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[A] airfoil coefficient matrix, pg 31 Am,µ dimensionless coefficient, pg 813

[A] coefficient matrix in the generalized Anp matrix component, pg 810
eigenproblem, pg 703
An, p( dimensionless coefficient, pg 814
[ A ]ee coefficient matrix, pg 810
Anq matrix component, pg 810
[ A ]eω coefficient matrix, pg 810
Anr matrix component, pg 810
[ A] fv coefficient matrix, pg 809
An,r( dimensionless coefficient, pg 814
[ A] fω coefficient matrix, pg 809
An,α dimensionless coefficient, pg 814
[ A ]mv coefficient matrix, pg 809
An,β dimensionless coefficient, pg 814
[ A ]mω coefficient matrix, pg 809
Ap area of prop circle
[ A] pe coefficient matrix, pg 810
Ax x-component of arbitrary quaternion
[ A] pv coefficient matrix, pg 810
Ax,q( dimensionless coefficient, pg 814
[ A ]w coefficient matrix, pg 809
Ax,α dimensionless coefficient, pg 814
{A} arbitrary quaternion
Ax,µ dimensionless coefficient, pg 813
A arbitrary quaternion with zero scalar
component (vector)
Ay y-component of arbitrary quaternion

A complex amplitude, pg 708

Ay , p( dimensionless coefficient, pg 814

Ae engine exit area

Ay ,r( dimensionless coefficient, pg 814
Ay ,β dimensionless coefficient, pg 814
Af amplification factor, pg 701
Az z-component of arbitrary quaternion
Ag dimensionless coefficient, pg 813
Az ,q( dimensionless coefficient, pg 814
Ai engine inlet area
Az ,α dimensionless coefficient, pg 814
Alp matrix component, pg 809
Az ,µ dimensionless coefficient, pg 813
Al, p( dimensionless coefficient, pg 814
A0 scalar-component of arbitrary
Alq matrix component, pg 809
Alr matrix component, pg 809
A aftward axial force, pg 2
Al,r( dimensionless coefficient, pg 814 ~
A section axial force, pgs 2, 4
Al,α dimensionless coefficient, pg 814
An coefficients in the infinite series
Al,β dimensionless coefficient, pg 814 solution for thin airfoil theory
Amp matrix component, pg 809 An coefficients in the infinite series
solution to the lifting-line equation
Amq matrix component, pg 809
a speed of sound
Amr matrix component, pg 809
aN acceleration normal to the flight path
Am,q( dimensionless coefficient, pg 814
an planform contribution to coefficients in
Am,α dimensionless coefficient, pg 814 the infinite series solution to Prandtl’s
Am,β dimensionless coefficient, pg 814 lifting-line equation

968 Nomenclature

a0 speed of sound at stagnation [C]T transpose of direction-cosine matrix

a∞ freestream speed of sound [C] f coefficient matrix, pg 810
[B ] coefficient matrix in the generalized [C]m coefficient matrix, pg 810
eigenproblem, pg 703
C arbitrary constant
[B]iv coefficient matrix, pg 809
C shorthand notation for cos(Θ/ 2)
[B]m coefficient matrix, pg 809
CA axial force coefficient, pg 3
{B} arbitrary quaternion ~
CA section axial force coefficient, pg 3
B apparent body-force vector, due to the
CAP control anticipation parameter, pg 840
vector sum of the acceleration of
gravity and the aircraft acceleration, CD drag coefficient, pg 3
pg 556 ~
CD section drag coefficient, pg 3
B arbitrary quaternion with zero scalar
component (vector)
C Dc drag coefficient on a forward canard

B leftward side force, pg 2

C Dh drag coefficient on either an aft
horizontal tail or a forward canard
B arbitrary constant for stagnation flow,
pg 17
C Di induced drag coefficient
C DLO drag coefficient at liftoff
Bx x-component of arbitrary quaternion
Bm,α ′ dimensionless coefficient, pg 813 C D ,M change in CD with respect to M
C DM 0 section drag coefficient at zero Mach
Bm,µ ′ dimensionless coefficient, pg 813 number, pg 100
Bx,α ′ dimensionless coefficient, pg 813 C Do drag coefficient at the equilibrium
Bx,µ ′ dimensionless coefficient, pg 813 reference state
By y-component of arbitrary quaternion C DOC drag coefficient at the obstacle
clearance altitude
Bz z-component of arbitrary quaternion
Bz ,α ′ dimensionless coefficient, pg 813 C Dp parasitic drag coefficient
C Dt drag coefficient on an aft horizontal tail
Bz ,µ ′ dimensionless coefficient, pg 813
B0 scalar-component of arbitrary
C Dw drag coefficient on the main wing
quaternion C Dw local section drag coefficient on the
main wing
b wingspan
b′ wingtip vortex spacing
C D0 drag coefficient at zero lift

bc span of a forward canard

C D0 h drag coefficient at zero lift for either an
aft horizontal tail or forward canard
bh span of either an aft horizontal tail or a
forward canard
C D0 , L the linear coefficient in the parabolic
relation for drag coefficient as a
bn washout contribution to coefficients in function of lift coefficient
the infinite series solution to Prandtl’s
lifting-line equation
CD0, Lh the linear coefficient in the parabolic
relation for drag coefficient as a
bt span of an aft horizontal tail function of lift coefficient for either an
aft horizontal tail or forward canard
bw span of the main wing
[C] coefficient matrix in the generalized
CD0, Lw the linear coefficient in the parabolic
relation for drag coefficient as a
linear control problem, pg 848
function of lift coefficient for the main
[C] direction-cosine matrix, pg 870 wing
Nomenclature 969
C D0 w drag coefficient at zero lift for the main C Lh 0 lift coefficient on either an aft
wing horizontal tail or a forward canard at
zero fuselage angle of attack and zero
C D ,α change in drag coefficient with angle of elevator deflection
CHe elevator hinge moment coefficient
C Lh ,α lift slope for either an aft horizontal tail
or a forward canard
C H e 0 elevator hinge moment coefficient with C LLO lift coefficient at liftoff
the local angle of attack, elevator de-
flection, and trim tab deflection at zero C L ,M change in CL with respect to M
CHe ,αh change in elevator hinge moment coef- C LM 0 section lift coefficient at zero Mach
ficient with local angle of attack number, pg 97
CHe ,δe change in elevator hinge moment coef- CLmax maximum lift coefficient
ficient with elevator deflection
C LOC lift coefficient at the obstacle clearance
CHe ,δ t change in elevator hinge moment coef- altitude
ficient with trim tab deflection
C Lt lift coefficient on an aft horizontal tail
CH s stabilator hinge moment coefficient
CLtmax maximum lift coefficient for an aft
C H s 0 stabilator hinge moment coefficient horizontal tail
with the local angle of attack, stabilator
deflection, and elevator trim deflection
C Lt 0 lift coefficient on an aft horizontal tail
at zero fuselage angle of attack and zero
at zero
elevator deflection
CHs ,αh change in stabilator hinge moment coef-
ficient with local angle of attack
C Lt ,α lift slope for an aft horizontal tail
C Lv lift coefficient on a vertical tail
CHs ,δ s change in stabilator hinge moment coef-
ficient with stabilator deflection C Lv ,α lift slope for a vertical tail
CHs ,δ e change in stabilator hinge moment coef- C Lw lift coefficient on the main wing
ficient with elevator trim deflection
CLw max maximum lift coefficient for the main
Cij components of the direction-cosine wing
C Lw 0 lift coefficient on the main wing at zero
C& ij time rate of change of components of fuselage angle of attack and zero
the direction-cosine matrix elevator deflection
CL lift coefficient, pg 3 C Lw ,α lift slope for the main wing
~ ~
CL section lift coefficient, pg 3 C Lw ,α in situ section lift slope for the main
wing, including the effects of local
C Lc lift coefficient on a forward canard
induced downwash, pg 476
CLcmax maximum lift coefficient for a forward CL0 aircraft lift coefficient at zero fuselage
angle of attack and zero elevator
C Lc 0 lift coefficient on a forward canard at deflection
zero fuselage angle of attack and zero
elevator deflection
C L,α lift slope, change in lift coefficient with
angle of attack
C Lc ,α lift slope for a forward canard C L′ ,α stick-free change in lift coefficient with
C Ld design lift coefficient angle of attack
C Lh lift coefficient on either an aft C L ,α section lift slope, change in section lift
horizontal tail or a forward canard coefficient with angle of attack
CLh max maximum lift coefficient for either an C L ,δ e change in aircraft lift coefficient with
aft horizontal tail or a forward canard elevator deflection
970 Nomenclature
Cl aircraft rolling moment coefficient Cmle leading-edge section moment
about the aircraft center of gravity, coefficient
pgs 72, 441, 654
Cm,M change in Cm with respect to M
Cl propeller torque coefficient, pg 144 ~
CmM 0 section moment coefficient at zero
Cl,M change in Cl with respect to M Mach number, pg 97
Cl, p change in Cl with respect to p Cmnp aircraft pitching moment coefficient
about the stick-fixed neutral point
Cl , r change in Cl with respect to r
Cl,β change in Cl with respect to β Cm,q change in Cm with respect to q

