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List of BasicSources English in for a MedicalFaculty Library

Edition Tenth

,fffi\World Health \Wzf Orqanization

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Regional Officafor the Eastem Maditenanean


WHO Library Cataloguing in Publication Data WHO RegionalOffice for the EasternMedilerranean List of basic sources Enelish for a medical facultv librarv / WHO Reeional Offrce for the Eastern in Mediterranean.- lOe ed., 2006

P. -9421 -9 -563 ISBN:978-92 l. Bibliography Medicine of

4. Library Collection Development (NLM Classifrcation: l) ZW


3. BookSelection

I. Regional Office for the EastemMediterranean

@World Health Organization 2006

All rights reserved. The designationsernployed and the preserfation of the material in this publication do not imply the expressionof any opinion whatsoeveron the part of the World Health Organization conceming the legal statusof any cormtry,territory, city or areaor of its authorities, or conceming the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.Dotted lines on mapsrepresentapproximateborderlines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific oonrpa.nies of certain manufacturers' produots does not imply that they are or endorsedor reoommended the World Health Organization in preferenceto others of a similar nature that by are not mentioned.Errors and omissionsexcepted the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. The World Health Organization does not warrant that the information oontained in this publication is completeand correctand shall not be liable for any darnages incrured as a result of its use. Publicationsof the World Health Organization can be obtained from Distribution and Sales, World Health Organization,RegionalOffice for the EasternMediterranean,PO Box 7608, Nasr City, Cairo 11371,Egypt Qel: +202 670 2535, fax: +202 670 2492; email: Requestsfor permission to reproduceWHO EMRO publications,in part or in whole, or to translatethem - whether for sale or for noncommercialdistribution - shouldbe addressed the Regional Adviser, Health and Biomedical Information, to (fax: +2A2276 5400;email at the aboveaddress

Collection developmentin health science libraries consumes a major part of the library budget. Book acquisition, journal and CD-ROM subscriptions and access to external information resources such as online services or full-texton the tnternet. Selectionof materialsfor health science libraries has been one of the priority areas which requires assistance and advise. As part of the Health Information Support to assist nlredicallibraries in the Region, this List has been developed taking into con$ideration a number of factors affecting most libraries in the Region aiming to help libraries to identiff, select and acquire materials in a most cost-effective way: 1. Libraries are understaffed. They lack human resources to help in identification,selectionand acquisitionof library materials. 2. Libraries lack or have no access to systems and tools to be used for selection of materials and dcquisition. Databases and bibliographic sources are not easilymade 4vailableor accessible. 3. Libraries lack established criteria for selection of materials and collectiondevelopment. 4. Libraries have very small budgets for collection development. This small budget has to be spent in a most wisely way. In our selection, special emphasis was made on paper and low-cost editions of classic and universallly acceptabletexts. These are usually issued by renownedmedical publishersin United Kingdomand the United States. The objective throughout was to attain sound scientific and updated collection within the limits of the continuallydecreasing book budgets in the major bulk of health science librraries the developingcountries. Hence,the in per title as measured in 67 specializedfields of medicine is cost of book made usingthe list. The list $117.50marked in Annexlbased on calculations also shows the number of items per subject and the average cost pet'subject area. This contrasts significantly with many of the international lists where the cost per title is much higher. The list covers 67 health science subjects in addition to dictionaries, matters. directories, librarianshipand infbrmationscience and miscellaneous It includes a total of 2036 titles covering different types of publications (books, series, annuals,journalB, CD-ROMs...etc. Materials were classified for the first time in this series according to the National Library of Medicine (NLM). Glassification CD-ROMcost analysis by subject appears as Annex ll and this list shows the number of items per subject and the averagecost per subject area. pertitle has been $188.51 The averagecostof CD-ROM


With regard to journal subscriptions, the aim was to select the most basic and widely circulating journals. Fortunately, these same journals happen to be the least expensive. Professionalbodies also large[y publish these journals. Hence, theii' scientific and updating merits are beyond suspicion. The average cost of subscription per title has been $566.27.The journals cost analysis by subject appears as Annex lll and this list shows the number of items per subject, the average cost per subject area.. A list of health and biomedicaljournalspublishedin the Regionand which appears on the Index Medicusof Eastern MediterraneanRegion (IMEMR) also included is as Annex lV. The EMR Index Medicus has been publishedon the Internet and is accessibleon http://www.emro.who. i nUH lS/VH SL/lmemr.htm In scope, the present edition has much expanded beyond the original concept of a medical faculty library. The strategy is now focused on items generally related to health developmentwithin a developingcountry setting. Hence, provision has been made for the medical faculty at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The list also provides a sizable number of titles related to Faculties of Pharmacy, Dentistry, Nursing and veterinary. Focus has also been made on the needs of public health administrators as well as various departments of Ministries of Health, including central laboratories.Current heated issues of the environment,as well as strategies of health care have also been emphasized.ltems highly oriented to clinical and research aspects have generally been excluded. Hence, highly specialized institutions would have to seek other sources for the developmentand building up of their collections. The list has been developed based on searching publishers' catalogues,the Global Books in Print, specialized material databases,book reviews and book announcements. A database using the UNESCOWlNlSlS package has been maintained. In addition to this printed GopV,the database has been made available in electronic format. lt is available on EMRO Intranet and EMRO Web site http://www.emro.who.inUHlS/VHSUCopies of the database on CD-ROMor . on floppy disk can be acquired in lSlS format, ISO 2709, ASCII or in MS Word. The file can also be downloaded from EMRO Home Page as PDF file http://www.emro.who.inUHlS/VHSUDoc/basiclistl0.pdf libraries that have for access to the Internet. The body of the list is presented according to the subject category, which is then sorted by author and title with full citation and price.



Abstracting and Indexing Acquired lmmunodeficiencySyndromeand HIV Aerospace Medicine Disbrders Alcoholism and Substance-Related Allergy and lmmunology Anatomy and Histology Anesthesiology Biochemistry Biology CardiovascularSystem Chronic Disease Communicable diseases ComplementaryTherapies Contraceptionand Family PlanningServices Dentistry Dermatology Dictionariesand Directories DigestiveSystem Education, Medical Embryology Emergencymedicine and intensivecare Endocrinologyand Metabolism EnvironmentalHealth Epidemiology Ethics,Medical Family Health ForensicMedicine Genetics Geriatrics Hematology History of Medicine Hospitalsand Health Facilities HumanDevelopment Internalmedicine Laboratories and Clinical Laboratory Tpchniques Libraries and Information Science Medical Informatics, Internet and Telerlredicine Microbiology MusculoskeletalSystemand Rheumatdlogy Nervous System NuclearMedicine Nursing Nutrition, Dietetics and food Obstetrics and Gynecology Occupationsand OccupationalHealth Oncologyand Neoplasms Ophthalmology Orthopedics and Traumatology Otolaryngology Pathology Pediatrics Pharmacology PhysicalTherapy Physiology Psychiatry Public Health and Primary Health Care Radiologyand Diagnosticlmaging

1 'l 2 2 3 4 5 6 I I 12 12 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 25 25 27 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 46 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 57 59 61 63 64 65 67 69 70 72 73 75 77

Reproductive Medicine Respiratory System Smoking Sports Medicine Statistics and Health Surveys Surgery Toxicology Urology and Nephrology Veterinary Medicine Writing and Publishing

79 80 81 82 83 84 86 87 88 89


Acquired lmmunodeficiencySyndromeand HIV Disbrders Alcoholismand Substance-Related Allergyand lmmunology Anaesthesia Anatomy and Histology Anesthesiology Biochemistry CardiovascularSystem Diseases Communicable ComplementaryTherapies Dentistry Dictionariesand Directories DigestiveSystem Education, Medical Embryology EmergencyMedicine and IntensiveCaie and Metabolism Endocrinology Ethics,Medical FamilyHealth ForensicMedicine Hematology History of Medicine Hospitalsand Health Facilities HumanDevelopment lnternalMedicine Laboratoriesand Glinical LaboratoryTchniques Medical Informatics, Internet and Tdefiedicine Musculoskeletal Systemand Rheumatqlogy Nervous System Nursing Nutrition, Dietetics and food Obstetrics and Gynecology Oncologyand Neoplasms Ophthalmology Orthopedics and Traumatology Pediatrics Pharmacology PhysicalTherapy Physiology Psychiatry PublicHealthand PrimaryHealthCare: Radiology lmaging and Diagnostic RespiratorySystem Sports Medicine Surgery I Toxicology Urology and Nephrology Veterinary Medicine

93 93 93 93 93 94 94 94 94 95 95 95 96 97 97 97 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 100 100 101 101 101 101 102 'l02 103 103 104 104 104 105 105 105 105 106 106 106


Abstracting and Indexing Acquired lmmunodeficiencySyndromeand HIV Alcoholism and Substance-Related Disorders Allergy and lmmunology Anatomy and Histology Anesthesiology Biochemistry Biology GardiovascularSystem Gommunicable Diseases ComplementaryTherapies Dentistry Dermatology DigestiveSystem Education, Medical Emergency Medicine and IntensiveCare Endocrinologyand Metabolism EnvironmentalHealth Epidemiology ForensicMedicine Genetics Geriatrics Hematology History of Medicine Hospitals and Health Facilities InternalMedicine Laboratories and Clinical Laboratory Techniques Libraries and InformationScience Medical Informatics, Internet and Telemedicine Medicine MusculoskeletalSystemand Rheumatology Nervous System NuclearMedicine Nursing Nutrition, Dietetics and food Obstetrics and Gynecology Occupations and OccupationalHealth Oncology and Neoplasms Ophthalmology Orthopedics and Traumatology Otolaryngology Pathology Pediatrics Pharmacology Physiology Psychiatry Public Health and Primary Health Care Radiology and Diagnosticlmaging ReproductiveMedicine RespiratorySystem Sports Medicine Statistics and Health Surveys Surgery Toxicology Urology and Nephrology Veterinary Medicine

109 109 109 109 110 1{0 111 111 112 113 113 113 114 114 115 115 115 116 116 117 117 117 118 '|-18 118 119 119 119 120 120 120 121 121 121 121 122 122 122 123 123 123 124 124 124 125 125 126 127 127 '127 't28 128 128 129 129 130


FacultyLibrary for Listof BasicSourcesin English a Medical


and lnde:ing


Bowers, David; House, Allan clinical papers,2006 Understanding Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0470091304 JohnWiley& Sons Price:$ 39.95 Gehlbach, Stephen H. Interpretingthe medical literature,2006 ISBN:0071437894 McGraw-Hill Medical Price: $ 34.95 Judith, Garrard Healthsciencesliteraturereview made easy,2004 fSBN:0763726737 Publishers Jonesand Bartlett Price:$ 37.95

Dolin, Raphael; Masur, Henry; Saag, MichaelS. AfDS therapy,2002 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0443065942 Livingstone Churchill Price:$ 179.00 Fan, Hung A|DS,2004 Edition:4thed. ISBN:076370086X Seriesin Biology Jonesand Bartlett Publishers Jonesand Bartleft Priee:$ 44.95 Gendetman, Howard E.; Grant, lgor; Everall,lan Paul The neurologyof AIDS,2005 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0198526105 Press OxfordUniversity Price: $ 225.00 Gifford, Allen L.; Lorig, aKate; Laurent, Diana Livingwellwith HIVand AIDS,2005 Edition:3rded. ISBN:0923521860 BullPublishing Price:$ 12.89 Holmes, King K. Sexuallytransmitteddiseases,2006 ISBN:0071417486 Professional BookGroup McGraw-Hill Price:$ 195.00 Paftman, Richard; Snow, Michael; Handy, Pauline Oxford handbookof genitourinary HIVand AIDS,2005 medicine, ISBN:0198520778 Series OxfordHandbooks Press OxfordUniversity Price: $ 45.00 Ross, Watson Ronald 2005 AIDSand heartdisease, ISBN:0849392985 Taylor& Francis Price:$ 99.95 Stratton, Stephen E.; Watstein, Sarah Barbara The encyclopediaof HIV and AIDS,2003 Edition:2nded.

Acquired I mmunodeficiency Syndrome and HIV

in HIV/AIDS Asia and Pacific region,2004 ISBN:9290611588 WHO RegionalOfficefor the WesternPacific Price:$ 9.00 Life skills training guide for young people, 2005 ISBN:9211203767 Publications UnitedNations Price:$ 55.00 Anderson, Jean R. A guide to the clinical care of women with Htv,2005 Edition: 3rd ed. fSBN:01607261'15 Spiral-bound Bureau HIV/AIDS Price: $ 76.00 Badley, Andrew D. Cell death during HIV infection,2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0849328276 CRC Press Price:$ 149.95

Listof BasicSourcesin English a MedicalFacultyLibrary for

ISBN:0816048088 Factson FileLibraryof Healthand Living Factson File Price:$ 75.00 Trickett, Edison J. ; Pequegnat, Willo Community interuentionsand AIDS,2005 ISBN:0195160231 OxfordUniversityPress Price: $ 39.95 Wai-Yuan, Tan; Wu, Hulin Deterministicand stochastic models of AIDS epidemicsand HIV infectionswith intervention,2005 ISBN:9812561390 WorldScientific Publishing Price:$ 128.00 Williamson, John G.; Foster, Geoff; Levine, Garol A generationat risk, 2005 |SBN:0521652642 Cambridge Press University Price:$ 75.00

Mackowski, Maura Phillips Testing the limits, 2005 ISBN:1585444391 Centennial FlightSeries,No. 15 of TexasA&M University Press Priee:$ 49.95 Nasa Foundationsof space biology and medicine,2005 |SBN:1410220524 UniversityPressof the Pacific Price:$ 50.00 Nasa Foundationsof space biology and medicine,book 1 and book 2,2005 fSBN: 1410220532- M1A220540 UniversityPressof the Pacific Price:$ 100.00 Nasa Foundationsof space biology and medicine:space medicine and biotechnology,2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:1410220559 University Pressof the Pacific Price: $ 50.00 Sonnenfeld, Gerald Experimentation with animal models in space,2005 ISBN:0444519076 Advances SpaceBiology in and Medicine Elsevier Science Technology & Books Price:$ 165.00

Aerospace Medicine
Aerospacemedicine,2004 fSBN:078833574X Abbe PubAssn of Washington Dc Price:$ 49.95 Barratt, Michael; Pool, Sam Principlesof clinical medicinefor space fli9ht,2006 Edition:1sted. fSBN:0387988424 Springer Price:$ 55.01 Buckey, Jay G.; Pawelczyk, James A. Spacephysiology,2005 ISBN:0195137256 OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 60.00 Gl6ment, Gilles Fundamentals space medicine,2003 of Edition:1sted. ISBN:1402015984 Springer Price: $ 145.62

Alcoholisrn and'Sub"r"n;eRelated Disorders

: .

Bigelow,BarbaraG.; Edgar,Kathleen J. encyclopedia drugsandaddictive U.X.l of substances,2005 ISBN:1414404441 UXL Price: 260.00 $ Thomas D. Diaz, Hector Luis; Wattsn Alcoholabuseandacculturation among PuertoRicans the United States,2005 in ISBN:0773461051 Mellen Edwin Press Price: 99.95 $

Library for Listof BasicSources English a MedicalFaculty in

Frances, Richard J.; Miller, Sheldon lrvin; Mack, Avram H. Clinicaltextbook of addictivedisorders, 2005 Edition:3rded. fSBN:159385174X Press The Guilford Price:$ 75.00 Freimuth, Marilyn Fliddenaddictions,2005 ISBN:0765700794 JasonAronson Price: $ 45.00 Gwinnell, Esther; Adamec, Ghristine A. The encyclopediaof addictionsand addictive behaviors,2005 ISBN:0816057079 Factson FileLibrary Healthand Living of Factson Fib Price:$ 75.00 Kinney, Jean Looseningthe grip, 2005 ISBN:0073138894 McGraw-Hill Humanities Price:$ 69.37 Kuhar, Michael J.; Liddle, Howard Drugsand society,2005 ISBN:0761475974 Marshall Cavendish Corporation Price:$ 357.07 Orford, Jim Coping with alcohol and drug problems, 2005 ISBN:0415371465 Routledge Price:$ 69.95 Pates, Richard; McBride, Andrew; Arnold, Karin Injectingillicit drugs, 2005 ISBN:140511360X Blackwell Publishers Price:$ 59.95 Powell, Jillian Alcohol,2005 ISBN:1583405909 SmartAppleMedia Price:$ 29.95

Sanders, Pete; Myers, Steve Drinkingalcohol,2005 ISBN:1596040742 It'sYour Health Books Stargazer Price:$ 27.10 Sloboda,Zili Epidemiologyof drug abuse,2005 ISBN:0387244158 Springer Price: $ 59.95 Wiers, Reinout W.; Stacy, Alan W. Handbookof implicit cognition and addiction,2005 fSBN:1412909740 SagePublications Price:$ 125.00

Allergy and lmrnunology H. Andrew Abbas, AbdulK.; Lichtman,

Basicimmunology,2004 Edition:2nded. fSBN:1416024034 Saunders, B. W. Price:$ 54.95 Antel, Jack P.; Birnbaum, Gary 2005 Clinicalneuroimmunology, Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0198510683 Press OxfordUniversity Price: $ 245.00 Arshad, S. Hasan; Holgate, Stephen T.; Adkinson, N. Franklin Allergy,2005 fSBN:1904392245 Services Publishing Clinical Price:$ 129.95 Fireman, Philip Atlas of allergiesand clinical immunology, 2005 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:0323024955 Mosby Price: $ 149.00 Grabenstein, John D. lmmunofacts,2005 |SBN:1574392425 & Lippincott Williams Wilkins Price:$ 73.95

Listof BasicSourcesin English a MedicalFacultyLibrary for

Allergies,2005 lsBN;0761419187 Benchmark Books Price:$ 28.50

Anatomy and Histology

Abrahams, Peter H.; Graven, John L.; Lumley, John S. P. lllustratedclinical anatomy,2005 ISBN:0340807431 Hodder& Stoughton Price:$ 39.95 Behnke, Robert S. Kinetic anatomy,2005 ISBN:0736059091 HumanKinetics Publishers Price: $ 34.00 Csillag, Andras M. D. Atlas of the sensory organs, 2005 ISBN:1588294129 HumanaPress Price:$ 135.00 Gurfman, Sue Glinicalanatomy,2005 Edition:1sted. |SBN:0750671459 Butterworth-Heinemann Medical Price: $ 45.00 Dorn, Robin; Biel, Andrew R. Trail guide to the body, 2005 Edition:3rded. ISBN:0965853454 Booksof Discovery Price:$ 52.95 Eroschenko, Victor P. Di Fiore's atlas of histology with functional correlations,2OO4 Edition:1Oth ed. fSBN:0781750210 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price:$ 52.16 Gartner, Leslie P. tnteractivecolor attas histology, 2005 Edition:4thed. ISBN:0781760275 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price:$ 695.00 Graaff, Van De Humananatomy,2005 Edition: 7th ed. ISBN:0072438967 McGraw-Hill Price:$ 154.80

