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Steps for the Cognos BI Server 8.3 Installation and configuration (With Vista and Apache 2.




Install Cognos server 8.3 on Windows Vista 2-11


Install Apache 2.2 on Windows Vista 12-15


Configure Apache 2.2 on Windows Vista 16-18

(A) Install Cognos server 8.3 on Windows Vista

Step-1 Locate C:\Cognos 8 BI Server 8.3\win32 and click on issetup.exe file

Step-2 Select the language and click on Next

Step-3 Choose I accept option and click on Next

Step-4 Select Path for Cognos Installation and click on Next

Step-5 If given directory does not exit then you will get the following message : Do you want to create it during installation Click on Yes

Step-6 Select Cognos Content Database option and click on Next

Step-7 Select the folder where you want put Cognos 8 server Shortcut

Step-8 Check the summary list and click on Next

Step-9 Now wait for the completion of Installation Process

Step-10 Now you can see the Finish screen along with transfer log and summary-error log Click on Finish

(B) Install Apache 2.2 on Windows Vista

Find Out If What Service or Program is Listening on Port 80 :
To discover if there is any program monitoring port 80 you can use the "netstat" program from the command prompt. To open a command prompt in Vista, click the Windows button (ie, the Start menu, although it's no longer labelled as such), type "cmd" into the empty field, and hit the ENTER key. A black command prompt window will open. In that window, type "netstat -ao" (without the quotation marks) and hit ENTER. (Note: the "o" in "-ao" is the letter "o".) If your window is too small for you to see all the lines, you can scroll up (with the scroll bar on the right side of the window) to view the entire list. Look for any line that has "TCP" in the first column (the "Proto" column), a string of characters that end in ":80" in the "Local Address" column (typically ""), and "LISTENING" in the "State" column. If so, it means that you have some program already listening on port 80. To find out which program, note the number in the PID column of that line.

Now hit Ctrl+Shift+ESC on your keyboard. That is, hold down the Ctrl and Shift key on your keyboard, and press the ESC key. The Windows Task Manager should open. Click the "Services" tab in that window. Look for a matching PID to find the name of the service that is listening on that port. That is, scroll down the list until you find a line that has the same PID. Then look at the name of the service on the left. The name of the service is informative enough for you to track down the program that currently uses that port. If so, start up that program (eg from your Start menu) and look for a way to stop it from listening on port 80 in its Options. Programs that listen to port 80 include the IIS (a web server from Microsoft) and Skype. (You can stop Skype from listening on port 80 from its Advanced Options.)

Download Apache 2.2

Download Apache 2.2 from the Apache site . Download link:

Now click on apache_2.2.13-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi (Win32 Binary without

crypto (no mod_ssl) (MSI Installer)

Save the file on your desktop. Before you run the installer, you will need to open the command prompt window as administrator. To do this, click the Start menu button, the "All Programs" menu item, the "Accessories" folder, and look for the item "Command Prompt". Do NOT click it, or you'll be running the command prompt with normal rights (even if you're logged in as an administrator). Instead, right click "Command Prompt" (click with the right mouse button), and click the "Run as administrator"
Type the following line into the window followed by the ENTER key. Include all the quotation marks and the percent sign. cd "%USERPROFILE%\desktop"

This command switches you to your desktop directory, where you have saved your Apache installer. Now run the installer by typing the full name of the file (including the extension, especially if it has an ".msi" extension) on the command line and hitting ENTER.

Now the Apache installation wizard will pop up click on next

When you come to the "Server Information" window, enter "localhost" (without the quotation marks) in both the "Network Domain" and "Server Name" fields. In the "Administrator's Email Address" field, enter whatever email address you wish.

leave the default setting of "Typical" and click "Next". You'll be asked for the location to install Apache. Leave it at the default of "c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache 2.2\". I will assume that you've installed to this location in the rest of this article. Click "Next". When the "Ready to Install the Program" window appears, click the "Install" button. The setup utility will proceed to set up Apache on your machine. When the installer is done, click the "Finish" button to dismiss it. There should be no error messages or error windows.

Once you've finished all the above steps, you should be able to see a new icon in your system tray

Doubleclick the icon to open up the Apache Monitor program. A window, "Apache Service Monitor", will appear. This program allows you to start and stop the Apache web server on your machine.

At this point, the Apache web server is fully functional. To make sure that the server is properly set up, start up your web browser, and go to the address "http://localhost/". If you see a simple web page with the words "It works!", it means that the server installation was successful.

(C) Configure Apache 2.2 on Windows Vista

Locate C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf and Add the following entries in blue in the httpd.conf file
ScriptAlias /cognos8/cgi-bin/ "c:/Program Files/cognos/c8/cgi-bin/" ScriptAlias /cognos8/cgi-bin "c:/Program Files/cognos/c8/cgi-bin"

<Directory "c:/Program Files/cognos/c8/cgi-bin"> Options ExecCGI Indexes FollowSymlinks AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory>

Alias /cognos8/help/ "c:/Program Files/cognos/c8/webcontent/documentation/" <Directory "c:/Program Files/cognos/c8/webcontent/documentation/"> Options Indexes FollowSymlinks AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory>

Alias /cognos8/ "c:/Program Files/cognos/c8/webcontent/" Alias /cognos8 "c:/Program Files/cognos/c8/webcontent" <Directory "c:/Program Files/cognos/c8/webcontent"> Options Indexes FollowSymlinks AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory>

<Directory "c:/Program Files/cognos/c8/cgi-bin"> Options ExecCGI Indexes FollowSymlinks AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all AuthName "Cognos" AuthType Basic #AuthBasicProvider Cognos-ldap #require valid-user </Directory>


Start the Apache

Step-3 Type the following URL http://localhost:80/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi

Cognos window should appear.

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