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A L 8 C l l L L S

AvlaLlon relaLed Lerms and deflnlLlons used ln assoclaLlon wlLh clvll fllghL obLalned from Lhe Code of
lederal 8egulaLlons lederal AvlaLlon 8egulaLlons and many oLher sources (general abbrevlaLlons and
Lhose speclflc Lo Aeroflles can be found on our Codes page) Cross references are ln CAl1AL leLLers

A8SCLu1L AL1l1uuL 1he measureable helghL of an alrcrafL above Lhe acLual Lerraln

A8SCLu1L CLlLlnC 1he maxlmum alLlLude above sea level aL whlch an alrcrafL can malnLaln level fllghL
under SLandard Alr condlLlons

ACCLLL8A1Lu S1ALL Any sLall made Lo occur aL oLher Lhan 1g

ACCLSSC8? C8Cu Mechanlcal and elecLrlcal unlLs mounLed on an englne necessary for lLs operaLlon
such as sLarLer magneLos fuel pumps eLc

AuCCCk 8AnCL naLlonal lowfrequency radlo navlgaLlon sysLem (c1930c1930) replaced by an
omnlrange (vC8) sysLem lL conslsLed of four segmenLed quadranLs broadcasLlng Morse Code A (doL
dash) and n (dashdoL) slgnals ln opposlng quadranLs so LhaL plloLs could orlenL Lhelr poslLlon relaLlve
Lo a beam broadcasLlng a sLeady Lone and a Morse Code sLaLlon ldenLlfler uslng a bulldandfade
Lechnlque a plloL could (ldeally) plnpolnL hls locaLlon by Lhe sLrengLh or weakness of a slgnal 8ead
abouL lL here

Aul AuLomaLlc ulrecLlon llndlng vla auLomaLed radlo

AulA8A1lC LASL 8A1L 1he raLe aL whlch ascendlng alr cools and descendlng alr warms glven LhaL no
heaL ls added or Laken away 1he raLe for dry alr (uAL8) ls based on 34 l per 1000 alLlLude (1 per 100
meLers) MolsL or saLuraLed raLes (SAL8) vary wlLh baromeLrlc pressures and LemperaLures and musL be
ad[usLed for accuracy

AuvL8SL ?AW ?aw generaLed when Lhe allerons are used 1he llfLlng wlng generaLes more drag
causlng an alrplane Lo yaw (Lurn) Loward lL

ACL Above Cround Level as a measuremenL of alLlLude above a speclflc land mass and dlfferenLlaLed
from MSL

AlLL8Cn 1he movable areas of a wlngform LhaL conLrol or affecL Lhe roll of an alrcrafL by worklng
opposlLe one anoLherupalleron on Lhe rlghL wlng and downalleron on Lhe lefL wlng lrench alleron
small wlng dlmlnuLlve of alle from LaLln ala wlng 1he word alsle also derlves from Lhe same rooL
(Above plc proves LhaL blrds lnvenLed allerons long before man dld)

Al8 uLlLnSL luLn1lllCA1lCn ZCnL (AulZ) 1he area of alrspace over land or waLer exLendlng upward
from Lhe surface wlLhln whlch Lhe ready ldenLlflcaLlon Lhe locaLlon and Lhe conLrol of alrcrafL are
requlred ln Lhe lnLeresL of naLlonal securlLy
uomesLlc Alr uefense ldenLlflcaLlon Zone An AulZ wlLhln Lhe unlLed SLaLes along an lnLernaLlonal
boundary of Lhe unlLed SLaLes

CoasLal Alr uefense ldenLlflcaLlon Zone An AulZ over Lhe coasLal waLers of Lhe unlLed SLaLes

ulsLanL Larly Warnlng ldenLlflcaLlon Zone (uLWlZ) An AulZ over Lhe coasLal waLers of Lhe SLaLe of
Alaska AulZ locaLlons and operaLlng and fllghL plan requlremenLs for clvll alrcrafL operaLlons are
speclfled ln lA8 arL 99

Al8lClL 1he shape of any flylng surface buL prlnclpally a wlng as seen ln sldevlew (crosssecLlon)
lLs characLerlsLlcs are CenLer of ressure (C) u8AC (Cu) Lll1 (CL) LlfLurag 8aLlo (L/u) and MomenL

Al8 8Cu1L 18AlllC CCn18CL CLn1L8 (A81CC) or CLn1L8 A faclllLy esLabllshed Lo provlde alr Lrafflc
conLrol servlce Lo alrcrafL operaLlng on ll8 fllghL plans wlLhln conLrolled alrspace and prlnclpally durlng
Lhe en rouLe phase of fllghL When equlpmenL capablllLles and conLroller workload permlL cerLaln
advlsory/asslsLance servlces may be provlded Lo vl8 alrcrafL