Kay,A. Barry
Handbookof allergy and allergic diseases, 2005 ISBN:0632054492 Blackwell Science Price:$ 99.00 Lennard.Brown, Sarah Allergies,2005 ISBN:0750243791 HodderChildrens Book Price:$ 35.13 Mak,Tak W.; Saunders, Mary The immune response,2005 ISBN:0120884518 Academic Press Price:$ 120.00 Makino, S.; Morikawa, A. Asthma preventionmanagement guidelines,2005 fSBN:3805579438 International Archives Allergyand of lmmunology Series, 121 No. Karger, AG S. Price:$ 26.50 Platts-Mills, T.; Johannes, Ring Allergy in practice,2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:3540002197 Springer Price:$ 129.00 Rosenwasser, Lanny J. Year book of allergy,asthma and clinical immunology,2005 |SBN:0323021018 Year Bookof Allergy, Asthmaand Clinical lmmunology Mosby-Year Book Price:$ 110.00 Skoner, David M. d. Glucocorticosteriodsin allergic inflammation,2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:1416026770 W.B.Saunders Price: $ 80.95 4

for Listof BasicSourcesin English a MedicalFacultyLibrary

Hiatt, James L.; Gartner, Leslie P. Color atlas of histology,2005 Edition:4th ed. ISBN:0781752167 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price:$ 59.95 Leblanc, Andre; Francke, J. P. Encephalo-peripheral nervoussystem, 2004 ISBN:3540208100 Springer-Verlag Price:$ 149.00 Prabhu, S. R. Textbookof oral and maxillofacialanatomy, histology and embryology,2005 |SBN:0195665112 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 49.50 Ross, Michael H. Essentialhistology,2005 ISBN:0781750563 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price:$ 64.95 Ross, Michael H. lmage bank to accompanyhistology,2006 Edition:4thed. |SBN:0781751225 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price:$ 495.00 Seikel, John A.; King, Douglas W.; Drumright, David G. Anatomy and physiologyfor speech, fanguage, and hearing,2005 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:1401825818 Publishing Singular Price:$ 94.95 Stevens, Alan; Lowe, James S. Humanhistology,2004 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:0323036635 C.V.Mosby Price:$ 62.95 Tortora, Gerard J.; Grabowski, Sandra R. Introductionto the human body, 2004 Edition: 6th ed. ISBN:0471222798 JohnWiley& Sons Price: $ 87.00

Tortora, Gerard J.; Derrickson, Bryan H. Principlesof anatomyand physiology,2005 Edition:11thed. ISBN:0471689343 JohnWiley& Sons Price:$ 147.95 Tortora, Gerard J. Principlesof human anatomy,2004 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0471420816 JohnWiley& Sons Price:$ 122.95

Anesthesiology Andrew; Altman,Keith; Mclndoe, Wilson,lain 2005 Emergencies anaesthesia, in Edition: ed. Sth ISBN:0198520999 U Press Oxford niversity Price:$ 39.95 Andropoutos, DeanB.; Stayer,Stephen A. heartdisease, Anesthesia congenital for 2005 ISBN: 1405120606 Blackwell Publishing Price: 185.00 $ BruceF.; Barash, PaulG.;Gullen, Stoelting,RobertK. 2005 Glinical anesthesia, Edition: ed. 5th fSBN:0781757452 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price: 179.00 $ Barash,PaulG.; Cullen,Bruce F.; Stoelting,Robert K. 2005 Handbook clinicalanesthesia, of ISBN:0781757932 Lippincoft Williams Wilkins & Price: 49.95 $ Brown, David L. 2005 Atlasof regional anesthesia, Edition: ed. 3rd fSBN:1416022392 W. B.Saunders Price: 149.00 $

Listof BasicSourcesin English a MedicalFacultyLibrary for

Ghelly, Jaques; Fanelli, Guido; Casati, Andrea Orthopaedicanaesthesia, 2005 ISBN:1841101559 Cambridge University Press Price:$ 120.00 Chestnut, David H. Year book of anesthesiologyand pain management,2005 |SBN:0323021026 C.V.Mosby Price:$ 115.00 Datta, Sanjay Obstetricanesthesiahandbook.2005 Edition:4thed. |SBN:0387260757 Springer Price:$ 49.95 Davey, Andrew J.; Diba, Ali Ward's anaestheticequipment,2005 Edition: Sthed. ISBN:1416025588 W. B. Saunders Price:$ 110.00 Fee, J. P. Howard; Bovill, James G. Pharmacologyfor anaesthesiologists, 2005 fSBN:1841842362 Taylor& Francis Price:$ 119.95 Fteisher, Lee; Gostarino, Andrew; Brenn, B. Randall Pediatricanesthesiology, 2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:1416028099 W. B. Saunders Price: $ 84.95 Fleisher, Lee A. Anesthesia and uncommondiseases, 2005 Edition:Sthed. |SBN:1416022120 W.B.Saunders Price: $ 125.00 Hemmings, Hugh G.; Hopkins, Philip M. Foundationsof anesthesia,2005 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0323037070 Mosby-Year Book Price:$ 125.00

Kaplan, JoelA.; Reich, David L. Gardiacanesthesia,2006 Editionl5thed. ISBN:1416002537 W. B. Saunders Price: $ 249.00 Lake, Garol L.; Johnson, Joel; McloughlinnThomas M. Advances in anesthesia,2005 Edition:1sted. fSBN:0323021220 Mosby-Year Book Price:$ 115.00 Myers, Laura B.; Bulich, Linda A. Anesthesiafor fetal inverventionand surgery,2005 ISBN:1550092359 B. C. Decker Price:$ 149.00 Shiffman, Melvin A.; Mirrafati, Sid Aestheticsurgery of the abdominalwall, 2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:354021 1578 Springer Price:$ 189.00 Stoelting, Robert K.; Hillier, Simon G. Pharmacologyand physiology in anestheticpractice,2005 Edition:4thed. ISBN:0781754690 Lippincoft Williams Wilkins & Price:$ 129.00

Biochemistry Arena, Susan; Hein, Morris; Pattison, Scott

Introductionto general,organic, and biochemistry,laboratorymanual,2004 Edition: 8th ed. ISBN:0471451940 Chemistry Series JohnWileyand Sons Price:$ 46.00

Bell,JerryA. Chemistry,2004
ISBN:0716731266 Freeman, H. W. Price: $ 123.95

for FacultyLibrary Listof BasicSources English a Meciical in

Berg Biochemistry,2006 ed. Edition:6th ISBN:071676766X W. H. Freeman Price: $ 144.45 Bettelheim, Frederick A.; Brown, William H. Introductionto organic and biochemistry, 2003 Edition:Sthed. ISBN:0534401880 BrooksCole Price:$ 103.95 Brazel, Christopher S.; Rogers, Robin D. lonic liquids in polymer systems,2005 ISBN:0841239363 Acs Symposium Series 913 American Chemical Society Price:$ 134.50 Gao, Linqiu; Schmid, Rolf D. immobilizedenzymes,2005 Carrier-bound ISBN:3527312323 JohnWiley& Sons Price:$ 260.00 Denniston, K. J.; Topping, Joseph J. General,organic,and biochemistry,2005 Edition: Sthed. ISBN:0072828471 Mcgraw-Hill College Price:$ 139.20 Deshpande, V'ljai;Rao, B. Sahidhar Experimental biochemistry,2005 Edition:6th ed. ISBN:1904798519 Anshan Price:$ 22.95 Devlin, Thomas M. Textbook of biochemistrywith clinical correlations,2005 Edition:6thed. |SBN:0471678082 Wiley-Liss Price: $ 72.45 Eltiott, Daphne G.; Elliott, William H. Biochemistryand molecularbiology, 2005 Edition: 3rd ed.

fSBN:0199271992 Press OxfordUniversity Price: $ 85.00 Hartmann, Roland Karl; Bindereif, Albrecht Handbookof RNA biochemistry,2005 ISBN:352730826'l JohnWiley& Sons Price:$ 385.00 Horton, Robert; Moran, Laurence A.; Scrimgeour, Gray Principlesof biochemistry,2005 Edition:4thed. ISBN:0131453068 Prentice HallPTR Price: $ 124.00 Nowack, Bernd ; VanBriesen, Jeanne M. of Biogeochemistry chelatingagents,2005 ISBN:0841238979 Series 910 Acs Symposium American Society Chemical Price: $ 174.50 Pratt, Gharlotte W. Essentialbiochemistry,2005 ISBN:0471759848 JohnWiley& Sons Price:$ 93.00 Sessler, Jonathan L.; Doctrow, Susan R. Medicinalinorganicchemistry,2005 ISBN:0841238995 Series903 Acs Symposium Society American Chemical Price: $ 144.50 Shahidi, Fereidoon Bailey'sindustrial oil and fat products,2005 Edition:6th ed. |SBN:0471384607 Wiley-lnterscience Price:$ 1,500 Shriver, Duward F. ; Atkins, Peter W. Inorganicchemistry,2005 Edition:4thed. ISBN:0199264635 Press OxfordUniversity Price:$ 143.85

Listof BasicSourcesin English a MedicalFacultyLibrary for

Voet, Donald Biochemistry,2005 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:0471770043 JohnWiley& Sons Price:$ 145.95 Weerasinghe, Deepthi K.; Sucan, Mathias K. Processand reactionflavors,2005 ISBN:0841239053 Acs Symposium Seriesg05 American Chemical Society Price:$ 125.00 Whikehart, David R. Biochemistryof the eye, 2003 Edition: 2nd ed. ISBN:0750671521 Bufterworth-Heinemann Price: $ 59.95 Winterhager, Elke Gapjunctions in developmentand disease, 2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:3540261567 Springer Price:$ 169.00

Cummings, Michael Principlesof cell and molecular biology, 2006 ISBN:076371433X Jones& Bartlett Publishers Price:$ 87.95 Huddart, Robert A. Cancerradiotherapy, 2006 ISBN:0896038319 Methods Molecular in Medicine Series HumanaPress Price:$ 99.00 Knowtes, Margaret A.; Selby, Peter J. Introductionto the cellular and molecular biology of cancer,2005 Edition:4th ed. ISBN:019852563X OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 75.00 Krogh, David Biology,2005 Edition:3rded. ISBN:013141450X Pearson Education Price:$ 108.20 Licinio, Julio; Wong, Ma-Li Biology of depression,2005 ISBN:3527307850 JohnWiley& Sons Price: $ 475.00 Lodish, Harvey F. Mofecularcell biology, 2003 Edition: Sthed. ISBN:0716788861 Freeman, H. W. Price:$ 127.80 MADER Human reproductivebiology, 2004 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:0072872349 McGraw-Hill Science/Eng ineering/Math Price:$ 75.94

Biology Bleiklie,lvar; Goggin,MalcolmL.; Rothmayr,Ghristine policy,2004 Comparative biomedical ISBN:0415325471 Routledge/Ecpr Studies European in Political Science, 32 Routledge Price:$ 125.00 Burton,E. Tropp; Freifetder, David Molecular biology, 2005 Edition: ed. 3rd ISBN:0763709166 Jones Bartlett & Publishers Price: 79.95 $ Campbell, NeilA.; Reece, Jane B. Biology,2004 Edition: ed. 7th ISBN:080537146X Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Price:$ 142.67

Meyers, Robert A.
Encyclopediaof molecularcell biology and molecularmedicine,2005 Edition:2nd ed. |SBN:3527305424 JohnWiley& Sons Price:$ 5,920

for List of BasicSources English a MedicalFacultyLibrary in

Purves, William K.; Sadava, David Life,2004 Edition: 6th ed. ISBN:0716773163 W. H. Freeman Price: $ 137.20 Trent, R. MolecularMedicine,2005 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:0126990573 Academic Press Price:$ 79.95 Watson, James D. DNA,2004 ISBN:0099451840 ArrowBooks Price:$ 13.05

Beller, Zaret; Beller, George Glinicalnuclearcardiology,2004 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:0323024947 Mosby-Year Book Price:$ 165.00 Bourassa, Martial G.; Tardif, JeanGlaude Antioxidantsand cardiovasculardisease, 2005 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0387295526 Medicine, in Developments Cardiovascular 258 Springer Price:$ 129.00 Brady, Adrian; John, Petrie New perspectiveson hypertension,2005 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:187341398X Series New Perspectives Incorporated International, MeritPublishing Price:$ 19.77 Bridges, Gharles; Bridges, Gharles R. 2005 Myocardiallaser revascularization, ISBN:1405122102 Blackwell Publishing Price:$ 95.00 Cohen, Jay S. The magnesiumsolution for high blood pressure,2004 ISBN:0757002552 SquareOne Publishers Price:$ 5.95 Davies, Alun H. 2005 Vascularsurgeryhighlights, ISBN:190373472X FastFactsSeries HealthPr Price:$ 24.95 Denault, Andre Y.; Gouture, Pierre Transesophageal echoeardiography multimediamanual,2005 ISBN:0824723538 MarcelDekker Price:$ 199.95 Derwahl, Karl-michael Thyroid and cardiovascularrisk, 2005 ISBN:1588904180



Eat to beat high blood pressure,2004 ISBN:0762105089 Readers Digest Price:$ 17.79 Outsmarthigh blood pressure,2003 ISBN:0312988125 SaintMartin's Paperbacks Price:$ 6.50 Taking charge of high blood pressure,2003 ISBN:0762103515 Readers Digest Price:$ 16.47 Armour, J. Andrew; Ardell, Jeffrey L. Basic and clinical neurocardiology, 2004 |SBN:019514'1296 OxfordUniversity Press Priee:$ 79.5 Baert, A. L.;Al-Saadi, N. ClinicalcardiacMRl,2005 Edition:1sted. |SBN:3540262172 Springer Price: $ 89.00 Baim, Donald S.; Grossman, William Grossman'scardiac catheterization, angiography,and Intervention, 2005 Edition:7thed. ISBN:0781755670 Lippincoft Williams Wilkins and Price:$ 135.00

Listof BasicSourcesin English a MedicalFacultyLibrary for

ThiemeMedical Publishers Price:$ 64.95

Houston,MarkC.; Taylor,Nadine;Fox,


Elliot, Henry L.
Hypertensionin primary care, 2003 Edition: Pocket edition ISBN:1853176281 MartinDunitz Price:$'14.95 Fisher, M. Diabeticcardiology,2006 ISBN:0470862041 JohnWiley& Sons Price:$ 105.00 Freed, Mark Essentialsof cardiovascularmedicine, 2005 Edition:2nded. ISBN:1890114189 Physicians Press Price:$ 69.95 Frownfelter, Donna; Dean, Elizabeth Gardiovascular and pulmonaryphysical therapy,2005 Edition:4thed. ISBN:032302775X Mosby-Year Book Price: $ 48.48 Fuster, Valentin; Alexander, Wayne R.; O'Rourke, Robert A. Hursfs the heart,2004 Edition:11thed. ISBN:0071422641 Cardiology Series McGraw-Hill Professional BookGroup Price: $ 122.88 Helmy, Almed Portal hypertension,2006 ISBN:1594545871 NovaSciencePublishers Price:$ 129.00 Higgins, Charles B.; De RoosnAlbert MRI and CT of the cardiovascularsystem, 2005 Edition:1sted. |SBN:0781762715 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price:$ 159.00

What your doctor may not tell you about (TM) hypertension,2003 ISBN:0446690848 WarnerBooks Price:$ 10.17 Khatib, Oussama M. N.; El-Guindy, Mohamed Sayed Glinicalguidelinesfor the managementof hypertension,2005 |SBN: 9789290214076 WHO EMROTechnical Publication Series WorldHealthOrganization, Regional Officefor the Eastern Mediterranean Price:$ 15.00 Kulkarni, M. L. Pediatriccardiology,2005 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:190479839X Anshan Price: $ 65.00 Leondes, Cornelius T. Medicalimaging systems technotogy,2005 ISBN:9812569898 WorldScientific Publishing Price:$ 86.00 Marmot, Michael ; Elliott, Paul Goronaryheart diseaseepidemiology,2005 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0198525737 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 75.00 Matthews, Dawn D.; Betlenir, Karen Hypertensionsourcebook,2004 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0780806743 Omnigraphics Price:$ 87.00 Mogensen, Carl Erik The kidney and hypertensionin diabetes mellitus,2005 Edition:6th ed. ISBN:1402075561 KluwerAcademic Publishers Price:$ 62.00


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Molinari, Enrico; Gompare, Angelo; Parati, Gianfranco Clinical psychology and heart disease, 2006 Edition:1sted. |SBN:8847003776 Springer Price: $ 239.00 Myerson, Saul G.; Choudhury, Robin P.; Mitchell, Andrew Emergenciesin cardiology,2005 ISBN:0198569599 The Emergencies Series in OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 34.93 Nichols, Wilmer W.; O'Rourke, Michael F. McDonald'sblood flow in arteries,2005 Edition:5thed. ISBN:0340809418 Press OxfordUniversity Price: $ 225.00 O'Gonnor, Ghristopher; Gattis, Wendy; Gheorghiade, Miahai Managingacute decompensated heart failure,2005 ISBN:1841843741 Taylor& Francis Price: $ 229.95 Otto, Catherine M. Textbookof clinical echocardiography, 2004 Edition:3rded. ISBN:0721607896 W. Saunders, B. Price:$ 139.00 Otto, Catherine M. Valvular heart disease,2003 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0721697879 W. Saunderc, B. Price:$ 155.00 Pasterkamp, Gerard; Kleijn, Dominique PV de research,2005 Cardiovascular Edition:1sted. ISBN:0387233288 Springer Price:$ 129.00

Peacock, W. Frank; Tiffany, Brian emergencies, 2005 Gardiovascular Edition:1sted. |SBN:0071431314 Professional McGraw-Hill Price: $ 59.95 Ramrakha, Punit; Hill, Jonathan Oxford handbookof cardiology,2006 ISBN:0198525974 Series OxfordHandbooks Press OxfordUniversity Price:$ 47.50 Sinatra, Stephen T.; Sinatra,*JanDeMarco Lower your blood pressurein eight weeks, 2003 fSBN:0345448073 Ballantine Books Price:$ 14.95 Topol, Eric J.; Jacobs, Joseph J. Textbook of interventional cardiology, 2002 Edition:4thed. fSBN:0721694497 Saunders, B. W. Price:$ 189.00 Waite, Lee Biofluid mechanicsin cardiovascular systems,2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0071447881 Professional Publishing McGraw-Hill Price:$ 165.00 Wenger, Nanette Kass; Collins, Peter Womenand heart disease,2005 Edition:2nded. ISBN:1841842885 Taylor& Francis Price:$ 149.95 White, William B. Blood pressuremonitoring in cardiovascularmedicineand therapeutics, 2005 ed. Edition:2nd ISBN:1588295125 Press Humana Price:$ 89.50 Wilcox, Benson R.; Cook, Andrew G.; Anderson, Robert H. Surgicalanatomyof the heart,2005 Edition: 3rd ed.


