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Book Report Project Name: ______________________ Book Title: Author: Genre: Page Total: Period: 1st 2nd

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ _________ pages

Directions: Students will read a book of their choice. The book must be over 100 pages. It can be either fiction or non-fiction, but must be a novel. Books of short stories, poetry, etc. are not allowed. After reading the book, they will need to complete one of the following book report projects. All information can also be found on along with additional examples. The first project is due Friday, September 30, 2011. 1) Scrapbook Create a scrapbook of the story. Minimum of 10 pages. May include pictures, photos, words, souvenirs, memories, letters, diary entries, etc. 2) Glogster ( Online multimedia poster maker. If you are interested in this, you will need to get an account from me. Include general information about the book, pictures, videos, text, etc. 3) Newsletter Create a newsletter highlighting the major events from the story, written like newspaper articles. Must be a minimum of 4 pages. 4) Podcast Book Talk Create an audio recording talking about your book. Plot, characters, review. Must use specific software in order to create this podcast. 5) Radio Drama Create an audio play using multiple people of major scenes from the book. 6) Powerpoint Presentation Create a powerpoint presentation highlighting your book. Must use pictures, text, animation, transitions, and sounds. 7) Triorama Create a 3d triorama that highlights three major scenes from the book: beginning, middle, and end. 8) Soundtrack Write a soundtrack for your book, using songs or raps. Minimum 8 songs. Each song must be talk about major events or characters from the book. Songs must be in order by how they appear in the book. 9) Comic book Create a comic book illustrating a summary of the book. Minimum of 5 pages. Must be full color and put together like a comic book. 10) Book Trailer Film a movie using multiple people of previewing the book. Must be in .mov or .wmv format. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Book Report Project Student Name: _______________________ Student Signature: ____________________

Parent Name: ________________________ Parent Signature: _____________________ Book Report Project Rubric Name: ______________________ Book Title: Author: Genre: Page Total:
Expectation Demonstrate knowledge of the book, characters, story line, setting, climax. Included title and author of book

Period: 1st


______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ _________ pages

20 points each 15 points each 10 points each 5 points each Score Clearly Included some Missing many It is not clear demonstrated information points about the that you read understanding ofabout the book, the the book, characters, story characters, story book. Informatio characters, story line, setting line, setting n is largely line, setting, and/or climax. and/or climax. missing or climax. incorrect. Included title Included title or Included title or Neither title nor and author. author author but author included. misspelled or incomplete Followed All directions Most directions Most directions Presentation directions for were followed were followed were followed was missing chosen and you went but it was but little or no many elements project. above and missing creativity was of the chosen beyond what I something. Som included. project. expected. (Creat e creativity was ivity) shown. Grammatically Grammar and Grammar and Grammar and Too many correct written spelling errors spelling errors spelling took grammar and presentation may have been were a problem; away from the spelling errors to and spelling present but they many took away project and left make reading was correct. did not take from the project. the reader easy, clearly this away from the feeling as if they needed to be project. were reading a edited. rough draft. Project is Your project is Your project is Your project is Your project is attractive and attractive and attractive or well plain and may poorly put organized, well put together but have together and/or includes organized. It it is missing organization messy. It is appropriate includes something like issues; it has no missing art or art, graphics, appropriate art, art or graphs. art or graphs to graphs. graphs, etc. graphs, etc. help tell the story. Total points Grand total/Grade

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