Cl,δ a change in Cl with respect to δa Cmt aft horizontal tail pitching moment
coefficient about its aerodynamic
Cl,δ r change in Cl with respect to δ r center
Cm aircraft pitching moment coefficient Cmt 0 aft horizontal tail pitching moment
about the aircraft center of gravity, coefficient about its aerodynamic center
pgs 3, 654 at zero fuselage angle of attack and zero
~ elevator deflection
Cm section moment coefficient, pg 3
~ Cmt ,δ e change in aft horizontal tail pitching
Cmac section moment coefficient about the moment coefficient about its
aerodynamic center
aerodynamic center with elevator
Cmc pitching moment coefficient for a deflection angle
canard about its aerodynamic center
Cmv ,δ r change in vertical tail moment
Cmc 0 pitching moment coefficient for a coefficient about its aerodynamic center
forward canard about its aerodynamic with rudder deflection angle
center at zero fuselage angle of attack
and zero elevator deflection
Cmw wing pitching moment coefficient about
its aerodynamic center
Cmc ,δ e change in forward canard pitching ~
moment coefficient about its
C mx section moment coefficient about point
with axial coordinate x
aerodynamic center with elevator
deflection angle Cm 0 aircraft pitching moment coefficient at
~ zero fuselage angle of attack and zero
Cmc / 4 quarter-chord section moment elevator deflection
Cm,α change in pitching moment coefficient
Cm f pitching moment coefficient for the
with respect to angle of attack
fuselage about the aircraft center of
gravity Cm′ ,α stick-free change in pitching moment
coefficient with respect to angle of
Cmh pitching moment coefficient for either
an aft horizontal tail or a forward
canard about its aerodynamic center Cm,α̂ change in Cm with respect to α̂
Cmh 0 pitching moment coefficient for either Cm,α change in section pitching moment
an aft horizontal tail or a forward coefficient with angle of attack
canard about its aerodynamic center at ~
Cm,δ change in section quarter-chord moment
zero fuselage angle of attack and zero
coefficient with flap deflection, pg 38
elevator deflection
Cmh ,δ e change in the pitching moment Cm,δ e change in Cm with respect to δe
coefficient for either an aft horizontal Cm,µ change in Cm with respect to µ
tail or a forward canard about its
Cm,µ̂ change in Cm with respect to µ̂
aerodynamic center with elevator
deflection angle CN normal force coefficient, pg 3
Nomenclature 971
CN section normal force coefficient, pg 3 CY force coefficient for the yb-component
of aerodynamic force, excluding thrust
CN p propeller normal force coefficient
CY ,M change in CY with respect to M
C N p ,α change in propeller normal force
coefficient with propeller angle of CYp propeller side force coefficient
CY , p change in CY with respect to p
Cn aircraft yawing moment coefficient
about the aircraft center of gravity,
CY ,r change in CY with respect to r
pgs 74, 441, 654 CYp ,β change in propeller side force
coefficient with sideslip angle
Cn f yawing moment coefficient for the
fuselage about the aircraft center of CY ,β change in CY with respect to β
CY ,δ a change in CY with respect to δa
Cn,M change in Cn with respect to M
CY ,δ r change in CY with respect to δ r
Cn p propeller yawing moment coefficient
CZ force coefficient for the zb-component
Cn p ,α change in propeller yawing moment of aerodynamic force, excluding thrust
coefficient with angle of attack
CZ ,M change in CZ with respect to M
Cn, p change in Cn with respect to p
CZ ,q change in CZ with respect to q
C n ,r change in Cn with respect to r
CZ ,α change in CZ with respect to α
Cn,α change in Cn with respect to α
CZ ,α̂ change in CZ with respect to α̂
Cn,β change in Cn with respect to β
CZ ,δ e change in CZ with respect to δe
Cn,δ a change in Cn with respect to δa
C Z ,µ change in CZ with respect to µ
Cn,δ r change in Cn with respect to δ r
CZ ,µ̂ change in CZ with respect to µ̂
CP propeller power coefficient
CΘ shorthand notation for cos(Θ )
Cp constant pressure specific heat
Cθ shorthand notation for cos(θ )
Cp pressure coefficient, pg 31
Cθo shorthand notation for cos(θ ο )
C pl lower surface pressure coefficient
Cθ 2 shorthand notation for cos(θ / 2)
C pM 0 pressure coefficient at zero Mach
number, pg 97 Cφ shorthand notation for cos(φ )
C pu upper surface pressure coefficient Cφo shorthand notation for cos(φ ο )
CT propeller thrust coefficient Cφ 2 shorthand notation for cos(φ / 2)
CW weight coefficient, pg 508 Cψ shorthand notation for cos(ψ )
CX force coefficient for the xb-component Cψ o shorthand notation for cos(ψ ο )
of aerodynamic force, excluding thrust Cψ 2 shorthand notation for cos(ψ / 2)
C X ,M change in CX with respect to M CΩ t shorthand notation for cos (Ω t )
C X ,q change in CX with respect to q c section chord length, pg 23
C X ,α change in CX with respect to α c damping coefficient, Sec. 8.1
C X ,α̂ change in CX with respect to α̂ c mean chord length
C X ,δ e change in CX with respect to δe cb propeller blade section chord length
C X ,µ change in CX with respect to µ
ĉb dimensionless propeller blade section
C X ,µ̂ change in CX with respect to µ̂ chord length ratio, pg 145
972 Nomenclature

cc mean chord of a forward canard D y ,δ a dimensionless coefficient, pg 814

ce mean elevator chord D y ,δ r dimensionless coefficient, pg 814
cf flap chord length, pg 36 Dz ,δ e dimensionless coefficient, pg 814
cf fuselage chord length, pg 417 E modulus of elasticity
ch mean chord of either an aft horizontal dF differential aerodynamic force vector
tail or a forward canard
df characteristic fuselage diameter, pg 417
cn control surface contribution to the
coefficients in the infinite series
dl differential vortex length vector
solution to Prandtl’s lifting-line dn roll contribution to the coefficients in
equation the infinite series solution to the lifting-
line equation
cr root chord length
ct tip chord length
d gc great-circle distance or arc length
measured over the Earth’s surface,
ct mean chord of an aft horizontal tail pg 926
cv mean chord of a vertical tail dp propeller diameter
cw local chord of the main wing dr rhumb-line distance measured over the
Earth’s surface along a path of constant
cw mean chord of the main wing
{D} control deflection vector in the general-
ized linear control problem, pg 848
d wp great-circle distance to some waypoint,
pg 927
{D} Laplace transform of control deflection
E Euler axis vector, pg 872
vector in the generalized linear control
problem, pg 848 E magnitude of Euler axis vector
D drag force, pg 2 E endurance or length of time an aircraft
~ can fly without refueling
D section drag force, pgs 2, 4
Emax maximum endurance or maximum time
Dadd additive drag, pg 191
an aircraft can fly without refueling
Dc drag on a forward canard
Eij Euler axis variable, pg 873
Dh drag on either an aft horizontal tail or a
forward canard
Eij′ Euler axis variable, pg 874
Ex xb- and xf -component of Euler axis
Di induced drag
~ vector
Di local section induced drag, pg 47
Ey yb- and yf -component of Euler axis
Dl,δ a dimensionless coefficient, pg 814 vector
Dl,δ r dimensionless coefficient, pg 814 Ez zb- and zf -component of Euler axis
Dm,δ e dimensionless coefficient, pg 814
Dnac nacelle drag, pg 191
{e} Euler-Rodrigues quaternion

Dn,δ a dimensionless coefficient, pg 814 {e} Euler-Rodrigues quaternion magnitude

Dn,δ r dimensionless coefficient, pg 814 {e} Euler-Rodrigues quaternion conjugate

