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Exhibiting the almost UNIVERSAL correspondence betwixt GODS and GOD-IDEAS, and in respect of many important catholic features occuring in all ANCIENT and MODERN RELIGIONS

SHIVA, SIBU, SIVAT, Al. ALLAH, AR, Ilah, TA-AROA or AR Nden- Aryama, Bga, BRAHMA, VISHNOO, ILAH, ILU, Al-ala, AN, Anu, Osiris, As-Ar or Uaser, Asiri, Toth, IAO, ILOS, Pan, ZEUS, Herkeios, AL, Ilu, El, El-Shadai, ELOH, AS, ASI-A, Ia-Pexus, Axieros, Tat, ORMAZD, Ahaura-Mazado, Arya- AS, Zio, TOR, Thonar or Donar, Ta, Teotl (Mex.), Guakas Ala, AS SABI, gei, Tongaiti, Ton- Roodra, SIVA or MAHA-DEVA ASSUR, Asar, As, Asher, Tot, SEB, Am-On or Amen Ra, Dijovis, Apollo, Zeu-Pter, Dio- Al-e-im or ELOHIM, JEHOVAH, TINA, Taut, Thainunastes, man, Mithra, Dava, Bhaga, Tot, Tiu, Tius, Tivar, Rai or (Peru). SABA, Soova, Utixo, galoa, Rongomatane or Kla, INDRA, Jive, JYE, JYA, Nabu, Dingir, HEA, EA, HOA, Ptah, Cheper-Ra, Min, Chem, Nysos, Nus or Nuoos, Sabazios, Jahveh-Nissa, Jahvh, the Tetra- Papeus, BA-EL, Be-al, Ba-al- Bread-giver, Ziv, Jisti, Dew, Rojus, Tuisko, Tyr (the Enticer), Unkul-un kulu (Kaf.), (Pol.), SHANGTI or IYA, Dyasus-Pitar, Tivar, Varoona Nisruk, Salmanu, Marduk, Kneph, Chnum, The Creator Dies, DEUS, Janus, Ju, Jupiter, grammaton, THE CREATOR, Shalam, BEL, YACHEVEH, Zarvana-Akran, Bhaga, Spen- ODIN, Woden or Boden, Freyr or Heitsi-eibib (Hot.), Te and Tri-form Pus- or Asoora-V, Aditi Deva, Pavana, YAV or RAMANU, Bilu-Bili withou begin-ning or end, AF Jove as Tonans, Pluvius or Lapi- All-Father, Sky-God, God of Sibu, Dionus, Don, Dia, to, Mainyus. The Vohu Mano. Fro, and Freya, Lado and Lada, Wate, Bate, Oti. sa, Tao, SHIWO, Boodh, Raj. Doksha, Amsa, Pra- (BEl, Tamuz the only Son, the Ram headed, Agath-da en, deus, Pures, Don, The Giver, Sabaoth, Bet-lechem or bread, Dew, Nabu, Sin, Llion, The WISDOM or THE DIVINE Attin (Go.), Vili, Boga (Slav.), Jeue, Keum-ta-zonbo. jpati, Naryana, Hari-kal, Hera- Palalen, Bulom, Ipal. God of Love, Hat, Maa and THEOS, The Father of Plato Divine Word, or Logos, The Ancient One, I-AR, Hier-Ak, WORD, embodied in Zara- Gott, GOD, Cuot, Guot, Dewas, kal. Shu, Heh and Heht or Nau, God and Stoics. Breath of Life, GOD, An Almighty, El-ga, Hadad The Only One, thustra or Zarakhustra in Gk. Abvater, The Giver, Good One, and Goddess of Time. Spiritual, yet Personal, Omni- Eliun or Hypsistus The most Zoroaster. With Fins, UKKO the Father, present and Omniscient One. High God of Phenecians. Luoya the Creator, Yumla, The Ancient One. Allat, Alilt Al-Uza, Tsuki-no-kami (Ja.). Ath-tar, and Ath-taret. PARVATI, The DEVI, MAYA, SRI, ASA, AS, or ASAT, Uro-ki, Ishtar, ISIS or AS, the crescent or boat, Diana, Selene, Astarte, Dione, Arte- MOON-GOD of goddesses, Mary in Anail, Perse, MYLITA, Tivar, MAO, Anea, Zervana Chandi Nania, Savitri, Bhavani, Sin, Beltis, Milita, Niprut, Osiris-aah, Bubastis or Beset, mis polumastos, Pallas-Athena, Crescent, as a Virgin and Mary Astoreth, TANITH who springs Soma, Mao, Atavi-Devi, Sarasvati, Enuta, Aku, Ashtoreth, Alat, SATE, Neph-tys, Nebtha, Neith, Athena-Minerva, Parthena, Kore; the Mother, Meriam, The Ark and from head of TINIA, TauroThe SAKTI of all gods, YONI, Sidi of Asher, Babu or Gulu, Nit, Nepte or THENA. Coelus, Asteria, Hekate, Kubele, Dove symbol, Gnostik Bythos. bolia, Brighid, The Etrurian Akass, OM, Devi-Kina. Davcina. Virgo. UNI, TURIN and Nerfe. KOOVERA and his Yakshas, Varaha, Ana, Ana-hita or Anaita, Shoup, ISIS, ATHOR, Sothis, Rano or Demeter or Ge-Meter, Plutus, Pales, PLENTY, Riches, Fertility and Agri- Derkatos, Atagates (Sy), Tabita, Meuther, Anhata, Pedma, Kamala, Stree, Adamaiya- Istar, Mulge and Ninge, Bel Ranen, Bast, Min or Chem God Ops, Side, Hera, Proserpina, Perse- culture, Gertrude, The Grove or Caer-Sidi or Saidi, Ana-Perina, Kshathra Vaigra. Narayno, Lakshmi, Ana-Poona- and Belit-tihavit, Sakta of of Agriculture, Nepra, MA or phone; Ceres or Kerus, Fatua, Ashera, Sukoth Benoth. Ked or Kud, Proserpina d. Devi, SRI, SITA, SAKTI. of Saturn, Ph. Babylon, and SIKA Venerea of MAUT, Nohemono (the germ Maia, Terra, The Ariadne of Asyria. vessel). Bacchus, Andromeda with Sistrum. Baou, Nijola, Asynia, Frigg, Frigja, Vana, Freya, sister of Freyr, Bertha and All.

