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Mat hs

Children will complete units based on calculating, using number
facts, partitioning, problem solving and reasoning, shape,
measures and mental arithmetic. We will be doing weekly
mental maths tests on a Friday and of course there will be
SATs test practises throughout the year.

Knowl e dge and Unde r s t andi ng of t he Wor l d
(Sc i e nc e , Hi s t or y and Ge ogr ap hy)

Wow! What an amazing start to our Creative Curriculum
Topic Kings of the Sky! On the first day of term the children
had a fantastic opportunity of experiencing a live display of birds of
prey from Eagle Heights in Kent. Year 6 were very lucky
as they also had a talk all about Interdependent and Adaptation
from the keepers from Eagle Heights. They learnt about the
range of different birds of prey within Britain, identified their
habitats and recognised the features of these creatures. They
explored some of the conservation issues surrounding birds of prey
and explored different views regarding the treatment of animals.
We all had a great time!

In Science the children will find out more about the special
features of birds of prey and other animals in our unit on
interdependence and adaptation. They will also revise other areas
which relate to the outdoors such as rocks and soils, plant grown,
habitats, mini-beasts and food chains.

Cr e at i v e De v e l op me nt
The children have had the unique opportunity of participating in
close observational drawings of live birds and they have produced
fantastic artwork as a result of this. They will also be making a
model of a bird of prey.

Home wor k

Year 6 will be set homework on Thur s day to be
returned the following Monday. They will receive two
pieces of homework Literacy and Numeracy. If a
child does not hand in their work on time they will be
expected to complete their homework during lunchtime.
Parents can send in a signed note if there is any
legitimate reason why homework has not been completed.

Once a term the children will be set a project to complete.
This is based on the class topic and this term the project
will be on Birds of Prey. The children will be
expected to research an aspect of the subject and produce an
information booklet that is well-organised, clearly
presented with diagrams and pictures to illustrate ideas.
Your child should spend 30 minutes each week working
on this project and hand it in on the last day of term one.
Further information will be sent out this week with their

Se c ondar y Sc hool s Op e n Days

The Open Days for Secondary Schools are just
beginning and I appreciate that children will be visiting
a number of different schools. Please let me know, prior
to the visit and in writing, the dates your child will be
absent from school. As your child may be visiting a
number of schools it is important that your child is
returned back to school as soon as possible. This will
ensure limited disruption to your childs learning.

Fi nal l y, may I j us t r e i t e r at e what
Mr Rob i ns on s ai d i n t he Ye ar
Si x Se c ondar y Tr ans f e r Me e t i ng
b ac k i n Jul y. If you ne e d any he l p
wi t h c omp l e t i ng your c hi l d s
s e c ondar y s c hool ap p l i c at i on f or m or
you j us t hav e a que s t i on, p l e as e
c ont ac t e i t he r mys e l f or Mr
Rob i ns on. We ar e he r e t o he l p .

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