Dt drag on an aft horizontal tail

{e&} time rate of change of the Euler-
Rodrigues quaternion
Dv drag on a vertical tail
e Oswald efficiency factor, pgs 224
Dw drag on the main wing
ec Oswald efficiency factor for a forward
Dx,δ e dimensionless coefficient, pg 814 canard
Nomenclature 973
eh Oswald efficiency factor for either an Fr engine mount reaction force, pg 191
aft horizontal tail or a forward canard
Fr rolling friction force
{e}r renormalized Euler-Rodrigues
FS resultant surface force vector
FSxb xb-component of resultant surface force
et Oswald efficiency factor for an aft
horizontal tail FSyb yb-component of resultant surface force
es span efficiency factor, pgs 49, 51 FSzb zb-component of resultant surface force
ew Oswald efficiency factor for the main Fxb xb-component of pseudo aerodynamic
wing force vector, including thrust
ex xb- and xf -component of the Euler- Fxb o equilibrium xb-component of pseudo
Rodrigues quaternion aerodynamic force vector, including
e&x time rate of change of the xb- and xf -
component of the Euler-Rodrigues Fxb , p change in xb-component of pseudo
quaternion aerodynamic force vector, including
thrust, with rolling rate
ey yb- and yf -component of the Euler-
Rodrigues quaternion Fxb ,q change in xb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic force vector, including
e& y time rate of change of the yb- and yf - thrust, with pitching rate
component of the Euler-Rodrigues
quaternion Fxb ,r change in xb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic force vector, including
ez zb- and zf -component of the Euler- thrust, with yawing rate
Rodrigues quaternion
Fxb ,u change in xb-component of pseudo
e&z time rate of change of the zb- and zf - aerodynamic force vector, including
component of the Euler-Rodrigues thrust, with xb-component of airspeed
Fxb ,u& change in xb-component of pseudo
e0 scalar-component of the Euler- aerodynamic force vector, including
Rodrigues quaternion thrust, with xb-component of aircraft
e&0 time rate of change of the scalar- acceleration
component of the Euler-Rodrigues Fxb ,v change in xb-component of pseudo
quaternion aerodynamic force vector, including
F pseudo aerodynamic force vector thrust, with yb-component of airspeed
including thrust, pg 611 Fxb ,w change in xb-component of pseudo
F magnitude of force vector aerodynamic force vector, including
thrust, with zb-component of airspeed
F uninstalled thrust, pg 191
Fxb ,w& change in xb-component of pseudo
Fa resultant aerodynamic force vector aerodynamic force vector, including
Fa amplitude of sinusoidal forcing function thrust, with zb-component of aircraft
Fc effective net force during transition,
pg 319 Fyb yb-component of pseudo aerodynamic
force vector, including thrust
Fj resultant force vector for a jet engine
Fyb o equilibrium yb-component of pseudo
Fp resultant pressure force vector aerodynamic force vector, including
Fp pitch control force provided by pilot thrust

Fp ,n longitudinal control force per g Fyb , p change in yb-component of pseudo

aerodynamic force vector, including
Fp ,V control force gradient thrust, with rolling rate
974 Nomenclature
Fyb ,q change in yb-component of pseudo Fθ propeller section circumferential force
aerodynamic force vector, including
thrust, with pitching rate
f dimensionless force, pgs 303−304
f Prandtl’s tip loss factor, pg 143
Fyb ,r change in yb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic force vector, including f′ dimensionless force derivative, pg 304
thrust, with yawing rate
fL local lift force vector per unit length
Fyb ,u change in yb-component of pseudo measured along the quarter-chord line,
aerodynamic force vector, including pg 480
thrust, with xb-component of airspeed
f LO dimensionless force, pg 305
Fyb ,v change in yb-component of pseudo ′
f LO dimensionless force derivative, pg 305
aerodynamic force vector, including
thrust, with yb-component of airspeed fS dimensionless force, pg 305
Fyb ,w change in yb-component of pseudo f S′ dimensionless force derivative, pg 305
aerodynamic force vector, including
thrust, with zb-component of airspeed
fT thrust fraction provided by a particular
propeller, pg 451
Fzb zb-component of pseudo aerodynamic [G ] transfer-function matrix, pg 849
force vector, including thrust
G dimensionless vortex strength vector
Fzb o equilibrium zb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic force vector, including G dimensionless vortex strength, pg 85
G transfer function, pg 848
Fzb , p change in zb-component of pseudo g acceleration of gravity
aerodynamic force vector, including
thrust, with rolling rate go acceleration of gravity at sea level
Fzb ,q change in zb-component of pseudo H angular momentum vector
aerodynamic force vector, including
H geometric altitude
thrust, with pitching rate
He aerodynamic elevator hinge moment
Fzb ,r change in zb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic force vector, including Hs stabilator primary hinge moment
thrust, with yawing rate
H xb xb-component of angular momentum
Fzb ,u change in zb-component of pseudo vector
aerodynamic force vector, including
thrust, with xb-component of airspeed
H yb yb-component of angular momentum
Fzb ,u& change in zb-component of pseudo H zb zb-component of angular momentum
aerodynamic force vector, including
thrust, with xb-component of aircraft
acceleration h angular momentum vector for all
spinning rotors relative to the body-
Fzb ,v change in zb-component of pseudo fixed coordinate system
aerodynamic force vector, including
thrust, with yb-component of airspeed h distance above the center of gravity in a
direction normal to fuselage reference
Fzb ,w change in zb-component of pseudo line
aerodynamic force vector, including
thrust, with zb-component of airspeed hc distance above the center of gravity to
aerodynamic center of forward canard
Fzb ,w& change in zb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic force vector, including hh distance above the center of gravity to
thrust, with zb-component of aircraft aerodynamic center of either an aft
acceleration horizontal tail or a forward canard
Nomenclature 975
hj distance above the aircraft center of [i ] identity matrix
gravity to the jet engine thrust axis
ir unit vector in the r-direction
hnp distance above the center of gravity to
ix unit vector in the x-direction
the aircraft stick-fixed neutral point
hOC FAR takeoff obstacle clearance altitude
i xb unit vector in the xb-direction
ixf unit vector in the xf -direction
hp distance above the aircraft center of
gravity to the propeller axis iy unit vector in the y-direction
hT distance above the center of gravity to i yb unit vector in the yb-direction
the center of thrust
i yf unit vector in the yf -direction
hs slipstream enthalpy, Chapter 2
iz unit vector in the z-direction
ht distance above the center of gravity to
aerodynamic center of an aft horizontal
i zb unit vector in the zb-direction
tail izf unit vector in the zf -direction
hv distance above the center of gravity to iθ unit vector in the θ-direction
aerodynamic center of a vertical tail
i∞ unit vector in the freestream-direction
hw distance above the center of gravity to
i square root of −1
aerodynamic center of the main wing
[J ] Jacobian matrix
hw height of the wing above the ground,
used for ground effect computations J propeller advance ratio, pg 145
hxb xb-component of angular momentum K propeller aerodynamic pitch-to-
vector for all spinning rotors relative to diameter ratio, pg 145
the body-fixed coordinate system
Kc propeller chord-line pitch-to-diameter
hyb yb-component of angular momentum ratio
vector for all spinning rotors relative to
Kd proportionality constant, pg 353
the body-fixed coordinate system
KL aeroelasticity coefficient, pg 517
hzb zb-component of angular momentum
vector for all spinning rotors relative to Km aeroelasticity coefficient, pg 517
the body-fixed coordinate system
KR takeoff and landing coefficient, pg 304
h∞ freestream enthalpy, Chapter 2
KT takeoff and landing coefficient, pg 303
[I ] inertia tensor, pgs 609−610
KW takeoff and landing coefficient, pg 303
I imaginary part of complex number
K0 takeoff and landing coefficient, pg 303
I local area moment of inertia
K1 takeoff and landing coefficient, pg 303
I xxb moment of inertia, pgs 609−610
K2 takeoff and landing coefficient, pg 303
I xyb product of inertia, pgs 609−610
k gain coefficient, pg 899
I xzb product of inertia, pgs 609−610
k number of propeller blades
I yxb product of inertia, pgs 609−610
k spring constant
I yyb moment of inertia, pgs 609−610
k aa control system gain coefficient, pg 576
I yzb product of inertia, pgs 609−610
k ar control system gain coefficient, pg 576
I zxb product of inertia, pgs 609−610
kes stabilator-elevator linkage coefficient,
I zyb product of inertia, pgs 609−610 pg 569
I zzb moment of inertia, pgs 609−610 k ra control system gain coefficient, pg 576
976 Nomenclature

