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Houten, The Netherlands
Nowadays, there are more lm options available than ever before, on offer to the consumer now - renting a movie, downloading, pay per view lms, all of which are available in the comfort of your own home. So, with these choices posing a potential threat to trips out to watch a lm, cinema houses need to offer just that little bit extra in order to satisfy their audiences and entice them back time and time again. In the case of Cinelounge Houten, The Netherland,s this was exactly the aim when it embarked upon the installation of a new state-of-the-art lighting system from CLS, teamed with interior decoration from Bob Architectuur. Cinelounge is one of the latest additions to the chain of Roma Service Cinemas, which are spreading across The Netherlands, surfacing in a number of locations around the country. Yet this is the rst cinema, not only in the chain but in the whole of The Netherlands, to be fully installed with CLS LED energy saving lighting system. CLS Lighting Advisor Timo Verhoeven said: The Cinelounge wanted the whole cinema in LED lighting because of the fact that it is energy saving and low maintenance. CLS has the knowledge to do these kinds of projects, as our products are very versatile and therefore suitable for many applications. The initial ideal for the cinema was to create a warm and luxuorious atmosphere for the visitors but at the same time the space needed to be modern. Bob Architectuur was taken on board for the project, having worked with the client on two previous projects, the rst of which was undertaken ve years ago. So the company was asked to specify the interior design once more. Bob Architectuurs Petra Brons said: Going out to watch a lm, it has to be fun and almost feel like a party, you can watch a lm in your own home, so we needed to create a special feeling that you are out and ready to be entertained so that it is a different experience from watching a lm at home. Just like one of the rst cinemas to be built in The Netherlands in the early 20th century, the Theater Tuschinski in Amsterdam, which is where many of todays lm premieres for Holland are held, the client wanted the cinema to be warm, cosy and inviting. The individual screens have been designed with different colour themes integrating both the soft furnishings and the LED lighting.

Photo: Korte Projectinrichting

The rst colour chosen for Cinelounge was red. Red is always a popular colour for cinemas, as it indicates references to older theatrical buildings, people are used to seeing red in the old theatre halls, so it is a natural choice for a cinema. But other colours also worked well: We have done a green theme on a previous project and it seemed to be well received so we went with that again. A blue inspired design was not such a favourite last time we opted for that, so we chose to warm up the blue and make it into more of a purple colour, and nally we completed an orange / gold room, explained Petra. To complement the rich interior it took only three CLS LED products. Firstly the CLS MR16, which is a small, dimmable xture and has different lens options making it extremely versatile. It also unies a high light output and has an extremely long lifespan. The MR16s have been installed throughout the entire venue and have a dual purpose, as in some areas they are used for the main lighting, but in other places it can be described more as ambient

lighting. Next Timo selected the Covelight which uses 3-in-1 high-quality SMD chips, making it one of the brightest exible tape products available on the market. Lastly is Safestairs Robelight, which as its name suggests is stair lighting that enables people to see where they are going when choosing their seats in the auditorium, while at the same time not been too intrusive. The Safestairs Robelights are blackcoated LED lights that disappear in the step prole and become invisible when the lights are turned off, making it the ideal choice for this type of application. Timo said: The fact that they (all three products) are dimmable and their warm-white colour was important [to this project]. Teamwork was a crucial part of this project in order to achieve the desired effect the client anticipated. From the beginning the client had been clear about wanting to use LED lighting throughout, and CLS and Bob Architectuur worked together to make this happen. They were given the opportunity to produce a design that worked well for that particular space


The most successful element is the great colour of the MR16 and the sophisticated use. The light was good, but not too explicitly present. - Timo Verhoeven
Photo: Korte Projectinrichting

