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Lyrics to Ho Bisogno D'amore : Certe sere spengo la luce e rimango per ore da solo con me resto l con la radio

accesa a guardare nel buio perch faccio i conti con la mia vita e poi dico a me stesso adesso o mai pi cerco le intenzioni migliori piango tutti gli errori perch ho bisogno d'amore e di aprire il mio cuore in un mondo che corre pi veloce di me di cercare un mio senso delle cose a cui penso ho bisogno di te dimmi dove sei resto l a guardarmi allo specchio e mi chiedo se un giorno io ti incontrer forse questa notte anche te vuoi parlare con me perch hai bisogno d'amore e di aprire il tuo cuore in un mondo che corre pi veloce di te di cercare un tuo senso delle cose a cui pensi hai bisogno di me dimmi dove sei hai bisogno d'amore.. ho bisogno di te ho bisogno d'amore e di aprire il mio cuore in un mondo che corre pi veloce di me di cercare un mio senso piccolissimo e immenso ho bisogno di te dimmi dove sei ho bisogno d'amore.. ho bisogno di te hai bisogno di me dimmi dove sei ho bisogno di te dimmi dove sei

Lyrics to I Need Love: Some evenings I turn off the light and spend hours alone with me stand there with the radio on to look in dark because I deal with my life and then tell me the same is now or never I try I cry all the best intentions errors because I need love and open my heart in a world that moves faster than me My search for a sense of things that I think I need you tell me where you stand there looking at me in the mirror and wonder if one day I'll meet you Perhaps you also want to speak tonight

with me because need of love and open your heart in a world that moves faster than you Your search for a sense of things that think you need me tell me where you you need love .. I need you I need love and open my heart in a world that moves faster than me My search for a sense of immense and very small I need you tell me where you I need love .. I need you you need me tell me where you I need you tell me where you

Lyrics to I Need Love: Some evenings I turn off the light and spend hours alone with me stand there wit h the radio on and watch in the dark because I deal with my life and then say to myself now or never seek the best intentions because I cry all the errors I nee d love and open my heart in a world that moves faster than me to find my sense o f things that I think I need you tell me where you stand there looking at me in the mirror and wonder if one day I maybe this'll meet you also want to obtain be cause you need to talk to me of love and open your heart in a world that moves f aster than you to seek your own sense of things that you think you need me tell me where you have need love .. I need you I need love and open my heart in a wor ld that moves faster than me to find my way small and immense, I need you tell m e where you need love .. I need you need me tell me where you are I need you tel l me where you

Lyrics to I Need Love: Beberapa malam saya mematikan lampu dan menghabiskan berjam-jam saja dengan saya berdiri di sana dengan radio dan menonton dalam gelap karena saya menghadapi hi dup saya dan kemudian berkata kepada diriku sendiri sekarang atau tidak pernah m encari niat terbaik karena saya menangis semua kesalahan aku membutuhkan cinta d an membuka hati saya dalam dunia yang bergerak lebih cepat dari saya untuk menem ukan perasaan saya hal yang saya rasa saya perlu kau katakan padaku di mana Anda berdiri di sana menatapku di cermin dan bertanya-tanya apakah suatu hari saya m ungkin ini akan menemui Anda juga ingin mendapatkan karena Anda perlu berbicara dengan saya tentang cinta dan membuka hati Anda dalam dunia yang bergerak lebih cepat dari Anda untuk mencari rasa Anda sendiri hal-hal yang Anda pikir Anda mem butuhkan saya ceritakan di mana Anda memiliki membutuhkan cinta .. Aku butuh kam

u aku butuh cinta dan membuka hati saya dalam dunia yang bergerak lebih cepat da ri saya untuk menemukan jalan kecil dan besar, aku butuh kau memberitahuku di ma na kau membutuhkan cinta .. Aku butuh kau membutuhkan aku ceritakan di mana Anda berada aku ingin kau mengatakan padaku di mana Anda

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