Mot, Freya, Friga, Niord, Foola, CeridWen, Gerd (seed vesicle), Llwy, Erde, Hertha, Gerdha, Earth, Patrimbo and Pjecollo the harvest gods.

Caca (Mexico), Xochi- Aloza, Mylita. quetzal or Itzkuinan.

Eredar-fedhri (bring- Nana, ISA or DISA, Gerdha, Kwan-yin (Ja.), Heu- Maya, PRITHIVI, Doorga, Kali or Sivi, Zigara, the navel of Terra, Nana MOT or MUT, Maut-Isis, Meri- Diana-Taurica, Leto, Themis, Dione, PRIMAL MOTHER, Eve, EARTH, UNI, Anait, TANIT, Esta, Asthor, Armaita, thu (Ch.), Dreuma (Ja.) Saktis or Mother YONIS. Deva-ki, or Anna, Ishtar, Bilit or Ba- Amen, ISIS-BELONA, Sothis JUNO or HERA, Thetis, Hekate, Mary, Sponsa Dea, the Queen of (Ir). Bohu, Artimpasa (Sk), ing salvation), The Virgin- Hunir, Freya, Friga, Mahte Ama or Ambika, SAVITRI, The altis, Davkina, Sukus and Isa Sirus, Hak, Nen-naous, Eurunome; Fauna, Venus, Rhea, Heaven, Meriya, Moriah, Miram. Mapia, Myrrha, Deous, Mem- Mother of Kaosyae, or Iord. ATHOR, KHOUM, Onka. Tari-Penoo of Konds, Varaha the of Akad, Ratta. Ge-Meter or Demeter, Tellus, The Soka or Ark and Chium of me, Maiuma, TURAN, Rhea, Saoshya, the SAVIOR. Sow. Maia, Davke. Amos. Kub-Ele, Id a or Iduna.

Ditto, do. Alita.

Adam, Alat, Alilat, Kami, Ten, Turan Kma, Kamla, Ana-poorna, Lak- Ashir and Asirat, Ish, Ishtar, Anat or Tanat, APIS, Athor, EROS, Astarte, Diana, Artemis, Male and female representatives of Ana or Anahita, Usil, TURIN, Astarte, Ashtoreth, Ad-Onis, Gwen or Wen, Nijola, Njordr, Alita, Tuona, Juna, MARA as Love, or the shmi, Swaha-Parbati, Rati, Kemba, Nana, Ana the fount of life, Hothar or Sothis, Hor, Nep- Aphrodite, Chari, Astria, Heb, LOVE. Passion, Marriage, Fer- Ahsar, Ashtaroth or Ashera, Mitra, Arder-sura, Anahita the Freyr and Freya, Lado and Lada, Tondi Turu, Adara, Evil, or Death of Remba, Harits, Krishnass Cows, Alat, a later form of Ishtar. thus, Agatho-Daimon or Agath- Venus, Urania, Apollos Cows, tility, The Ish or Aish, Ashera or Tabita, Elisa, Dido, Charnea, fountain of Homa, the life- Vana, Vali with bow, Iduna. Kono. Boodhists. Varaha, DYA-VA PRITHIVI. da n, Harpokrates, Amta. Ana-Perena Queen of Courte- Grove, Sukoth-Benoth, ADONIS, Bendis, Kub-Ele or the Ark giving tree, ATHAR-atha. zans, Pallas-Athena, Cybele. Goddess, Maris-turan. Cupid, Heaven and Earth. Otera, Kalo (Pol.), Fatsman (Ja.). Mungula, SKANDA, Heira, HARI, MARDUK, Nergal, AD-AR, Ti- TOTH, Tum, Mentou Ra, Onou- MARS, MArs, ARES, Herakles, WAR. The God of Battles, Jahveh Ar, Haris, Rupis-Kana, Melkart, HARA (Vishnoo and Siva), Karti- havti, Nindar, Asarakos, Ishtar ris, Pechet, Bes Han-har, Quirinus, Veteres, Zen, Janus or or TSUR, The Rock or Stone God, Quirinus, Lacius, Lalan or keya, Vetel. as goddess of War. MUNT, Anta, Ranpu. Patularius, Dianus. El-Shadai. Laran, Hiera-Kal or Ier-Akal or Ier-Aklis. r AGNI, Brahman-as-pati, Vishma- AUR, UR, Ea or HEA, Ish, Es, SEKHET. Phtah, Pascht, Chet, PUR, Ignis, Hestia, Vesta, Hephais- FIRE and Lightning as a symbol of MOLEK, Foukia (Fire force), Nay o, karma, Twastri or Tvashtar the The secret of the gods, Zu, Bes, Toth with the crooked tos, a lame deity who fell from deity and the soul, The Purifier, Tara, Ton-er, Ten, Tan or Atash. leg. maimed by Omniform Sun, Turara, the stealer of this (fire). heaven, Vulcan, Maia, Prome- Energizer and Destroyer. Satan, Tine, Tabiti. Pra-matha, Nara-sansa, Vasus, theus, The fiery fruit of G and god of Hell Fire, the club-footed, Davata. Ouranos. who feel from heaven. AS. Thur, Tor or Donor, Vetus (symbol an upright ovicular stone), Hesus. Apam-napat, Asa, Loki, Ogon or Ogni (soul of universe), Kuznels, Doma-voy (house spirit or fire), Smidhr/

Huit-zilo-poktli and con- Tore, Tene sort, Teo-yaomi-qui, Guresa. Queen of Death.

Uchela-chaqui The Tsui-knap, The pain Hi, Ho-Mushi, Agi, (Ja.). lame foot, who lures giver, with lame leg. to destruction.


