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2350 W. Latham


Hemet, CA 92545
951-765-5100 January2005

Citizens' Oversight Committee Annual Report on Measure "E'

Letter from the Chairman
T h e Citizens* Oversight
Committee issues the Citi

To request additional
information, e-mail If USD at:

Or visit the 1IUSD web site:
www, hemetusd. k!2. ca. us

zens' Oversight Commit tee Report on Measure "E" two or three times a year to keep the

public informed on the progressand expenditures ofthe Measure "E" general obligation school facilities bondpassed by the voters in 2002. Thisedition presentsthe publicwith the budget expenditures and status ofprojectsreport and is the Annual Report issue for 2003-04. This is the third Annual Report, issued, re viewed and approved by the Gov erningBoardandthe CitizensOver sightCommittee.
Article XIIIA ofthe California

der the provisionsofProposition39 (2000). The Building Fund (Mea sure E) Audited Financial Statement is not included in this report, but can be accessed through our website at or by contacting the HemetUnified School District at (951) 765-5100, exten
sion 2401.

One ofthe most important fac

tors to note is that the District has

matched the $60 million of Measure

E funds with over $85 million ofState

Much has happenedsince Mea

sure "E", the $60 million school fa-

School FacilitiesProgram Fundingas planned in conjunction with the Mea sure E program. With the costs soar ing, the District has to augment the building program withdeveloper fees, which are paidon new housing,com
mercial and industrial construction.
At this time we would like to ac

cilities general obligation bond passed in March 2002. Three years after passage ofthe bond, four (4)
ofthe six (6) new schools funded by the bond have been completed. One is currently under construction with opening scheduled for fall of 2005. The new Tahquitz High School will be bid on May 3,2005. Construction will start in mid May with completion expected in fall

knowledge and thank those members

who have served two consecutive

teims on the Committee: Geny Agnes, Rohn West, Jim Calkins, and Marga ret (Peggy) Kissack. I also will be fullfillingmy two terms.

Constitution and the Education

Code Section 15728 requires dis trictsto prepare an annual report in cluding the building fund audit for

Shoes tA/QJcAJt,, Oh>cwvr*,<

Joe Wojcik, Chairman


general obligation bonds passed un

Members Needed for the Citizens5 Oversight Committee

he Committee, as established

able terms June 30,2005. Only one

by the Hemet Unified School District's Governing Board, consists ofeleven (11) members. Proposition 39 mandates five ofthose positions must represent established catego
ries. Members may serve two con
secutive terms.

required category willremain unfilled

as mandated;.Category 3 - a repre sentative from a Bona-fide Tax Payer
Association. The other four mem

please obtain an application from the Superintendent's Office by calling (951) 765-5100, extension 2434 or by visiting the district's web site at
www.hemetusd.kl D

bers will not be required to meet any ofthe established categories.

Inside this Issue

Currently five ofthe Committee

members arecompletingtheirallow

In March the Governing Board will begin actively recruitingfor new members. If you are interested,

5s- Budget Summary 5s* Annual Report

'"> Projects Status Summary

Mr. Joe Wojcik, Chairman

Mr. James Calkins

Mr. Frank Lewis, Vice Chairman Mr. Gerry Agnes Mr. Matt Brudin

Ms. Anna Marie Dalbey

Mr. Thomas Green

Ms. Peggy Kissack

Mr. Rohn West

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