and the end result is very positive, as Timo suggested: There were no obstacles during the design or installation process, as there was good communication and good cooperation. The most successful element is the great colour of the MR16 and the sophisticated use. The light was good, but not too explicitly present. When it came to the audio install, it was cinema owner Han Wolf who was in charge of selecting the appropriate equipment. Han chose QSC as it was the most suitable choice in terms of price and quality, and the knowledge that QSC has more than 25 years experience in the cinema industry was also a dening factor. Local QSC dealer Film-Ton-Technik supplied the equipment for the job. SENSUS Acoustics & Architecture undertook the position of acoustic consultant for Cinelounge. Bjorn van Munster said that Han wanted to achieve, a top cinema with the best sound and screen, and so he and the team set about creating just that. The fact that a cinema plays recorded sound is a key element that is highly considered when it comes to the acoustical design of the room, and it is by using the correct acoustical treatments that allows the movie to come to life in the way the lm makers intended. Bjorn explained: In order to design a good cinema we feel that we should design a space where the sound and image can be shown in such a way that is exactly what the producers had in mind when they were making the movie. That means we should create conditions that as much as possible meet the experience that the producers intended to have. The four main points when it comes to the acoustics of a cinema are sound insulation, background noise, room acoustics and electro acoustics. Preventing outside noise coming into the building required good layout planning of the hall, and adequate measures taken for the indoor construction between the rooms. While background noise was tackled by minimising the protrusion of sound into the room as much as possible, which creates the maximum dynamic range and optimum experience in the room. Low velocities and multiple large diffusers were used in order to minimise the disturbance which comes from in house noise, such as human activity. When it came to the room acoustics, Bjorn and his team strived to meet neutral acoustics. In terms of decay or reverberation times,

LIGHTING CLS Covelight Superior warm white 24VDC - ve metres; CLS MR16 ood xture; CLS Florence MR16 lens spot; CLS Safestairs Ropelight blue / black 12VDC; CLS ACX60 DMX controller; CLS MTD43 LED driver; CLS MT5K2 LED driver; Christie projector sound QSC speaker; QSC amplifer; Dolby processing

Photo: Timo Verhoeven



Cinelounge Houten aux Pays-Bas a adopt une installation utilisant un systme dclairage la pointe de la technologie par CLS, double dune decoration intrieure signe Bob Architectuur. Le conseiller en clairage CLS Timo Verhoeven a dit: Le Cinelounge voulait que tout le inma soit quip dun clairage LED car ce dernier permet de rduire les besoins en nergie et en entretien. Les crans individuels ont t designs avec diffrent thmes de couleurs, intgrant la fois les rideaux et lclairage LED. La premire couleur choisie a t le rouge, le rouge tant une couleur rpandue dans les cinmas puisquil renvoie aux thatres lancienne, donc cest un choix par nature. Il y a aussi un cran vert, un mauve et un dor. Exactement comme lun des premiers cinemas construits aux Pays-Bas au dbut du vingtime sicle, le Theater Tuschinski d Amsterdam, dans lequel sont projetes de nombreux lms en avant-premire pour la Hollande. Le client voulait que le cinma soit chaleureux, confortable et accueillant. , a dclar Petra Brons de Bob Architectuur. An de complter le riche intrieur, il na fallu que trois produits LED, le CLS MR16s, la lumire de crique et les Safestairs Robelight des escaliers de secours.Timo a dit: Le fait quils (les trois produits) soit modulables et leur couleur blanche et chaude tait important (pour ce projet)


Photo: Korte Projectinrichting

Cinelounge in Houten, den Niederlanden, begann mit einer Installation, in der ein hochmodernes Beleuchtungssystem von CLS zusammen mit der Innendekoration von Bob Architectuur verwendet wurde. CLS Beleuchtungsberater Timo Verhoeven hat erklrt: Der Cinelounge wollte wegen des energiesparenden und pflegeleichten Aspekts das gesamte Kino in LED Beleuchtung. Die einzelnen Leinwnde wurden mit unterschiedlichen Farbthemen entworfen und integrieren sowohl angenehme Einrichtung und LED Beleuchtung. Die erste ausgewhlte Farbe war rot, rot ist eine beliebte Farbe fr Kinos, da sie an ltere Theatergebude erinnert und somit eine ganz natrliche Wahl ist. Darber hinaus gibt es eine grne, eine lilafarbene und eine goldfarbene Leinwand. So wie eines der ersten Kinos, das Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts in den Niederlanden erbaut worden ist, dem Tuschinski Theater in Amsterdam, in dem zahlreiche Filmpremieren Hollands heutzutage stattfinden, wollte der Kunde eine warme, behagliche und einladende Atmosphre fr das Kino, so Petra Brons von Bob Architectuur. Als Ergnzung zu der reichen Inneneinrichtung waren lediglich drei CLS LED Produkte notwendig, der CLS MR16s, Covelight und Safestairs Robelight. Timo erklrte: Die Tatsache, dass sie (alle drei Produkte) dimmbar sind, und ihre warme weie Farbe waren wichtig (fr dieses Projekt).