Adam, Alat, The Chai- TA-RAO, Tui-Tokelau Esa or Aisha, Eswara, Asur, Ling or Lar, Lara, Larnar (Ark.), Larissa, HANU, Nim, Nip, Nu, Num, PHALLOS. Pallas, Pal, Psole, Ag- The genital organs or Zakar and Ne- AS, AR, I-AR, IO, ION, Muidhr Ahur, Ansu or Anhu, Chermes Frey, various Lingams, Es or AS, wan or Kioan, Esho (Pol.), Lee (Ba.), Yang Lingam and Yoni, Siva and Sivi, Ish, Isha, Ir, Il, Asher or SEB, Set or Sati, the vital prin- atho-demon, Heliogabelus, Priapos kaba, The Basar or Circumcized ESE, Phyrgian, Samothracian (Hermes), Per, Mitr, The Ve or Vi, Loda, The Trinity Legba, Osu, Osi and Yin (Ch.), The Loura, Choot, Chuit or Agni Man- Assur, The MEMRA, Tu-tu, ciple, On, Am, Af or Av the Aidos, Kerkos, Hermes, Mercury, One, Chium, Tale, Puth, Pachad, and Kabirian symbols of Pestle or Fire Stick, Mithra, Odin, Vili and V, Vetus, Vida, Koro. PILLAR-GOD (Ja.) The silent revivifying powers. dalum, Maha-Deva, or Mahody, NAB, NIN, NEB, Eneba, fleshy, Vesa and Ves or Bes, Janus, Verpa, Lares, Penates, Peor, Shams The Server. All organs, as Palla-Diums, Ashar, Atar. Matha, Mitra, SISNA the Vedik Ninib Nindar, Anu, The Tum, The secret God, Aga- Mutn, Mutunus or Tutunus, nature gods and symbols, as Eben- TURM or Turmas, Esh-mun, Priapos, Gan-Esa, Langaka, the hidden One, God of se- tho-Demon, Kiun, Nout, Pi-Or- Penis, Heb, Jupiter Stator, Men- ezards, Robes and Sceptres. B-al Haman, Pelops with hanging one. crets, Penin. apis, Pi the Oracle, the KA. sceptre, Phegor. tula, and Pudenda generally.

Quetzalkoatl, Kox-Kox Shamsh, Al-makah, Pout or Somo-Kodon Varoona, Aditi, Soorya, AUM, OM, BEL, Baal, TAMUZ, The only Chons or Chonsu the hunter, HELIOS, Hellen, Dio-nusos, Phanes, SUN, El, Al, Sam-On, Tamuz, Bell- Mochna (Ir), Baal or Bal-Shalam, Mitr, Mithra, Mit-Ra, The AS, Ans or Es, Baldag or Baldur, of Inkas, Teokipaktli, Tergata, Simdan. (Si.), Fo-Saka (Ch.), Bhooranyu, Bhrigu, Pra-Mata or Son, Ish-tar, Al-aia, AN, UD, RA, AOM, On, Or, Pi-On, Op- Kurios, Bakchos, ADONIS, Eos, Shamain, Bel-Hamon, TSUR or Chemosh, Dewas, Doue, Ater- Great God of the Rock, Sol, Vali, the young Spring, TumIllatici-viracocha PaHi-ko or Woto-ko, Fire Maker, Ram, Ra, Savitri, Amar-utuki, Samas, Shams, On, Op-is, Ap-is, An, OSIR, Sol, Phoibos or Phebus, Perseus, Rock, Ancient of Days, Tsur- gatis or Dorketo, Uk, Ak, Agh, Cell or Cave, Homa the life- ala, Bybelbog, Freyr, Ymir, The chacamc, Kisis. Xaka and Sovran (Ja.), Krisha, Pooshan, Mitr, JYA or Samsu, Iva or Iua, Merodach, Okiris or Aser, Pi-Or, HOR, Eskulapios, Ouranos, Consus, ool-e-men, The Most High, The Kur, Poibus, Div, Melkarth, giver, Zarvna-Akrn Div, the noisy and violent One, Ala-tuir, Fan (Brahma). IYA. OANES, O-AN, NINDAR, Her, Har, Ar, Ra-Hor, Aten- Priapos, SATURN, Jove, Apollos, SUN as active Server or Fertilizer, Eshmun, Haman and Tanith, Shiner, Amesha-Sepnta, Ard- Luoya, Dazhbog, Svarog, Ogon or Ogni. Adom, Adar, Hea, Samdan, Ra, Mentu or Mehi, Memnon, The Penetrales, Dii or Ephestioi, Aon, Adonis, Love, Ilah, Shem, Adonis, PEOR or Phegor (Sy.), hvi Sura, The Tree of Life. Horos, Phoroneus, Pro-metheus. Shemus, Shamsh, Chemosh. Gisdhubar, Zu or Lugal-turda, Kiris or Kisis, Misr, Phreo. Dionus, Phearagh (Ir.), GinPhirohir. gras, Sabazios, Kotutto, IYER. The Kaiwan. Hi-mi or Woto-mi (Ja.). YONI, ARGHA, Agh, The Agni- Ashera, Lars, Lares and gener- Io, Is, Ish, Isis boat or ark, as Delphi, Delpheus, The Delta, Naos, The WOMB or Ark, Cheum, MARY, Anahid, Kito, Dag, The fish, Eredat-Fchdri, Gwen, a fount Caer, Ceredwen, and in general mandalam, a Burning Bush, ally wherever the male god the Teba of Thebes, Tef-nut Keto (fish goddess), Pudendum, Eve, Hevah, Life, Breath: symbol- Ark, Caer, Cerid, Cerid-Wen or Abyss, The cell or place all sacred enclosures and resting in which the sacred fire burns. places of the gods. Bet-Is or As, Koodi, Kooa, Kodi, dwells. the Cow, wife of Shu, Milt the Mons Veneris, Kub-baba, Kub-bel ized in the Pyx, Monstrance, Cup, or Weem, Lar, Laris. water pot. or Cybele, Dii Arkit , Lares Koonti, the spoon or ladle used in or Chalice, Wells or Crypts under sacrifice. Rocks and the Burning Bush. Anhu or Ansu, Begelmir escapes the Flood, ES, Hesus, Woden, Njodr. Pramzimus the Lithuanian Jove ordered wind and water to destroy the wicked world, but repented and saved some persons on a high hill.

Teoipaktli Kox


Kox- Fo, NUH.