k rr control system gain coefficient, pg 576 lr global reference length

kt torsional spring constant lref reference length
L lift force, pg 2 lt distance aft of the center of gravity to
~ aerodynamic center of an aft horizontal
L section lift force, pgs 2, 4
Lc lift on a forward canard
ltn distance aft of the aircraft stick-fixed
Lh lift on a either an aft horizontal tail or a neutral point to the aerodynamic center
forward canard of an aft horizontal tail
Lnll minimum allowable negative lift lv distance aft of the center of gravity to
aerodynamic center of a vertical tail
L pll maximum allowable positive lift
lw distance aft of the center of gravity to
Lt lift on an aft horizontal tail
aerodynamic center of the main wing
Lv lift on a vertical tail
lwn distance aft of the aircraft stick-fixed
Lw lift on the main wing neutral point to the aerodynamic center
of the main wing
l source or vortex sheet length
lwt distance used to compute aerodynamic
l distance aft of the center of gravity in
derivatives with respect to translational
a direction parallel to the fuselage
acceleration, pgs 667, 669
reference line
l M Mach number
propeller torque
Mb local bending moment
l rolling moment about the center of
gravity excluding thrust, pgs 2, 442, Mb turbofan bypass exit Mach number
M cr critical Mach number
lc distance aft of the center of gravity to
Me core nozzle exit Mach number
aerodynamic center of a forward canard
(always < 0) Mi inlet Mach number
lf distance aft of the aircraft center of M∞ freestream Mach number
gravity to center of pressure of the
M pseudo aerodynamic moment vector
including thrust effects, pg 612
l Hs stabilator hinge location [M ] coefficient matrix in rate equation for
lh distance aft of the center of gravity to the Euler-Rodrigues quaternion, pg 893
aerodynamic center of a either an aft [M ] matrix of cofactors, pg 849
horizontal tail or a forward canard
[M ]T transpose of matrix of cofactors, pg 849
lj distance aft of the aircraft center of
gravity to the jet engine inlet Ma resultant aerodynamic moment vector
lmp distance aft of the center of gravity to MS resultant surface moment vector
the aircraft stick-fixed maneuver point
M Sxb xb-component of resultant surface
lnp distance aft of the center of gravity to moment vector
the aircraft stick-fixed neutral point
M Syb yb-component of resultant surface

lnp distance aft of the center of gravity to moment vector
the aircraft stick-free neutral point
M Szb zb-component of resultant surface
lp distance aft of the aircraft center of moment vector
gravity to the propeller
M xb xb-component of pseudo aerodynamic
lp propeller torque or rolling moment moment vector, including thrust effects
Nomenclature 977
M xb o equilibrium xb-component of pseudo M yb ,w change in yb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic moment vector, including aerodynamic moment, including thrust
thrust effects effects, with zb-component of airspeed
M xb , p change in xb-component of pseudo M yb ,w& change in yb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic moment, including thrust aerodynamic moment, including thrust
effects, with rolling rate effects, with zb-component of aircraft
M xb ,q change in xb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic moment, including thrust M zb zb-component of pseudo aerodynamic
effects, with pitching rate moment vector, including all thrust
M xb ,r change in xb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic moment, including thrust M zb o equilibrium zb-component of pseudo
effects, with yawing rate aerodynamic moment vector, including
thrust effects
M xb ,u change in xb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic moment, including thrust M zb , p change in zb-component of pseudo
effects, with xb-component of airspeed aerodynamic moment, including thrust
effects, with rolling rate
M xb ,v change in xb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic moment, including thrust M zb ,q change in zb-component of pseudo
effects, with yb-component of airspeed aerodynamic moment, including thrust
effects, with pitching rate
M xb ,w change in xb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic moment, including thrust M zb ,r change in zb-component of pseudo
effects, with zb-component of airspeed aerodynamic moment, including thrust
effects, with yawing rate
M yb yb-component of pseudo aerodynamic
moment vector, including thrust effects M zb ,u change in zb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic moment, including thrust
M yb o equilibrium yb-component of pseudo effects, with xb-component of airspeed
aerodynamic moment vector, including
thrust effects M zb ,v change in zb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic moment, including thrust
M yb , p change in yb-component of pseudo effects, with yb-component of airspeed
aerodynamic moment, including thrust
effects, with rolling rate M zb ,w change in zb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic moment, including thrust
M yb ,q change in yb-component of pseudo effects, with zb-component of airspeed
aerodynamic moment, including thrust
effects, with pitching rate m mass, in Sec. 7.2 and 8.1 only

M yb ,r change in yb-component of pseudo m pitching moment about the CG

aerodynamic moment, including thrust excluding thrust, pgs 2, 442, 613
effects, with yawing rate m~ section pitching moment, pg 2
M yb ,u change in yb-component of pseudo m& mass flow rate
aerodynamic moment, including thrust
effects, with xb-component of airspeed m& time rate of change of aircraft mass, in
Sec. 7.2 only
M yb ,u& change in yb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic moment, including thrust
mac pitching moment about the
aerodynamic center
effects, with xb-component of aircraft
acceleration m& b turbofan mass flow rate bypassing the
engine core
M yb ,v change in yb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic moment, including thrust mc pitching moment on a forward canard
effects, with yb-component of airspeed about its aerodynamic center
978 Nomenclature

m& c turbofan mass flow rate passing through nnll negative load limit, pg 285
the engine core
np yawing moment for the propeller about
mcg f pitching moment for the fuselage about the propeller center
the aircraft center of gravity
n pll positive load limit, pg 285
mcg j pitching moment for the jet engine [P] panel coefficient matrix, pg 31
about the aircraft center of gravity
P power input to a control volume
mcg p pitching moment for the propeller about
the aircraft center of gravity PA available propulsive power
m& e exit mass flow rate PA0 full-throttle available power at standard
sea level
mh pitching moment on either an aft
horizontal tail or a forward canard about Pb brake power, torque multiplied by the
its aerodynamic center angular velocity
m& i inlet mass flow rate Pin power input, Chapter 2
m& j jet engine mass flow rate Pm power developed by a motor
m~ leading-edge section pitching moment PR propulsive power required for steady
level flight
mt aft horizontal tail pitching moment
about its aerodynamic center PRmin minimum power required for steady
level flight
mv vertical tail moment about its
aerodynamic center p pressure
mw wing pitching moment about its p rolling rate (xb-component of angular
aerodynamic center rate vector ω xb ), pgs 69, 613
m section pitching moment about point p& rolling acceleration (xb-component of
with axial coordinate x angular acceleration vector)
N summation index for finite series p dimensionless rolling rate, pgs 71, 558
N upward normal force, pg 2 pb turbofan bypass exit pressure
N section normal force, pgs 2, 4 pd pressure just downstream of prop circle
Nj jet engine upward normal force pe core nozzle exit pressure
Np propeller upward normal force pi inlet pressure
[n] null matrix, pg 810 pl pressure on lower surface of airfoil
n unit outward normal po equilibrium rolling rate
n load factor, lift divided by weight ps ultimate slipstream pressure
n yawing moment about the CG pu pressure just upstream of prop circle
excluding thrust, pgs 2, 442, 613
pu pressure on upper surface of airfoil
n dummy index for infinite series
p0 stagnation pressure
ncg f yawing moment for the fuselage about
the aircraft center of gravity
p0e core nozzle exit stagnation pressure
p0i inlet stagnation pressure
ncg p yawing moment for the propeller about
the aircraft center of gravity p01 compressor inlet stagnation pressure
nmax maximum load factor p02 compressor outlet stagnation pressure
nmin minimum load factor p03 turbine inlet stagnation pressure
Nomenclature 979
p04 turbine outlet stagnation pressure R residual
p05 afterburner outlet stagnation pressure R turning or spin radius
p06 fan outlet stagnation pressure RA aspect ratio, pg 49
p0∞ freestream stagnation pressure R Ac aspect ratio of a forward canard
p1 compressor inlet pressure R Ah aspect ratio of either an aft horizontal
tail or a forward canard
p2 compressor outlet pressure
R At aspect ratio of an aft horizontal tail
p3 turbine inlet pressure
R Aw aspect ratio of the main wing
p4 turbine outlet pressure
Rb turbofan bypass ratio
p5 afterburner outlet pressure
RDc Dutch roll coupling ratio, pg 791
p6 fan outlet pressure
RDp Dutch roll phase-divergence ratio,
p∞ freestream pressure pg 791
{Q} arbitrary quaternion RDs Dutch roll stability ratio, pg 791
{Q} arbitrary quaternion conjugate Rd phugoid pitch-damping ratio, pg 745
{Q} arbitrary quaternion magnitude RE mean radius of the Earth
Q& weight of fuel consumed per unit time Req equatorial radius of the Earth
Qx x-component of arbitrary quaternion RG glide ratio, pg 270
Qy y-component of arbitrary quaternion RG 0 zero-wind glide ratio, pg 272
Qz z-component of arbitrary quaternion Rgx dimensionless coefficient, pgs 559, 675
Q0 scalar-component of arbitrary Rgy dimensionless coefficient, pgs 559, 675
RL lift residual
Q& 2−3 combustion chamber heat addition rate
RL ,α change in the lift residual with α
Q& 4−5 afterburner heat addition rate
RL ,δ e change in the lift residual with δe
q pitching rate (yb-component of angular
rate vector ω yb ), pgs 505, 613 Rl, p dimensionless coefficient, pg 675
q& pitching acceleration (yb-component of Rl,r dimensionless coefficient, pg 675
angular acceleration vector) Rl,β dimensionless coefficient, pg 675
q dimensionless pitching rate, pg 558 Rl,δ a dimensionless coefficient, pg 675
qb brake-power-specific fuel consumption, Rl,δ r dimensionless coefficient, pg 675
pg 255
Rmax maximum range or total distance an
qo equilibrium pitching rate aircraft can fly without refueling
qP propulsive-power-specific fuel Rm moment residual
consumption, pg 249
Rm,q dimensionless coefficient, pg 675
R residual vector
Rm,α change in the moment residual with α,
R Reynolds number pg 402
R ideal gas constant Rm,α dimensionless coefficient, pg 675
R range or total distance an aircraft can Rm,α̂ dimensionless coefficient, pg 675
fly without refueling
Rm,δ e change in the moment residual with δe,
R real part of complex number pg 402
980 Nomenclature

