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Big Understanding: The most efficient and environmentally friendly ways of producing electricity.

Wind Turbines
Use a renewable source-wind Make the most of the wind, face to turn the wind-produce more electricity Build in many locations Provide many jobs Keeps electricity costs down Controls floods No pollution Constant electricity production Provide many jobs Use a renewable source-water Keeps electricity costs down

They kill birds Take up a lot of space Expensive to build and maintain Take up land and destroy some animals natural environment Create sound pollution Burn lots of jet fuel transporting them Kill and harm fish and their natural habitats Can be damaged in major floods Cost lots of money to build Take up lots of land space Sometimes, towns need to be flooded to build them Not many places are suitable for large scale dams PV cells are made at fossil fuel plants which pollute the environment Cost lots of money to install Demand is greater than supply

Hydroelectric Dams

Solar Panels

Fossil Fuel Plants

Provide free electricity No effect on the environment- dont cause pollution They have many uses Can be used in lots of locations They generally dont take up much room in the environment eg on roofs Use a renewable source-suns light Store electricity when there is no sun Only a little amount of fossils are needed to generate a large amount of electricity Scientists have created a fossil fuel plant that doesnt pollute the environment At the moment there are still a large amount of fossils to be mined

They pollute the environment Cause global warming and acid rain They cost lots of money to build and maintain them They dont use a renewable source They can cause health problems like asthma and cancer They take up lots of space and the right location is needed to build them

Big Understanding: How can we take responsibility to care for ourselves, others, and our environment?
You are an active member on the Horizons Resource Management Board. The Board is about to vote on a structure/machine/farm that will be built for the purpose of producing electricity to all the homes in your region. The vote requires you to rank your preferences, (1 being your first preference and 4 being your last preference), and to write your reasons for your first choice.
Horizons Resource Management Voting Paper (Confidential)

Your Name: ___________________ Rank Machine/Structure Hydroelectric Dam Wind Farm Solar Farm Fossil Fuel Plant

Write in detail, your reasons for your First choice: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

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