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Synopsis On

Look within or do without

Written By-Tom Bay

Submitted By: Manas R.Pradhan (M2-22) (M2-32) (M2-45) Niharika Singh Sandeep Davis

About The Author

Tom Bay is an immensely popular motivational speaker who has addressed hundreds of groups in the areas of sales, personality profile, team building and employee morale. He is

the author of the successful Career Press motivational guide CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE.

About The Book

Look Within or Do Without is an easy-toread, motivational book that guides readers to discover the changes they need to make within themselves. Changes that will make them more disciplined, more focused, and more spiritual. More able to identify their personal definition of success and make that vision a reality

Confidence Discipline Self Persistent Progressive

Look within or Do Without

According to the author we are born looking out when we should look within. He says that if you dont look within yourself then you will look

without. Which means that the value of each persons life comes from within that person only, not from outside.

Discipline means defining success for yourself. If you believe someone else

can define success for you then you need to think again. The traits of discipline and reevaluated your definition of success. Being disciplined means that your incharge of your life. Example- Many a times it is easy to yield control to a bottle of pills, a bottle of six pack, tobacco, food, emotion, blackmail, social status, traumatic memories and fear of failure-the list is endless yet it all bails down to only one question that how you are in-charge of your life and if you cannot give the answer with confidence I AM than we must you need to develop your discipline.

2. Self Confident
According to a psychologist NATHAIEL BRANDEN self confident is the ability to think and cope up with the challenges of daily life. And according to Walmart founder SAM WALTON self confident is even more important in business. Self confidence is a belief in yourself and your abilities, a mental attitude of trusting or relying on yourself. Confidence is sometimes equated with freedom from doubt; however when confidence is needed is usually when the outcome is uncertain, so that true confidence is actually about feeling comfortable with uncertainty

and not knowing what the outcome will be.

3. Persistent

4. Progressive
Progressive means looking within & resolving to go all out to do your best. It has nothing to do with perfection. It simply means deciding which thing in your life is so important that they deserve your best effort. Trying to make progress in all

In 1908 William hoover realized that before long automobiles would destroy hiss business of making leather accessories for horsedrawn carriage , so he strated the Eletric Suction Sweeper Company. In 1980 Sony began disturbing the Walik man because Akito mortia noticed that young people like to listen to music where they went. Mortio decided that no market research needed because the public does not know what is possible. We do. Each of these people made one basic decision that required hundered of other decision down the road. By being decisive each created a niche for something new. Now some charateristics of decisive people, the steps in making a decision and the fear that prevent people from making any decision.

Decide to be decisive:
Decisive people are flexible and take the initiative, they are oriented toward action, achievement and results. For example: If a friend or relative has durgs or alcohol problem, we have two choices: organizing an intervention to make the friend or relative face facts and get treatment, or accepting things as they are and hoping for the best . The first choice could mean temporary alienation or complete loss of friendship. The second choice could mean attending a friends or relatives funeral. A decisive person who valuses friendships would begin organizing; an indecisive person would wait and see.

Steps to making decision:

Unlike a 2 year old who has just learned to say no, most of us have to work on aquirring such decisiveness later in life. Following are to speed up our decisions: 1. Determine your objectives. 2. Consider the worst that can happen as a result of your decision. Can we accept the worst. 3. Take time to examine all the angels. 4. When you come to an impasse, ask your self how someone you admire would handle the decision. 5. Ask for advice from someone who had made similar decisions.

After made the decision dont second gucess yourself.

Facts Destorys Deciciveness:

At sometime or other each of us has worried, What if I make wrong decision? The next time you question your decision making ability. Fear literally freezes our minds and body, we feel our muscles tighten up. Psychologist comments that when our body feels tight,our brain often freezes right along with our body, so our thinking becomes limited as well.

Fear of failure
Most often, fear of failure doesnot cause you to make the wrong decision. Remember that a lot of people fail and live to tell about it. Thomas Edison failed thousand times , but we remember him for his successes, such as light bulb and phonograph. Fear of failure causes us to distrust our ability to think, learn, and make decision.