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ISBN:0521861411 Cambridge Press University Price:$ 151.20 Wood, David Preventionof cardiovasculardisease,2005 ISBN:1405129409 Blacloivell Publish ing Price: $ 65.00

Publishers Jones& Bartlett Price:$ 74.95 Mars, Laura The complete directory for people with chronic illness,2005 Edition:7thed. ISBN:1592370810 SedgwickPress Price:$ 165.00 MorewiE, Stephen J. Ghronic diseasesand health care,2006 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0387287787 Springer Price: $ 69.95 Wagner, Edward; Kane, Robert L.; Priester, Reinhard Meetingthe challengeof chronic illness, 2005 ISBN:0801882095 The JohnsHopkins University Press Price:$ 55.00

Ghronic Disease
Preventingchronic diseases,2005 ISBN:9241563001 WorldHealthOrganization Price:$ 27.00 Bronner, Felix Nutritionaland clinical managementof chronic conditions and diseases,2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0849327652 C R C Press Price:$ 139.95 Hansel, Joyce Ghronicdisease,2005 ISBN:159526034X Llumina Press Priee:$ 25.95 Holmes, H. Nancy Managingchronic disorders,2005 Edition:Bookand CD-Rom ed. fSBN:1582554420 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price: $ 39.95 Howe, Rufus The diseasemanager'shandbook,2005 ISBN:0763747831 Publishers Jones& Bartlett Price:$ 44.95 Kuh, Diana; Shlomo, Yoav Ben A life course approachto chronic diseases epidemiology,20O4 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0198578156 Press OxfordUniversity Price:$ 59.50 Lubkin, llene Morof; Larsen, Pamala D. Chronicillness,2005 Edition:6th ed. ISBN:0763735949



Bartlett,John fnfectious diseases immunology, 2002 and Edition:2nd ed. ISBN: 1563634368 eMedguides Price: 24.95 $ Connolly,MaireA. Communicable disease controlin emergencies, 2005 ISBN:9241546166 World Health Organization Price: 72.00 $ Farrell,Jeanette Invisible enemies, 2005 Edition: ed. 2nd ISBN:0374336075 Farrar, and Straus Giroux Price: 12.24 $ Franz,David R.; Lindler, Luther E. Biological weapons 2005 defense, Edition: ed. 2nd 1588291847 fSBN: Humana Press Price: 145.00 $


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Friedman, Herman; Klein, Thomas W.; Bendinelli, Mauro Infectiousdiseasesand substanceabuse, 2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0306486873 Infectious Agentsand Pathogenesis Springer Price:$ 129.00 GanE, Nelson M.; Brown, Richard B. Manualof clinical problems in infectious disease,2005 Edition: Sthed. ISBN:0781759293 Lippincoft & Williams Wilkins Price: $ 44.95 Heymann, David L. Control of communicablediseasesmanual, 2004 Edition:18thed. ISBN:0875530346 American PublicHealth Association Publications Price:$ 33.00 Joynson, David H.M.;Wreghift, Tim G. A comprehensive clinical guide, 2005 ISBN:0521019427 University Press Cambridge Price:$ 58.00 Mandell, Gerald L.; Bennett, John E.; Dolin, Raphael Principlesand practiceof infectious diseases,2004 Edition:6thed. |SBN:0443066434 Churchill Livingstone Price:$ 329.00 Oshinsky, David M. Polio,2005 fSBN:0195152948 Press OxfordUniversity Price:$ 19.80 Pierce, John R.; Writer, James V. Yellow Jack, 2005 ISBN:0471472611 Wiley Price:$ 16.47

Piscitelli, Stephen G.; Rodvold, Keith A. Drug interactionsin infectiousdiseases, 2005 Edition:2nded. ISBN:1588294552 Series lnfectious Disease Humana Press Price: $ 125.00 Remington, Jack S.; Klein, Jerome;

Baker, Carol
lnfectiousdiseasesof the fetus and newbom infant,2005 Edition:6thed. ISBN:0721605370 W. B. Saunders Price: $ 229.00 Rhinehart, Emily; Friedman, Mary lnfection control in home care,2005 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0763726672 Publishers Jonesand Bartlett Price:$ 40.92 Scheld, W. Michael Emerginginfections,2004 ISBN:1555812422 Emerging Infections Series for American Society Microbiology Price: $ 84.95 Sherman, lrwin W. Molecularapproachesto malaria,2005 ISBN:1555813305 ASM Press Price:$ 129.95 Slaven, Ellen M.; Stone, Susan Carol; Alfredo A. Lopez lnfectiousdiseases,2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:007143416X Professional Publishing McGraw-Hill Price:$ 69.95 Studahl, Marie; Cinque, Paola; Bergstrom, T. Herpessimplex viruses, 2005 fSBN:0824727312 Infectious and Therapy Disease MarcelDekker Price:$ 199.95


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Walker, David H.; Wellel Peter F.; Guerrant, Richard L. Tropical infectious diseases,2005 Edition:2nded. ISBN:044306668X Churchill Livingstone Price:$ 325.00 Webber, Roger Communicablediseaseepidemiologyand control,2005 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0851999026 CABIPublishing Price:$ 55.00 Wilson Gurrentdiagnosis and treatmentin infectiousdiseases,2005 ISBN:0071423095 McGraw-Hill Price:$ 69.95

Fetrow, C.W.; Avila, Juan R. Professional'shandbook of complementary and altemativemedicines,2003 Edition: 3rd ed. |SBN: 1582552436 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Price: $ 39.95 Freeman, Lyn Mosby's complementaryand alternative medicine,2004 fSBN:0323026265 C.V.Mosby Price:$ 61.95 Frishman, William H.; Weintraub, Michael l. Gomplementary and integrativetherapies for cardiovasculardisease,2005 ISBN:0323030025 Mosby Price:$ 51.95

Gomplementary Therapies,


Gomplementary and alternativemedicine in the United States,2005 ISBN:0309092701 National Academies Press Price: $ 47.95 Bodeker, Gerard; Ong, Ghi-Keong; Grundy, Chris WHO global atlas of traditional, complernentary and alternative medicine, 2005 ISBN:9241562862 WHO Centrefor HealthDevelopment Price:$ 90.00 Gherniack, P. ; Cherniack, N. Altemative medicinefor the elderly,2003 Edition:1sted. ISBN:3540441697 Springer Price: $ 69.95 Faass, Nancy; Rakel, David Complementary medicine in clinical practice,2005 Edition:3rded. ISBN:0763730653 Jones& Bartlett Publishers Price:$ 59.95

Gruenwald, Joerg; Economics, Medical PDRfor herbal medicines,2004 Edition:3rded. ISBN:1563635127 ThomsonHealthcare Price:$ 51.49 Hecker, Hans-Ulrich; Steveling, Angelika; Peuker, Elmar T. Microsystemacupuncture,2005 ISBN:158890329X ThiemeMedical Publishers Price:$ 99.95 Kaur, Sat Dharam; Danylak-arhanic, Mary; Dean, Garolyn The complete natural medicineguide to women'shealth,2005 ISBN:0778801276 RobertRose Price:$ 13.57 Knight, Richard How to practisecomplementarymedicine professionally,2OO4 ISBN:1845490126 ArimaPublishing Price:$ 45.00 Lee-Treweek, Geraldine Gomplementary and alternativemedicine, 2005 ISBN:0415351626


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Routledge Price: $ 30.44 Lee-Treweek, Geraldine; Heller, Tom Perspectives complementary on and alternativemedicine,2005 ISBN:0415351588 Routledge Price:$ 105.00 Longe, Jacqueline L. Galeencyclopediaof alternativemedicine, 2004 Edition:2nd ed. fSBN:0787674249 GaleGroup Price: $ 395.00

Livingstone Churchill Price: $ 299.00 Robson, Terry An introductionto complementary medicine,2004 ISBN:1741140544 Allen& UnwinPty. Price:$ 49.95 Schulz, Volker; Hanset, Rudolf; Blumenthal, Mark Rational phytotherapy, 2005 Edition: Sthed. ISBN:3540408320 Springer Price: $ 49.95 Snyder, Mariah; Lindquist, Ruth and alternativetherapiesin Gomplementary nursing,2005 Edition: Sthed. ISBN:0826114474 Publishing Springer Price: $ 60.00 Ulbricht, Gatherine E.; Basch, Ethan M. Naturalstandardherb and supplement handbook,2005 ISBN:0323029930 Mosby Price:$ 39.95 Ulbricht, Catherine E.; Basch, Ethan M. Naturalstandardherb and supplement reference,2005 fSBN:0323029949 Mosby Price:$ 129.00 Yaniv, Zohara D.; Bachrach, Uriel D. Handbookof medicinalplants,2005 ISBN: 1560229942 Press FoodProducts Price:$ 89.95

Mclntryre, Anne
Herbaltreatmentof children,2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:075065174'l nemann Butterworth-Hei Price:$ 34.95 Micozzi, Marc S. Fundamentals complementary of and integrativemedicine,2005 Edition:3rded. ISBN:1416025839 W. B. Saunders Price:$ 59.95 Mills, Simon; Bone, Kerry The essentialguide to herbalsafety,2005 fSBN:0443071713 Livingstone Churchill Price:$ 59.95 Mueller, Markus S.; Mechter, Ernest Medicinatptants in tropical countries,2005 ISBN:1588902536 ThiemeMedical Publishers Price:$ 109.95 O'Sullivan, Gatherine Reshapingherbal medicine,2005 ISBN:0443101353 Livingstone Churchill Price:$ 61.95 Pizzorno, Joseph E.and ; Murray, Michael T. Textbookof natural medicine,2006 Edition:3rded. ISBN:0443069417

and'Fa-miii, Gontraception ",'

PlannlngServices .', ii,,1i: Birth control and femalecontraceptive agentswith index and medical analysisof new information, 2005 ISBN:0788339885 Association Washington of ABBEPublishers Price:$ 57.95 15

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Familyplanningaide,2005 ISBN:0837333695 National Learning Corporation Price:$ 27.95 Glasier, Anna; Winikoff, Beverly Contraception fast facts, 2005 Edition:2nded. |SBN: 1903734460 Fast FactsSeries HealthPress Price:$ 24.95 Guillebaud,John The pill and other forms of hormonal contraception,2005 Edition: 6th ed. ISBN:0198566131 OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 22.95 Hatcher, Robert A.; Zieman, Mimi; Cwiak, Garrie Guide to managingcontraception,2005 fSBN:0963887572 Bridging Gap Communications the Price:$ 10.00 Hatcher, Robert A. Safelysexual,2005 ISBN:0966490282 ArdentMusic Price:$ 29.95 Kubba, Ali Rapid referenceto contraception,2005 ISBN:0723433615 Rapidreferenceseries Mosby Price:$ 19.95 Milsom,lan Contraceptionand family planning,2006 ISBN:0444518282 European Practice Gynaecology in and ObstetricsSeries Elsevier Price:$ 71.95 Robinson, William J. Birth control or the limitation of offspring, 2005 ISBN:141798578X Kessinger Publishing Price:$ 27.95

Schoen, Johanna Choice and coercion,2005 fSBN:0807829196 University NorthCarolina Press of Price:$ 59.95 Speroff, Leon; Darney, Philip D. A clinical guide for contraception,2005 Edition:4thed. ISBN:0781764882 Lippincoft Williams Wilkins & Price: $ 42.95 Stopes, Marie Birth Gontrol,2005 |SBN:1843714523 Continuum International Publishing Price:$ 115.00 Sutherland, Halliday G. Birth control,2005 ISBN:1421922444 IndyPublish. Price:$ 77.99 Szarewski, Anne; Guillebaud, John Contraception, 2004 Edition:3rded. ISBN:0192632566 OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 19.24 Tobin, Kathleen A. Pofitics and populationcontrol ,2004 ISBN:0313322791 Greenwood Publishing Price: $ 95.00

Dentistry '




Bagg, Jeremy; MacFarlane,T. Wallace; Poxton, lan R. Essentialsof microbiologyfor dental students,2005 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0198564899 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 69.96 Burke, F. J. Trevor; Freeman, Ruth Preparingfor dental practice,2004 ISBN:0198508646 OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 49.95


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Burt, Brian A. Dentistry,dental practice,and the community,2005 Edition:6thed. ISBN:072160515X Saunders Price:$ 49.95 Davies, Andrew; Finlay, llora Oral care in advanceddisease,2005 ISBN:0192632434 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 75.00 Dhuru, Virendra B. Contemporarydental materials,2005 ISBN:0195665090 OxfordUniversity Press Price: $ 55.00 Eliades, George; Eliades, Theodore; Watts, David G. Dentalhard tissues and bonding,2005 Edition:2nd ed ISBN:354023408X Springer Price: $ 129.0O Fortune, Farida Humandiseasefor dentistry,2OO4 ISBN:0192631632 OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 55.00 Frommer, Herbert H.; Stabulas-Savage, Jeanine J. Study guide to accompanyradiologyfor the dental professional,2005 Edition:8thed. ISBN:032303070X Mosby Price:$ 17.95 Gage, Tommy W.; Pickeft, Frieda Atherton Mosby's dental drug reference2005,2006 Edition:7thed. ISBN:0323040810 Mosby Price:$ 39.95 Gagliardi, Lorraine Dentalhealth education,2006 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0131717383 Hall Prentice Price:$ 31.33

Geurink, Kathy Voigt Gommunityoral health practicefor the dental hygienist,2005 Edition:2nded. ISBN:1416000968 Saunders Price: $ 44.95 Goldstein Estheticsin dentistry,2006 ISBN:1550090496 B. C. Decker Price: $ 131.64 Graber, Thomas M.; Vig, Katherine W. L. Orthodontics,2005 Edition:4th ed. fSBN:0323026214 Mosby Price:$ 199.00 Gutmann, James L.; Lovdahl, Paul E. Problemsolving in endodontics,2006 Edition:4thed. ISBN:032303182X Mosby Price:$ 89.00 Haug, Richard H.; Kushner, George M. Bone grafting,2005 ISBN:1416028242 Mosby Price:$ 1'14.95 lhde, Stefan Principlesof BOl, 2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:3540216650 Springer Price:$ 189.00 Kay,Elizabeth J. Integrateddental treatmentplanning,2005 ISBN:0198528892 Press OxfordUniversity Price: $ 47.50 Kidd, Edwina A. M. Essentialsof dental caries,2005 Edition:3rded. fSBN:0198529783 Press OxfordUniversity Price:$ 55.00


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Kimbrough, Vickie; Henderson, Karen Oral health education,2005 ISBN:0131090518 Prentice Hall Price: $ 37.20 Klein, Arnold Wlliam Tissue augmentationin clinical practice , 2005 ISBN:0824754565 Basicand Clinical Dermatology MarcelDekker Price:$ 149.95 Manogue, Michael Principlesof endodonticsn 2005 ISBN:0198509995 OxfordUniversity Press Price: $ 69.5 Mitchell, David An introduction to oraland maxillofacial surgery ,2OOo |SBN:0192629646 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 79.5 Mitchell, David A.; Mitchell, Laura Oxford handbookof clinical dentistry,2005 ISBN:0198529201 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 42.5 Mossey, Peter; Holsgrove, Gareth Essentialskills for dentists,2006 ISBN:0198526199 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 24.95 Mulligan, Roseann Geriatricdentistry,2006 Edition:1sted. ISBN:141602820X W. B. Saunders Price: $ 74.95 Powers, John M.; Sakaguchi, Ronald L. Graig's restorativedental materials,2006 Edition:12thed. ISBN:0323036066 Mosby Price: $ 76.95 Roberts, Graham; Scheer, Barry Oral and dental trauma in children and adolescents,2005 Edition:2nded. 18

ISBN:0198515960 OxfordUniversityPress Price: $ 52.45 Scully, Grispian Oxford handbook of dental patient care, 2005 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0198566239 OxfordUniversityPress Price: $ 49.50 Soames, J. V.; Southam, J. C. Oral pathology,2005 |SBN:0198527942 OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 75.00 Weinberger, Bernhard Wolf An introduction to the history of dentistry, 2005 ISBN:1578985021 Marlino Publishing Price:$ 145.00 Wetbury, Richard R. Paediatricdentistry,2005 Edition:3rd ed. ISBN:0198565836 OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 79.50

Dermatology Burgess, M. Cheryl

Gosmetic Dermatology, 2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:3540230645 Springer Price:$ 129.00 Gohen, Bernard A. Pediatricdermatology,2005 Edition:3rded. ISBN:0323023630 Mosby Price:$ 115.00 Diepgen, T. L.; Bittdorf, A.; Simon, M. Atlas of dermatology, 2006 Edition:2nded. fSBN:3540000437 Springer Price:$ 51.75

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Elder, David E.; Lever, Walter F. Leve/s histopathologyof the skin, 2004 Edition:9thed. fSBN:0781737427 Williams Wilkins Lippincott & Price: $ 249.95 Feldman, Steven R. Handbookof dermatologicdrug therapy, 2005 ISBN:1842142607 Taylorand Francis Price:$ 89.95 Freedberg, lrwin M.; Eisen, Arthur Z.; Wolff, Klauss FitzpatricKs dermatology in general medicine,2003 Edition:6thed. ISBN:0071380760 McGraw-Hill Price:$ 495.00 Frosch, Peter J.; Menne, Torkil; Lepoittevin, Jean-Pierre Textbook of contact dermatitis, 2005 Edition:4th ed. ISBN:3540244719 Springer Price:$ 172.14 Hanke, William; Sattler, Gerhard Liposuction,2005 fSBN:1416022082 Procedures cosmetic in dermatology series Saunders Price:$ 149.00 James, William; Cockerell, Clay; Maloney, Mary Advancesin dermatology,2005 ISBN:0323021239 Mosby Price:$ 115.00 James, William D.; Berger, Timothy; Elston, Dirk Andrews' diseases of the skin, 2006 Edition:1Oth ed. |SBN:0721629210 Saunders Price:$ 179.00 Kammerlander, Gerhard; Andriessen, A. Preventionand treatment,2005 Edition:1sted.