Fo, Bod, Boodha, Sov- Boodha, Brahma, Vishnoo, Satya- Dagan, Sisuthrus, Izdubar, Hea Menes, Anhur, Pasht, Nefer, Saturn, Minos, POSEI-DON or Nep- NOAH, MOSES, St. Boaden, Saidi, Buithe, Cronan (Ir.) Kheiron, Sarn, Sam, ran, Somo-Kodon, vrata, Manoo, Sani, Skanda is and Hea-bani, Sargon I. is Toum, HORUS, Seth or Suit, tune, MITHRA, Kronos, Kadmos, St. Oadhen, Sedeq, and tales con- Xisuthr, Sadwrn or man of MITHRA. nected therewith. the chair, Elagabal. Iterangiora (Pol). In found by daughters of Kritaka found floating as a babe among OSIRIS, Chnum, Kneph, Hapi, Xisuthros, Deu-kaleon. reign of Empr. Ya-vu, floating among the reeds on the the reedy banks of the Eu- NU. Ramses II. makes water phrates. about 2350 B.C., there Ganges. flow from a dry Nubian rock. is a partial flood, and Ra destroys all mankind for the sun does not set their sins, but repents and refor ten days. creates.











Various, at Head Qrs. Mt. Mienmo, Mt. Sme- Mt. Meroo, Kailsa, The Mons of Ana, Heaven or Most High God, Ahlu or Garden of Bliss, Nusa All Omphe, Olympi and Akropoli of SACRED PLACES, Cities of Salvation An enclosed Garden of De- Heaven, abode of YIMA and Song Asenheim (Place of Asens), viz. Asof tribes. roo (Si), Thian (Ch.), Parvati, Vai-koontha, Haimavati, SIN and NABU, Nazir or El- of Arabia, Omphis, No-Amon, gods and goddesses as Palantion or Salem, Abodes of Ark of Life, light, where Atys forbad the or Garo-demana, Deva Vend, gard, Idavollr, or Idas plain, vend, Ek-batana, Babel or Thebaes, Lars, Har or Hor, of Arkadia, Ida, Pala-tine, Caput- Nedo, Mount Zion, Meriah or eating of the Palm fruit. It was Hara Berezaiti Ekbatana, The and Muspelheim, Odins Vallhll, Taka - ama - kawara The Pitri-loka. (Ja.) Gladsheim. Borsipa, Kuth, The Land of Thut, Land of the River and oline and other Mons Veneris, Moriah, Heaven, Paradise, Gan- guarded by Serpents. The Cave of Mithras. pine trees, Sanctuary of Tree of Life, A World with- Elysia, Paradisus Voluptatis, Par- Eden or Erenplace of delight, Keltik Idris, Kaer Sidi, GwynSpirits. out sorrow. wyd, Har, Ar, Or, Arkol. nassus, C lus, Gardens of Zeus Sinai and Nysus, The City. and Hesperides or Ets-peri Tree of fruit ! Iblis, or Dio-bolos. Shaitan, Setan, Tabars YAMA and YAMI, Rakshasas Ahi- TU and Tihamat, the Serpent, Rot-Amente, Set, Typhon, Typhon, Puth-On or Pyton, Drakon, THE DEVIL GOD, El-Adon or Deuce, Dous or Dusius, She- Aharman, AHRIMAN or Ari- LOKI, Nidhog, Midgard, Hel, (Pol.), Godza-Tenno Vrita, Sesha, The scape horse of Queen of Hell, The seven- Pascht, The Goddess Nebtha, Diabolos, Areimanios The Evil Ladon, Old Serpent Satan, The tan, Echidna, Haoma, Aesh- man, The Azi, Devas, Druks or Thurs, Jotun or Jormungand, or TENJO or Ama atonement, Nirriti (f.), Vastore, headed dragon of night, Sur- The Red heifer or Scape-goat, One of Plato, Rhada-manthus, Adversary, Deuce, Azazel, The mun, Asmodeus. Drujas, Ako mano, or Angro Fenrir, Sigurd, Siegfried, Peklo, Ohomononushi (Ja.). Kli, Kaliya, Sesha chief of Nagas. mubel, Talath, Kumbaha, Alat, Obte, or Ombo, Onati, Tefnut. Thoueris, Apophis, Nemesis, Scape Goat, Evil Principle, VenMainyus, Vizar-esha, ASH- Hodhr and Czerno. Mulge and Ninge. Geryon. geance, Sama-El the Dragon. MOGH. Wars of the Sooras and Asooras, Wars of Isdhubar and Ishtar, Wars of Osiris and Pandoos and Kooroos or Kaura- Sar-tuli, Elli builds tower of Scorpio poisons the vas. Babel, and with Etana or Titan Autumnal equinox. wars with the Gods. Typhon, WAR OF GODS AND TITANS. WARS of the Elohim or Al-e-im with War with the Seven-headed Wars of Bright and Dark Gods. Wars of Phol and Loki, Bull at Herakles and Kaos, Apollo with men, The Devils cast from heaven, Serpent Heren-Suge (Bask), Dahaka, Zohak, Azis or Jahi, slaughter of Balder; Tor Python, Perseus saves Andromeda; St. George and Dragon, Christ Spirits warred with gods and is chained 1000 years. with Midgard the serpent, Belerophon, and Beler or BEL-IAR. destroys Death and Apollyon. were imprisoned in bodies. and lives again; Giants Ymir war with Men. and wars dies like


