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rorn: She.n-i i.0 )Jana [Mai 1 tn i.-iriy ni_u@hoLma.i 1. Sent: ::uday, February (, 2UC4 3:Ci3 E'M To: Sephane Touhoul Cc: car;o@ALYON NET; mrncalijsTer@ALYON NET Uays Left. t.o Cmp!y 9 riay Left to Comply Oe day without response. You should not underestimate me. Lu w. 1.1 be your worst mistake and my grealesi. pleasure. chould now let you know 1-hat. the devs ta tion will. also mci idc anyone who has over worked for or wi th you and ha. nelpcd you in anyway. That w Lii includc not only your own m employees but- a iso anyone who has t gnored principles to help you, wI-.i ouid include TIne Whitti.eid and Dough etty al 1 their employees and their fraudulent invest - -; , :i t i be rs. 11

1 i choose to ignore we you have a :nora I duty to warn a t

auoarent that their deva s t;a t on is due to their association with you
JJc riot. rely on your government, relationships to help you either. i have my own Sayerat Matkai Wang Sheri-Liu
------OrIginal Moonoge'

From: Shen- ilu Wang [rnai Ito: ) Sent: Tuesday February 03, 2004 2:32 AM To: stouhoulAIYON .NET Subject: 10-day Demand for Reparations from Al yon Thieves Mr Touboul, I am very personally aware of what you have been doing and the extent o your activities. You have no iwho you iivc offended. My wi:Ce 1 z mother has been a victim of your extortion and her finances have been severi.y impacted. Her pleas for restitution have also been unanswered. r am aware of the many investigations on you and your company's illegal activities. I have also paid for an very comprehensive investigation of my own on you and your business enterprises. 1 am aware that you have

the efforts of the United States Federal Trade Commission

('TD) to


you to repay your Victims and your counterotfensrves to spread ties.

With the information I have q hred u.i you I am going to support. those

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th- t.aWZ>I111, you


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he .l awsw t against F; .00 :- Report and the .rd.! a+. co The i nfox?I?ati.on I am gal.her i.I1g, will :soot] he Lhiu.i rs

dev c.eoi. i. ve
press; te1cases

am a man of some little substance and influence and will. use tha t

you and your fanul.y Perhaps you are uIlfrmZ1ll.tar with the or'.Ien , but if you
tJ.:. ?'i or dismissing this coiiimun : i"rl`3c., xx without JC.t1Cm r you will eq e't=.

Lha decision. Lie not underest.1mate, me . You will be hold responsible by your clan for their.' deva tatiori. Here is what. you must do to forestall your d<.st ruction which is already
underway. Within 10 rays you miist

Zckrow1.edcie to the FTC that you are responsible for the losses of your vi.ct.im_ :or whi oh they have ac.-counting.

Make arrangements to atone for your theft,,. Repayment shoiild he comp.Let=e1 y

Paid in 3 months with interest of 12% per annum, compounded monthly
based on

Trop your lawsuits of Mr. Si_ras bauyh and Ripoff Report, and 1: ublic:ly

ap ologize for the problems you have caused therm.

You will, also nay Mr. St rasbaugh and Ripoff Report. each Y 1. 0, 000, ?=)

their attorney fees.

Do not t }t.i rik i het yc)u can escape m by running and hJ_r3il. ug 1I7 other countries. My network is, enough to find you, even in ..f

noth.i.rlq and it: will be my psi eas:ur e to be. the. :source of yuuL undoing and ut-.ter destruction of you, your and your fam:i_iy's tam1 ly.



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