ISBN:3211838333 Springer Price:$ 119.00 Lang, Pearon G. ; Thiers, Bruce H. 2005Year book of dermatologyand dermatologicsurgery,2005 ISBN:0323021050 Mosby Price:$ 115.00 Litt, Jerome Z. Drug eruption referencemanual,2003 Edition:9thed. ISBN:1842142046 Taylor& Francis Price:$ 179.95 MacDonald, Donald; Ben-Gashir, Mohammed; Robson, Alistair 2005 Dermatopathology, |SBN:1405107790 Publishing Blackwell Price:$ 139.95 Pallern Amy S.; Mancini, Anthony J. Hurwitzclinical pediatricdermatology,2006 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:0721604986 Saunders Price:$ 149.00 Parish, Lawrence C.; Brenner, Sarah Atlas of women's dermatology,2005 ISBN:1842142089 Taylor& Francis Price:$ 129.95 Ring, Johannes; Przybilla, Bernhard ; Ruzicka, Thomas Handbookof atopic eczema,2006 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:3540231331 Springer Price:$ 259.00 Scher, Richard K.; Daniel, C. Ralph Nails,2005 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:1416023569 Saunders Price:$ 179.00 White, Gary M.; Cox, Neil H. Diseasesof the skin, 2005 Edition:2nded. |SBN:0323029973


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Mosby Price:$ 219.00

Dictionaries and Directories

Canadianmedical directory,2005 Edition:lBth ed. |SBN:1552571130 Thomson Gale Price: $ 249.00 Dictionnaire Vidal,2005 Edition:81sted. ISBN:0785995943 French& European Publications, lncorporated Price:$ 375.00 Graduatemedical educationdirectory 20052006,2005 |SBN:1579476767 American Medical Association Price:$ 75.00 Health professions,2005 Edition:33rded. fSBN:1579476759 American Medical Association Price:$ 70.00 Medicaland health informationdirectory, 2005 Edition:18thed. ISBN:0787685968 Thomson Gale Price: $ 805.00 Mosby's dictionary of medicine,nursing and health professions,2005 Edition: 7th ed. ISBN:0323035620 Mosby Price:$ 38.95 The officialABMS directory of board certified medical specialists,2006 Edition:38thed. |SBN:141602946X Saunders Price: $ 649.00 Stedman'smedical abbreviationspocket edition,2005 ISBN:0781755476 Lippincott Wlliams& Wlkins Price: $ 38.95

Subject directory of special libraries,2006 Edition:32nded. ISBN:0787688126 GaleGroup Price:$ 1,100 USP dictionary 2005,2005 ISBN:1889788368 Medpharm Scientific Publishers Price:$ 299.00 World guide to libraries,2005 Edition:20thed. fSBN:3598207484 K. G. SaurVerlagGmbH Price:$ 510.00 Andersonn Douglas M.; Andersonn Kenneth Mosby's medical dictionary,2005 Edition:7thed. ISBN:0323039421 Mosby Price: $ 34.95 Anmin, Ghen; Yingfu, Ma; Yuan, Gao; Zhemin, Gao Dictionaryof traditional chinese medicine, 2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:3540428461 Springer Price:$ 44.95 Brooker, Christine Mosby nurse's pocket dictionary,2005 Edition:33rded. ISBN:0723433739 Mosby Price:$ 14.95 Gobbold, Richard S. C. Foundationsof biomedicaluttrasound, 2006 ISBN:0195168313 OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 95.00 Collins, Peter M. Dictionaryof carbohydrates, 2005 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0849338298 Chapman Hall & Price:$ 399.00


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Dorland Dorland'spocket medical dictionary,2004 Edition: 27th ed. ISBN:141600'1018 Saunders Price:$ 29.95 Dorland, Newman W. Dorland'sillustratedmedicaldictionary, 2003 Edition: 30thed. ISBN:0721602819 Dorland's lllustrated Dictionary Medical Series Saunders, B. W. Price:$ 102.00 Franscini-paiva,Ana Veronica Dictionaryof dentistry,2005 ISBN:8489873364 Publishing Quintessence Price:$ 72.00 Gagliardi, Lorraine 2003-2004 survey of dental education, 2005 ISBN:1932305602 AmericanDentalAssociation Price:$ 900.00 Hill, Gary S. Frenchto Englishand Englishto French dictionary of medical and biologicalterms and medications,2005 ISBN:078599582X French European & Incorporated Publications, Price:$ 250.00 Jablonski, Stanley Dictionaryof rnedicalacronymsand abbreviations, 2004 Edition: sth ed. ISBN:1560536322 Elsevier HealthSciences Division Price:$ 29.95 Jonas, Wayne Mosby's dictionary of complementary and afternativemedicine, 2004 ISBN:0323025161 Mosby Price:$ 37.95 Konstantinidis, G. Elsevie/s dictionaryof medicineand biology,2005 ISBN:0444514406

Books Elsevier Science Technology & Price: $ 275.00 Layman, Dale Medicalterminologydemystified,2006 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0071461043 McGraw-H Professional ill Price:$ 19.95 Longley, Dennis; Shain, Michael Dictionaryof informationtechnology,2005 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0195205197 OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 5.50 Maciocia, Giovanni The foundationsof chinese medicine,2005 Edition:2nded. |SBN:0443074895 Churchill Livingstone Price:$ 129.00 Martin, Elizabeth; McFerran, Tanya A. A dictionary of nursing, 2005 Edition:4thed. ISBN:019860873X Press OxfordUniversity Price:$ 10.51 Martin, Elizabeth; Hine, Robert S. Oxford dictionaryof biology, 2004 Edition:Sthed. ISBN:0198609175 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 10.17 Martin, Elizabeth A. Concisecolour medicaldictionary,2003 fSBN:0198607547 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 12.99 Merriam-Webster Merriam-Webster's medicaldesk dictionary, 2005 |SBN:1418000574 Thomson DelmarLearning Price: $ 32.95 Philippsborn, Henry Elsevier'sdictionary of vitamins and pharmaceutical technology,2006 ISBN:0444516603 Books Elsevier Science Technology & Price:$ 175.00


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Porter, Stuart
Dictionaryof physiotherapy,2005 ISBN:0750688335 Buttenrorth-Hei neman n Price:$ 43.95 Review, Princeton; Stoll, Malaika Best 162medical schools, 2005 |SBN:0375764992 PrincetonReview Price:$ 15.61 Rubin, Richard Foundationsof library and information science,2004 Edition:2nded. ISBN:1555705189 Neal-Schuman Publishers Price:$ 65.00 Shorter, Edward A historical dictionary of psychiatry,2005 Edition: 27thed. ISBN:0195176685 OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 49.95 Stedman Stedman'smedical dictionary,2005 Edition: 28thed. ISBN:0781764505 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price: $ 64.95 Venes, Donald Tabefs cyclopedic medical dictionary,2005 Edition:20thed. ISBN:0803613083 Davis, A. F. Price:$ 78.95

FalkSymposium Springer Price:$ 233.00 Ganagaratnam, Miruna Gastrointestinal system, 2004 ISBN:0340813431 One Stop Doc Hodder& Stoughton Price:$ 17.88 Chivers, David J.; Langer, Peter The digestivesystem in mammals,2005 ISBN:0521020859 Cambridge University Press Price:$ 60.00 Colacino, Joseph M.; Heinz, Beverly A. Hepatitis prevention and treatment, 2004 ISBN:3764359560 Milestones DrugTherapy in Springer Price:$ 173.00 Cooperman Interventionalmanagementof the pancreas and gallbladder,2006 ISBN:0824729536 MarcelDekker Price: $ '125.97 Dotk, Jann Scorecardsfor abdominalsonography, 2005 ISBN:0941022471 Davies Publishing Price:$ 49.95 Floch, Martin H.; Floch, Neil R. Nette/s gastroenterology, 2005 ISBN:1929007132 Saunders Price:$ 93.95 Forbes, Alastair; Compton, Carolyn C. Atlas of clinical gastroenterology, 2005 ISBN:072343283X Mosby Price:$ 199.00 Foster, Graham; Gotden, Robert D. Management chronic viral hepatitis,2004 of Edition:2nded. fSBN:1841844799 Taylor& Francis Price:$ 69.95



Ajani,JafferA.; Janjan,NoraA.; Lynch, Patrick M. Gastrointestinal cancer, 2005 ISBN:0387220909 M.D. Anderson Cancer CareSeries Springer Price: 92.00 $
Blum, H. E.; Maier, K. P. Liver diseases,2004 ISBN:0792387945


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Friedman, Lawrence S.; Keeffe, Emmet B. Handbookof liver disease,2004 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0443066337 Livingstone Churchill Price:$ 79.95 Ginsberg, Gregory G.; Kochman, Michael L. Clinical gastrointestinalendoscopy,2005 fSBN:0721602827 Saunders Price: $ 249.00 Groher, Michael E.; Crary, MichaelA. lntroductionto adult swallowingdisorders, 2003 ISBN:0750699957 Bufterworth-Heinemann Price: $ 54.95 Hardy, Edward ; Robinson, Natalie

Leung, Joseph W.; Leung, Cotton; Cotton, Peter Advanceddigestiveendoscopy,2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:1405120797 Professional Blackwell Publishing Price: $ 174.95

Lichtenstein, GaryR.
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Sexuality,sexual health and ageing,2004 |SBN:0335210198 OpenUniversity Press Price:$ 110.95 Hagan Hennessy, Catherine; Walker, Alan Growingolder,2004 ISBN:0335215084 Press OpenUniversity Price:$ 119.95 llazzard,William R.; Blass, John P. Principlesof geriatric medicineand gerontology,2003 Edition: Sthed. ISBN:0071402160 McGraw-Hill Professional BookGroup Price:$ 158.95 Hughes,Julian Dementia,2006 ISBN:0198566158 Press OxfordUniversity Price:$ 57.50 Kavanaugh, Arthur F. Rheumaticdiseasesin the elderly,2005 |SBN:1416026487 Clinicsin Geriatric Medicine Saunders Price:$ 81.00 Papanicolaou,Andrew C. The amnesias,2005 ISBN:0195172450 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 57.50 Peace, Sheila; Ketlaher, Leonie Environmentand identity in later life, 2006 ISBN:0335215122 OpenUniversity Press Price:$ 110.95 Rabins, Peter V. Practicaldementiacare,2006 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0195169786 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 49.95 Reuben, David P.; Herr, Keela; Pacala, James T. Geriatricsat your fingertips,2005 fSBN:1886775125

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Human' Development

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Pickard, Alison Handbookof researchmethods in informationand communicationspractice, 2006 |SBN:1856045455 Library Association Price:$ 99.95 Raffefi, Pauline; Hidderley, Rob Indexingmultimediaand creativeworks, 2005 fSBN:0754632547 AshgatePublishing Price:$ 69.95 Sauers, Michael P. XHTMLand CSS essentialsfor library web design,2005 ISBN:1555705049 Publishers Neal-schuman Price:$ 75.00 Saur, K. G. Guide to microforms in print, 2005 ISBN:3598117035 K. G. SaurVerlagGmbH Price:$ 185.00 Schott, MichaelJ. Medicallibrary downsizing,2005 ISBN:0789004135 Press Haworth Information Price:$ 29.95 Taylor, Arlene G. Introductionto catalogingand classification,2006 ed. Edition:1Oth lSeN: fSgf 582350 Libraries Unlimited Price: $ 50.00 Towery, Margie; Zatran, Enid L. Indexingspecialties,2005 Edition: 3rd ed. fSBN:1573872369 Information Today Price:$ 35.00 Wilson, Katie Computersin libraries,2006 ISBN:078902151X Press Haworth Information Price:$ 13.57


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ISBN:0415315182 Routledge Price:$ 150.00 Duplaga, Mariusz; Zielinski, Krzysztof ; Ingram, David Transformation of healthcare with informationtechnologies,2004 ISBN:1586034383 Studiesin HealthTechnology Informatics and IOS Press Price:$ 159.00 Felkey, Bill G.; Fox, Brent; Thrower, Margaret Understandinghealtheareinformatics,2006 Edition: Sthed. ISBN:1582120609 APhA Publications Price:$ 49.00 Gunter, Barrie Digitalhealth,2005 ISBN:0805851798 LawrenceErlbaumAssociates Price:$ 69.95 Hannah, Kathryn J.; Ball, Marion Introductionto nursing informatics,2006 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:038726096X HealthInformatics Springer Price: $ 58.76 Hanson, C. William Healthcareinformatics,2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0071440666 McGraw-Hill Professional Price:$ 35.00 Harman, Laurinda B. Ethicalchallengesin the managementof health information,2006 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0763747927 Jones& Bartlett Pub Priee:$ 68.95 Haux, Reinhold; Winter, A.; Ammenwerth, Elske Strategicinformation managementin hospitals,2004 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0387403566

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]SBN:0192628526 Press OxfordUniversity Price:$ 29.50 Nelson, Rosemary; Ball, Marion J. Consumerinformatics,2004 |SBN:0387404147 HealthInformatics Springer Price: $ 69.95 Patrick, Timothy B.; Brown, Gordon D.; Stone, Tamara T. Strategicmanagementof information 2005 systems in healthcare, Edition:1sted. ISBN:1567932428 Health Administration Press Price:$ 85.00 Smith, Roger P. The internetfor physicians,2004 ISBN:0387217320 pringer Price:$ 39.95 StephanidisnConstantine Universalaccess in healthtelematics,2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:3540261672 Lecture Notesin Computer Science Springer Price:$ 67.00 Tan, Joseph E-health care information systems, 2005 ISBN:0787966185 Jossey-Bass Price: $ 75.00 Turban, Efraim; Rainer, R. Kelly; Potter, Richard E. Introduction to information technology, 2005 fSBN:0471347809 Wiley Price$ 110.15 : Whetton, Sue Healthiniormatics,2005 ISBN:0195550781 Press OxfordUniversity Price:$ 59.95

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Problem-orientated clinical rnicrobiology and infection,2004 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0198515855 OxfordUniversityPress Price: $ 39.50 Kerr, Jonathan Paruoviruses,2006 ISBN:0340811986 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 175.00 Kettering, James D, Microbiologypretest self-assessment and review,2005 Edition:11thed. ISBN:0071437487 McGraw-Hill MedicalPublishing Price: $ 24.95 Levinson, Warren E. Medicalmicrobiotogyand immunology, 2004 Edition:8thed. ISBN:0071431993 McGraw-Hill Publishing Medical Price:$ 39.95 Lutz, Manfred ; Steinkasserer, Alexander; Romani, Nikolaus Handbookof dendritic cells, 2006 ISBN:3527311092 JohnWiley& Sons Price:$ 555.00 Murray, Patrick R.; Rosenthal, Ken S.; Pfaller,MichaelA. 2005 Medicalmicrobiology, Edition:Sthed. ISBN:0323033032 Mosby,Elsevier Price:$ 69.95 Murray, Patrick R. Reviewof medical microbiology,2005 ISBN:0323033253 Mosby Price: $ 34.95 Nath, Swapan K. Problembased microbiology,2006 ISBN:072160630X Saunders Price: $ 39.95


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Engel, Andrew G. Myology,2004 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:007137180X Professional McGraw-Hill Price:$ 395.00 F a m ,A d e l G . Musculoskeletal examinationand joint injectionstechniques,2006 ISBN:0323030033 Mosby Price:$ 69.95

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Springer Price:$ 99.00 Levin, Leonard A.; Arnold, Anthony C. Neuro-ophthalmology, 2005 ISBN:1588901831 ThiemeMedical Publishers Price:$ 169.95 Lorenz, Birgit; Moore, Anthony Paediatricophthalmology,neuroophthalmology,genetics,2006 fSBN:3540225943 Springer Price:$ 119.00 Mannis, Mark J.; Zadnik, Karla Gontactlenses in ophthalmic practice,2004 ISBN:0387217584 Springer Price:$ 49.95 Pahlavi, l. A.; Dodick, J M. Color atlas of ophthalmology,2005 ISBN:158890282X ThiemeMedicalPublishers Price:$ 59.95 Palay; Krachmer Primary care ophthalmology,2005 ISBN:032303103X Elsevier HealthSciences Price:$ 39.95 Palay, David A.; Krachmer, Jay H. Ophthalmologyfor the primary care practitioner,2005 ISBN:0323033164 Elsevier HealthSciences Price:$ 74.95 Pane, Anthony; Simcock, Peter Practicalophthalmology,2005 ISBN:0443101124 Livingstone Churchill Price:$ 32.00 Penfold, Philip L.; Provis, Jan M. Maculardegeneration, 2005 Edition:1sted. tSBN:3540200584 Springer Price:$ 199.00 Purves, Dale; Howe, Catherine Q. Perceivinggeometry,2006 ISBN:0387254870


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Cribb, Alan Healthand the good socie$, 2005 fSBN:0199242739 The lssuesin Biomedical EthicsSeries OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 90.00 Doyle, Derek; Hanks, Geoffrey; Cherny, Nathan l. Oxford textbook of palliativemedicine, 2005 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:0198566980 Press OxfordUniversity Price:$ 106.65 Drummond, Michael F.; Sculpher, Mark J. Methodsfor the economic evaluationof health care,2005 Edition:3rded. |SBN:0198529457 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 55.00 Egger, Garry; Spark, Ross Healthpromotion strategiesand methods, 2004 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0074715003 McGraw-HillBook Price:$ 24.95 Ewles. Linda Key topics in public health,2005 ISBN:0443100268 Churchill Livingstone Price:$ 29.95 Gibson, Rosalind S. Principlesof nutritional assessment, 2005 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0195171691 OxfordUniversity Press Price: $ 95.00 Glasgow, Nina; Morton, Lois Wright; Johnson, Nan E. Gritical issues in rurat health,2004 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0813800102 Blackwell Publishers Price: $ 74.99 Godfrey, Sam; Howard, Guy Watersafety plans, 2005 |SBN:1843800527

Public Health and Primary Health Gare

Quality through collaboration,2005 ISBN:0309094399 National Academies Press Price:$ 39.95 Black, Nick; Gruen, Reinhold Understandinghealth services,2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0335218385 OpenUniversity Press Price:$ 13.75 Bodenheimer, Thomas S.; Grumbach, Kevin Understandinghealth policy, 2005 Edition:4thed. fSBN:0071423117 McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing Price: $ 34.95 Bowting, Ann; Ebrahim, Shah Handbookof researchmethods in health, 2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0335214606 OpenUniversity Press Price:$ 43.95 Coward, Raymond T. Ruralwomen's health,2005 fSBN:0826129455 Springer Publishing Price: $ 48.72 Crawford, David; Jeffery, Robert W. Obesity preventionand public health,2005 ISBN:019856600X OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 75.00


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The Water,Engineering Development and Centre(WEDC) Price:$ 35.62 Godfrey, Sam; Howard, Guy Water safety plans, 2005 ISBN:1843800829 The Water,Engineering and Development Centre(WEDC) Price:$ 35.62 Green, Lawrence W.; Kreuter, Marshall Health program planning,2005 Edition:4th ed. ISBN:0072985429 McGraw-Hill Humanities Price:$ 91.56 Heller, Richard F. Evidencefor population health,2005 fSBN:0198529740 OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 39.50 House, Sarah; Reed, Bob Emergencywater sources,2004 ISBN:1843800691 The Water,Engineering Development and Centre(WEDC) Price:$ 37.60 Jones, Hazel; Reed, Bob Water and sanitationfor disabled people and other vulnerablegroups, 20{15 ISBN:1843800799 The Water,Engineering Development and CentreWEDC) Price:$ 58.83 Jones, Roger; Britten, Nicky Oxford textbook of primary medical care, 2005 ISBN:0198565801 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 195.00 Laws, Tom A. A handbookof men's health,2006 ISBN:0443073384 Churchill Livingstone Price:$ 29.95 Lemcke, Dawn P.; Pattison, Julie Current care of women diagnosis and treatment, 2004 Edition:1sted. ISBN:007138770G 76

McGraw.Hill Medical Publishing Price:$ 59.95 Levy, Barry S. ; Sidel, Victor W. Socialinjusticeand public health,2005 ISBN:0195171853 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 59.95 Maurer, Frances A.; Smith, Claudia M. Community/publichealth nursing practice, 2005 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:0721603548 Saunders Price: $ 74.95 Naidoo, Jennie; Wills, Jane Public health and health promotion,2005 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0702026611 Tindall Bailliere Price:$ 39.95 Newdick, Christopher Who should we treat?, 2005 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0199264171 OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 95.00 O'Luanaigh, Padraig; Carlson, Gindy Midwiferyand public health,2005 ISBN:044310235X Livingstone Churchill Price:$ 43.95 Rosenberg, Witliam; Bittar, E. Edward Problemsolving in medicine,2005 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0762303972 JAI Press Price:$ 180.15 Saltman, Richard; Rico, Anna Primarycare in the drivefs seat,2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0335213669 Open University Press Price:$ 129.95 Sheaff, Mike Sociology and health care, 2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:033521388X OpenUniversity Press Price:$ 30.95

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Smith, Peter; Sculpher, Mark Heatthpolicy and economics,2004 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0335215750 OpenUniversity Press Price:$ 119.95 Swayne, Linda E.; Duncan, W. Jack; Ginter, Peter M. Strategicmanagement health care of 2005 organizations, Edition:Sthed. ISBN:1405124326 Blackwell Publishing Professional Price:$ 109.95 Thorogood, Margaret; Coombes, Yolande Evaluatinghealth promotion,2004 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0198528809 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 48.50 Young, T, Kue Populationhealth,2004 ed. Edition:2nd fSBN:0195158547 OxfordUniversity Press Price: $ 45.46 Zaza, Stephanie; Briss, Peter A. The guide to community preventive services,2005 ISBN:0195151097 oxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 35.00

Berquist, Thomas H. MRIof the musculoskeletal system, 2005 Edition:Sthed. ISBN:0781755026 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Price:$ 199.00 Castillo, Mauricio Neuroradiology companion,2005 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:0781779499 Lippincott Williams and Witkins Price:$ 69.95 Ghapman, Michael W.; Greenspan, Adam imaging,2004 Orthopedic Edition:4thed. ISBN:0781750067 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Price: $ 229.00 Damasio, Hanna Humanbrain anatomyin computerized images,2005 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0195165616 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 125.00 Dowsett, David J. The physics of diagnostic imaging,2006 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0340808918 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 79.50 Dreyer, K.J.; Mehta, A.; Thrall, J.H. PACS,2005 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0387260102 Springer-Verlag Price:$ 99.00 Edelman, Robert R.; Hesselink, John R. Glinicalmagneticresonanceimaging,2006 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:1416030816 Saunders Price: $ 579.00 Frank, Joachim Three-dimensional electronmicroscopy of macromolecular assemblies,2005 ISBN:0195182189 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 95.00

Radiology and Diagnostic lmaging Barkovich. James A.