Rm,δ e dimensionless coefficient, pg 675 Rz ,µ̂ dimensionless coefficient, pg 675

Rm,µ dimensionless coefficient, pg 675 R1 local lateral radius of curvature for the
Earth, pg 923
Rm,µ̂ dimensionless coefficient, pg 675
Rn, p dimensionless coefficient, pg 675
R2 local longitudinal radius of curvature
for the Earth, pg 923
Rn,r dimensionless coefficient, pg 675
r position vector
Rn,β dimensionless coefficient, pg 675
r position vector magnitude
Rn,δ a dimensionless coefficient, pg 675
r radial polar coordinate
Rp phugoid phase-divergence ratio, pg 745
r yawing rate (zb-component of angular
Rn,δ r dimensionless coefficient, pg 675 rate vector ω zb ), pgs 558, 613
RP W dimensionless power-to-weight ratio, r& yawing acceleration (zb-component of
pg 236 angular acceleration vector)
Rs outer radius of ultimate slipstream r dimensionless yawing rate, pg 558
Rs phugoid stability ratio, pg 745 r dimensionless variable, pg 378
RT taper ratio, pg 51 ro equilibrium yawing rate
RT W thrust-to-weight ratio, pg 230 rp radial position of a streamline at the
RTc taper ratio of a forward canard propeller outlet
RTh taper ratio of either an aft horizontal tail rp radius of curvature for the pull-up
or a forward canard maneuver
RTt taper ratio of an aft horizontal tail rs radial position of a streamline in the
ultimate slipstream
RTw taper ratio of the main wing
rs specific range, pg 257
RVhw headwind velocity ratio, pg 277
S planform area
Rx ,q dimensionless coefficient, pg 675
S shorthand notation for sin(Θ/ 2)
Rx ,α dimensionless coefficient, pg 675
S surface area
Rx,α̂ dimensionless coefficient, pg 675
Sc planform area of a forward canard
Rx,δ e dimensionless coefficient, pg 675
Se planform area of elevator
Rx , µ dimensionless coefficient, pg 675
Sf maximum cross-sectional area of the
Rx,µ̂ dimensionless coefficient, pg 675 fuselage
Ry, p dimensionless coefficient, pg 675 Sh planform area of either an aft horizontal
R y ,r dimensionless coefficient, pg 675 tail or a forward canard
R y ,β dimensionless coefficient, pg 675 Sr global reference area
R y ,δ a dimensionless coefficient, pg 675 St planform area of an aft horizontal tail
R y ,δ r dimensionless coefficient, pg 675 Sv planform area of a vertical tail
Rz ,q dimensionless coefficient, pg 675 Sw planform area of the main wing
Rz ,α dimensionless coefficient, pg 675 Sθ shorthand notation for sin(θ )
Rz ,α̂ dimensionless coefficient, pg 675 Sθo shorthand notation for sin(θ o )
Rz ,δ e dimensionless coefficient, pg 675 Sθ 2 shorthand notation for sin(θ / 2)
Rz ,µ dimensionless coefficient, pg 675 Sφ shorthand notation for sin (φ )
Nomenclature 981
Sφo shorthand notation for sin (φ o ) {T} temporary quaternion, pg 880
Sφ 2 shorthand notation for sin(φ / 2) TA available thrust
Sψ shorthand notation for sin (ψ ) T A0 full-throttle available thrust at standard
sea level
Sψ o shorthand notation for sin (ψ o )
Tb turbofan bypass exit temperature
Sψ 2 shorthand notation for sin(ψ / 2)
Te core nozzle exit temperature
SΩ t shorthand notation for sin (Ω t )
Ti inlet temperature
s Laplace transform variable, pg 848
TLO thrust at liftoff
s spanwise coordinate
TR thrust required for steady level flight
s distance
TRmin minimum thrust required for steady
s dimensionless variable, pg 378 level flight
sa takeoff acceleration distance TS static thrust
s BF FAR balanced field length Tx x-component of temporary quaternion,
sb landing braking distance pg 880
sc distance from liftoff to obstacle Txb xb-component of thrust vector
clearance altitude T,V change in thrust with respect to airspeed
sef engine failure distance Ty y-component of temporary quaternion,
sef g ground roll distance with engine failure pg 880
sf landing free-roll distance Tyb yb-component of thrust vector
s f rr failure recognition and reaction distance Tz z-component of temporary quaternion,
pg 880
sg takeoff or landing ground roll distance
Tzb zb-component of thrust vector
sOC FAR takeoff distance from brake
release to obstacle clearance altitude Tθ shorthand notation for tan(θ )
sr takeoff rotation distance Tθo shorthand notation for tan(θ o )
sx sign of the x-component of the Euler- Tφ shorthand notation for tan(φ )
Rodrigues quaternion Tφo shorthand notation for tan(φ o )
sy sign of the y-component of the Euler- Tψ shorthand notation for tan(ψ )
Rodrigues quaternion
Tψ o shorthand notation for tan(ψ o )
sz sign of the z-component of the Euler-
Rodrigues quaternion T0 experimental coefficient, pg 302

s0 sign of the scalar-component of the T0 scalar-component of temporary

Euler-Rodrigues quaternion quaternion, pg 880

T thrust vector T0 stagnation temperature

T temperature T0b turbofan bypass exit stagnation

T thrust
T0e core nozzle exit stagnation temperature
T average thrust
~ T0i inlet stagnation temperature
T propeller section thrust force
T01 compressor inlet stagnation temperature
T′ experimental coefficient, pg 302
T02 compressor outlet stagnation
T ′′ experimental coefficient, pg 302 temperature
982 Nomenclature

