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ABSENT HEALING by Clive-Digby-Jones

The desire to and the ability to heal others, or, in our terms, help others to heal, is as
old as humanity and is fuelled by a desire to alleviate the pain of those around us
who are suffering. We are all going to die at some point, so helping stimulate the
mind, body, spirit to stay healthy, to prolong our life and the life of those we love and
encounter, is one of the highest callings. That our system is designed to heal itself is
evident in the way that wounds heal and organs can regenerate themselves. So
staying healthy has more to do with finding out what stops that natural process. Our
parents all were born into an age where the Doctor was all knowing and all-powerful
and both our mothers survived cancer with their help. They were also born into an
era where the causes of illness were attributed to God’s will or were their punishment
for their sins and they were not taught to explore their part in their illness or the
possible causes at an energetic level. They would take pills, and in Clive’s mom’s
case is open to homeopathic and alternative remedies. To be unable to pass on to
them what we know how to do has been frustration, so, in addition to the occasional
hands on healing for two of our parents, we resorted to absent healing. So what is
absent healing in general and specifically related to RAPSI™?

In different models of healing, the healer may be taught to send their energy to
another person to help alleviate their pain. They may work with the person’s
unconscious mind or they may be taught to draw in divine energy and act as a
conduit, sending the energy to another via their hands or via their focused intention.
Or they are taught to increase their energetic vibration and to, in turn, help a patient
increase the rate of their energy vibration (sometimes working with symbols) to help
the body heal itself. There is then a belief that when they activate their healing of
others they may be vulnerable and take in ‘negative energies’ and so there are rituals
to cleanse the body or to cloak the body in light.

For us, it is the experience of radiating that symbolizes and demonstrates a healthy
human System. Radiating is from the inside out. Those that have achieved this say
that their energy field dissolves or dispels any negativity that previously would have
affected them; so ongoing rituals are unnecessary. So, for the facilitator and the
client alike, radiating from the inside out is the key. For someone who is unwell, the
best way to help that person to heal themselves is to help them find and expand their
pockets of energy until they are fully radiating (face-to-face or at a distance); so we
do not aim to put light or energy in, we aim to help draw it out.

Think of a worried Parent sending ‘worry’ to their teenager, sending their negatively
tinged energy and then wondering why the youngster rejects their concern
Or responds negatively. As a process of absent healing, we teach the parent to see
their child/teenager in their minds eye, find their compressed or hidden energy, look
in, thanking each layer until they find the pure white light and then help that light
expand radiating out of the teenager’s/child’s body. As the light expands, the form
dissolves and the light continues expanding and both the parent and the youngster
can notice the effects. The parent feels relief, trust and peace. Since what they are
seeing may be formed out of their own energy, this healing is transforming something
that is unwell, unhappy and may be ‘misbehaving’ in them. If they are holding onto
any of the child’s energy, that energy returns to the child who is the better for it. The
parent’s connection to their child after the healing shifts and often the child’s
behaviour changes appropriately. But what if the child is seriously ill or dying, can
this really affect the child? We have some evidence to show that distant healing
works and this would tie in with the latest understanding in physics and biology that
we are all part of a unified field, something that the mystics have said for millennia.
At the very least, the parent feels better about their child and responds accordingly.
Remember that when a parent sends a child to us for help, often it is the parent who
needs to do some work; the child is just growing up. We hold a healing circle
monthly with a few of our graduates meeting together and others tapping in remotely.
The focus can be the living or the deceased, an individual, family, statesman or a
culture, whomever is suggested or asks for help.

In our experience, the process of absent healing works although it is difficult

sometimes to verify this, especially if you are healing the departed. If the only benefit
was to help a person feel better about someone else’s plight, that has to be an
advantage and, for us, there is more happening and people at great distances have
commented that they felt something positive happen and a condition changed at the
time of the healing.

We both received an absent healing from the healer (Mark Woodhouse) in the USA,
working with the ‘Band of Mercy’, an out of body healing team (for us a part of his
expanded energetic self). Clive was in the UK and we had met Mark at a seminar
where he impressed us and we were interested to experience his work. We both
knew that the healing was about to take place and lay comfortably on a bed in
separate rooms. We understand that Mark was working differently to us in terms of
his process of healing. Here are Clive’s comments (my experience was similar and I
remember sense seeing a doctor standing over me and examining me, presumably
one of the Band of Mercy, his healing team, that he works with):

I noticed that the candle was making the shape of a double ring of light on the
ceiling and I watched it moving occasionally as the candle flickered. I
became aware that the candle was flickering quite a lot and pushed the door
closed to stop any draught. However, the flickering increased.

Then I noticed the warmth increasing all around my body and the beginnings
of a pungent, almost acrid smell in my nostrils. There was a sensation in the
centre of my forehead and I remember thinking that he might be stimulating
my third eye. I began to feel movements in my body. The most immediate
was a pain in my right chest and then a release. A feeling in the left side of
my chest followed this. I remember thinking that it was feeling as if there was
a healing between the two sides of my heart. I closed my eyes and went with
the experience. At one moment I felt the pressure to move my left arm, which
was under the covers, to stretch it out down the side of my body. There were
some skin sensations and itching around my face. I fell into a sleep, and was
awoken to find the candle flame having dimmed to a small flame and the
room in near darkness. At this point it was 25 minutes from the start point.
This was significant because Mark had mentioned that he would be working
for about 30 minutes, but that his healing team would continue to work for
sometime afterwards.