Pediatricneuroimaging,2005 Edition:4thed. ISBN:0781757665 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Price:$ 199.00 Barrington, Sally F. Atlas of clinical positron emission tomography,2005 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0340816937 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 175.00


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Goldberg, Barry B.; McGahan, John P. Atlas of ultrasound measurements, 2006 Edition:2nded. fSBN:032303229X Mosby Price:$ 110.00 Gurney, Jud Diagnosticimaging, 2006 Edition:3rd ed. |SBN:1416023348 Saunders Price: $ 225.00 Halpert, Robert D. Gastrointestinal imaging,2006 Edition:3rded. ISBN:0323032214 Mosby Price:$ 99.00 Hilton, Saskia V. W. Practicalpediatric radiology,2006 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:0721692664 Saunders Price:$ 199.00 Hruby, Walter Digital (R) revolution in radiology,2005 Edition:2nded. ISBN:3211208151 Springer-Verlag Price:$ 199.00 Karthikeyan, D.; Chegu, Deepa High-resolutioncomputedtomographyof the lungs,2005 ISBN:0340905808 OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 110.00 Koss, Leopold G.; Melamed, Myron R. Koss' diagnostic cytology, 2005 Edition:Sth ed. ISBN:0781719283 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price:$ 329.00 Kowalsky, Richard J.; Falen, Steven Radiopharmaceuticals nuclear pharmacy in and nuclearmedicine, 2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:1582120315 APhA Publications Price:$ 129.95 78

Lee, Joseph K. T. Computedbody tomographywith MRI correlation,2005 Edition:4thed. ISBN:0781745268 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Price: $ 279.00 Llewelyn, Huw; Ang, Hock Aun; Alabdulla, Anees Oxford handbookof clinieal diagnosis, 2005 ISBN:0192632493 OxfordHandbooks Series OxfordUniversityPress Price: $ 45.00 Rosch, PaulJ.; Markov, Marko S. Bioelectromagnetic medicine,2004 ISBN:0824747003 MarcelDekker Price:$ 199.95 Saha, Gopal B. Physics and radiobiologyof nuclear medicine,2003 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0387950214 Springer-Verlag Price:$ 69.95 Singh, Kuldeep; Malhotra, Narendra Step by step ultrasound in gynecology, 2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0071446559 McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing Price:$ 29.95 Singh, Kuldeep; Malhotra, Narendra Step by step ultrasound in Infertility,2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0071446583 McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing Price:$ 29.95 Singh, Kuldeep; Malhotra, Narendra Step by step ultrasound in Obstetrics,2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0071446540 McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing Price:$ 29.95 Smith, Norman G.; Smith, Pat M. Obstetric and gynaecologicalultrasound madeeasy,2006 Edition:2nd ed.

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ISBN:0443100551 Churchill Livingstone Price:$ 32.00 Valk, P.E.; Bailey, D.L.;Townsend, D.W. Positron emissiontomography,2005 fSBN:1852337982 Springer-Vedag Price:$ 109.00 Whitley, Stewart; Sloane, Gharles Clark's positioning in radiography,2005 Edition:12thed. ISBN:0340763906 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 120.00 Reproductive Medicine

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Biggs, Hazel; Horsey, Kirsty Humanfertilisationand embryology,2006 ISBN:1844720918 Cavendish Publishing Price:$ 100.00 Garr, Bruce R.; Blackwell, Richard E. Essentialreproductivemedicine,2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0071409939 McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing Price:$ 99.00 Cedars, Marcelle Infertility,2006 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0071399313 Practicalpathwaysin obstetrics and gynecology series McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing Price:$ 59.95 Child, Timothy L. Handbookof reproductivemedicine,2006 ISBN:0415384664 Taylor& Francis Price:$ 79.95 Gook, Rebecca J.; Dickens, Bernard M. Reproductivehealth and human rights, 2005 fSBN:0199241325 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 165.00


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Taylor& Francis Price:$ 129.95 Seidman, Yaron The hunyuan method for fertility, 2005 ISBN:0973004541 Hunyuan Price:$ 29.95

Gershwin, M. Eric; Albertson, Timothy Eugene Bronchial asthma,2006 Edition:Sthed. ISBN:1588296040 Humana Press Price:$ 99.50 Gibson, Peter; lrving, Louis; WoodBaker, Richard Evidence-based respiratorymedicine,2005 ISBN:072791605X BMJPublishing Price:$ 189.00 Hanley, Michael E.; Welsh, Carolyn H. Current diagnosis and treatmentin pulmonary medicine,2004 Edition:1sted. |SBN:0071402594 McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing Price: $ 59.95 Hanley, Michael E.; Welsh, Garolyn H. Respiratorycare skills for health care personnel,2003 Edition:1sted. |SBN:0078226228 McGraw-Hill Science Price:$ 42.33 Howes, Timothy Q.; Bellamy, David Clinician'sguide to chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease,2005 ISBN:0340816953 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 48.50 Jenkins, Paul F. Making sense of the chest x-ray, 2005 ISBN:034088U24 Hodder& Stoughton Price: $ 26.50 Kollef, Marin Pneumoniain the hospital setting, 2006 ISBN:1416028102 An lssueof Clinicsin ChestMedicine Saunders Price:$ 84.95 Kryger, Meir H.; Roth, Thomas Principlesand practiceof sleep medicine, 2005 Edition:4th ed. ISBN:1416003207

Respiratory SJstem
Ahmedzai, Sam H.; Muers, Martin F. Supportive care in respiratory disease, 2005 ISBN:0192631411 Supportive CareSeries OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 135.00 Albert, Richard K.; Spiro, Stephen G. Clinical respiratorymedicine,2004 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0323024971 Mosby Price:$ 155.00 Beamis, John F.; Mathur, Praveen N.; Mehta, Atul C. Interventionalpulmonary medicine,2004 fSBN:0824740246 LungBiology Healthand Disease in MarcelDekker Price:$ 199.95 Ghapman, Stephen; Robinson, Grace Oxford handbookof respiratorymedicine, 2005 ISBN:0198529775 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 45.00 Donner, Claudio F.; Ambrosino, Nicolino Pulmonaryrehabilitation,2005 ISBN:0340810173 OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 149.5 Duhamel, David; Harrell, James Clinical atlas of airway disease,2005 ISBN:0721600077 Saunders Price:$ 175.00


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Saunders Price:$ 259.00 Mason, Robert J.; Broaddus, V. Gourtney Murray and Nadel'stextbook of respiratory medicine,2005 Edition:4thed. ISBN:1416024727 Saunders Price: $ 349.00 O'Byrne, Kenneth; Rusch, Valerie Malignantpleuralmesothelioma, 2006 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0198529309 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 175 Oakes, Dana F. Clinical practitionerspocket guide to respiratorycare, 2004 Edition:6thed. ISBN:0932887201 Publications, HealthEducator Incorporated Price:$ 22.95 Phillips, Barbara A. Year book of pulmonarydisease,2006 |SBN:1416032967 Mosby Price:$ 99.00 Wang, Xing Li Molecularmechanismsof tobacco-induced diseases,2006 fSBN:1594545146 NovaScience Publishers Price:$ 129.00

Bayram, Nazan; Cheetah, Alfredo Smoking and health,2005 ISBN:1594543925 NovaBiomedicalBooks Price: $ 129.00 Boyle, Peter; Gray, Nigel Tobacco,2004 ISBN:0198526873 OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 125.00 Earleywine, Mitch Understanding marijuana,2005 |SBN:0195182952 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 19.95 Khatib, Oussama M.N.; El-Guindy, Mohamed Sayed The tobacco health toll, 2005 ISBN:9789290214434 WorldHealthOrganization, Regional Officefor the Eastern Mediterranean Price:$ 12.00 Owing, J. H. Focus on smoking and health research, 2006 Edition:1sted. ISBN:159454459X NovaBiomedicalBooks Price:$ 129.00 Owing, J. H. Trends in smoking and health research, 2005 |SBN:1594543917 NovaBiomedicalBooks Price:$ 81.27 Taylor, Chrissie; Bridge, Gillian Stop smoking,2005 ISBN:0572031432 W. Foulsham Price:$ 10.36 Wald, Nicholas; Froggatt, Peter Nicotine,smoking, and the low tar program, 2005 ISBN:019261729X Press OxfordUniversity Price:$ 150.00

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Sports Medicine
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C.V.Mosby Price:$ 110.00 Simonian Sports medicineof the knee,2005 ISBN:1588903060 ThiemeMedical Publishers Price:$ 159.95 Tamburrini, Glaudio Marcello; Tannsjo, Torbjorn; Tamburrini, Glaudio Genetictechnology and sport, 2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0415342368 Routledge Price:$ 115.00 Statistics and Health Surveys

Liamputtongn Pranee; Ezzy, Douglas Qualitativeresearchmethods,2005 Edition:2nded. fSBN:019551744X OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 59.50 McDowell,lan Measuring health,2006 Edition:3rded. ISBN:0195165675 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 69.95 Munro, Barbara H.; Aroian, Karen J. Statistical methods for health care research,2004 Edition: 5th ed. ISBN:0781748402 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price:$ 51.95 Petrie, Aviva; Sabin, Garoline Medicalstatistics at a glance,2005 Edition:2nded. ISBN:1405127805 Blackwell Publishing Price:$ 29.95 Schulz, Ken F.; Grimes, David A. The lancet handbookof essentialconcepts in clinical research,2006 ISBN:0080448666 The LancetHandbooks series The Lancet Price:$ 49.95 Simon, Steve Statisticalevidencein medicaltrials, 2005 ISBN:019856760X OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 116.00 Watls, Theodore A.; Schafer, Joseph L. Modelsfor intensivelongitudinaldata, 2006 ISBN:0195173449 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 65.00 Zelterman, Daniel Modelsfor discretedata, 2006 fSBN:0198567014 OxfordUniversity Press Price: $ 94.50

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Baliga, B. Shakuntala State of the art atlas of endoscopic surgery in infertility and gynecology,2004 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0071446567 McGraw-Hill Publishing Professional Price:$ 185.00 Becker, James M.; Stucchi, Arthur F. Essentialsof surgery, 2006 ISBN:0721681867 Saunders Price:$ 49.95 Browse, Norman L.; Black, John; Burnand, Kevin G. Browse's introduction to the symptoms and signs of surgical disease,2005 Edition:4th ed. |SBN:034081571X Hodder& Stoughton Price:$ 45.00 Brunicardi, F. Charles; Billiar, Timothy R. Schwartz'smanual of surgery,2006 Edition:8thed. ISBN:0071446885 McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing Price:$ 49.00 Chikwe, Joanna ; Bedow, Emma ; Brian Glenville Handbookof cardiothoracicsurgery, 2005 ISBN:0198565887 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 65.00 Conte, John V.; Dorman, Todd Johns hopkins manual of cardiac surgery care,2006 Edition: 2nd ed. ISBN:0323018106 Mosby Price: $ 49.95 Dohefi, Gerard M. Currentconsult surgery, 2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0071429139 McGraw-Hill Publishing Medical Price:$ 69.95

Dohefi, Gerard M. Current surgical diagnosis and treatment, 2006 Edition:12thed. ISBN:007142315X McGraw-Hill Publishing Professional Price:$ 59.95 Farquharson, Margaret ; Moran, Brendan Farquharson's textbook of operative generalsurgery, 2005 Edition: 9th ed. ISBN:0340814985 Hodder& Stoughton Price:$ 149.50 Fleshman, James W.; Beck, David E. The ASGRStextbook of colon and rectal surgery,2006 |SBN:0387248463 Springer Price: $ 225.00

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Portablesurgical mentor,2006 ISBN:0387261397 Springer Price:$ 24.95 Grosfetd, Jay L.; O'Neill, James A. Pediatric surgery,2006 Edition: 6th ed. fSBN:032302842X Mosby Price:$ 329.00 Jatoi, lsmail; Kaufmann, Manfred; Petit, Jean Y. Atlas of breast surgery,2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:3540243518 Springer Price:$ 169.00 Kogon, Brian E. The generalsurgery source book,2006 ISBN:00712143231 McGraw-Hill Publishing Professional Price:$ 59.00 Lee, Bok Manualof wound management and healing, 2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0071432035


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McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing Price:$ 69.95 Lefor, Alan T.; Gomella, Leonard G. Surgeryon call, 2006 Edition:4th ed. ISBN:0071402543 McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing Price:$ 34.95 Lumley, John S. P.; Srodon, Paul Surgeryminitext,2004 ISBN:0340809779 Hodder& Stoughton Price:$ 29.95 Mathes, Stephen J.; Hentz, Vincent Rod Plasticsurgery,2006 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:072168811X W. B. Saunders Price:$ 1.400 Mulholland, Michael W.; Dohefi, Gerard A. Complicationsin surgery,2005 ISBN:0781753163 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price:$ 159.00 Paterson-Brown, Simon; Garden, O. James Gompanionto specialistsurgical practice, 2006 Edition:3rded. fSBN:0702027944 Saunders Price:$ 599.00 Perneczky, Axel; Reisch, Robert Keyholeapproachesin neurosurgery, 2006 Edition:1sted. ISBN:3211838856 Springer Price:$ 399.00 Puri, P.; Hollwarth, M. E. Pediatricsurgery, 2006 ISBN:3540407383 Springer Price:$ 329.00 Reillly, Peter L.; Bullock, Ross Headinjury,2005 Edition:2nd ed. |SBN:0340807245

Hodder Stoughton & Price:$ 141.75 Robinson, June K.; Hanke, C. VJilliam Surgeryof the skin, 2005 fSBN:0323027520 Mosby Price: $ 225.00 Russell, R. C. G. ; Williams, Norman S.; Bulstrode, Ghristopher J. K. Bailey and love's short practiceof surgery, 2004 Edition:24thed. ISBN:0340808195 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 149.00 Shestak, Kenneth C. plastic surgery of the breast, Reoperative 2005 |SBN:0781722373 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price: $ 249.00 Siemionow,MariaZ. Tissuesurgery,2006 ISBN:1852339705 Springer Price:$ 75.57 Stedman's Stedman'ssample reports,2005 |SBN:0781755182 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price: $ 64.95 Tevar, Amit D.; Azuaje, Rafael Surgery review illustrated,2005 ISBN:0071416544 McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing Price:$ 85.00 Thorne, Charles H.; Bartlett, Scott P. Grabb and Smith's plastic surgery, 2006 Edition:6thed. ISBN:0781746981 Lippincoft Williams Wilkins & Price:$ 179.00 Vuyk, Hade D.; Lohuis, Peter J. F. M. Facialplastic and reconstructivesurgery, 2005 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:0340809019 OxfordUniversity Press Price: $ 250.00


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Inhalationtoxicology, 2006 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0849337194 C R C Press Price:$ 139.95 Medicaltoxicology of natural substances, 2006 |SBN: 1574448528 MarcelDekker Price:$ 199.95 Brent, Jeffrey;Wallace, Kevin L. Griticalcare toxicology, 2005 ISBN:0815143877 Mosby Price:$ 175.00 Bricker, J. Douglas Principlesof clinical toxicology, 2006 Edition:4th ed. ISBN:0849353505 C R C Press Price:$ 99.95 Crofton, K.M. Toxicology of the thyroid, 2006 ISBN:084933327X C R C Press Price:$ 169.95 Crosby, Donald G. The poisonedweed,2004 ISBN:0195155483 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 54.50 Dart, Richard C. Medicaltoxicology, 2003 Edition:3rd ed. ISBN:0781728452 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price:$ 199.00 Hayes, A. Wallace Principlesand methods of toxicology, 2006 Edition:Sthed. fSBN:084933778X C R C Press Price:$ 149.95

Holstege, Christopher P.; Rusyniak, Daniel E. Medicaltoxicology, 2005 ISBN:1416027270 An lssueof MedicalClinics Saunders Price:$ 51.95 Klaassen, Curtis D.; Watkins, John B. Gasarettand Doull's essentialsof toxicology,2003 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0071389148 McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing Price: $ 49.95 Klaunig, James E. Environmentaltoxicology, 2006 ISBN:0415271797 C R C Press Price: $ 49.95 Lax, Alistair J. Toxin,2005 ISBN:0198605587 OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 24.95 Pennington, Hugh Whenfood kills,2006 ISBN:0198569211 OxfordUniversity Press Price: $ 24.95 Peterson, Michael E.; Talcott, Patricia A. Small animal toxicology, 2006 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0721606393 Saunders Price:$ 74.95 Stone, Trevor Pills,potions,and poisons,2004 fSBN:0198609426 OxfordUniversityPress Price:$ 19.95 Zhai, Hongbo Dermatotoiicology, 2006 Edition: 7th ed. ISBN:0849397731 C R C Press Price:$ 259.95


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and Nephrology

ISBN:0198508247 OxfordUniversity Press Price: $ 948.00 Gee, William; Resnick, Martin l. Offieeurology,2005 ISBN:1416028021 An lssueof Urologic Clinics Saunders Price: $ 84.95 Graham, Sam D.; Keane, Thomas E. Glenn's urologic surgery,2004 Edition:6thed. ISBN:0781740827 Lippincoft Williams Wilkins & Price: $ 229.OO Greenberg, Arthur Primeron kidney diseases,2005 Edition:4thed. ISBN:1416023127 Saunders Price:$ 64.95 Jennette, J. C.; Olson, Jean L. Heptinstall'spathology of the kidney,2006 Edition: 6th ed. ISBN:0781747503 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price:$ 329.00 Levin, N.W.; Ronco, C. Advancesin end-stagerenal diseases,2005 fSBN:3805578857 BloodPurification Series Karger, AG S. Price:$ 102.00 Marshall, L. Stoller; Maxwell, V. Meng Urinarystone disease,2005 ISBN:1588292193 Humana Press Price:$ 145.00 Mesler, Randall Prostatecancer,2005 ISBN:1413753140 PublishAmerica Price:$ 19.95 Nissenson, Allen R.; Fine, Richard N. Clinicaldialysis,2005 Edition:4thed. ISBN:007141939X McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing Price:$ 275.00

Andriole, Gerald L.; Coplen, Douglas E. Year book of urology, 2005 Edition: 6th ed. ISBN:0323021190 Mosby Price:$ 115.00 Baskin, Laurence S.; Kogan, Barry A. Handbookof pediatric urology,2005 Edition:2nded. fSBN:0781751624 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price: $ 44.95 Baum, Stanley; Pentecost, Michael J. Abrams' angiography,2005 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN:0781740894 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price:$ 239.00 Becker, H. D.; Stenzl, A.;Wallwiener, D Urinaryand fecal incontinence,2005 Edition:1sted. ISBN:3540222251 Springer Price:$ 129.00 Brenner, Barry M.; Levine, SamuelA. Brennerand Rector'sthe kidney,2004 Edition: Cdr Intrntedition ISBN:1416002340 Saunders, B. W. Price:$ 399.00 Carson, Culley; Resnick, Martin l. Erectiledysfunction,2005 ISBN:141602803X An lssueof Urologic Clinics Saunders Price: $ 84.95 Danovitch, Gabriel M. Handbookof kidney transplantation, 2004 Edition:4thed. ISBN:0781753228 Lippincoft Williams Wilkins & Price:$ 52.95 Davison, Alexander; Cameron, J. Stewart Oxford textbook of clinical nephrology, 2005 Edition:3rded.


