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Section 3 Chemical Cells and Electrolysis

Marking Schemes
1989 Q.4(a) 10/13 marks

(i) No current flowing through the electrodes, because sugar is a non-electrolyte /

covalent compounds / exists as discrete molecules in solution / does not produce ions
in solution. 1

Na2SO4 and CuSO4 are ionic compounds / electrolytes which form freely moving ions
/ mobile ions when dissolved in water. 1

(ii) The gas liberated at

(1) electrode Q: oxygen 1
(2) electrode R: hydrogen 1

At Q: 4 OH-(aq) → 2 H2O(l) + O2(g) + 4 e- At R: 2 H+(aq) + 2 e- → H2(g) 1

When equal no. of moles of e- is involved, it can be seen that the no. of moles of H 2 is
twice / more than / different from that of O2. 1
∴ Bubbles were liberated at a faster rate at electrode R.

Alternatives: Accept other possible answers.

Case 1: Q: 4 OH-(aq) → 2 H2O(l) + O2(g) + 4 e- R: 4 H+(aq) + 4 e- → 2 H2(g) (2)
Mole / volume ratio of H2:O2 = 2:1
∴ faster rate at electrode R
Case 2 : 2 H2O(l) → 2 H2(g) + O2(g) (1)
Mole / volume ratio of H2:O2 = 2:1 (1)
∴ faster rate at electrode R
Case 3 : 2 H2O(l) → O2(g) + 4 H+(aq) + 4 e- 4 H2O(l) + 4 e- → 2 H2(g) + 4 OH- (2)
Mole / volume ratio of H2:O2 = 2:1
∴ faster rate at electrode R

(iii) (1) At Q : 4 OH-(aq) → 2 H2O(l) + O2(g) + 4 e- 1

At R : Cu2+(aq) + 2 e- → Cu(s) 1

(2) Dissolve the copper in nitric acid 1

to give a blue / bluish green / green solution. 1
** [Test for Cu2+ ions by adding aqueous ammonia: formation of pale-blue
precipitate which turns deep blue when ammonia is in excess.]
Accept other possible tests:
(I) Flame test : blue flame / green flame (2)
(II) Warm with concentrated H2SO4 to give a blue solution. (2)
(III) Add AgNO3 solution to the solid (displacement reaction) : formation of
blue / green solution. (2)

(3) (out of syllabus) 3

1990 Q.4(a) 11/14 marks

2. (i) electrode A 1

(ii) hydrogen 1
Put a burning splint over the gas, a ‘pop’ sound is heard. 1
(no marks if a glowing splint is used)

(iii) At electrode A :
2 H+(aq) + 2 e- → H2(g) 1
OR : H+(aq) + e- → ½ H2(g) (1)

OR : H2O(l) + e- → OH-(aq) + ½ H2(g) (1)

At electrode B :
2 Br- (aq) → Br2(aq) + 2 e- 1
OR : Br- (aq) → ½ Br2(aq) + e- (1)

(iv) (out of syllabus) 3

(v) bromine 1
Bromine is heavier (or denser) than the solution, so it sinks to the bottom. 1
[Do NOT accept: diffuse]

(vi) (1) OH-(aq) or hydroxide ion and Br-(aq) or bromide ion 1 or 0

(2) hydroxide ion 1

(3) The rate of formation of Br2 (from electrolysis)

= the rate of removal of Br2 (by OH- ions) 1
2 OH- + Br2 → Br- + BrO- + H2O 1

OR: 2 Br- → Br2 + 2 e- and 2 OH- + Br2 → Br- + BrO- + H2O (1)
the rates of the two reactions are the same. (1)
1991 Q.2(c) 6 marks

(i) Tin 1

(ii) Tin(II)
because in order to deposit 1 mole of tin, tin(IV) requires 4 moles of electrons which
is the doubled amount needed when tin(II) is used. 2 or 0
Sn2+ + 2 e- → Sn
Sn4+ + 4 e- → Sn (2 or 0)

(iii) Prevent rusting (corrosion) of iron 1

(iv) No, because iron is higher than tin in the electrochemical series, 1
so iron will give up electrons more readily in this case / iron is more reactive than tin
and rusting (corrosion) is accelerated / faster / easier. 1
1991 Q.4(b) 9 marks

(i) (1) P - graphite / carbon 1

(2) Q - zinc 1

(ii) manganese(IV) oxide / MnO2 1

(iii) (1) Zinc metal is oxidized to zinc(II) ion / Zn(s) → Zn2+(aq) + 2e- 1
the metal casing becomes thinner and the dry cell leaks eventually. 1

(2) NH4+- add NaOH / alkali and warm 1

gas evolved turns moist (red) litmus paper blue / forms dense white
fume with HCl(g) 1

Cl-- add acidified silver nitrate solution 1

white ppt. is formed 1
[N.B.: award 1 mark only if no “acidified” is given.]

1991 Q.5(b) 9/12 marks

(i) H2S (do not accept hydrogen sulphide) 1

(ii) an oxidizing agent 1

(iii) Reaction similar to equation (1) occurs / Reaction similar to equation (2) will not
occur / NaCl + H2SO4 → HCl + NaHSO4 / hydrogen chloride is formed in equation
(1). (Do not accept hydrochloric acid.) 1
because Cl- (HCl) cannot be oxidized / HCl cannot react with conc. H2SO4 / Cl- (HCl)
is a weaker reducing agent than I- (HI). 1
[N.B.: No; NaCl / Cl- is a weaker reducing agent - award no mark]

(iv) (1) electrode Y (Do not accept anode.) 1

(2) Some colourless gas bubbles evolved at electrode X. (Do not accept hydrogen.) 1
The solution around electrode Y turns (dark) brown / some black (dark brown)
solid formed. (Do not accept iodine / violet vapour.) 1

2 I- → I2 + 2 e- 1
2 H+ + 2 e- → H2 1

[N.B. award mark to balanced equation even if the observation does not match
with the correct electrode.]

(v) (out of syllabus) 3

1993 Q.2(a) 5/8 marks

(i) easy shaping / low cost / light weight / resist corrosion (unreactive) (any 2) 2
[N.B.: “insulator” not accepted]

(ii) improve appearance / shiny surface 1

(Do not accept increase durability.)

(iii) make the knob conduct electricity / make the knob an electrode 1

(iv) Ni2+(aq) + 2e- → Ni(s) 1

(v) (out of syllabus) 3

1994 Q.7(a) 7/10 marks

(i) (1) from Q to R / S to P / S to R / Q to P / anticlockwise / from Y to X through the

ammeter 1

because Cu is deposited on R / R is the cathode of the electrolytic cell / Cu 2+ is

discharged at R / reduction occurs at R / Q is the negative pole of the
electrochemical cell. 1

(2) (out of syllabus) 3

(ii) (1) colourless gas / gas bubbles evolves / effervescence occurs 1

(Do not accept oxygen evolves.)

(2) The colour intensity of the blue CuSO4 solution decreases / becomes paler
(colourless) / fades. 1

(iii) an (electrochemical) cell / battery / it drives an electric current through set-up Y / acts
as a source of electricity 1

(iv) Q,
because Q is the negative pole (anode) of the electrochemical cell / e- flows from Q to
R / Q to P through the external circuit / Q undergoes oxidation upon closing of
circuit. 1
So Q has a greater tendency to release e- than P / is a stronger reducing agent than P. 1


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