Fear of self
Some people fear making decision outside their area of expertise. Feeling one-dimensional, they paste a good at only one thing label themselves, completely ignoring the varied ability they have and their ability to learn and grow. Such narrow thinking makes a computer whiz incapable of deciding on a vacation destination.

Fear of looking foolish

Decision-makers are allowed to look foolish, to stop being overly serious about life, and to make a little time to play. Albert Einstein wrote that the freedom to play with ideas and concepts is a vital source of creativity. If Einstein didnt mind looking foolish then who are we to feel self conscious?

Fear of unknown
Fear of being intimidated by uncertain results keeps people from making marvelous discoveries. The unknown is simply something that you have not learned about yet , that in itself is neither good nor bad, just unknown. As I always remind people , if u have one foot on the dock and other on the boat, your are not going anywhere. The only way to get somewhere is to decisively paddle out into the unknown.

Fear of change
Just because something is familiar does not mean it cannot be improved on.

When Stefanie Spiel man learned that she had breast cancer, her husband had to choose between his two obsessions-football and family. That decision turned out to be a non-brainer;four time Pro Bowl linebacker Chris Spiel man opted to sit out for the 1998 season to take care for his wife and family. Known for his hard worker who played with determination, Spielman focused his winning spirit on helping his wife recovery. During the recovery he frequently spoke to womans group about the importance of havin breast exam. He also raised money for the breast cancer research. Once his wife was recovered than he returned to the game. During a preseason game , for the first time in his life he was helped off the field. For several second he was not able to move his arms or legs due to neck injury. Once again he had to choose between being healthy fir his family and the incurring paralysis due to injuries while playing the game he loved. Here again he choosed his family. From this we can say that he valued as a husband , a father, a family man; he also values being successful whatever he does. In this we look at focusing on value based priorities , ways to determine your priorities and successful people like Chris who focuse on what is importance to them.

Identify Your Values

By looking within we can identify which values are really meaningful to us, then we can set our priorities to achieves those values. At some point , people who havent identified their values are forced to do so by crisis, trauma, or catastrophe that brings them up short and makes them decide what they truly value.

Focus On Your Value-based Priorities

Priorities are part dream, part struggle, part expectation and a part discipline. Dreams are the most motivating part of all priorities. The dream causes us to expect whatever we desire when we look within; even when our dreams changes through the year, our expectations remains strong. The struggle results from our knowledge that we must work to achieve our dream; and discipline causes us to focus on keeping our valued based priorities on track each day.

Choose Reasonable Priorities

Deciding on specific priorities can be impossible if we expect to be perfect, or to set priorities based on others values. Also , we may find it hard to give up something to change or take a chance. Our priorities changes so our value changes , reviewing our values and reassessing our priorities becomes constant ongoing way to focus on success.

1. Being Courageous, Fearless, And Bold
Fullfill your Vision Take risk Willingly Risking conviction

2. Taking Risk
Visionary make decision that have an uncertain potential for gain or loss ; only rarely is the probability of gain or loss conclusive. The potential gains include money , health , power, respect, prestige, and positive relationship. The losses include the possibility of injury , liability , embarrassment and wasted resourses. If we want to be a visionary then we have to take risk. Whether we are comfortable in taking risk all depends on our personal experience, the culture of our family and work place. We should remember that fear is simply a fantasy event appearing real.

3. Take Challenging, Calculated Risk

Visionary choose calculated risks that contain a good possibility of success.

LUCKY 1. Be Prepared For Luck

Luck is any force or circumstance that brings us good fortune. We can define luck as an opportunity meeting preparedness. Think about that and you will realize why I am certain that we each create our own luck. PREPAREDNESS + OPPURTINITY= LUCK

2. Adopt A Lucky Attitude

Anticipating luck is very important because people who think they are lucky tend to take more risk, this increases their chances of success. Take for instance two real estate sales people one who feels lucky and another who feels unlucky. In determining their advertising budget, the unlucky salesperson may factor in that she is unlucky and budget less money because real estate is very hard to sell right now. The lucky salesperson may increase his advertising budget because the market has been depressed and he wants to attracts buyers and sellers. This sales strategy has worked very well for him in the past and besides lucks on his side.