Al8 SLLu lnulCA1C8 An lnsLrumenL or devlce LhaL measures Lhe alr speed of an alrcrafL Lhrough an
alr mass buL noL lLs ground speed

Al8 1Axl An alrcrafL operaLor who conducLs operaLlons for hlre or compensaLlon ln accordance wlLh
lA8 arL 133 ln an alrcrafL wlLh 30 or fewer passenger seaLs and a payload capaclLy of 7300# or less An
alr Laxl operaLes on an ondemand basls and does noL meeL Lhe fllghL scheduled quallflcaLlons of a

Al8 18AlllC CCn18CL (A1C) A servlce operaLed by Lhe approprlaLe auLhorlLy Lo promoLe Lhe safe
orderly and expedlLlous flow of alr Lrafflc

Al8C81 18AlllC CCn18CL 1CWL8 (A1C1) A Lermlnal faclllLy LhaL uses alr/ground communlcaLlons
vlsual slgnallng and oLher devlces Lo provlde A1C servlces Lo alrcrafL operaLlng ln Lhe vlclnlLy of an
alrporL or on Lhe movemenL area AuLhorlzes alrcrafL Lo land or Lakeoff aL Lhe alrporL conLrolled by Lhe
Lower or Lo LranslL Lhe Class u alrspace area regardless of fllghL plan or weaLher condlLlons (ll8 or vl8)
A Lower may also provlde approach conLrol servlces (radar or nonradar)

ALCLAu 1rademark name of Alcoa for hlghsLrengLh sheeL alumlnum clad wlLh a layer (approxlmaLely
33 Lhlckness per slde) of hlghpurlLy alumlnum popularly used ln alrplane manufacLure

ALPA8L1 (PCnL1lC) uevlsed for reasons of clarlLy ln avlaLlon volce radlo Lhls ls Lhe currenL nA1C
verslon ln global use
PC1LL lnulA !uLlL1 klLC LlMA MlkL nCvLM8L8
unllC8M vlC1C8 WPlSk? x8A? ?AnkLL ZuLu

1he orlglnal from early ln World War 2 was

PCW l1LM !lC klnC LCvL MlkL nAn C8CL
L1L8 CuLLn 8CCL8 SuCA8 1A8L unCLL vlC1C8
WlLLlAM x8A? ?CkL ZL88A

AL1lML1L8 An ad[usLable aneroldbaromeLrlc cockplL lnsLrumenL used Lo measure an alrcrafLs

AMPl8lAn AMPl8lCn A SLALAnL or lLCA1LAnL wlLh reLracLable wheels for use on land as well
1he laLLer spelllng was used ln Lhe 20s and 30s buL has slnce fallen ouL of favor

AnCLL Cl A11ACk 1he acuLe angle aL whlch a movlng alrfoll meeLs Lhe alrsLream

AnCLL Cl lnCluLnCL 1he angle aL whlch an alrfoll ls normally flxed ln relaLlon Lo Lhe longlLudlnal axls
of an alrcrafL

AnPLu8AL 1he downward angle of a wlng ln relaLlon Lo a horlzonLal crosssecLlon llne aka
CA1PLu8AL See ulPLu8AL

A8CACP CCn18CL see 8AulC nAvlCA1lCn

A8Cn 1he hardsurfaced or paved area around a hangar

A8M ln alrcrafL welghL and balance as well as load dlsLrlbuLlon lL ls Lhe dlsLance from Lhe CLn1L8 Cl
C8Avl1? (c/g) Lo some polnL lor compuLaLlons arms measured forward from Lhe c/g are poslLlve (+n)
and Lhose measured afL of Lhe c/g are negLlve (n)


A81lllClAL PC8lZCn A vacuumpowered panel lnsLrumenL LhaL dlsplays plLch and roll movemenLs
abouL Lhe laLeral and longlLudlnal axes aka ALLlLude lndlcaLor

ASLC1 8A1lC 1he raLlo of Lhe span Lo Lhe chord of an alrfolla hlghaspecL raLlo wlng has wlde span
and narrow chord and vlceversa for a lowaspecL raLlo wlng

A1A see CCn18CLLLu Al8SACL

A1C (1) AlrcrafL llcense as Approved 1ype CerLlflcaLe see A1C (2) Al8 18AlllC CCn18CL

A1lS see Au1CMA1lC 1L8MlnAL lnlC8MA1lCn SL8vlCL

Au1CC?8C Au1CCl8C An alrcrafL ofLen wlngless wlLh unpowered roLary alrfoll blades LhaL auLo
roLaLe and serve as wlngs as Lhey move Lhrough Lhe alr when mounLed on a powered alrcrafL (or ln
some cases a gllder) 1he laLLer spelllng ls a Lrademark of Lhe AuLoglro CorporaLlon

Au1C8C1A1lCn AuLomaLlc roLaLlon of roLary blades from a hellcopLer ln an unpowered gllde or Lhe
forward movemenL of an auLogyro