T03 turbine inlet stagnation temperature Vc rate of climb, pg 240

T04 turbine outlet stagnation temperature Vc canard volume ratio, pg 384
T05 afterburner outlet stagnation Vd spin descent velocity vector
Vd design airspeed
T06 fan outlet stagnation temperature
Vd spin descent velocity magnitude
T0∞ freestream stagnation temperature
Vd velocity just downstream of prop circle
T1 compressor inlet temperature
Ve exit velocity vector
T2 compressor outlet temperature
Ve exit velocity magnitude
T3 turbine inlet temperature
Ve propeller relative airspeed component,
T4 turbine outlet temperature pg 179
T5 afterburner outlet temperature Vef engine failure airspeed
T6 fan outlet temperature Veh effective headwind, pg 259
T∞ freestream temperature Vexb xb-component of exit velocity vector
t airfoil thickness, pg 23 Veyb yb-component of exit velocity vector
t time Vezb zb-component of exit velocity vector
t dimensionless variable, pg 378 V f rr failure recognition and reaction airspeed
tf landing free-roll time Vg ground speed vector
tp period of oscillation Vg ground speed
tr takeoff rotation time Vh horizontal velocity, pgs 271, 895
t0 dimensionless variable, pg 378 Vh relative wind on a horizontal surface
t50 50% damping time Vhw headwind velocity
u xb-component of airspeed vector (Vxb ) Vh horizontal tail volume ratio, pg 357
u& xb-component of aircraft acceleration Vi inlet velocity vector
vector (V&xb )
Vi inlet velocity magnitude
ua unit axial vector, pg 85
Vj jet engine exit velocity vector
un unit normal vector, pg 85
Vj jet engine exit velocity magnitude
uo equilibrium xb-component of airspeed
VLO liftoff airspeed for takeoff
us unit normal to airfoil section, pg 85
VMD minimum drag airspeed
u∞ unit vector along a semi-infinite vortex
VM maneuvering speed, pg 288
V velocity or airspeed vector
VMDV minimum power airspeed
V velocity magnitude or airspeed
VMS minimum sink airspeed
Var aileron reversal airspeed
Vmin minimum airspeed, airspeed at C L max
VBG best glide airspeed
VN local relative normal velocity, pg 583
VBG 0 zero-wind best glide airspeed
VOC airspeed at obstacle clearance altitude
Vb local propeller blade section relative
airspeed, pg 137 Vo equilibrium airspeed magnitude
Vc spin circumferential velocity vector Vp perturbation velocity vector, pg 95
Nomenclature 983
Vr local relative wind vector, pg 583 Vθ θ -component of velocity
Vr r-component of velocity Vθd θ -component of velocity just down-
stream of prop circle
Vrs r-component of slipstream velocity
Vθ i θ -component of propeller induced
Vs sink rate, pg 269
Vs ultimate slipstream velocity, Chapter 2
Vθ s θ -component of slipstream velocity
Vsmgw level-flight stall speed at maximum V0 initial airspeed magnitude
gross weight
V∞ freestream velocity vector
Vstall stall speed, airspeed at C L max
VTD touchdown airspeed for landing
V∞ freestream velocity magnitude

Vt relative wind on an aft horizontal tail

v yb-component of airspeed vector (Vyb )
v& yb-component of aircraft acceleration
Vtrim airspeed at trim
vector (V&yb )
Vv relative wind on a vertical tail
v ji dimensionless velocity vector, pg 84
Vv vertical velocity, pg 895
vi dimensionless velocity vector, pg 86
Vv vertical tail volume ratio, pg 448
vai dimensionless axial velocity, pg 86
Vw wind vector
vni dimensionless normal velocity, pg 86
Vw wind speed
vo equilibrium yb-component of airspeed
Vwxf xf -component of wind vector
v xb xb-component of arbitrary vector
Vwy f yf -component of wind vector
vx f xf -component of arbitrary vector
Vwz f zf -component of wind vector
v yb yb-component of arbitrary vector
Vx x-component of velocity vector
vy f yf -component of arbitrary vector
Vxb explicit notation for xb-component of
v zb zb-component of arbitrary vector
airspeed vector (u)
V&xb explicit notation for xb-component of
vz f zf -component of arbitrary vector
aircraft acceleration vector (u& ) W weight vector
Vxd x-component of velocity just down- W weight
stream of prop circle
We gross weight with fuel tanks empty
Vxi x-component of propeller induced
Wf gross weight with fuel tanks full
Wmax maximum gross weight
Vxs x-component of slipstream velocity
Wxb xb-component of weight vector
Vy y-component of velocity vector
Wxbo equilibrium xb-component of weight
V yb explicit notation for yb-component of
airspeed vector (v) W yb yb-component of weight vector
V&yb explicit notation for yb-component of W ybo equilibrium yb-component of weight
aircraft acceleration vector (v& )
Wzb zb-component of weight vector
Vz z-component of velocity vector
Wzbo equilibrium zb-component of weight
Vzb explicit notation for zb-component of
W&1−2 turbojet compressor shaft work rate
airspeed vector (w)
V&zb explicit notation for zb-component of
W&3−4 turbojet turbine shaft work rate
aircraft acceleration vector (w w zb-component of airspeed vector (Vzb )
984 Nomenclature

w zb-component of aircraft acceleration xo dummy variable for x-integration, used
vector (V&zb ) in thin airfoil theory
wi dimensionless velocity vector, pg 86 xo equilibrium xf -component of aircraft
position vector
wo equilibrium zb-component of airspeed
xT xb-coordinate of the center of thrust for
{X} state variable vector in the generalized
the complete aircraft, pg 655
eigenproblem, pg 703
&} xt x-coordinate of the aerodynamic center
{X time derivative of state variable vector of an aft horizontal tail
in the generalized eigenproblem, pg 703
xu x-coordinate of upper surface
{X} Laplace transform of the state variable
vector in the generalized linear control xw x-coordinate of the aerodynamic center
problem, pg 848 of the main wing
X xb-component of aerodynamic force Y yb-component of aerodynamic force
vector, excluding thrust vector, excluding thrust
x aftward aerodynamic axial coordinate, Yp yb-component of propeller force
pgs 2, 600 (propeller side force)
x dimensionless aftward axial coordinate, y upward aerodynamic normal
pg 372 coordinate, pgs 2, 600
x Laplace transform of x, pg 848 y dimensionless upward normal
coordinate, pg 372
xa atmosphere-fixed coordinate, pg 603
ŷ change of variables, pgs 97
xac axial coordinate of aerodynamic center
ya atmosphere-fixed coordinate, pg 603
xb forward body-fixed axial coordinate,
pg 602 yb rightward body-fixed spanwise
coordinate, pg 602
xbh xb-coordinate of the aerodynamic center
of the horizontal tail or canard ybp spanwise distance from the center of
gravity to the propeller axis, positive
xbv xb-coordinate of the aerodynamic center right, pg 451
of the vertical tail
yC y-coordinate of control point
xbw xb-coordinate of the aerodynamic center
of the main wing yc y-coordinate of camber line, pg 23

xC x-coordinate of control point yd y-coordinate of deflected camber line

xCG x-coordinate of center of gravity yf eastward Earth-fixed coordinate, pg 602

xcp axial coordinate of center of pressure y& f yf -component of ground speed vector

xf northward Earth-fixed coordinate, yl y-coordinate of lower surface

pg 602 ymc maximum camber
x& f xf -component of ground speed vector yN y-coordinate of nodal point
xl x-coordinate of lower surface yo equilibrium yf -component of aircraft
xmc x-coordinate of maximum camber position vector

xmp x-coordinate of the aircraft stick-fixed

yt one-half the local airfoil thickness
maneuver point yu y-coordinate of upper surface
xN x-coordinate of nodal point Z geopotential altitude
xnp x-coordinate of the aircraft stick-fixed Z zb-component of aerodynamic force
neutral point vector, excluding thrust
Nomenclature 985
z leftward aerodynamic spanwise α L0 h zero-lift angle of attack for either an aft
coordinate, pgs 2, 600 horizontal tail or a forward canard
z′ leftward aerodynamic spanwise α L0t zero-lift angle of attack for an aft
coordinate, pgs 463-464 horizontal tail
z dimensionless leftward aerodynamic α L0 w zero-lift angle of attack for the main
spanwise coordinate, pg 372 wing
z′ dimensionless leftward aerodynamic αo equilibrium angle of attack
spanwise coordinate, pg 463 αp angle of attack for the propeller axis
za atmosphere-fixed coordinate, pg 603 αT thrust angle of attack, pg 223
z ar z-coordinate of aileron root αT 0 thrust angle of attack at zero fuselage
z at z-coordinate of aileron tip angle of attack, pg 655
zb downward body-fixed normal αt local angle of attack for an aft
coordinate, pg 602 horizontal tail
zbv zb-coordinate of the aerodynamic center α0 f angle that the minimum drag axis of the
of the vertical tail fuselage makes with the fuselage
reference line
zf downward Earth-fixed coordinate,
pg 602 α 0h mounting angle for either an aft
horizontal tail or a forward canard
z& f zf -component of ground speed vector
α0 p angle that the propeller axis makes with
zo equilibrium zf -component of aircraft the fuselage reference line
position vector
α 0t mounting angle for an aft horizontal tail
zT zb-coordinate of the center of thrust for
the complete aircraft, pg 655 α 0w mounting angle for the main wing
zT 0 perpendicular offset between the thrust β general linearized definition of sideslip
vector and the CG, pg 658 angle commonly used for small angle of
attack, pgs 442, 445, 603−609
α geometric angle of attack relative to the
freestream (For a complete aircraft, this β propeller aerodynamic pitch angle,
is defined relative to the fuselage pg 131
reference line), pgs 3−4, 603 βa arctangent definition of sideslip angle
α& time rate of change of angle of attack commonly used for analytical
estimation of aerodynamic forces and
αb local propeller blade section angle of moments, pgs 603−609
attack, including effects of downwash
βc propeller chord-line pitch angle,
α eff local wing section angle of attack, pg 132
including effects of downwash
βe arcsine definition of sideslip angle
αf angle of attack for the minimum drag commonly used for experimental
axis of the fuselage determination of aerodynamic forces
αh local angle of attack for either an aft and moments, pgs 603−609
horizontal tail or a forward canard βp sideslip angle for the propeller axis
αi induced angle of attack βt aerodynamic pitch angle at the propeller
αj angle of attack for the jet engine axis blade tip

