseveltplaatsbutmanywerelocatedtothewestandsouth,

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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070 thereweredecliningtrafficandpedestriancountsasdistanceincreasedforboth southandwest,andsoforth,Ihavebeenabletoestimatetheshapeandspread oftheCBD. This is shown on the following map, though it must be noted that however accurate our data and analysis was, fieldwork like this will show that theclearcutboundarythatBurgessdevelopedisinpracticeveryhardtofind and ismorelikely tobeanareathatmerges intothenextzone (aimI,II).For thisveryreason,IhaveincludedonthemaptheareathatIthinkmostprobably lies within the CBD, but also possible greyareas that show some, but not enough,characteristicsofbeingwithinCBD.Weneedtotakeintoconsideration that authorities would want residential buildings close to offices, redusing the amountoftraveling. PerhapswecouldlookintotheideathatthereismorethanoneCBDin

Antwerp,orthattheCBDisnotacircularzonebutmoreofanellipse(asmy delineationseemstosuggest).Infact,whenresearchingtheCBDofAntwerpon theinternet,IfoundonesourceclaimingitistheareabetweentheriverScheldt andtheCentralstation6.Thisisverymuchinlinewithwhatmydelineation suggest,aswecanclearlyseeanellipseshapedzonedgoingfromjustnortheast oftheRooseveltplaats(wherethestationis)allthewaydownwesttoalmost wheretheriveris.



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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070 MAP5DELINEATION

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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070

One must keep in mind that for the most part, we only investigated 4

separate transects of the city which, for a place like Antwerp that is home to morethanhalfamillionpeople,isunderstandablebecausemappingthewhole citywouldbetoodifficult.Itwouldhavebeenmoreappropriatetodo8ormore transects, considering there were actually that many streets leaving Rooseveltplaatsperhapsthathypothesisneedstobereworked. Themethodsthatappearedtogivethemostaccuratedelimitationofthe

CBDwerethelandusemodels,pedestriancountsandparkingplacesmap.The method that gave the least effective result was the building height analysis. Assumptionsthateachstoreyisthesameheightinmetersisalimitingfactor It must be recognized that in this town, although there was an obvious

CBD,wehadnoclearcutboundaries.TheareaoftheCBDwashoweversimilar tomypreconceivedpictureofitslimits. If I were to repeat this investigation then I would certainly attempt to

includetheCentralBusinessIndexasatechniqueasitinvolvesacombinationof land use characteristics, building height and land values. It was not used because we had problems obtaining total floor and ground areas for the buildings. Another refinement to the techniques used would be to obtain old mapsofAntwerpandseewhethertheCBDhasbeenshifting.

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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070

Waugh,David.Geography:AnIntergratedApproach.ThirdEdition. Cheltenham,England:NelsonThornes,2002. Lenon,Barnaby,andPaulClevens.FieldworkTechniquesandProjectsin Geography.1sted.London:HarperCollins,1994. Flint,Corrin,andDavidFlint.Urbanisation:ChangingEnviroments.2ndEdition. London:HarperCollins,1998. AntwerpFacts.Antwerp.8January2007.Wikipedia.11Jan2006 <>. Antwerp.AviewoncitiesAntwerp.3Jan2007.Aviewoncities.11Jan2007 <>. CentralBusinessDistrict.NotableCBDsanddowntowns.05Jan2007.
Wikipedia.12Jan2007 <>.

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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070

North Transect (Italialei) Lefthand side of Transect Land Use Building No. 1 Gap (Korte Winkel Straat) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Gap (Van Boedel Straat) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Gap (Paarden Markt) 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Width in Metres 69 18 9 10 89 12 6 6 10 7 7 13 21 47 12 19 19 17 17 10 10 13 18 7 8 8 9 13 11 10 40 8 6 4 5 10 8 11 27 20 15 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 4 4 3 4 5 4 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 3 10 3 2 3 8 3 4 3 8 3 2 9 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 4 4 11 3 4 4 9 3 4 4 9 4 3 9 1 Offices 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 0 0 Commercial Residential Other Height in Storeys 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 9 0 16 0 3 3 4 7 6 3 8 3 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 20 0 4 4 5 8 7 4 10 5 9 9

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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070