Au1CMA1lC 1L8MlnAL lnlC8MA1lCn SL8vlCL (A1lS) ConLlnuous broadcasL of recorded nonconLrol
lnformaLlon ln selecLed Lermlnal areas Lo lmprove conLroller effecLlveness and Lo relleve frequency
congesLlon by auLomaLlng repeLlLlve Lransmlsslons of essenLlal buL rouLlne lnformaLlon

8ALAnCLu CCn18CL Su8lACL A movable conLrol surface as an alleron or rudder havlng an added
physlcal exLenslon or welghLs forward of Lhe hlngepolnL Lo reduce forces on a [oysLlck or yoke See
LLLPAn1 LA8S (2)

8L8nCuLLl LllLC1 or LAW or 1PLC8LM Slnce Lhe pressure of a fluld ls proporLlonal Lo lLs veloclLy
alrflow over Lhe upper surface of an alrfoll causes sucLlon llfL because Lhe alrsLream has been speeded
up ln relaLlon Lo poslLlve pressure of Lhe alrflow on Lhe lower surface

8LLLu Al8 PoL alr aL hlgh pressure usually from Lhe bypass secLlon of a gas Lurblne englne for de
lclng heaLlng and oLher uses

8CunuA8?LA?L8 CCn18CL 1he deslgn or conLrol of sloLLed or perforaLed wlngs wlLh sucLlon meLhods
Lo reduce undeslrable aerodynamlc effecLs caused by Lhe boundary layerLhaL reglon ad[acenL Lo Lhe
boundary where shear sLresses domlnaLe ln Lhe alrflow over a wlngform

8uMLu CCWLlnC An englne lAl8lnC generally clrcular wlLh welLs or compound shapes ln lLs
surface Lo accommodaLe cyllnder heads

CA8AnL S18u1 Wlng sLruL aLLached Lo Lhe fuselage

CALl88A1Lu Al8SLLu (CAS) 1he lndlcaLed alrspeed of an alrcrafL correcLed for poslLlon and
lnsLrumenL error CAS ls equal Lo Lrue alrspeed ln sLandard aLmosphere aL sea level Compare lnulCA1Lu
Al8SLLu and 18uL Al8SLLu

CAM8L8 1he convex or concave curvaLure of an alrfoll

CAnA8u An arrangemenL ln whlch Lhe horlzonLal sLablllzer and elevaLors of an alrcrafL are mounLed ln
fronL of Lhe maln wlng(s)

CA1 ClearAlr 1urbulence

CA1PLu8AL see AnPLu8AL

CAvu Celllng and vlslblllLy unllmlLed ldeal flylng weaLher

CLlLlnC (1) 1he helghLs above Lhe earLhs surface of Lhe lowesL layer of clouds or obscurlng
phenomena LhaL ls reporLed as broken overcasL or obscuraLlon and noL classlfled as Lhln or
parLlal (2) 1he maxlmum helghL above sea level ln S1AnuA8u Al8 aLLalnable by an alrcrafL under
glven condlLlonssee A8SCLu1L CLlLlnC SL8vlCL CLlLlnC

CLn1L8 An Alr 8ouLe 1rafflc ConLrol CenLer (A81CC)

CLn1L8 Cl C8Avl1? (c/g) 1he longlLudlnal and laLeral polnL ln an alrcrafL where lL ls sLable Lhe sLaLlc
balance polnL

CL81lllCA1Lu Al8C81 An alrporL operaLlng under lA8 arL 139 1he lAA lssues alrporL operaLlng
cerLlflcaLes Lo all alrporLs servlng scheduled or unscheduled alr carrler alrcrafL deslgned for more Lhan
30 passenger seaLs CerLlflcaLed alrporLs musL meeL mlnlmum safeLy sLandards ln accordance wlLh lA8
arL 139

CPC8u 1he measurable dlsLance beLween Lhe leadlng and Lralllng edges of a wlngform

CLASS C Al8SACL (unconLrolled Alrspace) Alrspace noL deslgnaLed as Class A 8 C u or L

CCAMlnC A padded proLecLlve rlm around an open cockplL

CCLLLC1lvL l1CP A cockplL conLrol LhaL changes Lhe l1CP of a hellcopLers roLor blades used ln
cllmblng or descendlng

CCLLLC1C8 8lnC A clrcular ducL on a radlal englne lnLo whlch exhausL gases from lLs cyllnders are
safely dlscharged

CCMMCn 18AlllC AuvlSC8? l8LCuLnC? (C1Al) A frequency deslgned for Lhe purpose of carrylng ouL
alrporL advlsory pracLlces whlle operaLlng Lo or from an alrporL wlLhouL an operaLlng conLrol Lower 1he
C1Al may be a unlCCM MulLlcom lSS or Lower frequency and ls ldenLlfled ln approprlaLe aeronauLlcal

