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many hours of time do you have in a week? -24 X 7 -168 hours in a week

of us think there are not enough hours in the day!


a precious commodity time must be used wisely and efficiently.

Once time is lost or have passed it cannot be recalled also is a major resource that the nurse manager must manage well


Making optimal use of available time.

are approaches to preserve, conserve, structure and use time to meet goals. These strategies are in large measure, ways to individualize the best use of time according to ones particular needs and self management.

Leadership roles 1. Is elf-aware regarding personal blocks and barriers to efficient time management as well as how ones own value system influences ones own use of time and the expectations of the followers. 2. Functions as a role model, supporter and resource person to subordinates in setting priorities. 3. Assist followers in working cooperatively to minimize time use.

5. Prevents and/or filters interruption that prevent effective time management. 6. Role models flexibility in working cooperatively with other people whose primary time management style is different. 7.Prevents a calm and reassuring demeanor during periods of high unit activity.

Appropriately prioritizes day-today planning to meet short-term and long term unit goals 2. Builds time for planning into the work schedule 3. Analyzes how time is managed on the unit level using job analysis and time-motion studies

4. Eliminates environmental barriers to .effective time management for unit staff. 5. Handles paperwork promptly and efficiently and maintains work area neatly 6. Breaks down tasks into smaller ones that can more easily be accomplished by unit members

7.Utilizes appropriate technology to facilitate timely communication and documentation

8.Discriminates between inadequate staffing and inefficient use of time when time resources are inadequate to complete assigned tasks


is based on the principles of communicating planning and delegating.



information and clear message minimize or eradicate errors that can lead to wasted time and useless expenditure of Aenergy.

Planning charts the course of action is order of importance, every minute spent in planning saves time in the execution of activities. The basic issues in time saving planning is that optimal results occur with the least amount of effort.


manager who uses planning properly is in a position to manage not only his/her time well but also that of others. This manager does not procrastinate because doing so prevent other from doing their work.

Delegation- used by the manager as a way to ensure that the work of the organization is completed on schedule. The most efficient and effective use of time occurs when the manager manages and the professional staff do there operative work. EFFICIENCY- refers to doing the task right and affectivity.

Priority Setting-most critical skill in good management.

5 Priority- Setting Traps

Whatever hits first 2. Path of least resistance 3. Squeaky wheel 4. Managing by default 5. Waiting for inspiration


Allows the worker to refresh both physically and mentally. According to Strongman and Burts(2000) studies of students, hunger/thirst ,boredom, feeling tired ,lack of concentration and mental exhaustion were identified most commonly as the reasons given for taking breaks. Taking 15minutes daily time out to think creatively about how to achieve work objectives is recommended.


3. 4.


Gather all the supplies and equipment that will be needed before starting an activity. Group activities that are in the same location Use time estimates Document your nursing interventions as soon as possible after an activity is completed. Always strive to end the workday on time.

External Sources: Interruptions by phone, staff, visitors etc. 2. Doing work that could be delegated. 3. Doing unnecessary paper work. 4. Socializing

Internal Source:
1. 2. 3. 4.

Lack of objectives Failure to establish priorities Inability to make decisions Failure to plan and organize work Inability to delegate

learning to set priorities and objectives and organizing work

allowing co-workers to perform duties listed in job description in teaching them. avoiding interruption whenever possible



evaluating all paper work, procedures, etc. and eliminating unnecessary ones. avoiding procrastination. computer, tape recorder, etc. whenever possible.



a distraction or interruption, train yourself to go right back to the task you were doing. Dont use them as excuses to drift from your goal.
time in your day for unscheduled events. If you allow for them, youll be less frustrated when they do occur.


What is procrastination?
The behavior of postponing tasks (Burka &

Yuen, 1983). We all do it to some degree, but the extent of our procrastination can have serious consequences.

Why do you procrastinate?

Lack of time management or of knowing

what needs to be done? Anxiety?

Acknowledge the problem. Do something (just get started). Work in an environment with minimal distractions. Clear your desk/work space (helps stay focused).

Establish a realistic routine. Break up the task into smaller parts with intermediate deadlines.
Seek social support (from positive role models) and make a public commitment.

Promise yourself a reward.

Use waiting time. Some waiting time is inevitable. Think of the hours spent waiting in lines, between classes, etc. Use this time to read a book, jot down ideas, etc.
Tackle hard subjects when your energy level is the highest. The feeling of achievement can give your day momentum. Build on success. Dont cram. It is ineffective and inefficient. Have an organized way (backwards planning) to study for tests and give yourself plenty of time. Avoid perfectionism. Unless perfection is called for, dont waste valuable time trying to make every project you do letter-perfect.

Know your instructions. Theres no bigger waste of time than following the wrong directions for an assignment. If youre not sure, ask your instructor. Plan play time (or down time). Schedule time each day to do things that recharge your batteries or help put your life in perspective. You need physical and psychological breaks to perform at your best.
Take care of yourself. Proper exercise, sleep, and nutrition help you stay physically fit and mentally alert. Make time for them. (Consult your physician before you start an exercise program.)

Dont over commit. Before you automatically agree to do anything, ask yourself if you should do it, why you should do it, when you will be able to do it and what you will have to give up in order to do it. Dont spread yourself too thin. Commit yourself to only those activities you can manage in the time you have.

part to the knowing of self. Self-awareness is a leadership skill. 3 primary areas of profession that consume the time of the professional registered nurse:


Professional 3. Technical 4. Amenity care



Professional practices- refers to implementation of nursing process.

Technical practice- includes technical or psychomotor task such as catheterization and injections.



Amenity care- more service oriented such as focusing on costumer satisfaction by ensuring appetizing meals and friendliness.

Hansten and Washburn(1998)

by realizing your part in the determination of what needs to be done, you are allowing yourself the time to practice the professional component of nursing

Davidhizar, Giger and Turner (1994) suggest that most people have tendencies toward either a monochronic or polychronic time management styles.

Monochronic style -refer to do one thing at a time. Polychronic- typically do two or more thing simultaneously.

significant part of personal time management depends on self awareness about how and when a person is most productive. avoids certain types of work or has methods of wasting time.


1. Time Analysis - This is a personal diary in which all activities in 15minutes blocks are recorded for basis of analysis. It reflects apparently where time is spent, wasted and properly used.

2. Daily Planning

- Planning should be in time frames that

corresponds with the manager responsibility. It is done daily, weekly and monthly based. All short-and-long range goals and activities become subject to daily planning.

3. Crisis Control

to the communication and delegating of a new plan reorganized around priorities to manage an unexpected and untoward event.

4. Problem Analysis
- as a manager, you must able to distinguish crisis urgent situation and important event. -as a nurse manager you must be able to distinguish crisis urgent situation and important event. -each type require a different response.

-crisis requires major reorganization of priorities, urgent situation requires immediate action and important event requires planning

5. Task Analysis

- One of the most efficient ways to save time is to evaluate the tasks that are performed.

- By reviewing task, you may discuss which of them are of low value and could be eliminated, consolidated or delegated.

6. Time Control - at certain times you should simply be unavailable by planning office time to think or to clear up pressing business.

7. Time Evaluation

- Periodic evaluation of how time is spent is a helpful technique to assess the use of time. The ability to organize and use time effectively is the hallmark of good management.

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