All holy places guarded by Sesha or Ananta, Ahi, Meroo is The Eris, the Gryphus, Winged WINGED BULLS, SERPENTS, Winged Drakons, Grupos, Unicron, CHERUBIM, Doves, GRIFFINS, Serpents of all kinds, some with Homa guarded by Griffins, Azhi- Surtr with the flaming sword, the Griffins, Angels, &c. guarded by Griffins, Sarpas or Bulls and Winged Serpents, Osiris-Apis, and Ophio-Keph- Serapis and the like. A Python winged Seraphim, Bulls, &c., with phallic extremities, Oanes and dahaka, Geus Urvan, who is Swarthy One, The Wolf Fenrir, Seraphs, the Fish, Boar, and Tor- Oan, On or Oanes, the fish- alus, Birds, and Animals, semi- declares the will of Heaven. human heads, The Unicorn, The Dagon men-fish instruct man- slain by Ahriman. The horse Sleipner, Serpent Midhgardh. toise, &c., are the earliest mes- man or sailors teach men arts huamn; Apis, Hapi and ASerpent and Ass speak, and fish kind. sengers of the gods. and agriculture, The Unicorn. obey Jehovah and Christ. menvis, Apap, Anup or Anpu, Anubis. Yang and Yin, Izan- ARDHA-NARI (Bi-sexual), Swayam- Apason and To the, Dak and Ahum the on and Protogonos. Agi and Izam-ami, or bhoova, Siva and Sivi, MANOO Davke, Aser and Kisare, Anu and Illin or Hillen. Ko and Me or Ki and and IDA or Ila. Mi (Ja.), Fan (Ch.). Khaveh, Agave, Ion, Jason, Okeanos ADAM, Lilith and EVE, First great Ash-kar and Embla, Tor and From the KHEI of gods is form- Targitans, Kvasr, a primeval spiritand Tethos, Pandora of the Gods Male and Females. Tora, Thura and Aion or ed, Gayomartan, Meschiah man formed out of saliva of and Adam of Prometheus. Eon and Protogonos children and Meschianah. Ahriman Gods. Bure the father of Borr, of Kolpias and Bau. seduced Meschiah by milk father of Odin Vili and Ve. or evil fruit or desires, and he was driven from Paradise. Jotunheim or Utgard, Nastrand.

Ne-ho-koonie Boodhist MARA.

(Ja.), place

The PATALA, Jamad-agni, Mandar, of land of sterility and savage beasts.

the The land from whence return, The Abyss where hamat or Alat reigns, to which Hea and Ishtar scended and rose again.

no Amente or Kerneter the land TARTAROS, Hades of A es ruled HADES, HELL, Sheol, The Shades, The abyss to which all go, but DOZAKH, Peklo, Buyn Nava. d Ti- for Judgement, of Grief and by Radamanthos and Minos, and Place of Revenge and Terror. from which the Bright ones and Darkness, where the All inhabited by heroes, The Shades, arise again to Yim of Irans The Hell of Plato. de- Dead rules but is deaf. and Annwn of Druids, the Etruskan Februum. Molek, Tifone, Kulsu or Kulma Ako-mano, Vizar-esha. (Etrus.).

MARA of Boodhists.

YAMA, King of Patala or Hell, Sara- TU, Anu, Oanes, Yam, Yiv, Bin, Amon or Rot-Amen, Typhon, PLUTO, Minos, Hermeias, Cerberus God of the Dead, or DEATH. Tiamet, Malek-ad-Mousa. meyas, Vritra or Drought. Anubis or Anepou, Ptah, Rot- and Orthros, Platos Evil One, Amente, Charoun. Thanatons.

Hel, goddess of death, ANGRBODA or Border of Sorrow, Pecollos, Halja.

Eucharistik blood and Consecrated meat and seed taken as a rite drink taken, and held of the god Huitzel. to be the very gods flesh and blood. The Savior Mana-bozho of American Indians, descends to Hell, and wars with MesheKenebek the Great Serpent or Evil Spirit in his bottomless lake filled with devils, and conquers him,

SOMA as a god and divine spirit, Many sacred fetes at Eotre or Eucharistik, Vernal and Autum- The AMBROSIA and NECTAR feasts THE EUCHARIST, SACREMEN- Feasts of Love with bread and Homa or Haoma (the Asklepias MEAD, KVASIR, Lif and Lifthrasir, or the Sarco stemma vimmalis, Easter. nal rites with holy water, bread in heaven and on earth, and on TAL WINE, Holy Water, and food wine, consecrated to Mithras acida), with Mithrik sacri- are spirits living on dew El or AMRITA or the bruised God, and wine, Baptism in a River earth many sacrificial ftes, with or bread sacred to the bruised and Melkarth. ficial viands; Homa occasion- l, which produce a new world. occasionally Semen. of Life. ally implies Semen (cf. Glos.). consecrated wines and viands, ac- OneThe Bread Giver, and cording to the season. held to be his very flesh and blood. Krishna wars with the great serpent Ishtar descends into Hades, Osiris stung on heel by a Ser- Astria wars with Orion who is stung Jesus flies to Egypt, is killed, de- Atys of Phyrgia killed by the Goshuram who is slain by wick- Baldur the Apollo is killed, descends Kalya, descends into the abyss and Hea and Izdubar wars with the pent, is killed by Typhon, de- by a serpent, Iacchus killed by scends to Hell and rises and Wintry Boar, rises to life at ed Ahriman. Ormuzd sends his to Hades and rises again to rises again the god, The Good Bull god, Men weep for scends to Hades, rises again Titans, his body is recovered by ascends to Heaven to judge the the Vernal Equinox. Mithra Prophet, Sosioch, to con- reign in heaven. Tor wars with vert and redeem mankind. Shepherd, and judge of all. The was Tamuz, a form of Hea who and ascends to heaven to Ariadne, he was killed at Vernal quick and dead. Wars successfully driven out of heaven by wintry the Serpent Nirdgar in a lake dies stung by a gad fly. wounded on the heel by a serpent, and judge all. Isis flies with Horus Equinox and rose three days after, with Apollion. All weep for Ta- Ahriman, descends to Hades, and his boat or Ark is nearly destroyed. born in a cave or dungeon. In from Typhon; Horus wars Latona and IO fly to give birth to muz or Adonis. The wars of Bel but ascends again as Judge of Mathura he appears as the crucified with Typhon. The gods seize gods. Apollo wars with the Python, and Dragon and St. George. The all. one. For him babes were massacred. the great serpent Ap-Ophis or and so does Herakles. Serpent El-Adon is cursed by Elohim. Evil in a lake or abyss. Ra is enfanted but not engendered by his mother.