CCMMu1L8 An alr carrler operaLor operaLlng under 14 Cl8 133 LhaL carrles passengers on aL leasL flve
round Lrlps per week on aL leasL one rouLe beLween Lwo or more polnLs accordlng Lo lLs publlshed fllghL
schedules LhaL speclfy Lhe Llmes day of Lhe week and places beLween whlch Lhese fllghLs are
performed 1he alrcrafL LhaL a commuLer operaLes has 30 or fewer passenger seaLs and a payload
capablllLy of 7300# or less

CCMASS CCu8SL A bearlng as lndlcaLed by Lhe horlzonLal angle beLween Lhe compass needle and Lhe
cenLerllne of Lhe alrcrafL A Compass Course ls equal Lo a 1rue Course varlaLlon and devlaLlon also
equal Lo a MagneLlc Course devlaLlon

CCMASS nC81P 1he norLh polnL aL whlch a llquld compass needle polnLs raLher Lhan Ceographlcal
or 1rue norLh Compare MACnL1lC nC81P

CCnL Cl SlLLnCL Cllck Lhe Adcock page

CCnS1An1SLLu 8CLLLL8 A hydraullcallyconLrolled propeller LhaL governs an englne aL lLs
opLlmum speed by Lhe blade plLch belng lncreased or decreased auLomaLlcally

CCn1AC1 lLlCP1 navlgaLlon ln whlch alLlLude and fllghL paLh can be malnLalned by vlsual reference Lo
Lhe ground and lLs landmarks Slmllar Lo vl8

CCn1Cu8 lLlCP1 ConLacL lllghL ln and around mounLalnous areas followlng vlsual reference Lo Lhe
Lerralns counLours

CCn18AlL 1ralllng sLreak of condensed waLer vapor creaLed ln Lhe alr by heaL from an alrcrafL englne
aL hlgh alLlLudes aka vAC8 18AlL

CCn18CLLLu Al8SACL An alrspace of deflned dlmenslons wlLhln whlch alr Lrafflc conLrol servlce ls
provlded Lo ll8 fllghLs and Lo vl8 fllghLs ln accordance wlLh Lhe alrspace classlflcaLlon ConLrolled
alrspace ls a generlc Lerm LhaL covers Class A 8 C u and L alrspace ConLrolled alrspace ls also LhaL
alrspace wlLhln whlch all alrcrafL operaLors are sub[ecL Lo cerLaln plloL quallflcaLlons operaLlng rules
and equlpmenL requlremenLs ln lA8 arL 91 lor ll8 operaLlons ln any class of conLrolled alrspace a
plloL musL flle an ll8 fllghL plan and recelve an approprlaLe A1C clearance Lach 8 C and u alrspace area
deslgnaLed for an alrporL conLalns aL leasL one prlmary alrporL around whlch Lhe alrspace ls deslgnaLed
(for speclflc deslgnaLlons and descrlpLlons of Lhe alrspace classes refer Lo lA8 arL 71)
Class A (formerly CA oslLlve ConLrol Area) generally LhaL alrspace from 18000 mean sea level (MSL)
up Lo and lncludlng fllghL level (lL) 600 (60000 pressure alLlLude) lncludlng Lhe alrspace overlylng Lhe
waLers wlLhln 12 nauLlcal mlles of Lhe coasL of Lhe 48 conLlguous SLaLes and Alaska unless oLherwlse
auLhorlzed all persons musL operaLe Lhelr alrcrafL under ll8

Class 8 (formerly 1CA 1ermlnal ConLrol Area) Cenerally LhaL alrspace from Lhe surface Lo 10000 MSL
surroundlng Lhe naLlons buslesL alrporLs ln Lerms of alrporL operaLlons or passenger enplanemenLs 1he
conflguraLlon of each Class 8 alrspace area ls lndlvldually Lallored and conslsLs of a surface area and Lwo
or more layers (some Class 8 alrspace areas resemble upsldedown weddlng cakes) and ls deslgned Lo
conLaln all publlshed lnsLrumenL procedures once an alrcrafL enLers Lhe alrspace An A1C clearance ls
requlred for all alrcrafL Lo operaLe ln Lhe area and all alrcrafL LhaL are so cleared recelve separaLlon
servlces wlLhln Lhe alrspace 1he cloud clearance requlremenL for vl8 operaLlons ls clear of clouds

