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Econciencia: Apolitical and non-profit association funded in 2011 with the main objective of creating awareness through several

media (art, science, and technology, among others) about the serious environmental & social crises which affect our planet. By taking local action toward the solution of global challenges, it is still possible to slow the major environmental damage that we are causing to the Earth day by day. Objective: In the last 50 years the Earth has suffered significant changes in its biophysics systems thanks to human beings; with the incredible & invaluable capability of creation that men has, the alteration & the destruction of itself continues. The Earth is moving and she is fighting every second. We can be her enemy because we t have seen that we cannot compete with her power; lets join her. Lets create awareness. With silent screams our Mother is telling us that we still have time, that theres still a chance; a hope. The only thing that truly matters is to fight for the "protection, conservation & restoration of nature". If we have been irresponsible in the past, now lets be aware of our future actions. With our human rights comes the duty to "Meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". Mission: To analyze the scope of the environmental problem which affects Mexico at a local level, as well as its international implications; also the effect of the environmental issues of the world on Mexico.

To offer solutions through the improvement or creation of environmental public policies in Mexico, where the conservation of natural resources, sustainable development & the need to achieve a low carbon society become priority. To highlight the importance of education as a human right, as the starting point to inspire a generational change, to improve work opportunities, to understand what surround us, to inspire the beginning of a sustainable society which is low in greenhouse gas emission, and where the carbon footprint will be reduced to a minimum. To promote the adoption & enactment of measures that drive sustainable development; the diffusion& adaptation of this, as well as the positive effects that it could have on our society; to include the use of renewable energy sources as the norm, the effective use of the existent energy & the use of environmentally friendly transportation. To sensitize society through the implementation of educational programs where the main objective is the diffusion of national natural resources; the creation or enforcement of awareness about the importance of the ecosystems & wildlife so that everyone assumes a role in the promotion, conservation and protection of nature. Through creative, educative & artistic advertising, culture & arts will not only be shared& created, but also a critical analysis will form & society will become informed about achievements & new alternatives of environmentally friendly life styles.

This is why I want to ask for your help by giving life, color & movement to this idea that many of us share; this is our space. Lets share, lets act, we shall propose, we must build, we have to watch, to feel, to listen, and of course ask & criticize through construction and renewing; lets make a better space and a healthy environment with our daily actions. Lets fight for a better & clearer future. Language is a human gift, communication is essential; as human beings, citizens, lawyers, communicologists, designers, photographers, artists, filmmakers, doctors, politologists,

etc., we can help us to help; we might be far away, in other land, in other country, but all of us share the same home & live under the same roof; also, distances dont exist for ideas y borders exist only in our imagination; even if we are in a different state of Mexico, Canada, France, United State, Germany, Finland, anywhere, we can make this grow. Let's share this idea, spread the seed; any idea, commentary or news could & must be published in this space.

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