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Jacob Hammonds

English 1320 Progymnesmata 1&2 Confirmation Robert Oppenheimers work on the Manhattan project played a pivotal role in bringing an important wave of technology to the earth. Nuclear technologies such as nuclear power, are helping eliminate peoples dependence on natural resources. Oppenheimers research also made way for technologies that in the right hands keep Americans safe. Because of Oppenheimers work, historians have called him the father of the atomic bomb. He played a pivotal role in the creation of the School for theoretical physics at UC Berkeley. He worked as an educator all around the world and is responsible for educating students in America as well as the Netherlands. In his lifetime he was nominated of three Nobel prizes and his influence and work has spanned generations. The technologies brought forth in the Manhattan project led the way in the development of nuclear energies. Nuclear energy is reusable and is helping humans leave less of a carbon footprint on earth. In 2009 it was estimated the around thirteen percent of the world energy is produced by nuclear power plants. Nuclear power has also been utilized in the propulsion of submarines. Nuclear power production also accounts for far less waste than the conventional fuel burning methods. These productive energy methods would not have been possible without Oppenheimers research.

Without Oppenheimers research the world would have missed out on important developments In nuclear technology. Oppenheimers research accounts for a substantial amount of the worlds power. His work on the Manhattan project also helps protect Americans freedoms. Refutation Nuclear technology is one of the greatest threats to humanity, and Robert Oppenheimers research is to blame. Nuclear weapons bring fear and war to countries all over the world, and nuclear technology is responsible for thousands of deaths and countless millions of dollars in damage. Without Oppenheimers research the world would be a safer place. Nuclear weapons contain the same amount of explosive power as 10,000,000 tons of TNT. The two nuclear weapons deployed for war purposes killed 200,000 Japanese people, most of whom were civilians. The destruction of nuclear weapons is far vaster than their initial impact. Nuclear fallout and devastation can contaminate whole continents for years after the initial explosion. The United States ethical reasons for deploying those weapons are still a topic of debate today. Nuclear weapons are a major foreign policy issue today, and are subject to much debate. Without Oppenheimers research the world would be a safer place. Nuclear energy, the one seemingly redeeming part of the Manhattan project has caused as much if not more damage than nuclear weapons. Nuclear power plant malfunctions account for billions of dollars in damage and has killed around 4,000 people. The Chernobyl disaster caused a wide spread evacuation of 300,000 people. Economically, the disaster caused more than 6,700,000,000 dollars in damage. The nuclear fallout after the explosion had caused wide spread

damage all over Europe years after the disaster. Oppenheimers work is responsible for this destruction. Oppenheimers work on the Manhattan project has caused nothing but pain and violence all over the world. Nuclear technology is destructive and even when it was used for something positive it destroyed more. Nuclear technology is dangerous and unstable, and it shouldnt be utilized.

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