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Norman, Richard W.; Currow, David Supportivecare for the urology patient, 2005 ISBN:0198529414 Supportive CareSeries OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 98.50 O'Caltaghan,Christopher A. Renalsystem at a glance,2005 ISBN:1405131365 Blackwell Publishing Professional Price:$ 29.95 Pereira, Brian J. G; Sayegh, Mohamed Chronic kidney disease,dialysis,and transplantation, 2005 Edition:2nded. ISBN:1416001581 Saunders Price:$ 149.00 Reilly, Robert; Perazella,Mark Nephrology 30 days,2005 in Edition:1sted. ISBN:0071437010 McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing Price:$ 45.00 Reynard, John; Brewster, Simon Oxford handbookof urology, 2005 ISBN:0198530951 OxfordUniversity Press Price:$ 47.50 Richie, Jerome P.; D'Amico, Anthony Urologic oncotogy,2005 ISBN:0721600034 Saunders Price:$ 149.00 Schill, Wolf-Bernhard; Comhaire, Frank H.; Hargreave, Timothy B. Andrology for the clinician, 2006 Edition:1sted. fSBN:3540231714 Springer Price: $ 259.00 Siroky, Mike B.; Babayan, Richard K. Handbookof urology, 2004 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:07817 422'18 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price: $ 49.95

Stein, John; Resnick, Martin l. Contemporaryissues with bladdercancer, 2005 ISBN:1416028013 An lssueof Urologic Clinics Saunders Price: $ 84.95



Critical needs for researchin veterinary science,2005 ISBN:030909660X NatlAcademy Pr Price:$ 25.74 lllustratedatlas of clinical equine anatomy and common disorders of the horse,2004 ISBN:0965446107 09654461 15 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price:$ 79.95 Auer, Jorg A.; Stick, John A. Equinesurgery,2006 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:1416001239 Saunders Price:$ 199.00 August, John R. Gonsultationsin feline internal medicine, 2006 Edition: Sthed. fSBN:0721604234 Saunders Price:$ 115.00 Birchard, Stephen J.; Sherding, Robert G. Saundersmanual of small animal practice, 2006 Edition:3rded. ISBN:0721604226 Saunders Price:$ 149.00 Coetzer, J. A. W.; Tustin, R. G. fnfectious diseasesof livestock,2005 Edition:2nded. ISBN:019578202X OxfordUniversityPress Price: $ 595.00 Eldredge, Debra; Bonham, Margaret H. Cancerand your pet, 2005 ISBN:1931868867


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CapitalBooks Price:$ 12.89 Eldredge, Debra; Thornton, Kim Gampbell Everythingdog health book,2005 ISBN:593373201 AdamsMediaCorporation Price:$ 10.17

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Textbookof veterinaryinternal medicine, 2006 Edition:6thed. fSBN:1416001107 Saunders Price: $ 275.00 Greene, Craig E. Infectiousdiseasesof the dog and cat, 2005 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:072160062X W.B.Saunders Price:$ 149.00 Jacobson, Ellioft Infectiousdiseasesand pathologyof reptiles,2006 ISBN:0849323215 C R C Press Price:$ 199.95 Mader, Douglas R. Reptilemedicineand surgery,2006 Edition:2nded. ISBN:072169327X Saunders Price:$ 129.00 McCurnin, Dennis M.; Bassert, Joanna M. Clinicaltextbook for veterinarytechnicians, 2006 Edition:6thed. ISBN:0721606121 Saunders Price:$ 71.95 Medleau, Linda; Hnilica, Keith A. Small anima!dermatology,2005 Edition:2nd reved. ISBN:0721628257 W.B.Saunders Price:$ 110.00

Writing and Publishing

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Goodman, Neville W.; Edwards, Martin B. Medicalwriting, 2006 Edition:3rd ed. |SBN:0521858577 Cambridge Press University Price:$ 28.20 lles, Robert L.; Volkland, Debra Guidebookto better medicalwriting, 2006 ISBN:0966183118 llesPublications Price:$ 21.75 Kanpolat, Yucel Researchand publishing in neurosurgery, 2002 Edition:1sted. ISBN:321183821X Springer Price:$ 114.00 Lesmeister, Michele Writing basics for the health professional, 2006 ISBN:083595319X Prentice Hall Price:$ 39.20

Oermann, Marilyn H. Writing for publication In nursing, 2005 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0781761336 Lippincott Williams Wilkins & Price:$ 41.95 Schein, M.; Farndon, J. R.; Fingerhut, A. A surgeon's guide to writing and publishing,2004 ISBN:190337801X TMF Publishing Price:$ 19.77 Taylor, Robert B. guideto medicalwriting, Glinician's 2004 ISBN:0387222499 Springer Price:$ 29.95 Villemaire, Lorraine; Villemaire, Doreen Grammarand writing skills for the health professional,2006 ISBN:140187374X AlliedHealthSeries DelmarThomson Learning Price:$ 42.95



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Acquired lmmunodeficiency' Syndrome and HIV Lipman, MarcC. l.

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Allergy and Immunology Abbas, AbulK.; Lichtman, Andrew H.

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Gardiovaseular System
Bhalla, Sanjeev lmaging of adult congenitalheart disease, 2007 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0849390249 [CD-ROMI Taylor& Francis; Philadelphia Price:$ 149.95 94

Gommunicable Diseasei'.'.,,'
Bartlett, John G. 2004pocket book of infectious disease therapy,2004 Edition:12thed. ISBN:0781 748844ICD-ROMI

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Lippincott Williams Wilkins; & USA Price:$ 29.95 Heymann, David L. Control of communicablediseasesmanual. 2004 Edition:18thed. ISBN:0875530362 ICD-ROMI American PublicHealth Association Publications; USA Price:$ 58.00 Mandell, Gerald L.; Bennett, John E.; Dolin, Raphael Principlesand practiceof infectious diseases,2004 Edition:4thed. lSBN: 04430 28 ICD-ROMI 667 Churchill Livingstone; Edinburgh Price:$ 477.18

Bird, Doni L.; Robinson, Debbie S. CD-ROM for torres and ehrlich modern set dental assisting,2005 Edition:8thed. ISBN:0721639216 ICD-ROMI Mosby;SaintLouis Price:$ 29.95 Bird, Doni L.; Robinson, Debbie S. Moderndental assisting,2005 Edition: 8th ed. ISBN:0721 639216ICD-ROMI Saunders; Philadelphia Price:$ 29.95 Langlais, Robert P.; Miller, Graig S. Golor atlas of common oral diseases,2003 ISBN:0781 74850XICD-ROMI Lippincott Williams Wilkins; Philadelphia & Price:$ 1,168 Lotkus, Linda J. Nutrition and dentistry and clinical practice of the dental hygienist,2005 Edition:9thed. |SBN:0781 792932ICD-ROMI Lippincott Williams Wilkins; & Philadelphia Price:$ 88.75

Gomplernentary Therapies
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Dictionaries- and Directories,

Directoryof physicians in the US, 2004 ISBN: 157947683X [CD-ROMI American Medical Association; Chicago Price:$ 750.00 Stedman's Gland GU words,2004 Edition:4thed. ISBN:0781 755263[CD-ROMI Lippincott Williams Wilkins; & Philadelphia Price:$ 35.53 Booth, Kathryn A. MedTerms,2006 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0078747759 ICD-ROMI McGraw-Hill Professional; York New Price: $ 58.64 Ghabner, Davi-Ellen The languageof medicinewith animation, 2006 Edition: 7th ed. ISBN:1416036741 ICD-ROMI


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Saunders; Philadelphia Price: $ 54.95 Dorland Dorland'selectronic medical dictionary, 2004 Edition: 30thed. ISBN: 141 6024212 [CD-ROM] Saunders; Philadelphia Price:$ 51.95 Ledford, Janice K.; Hoffman, Joseph Quick reference dictionary of eyecare terminology,2005 Edition:4thed. ISBN: 1556427 [CD-ROMI 573 Slack;US Price:$ 34.64 McElroy, Onyria H.; Grabb, Lola L. Spanish-english english-spanish medical dictionary,2006 Edition:3rded. ISBN:0781 763606ICD-ROMI Lippincott Williams Wilkins; & Philadelphia Price:$ 39.95 Stedman Stedman'scardiovascularand pulmonary words,2004 Edition:4thed. ISBN:0781 754410ICD-ROMI Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; Philadelphia Price:$ 35.53 Stedman Stedman'sendocrinologywords, 2005 |SBN:0781 7617 ICD-ROMI 43 Lippincoft Williams Wilkins; & Philadelphia Price:$ 42.95 Stedman Stedman'smedical dictionary,2006 Edition:28th ed. |SBN:0781 785294ICD-ROMI Lippincott Williams Wilkins; & Philadelphia Price: $ 49.95 Stedman Stedman'smedical dictionary for the health professionsand nursing, 2006 Edition: Sthed. ISBN:0781 763649 [CD-ROMI Lippincott Williams Wilkins; & Philadelphia Price: $ 43.95

Stedman Stedman's OBYN and pediatric words, 2004 755190 ISBN:0781 [GD-ROMI Lippincott Williams Philadelphia and Wilkins; Price:$ 35.53 Stedman Stedman'sorthopaedicand rehabWords, 2005 Edition: Sthed. ISBN:0781 832 ICD-ROMI 761 Williams Wilkins; Lippincott & Philadelphia Price:$ 42.95 Stedman Stedman'spathology and taboratory medicinewords,2005 Edition:4thed. ISBN:0781 761778[CD-ROM] Lippincott Williams Wilkins; Philadelphia & Price: $ 42.95 Stedman Stedman'splastic surgery/ENT/dentistry words,2005 Edition:4thed. ISBN:0781 761867 [CD-ROMI Lippincott Williams Wilkins; Philadelphia & Price: $ 42.95 Stedman Stedman'splus medical/pharmaceutical spellchecker2005,2005 ISBN: 1533-351 [CD-ROMI 5 Williams Wilkins; Philadelphia Lippincott & Price:$ 169.95 Stedman Stedman'ssurgery words, 2005 Edition:3rd ed. ISBN:0781 808 ICD-ROMI 761 Williams Wilkins; Lippincott & Philadelphia Price:$ 42.95

Digestive System
Dimarino, Anthony J. e, Gastrointestinal diseas 2004 Edition:2ndCD-ROM ed. ISBN: 1556426984 ICD-ROMI Slack; US Price:$ 289.95 Floch, Martin H.; Floch, Neil R. Nettefs gastroenterology, 2006 ISBN: 1933247088 IGD-ROMI


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Saunders; Philadelphia Price:$ 93.95 Yamada, Tadataka; Alpers, David H.; Laine, Loren Gastroenterology,2003 Edition:4thed. |SBN:0781 163ICD-ROMI 747 Lippincott Williams Wilkins; & Philadelphia Price:$ 399.00

Lippincott Wiiliams Wilkins; Philadelphia & Price:$ 59.95 Brenner, Matthew; Safani, Michael Critical care medicine,2004 ISBN: 1929622562 [CD-ROM] Publishing; CunentClinical Strategies Laguna Hills Price:$ 32.95 Kruse, James A.; Fink, Mitchell P.; Garlson, Richard W. Saundersmanual of critical care, 2004 ISBN:0721 638988[CD-ROM] Saunders; Philadelphia Price:$ 87.95 Mack, Daniel; Wesley, Keith Mosby's comprehensive refresherand reviewfor the EMTintermediateand paramedic,2005 ISBN:032301 9595ICD-ROMI Mosby; Philadelphia Price: $ 44.95 Schaider, Jeffrey J.; Hayden, Stephen R.;Wolfe, Richard E. Rosenand Barkin's S-minuteemergency medicineconsult,2006 Edition: 3rd ed. ISBN:0781 798353 ICD-ROMI Lippincott Williams Wilkins; & Philadelphia Price: $ 79.95 Smyrnios, Nicholas A. Lippincott's i nteractive critical care library, 2004 ISBN:0781743451 ICD-ROMI Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; Philadelphia Price:$ 395.00 Stone, C. Keith; Humphries, Roger L. Currentessentialsof emergencymedicine, 2007 Edition:1sted. ISBN:0071461 ICD-ROMI 809 McGraw-Hill Professional; York New Price: $ 29.95 Susla, Gregory M.; Suffredini, Anthony F.; McAreavey, Dorothea Handbookof critical care drug therapy, 2006 Edition:3rded. ISBN:0781 776066ICD-ROMI Lippincott Williams Wilkins; & Philadelphia Price:$ 49.95

Education, Medical
Graduatemedicaleducationlibrary,2006 ISBN:1579476783 [CD-ROMI American Medical Association; US Price:$ 105.00

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Emergency illedicine and Intensive Gare

Critical care proceduresperformance evaluationchecklists,2005 Edition:3rded. ISBN:141602351ICD-ROMI 8 Saunders; Philadelphia Price:$ 110.00 Proceduresfor critical care, 2004 ISBN: 1582553947 ICD-ROMI Lippincott Williams Wilkins; & Philadelphia Price:$ 1,144 Bigatetlo,Luca M.;Allain, Rae M. Griticaleare handbookof the massachusettsgeneralhospital for PDA, 2006 fSBN:0781 770254ICD-ROMI


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Walls, Ron M. Manualof emergencyairway management, 2004 ISBN:0781 755387ICD-ROMI Lippincott Philadelphia Williams Wilkins; & Price:$ 49.95

Elsevier; Philadelphia Price: $ 95.00

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Endocrinology ind Metabolism

Henderson, Katherine E.; Baranski, Thomas J. The Washington manualendocrinology subspecialtyconsult, 2005 ISBN:0781 74895XICD-ROMI Lippincoft Philadelphia Williams Wilkins; & Price:$ 39.95 Larsen, William J. Williams textbook of endocrinology,2003 Edition:1Oth ed. ISBN:0721 96X ICD-ROMI 691 Saunders; Philadelphia Price:$ 159.00 Williams, Gareth; Pickup, John C. Slide atlas of diabetes,2004 ISBN:14051261 [CD-ROMI 83 Blackwell Publishers; Oxford Price:$ 147.14

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Hospitals and Health Facilities

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Ethics, Medical Lloyd, David; Widdows, Heather; Dickenson, Donna Cases medicalethics |aw,2005 in and ISBN: 0521 537282 [CD-ROMI Cambridge Press; US University Price: 60.86 $ Family Health Nouwen, HenriJ.M.;Bodo,Murray Here andnow,2005 Edition: Audio [sound recording] CD ISBN: CDI 0867167335 [Audio Saint Anthony Messenger Press and Franciscan; US Price: 16.47 $

Human Development T. Moore, KeithL.; Persaud, V.