39 Gap (Tunnel Straat) 40 Gap (Zweden Straat) 41 Gap (Koeikengracht) 42 43 15 80 34 12 48 16 164 71 1 0 28 0 1 18 0 0 155 0 0 7 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 2

North Transect (Italialei) Righthand side of Transect Land Use Building No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Gap (Violierstraat) 13 14 15 16 17 18 Gap (Goudbloemstraat) 19 20 21 22 23 24 Gap (Olijftakstraat) 25 26 27 28 29 Width in Metres 23 10 7 8 34 6 6 17 9 50 12 12 17 25 8 11 11 9 7 17 14 17 13 11 13 14 17 11 12 16 22 20 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 2 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 3 9 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 4 2 2 10 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 3 3 10 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 6 8 5 5 4 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 9 6 5 5 6 Offices 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 Commercial Residential 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 7 1 0 9 10 5 5 9 9 6 2 1 Other 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 9 Height in Storeys 7 2 2 11 11 5 7 10 9 11 4 9

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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070

Gap (Vondelstraart) 30 31 32 33 34 35 Gap (Houwerstraat) 36 37 38 39 40 41 Gap (Cassierstraat) 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Gap (guelincxstraat) 51 52 53 54 55 56 Gap (Van aerdtstraat) 57 58 59 60 61 Gap (de waghemakerestraat) 62 63 64 65 66 67 Gap (Duboisstraat?) 44 45 23 8 13 16 7 13 10 21 9 13 6 40 13 12 10 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 12 3 11 7 6 16 6 7 6 15 7 17 7 8 18 15 10 5 5 6 12 5 11 5 7 0 1 0 0 6 1 0 0 4 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 3 3 3 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 4 7 4 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 8 8 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 10 9 10 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 5 5 3 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 3 4 3 5 8 5 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 3 8 2 0 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 4 4 8 3 0 3 3 4 3 5 8 5 6 4 0 6 5 4 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 4 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 3 3 4

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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070

46 47 12 139 0 0 26 1 1 25 3 0 314 0 0 13 5 8

Northern Misc. data

Direct Distance From Groenplaats (meters North) 450 494 650 725 Direct Distance From Groenplaats (meters North) 22 655 824 1156 Direct Distance From Groenplaats (meters North) 22 655 824 1156 Number of Buse Lines Per Stop 16 2 2 6 Pedestrian Count (per 5 minutes) 103 25 12 5 Traffic Count (per 5 minutes) 455 322 315 360

Direct Distance From Groenplaats (meters North) Price of Appartment space per sqaure meter () 205 416 675 1160 Direct Distance From Groenplaats 10 10 40 250 330 560 1112 2,500 2,500 2,000 1,700 Hotel Price (single bed per night) () 90 80 72 72 65 60 49

Hotel + rank correlation data:


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Alexander Zouev 000051 - 070

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ANTWERP HILTON ASTORIA ASTRID PARK PLAZA ATLANTA HOTEL BILLARD PALACE CAMPANILE ANTWERP CARLTON CORINTHIA HOTEL CROWNE PLAZA DOCKLANDS NH EDEN EXPRESS by HOLIDAY INN FLETCHER HOTEL KEYSERLE FLORIDA HYLLIT HOTEL IBIS HOTEL PLAZA HOTEL RADISSON SAS PARK LANE HOTEL RESIDENCE HOTEL SCANDIC HOTEL ANTWERPEN TOURIST HOTEL SEAMEN'S HOUSE POOL PALACE THE LODGE PRESIDENT HOTEL 245 77 95 62 35 65 110 155 175 65 78 44 65 60 99 60 74 190 75 145 44 42 48 35 60 2000 400 450 500 170 7200 550 8700 9200 2300 1200 2300 100 300 200 360 2500 1800 100 6300 330 3200 200 440 370

Spearman Rank Order Correlation - Ungrouped Data Statistic Value Correlation (not corrected) 0.340267 Correlation (corrected) t-Test (n>10) Degrees of Freedom Critical 2-sided T-value (5%) Critical 1-sided T-value (5%) D-square value (calculated) D-square value (expected) Standard Deviation z-Test Probability Observations

0.339017 1.906832 28 2.048 1.701 2965.5 4495 834.700545 -1.832394 0.0658 30

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