they aimed for a limited deviation of the reverberation times in the frequency bands between 63Hz and 8000Hz. This ensured that the correct balance between direct sound and reected sound was achieved. Electro acoustics requirements are usually given by the manufacturers themselves, by giving guidelines for the loudspeakers and their distribution. Bjorn said: At SENSUS we recognise the importance of these issues (acoustic considerations), but we feel that also the evenness of coverage is of importance. There should not be a large difference in perceived SPL between different seats. The acoustic requirements have been translated to an architecturally pleasant layout. The idea behind the concept is that sound has to be absorbed as efciently as possible. Bass absorbers have been applied on the walls and ceiling area, while the rear wall is designed as a slap-back canceller. The sidewalls and ceiling also consist of a signicant amount of mid and high frequent absorption in order to balance the room. Although Bjorn did not select the speakers for the project, he did discuss the position of the subwoofers with Han, he said: Contradictory to regular projects, I advised to y the subwoofers instead of putting them at the regular location (low). As a result, there is a large difference between the perceived loudness of the subwoofers in the front and the end of the stalls. Additionally, it is known that due to the grazing of the sound across the peoples heads, a dip in the frequency response occurs. As the subwoofers are omnidirectional loudspeakers, and after a study, it was decided that ying of the subwoofers results in a more even distribution of the sound level across the audience area in the stalls as well as on the balcony. Despite the fact that the installater was initially a little unsure, after seeing and hearing them in action, it is clear ying the subwoofers was the right decision. Bjorn concluded: SENSUS always tries to create environments where experiences are born. We strive for the ultimate total experience by integrating the acoustics with the architecture. So you not only get a room that looks good but it also sounds good.


Il Cinelounge di Houten, Paesi Bassi, ha intrapreso un progetto di illuminazione ad hoc, installando un sistema della CLS allavanguardia, in combinazione con una rinnovata decorazione dinterni della Bob Architectuur. Il Consulente della CLS Lighting, Timo Verhoeven, ha sostenuto: Il Cinelounge ha voluto lintero cinema illuminato al LED sia per ottenere risparmio energetico sia per i costi di manutenzione ridotti. Gli schermi singoli sono stati progettati con diversi temi a colori, a complemento dellarredamento soft e dellilluminazione al LED. Il primo colore scelto stato il rosso, colore da sempre popolare nelle sale cinema in quanto rappresenta un richiamo ai vecchi edifici teatrali, quindi una scelta naturale. Sono presenti inoltre uno schermo verde, uno viole ed uno dorato. Cos come uno dei primi cinema costruiti nei Paesi Bassi nei primi anni del 20 secolo, il Teatro Tuschinski di Amsterdam, dove ancora vengono trasmessi molti dei film premires olandesi, il cliente ha voluto un cinema caldo, accogliente ed invitante, ha sostenuto Petra Brons della Bob Architectuur. A completamento del ricco look interiore, sono stati utilizzati soltanto tre tipi di prodotti al LED della CLS: i punti luce MR16, Covelight e Safestairs Robelight. Timo ha affermato: La possibilit di regolare tutti e tre i prodotti nonch il loro colore bianco caldo hanno rappresentato degli elementi chiave per questo progetto.


Cinelounge en Houten, Pases Bajos, ha emprendido una instalacin usando modernos sistemas de iluminacin de CLS y trabajando en conjunto con los decoradores de interiores, Bob Architectuur. El asesor de iluminacin de CLS, Timo Verhoeven dijo Cinelouge quera que toda la sala de cine tuviera iluminacin LED debido a que ahorra energa y necesita poco mantenimiento. Las pantallas individuales han sido diseadas con diferentes colores que integran tanto los suaves acabados como la iluminacin LED. El primer color que se escogi fue el rojo, un color popular para las salas de cine ya que indica referencias a antiguas edificaciones teatrales, de manera que es una opcin natural. Tambin hay una pantalla verde, una prpura y una dorada. Al igual que una de las primeras salas de cine de los Pases Bajos a comienzos del siglo XX, el Theater Tuschinski en msterdam, lugar en el que hoy da se llevan a cabo la mayor parte de estrenos en Holanda, el cliente quera que la sala de cine fuera clida, agradable y acogedora dijo Petra Brons de Bob Architectuur. Para complementar el rico interior slo fueron necesarios tres productos CLS LED, el CLS MR16s, Covelight y Safestairs Robelight. Timo agreg: el hecho de que se pueden regular (todos los tres productos) y su color blanco clido era importante (para este proyecto).

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