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DIVORCE AND CHILDREN Getting divorce and going through divorce can be stressful, and confusing.

. Chil dren may feel uncertain about divorce and what life will be like, after divorce. Divorce isnt easy, but as a parent you can make your divorce and its effects les s painful for your children. The first thing that comes with divorce is custody. If both parents are assigned the custody after divorce its called Joint physical Custody. In joint physical cus tody, actual lodging and care of the child after divorce is shared according to a court-ordered custody schedule. If your children live with one parent, that pa rent has "sole physical custody" after divorce. Helping your children cope with your divorce means providing stability in your h ome and attending to your childrens physical and emotional needs after divorce. Y our children need to know that your divorce isnt their fault. Youll need to take c are of yourself after divorce and work as peacefully as possible with your ex. D ivorce can be devastating but you need to strengthen yourself during this transi tion. Divorce wont be a seamless process, but your children can move forward feel ing confident in your unconditional love. There are many ways you can help your kids adjust to divorce. Your patience, rea ssurance, and listening ear can minimize tension during divorce as children lear n to cope with your divorce. If you can maintain a working relationship with you r ex after divorce, you can help children avoid the stress that comes with watch ing parents in divorce. When it comes to telling your children about your divorc e, make the conversation on divorce a little easier on both yourself and your ch ildren by preparing before you sit down to talk about divorce. Your children are entitled to know why you are getting a divorce, but long-winded reasons may onl y confuse them. Youll need to pick and choose how much to tell your children about your divorce. Think carefully about how certain information about divorce will affect them. I n general, younger children need less detail, while older children may need more information about your divorce. After divorce you need to reassure your kids at every moment. But despite the hardships of a divorce, there are many things you can do to lift yourself up after divorce and cope successfully with your divorc eand come out wise and strong on the other side.

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