Class C (formerly A8SA AlrporL 8adar Servlce Area) Cenerally LhaL alrspace from Lhe surface Lo 4000
MSL above Lhe alrporL elevaLlon surroundlng Lhose alrporLs LhaL have an operaLlonal conLrol Lower are
servlced by a radar approach conLrol and LhaL have a cerLaln number of ll8 operaLlons or passenger
enplanemenLs AlLhough Lhe conflguraLlon of each Class C area ls lndlvldually Lallored Lhe alrspace
usually conslsLs of a surface area wlLh a 3 nauLlcal mlle (nm) radlus an ouLer clrcle wlLh a 10 nm radlus
LhaL exLends from 1200 Lo 4000 above Lhe alrporL elevaLlon and an ouLer area Lach person musL
esLabllsh Lwoway radlo communlcaLlons wlLh Lhe A1C faclllLy provldlng alr Lrafflc servlces prlor Lo
enLerlng Lhe alrspace and LhereafLer malnLaln Lhose communlcaLlons whlle wlLhln Lhe alrspace vl8
alrcrafL are only separaLed from ll8 alrcrafL wlLhln Lhe alrspace

Class u (formerly A1A AlrporL 1rafflc Area and CZ ConLrol Zone) Cenerally LhaL alrspace from Lhe
surface Lo 2300 MSL above Lhe alrporL elevaLlon surroundlng Lhose alrporLs LhaL have an operaLlonal
conLrol Lower 1he conflguraLlon of each Class u alrspace area ls lndlvldually Lallored and when
lnsLrumenL procedures are publlshed Lhe alrspace wlll normally be deslgned Lo conLaln Lhe procedures
Arrlval exLenslons for lnsLrumenL approach procedures may be Class u or L alrspace unless oLherwlse
auLhorlzed each person musL esLabllsh Lwoway radlo communlcaLlons wlLh Lhe A1C faclllLy provldlng
alr Lrafflc servlces prlor Lo enLerlng Lhe alrspace and LhereafLer malnLaln Lhose communlcaLlons whlle ln
Lhe alrspace no separaLlon servlces are provlded Lo vl8 alrcrafL

Class L (formerly Ceneral ConLrolled Alrspace) Cenerally lf Lhe alrspace ls noL Class A 8 C or u and ls
conLrolled alrspace lL ls Class L alrspace Class L alrspace exLends upward from elLher Lhe surface or a
deslgnaLed alLlLude Lo Lhe overlylng or ad[acenL conLrolled alrspace When deslgnaLed as a surface area
Lhe alrspace wlll be conflgured Lo conLaln all lnsLrumenL procedures Also ln Lhls class are lederal
alrways alrspace beglnnlng aL elLher 700 or 1200 ACL used Lo LranslLlon Lo/from Lhe Lermlnal or
enrouLe envlronmenL enrouLe domesLlc and offshore alrspace areas deslgnaLed below 18000 MSL
unless deslgnaLed aL a lower alLlLude Class L alrspace beglns aL 14300 MSL over Lhe uSA lncludlng
LhaL alrspace overlylng Lhe waLers wlLhln 12 nauLlcal mlles of Lhe coasL of Lhe 48 conLlguous SLaLes and
Alaska up Lo buL noL lncludlng 18000 MSL and Lhe alrspace above lllghL Level 600

CCnvLn1lCnAL CLA8 Pavlng Lwo maln landlng wheels aL Lhe fronL and a Lallwheel or Lallskld aL Lhe
rear as opposed Lo havlng a Lrlcycle gear wlLh Lhree maln wheels Such an alrcrafL ls popularly called a

CCWL CCWLlnC A clrcular removable lAl8lnC around an alrcrafL englne (generally radlal) for Lhe
purposes of sLreamllng or coollng aka 8lnC CCWLlnC

CCWL lLA A conLrollable louvre Lo regulaLlng alrflow Lhrough an englnes cowllng

C8A8 A rudderconLrolled yawlng moLlon Lo compensaLe for a crosswlnd ln malnLalnlng a deslred fllghL
paLh as ln a landlng approach

C1Al see CCMMCn 18AlllC AuvlSC8? l8LCuLnC?

uLAu 8LCkCnlnC ln ploneer fllghL before radlo beacons and accuraLe maps flylng dlsLances much by
lnsLlncL and guesswork and referrlng Lo whaLever landmarks were below was qulLe rouLlne 1he dead
parL slmply meanL sLralghL as ln Lhe nauLlcal dead ahead and plloLs ofLen relled heavlly on Lhe l8Cn
CCMASS for crosscounLry fllghLs over unfamlllar LerrlLory

uLAuS1lCk uescendlng fllghL wlLh englne and propeller sLopped

uLCALACL 1he dlfference ln angular seLLlngs Angles of ALLack of Lhe wlngs of a blplane or mulLlplane

uLClSlCn PLlCP1 WlLh respecL Lo Lhe operaLlon of alrcrafL Lhe helghL aL whlch polnL a declslon musL
be made durlng an lnsLrumenL approach Lo elLher conLlnue Lhe approach or Lo execuLe a mlssed
approach aborL

uLL1AWlnC A Lrlangularlyshaped alrcrafL wlng havlng a low aspecL raLlo a sharplyLapered leadlng
edge a sLralghL Lralllng edge and a polnLed Llp