Electronicimage collection for the developing human,2003 Edition:7thed. ISBN:0721601 ICD-ROMI 359 Saunders; Philadelphia Price:$ 510.00

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2005 Cecilclinicalcompanion, Edition: 22nd ed. ISBN: 141 6002545 [CD-ROMI Saunders; Philadelphia Price:$ 69.95 Goldman, Lee; Ausiello, Dennis Geciltextbook of medicine,2003 Edition: 22nd ed. ISBN:0721639305 ICD-ROMI Saunders; Philadelphia Price:$ 169.00

Forensic Mediaine
Pollak,S.; Saukko,P. Atlasof forensic medicine,2003 ISBN 044482597ICD-ROMI : 5 9B

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Kumar, Parveen; Clark, Michael Acute clinical medicine,2006 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0702028142 [CD-ROMI Saunders; Philadelphia Price: $ 39.95 Kwoh, Christopher H.; Buch, Eric The Washingtonmanualgeneralinternal medicineconsult,2004 fSBN:0781 748976ICD-ROMI Lippincott Williams Wilkins; & Philadelphia Price:$ 39.95 Runge, M. Greganti Nettedsintemal medicine,2005 ISBN: 1929007779 ICD-ROMI lcon Learning Systems; US Price:$ 85.98 Sabatine, Marc S. Pocket medicine,2005 ISBN:0781 753643[CD-ROMI Lippincott Williams Wilkins; & Philadelphia Price:$ 42.95 Sabatine, Marc S. Pocketmedicine, 2005 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0781753643 ICD-ROMI Lippincoft Williams Wilkins; & Philadelphia Price: $ 42.95 Sabatine, Marc S. Pocket medicine,2005 Edition:2nded. ISBN:0781 753643[CD-ROMI Lippincott Williams Wilkins; & Philadelphia Price:$ 42.95 Safani, Michael; Windle, Peter J.; Ghan, Paul D. Medicine CD-ROM,2004 ISBN: 1929622546 [CD-ROMI CunentClinical Stratagies Publishing; US Price:$ 28.95 Warrell, David; Gox, Timothy Oxford textbook of medicine, 2006 Edition:4thed. ISBN:019852951[CD-ROM] 1 OxfordUniversity Press;NewYork Price:$ 995.00

Laboratories and Glinieal Laboratory Techniques

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Healthcare Informatics, 2002 ISBN: 08031 62ICD-ROMI 331 Astmlntemationall; US Priee: 158.00 $ Musculoskeletal Rheumatology $ystem and

Anatomy physiology and revealed, 2005 Edition: ed. 1st ISBN: 00731 29234 [CD-ROMI McGraw-Hill New Science; York Price: 31.88 $ Musculoskeletal patient care education collection,2004 Edition:2nd ed. ISBN: 0892033592 ICD-ROMI American Academy Orthopaedic of Surgeons; lllinois Price: 117.g3 $ Baxter,Richard E. Saunder's visualguideto muscutoskeletal assessment,2004 ISBN: 0721 60851 ICD-ROMI 5 Saunders; Philadelphia Price: 37.95 $ Harris,EdwardD.; Budd, RalphG.; Firestein,Gary S. Kelley'stextbookof rheumatology, 2005 Edition: ed. 7th ISBN: 072160931 7 ICD-ROMI Philadelphia Saunders; Price: 299.00 $ Tideiksaar,Rein A guideto hip protectors, 2005 ISBN: 1932529160 ICD-ROMI Essential Management Falls Series Health Professions Press; US Price: 100.80 $ 99

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Woo, Patricia; Glass, David; Breedveld, Ferdinand C. Oxford textbook of rheumatology, 2005 Edition: 3rd ed. 16 fSBN:01952241 ICD-ROMI OxfordUniversityPress;New York Price:$ 98.50

ProfessorNightengale's test-taking strategies for student nurses, 2005 ISBN:0781 789575ICD-ROMI Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; US Price:$ 25.18


Nervous System H. Jones, Royden

Netter'sneurology,2005 fSBN:193324707X [CD-ROMI Saunders; Philadelphia Price:$ 93.95 Kiernan, John A. Barr's the human neruoussystem, 2005 Edition:8thed. ISBN:0781 782902ICD-ROMI Lippincoft Williams Wilkins; & Philadelphia Price:$ 384.00 Nowinski, Wieslaw L.; Thirunavuukarasuu, A. The cerefy clinical brain atlas, 2004 Edition:2nded. ISBN:3131076623ICD-ROMI ThiemePublishing Group;Stuftgart Price: $ 740.86 Privitera, Michael D.; Cavitt, Jennifer; Ficker, David M. Clinician'sguide to antiepilepticdrug use, 2006 fSBN:0781 764289[CD-ROMJ Lippincoft Williams Wilkins; & Philadelphia Price:$ 49.95 Silberstein, Stephen D.; Stiles, Alan; Young, William Atlas of migraine and other headachces, 2005 fSBN: 1842142968ICD-ROMI Taylor& Francis; US Price: $ 104.34 Snell, Richard S. Clinical neuroanatomy, 2005 Edition:6th ed. ISBN:0781 7901 ICD-ROMI 07 Lippincott Williams Wilkins; & Philadelphia Price:$ 495.00

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McKinney, Emily Slone Virtual clinical excursions3.0 for maternal child nursing,2006 Edition:2nded. ISBN:1416001 ICD-ROMI 042 Saunderc; Philadelphia Price: $ 44.95 Monahan, Frances Donovan Virtual clinical excursions3.0 for medical surglcalnursing,2006 Edition:8thed. ISBN:032304618 ICD-ROMI 1 Mosby; Philadelphia Price: $ 49.95 Potter, Patricia A. Virtual clinical excursions3.0 for basic nursing,2007 Edition: 6th ed. ISBN:03230461 ICD-ROMI 69 Mosby; Philadelphia Price:$ 49.95 Stuart, Gail Wiscarz Virtual clinical excursions3.0 for principles ond practiceof psychiatricnursing,2006 Edition:8thed. ISBN: 0323030424 ICD-ROMI Mosby;Philadelphia Price: $ 44.95

Lippincott Williams Wilkins; & Philadelphia Price:$ 99.00 Lowdermilk, Deitra Leonard; Perry, Shannon E. Virtual clinical excursions3.0 for maternity and women's health care,2006 Edition:8thed. ISBN:0323030378 [CD-ROMI Mosby; Philadelphia Price:$ 44.95 O'Reilly, Barry; Bottomtey, Cecilia Pocketessentialsof obstetricsand gynaeeology, 2006 |SBN:0702028134 [CD-ROM] Saunders; Philadelphia Price:$ 37.95

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Public Health and Primary Health Gare

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Toxicology Daniel, Farb

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Libraries and lnformation Science

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AdolescentPsychiatry ISSN:0065-2008 [Annuallyl Price:$ 49.95 hftp:www. alyticpress. an com Journal of the AmericanAcademyof Ghild and AdolescentPsychiatry ISSN:0890-8567 [Monthlyl Price: $ 308.00 h


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Acta Neuropsychiatrica Journal of Attention Disorders ISSN:0924-2708 ISSN:1087-0547 [Bimonthly] [Quarterlyl Price:$ 306.00 Price:$ 298.00 http://www. http:/lwww. sag ?ref=0924-270 &site=1 I Primary GareMental Health Acta Psychiatric Scandinavica ISSN:1476-4717 [QuarterlyI -690X[Bimonthlyl ISSN:0001 Price: $ 260.00 Price: $ 902-00 http:/Arww. http://www. blackwel l-syn ergy. com/loi/acp Journalof Dual Diagnosis Australianand New ZealandJournal of ISSN:1550-4263 [QuarterlyI Psychiatry Price:$ 218.00 ISSN:0004-8674 http://www. [Bimonthly] Price:$ 619.00 http:/lwww. blackwel l-syn ergy. com/loi/anp Public Health and Primary Bipolar Disorders ISSN:1398-5647 [Bimonthly] Price:$ 506.00 http://www. Ghild and AdolescentMentalHealth ISSN:'l475-357X [Quarterlyl Price:$ 650.00 http://www. mh Psychiatryand Glinical Neurosciences ISSN:1323-1 [Bimonthly] 316 Price:$ 1,036 http://www. l-syn blackwel ergy. com/loi/pcn Psychogeriatrics ISSN:1346-3500 [Quarterlyl Price:$ 310.00 http://www. blackwel nc=showlssu es&code=psy Psychophysiology ISSN:0048-5772 [Bimonthlyl Price:$ 300.00 chophysiology Sleep and Biological Rhythms ISSN:1446-9235 times a year] [3 Price:$ 310.00 http://www. asp ?ref=1446-9235 SchizophreniaBulletin ISSN:0586-7614 [QuarterlyI Price:$ 184.00 http://www.oxfordjou

Health Gare
AmericanJoumal of PreventiveMedicine ISSN:0749-3797 [Bimonthly] Price:$ 617.00 http://www. elsevier. com The Milbank Quarterly ISSN:0887-378X [Quarterly] Price: $ 260.00 http://www. InternationalJournal of Evidence-Based Healthcare ISSN:1744-1595 [Quarterlyt Price: $ 437.00 http:/lwww. Journal of Public Health ISSN:0943-1 [Bimonthlyt 853 Price:$ 166.00 http:l/ rl.asp?genre =journal&issn=0943-1 853 Journat of PatientSafety ISSN:1549-841 [Quarterlyl 7 Price:$ 168.00 http:/Aruww.jrnalpatientsafety. com ou Simulationin Healthcare ISSN:1559-2332 [Quarterlyl Price:$ 150.00 Journal of Urban Health ISSN:1099-3460 [Bimonthlyl Price:$ 418.00 http://www.springer. com Structural HealthMonitoring ISSN:1475-9217 I [Quarterly


Listof BasicSources English a MedicalFacultyLibrary in for

Price:$ 571.00 http://wrlw. epub. sag com Journal of HealthManagement ISSN:0972-0634 [Biannually] Price:$ 256.00 http:/lwww. sag Diversityand Health ISSN:1557-6280 [Quarterlyl Price:$ 175.00 http://www. Joumal of PalliativeMedicine ISSN:1096-621 [Bimonthly] 8 Price:$ 711.00 http:/Aruww. Quality in PrimaryCare ISSN:1479-1072 [QuarterlyI Price: $ 347.00 http:/iwww. Diversityin Healthand SocialCare ISSN:1743-1913 [Quarterly I Price:$ 321.00 http://www. Journal of WorkplaceBehavioralHealth ISSN:1555-5240 [QuarterlyI Price: $ 218.00 http://www. haworthpress. com/web/JWB H/

RadiologicClinics of North America ISSN:0033-8389 [Bimonthly] Price: $ 320.00 hftp://www. Radiology ISSN:0033-841 [Monthlyl 9 Price: $ 350.00 http://rad iology. rsnajnls. org/ Acta Radiologica ISSN:0284-1851 times a yearl [10 Price: $ 580.00 uk/journals/titles/0284 1 185 .asp AustratianRadiology ISSN:0004-8461 [Quarterly] Price: $ 445.00 http://www. blackwel l-synergy. com/loi/ara ClinicalRadiology ISSN:0009-9260 fMonthlyl Price: $ 687.00 h



Fertilityand Sterility ISSN:0015-0282[Monthly] Price:$ 529.00 http://www.fertstert. org/ FertilityWeekly ISSN:1086-1 [Weeklyl 068 Price:$ 859.00 http://www.ferti lityweekly. com

Radiology and Diagnostic rmagrng

Current Problemin DiagnosticRadiology ISSN:0363-01 [Bimonthly] 88 Frice:$ 130.00 Respiratory $ystem als/ymdr AmericanJournal of Respiratoryand CriticalCare Medicine InternationalJournal of Radiation ISSN:1073449X [Monthlyl Oncology,Biology, Physics Price: $ 450.00 ISSN:0360-3016 times a year] rccm. http://aj atsjou rn [15 Price:$ 3,605 http://www. elsevier. com/locate/ij robponine I Chest ISSN:001 2-3692[Monthly] InvestigativeRadiology Price: $ 228.00 ISSN:0020-9996 http://www. [Monthlyl Price:$ 902.00 http:/Antww. investig ativeradiology. com The EuropeanRespiratoryJournal ISSN:0903-1936 [Monthlyl Journalof ClinicalUltrasound Price:$ 905.00 fSSN:0091-2751 times a yearl 19 Price:$ 1,331 uk


Listof BasicSourcesin English a MedicalFacultyLibrary for

Journal of RespiratoryDiseases ISSN:0194-259X [Monthlyl Price:$ 115.00 http://www. busi Thorax ISSN:0040-6376 [Monthly] Price:$ 708.00 http://thorax. Journal of Aerosol Medicine ISSN:0894-2684 [QuarterlyI Price:$ 919.00 http://www.iebertpu com/j I b. am Asthma Magazine fSSN:1088-071216 times a yearl Price:$ 50.00

Statistics and Health Surveys

Significance ISSN:1740-9705 [Quarterly] Price:$ 177.00 lpub. http:/iwww. blackwel com

Advancesin Surgery ISSN:0065-341 [Annuallyl 1 Price:$ 160.00 http://www. elsevierhealth. com us. AmericanJournal of Surgery ISSN:0002-961 [Monthlyl 0 Price: $ 482.00 http://www. elsevier. com Annats of Surgery ISSN:0148-7043 [Monthly] Price:$ 757.00 http:/lwww. Annals of Surgery ISSN:00034932 [Monthly] Price:$ 594.00 http://www. nalsofsu rgery. com an Archives of Surgery ISSN:0004-0010 [Monthlyl Price:$ 558.00 http ://arch rg.ama-assn. su org/ Current Surgery ISSN:0149-7944[Bimonthlyl Price:$ 298.00 http://www.elsevier. com Diseasesof the Golon and Rectum ISSN:001 2-3706[Monthlyl Price:$ 177.0O http://www.d iscolrect. I com Headand Neck ISSN:'1 043-3074 lMonthlyl Price:$ 1,523 http://www.wiley. uk co. The Journal of Hand Surgery:American Volume ISSN:0363-5023 [Bimonthlyl Price:$ 339.00 http//www j handsu org/ rg.

Sports tedicine
The AmericanJournal of Sports Medicine ISSN:0363-5465 times a year] [8 Price: $ 634.00 British Journal of Sports Medicine ISSN:0306-3674 [Bimonthly] Price:$ 661.00 http://bjsm.bmjjournals. com/ GlinicalJoumal of Sport Medicine ISSN:1050-642X [Bimonthlyl Price:$ 492.00 http:i/www. cjsportsmed. com Medicineand Sport Science ISSN:0254-5020 rregularl fl Price:$ 400.00 Sports Medicine fSSN:0112-1642 [Monthly] Price:$ 1,395 ScandinavianJournal of Medicineand Sciencein Sports ISSN:0905-71 [Bimonthlyl 88 Price:$ 457.00 y. http://www. l-synerg com/loi/sms blackwel Medicineand Sciencein Sports and Exercise ISSN:0195-91 [Monthly] 31 Price: $ 640.00 http:/Aruww. acsm-msse. org 128

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Surgery ISSN:0263-9319 [Monthlyl Price: $ 220.00 http// ejou library. sp?JournallD=1 11316 SurgeryUpdateand AnesthesiologyNews ISSN:0094-8'1 [Bimonthlyl 87 Price:$ 12.00 http:iiweb5. silverplatter. com/webspirs/

Perspectives VascularSurgeryand in EndovascularTherapy ISSN:'t -0035[Quarterly] 531 Price:$ 322.00 http://www.sagepu Surgical tnnovation ISSN:1553-3506 [Quarterly] Price: $ 335.00 http: /iwww. sagepu com b.

Vascularand EndovascularSurgery The Joumal of Thoracicand ISSN: 1538-5744 [Bimonthlyl Cardiovascular Surgery Price: $ 414.00 ISSN:0022-5223 http://www. sagepu com b. [Monthlyl Price:$ 337.00 International Journal of Oral and mtc/home MaxillofacialSurgery -5027[Monthly] ISSN:0901 World Journal of Surgery Price: $ 667.00 ISSN:0364-2313 times a yearl [9 Price:$ 400.00 http://www. Journal of Plastic,Reconstructive and /00268findex.htm Aesthetic Surgery ISSN:0007-1 [Monthlyl 226 Burns Price:$ 490.00 ISSN:03054179lStimes a yearl http:/ Price:$ 119.00{b Toxicology

Journal of Cosmeticand Laser Therapy ISSN:1476-41 [Quarterlyt 72 Price:$ 435.00 http://www.tandf. uUjournalsititles/1 6417 co. 47 2 .asp Lasers in MedicalScience ISSN:0268-8921 [Quarterly] Price:$ 508.00 0103 rnal/1 Injury ISSN:0020-1 [Monthlyl 383 Price:$ 966.00 http:/iwww. elsevier. com Techniques Foot and Ankle Surgery in ISSN:1536-0644 [Quarterlyl Price:$ 198.00 http://www.techfootan com kle. Journatof Laparoendoscopic and AdvancedSurgicalTechniques ISSN:1092-6429 [Bimonthlyl Price:$ 657.00 http://www.

International Journal of Toxicology ISSN:1091-581 [Bimonthlyl 8 Price: $ 674.00 http;//www. ta

Urology and Nephrology

AmericanJournal of Nephrology ISSN:0250-8095 [Bimonthly] Price:$ 1.863 Audio-DigestUrology ISSN:0271-1 [Monthlyl 338 Price: $ 390.48 http://www. io-digest. rg/ aud o BJU International ISSN:1464-4096 times a yearl [18 Price:$ 917.00 http://www. blackwel l-synergy. com Current MedicalLiteratureUrology ISSN:1357-1 [Quarterly] 532 Price:$ 120.00


List of BasicSourcesin English a MedicalFacultyLibrary for

Curent Opinion in Urology ISSN 0963-0643 : [Bimonthly] Price: $ 865.00 http://www. rology. co-u com The Journal of Urology ISSN:0022-5347 [Monthlyl Price:$ 817.00 Kidney and Blood PressureResearch ISSN:14204096[Bimonthlyl Price:$ 1,237 http:/iwww. karger. com/kbr Urology ISSN:0090-4295 [Monthlyl Price:$ 330.00 g hftp://www. oldjou rnal. eU n Urology Times ISSN:0093-9722 [Monthlyl Price:$ 200.00 htpp://www. rologyti u AmericanJournal of Kidney Diseases ISSN:0272-6386 [Monthelyl Price:$ 551.00 Journalof Endourotogy ISSN:0892-7790 times a yearl [10 Price:$ 1,098 http://www.iebertpu com I b.

Veterinary Medicine
Journal of FelineMedicineand Surgery ISSN:1098-612X [QuarterlyI Price:$ 286.0C http://www.elsevier. com Researchin VeterinaryScience ISSN:0034-5288 [Bimonthly] Price: $ 400.00 http://www. Vector-Borneand Zoonotic Diseases ISSN:1530-3667 [Quarterlyl Price: $ 535.00 http://www.iebertpu com I b.



