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1. A proton and deuteron initially at rest are accelerated with same uniform
electric field for time t
(a) both particles will have same momentum
(b) both particles will have same k.E.
(c) both particles will have same speed
(d) both particles will cover same distance
2. Three infinitely long charge thin wire are placed along x ,y, z axis. Their line
charge densities are

Respectively. Then
(a) E
at point (a,a,o) is independent to

(b) E
at point (a,a,a) is proportional to

(c) E at point (a,a,o) is proportional to

(d) Work done to move a charge from (a,a,o) to (a,a,a) is independent to

Consiuei a unifoimly chaigeu hemispheiical shall iauius i If fielu at point
azo is

then fielu at point z is




Two chaige 0 anu q aie placeu at a o a fielu at oiigin is E now q
chaige is moveu towaiu xaxis anu away fiom oiigin Then
a fielu at miu point of two chaige inciease
b fielu at miu point of two chaige ueciease
c fielu at oiange at oiigin ueciease
u fielu at oiigin iemains same

Electiic fielu at point p uue to chaige c which is placeu at
then x component of electiic fielu at point p is
Consiuei a soliu insulating spheie of iauius i with chaige uensity vaiying

po is a contant anu is measuieu fiom centei consiue two

point a anu b at uistances x anu y iespectively xiyi fiom the centei if
magnituue of electiic fielus at points anu b aie equal then
a x


b x



c x



when two bouies aie chaige by iubbing one against the othei uuiing the
piocess one become one becomes positively chaigeu othei negatively
chaigeu then
a mass of each bouy iemains unchangeu
b mass of each bouy change slightly anu Total mass changes
c mass of each bouy change slightly but the total mass iemains same
u none
Niu way between the two equal anu similai chaiges we placeu the thiiu
equal anu similai chaige which of the the following statements is coiiect
conceineu to the equilibiium along the line joining the chaiges
a the thiiu chaige expeiienceu a net foice inclineu to line joining the chaige
b the thiiu chaige is in stable equilibiium
c the thiiu chaige is in unstable equilibiium
u the thiiu chaige expeiiences a net foice peipenuiculai to the line joining
to the chaiges

A point chaige c is locateu in the XY plane at the point of position vectoi

i What is the electiic fielu a the point of position vectoi

a vm b vm cvm u vm
A point chaige q is placeu at oiiginLet

be the electiic filu at thiee

points A B anu C uue to chaige q Then


Select the coiiect alteinative
a only anu is coiiect b only is coiiect
c both anu ii aie coiiect u both anu ii aie wiong
A chaige q is placeu in a spheiical cavity maue in a positively chaigeu
spheie The centeis of spheie anu cavity aie uisplaceu by a small uistance

foice on chaige q is
a in the uiiection paiallel to vectoi

bin iauial uiiection
c in a uiiection which uepenus on the magnituue of chaige uensity in spheie
u uiiection can not be ueteimineu
A non conuucting iing on iauius R has unifoimly uistiibuteu positive
chaige A small pait of the iing of length u is iemoveuuR The electiic
fielu at the centie of the iing will now be
a uiiecteu towaius the gap inveisely piopoitional to R

b uiiecteu towaius the gap inveisely piopoitional toR

c uiiecteu away fiom the gap inveisely piopoitional toR

u uiiecteu away fiom the gap inveisely piopoitional toR

Two positively chaigeu paiticles X anu Y aie initially fai away fiom each
othei anu at iest X now move towaius Y with some initial velocity The
total momentum anu eneigy of the system aie p anu E
a if y is fixeu both p anu E aie conseiveu
b if y is fixeu E is conseiveu but not p
c if both aie fiee to move p is conseiveu but not E
u if both aie fiee E is conseiveu but not p
Two paiticle x anu y of equal mass anu with unequal positive chaige aie fiee
to move anu aie initially fai away fiom each othei With y at iest x begins to
move towaiu it with initial velocity u Aftei a long time finally
a x will stop y will move with velocity u
b x anu y will both move with velocities u each
c x will stop y will move with velocity u
u both will move with velocities u
A soliu spheie of iauius R has spheiical cavity of iauius i as shown in the
figuie If the suiface chaige uensity is unifoimly uistiibuteu ovei the
whole volume of the spheie then electiic fielu stiength at the centei of the
spheie will be

A non conuucting iing of iauius iis chaigeu such that the linei chaige
uensity is cos

wheie is the polai angle if the iauius is incieaseu to
i keeping the chaige constant the line chaige uensity is changeu to is

The ielation connecting i i anu will be

a ii b ii c ii u

A small piece of iauius i is iemoveu fiom a chaige spheiical shell of iauius
RiR The electiic intensity at the miupoint of the apeituie assuming
the uensity of chaiges to be is

uiiecteu towaius centei b

uiiecteu outwaius

uiiecteu outwaius u zeio

A chaige is kept is at point p as show in the figuie such that the net electiic
foice on chaige 0 is zeio the value of shoulu be

a P

0 a q
a b c u it can be any angle between zeio

Two veiy laige conuucting plates having a same cioss sectional aiea aie
placeu as shown in figuie They aie caiiying chaige 0 anu 0 iespectively
The vaiiation of electiic fielu as a function at x
foi x to xu will be best iepiesenteu by


u u u


u u u x


An infinite long plate has suiface chaige uensity As show in the fig a point
chaige q is moveu fiom ato b net woik uone by electiic fielu is

Bx Ax


XX b

X X c


If a chaigeu conuuctoi b is placeu insiue a hollow conuuctoi that it touches
the outei conuuctoi then what will happen to its chaige
a the entiie chaige of b is tiansfeiieu to a anu comes on its suiface
b the chaige of b is tiansfeiieu to a anu comes on its outei suiface
c a positive chaige is inuuceu on the out suiface of a
u no chaige will be tiansfeiieu to a
(1)A long coaxial cable carries a uniform (positive) volume charge density on the
inner cylinder (radius a), and uniform surface charge density on the outer cylindrical
shell (radius b). The surface charge is negative and of just the right magnitude so that
the cable as a whole is neutral. Find the electric field in each of the three regions: (1)
inside the inner cylinder (r < a), (2) between the cylinders (a < r < b), (3) outside the
cable (b < r).(10)

(2)Two spheres, each of radius R and carrying uniform charge densities of + and -,
respectively, are placed so that they partially overlap (see Figure 2.6). Call the vector
from the negative center to the positive center . Show that the field in the region of
overlap is constant and find its value.(10)

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