uLA81u8L CCn18CL see 8AulC nAvlCA1lCn

uLA81u8L S1ALL A sLall ln Lhe Lakeoff conflguraLlon wlLh power

uLvlA1lCn (MACnL1lC) 1he error of a MagneLlc Compass due Lo lnherenL magneLlc lnfluences ln Lhe
sLrucLure and equlpmenL of an alrcrafL

uLWlZ see Al8 uLlLnSL luLn1lllCA1lCn ZCnL

ulPLu8AL 1he acuLe angle usually upward beLween Lhe wlng of an alrplane and a horlzonLal cross
secLlon llne CpposlLe of AnPLu8AL

ul8LC1lCnAL C?8C A panel lnsLrumenL provldlng a gyroscoplc readlng of an alrcrafLs compass

ul8lCl8LL A llghLerLhanalr crafL capable of belng propelled and sLeered for conLrolled fllghL LaLln
dlrlgoLo sLeer

uML ulsLance Measurlng LqulpmenL a radlo navlgaLlon devlce LhaL deLermlnes an alrcrafLs dlsLance
from a glven ground sLaLlon as well as lLs groundspeed and Llme Lo/from Lhe sLaLlon

uCL reservaLlve and plgmenLed colorlng for fabrlc alrcrafL coverlng and palnLs generally nlLraLe
lacquer buL generlcally used Lo denoLe all early shellac and coalLar mlxLures on up Lo presenLday

uC8SAL lln A laLeral fln/rudder exLenslon on Lhe Lop of a fuselage CpposlLe of vLn18AL lln

uCWnWASP 1he alr deflecLed perpendlcular Lo Lhe dlrecLlon of movemenL of an alrfoll

u8AC 1he reslsLlng force exerLed on an alrcrafL ln lLs llne of fllghL opposlLe ln dlrecLlon Lo lLs moLlon
Compare 1P8uS1

u8AC Wl8L A wlre deslgned Lo reslsL u8AC forces usually runnlng from a forward lnboard polnL Lo an
ouLboard afL polnL

u8ll1 1he angle beLween Lhe headlng of an alrcrafL and lLs 1rack fllghL paLh over Lhe ground as
affecLed by wlnds

u8? WLlCP1 1he welghL of an englne excluslve of any fuel oll and coolanL

uu8AL Crlglnally a Lradename for a wroughL alumlnumcopper alloy creaLed by 8ausch Machlne 1ool
Co now fallen lnLo generlc use as any alumlnum alloy conLalnlng 3043 copper 0410 magneslum
and 0107 manganese Alcoas verslon ls commonly referred Lo as uuralumlnum popularly used ln
alrcafL manufacLure

uZuS lAS1LnL8 (Zoose) very slngular Lo alrcrafL a paLenLed sloLLed screw LhaL blnds Lo a wlre for
fasL release and securlng of cowllngs and lnspecLlon plaLes requlrlng no speclal Lool oLher Lhan a
quarLer coln

LA81PlnuuC1C8 CCMASS Cne whose lndlcaLlons depend on Lhe currenL generaLed ln a coll
revolvlng ln Lhe earLhs magneLlc fleld

LLLPAn1 LA8 (1) An alr lnLake characLerlzed by Lwln lnleLs one on each slde of Lhe fuselage (2) A
Lype of balanced alleron ln whlch Lhe ouLer edges are noLlceably larger Lhan Lhe conLrol lLself See
8ALAnCLu CCn18CL Su8lACL and example 1ravel Alr 4000

LLLvA1C8 1he movable parL of a horlzonLal alrfoll whlch conLrols Lhe plLch of an alrcrafL Lhe flxed parL
belng Lhe S1A8lLlZL8

LLLvCn A hlnged devlce on Lhe rear porLlon of an alrcrafL wlng comblnlng Lhe funcLlons of an elevaLor
and an alleron usually found on delLawlng alrcrafL lL can be moved ln Lhe same dlrecLlon on elLher slde
of Lhe alrcrafL Lo obLaln longlLudlnal conLrol or dlfferenLlally Lo obLaln laLeral conLrol Also see

LL1 Lmergency LocaLor 1ransmlLLer

LMLnnACL An alrcrafLs Lall group lncludes rudder and fln and sLablllzer and elevaLor Cld lrench
empenner Lo feaLher an arrow from LaLln penna feaLher

Ln 8Cu1L Al8 18AlllC CCn18CL SL8vlCLS Alr Lrafflc conLrol servlces provlded alrcrafL on ll8 fllghL
plans generally by cenLers when Lhese alrcrafL are operaLlng beLween deparLure and desLlnaLlon
Lermlnal areas When equlpmenL capablllLles and conLroller workload permlL cerLaln
advlsory/asslsLance servlces may be provlded Lo vl8 alrcrafL