Listof BasicSourcesin English a MedicalFacultyLibrary for

Annex I Book cost analysis by subject


Abstracting lndexing and Acquired lmmunodeficiency Syndrome and HIV Aerospace Medicine Alcoholism Substance-Related and Disorders Allergy and lmmunology Anatomy and Histology Anesthesiology

No. of Items
3 15 I 13 13 18 18

Total Price in US$

112.85 1409.69 725.53

Average inUS$
37.62 93.98 80.61 104.10 98.61 141.28 126.88 199.87 539.05 95.05 70.22 105.43 84.87 46.92 77.45 170.30 189.74

3 4 5 6 7 B I

1281.93 2543.06 2283.75 4197.20 7546.71 4182.19


14 44 10

Biology 1 0 Cardiovascular System 1 1 ChronicDisease Diseases 1 2 Communicable Complementary Therapies 13 and 1 4 Contraception FamilyPlanning Services 1 5 Dentistry 1 6 Dermatology and 1 7 Dictionaries Directories System 1 8 Digestive Medical 1 9 Education, 20 Embryology Medicine 21 Emergency and lntensive Care 22 Endocrinology Metabolism and Health 23 Environmental 24 Epidemiology 25 Ethics,Medical Health 26 Family Medicine 27 Forensic 28 Genetics 29 Geriatrics 30 Hematology of 3 1 History Medicine and 32 Hospitals Health Facilities 33 HumanDevelopment Medicine 34 lnternal 35 Laboratories Clinical and Laboratory Techniques and Information 36 Libraries Science 37 MedicalInformatics, Internet and Telemedicine 38 Microbiology Systemand Rheumatology 39 Musculoskeletal


21 26
15 31 19

703.73 2401.08 3235.64 7210.A8 4298.81 553.85 895.92 3466.61 3185.58 1B't4.40 1599.00 1858.26 657.11 2',193.34 2187.35 1334.03 3009.75 918.27

35 B 10 35

69.23 89.59 99.05 132.73 90.72 88.83 66.37 50.55 115.44 109.37 74.'11 177.04 65.59 11 .98 1 99.06 101.40 117.48 68.56 68.34 113.05 178.63 133

24 20

13 19

18 14

't7 20
13 22 19


2230.75 2232.'t9
1851.19 1913.47 2148.04 3215.30

27 28
19 18

List of BasicSourcesin English a Meciical FacultyLibrary for

40 4'l 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

Nervous System Nuclear Medicine Nursing Dietetics food Nutrition, and Obstetrics Gynecology and Occupations Occupational and Health and Oncology Neoplasms Ophthalmology Orthopedics Traumatology and Otolaryngology Pathology Pediatrics Pharmacology PhysicalTherapy Physiology

No. of Items 22
13 30 18 31

Total Price in


Average inUS$
184.81 144.62

22 36 29 20 20 23 26 27 28

PublicHealthand PrimaryHealthCare Radiology Diagnostic and lmaging Reproductive Medicine


4065.75 1880.00 1956.6 1378.42 2782.88 1779.05 5767.38 3151.11 3598.65 3324.96 3246.22 4781.48 3174.41 2174.6',1 1269.13 2174.72

76.58 89.77 80.87 160.21 108.66 179.93 166.25 139.40 183.90 117.57 77.66 74.65 98.85 66.58 149.83 98.62 128.64 69.69 77.12 73.81 192.59 109.05 167.02 136.53 37.10

4195.15 't479.36 2444.'13 696.89 1388.20 959.59 5970.37 1744.85 4175.55 2457.53 445.24

15 19

Respiratory System
Smoking Sports Medicine Statistics HealthSurveys and

18 13 31 16

Toxicology and Nephrology Urology Veterinary Medicine Writing and Publishing

25 't2

Total number of items Total Cost Average cost per title

1397 us$ 164160.39



Listof BasicSourcesin English a MedicalFacultyLibrary for

Annex ll cost analysis by subject CD-ROM


Acquiredlmmunodeficiency Syndrome and HIV Alcoholism Substance-Related and Disorders Allergy and lmmunology Anaesthesia Anatomy and Histology Anesthesiology

No. of Items
1 1 3 1 7 1 5 8 3 5 4 17 3 1

Total Pricein US$

109.95 17.95 581.95 59.95 2030.95 340.20 1441.10 882.56 565.13 1056.80 1316.80 1575.32 782.90 105.00 770.00 2084.60 346.09 60.86 16.47 95.00 81.00 28.95 204.34 510.00 1557.63 39.95 158.00 685.46 1868.10 458.07 248.64 181.90 274.95 2104.07 1097.90 1575.88 3326.74 285.81

Average inUS$
109.95 17.95 193.98 59.95 290.14 340.20

3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11

Cardiovascular System Communicable Diseases Complementary Therapies

110.32 188.38 211.36 329.20 92.67 260.97 105.00 385.00 189.51 115.36 60.86 16.47 95.00 81.00 28.95 204.34 510.00 155.76 39.95 158.00 '114.24 311.35 41.64 124.32 60.63 137.48 350.68 274.48 143.26

Dictionaries Directories and Digestive System Education, Medical

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care Endocrinology Metabolism and Ethics, Medical Family Health Forensic Medicine Hematology History Medicine of Hospitals Health and Facilities Human Development Internal Medicine Laboratories Clinical and Laboratory Techniques MedicalInformatics, Internet Telemedicine and Musculoskeletal Systemand Rheumatology Nervous System Nursing Nutrition, Dietetics food and and Obstetrics Gynecology Oncology Neoplasms and Ophthalmology Orthopedics Traumatology and Pediatrics Pharmacology PhysicalTherapy

11 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 6 6 11

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31

33 34

2 3
2 6 4 11 10 4

36 37 38

71.45 135

List of BasicSources English a MedicalFacultyLibrary in for

39 40 41 Physiology

Subject Psychiatry
PublicHealthand PrimaryHealthCare Radiology Diagnostic and lmaging

No. of Items
4 5 7 5 3 1 5

Total Price in US$

636.18 194.23 779.24 2767.85 490.35

Average inUS$
159.05 38.85 111.32 553.57 163.45

42 43
44 45 46 47 48

Respiratory System

548.56 109.95 1048.95 2175.'15

109.71 54.98 349.65

Toxicology and Nephrology Urology Veterinary Medicine

3 5


Total number of items Total Cost Average cost per title

200 US$37702.43 us$1 8 8 .5 1


Listof BasicSourcesin English a MedicalFacultyLibrary for

Annex lll Journal cost anatysisby subject


Abstracting Indexing and Acquired lmmunodeficiency Syndrome and HIV Alcoholism Substance-Related and Disorders Allergy and lmmunology Anatomy and Histology Anesthesiology

No. Total of Price in Items us$

1 I I 11 5 15 7 7 19 6 3 10 14 10 865.00 5415.00

Average inUS$
865.00 601.67 1096.67 839.27 618.40 413.13 776.73 737.90 499.89 293.17 322,04 349.90 542.61 621.45 294.00 329.87 518.71 159.50 566.89 695.49 680.39 380.43 759.03 560.00 253.00

3 4 5 6 Biochemistry 7 Biology 8 Cardiovascular System I Communicable Diseases 10 Therapies 1 1 Complementary

9870.00 9232.00
3092.00 6197.00 5437.10 5165.27 9498.00 1759.00 966.00 3498.95 7596.49 62',t4.49 588.00 1319.49 8818.00 1276.00 5102.00 5563.95 3401.97 2663.00 12144.40 560.00 759.00

12 Dentistry 1 3 Dermatology
14 15 16 17 18 19 Digestive System Education, Medical Emergency Medicine and Intensive Gare Endocrinology Metabolism and Environmental Health Epidemiology Forensic Medicine Genetics Geriatrics Hematology History Medicine of Hospitals HealthFacilities and Internal Medicine Laboratories Clinical and Laboratorv Techniques Libraries and Information Science Medical Informatics, Internet Telemedicine and Medicine Musculoskeletal Systemand Rheumatology Nervous System Nuclear Medicine Nursing Nutrition, Dietetics food and Obstetrics Gynecology and Occupations Occupational and Health Oncology Neoplasms and Ophthalmology

4 17 8 I 8 5 7 16 1 3 8 5 9 4 9 3 5 5 6 2

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

837.00 2940.99 1786.00


33 34 35 36 37

1 10 2


167.40 326.78 446.50 4046.00 449.56 1423.00 474.33 5419.00 1083.80 2005.00 4 0 1 . 0 0 2491.49 415.25 974.00 487.00 6274.00 522.83 680.00 680.00 4866.00 486.60 y29.04 564.50 137

Listof BasicSourcesin English a MedicalFacultyLibrary for

40 41

Orthopedics Traumatology and

Pathology Pediatrics Pharmacology Physiology

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 56

No. Total Average Price in of inUS$ Items US$ 5602.00 560.20 10 5593.00 559.30 10 450.00 225.40 2 8938.00 558.63 16
13 6 15 14 9 2 7 7

Public Health Health Care and Primary Radiology Diagnostic and lmaging Reproductive Medicine SportsMedicine and HealthSurveys Statistics Surgery Toxicology Urology and Nephrology Veterinary Medicine

System 50 Respiratory



12564.32 966.49 10585.00 1764.17 417.13 6256.95 4 8 1 5 . 0 0 343.93 927.78 8350.00 1388.00 694.00 482.14 3375.00 668.43 4679.00 '177.00 177.00 10968.00 457.00 674.00 674.00 7291.58 662.87 1221.00 407.00

Total number of items Total Cost Average cost per title

438 us$ 248030.44 us$ 566.27


Listof BasicSources English a MedicalFacultyLibrary in for

Annex IV List of healthand biomedicaljournals publishedin the Eastern Mediterranean Region

1 ACES- Actualit6s Cliniques Scientifiques et Acta Medicalranica Advances Cognitives in Sciences Ain-Shams Journal Forensic of Medicine Clinical and Toxicology - Alexandria AJAIC Journal Anaethesia lntensive of and Care Al-Azhar DentalJournal Al-Azhar Medical Journal Alexandria Dental Journal Alexandria Journalof FoodScience and Technology Alexandria Journalof Pediatrics Alexandria Journalof Pharmaceutical Sciences Alexandria Journalof Veterinary Science Alexandria Medical Journal[The] Al-Kindy College Medical Journal Al-Majallah Al-Tibbiya Al-Arabiayh Almustansiriya rnalof Pharmaceutical Jou Sciences Al-Quds Medical Journal Andeesheh Raftar[Thought Va and Behavior] Annals Abbassi Shaheed Hospital Karachi and Medical and Dental College - Karachi Annalsof JinnahPostgraduate MedicalCentre Annals KingEdward of Medical College Annals SaudiMedicine of Annals the College Medicine Mosul of of Arab DentalJournal ArabJournalfor Foodand Nutrition ArabJournal Forensic of Medicine Criminal and Science ArabJournalof Laboratory Medicine [The] ArabJournalof Pharmaceutical Sciences ArabJournalof Psychiatry [The] Arabmed Journal Archives l'lnstitut de Pasteur Tunis de Archives lranian of Medicine Armaghane-danesh ASJOG- Ain ShamsJournal Obstetrics Gynecology of and ASNJ- Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal AssiutMedical Journal Audiology Bahrain Medical Bulletin Basrah Joumalof Surgery Biomedica 139


2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Listof BasicSourcesin English a MedicalFacultyLibrary for


Journal Name
Blood Bulletin Comit6SyrienDe D6fense du ContreLe Tuberculose les Maladies et Respiratoires Epidemiologique Bulletin of Faculty Medicine Bulletin Alexandria of of Thoracic Bulletin Alexandria Association - Baghdad of Bulletin Endemic Diseases Bulletin Faculty Pharmacy of of of of Therapy- CairoUniversity Bulletin Faculty Physical of Bulletin HighInstitute Public of Health of Bulletin Pharmaceutical Sciences:AssiutUniversitv Bulletin the Facultyof Science University Alexandria of of Bulletin the KuwaitInstitUte MedicalSpecialization of for Bulletin the National of Research Centre Bulletin the Nutrition of lnstitute the Arab Republic Egypt of of of Bulletin the Ophthalmological Societyof Egypt M6dicaux Tunisie de Cahiers - Quarterly Challenge [The] and Childhood Development Diabetes Clinical Medicine Community University for Damascus Journal HealthSciences DARU- Joumalof Faculty Pharmacy of TehranUniversity MedicalSciences of Digest Diabetes Dirasat EasternMediterranean RegionDrugsDigest EasternMediterranean ReqionEpidemiological Bulletin - Egyptian EDJ DentalJournal Egyptian Journalof Anatomy[The] Egyptian Journal Biomedical of Engineering Egyptian Journal Biophysics Biomedical of Engineering and Journalof Chemistry Egyptian Journalof Community Egyptian Medicine Journalof Dermatology Andrology Egyptian and Egyptian Journalof Diabetes [The] Journalof FoodScience Egyptian Journalof Genetics Egyptian and Cytology Egyptian Journalof Histology [The] Journal Hospital of Medicine Egyptian [The] Journal lmmunology of Egyptian [he] Egyptian Journalof MedicalHumanGenetics [The] Egyptian Journalof MedicalLaboratory Sciences Eqyptian Journalof MedicalMicrobioloqy Egyptian Journalof Microbiology

42 43
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

52 53
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61

62 63
64 65 66 67 68 69

7'l 72

74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81

82 83

Listof BasicSourcesin English a MedicalFacultyLibrary for

84 85 86 87 88 B9 90 91

Journal Name
Egyptian Journalof Neonatology [The] Egyptian Journalof Nutrition Egyptian Journalof Pharmaceutical Sciences Egyptian Journal Physiological of Sciences Egyptian Journal Psychiatry of [The] Egyptian Journal Schistosomiasis Infectious Endemic of and and Diseases Egyptian Journal Surgery[The] of Egyptian Journal Urology of Egyptian Journal Veterinary of Science Egyptian Medical Journalof the National Research Center Egyptian Orthodontic Journal Egyptian Orthopaedic Journal[The] Egyptian Pharmaceutical Journal Egyptian Population Family and Planning Review [The] Egyptian Rheumatology Rehabilitation and Egyptian ScienceMagazine [The] El-Minia Medical Bulletin EMHJ- Eastern Mediterranean HealthJournal Emirates Medical Journal EMJ- Egyptian MedicalJournal [The] Garyounis Medical Journal Gazefte the Egyptian of Paediatric Association [The] GeziraJournalof HealthSciences Govaresh GulfJournalof Dermatology Venereology and [The] Hamdard Medicus HAYAT- The Journalof Faculty Nursing of and Midwifery HealthServices Journalof the Eastern Mediterranean Region HeartViews Hepatitis Monthly IBJ- lranian BiomedicalJournal - Revuede Perfectionnement IDEES M6dical Param6dical et IJEM- lranian Journal Endocrinology Metabolism of and lJl - lranian Journal lmmunology of IJME- lranian Journal Medical of Education - lranianJournal Medical IJMS of Sciences IJPR- lranianJournal Pharmaceutical of Research - lraqiMedicalJournal IMJ International Journal Diabetes of and Metabolism lnternational Journal Endocrinology Metabolism of and lnternational Journalof Environmental Science and Technology lranian Journalof Allergy, Asthma and lmmunology lranianJournal BasicMedical of Sciences lranian Journal Biotechnology of

93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102

104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122


124 125 126 127

Listof BasicSourcesin English a MedicalFacultyLibrary for

128 129

Journal Name
lranianJournalof Clinicallnfectious Diseases lranianJournalof Diabetes and LipidDisorders lranian Joumalof Environmental Health Science and Engineering lranian Journal Nuclear Medicine of lranianJoumalof Obstetric, Gynecology Infertility and [The] lranian Journal Otorhinolaryngology of lranian Journal Pediatrics of lranian Journal Public Health of lranianJournalof Radiation Research lranianJoumalof Reproductive Medicine lranianJournalof Veterinary Research lranian Rehabilitation Journal lraqiArmy Medical Journal lraqiJournalof Agriculture lraqiJournalof Biotechnology lraqiJournal Community Medicine of lraqiJournalof Medical Sciences lraqiJournalof Microbiology lraqiJoumalof Pharmaceutical Sciences lraqiJournalof TropicalDisease Researches lrqi Postgraduate Medical Journal JAMC- Journalof Ayub MedicalCollege Abbotabad Pakistan and JCPSP- Journal the College Physicians Surgeons of of Pakistan - The JointCentrefor Research Prosthetics Orthotics in and JCRPO and Rehabilitation Proorams Rivadh of JDT - Journalof Dentistry TehranUniversity Medical Sciences JISHIM- Journalof the International Society the Historyof lslamicMedicine for JLDA- Journalof the Lebanese DentalAssociation JLUMHS- Journalof the LiaquatUniversity MedicalHealthSciences of JMJ- Jamahiriya MedicalJournal JMJ- JubaMedical Journal JMR - Journalof MedicalResearch JMS - Journalof Medical Sciences JOPDAK- Journalof the Pakistan DentalAssociationKarachi JordanMedicalJoumal Journaldu Praticien for Journal Scientific Research MedicalSciences SultanQaboosUniversity Journalof Arak University Medical Danesh of Sciences Rahvard Journalof BabolUniversity MedicalSciences of Journal BasicandApplied of Sciences Journal BasicMedical of Sciences Journal Clinical of Laboratory [The] of Journal Community Medicine Journalof DohukUniversity


133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170

Listof BasicSourcesin English a Medical for FacultyLibrary

171 172 173 174 '175

Journal Name

Journal DrugResearch of Joumalof Faculty Medicine of Journal Family of and Community Medicine Journalof GorganUniversity Medical of Sciences Journalof Hepatology, Gastroenterology Infectious and Diseases Journal lslamic of DentalAssociation lran 176 of of University 1 7 7 Journal Karbala of 178 Journal KermanUniversity Medical of Sciences of 179 Journal King Abdulaziz University Medical Sciences of 1 8 0 Journal LegalMedicine and Forensic Sciences [The] 1 8 1 Joumalof MashadDentalSchool of Councilof lslamicRepublic lran 182 Journal Medical of of 1 8 3 Journal MedicalEducation of 184 Journal Medicinal Plants of 1 8 5 Journal Nephrology Urology and Transplantation of 1 8 6 Journal QazvinUniversity Medical of Sciences and HealthServices [The] Journal Shaheed of Sadoughi University MedicalSciences of and Health 187 Services of 1 B B Journal Surgery [The] of 1 8 9 Journal the Arab Boardof Medical Specializations of 1 9 0 Journal the Arab Dentist 't91 Joumalof the Arab Neonatology Forum Journal the Bahrain of 192 Medical Society 1 9 3 Joumalof the College Dentistry Baghdad of Journal the DentalSchool- ShahidBeheshti of 194 Medical Sciences University of 1 9 5 Journal the Egyptian Medical Association [The] of 1 9 6 Journal the Egyptian National Cancerlnstitute of 197 Journal the Egyptian PublicHealth Association [The] Journal the Egyptian of Society Endocrinology, of Metabolism Diabetes and 198 lThel of 1 9 9 Journal the Egyptian Society Obstetrics Gynecology of and [he] Journalof the Egyptian 200 Society Parasitology of Journal the Egyptian of Society Pharmacology Experimental of and Therapeutics 201 lThel Journal the Egyptian of 202 Societyof Toxicology 203 Journalof the Faculty Medicine Baghdad of Journal the Faculty Medicine Shaheed of of Beheshti University Medical of 204 Sciences and HealthServices Journal the Faculty Veterinary of 205 of Medicine University Tehran of Journal the RoyalMedical of 206 Services Journalof the SaudiHeartAssociation 207 Journal Tropical of 208 Nephro-Urology JPAD- Journalof Pakistan 209 Association Dermatologists of - Journal Pediatric of 210 JPC Club 211 JPDA- Journalof the Pakistan Dental Association

Listof BasicSourcesin English a MedicalFacultyLibrary for

No. 212
213 214 215 216 217 218 219

Journal Name
JPIMS- Journal Pakistan of Institute Medical of Sciences of JPMA- Journal Pakistan MedicalAssociation JPMI- Journalof Postgraduate MedicalInstitute JPPS- Journalof Pakistan Psychiatric Society - Journalof Research MedicalSciences JRMS in JSP - Journalof SurqeryPakistan International - Journalof TropicalMedicine JTM KasrEl Aini Journalof Surgery KingFaisal Specialist Hospital MedicalJournal [he] KMJ- Kuwait MedicalJournal KOOMESH Journalof the Sarnman University MedicalSciences of KufaMedicalJournal Lahore of Journal PublicHealth Lebanese Science Journal LMJ- Lebanese MedicalJournal M6dical Maghreb Mansoura Journalof Pharmaceutical Sciences Mansoura Medical Journal MarocM6dical Medical Arabization MedicalChannel MedicalForum MedicalJournalof AhmedMaherTeaching Hospital [The] Medical Journalof BasrahUniversity [The] MedicalJournalof CairoUniversity [The] MedicalJoumalof lslamicAcademyof Sciences Medical Journalof Mashhad University Medical of Sciences Medical Journalof Reproduction Infertility and Medical Journalof Teaching and lnstitutes Hospitals [The] Medical Journal the lslamic of Republic lran of Medical Joumalof TikritUniversity [The] MedicalPrinciples Practice and MedicalSpectrum [-he] MEJO- Middle EastJournal Ophthalmology of EastJoumalof Anesthesiology Middle Middle EastJournal Emergency Medicine of [The] MiddleEastWaterand Sewage Medical Journal Minoufiya Medicine ClinicalToxicology MJFCT Mansoura Joumalof Forensic and - Medical MJIRC Journal the lranian RedCrescent of Mother and Child National Cancer Institute Journal Neonatology Neurosciences


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