EXCELS 1. Pursue Excellence

This quote from Vince Lombardi , legendary coach of the Green Bay Packers , say : As far as excellence is concerned , we can never be perfect , but in our striving for perfection , we will achieve excellence. Note that Lomdardi emphasizes the possible and not impossible. A person who excel can make incremental improvement in the quality of a product , service , or relation . the process of excelling is an all-out effort to do the absolute , no holds barred best that you can.

2. Making Excellence A Personal Value

Before attempting to create a desire for excellence in other wise , we need to learn how truth ,goodness , beauty, and unity can create a foundation for excellence within ourselves. Truth Goodness Beauty Unity


Enthusiastic people become successful,while those lacking enthusiasm go no where and are miserable.Herb Ashley defines enthusisasm as the ingredient that provides the spark in the life the extinguisher of fear,suspicion,and doubt of others and of self. Enthusiasm defines self acceptance,self awareness and self -discipline, it helps people become themselves without having to apologies to anybody,thereby generating a personal harmony with oneself. Enthusiasm encourages individuals to aim high and aim again if they miss. Enthusiastic people always see a broader picture full of opportunity and intriguing possibilities. Enthusiastic people have greater peace of mind, higher self esteem, a stronger sense of wellbeing, better physical health and increase success at work. People who have a positive mental outlook have a distinct edge in life over others who r less enthusiastic. Some researchers believe enthusiasm is learned behaviour that parents either encourage or discourage during childhood. Some people seem to be born with a lot of joy juice i.e higher levels of brain chemical dopamine. Attitude and effort are the very roots of enthusiasm .Enthusiasm is contagious; you cant give it if you dont have it and you cant catch it if you are not around it.



A sense of purpose it what keeps the souls alive; it is our reason to be. After we look within, the answer come to us and for the rest of our life we keeps unfolding as our resolve get stronger and as we dig deeper. People with a sense of purpose are self directed a characteristic that people with one specific purpose lack. Self directed people have the following things in common: 1) As dreamers, they use their dreams to help themselves stay on track for their purpose. 2) As achievers, they focus on what they do best, rather than trying to do lots of things minimally well 3) As responsible people, they own up to their choices and are not control by others 4) As people of action, they are undeterred by fear, uncertainty, and change 5) As people who recognized that, they need our people, they thrive on interdependence. Improver To be an improver one should start looking within and deciding how you can help others.improver are good corporate citizens as they improve the business and the world as such.the more you give the more you get back.There are more than enough volunteer jobs to go around,so help yourself to one.improving the world is not something for only the over -50 crowd.when people think of all volunteers as gray and retired,they are short changing the younger generation. No matter what your age,consider these suggestions when choosing a volunteer position and/or becoming a regular: 1) choose something you have a passion for and something you can do

2) Investigate your communitys needs to see where you can fit in. 3) Arrange to visit the site or agency and talk with a volunteer for a realistic description of what going on there.


Spiritual people have a sense of humility;they believe that a higher power or god is more important than themselves.spirituality has many facets as a well-cut diamond.spirituality means orienting ourselves to our world so that we are in awe,wonder,and amazement at the splendour of universe.some describe their spirituality as stressing the unity of all human beings and the unity of all being.for others,its networking with god.For still others,it is being aware our connection to god,the earth,and others.for all of us spirituality nourishes the flame of the spirit within. Developing our spiritual natures causes us to: 1)Serve others by improving their lives and finding better ways to communicate with them. 2)Listen with our hearts because we learn by listening. 3)Cheerlead to help others experience lifes delight,joy,and surprise. 4)find the good in others actions. 5)Offer forgiveness by understanding rather than judging. 6)Build others self esteem. 7)Walk our talk to align actions with our stated beliefs. 8)Encourage and praise excellence in others.


Live for nothing and die for something The only reason for the triumph of evil is when the good men do nothing

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