L1A LsLlmaLed 1lme of Arrlval

L1u LsLlmaLed 1lme of ueparLure

lAl8lnC An added sLreamllnlng sLrucLure or auxlllary member mosL ofLen of llghL meLal whose only
purpose ls Lo reduce drag lalrlngs are noL loadbearlng and Lherefore are noL meanL Lo carry any
prlnclpal alr loads placed on Lhe alrplane sLrucLure

l8C llxed8ase CperaLor A commerclal operaLor supplylng fuel malnLenance fllghL Lralnlng and
oLher servlces aL an alrporL

lAn MA8kL8 see 8AulC nAvlCA1lCn

lLA1PL8lnC ln Lhe evenL of englne fallure Lhe process of ad[usLlng a conLrollableplLch propeller Lo a
plLch poslLlon where Lhe blade angle ls abouL 90 Lo Lhe plane of roLaLlon ln order Lo Lo sLop lLs
wlndmllllng and lessen drag

lLuL8AL Al8 8LCuLA1lCn (lA8)
lA8 arL 91 Ceneral AvlaLlon (porLlons apply Lo all operaLors)

lA8 arL 103 ulLrallghL vehlcles

lA8 arL 103 arachuLe !umplng

lA8 arL 108 Alrplane CperaLor SecurlLy

lA8 arL 119 CerLlflcaLlon Alr Carrlers and Commerclal CperaLors

lA8 arL 121 uomesLlc llag and SupplemenLal Alr Carrlers and Commerclal CperaLors of Large AlrcrafL

lA8 arL 123 1ravel Clubs

lA8 arL 123 uS Clvll Alrplanes seaLlng 20 or more passengers or a maxlmum payload capaclLy 6000#
or more

lA8 arL 127 Alr Carrlers uslng hellcopLers for scheduled lnLersLaLe fllghLs (wlLhln Lhe 48 conLlguous

lA8 arL 129 lorelgn Alr Carrler and lorelgn CperaLors of uS reglsLered alrcrafL engaged ln common

lA8 arL 133 8oLorcrafL LxLernal Load CperaLlons

lA8 arL 133 Alr 1axl CperaLors and Commerclal CperaLors

lA8 arL 137 AgrlculLural AlrcrafL CperaLlons

lA8 arL 141 lloL School

lL88? lLlCP1 A fllghL for Lhe purpose of (1) reLurnlng an alrcrafL Lo base (2) dellverlng an alrcrafL from
one locaLlon Lo anoLher (3) movlng an alrcrafL Lo and from a malnLenance base lerry fllghLs under
cerLaln condlLlons may be conducLed under Lerms ln a speclal fllghL permlL

lln 1he flxed parL of a verLlcal alrfoll LhaL conLrols Lhe yaw of an alrcrafL Lhe movable parL belng Lhe
8uuuL8 SomeLlme referred Lo as verLlcal SLablllzer

ll8LWALL A flrereslsLanL bulkhead LhaL lsolaLes Lhe englne from oLher parLs of an alrplanes sLrucLure

llSP1AlLlnC A rudderconLrolled sldeLoslde yawlng moLlon Lo reduce alr speed generally prlor Lo

llvL8?llvL (3x3) ln radlo [argon afflrms LhaL a radloed Lransmlsslon was recelved as clear and loud
8aLed one Lo flve wlLh Lhe flrsL flgure for clearness and Lhe second second for loudness

lLA A movable usually hlnged Al8lClL seL ln Lhe Lralllng edge of an alrcrafL wlng deslgned Lo lncrease
Lll1 or u8AC by changlng Lhe CAM8L8 of Lhe wlng or used Lo slow an alrcrafL durlng landlng by
lncreaslng llfL Also see lCWLL8 lLA SLC11Lu lLA and SLl1 lLA

lLAL8Cn A conLrol surface comblnlng Lhe funcLlons of a lLA and an AlLL8Cn

lLA8L A slmple maneuver performed momenLs before landlng ln whlch Lhe nose of an alrcrafL ls
plLched up Lo mlnlmlze Lhe Louchdown raLe of speed

lLlCP1 LnvLLCL An alrcrafLs performance llmlLs speclflcally Lhe curves of speed ploLLed agalnsL
oLher varlables Lo lndlcaLe Lhe llmlLs of speed alLlLude and acceleraLlon LhaL a parLlcular alrcrafL cannoL
safely exceed

lLlCP1 LLvLL (lL) A level of consLanL aLmospherlc pressure relaLed Lo a reference daLum of 2992
lnches of mercury Lach ls sLaLed ln Lhree dlglLs LhaL represenL hundreds of feeLfllghL level 230
represenLs a baromeLrlc alLlmeLer lndlcaLlon of 23000 fllghL level 233 as 23300

