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Harmony as per radhanath swamiJust what is this harmony?

United Nations was form ed with the sole purpose to unite all nations under one roof with some common go als. What does the Gulf war, the Gaddafis, the Libyan thing indicate to us? What else can we expect when the UN wants something and the Gaddafis want something else? How can we expect harmony? Just like if i have two children and both of them desire to have cadbury then it is easy for me to cater to their needs and their would be harmony between the t wo. If one asks for cadbury and the other a swiss chocolate, and if i could get only one type of chocolate then imagine the discord or envy which could take bir th between the two children. Just imagine, the innumerable children of GOD wanti ng so many uncountable things, what else can we expect in this society. Perfect Disharmony !!! Radhanath Swami says that for harmony to exist there has to be a common goal. Af ter i read this i thought of an ant society. Would it be wrong to say that an an t society is better than a human society? Ants are so disciplined a creature. Th ey have such a disciplined way of leading their lives. Every ant has one common goal. To store food for the rainy season. Everyone is in systematic search of fo od. They follow each other by leaving a trail of scent. We have never heard of a stampede in an ant colony despite the fact that the population of an ant societ y can overrun the population of a decently populated human colony. Radhanath Swami says that humanitarians may say that humanity should be the comm on center. But if we broaden our vision, then what about the animal society? Are we succeeding in our humanitarian attempts by killing the cows, the sheeps, the chickens, the turkeys, the snakes, the crocodiles, the elephants, the tigers, t he seals, the deers....did i miss something....Oh yes..i missed the dogs, the mo nkeys, and human fetuses too...Are we not creating disturbance in their lives by killing them for our tongue? The Swami also cites nationalism and patriotism. Some say this should be the com mon goal. If that is so then what about the nations in which we are not born? Ar en't the nationals of those countries humans? Aren't they our brothers and siste rs? They are not, unless we see the common origin. The Swami quotes Lord Krishna from the ancient sacred text of the east called Bh agavad Gita that Krishna is the seed-giving father of all that we see and we don 't see. So when we know this and when we recognize our relationship with the sup reme Lord, then we recognize our relationship with all other living entities. An d then Harmony is not far a goal. For e.g. if we throw two pebbles at different location in a pond, then we see ripples forming which will intersect each other. But if both pebbles are thrown at the same place in that pond then we see conce ntric circles forming with no intersection. So this means when the center of our pursuits become one then there will be harmony. And the center of all our pursu its should be the beautiful, all loving, all compassionate, all merciful Supreme Lord.

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