I continued to rest and again I slept. Occasionally, I felt a sensation in my left

ear (I had some loss of hearing there, something Mark would not know in
consciousness), a feeling of an opening taking place, of something working
on/in my ear, some itching and I felt the need to put my finger into it and to
relieve the itching. I lay mostly unconscious until I sensed the light in the
room increase and I opened my eyes to find the candle flame had grown to its
original size. It was 10.25. Was this the increase in light, my body clock or
the leaving of the healer or his team that awoke me? I don’t know, but I felt
relaxed and capable of simply staying there and sleeping the night. However,
I decided to come down and write down my experience.

I am left feeling as if something in my chest has been healed, and as if my left

ear has opened (I experiences some improved clarity in my hearing) and
wondering about Mark’s special link to the spirit world, or his ability to ‘read’
what is happening in others and to communicate at the subtlest of levels to
affect changes. This fits with my own experiences of energetically matching
other people. I am most grateful to Mark for the experience.

So here are some examples of Absent Healing with the living and the dead –
the process is the same using inner vision, telepathic communication and the
RAPSI™ journey:

1) Brian’s healing – Susan to add

2) Eileen’s Healing

Some notes taken from the 2nd month of the 2001/2002 training - While
normally introducing this later in the programme, Clive asked the group to
perform an absent healing on Eileen, who was resting, both for her benefit
and to demonstrate the approach to looking into a person’s energetic form,
even at a distance, and helping to pull out their own light.

Comparing notes afterwards, you located at least 5 doorways between you: -

head and down the back (Cloak over head, back and halfway down on the
left, left back and bottom of head, Katy, Sue, Liz), throat (Jenny), heart (Alison
& David) and solar plexus/stomach (Ann, Chris)

Feedback on the exercise;

- It seemed easier to do the exploring in someone else than in oneself

- This seemed to be affecting me and I wondered if this was actually
about me not her
- I notice my sceptic judging this
- I practice Reiki and I felt a Yoyo sensation, felt feint and wanted to cry
- Using the visual is still a stopper for me
- When I explored her throat, I felt sick
- When I looked into her head I saw purple, a dark centre, a vortex and
then a foetus and felt sick – the foetus was helping Eileen see or not
- I saw a pulsing light, flashing, a golden rim, then calmer black, dark,
velvety dark, comfortable

Since we are all connected, we may well be drawn to areas where we also
have work to do and likewise when we do work on our selves, or on a client, it
can positively affect another person in our/their lives. As you develop your
sensitivity you will also notice that you can feel some of the experience of the
client, and that this is different to your normal experience of being, and by
using the feelings, the knowing, this can guide your work with the client.
Eileen says she is pleased to have been useful, even at a distance and says
thanks – it clearly did some good as she rejoined us revitalised!

3) Monet

Visiting the Monet exhibition in London, we walked around the magnificent

collection, the largest and most complete collection of his work, we
understood. As we walked around, we came to one particular picture where
unlike the usual lilies and deep rich colours, the picture was open and full of
light. Moving on we saw the pictures becoming darker and more compact
again until they were truly dense large room-size paintings of his famous lilies.
From the light-filled picture onwards, we both noticed independently that our
hearts were aching. Sitting down to have some lunch, we decided to contact
Monet and find out what the pain was to do with and to give him an absent
healing. As you do! Our process in this case was for Clive to close his eyes
and to be in himself while Eileen asks the questions and guides the
facilitation. Pretty quickly Clive senses a presence, which he describes as
feeling that you able to know things, sense things and say things as the other
person while losing no sense of personal identity. Others have called this
mediumship or a Shamanic process, in describing this aspect of what we do.
We just do it!

Much to our surprise, the person that Clive was able to talk to was Monet’s
grandson and explaining that we had felt our hearts ache, he told us that
Monet had suffered a heart attack and that there was a period when he
changed his painting style and experimented with that increasing light, which
mirrored happiness in his personal life. His agent told him that the pictures
would not sell, so he returned to his earlier style but became increasingly
sombre. Listening to this at the energetic level, we could imagine Monet’s
light breaking through briefly and then being capped with the pressure
creating heart problems. Thanking the grandson, we called Monet and gave
him a healing for which he thanked us. Checking with the exhibition
materials, we found the information about Monet to be accurate.

We have often wondered about the great artists whose art comes from their
own tortured or deprived existence – just think of ‘The Scream’ or Van Gogh’s
ear. We love the paintings because they touch our souls and we recognise
the human condition. We also value the epic, the harmonious and the serene
in paintings. Perhaps, if the artists did not suffer, they would paint differently
and we would be deprived of the suffering and the surreal, but imagine what
would replace it and the messages it would give to future generations.
Perhaps we no longer need to maintain military museums and the spoils of
despoiling civilizations through history to remind us of our cruel past?