α L0 zero-lift angle of attack Γ local section circulation vector, pg 480

α L0c zero-lift angle of attack for a forward

Γ vortex strength
canard Γ wing dihedral angle, pg 475
986 Nomenclature

Γ wing, airfoil, or propeller blade section ∆q& disturbance in pitching acceleration

∆q disturbance in dimensionless pitching
Γ wt wingtip vortex strength rate, pg 673
γ climb angle, pg 239 ∆q̂ dimensionless time rate of change of
disturbance in dimensionless pitching
γ specific heat ratio
rate, pg 674
γ vortex sheet strength per unit spanwise
disturbance in congruous dimensionless
pitching rate, pg 811
γ OC climb angle at the obstacle clearance (
∆q ′ dimensionless time rate of change of
disturbance in congruous dimensionless
γt strength of trailing vortex sheet per unit pitching rate, pg 811
∆r disturbance in yawing rate
∆Fxb disturbance in xb-component of pseudo ∆r& disturbance in yawing acceleration
aerodynamic force vector, including
thrust ∆r disturbance in dimensionless yawing
rate, pg 673
∆Fyb disturbance in yb-component of pseudo
aerodynamic force vector, including ∆r̂ dimensionless time rate of change of
thrust disturbance in dimensionless yawing
rate, pg 674
∆Fzb disturbance in zb-component of pseudo (
aerodynamic force vector, including ∆r disturbance in congruous dimensionless
thrust yawing rate, pg 811
∆M xb disturbance in xb-component of pseudo ∆r ′ dimensionless time rate of change of
aerodynamic moment vector, including disturbance in congruous dimensionless
thrust effects yawing rate, pg 811
∆M yb disturbance in yb-component of pseudo ∆u disturbance in xb-component of airspeed
aerodynamic moment vector, including
thrust effects
∆u& disturbance in xb-component of aircraft
acceleration vector
∆M zb disturbance in zb-component of pseudo ∆V disturbance in velocity
aerodynamic moment vector, including
thrust effects ∆V& time rate of change of disturbance in
∆mt aerodynamic twisting moment
generated by aileron deflection ∆v disturbance in yb-component of airspeed
∆p disturbance in rolling rate ∆v& disturbance in yb-component of aircraft
acceleration vector
∆p& disturbance in rolling acceleration
∆p disturbance in dimensionless rolling
∆w disturbance in zb-component of airspeed
rate, pg 673 ∆w& disturbance in zb-component of aircraft
acceleration vector
∆p̂ dimensionless time rate of change of
disturbance in dimensionless rolling ∆Wxb disturbance in xb-component of weight
rate, pg 674
( ∆W yb disturbance in yb-component of weight
∆p disturbance in congruous dimensionless
∆Wzb disturbance in zb-component of weight
rolling rate, pg 811
∆p′ dimensionless time rate of change of
∆x disturbance in position
disturbance in congruous dimensionless ∆x& time rate of change of disturbance in
rolling rate, pg 811 position
∆q disturbance in pitching rate ∆xc disturbance in aircraft position, pg 810
Nomenclature 987
∆x&c time rate of change of disturbance in ∆ς y congruous dimensionless disturbance in
aircraft position, pg 810 aircraft position, pg 811
∆x f disturbance in xf -component of aircraft ∆ς ′y congruous dimensionless time rate of
position vector change of disturbance in aircraft
position, pg 811
∆x& f disturbance in xf -component of ground
speed vector ∆ς z congruous dimensionless disturbance in
aircraft position, pg 811
∆yc disturbance in aircraft position, pg 810
∆y& c time rate of change of disturbance in
∆ς ′z congruous dimensionless time rate of
change of disturbance in aircraft
aircraft position, pg 810
position, pg 811
∆y f disturbance in yf -component of aircraft
∆θ disturbance in Euler elevation angle
position vector
∆y& f disturbance in yf -component of ground
∆θ& time rate of change of disturbance in
Euler elevation angle
speed vector
∆z c disturbance in aircraft position, pg 810
∆θˆ dimensionless time rate of change of
disturbance in Euler elevation angle,
∆z&c time rate of change of disturbance in pg 674
aircraft position, pg 810
∆µ disturbance in dimensionless forward
∆z f disturbance in zf -component of aircraft velocity, pg 673
position vector
∆µˆ dimensionless time rate of change of
∆z& f disturbance in zf -component of ground disturbance in dimensionless forward
speed vector velocity, pg 674
∆α disturbance in angle of attack, pg 673 ∆µ ′ congruous dimensionless time rate of
change of disturbance in dimensionless
∆α& time rate of change of disturbance in
forward velocity, pg 811
angle of attack
∆αˆ dimensionless time rate of change of
∆ξ x disturbance in dimensionless xf -com-
ponent of aircraft position, pg 673
disturbance in angle of attack, pg 673
∆α ′ congruous dimensionless time rate of ∆ξˆx dimensionless time rate of change of
disturbance in dimensionless xf -com-
change of disturbance in angle of
ponent of aircraft position, pg 674
attack, pg 811
∆β disturbance in sideslip angle, pg 673
∆ξ y disturbance in dimensionless yf -com-
ponent of aircraft position, pg 673
∆βˆ dimensionless time rate of change of
∆ξˆy dimensionless time rate of change of
disturbance in sideslip angle, pg 674
disturbance in dimensionless yf -com-
∆β ′ congruous dimensionless time rate of ponent of aircraft position, pg 674
change of disturbance in sideslip
angle, pg 811
∆ξ z disturbance in dimensionless zf -com-
ponent of aircraft position, pg 673
∆δ a disturbance in aileron deflection
∆ξˆz dimensionless time rate of change of
∆δ e disturbance in elevator deflection disturbance in dimensionless zf -com-
ponent of aircraft position, pg 674
∆δ r disturbance in rudder deflection
∆ς x congruous dimensionless disturbance in
∆φ disturbance in Euler bank angle
aircraft position, pg 811 ∆φ& time rate of change of disturbance in
Euler bank angle
∆ς ′x congruous dimensionless time rate of
change of disturbance in aircraft ∆φˆ dimensionless time rate of change of
position, pg 811 disturbance in Euler bank angle, pg 674
988 Nomenclature

∆ψ disturbance in Euler azimuth angle ε d ,α downwash gradient, the change in

downwash angle with angle of attack
∆ψ& time rate of change of disturbance in
Euler azimuth angle εe elevator effectiveness
∆ψˆ dimensionless time rate of change of εf flap effectiveness, pg 39
disturbance in Euler azimuth angle,
pg 674
ε fi ideal flap effectiveness, pg 37

δl spatial vector, pg 87
εi local propeller blade induced angle,
pg 136
δ flap deflection, pg 36
εr rudder effectiveness
δa aileron deflection, pgs 69, 340, 489
εs sidewash angle
δ ao equilibrium aileron deflection
ε sp propeller sidewash angle
δe elevator deflection, pgs 340, 348
ε s0 sidewash angle at zero sideslip angle
δ e,n elevator angle per g, change in elevator
ε s ,β sidewash gradient, the change in
deflection required to sustain each
sidewash angle with sideslip angle
additional g of normal acceleration
δ eo equilibrium elevator deflection
εt small tolerance on the order of
computer precision
δ et stabilator elevator-trim setting, pg 569
εu upwash angle
δf local section flap deflection
ε u0 upwash angle at zero fuselage angle of
δr rudder deflection, pgs 340, 445 attack
δ ro equilibrium rudder deflection ε u ,α upwash gradient, the change in upwash
angle with angle of attack
δs stabilator deflection, pg 568
δ so equilibrium stabilator deflection
εΩ washout effectiveness, pg 54−55

