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Multiple-choice questions



The members of each basketball team wear numbers on the back of their jerseys. What scale of measurement are these numbers considered? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio A researcher wants to measure consumer preference between 9 brands of vegetable oil, the researcher will use________ A. Ratio scale B. Ordinal scale C. Interval scale D. Nominal scale
Weight measured in pounds is an example of which scale of measurement?






A. Interval B. Ratio C. Nominal D. Ordinal A Physician, after examining a group of patients of a certain disease, classifies the condition of each one as Normal, Mild, Moderate or Severe. Which one of the following is the scale of measurement that is being adopted for classification of the disease condition? A. Nominal B. Interval C. Ratio D. Ordinal Under which measurement scale is data categorized, but not ranked? A. An ordinal scale B. A nominal scale C. An interval scale D. None of the above The scale which is used to determine preferences among different options is called A. Ratio scale B. Nominal scale C. Interval scale D. Ordinal scale The temperature when represented by Fahrenheit scale is an example of; A. Nominal scale

B. Ordinal scale C. Interval scale D. Ratio scale 8. An ordinal scale is used to rank order people, objects, or characteristics. A. True B. False 9. Which scale is the simplest form of measurement? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio 10. If a Cricket coach calculates batting averages, what scale would be used? A. Interval scale B. Ratio scale C. Nominal scale D. Ordinal scale

Reliability is most simply known as which of the following? A. Consistency or stability B. Appropriateness of interpretations on the basis of test scores C. Ways in which people are the same D. A rank order of participants on some characteristic 12. Which of the following is not a type of reliability? A. Test-retest B. Split-half C. Content D. Internal consistency 13. Which of the following statements accurately describes test-retest reliability? A. Measure of consistency of test scores over time A. Measure of consistency of scores obtained from two equivalent halves of the same test C. Measure of consistency with which a test measures a single construct or concept D. Measure of degree of agreement between two or more scorers, judges, or raters

Which of the following types of reliability refers to the consistency of test scores over time? A. Equivalent forms reliability B. Split-half reliability C. Test-retest reliability D. Inter-scorer reliability 15. When evaluating tests and assessments, reliability refers to asking ourselves which of the following questions? A. Does it measure what it is supposed to measure? B. Are there ways to avoid subjective judgments when measuring something? C. Does it give consistent results?

D. Does it measure multiple constructs? 16. A person checks his sugar level in one laboratory, then check in other laboratory. The results of both laboratories were same. Such type of reliability is called as; A. Inter-rater reliability B. Test-retest reliability C. Inter-item reliability D. Non of the above 17. . Which of the following is characteristic of qualitative research? A. Generalization to the population B. Random sampling C. Unique case orientation D. Standardized tests and measures 18. Phenomenology has its disciplinary origins in: A. Philosophy B. Anthropology C. Sociology D. Many discipline 19. Ethnography is rooted in; A. Social biology B. Political Science C. Anthropology D. Ecology 20. The methodology of qualitative research which places researcher in helping role is; A. Ethnography B. Case study C. Action research D. Grounded theory 21. The research in which we manipulate at least one variable and control over the other relevant variables so as to measure its effect on one or more dependent variable; A. Descriptive B. Correlation C. Experimental D. Cause-Comparative 22. _________ is the study of human consciousness and individuals experience of some phenomenon. A. Phenomenology B. Ethnography C. Grounded theory D. Case study research 23. Which of the following is a characteristic of qualitative research? A. Design flexibility B. Inductive analysis C. Context sensitivity

D. All of the above 24. Which of the following involves the studying of multiple cases in one research study? A. Intrinsic case study B. Single case study C. Instrumental case study D. Collective case study 25. The difference between ethnographic research and other types of qualitative research is that ethnographers specifically use the concept of culture to help understand the results. a. True b. False 26. Quasi experiment randomly assign subjects to the groups A. True B. False 27. The research, which is design to provide further insight into the research problem by describing the variables of interest. A. Exploratory research B. Descriptive research C. Co relational research D. Explanatory research 28. The principal objective is to know and understand the trait and mechanisms of the relationship and association between the independent and dependent variable. The research is; A. Exploratory research B. Descriptive research C. Co relational research D. Explanatory research 29. Something that people undertake in order to find out things in a systematic way, thereby increasing their knowledge is called research. A. True B. False 30. The type of research undertaken to solve practical problems rather than to acquire knowledge. A. Basic research B. Applied research

Short Questions: Q1. Which two scales of measurement have equal distances among the scores they yield? Q2. If we measure in such a way that we find out which subject is most honest, which is the next most
honest, and so on, we are measuring at what scale of measurement? Q3. What is the main difference between quasi and true experimental research? Q4. Which scale of measurement has an absolute zero that is measured? Q5. What is ethnography?


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Q1. Interval and Ratio Scale Q2. Ordinal Scale Q3. The main difference is that in quasi experiment one cannot randomly assign subjects to groups while in true experimental research, subjects can be assign to groups randomly. Q4. Ratio Scale Q5. Ethnography (from Greek ethnos = people and grapho = to write) is a methodology of qualitative research aimed to learn and understand cultural phenomena which reflect the knowledge and system of meanings guiding the life of a cultural group.

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