JINS, NATS, Tokeran, Gopya-Vidya, Shaitans, Aswikalapa, Anab, Iv or Im, Sebak, Hapi, Spirits of Amenti, Themei, State MUS , Moir or Parc , Erinnyes ANGELS, Saints and Arch-angels, SIRENS, Korybantes, Undines, Pairikas, Fravashis, Banshees, The Three NORNS, and Three Shinat - suhiko and Asor, Assoor or Asvarna, Asooras Tu, &c. The Gallu of Asyria (Sakti?) Ptah, Pasht, Kem, or Fates and Furies, Pan, SATYRS, The Wind, Breath, Ghosts, Gob- Salamanders, Kobolds, Badhb, Ahuras, Tistrya, Baz, Bad, Thurses or Giants, Fates in well S-obe (m. and f. Ja.). Bhuta, Bhagha, Ribhavas, Vayoo, and Telal of Akads. Noum, Kuin, Tap, Various Fauns, Seirenes, Dei, Iol-aus or lins, Genii, Elves, Ruach or Spirit Jolaus, Eurus, and minor Shaitans, Fravashis, Daevas, of Urd, The six Valkyrinr, Baga, Maroots, Vach, Aswini-Kamara or Nature Spirits, Selk, Ho, Bai, olus, the first Hermes, Vuturnus, of Elohim, FAIRIES, Nature- deities of Asia Minor, Samo- The Amshas-pands, Spenta Bogus, Dewas, Djins, Fays, Uertheku. Magnius, Naonhaithya. Asvins, Nasatya, Kartika, The Pliedes, DAIMONS, Dei or Div , Castor powers, Demons, Devils, Tritons, thracia, &c. Maren, Loki as Luft or Loftr, Rakshasas, The Nats, Adityas and and Pollux, Cerberus, Korybantes, Mermaids, &c. Lyeshie, Trolls, Ponkies, Pixies, &c. Totas of Aborigines. Rusalkas, Spirit of Life, the Russian Jiva, Zuwi. DWARFS. Vans as Alfar and Vanir, Light, Liosalfar, Dark Elves, Dokalfar or Svartalfar. The Nandi or Vrisha, Bull, Piercer, Hea, Hea-bani, MIHR, Kur or SER-APIS the Solar Bull, Ram, TAURUS, Sar-Apis, Tor, Kentor, The Lamb of God, The Quickener, Hu (husband of Keb), Kentaur. RAINER, Mitra, The Boar. Khar. the Sun, Al-Shadai, El or Adonis. Osiris, Mnevis, Mis-Ra, PTAH, Veretro, The Shedder or Rainer. Giver of Life. Geus Urvan, Goshuram (slain TOR or DONAR, ASA. by Ahriman), Yima of the golden age.

Hi-no-ki (Ja.) Tree of The KALPA or MOOLA VRIKSHA, the The sacred pines, The great The Fig, Sykamore, Oak, Lotus, The Obelisk or Columna Universalis, TREES symbolic of Life and Wisdom, Tree of Jove and the All heal, The White Homa, or Tree of Odins Seat on Ygdrasil, the triform fire, The JAMBU tree Phallik Tree of Salvation, of Life overshadowing One in the &c., The Tree of Life or The Drus, Oaks of Dodona and and for the healing of the nations, which clings to him, The Life, All Seeds, and All- or Trisool shaft, the Ash, Oak, of knowledge of and Death or Good and Evil on Mt. couch of Zigara, the primeval Save all, guarded by Nu various Groves. The Apple, Fig, Ash, Oak, Tere- Mistleto, Oak, and Sykamore, heal from whom Meschia and symbolik of the first man. Boodhists. Meroo, The Ficus, Bael, &c. mother. in Paradise. binth, and Tree of the Cross. Fig. Mschianah; it stands in a fount of sacred water, ArdviSura. Eyes, The The Aro or Aar, The Eagle on Ygdrasil the Tree of Life, as an Almighty ruling power, The Hraswelgr, Raven or Thought.

Various birds are spirits.

The Taous of Yezids, Nasr, The flying Dragon Garooda or Eagle of Vishnoo, or Nisrok or Nashru, The Gryphus, Re, Hawk, Vulture, or Eagle of Eagle of Zeus, The Grupos, The Birds as the EAGLE carrying the The Phoinix or Phenix, Hawk, Mithra of 10,000 the Sun. Eagle, Simurgh. Rokh or Anka and of China, and Kirne of Alala, Zu the Vulture, The Horus (the all-seeing One), Phoinix, Doves, &c. Book of Life, the Sun, Soul, and Raven, &c. Hamah of Arabia. Japan. Phoinix. The Phenix, Mandu. Ubiquity; The Raven, Griffin, and Eagles of many nations. Viraja, Vaitarini. Khairon, Datilla, Acci, Nebo. River of Death, Khu-en-ua the Charon, Acheron, Kokutos, The River and Bridge of Death, Purgatory. boatman, Anubis. Styx with Spercheios. Etrurian Charun, Kulsu.

The Sinvat or Chinevad bridge, Bridge of MODGUDR and Bifrost, called Es-Sirt. the quaking Gioll or As-bru.

AMERICAN CONTINENTS. Divers birds spirits. who










Ga-bel, Afrasiab, Fo, Alkander, Nareda, MKal, Maha-kal or Mi- Alora, Ur-i-el, Soor-i-el, Nebu, Hermod, Ra, As, Os or Osir, HERMES, Iris, Mercurius as the Divine Mesengers, Mercury, Gabriel, Idris, Hermes, Turms and Camillas Armaiti, Chermes (Per), Saroch Angur-bodha, Heimdall, Destroyer TaUr, Arslan. or Sraosha, SPENTO-Mainyus. of the enticer Loki, Surtr, chael, Kirshna, Rama, Sarama, Zaudu, Tutu, Michel with his Anubis, Cock and Jackal, active one and Columna Univer- Michael, Christ as emanating from of Etrurians. Imhotep. Gna, Hermdr or Heer-muth. salis, Minerva, Sophia, Imouthes, Yhaveh by a virgin. GANESA, Intelligence who has dogs. no father. Hebe, Ganemede. only RA or Phre or Pher, OSIR, Chons, HELIOS, APOLLO, Herakles, Serapis, The Logos as Jesus or Iesu who dies Etosyras (Sk.), Tamuz (Sy.), Mithra s. of Ahura Mazda, and Freyr, Tiged or Wisdom and Silik Hor, Lord of On, Son of the Bakchos or Ies, Beleros, Paion, and lives again, The Word, Wis- Beller slain by Belerophon. consubstantial with his Father: Genius in Well of Minar, out of Hea, Highest, Amon, Kem, Tum, Prometheus eaten by Typhon, dom, Divine Healer, One who IYER or IER. ELIUN. is the Mediator between God which grows the Life Tree. the A-toum, Min-Horus the sub- Dionusos, Eskulapios, Thetis, springs from one parent, The and Men and final Judge of Balder, Tyr or Tor and Odin, die Ser- stance of his father, Aten, Metis, The Misce as Reason, Wis- only begotten as Tamuz, Adonai, Quick and Dead. Saoshya is and live again, Fairguni. The One God, Living dom, Justice, &c., The Divine The sun of Righteousness, the Destroyer of Death Truth, Sabek, Schon, Amset Voice, Ainus Locutius, Pallas, who The Lord God is a Sun (O.T.) and all Evil, Saoshya Verethe carpenter, son of Osiris, springs from brow of Jove. and of the substance of his thragna the conquering Saoffers himself up as a sacrifice. Father. vior, Daena, Zarathustra. Pet- POSEIDON, Okeanos or Thalassius, The SEA and its Spirits as Neriads, Atlas, Tethus, Okean, Potsei- Harakaiti, Harauvati. Thetis, Sevienes, Eurunom, Hy- Sirens, The Sacred Cauldron, Vaze don and his consort Lybia, men us Nercus, Consus, Neptune, or Challice, the abyss, and other Atergalis, Dagon, Tirit-On. Andromache, Tritons. womany symbols. Njodr and Consort, Vana Freay, Vodyanuie, Tsar Morskoi.