δ s,n stabilator angle per g, change in

ε∞ local propeller blade advance angle,
pg 136
stabilator deflection required to sustain
each additional g of normal acceleration ζ dimensionless length vector, pg 85
δt trim tab deflection, pg 526 ζ damping ratio, pg 699
ε eccentricity of the Earth, pg 923 ζ dimensionless propeller radial
ε orthogonality error, pg 899
coordinate, pg 145

ε~a local aileron section flap effectiveness,

ζ dummy variable for z-integration
pgs 489-490 η normal panel coordinate, pg 30
εb local propeller blade downwash angle, ηc ratio of dynamic pressure on a forward
pg 136 canard to the freestream dynamic
εd downwash angle

ε dj jet engine inlet downwash angle

ηd flap deflection efficiency, pg 40

ε dp propeller downwash angle

ηh flap hinge efficiency, pg 40

εd0 downwash angle at zero fuselage angle

ηh ratio of dynamic pressure on either an
aft horizontal tail or a forward canard to
of attack
the freestream dynamic pressure
εd0 j jet engine inlet downwash angle at zero
ηi ideal efficiency
fuselage angle of attack
εd0p propeller downwash angle at zero
ηO overall efficiency
fuselage angle of attack ηP uninstalled propulsive efficiency
Nomenclature 989
ηp propulsive efficiency ι zx dimensionless coefficient, pg 675, 813
η pi ideal propulsive efficiency ι zy dimensionless coefficient, pg 813
ηT thermal efficiency κ Goldstein’s kappa factor, pg 142
ηt ratio of dynamic pressure on an aft κb vortex span factor in downwash
horizontal tail to the freestream computations, pgs 372−374
dynamic pressure (tail efficiency),
pg 349
κD planform contribution to the induced
drag factor, pgs 49, 51, 55
ηv ratio of dynamic pressure on a vertical
κ DL lift-washout contribution to the induced
tail to the freestream dynamic pressure
drag factor, pg 55
(vertical tail efficiency), pg 349
η xx dimensionless coefficient, pg 813
κ Do optimum induced drag factor, pg 58
η xy dimensionless coefficient, pg 813
κ DΩ washout contribution to the induced
drag factor, pg 55
η xz dimensionless coefficient, pg 813
κL lift slope factor, pgs 51, 55
η yx dimensionless coefficient, pg 813
κl dihedral factor, pgs 478-479
η yy dimensionless coefficient, pg 813
κ lp roll damping factor, pg 73
η yz dimensionless coefficient, pg 813
κp position factor in downwash
η zx dimensionless coefficient, pg 813 computations, pgs 373−375
η zy dimensionless coefficient, pg 813 κs wing sweep factor in downwash
computations, pgs 376−379
η zz dimensionless coefficient, pg 813
Θ complex phase angle, pg 708
κv vortex strength factor in downwash
computations, pgs 372−374
Θ Euler axis rotation angle angle, pg 872
κβ vortex sidewash factor, pg 465
Θ great-circle arc angle, pg 926
Λ source strength
Θ wp great-circle arc angle to some waypoint,
Λ quarter-chord sweep angle
pg 927
θ angular polar coordinate
Λc quarter-chord sweep angle for a forward
θ change of variables for the chordwise
Λh quarter-chord sweep angle for either an
coordinate in thin airfoil theory, pg 25
aft horizontal tail or a forward canard
θ change of variables for the spanwise
Λt quarter-chord sweep angle for an aft
coordinate in lifting-line theory, pg 48
horizontal tail
θ Euler elevation angle, pgs 396, 619-621
Λw quarter-chord sweep angle for the main
θ& time rate of change of Euler elevation wing
λ eigenvalue, pg 698
θf change of variables for the flap chord
λ propeller aerodynamic pitch length,
fraction, pg 37
pg 132
θo equilibrium Euler elevation angle
λ source sheet strength per unit length
ι xy dimensionless coefficient, pg 813
λc propeller chord-line pitch length,
ι xz dimensionless coefficient, pg 675, 813 pg 132
ι yx dimensionless coefficient, pg 813 λDr Dutch roll eigenvalue
ι yz dimensionless coefficient, pg 813 λp phugoid eigenvalue
990 Nomenclature

λr roll mode eigenvalue φmax maximum bank angle

λs spiral mode eigenvalue φo equilibrium Euler bank angle
λsp short-period eigenvalue φp perturbation velocity potential, pg 95
µ Mach angle, angle that constant φˆp perturbation variable, pg 95
potential lines make with the
freestream, pg 102
φ∞ freestream velocity potential, pg 95

µl lower surface Mach angle

ϕ rotation angle between two body-fixed
coordinate systems, pg 682
µu upper surface Mach angle
ϕc crab angle, pg 258
µr coefficient of rolling friction
ϕw wind-track angle, pg 258
ν kinematic viscosity
{χ} eigenvector, pg 703
ξ surface panel coordinate, pg 30 χ eigenvector component
ξ change of variables, pg 101
χ normalized control surface distribution
ρ density function, pg 70
ρ0 stagnation density χp eigenvector rolling rate component
ρ∞ freestream density χq eigenvector pitching rate component
σ damping rate, pg 698 χr eigenvector yawing rate component
σ spin axis offset angle, pg 581 χα eigenvector angle of attack component
σ Dr Dutch roll damping rate χβ eigenvector sideslip angle component
σp phugoid damping rate χθ eigenvector elevation angle component
σr roll mode damping rate χµ eigenvector axial velocity component
σs spiral mode damping rate χξ x eigenvector ξx-component
σ sp short-period damping rate χξ y eigenvector ξy-component
σ∞ Dutch roll damping rate with infinite χξ z eigenvector ξz-component
roll damping χφ eigenvector bank angle component
τ throttle setting χψ eigenvector heading component
τ congruous dimensionless time, pg 811
Ψ dimensionless variable, pg 21
τx dimensionless time for longitudinal
Ψ Earth-fixed longitude, pg 922
motion, pg 673
τy dimensionless time for lateral motion,
Ψ phase angle, pg 702
pg 673 Ψ relaxation factor, pg 87
Φ dimensionless variable, pg 21 Ψd destination longitude, pg 924
Φ Earth-fixed latitude, pg 922 Ψ wp waypoint longitude, pg 927
Φd destination latitude, pg 924 ψ Euler azimuth angle or heading,
pgs 258, 619-621
Φ wp waypoint latitude, pg 927
φ Euler bank angle, pgs 281, 619-621
ψ propeller aerodynamic angle, pg 180

φ propeller aerodynamic angle, pg 180

ψ& time rate of change of Euler azimuth
angle or heading
φ velocity potential
ψg ground track or rhumb-line bearing,
φ& time rate of change of Euler bank angle pgs 258, 924
Nomenclature 991
ψ gc great-circle bearing, pg 926 ωf frequency of sinusoidal forcing function
ψo equilibrium Euler azimuth angle ωm maximum response frequency, pg 702
ψw wind direction, pg 258 ωn undamped natural frequency, pg 699
Ω vorticity vector ωnDr Dutch roll undamped natural frequency
Ω aircraft angular velocity vector ωs ultimate slipstream angular velocity
Ω maximum total washout, geometric plus ω xb explicit notation for xb-component of
aerodynamic, pg 53 aircraft angular rate vector ( p)
Ω turning or spin rate ω& xb explicit notation for xb-component of
aircraft angular acceleration vector ( p& )
Ω max maximum turning rate
Ω opt optimum total washout to minimize ω yb explicit notation for yb-component of
aircraft angular rate vector ( q)
induced drag, pg 58
ω aircraft angular rate vector
ω& yb explicit notation for yb-component of
aircraft angular acceleration vector (q& )
ω aircraft angular rate vector magnitude
ω zb explicit notation for zb-component of
ω control input frequency, pg 861 aircraft angular rate vector ( r)
ω normalized washout distribution ω& zb explicit notation for zb-component of
function, pg 53 aircraft angular acceleration vector (r&)
ω propeller angular velocity ω0 initial aircraft angular rate
ωd damped natural frequency, pg 698 ϖn dimensionless undamped natural
frequency, pg 745
ωd Dr Dutch roll damped natural frequency
ωd p phugoid damped natural frequency
ϖ∞ Dutch roll dimensionless undamped
natural frequency with infinite roll
ωd sp short-period damped natural frequency damping

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