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Projecto Comenius Escola Secundria Ferno Mendes Pinto 2010-2011

Amlia Rodrigues

mlia da Piedade Rodrigues, mostly known as Amlia Rodrigues, was born on July 23, 1920, in Lisbon. The singer claims she was born on July 1, a date that contradicts oficial documents. She was known as the Rainha do Fado (= Queen of Fado) due to her influence in this genre of music. Before becoming a well-known fadista, Amlia worked in a cake factory and in a souvenir shop. Her first professional engagement occurred in 1939, giving her some fame. She was soon working with Frederico Valrio, a composer. In the 1940-50s, she took the Portuguese culture abroad while she travelled to Spain, Paris and Brazil, where she stayed for three months. She made her first recordings in October of 1945, in Brazil. In the late 50s she travelled to the United States of America, Britain and France. Meanwhile, she had started working with David Mouro-Ferreira, who wrote lyrics specifically for her. She also sang in Japan and Italy in the 1970s. Amlia participated in the film The Lovers of Lisbon, in 1954. During the frenetic post-25 April, 1974 she was accused of being a PIDE agent, causing her career to slow down until 1977, when she recorded Cantigas Numa Lngua Antiga. During the 1980s and 1990s, she made herself worthy of being called legend when she sold over 200 000 copies of her two greatest hits collections. On October 6, 1999, Amlia Rodrigues died in her home, in Lisbon. Her house is now a museum and her body is buried at the National Pantheon.

Projecto Comenius Escola Secundria Ferno Mendes Pinto 2010-2011

Grndola, Vila Morena

Grndola, Vila Morena Terra da Fraternidade O povo quem mais ordena Dentro de ti, cidade! Dentro de ti cidade, O povo quem mais ordena Terra da fraternidade Grndola, Vila Morena Em cada esquina, um amigo Em cada rosto, igualdade Grndola, Vila Morena Terra da fraternidade! Terra da fraternidade, Grndola, Vila Morena Em cada rosto igualdade O povo quem mais ordena! sombra de uma azinheira Que j no sabia a idade Jurei ter por companheira Grndola, a tua vontade! Grndola, a tua vontade, Jurei ter por companheira sombra de uma azinheira Que j no sabia a idade! Que j no sabia a idade!

Rita Alves n26 Ins ferreira n15 10 6

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