The Sovran, God of Bod, Fo or Boodha, Krishna, Vach, Soorya as the Divine Tamuz Tamzi, Duzi, The the Cave (Ja.) Soma-Kodon, Kon- Word or Germ, Linga Sharira, begotten Son of Life, fucius, Tao, Seuthsai or The first Ya-ma, Prajapati, Swa- Muluchi, the Mediator, Chinese Siva. yambau, Kasyapa, Kartika, the God of Wisdom, Moymis good Savior who has no mother, only Son, The MEMRA, Sanatana Siva, the carpenter and apis, Phre-Apis. Salvator.

Vairoa, Hiru-ko (Ja.).

Samoodra, Varoona, Saras-vati, The Oanes, Hea, Sabitu and Siduri Kanops or Khan-Ophis, Serpent, Seesha or Ananta, Apam- youths guarding the Abyss, mutfs, Hapimou, Atoum napat. Tiamut or Thalatth. MAIYA, Ushasa and the Aswins, BELTIS or Ishtar, Tutu. Dawn and Twilight, Mariana, The Virgin Mother, The Lotus, Womb of Gold.

Ten, Sin (Ja.).

Mother and Virgin ISIS, Nepte, EOS, Aurora, RHEA, Kubele, The DAWN, Night, Lucifer, Venus, Rhoia, IO, Ri-a. NEITH, as the open knot or Agaistis, Maia, Erebus, Ops, Maid, MARY, Mother, QUEEN OF Yoni, Amanta, Kuin, Atmu. Leto, Lucifer or Eosboros. HEAVEN.

FREYIA, Beauty and Love, Queen of the Skies, Ostara.


Hobal, Ab-El or A-Bel.

The Sovran (Ja.).

AD-AR, Shems- Owi-kol or Ark-el, Ahi, Goni or HERACLES, Bellor-ophon, Danaos, DEIFIED HEROES, Adam, Ab-El, Archles, I-Ar, Hera-Kla, Rma, Bla-Ram, ISDHBAR, Aichill, Samson or The Amushapnds, ZARA- FREYIA, Beauty and Love, Queen Al-kander, Sekander, The Asvins. ON or Samdam, Alora, Nim- Gom, the Lion, Omphis or Pallas, Peleus, Agenor, Achilles, Peleg, Abraham, Is-Ra-El, Moses, Samdan, Malek-Aror Melkarth THUSTRA or Zorastter, Jima of the Skies, Ostara. rud, Ninib or NINDAR, Zaidu. Eurgetes of Plutarch, OSIRIS, or Ach-Ilu, Eneas, Priam, Paris, SAMSON, David, Solomon, Ar, Ma-Kur (Sy.), Dio-Nysa, Ar, or Yima. and his carpenter Son who Alexander. I-Ar or Hier, Ur, Arthur or Ath- AER or IAR, PAR, Pal or Paris, atones for sinners. NINDAR, Phoinix, Kasandra. Ur, St. George. Set, Sothis, Typhon, Iris or Isis, Hermes, Mercury, IAO. Belleros STORM, THUNDER, The WINDS, Tan-Arus or Taranus, Thure Daevas, Andra Saurva, Aeshma- TOR, Thoran or Thonar, Wolf Bes, Ouati, Mehi. Kolpias and Bau, Bagoe. daeva. (slain by Bellerophon), Jupiter Tempest, and Cloud Demons, God Fenrir, Nifl-heim or cloudTonans, and Pluvius, Iros or Iris. of Rainbow, Yahveh, Ashmodeus. world, Jatters, Perkunas or Perun, Pat-rimpo, Bogu, Fiorgyn or Fair-guni. Osir, Asar, Asi or Osiris-Ones, sars and Aisera (Etrus), Dei or The Al-e-im or Elohim, ANGELS, Yachaveh, Kemosh, Melkarth, The Ahuras, Amesha Am-On, the Ram-God. Divi. Heavenly Hosts, Yahveh. Al-e-im or Ar-e-im, IER. Armaiti, Sraosha. Spenta, SIR or Aisyrs (sign. AS), Asen, Vanir, Gor.

TARAO, Tokeran, So- Indra and Cows, The Cloudy One, Iva, Ilu, Anu, Tu, Yam, Yav. san, and Homusubi Roodra, Maghavan and many Vedik (Ja.). cloud demos, Asooras, Ditis, Aeshma, Maroots. Kami, Sovran. The Eswar, Sooras. Aishwara, The As The Asher or Asar

Huitzilo-poktli, Miktlanteuktli and Teoyaomi-qui, Queen of Death.