Some years ago, providing absent healings to past luminaries, with the
involvement of our friend Nota Kreiman, we have spoken with Darwin, Freud,
Jung and Houdini! There have been some interesting findings, correcting
misunderstandings, and achieving resolution and peace.
4) Tsipi’s Dad

In Israel to see Eileen’s Mom into her new retirement home, we were talking
to the sweet lady who was helping us with the paperwork. Eileen was talking
about her Dad’s death in late 2001 (Eileen was in the air on 9/11 to be at his
bedside and on the last plane into Ben Gurion airport before the airport
closed). We saw Tsipi’s eyes become moist and she talked about losing her
father at a relatively young age, he was in his 50’s. We decided, with her
permission, to later that day give him an absent healing.

Tsipi had shown us a picture of her Dad, so his image came easily and after
introductions he started to speak about his life, his pride for Tsipi, showing her
in a blue outfit as a young teenager, of his relationship with his family and of
his time as an officer fighting in the Sinai and being eaten up by the death of
his men. There was more including favourite sayings and phrases he used.
Seeing Tsipi the next day we told a somewhat incredulous Tsipi what had
happened. She moved from a natural scepticism to attentiveness when she
recognised the blue outfit as her school uniform and some of the phrases
were only known to her or her family.

The familiar phrase and tone of voice was also a clue in the healing of Iggy, a
well known Jazz musician who had died a day or so before, and his wife, Pat
whom his energy came to meet when she and another friend came round. We
had sensed Iggy’s energy at the funeral and then spoke to him first at home.
We told Pat about this and she came to our home. Clive experienced Iggy
above him and Iggy was able to look down and describe what he saw.
Coming down, Clive felt him approach him from behind and then Clive was
able to speak for him. Seeing Clive speaking with a Jamaican accent and
using a nickname that only Pat knew was both unusual and deeply satisfying
to Pat who knew that his energy was still around. At different points, Clive felt
himself crying Iggy’s tears. This was clearly not a case of integrating energy
in her and it was Iggy who was given the absent healing.

5 Lesley’s Mom and Dad

It is normal for clients to discover inner parents and they are usually crafted
out of the person’s energy doing some kind of job, protective or otherwise but
always positively intended.

Your parents are departed?

Do they still exist in or around you?
Do they bring a set of beliefs?
Enhancing or Limiting?
Do they have a good relationship with each other? Is it a positive one?
Not positive, conflict and struggle

We then got Lesley to talk to them and we also spoke to them. It transpired
that they had been with her from an early age, Lesley had put them there to
try and work out how to please them both, failing to please either, as they
could not be pleased. Pleasing others at the expense of herself was a
problem in her life.

I want to be strong enough to risk being my vulnerable, sensitive, delicate

side without being trampled on. I may not be, but I want to be able to risk it.

I want to be free of this mental clutter which holds ‘me’ down (note the
language – ‘being held down’, suggesting something up which needs to come

How do you feel compared to them?

Very childlike and vulnerable
Are they big or small as you look at them?
Fairly big, scary, they are in space
Did they know that you are scared of them?
Do they know now?
Are they in a dark or light space?
Light space

Lesley begins yawning and we find that the air where the parents are is
rarefied, little oxygen, they are on a plateau on a mountain with a younger self
who floated off when life became to difficult to bear. Linda knows that she
wants them down off the mountain and with the help of a controller in her
(which she had found in her head just before finding her parent’s energy) she
begins the process of bringing them down.

Controller did you know they were on this mountain?

I did not know it was a mountain, I did know that she was up there but I didn’t
know how to help her.
OK to rescue her?
What do you see? (We want to get information and awaken everything from
all perspectives)
The little one with an angelic presence, big, white and huge
A he or a she or neither?
A she
Mom & Dad, looking at the controller in her head, what do you see?
Big bright eyes

The session continues involving discussion with all the elements including the
angelic being. Lesley continues to yawn for oxygen. The parents have been
doing the critical job, one in each ear – sh_t in stereo! Eventually the angel
brings little Lesley down to sit in her lap and Lesley stops yawning. After
healing the parents and saying a fond farewell, something she thought she
would never be able to do, the angel takes the parents into itself, the light.
Their forms disappear and the light fills the child who is then absorbed into
Lesley as light, filling her with energy and softness.

This was another style of absent healing, this time of deceased parents held
earthbound and recovering the clients out-of-body self.

So let’s apply these principles, of finding inner light and releasing it, to the act of
Absent Healing. Turn to page xx and you can try an exercise to think of a person that
you know that would welcome some healing. Remember this is not about curing
people; it may be someone’s time to depart, in which case the healing is for comfort
and to make that passing easier. Perhaps, for this first attempt, pick someone who
would welcome some emotional clearing.

Written by Clive Digby-Jones with input from Eileen Watkins Seymour © 2003 as part
of the input to our co-author and co-publisher, Susan Norman of Saffire Press in the
UK, prior to the launch of our book ‘The Missing Peace, the advanced seeker’s guide
to wholeness’. ISBN 1901564053.

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