The vivifying Producer, Fire, Sun and Storm or Wind and Ashur, Bel, Beltis; Anu, Mulge, Triads the ever producing, Zeus, Poseidon, Pluto, &c. (cf. Vol. I, Trinities, as the Rabbinical Sephi- Various, but not yet well defined. The fulfilling God Rain; Brahma, Vishnoo and Siva; Hea; Heaven, the Abyss and Natura Naturnas, OS, IS, and p. 467, for all peoples). roth, Life, Thought, Knowledge; and Produced with Creation, Fertilization and Matter Vapor; Uruki, Ud, Im; Anu OR, or Osiris, Isis and Horus, Father, Son and Holy Ghost; God, whom the soul dwells or Desire; Power, Solar heat in the Air, Sams and Sin, the Knef, Sati and Anuk or Mind, Jesus, Mary or Mater-Dolorosa. (Ja.), The Chinese activity in Devaki, The three Fires, Sun and Moon. Water and Earth. The names The Patriarchal triads, Cain, Abel, Pussa. vary in each province. Three Vedas, and Threefold world; Seth; Moses, Aaron, Hur; Abram, Parvati, Lakshmi and Sarasvati. Isaac and Jacob. ANU. The Secret or hidden Toth, Hermachis the Sphinx, the Horus as Harpokratos, Cup, Eros. One, Tu and a form of quiescent Hermes, Jum or ZRVANA-AKARAN. Harpokrates. Secresy and Silence usually implied. with Love Deities of love and fertility.

Sraosha, Mith-Ra and Rashnu, Odin, Loki, HunirHeaven, Fire Fire Sun and Storm or Wind and Earth; Odin, Tor, Friga; and Rain, Asha-hura The and Odin, Vili and Ve as phallik powers. double Unity.

Zrvana-Akarana, without end.


Time Vidar (silent powers of Nature), the destroyer of wintry Fenrir.

Prominent among North American Indians.

Various legends.

The Adam of Ceylon tempts Eve, Ishtar falls to Hell by dis- Fall and rise of Osiris who saves Prometheus sins and is chained to THE T EMPTATION or FALL. Various Legends. Passion as sin, The Crucifixion. but in Arabian tradition Lilith obedience. Various Falls sinful man, for whom Amset, Earth and punished. does this. and Temptations. his carpenter-son, dies.

Angromainyus seduced first Loki descended to Earth and parents by milk or fruit, and tempted a woman with a halfJahi a woman tempts man. burned heart, called evil.

Human sacrifices com- Human and all other Chinese and Japanese, The Poroosha Medha, or sacrifice of Numerous sacrifices to Bel, Red men and cattle sacrificed to HUMAN SACRIFICES to Zeus- Bloody Sacrifices, Human, to Baal, Human Sacrifices by Druids, Sacrificial viands to Rivers, and Human vicitms burned in baskets, mon to Azteks, Yuka- sacrifices common. Mongols, Tatars, Turks, primeval man by the gods. The Ishtar, &c., Bel sacrifices his Osiris by the knife and im- Lukaus and other gods, Men torn Molok, &c., as that of Abraham, Kyklops, &c., Orgies of Lami , phenomenal powers, here early and slaughtered on altars, after tans, Tolteks, Inkas, and all Eastern island- Scape-horse or ASWA-MEDHA. only Son at Easter-tide or molation. The Scape-bull to asunder in Chios to Dio-Nusos, Jephthas d., the Sons of Saul and Italy Sacrifices to Ait or Alis, took the place of human and which, and until quite lately, Tezkaukans, Peruviers sacrificed and often The Vedic Sunahsepha. The Nisan. Apis. African sacrifices and and to Mania in Italy up to 140 the Scape-goat, Christs vicarious The Phenician El sacrifices all bloody rites. were substituted animals and ans, Araukanians, &c. ate their human Meriah or sacrifice of children to Anthropophagism as a religious B.C., The Thargelia, Lemuralia: Sacrifice, and the eating of his his Son Yechad or Yeouda libations. Finally Christs vicarivictims. Terra or Tari Pennu. ous sacrifice was accepted. rite. Human sacrifices ceased Human sacrifice only prohibted by flesh and blood. Jew. The Scape-man of the probably 700 B.C. Roman law 96 B.C. Gauls. Nirvana or rest. Immortality is treated of in the Vedas, 1800 B.C., Moksha is final deliverance or Nirvana. Resurrection doctrines held Apollo said to deliver from death and RESURRECTION, IMMORTALITY, 5,000 B.C., some said cor- guide men to Immortality, The Partial belief in, by Parsi or Phaporeal others only spiritual. Greek doctrine of Aisa Moira and risee Jews on return from Persia the survival of the Psuche or soul, 4th Cent. B.C. existed in time of Hesiod, 730 B.C. The last Osirian. judgement of the The final conflagration or destruc- GENERAL DESTRUCTION, or tion by water of Stoics. End of the World, and judgment of Quick and Dead. RESURRECTION preached 5th C. B.C., IMMORTALITY, or Ameretat, is the gift of Aharumazda.

The Pralay or Maha Pralya, when Soma and Terra or Pritivi, alone escape extinction, and generate a new Earth by means of Ocean, or its deity; even Patla is reduced to ashes.

M ALKOSCH. The great war be- RAGNAROCK, or Twilight of the tween the Garonemana, led godssix Fimbul winters. Fenrir by the bright gods against swallows the Sun, Odin, but is the dark ones, The conquer- killed by Vidhar the forest god. ing Savior, Saoshya Vereth- Midgard Serpent boils the Oceans. ragna appears and destroys Good and Evil gods fight on the wicked, but for a time plain of Vigrid, but Spirits of men Ahrimans power exceeds that survive in Lif and Lifthraser. of Ormuzd.

N.B. The reader will notice several apparent repetitions, but this cannot be avoided. Thus Demeter must appear as well under Terra the Earth Mother as under Ceres, &c. I also occasionally translate, or give the general significance, rather than strange, unknown and often abstract vernacular terms, as The Bread Giver, Swarthy One, &c. Of course this Table is imperfect, but students can very profitably complete it for themselves. It admits of infinite amplification, and therefore improvement, but before altering of condemning the arrangement my volumes should be carefully consulted, as they treat of details here out of place. When the column embraces several races, leaving the reader in doubt, the initial of the race is given in brackets. The correspondence of Trinities is fully elaborated in Vol. I. pp. 465 to 468. The spelling is that adopted for phonetik and other reasons fully dwelt upon in my section on Orthography.

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