lLlCP1 LAn Speclfled lnformaLlon relaLlng Lo Lhe lnLended fllghL of an alrcrafL flled orally or ln wrlLlng
wlLh an lSS or an A1C faclllLy

lLlCP1 SL8vlCL S1A1lCn (lSS) Alr Lrafflc faclllLles whlch provlde plloL brleflng enrouLe
communlcaLlons and vl8 search and rescue servlces asslsL losL alrcrafL and alrcrafL ln emergency
slLuaLlons relay A1C clearances orlglnaLe noLlces Lo Alrmen broadcasL avlaLlon weaLher and nAS
lnformaLlon recelve and process ll8 fllghL plans and monlLor nAvAlus ln addlLlon aL selecLed
locaLlons lSSs provlde LnrouLe lllghL Advlsory Servlce (lllghL WaLch) Lake weaLher observaLlons lssue
alrporL advlsorles and advlse CusLoms and lmmlgraLlon of Lransborder fllghLs

lLCA1LAnL A waLerbased alrcrafL wlLh one or more mounLed ponLoons as dlfferenLlaLed from a
hulled SLALAnL llylng 8oaL buL ofLen used generlcally

lL?lnC Wl8LS lnLerplane braclng wlres LhaL help supporL wlngloads when Lhe plane ls ln fllghL
ulrecLlon of Lravel ls upward and ouLward from Lhe fuselage Lo Lhe lnLerplane sLruLs Also known as Lll1
Wl8LS Lhe opposlLe of LAnulnC Wl8LS

lCWLL8 lLA 1rademark name of a spllLflap aLLached Lo a wlngs Lralllng edge wlLh a sysLem of Lracks
and rollers Lo roll Lhe lLA backward and downward lncreaslng Lhe wlng area named for lLs lnvenLor
uSAAl englneer Parland u lowler

l8lSL AlLL8Cn A Lype of alleron LhaL has a beveled leadlng edge pro[ecLlng beyond lLs lnseL hlnges
When lowered lL forms an exLenslon of Lhe wlng surface when ralsed lLs nose proLrudes below Lhe
wlng lncreaslng u8AC and reduclng ?AW named for lLs lnvenLor 8rlLlsh englneer Leslle Ceorge lrlse

lSS see lLlCP1 SL8vlCL S1A1lCn

luSLLACL An alrcrafLs maln body sLrucLure houslng Lhe fllghL crew passengers and cargo and Lo
whlch Lhe wlngs Lall and ln mosL slngleenglned alrplanes englne are aLLached lrench fusele

g or C see LCAu lAC1C8

CA 1he dlsLance beLween Lwo ad[acenL wlngs of a blplane or mulLlplane

CCA CroundConLrolled Approach parL of lLS

CLnL8AL AvlA1lCn 1haL porLlon of clvll avlaLlon whlch encompasses all faceLs of avlaLlon excepL alr
carrlers holdlng a cerLlflcaLe of publlc convenlence and necesslLy from Lhe Clvll AeronauLlcs 8oard and
large alrcrafL commerclal operaLors

CLCC8APlC nC81P 1he norLhern axls around whlch Lhe LarLh revolves aka Map norLh and 18uL
nC81P Also see MACnL1lC nC81P

CLASS CCCkl1 Sald of an alrcrafLs conLrol cabln whlch has allelecLronlc dlglLal and compuLerbased

CLluL8 An unpowered alrcrafL capable of malnLalnlng alLlLude only brlefly afLer release from Low Lhen
glldlng Lo earLh Compare SAlLLAnL

CLluL SLCL (1) 1he angle beLween horlzonLal and Lhe gllde paLh of an alrcrafL (2) A LlghLlyfocused
radlo beam LransmlLLed from Lhe approach end of a runway lndlcaLlng Lhe mlnlmum approach angle
LhaL wlll clear all obsLacles one componenL of an lnsLrumenL landlng sysLem (lLS)

CS Clobal oslLlonlng SysLem saLelllLebased navlgaLlon

C8LLn LlCP1 Approval for landlng A carryover expresslon from days when alrcrafL for Lhe mosL parL
had no radlos and communlcaLlon from a conLrol Lower was by means of a llghLgun LhaL beamed
varlous green red and yellow slgnals Lo plloLs ln Lhe alr and on Lhe ground A popular phrase 3 green
llghLs refers Lo Lhe lnsLrumenL panel llghLs verlfylng LhaL all Lhree gears (ln a Lrlgear alrcrafL) are down
and locked for safe landlng

C8CSS WLlCP1 1he LoLal welghL of an alrcrafL when fully loaded lncludlng fuel cargo and passengers
aka 1akeoff WelghL

C8Cunu CCn18CL 1ower conLrol by radloed lnsLrucLlons from alr Lrafflc conLrol of alrcrafL ground
movemenLs aL an alrporL

C8Cunu CuSPlCn see C8Cunu LllLC1

C8Cunu LllLC1 lncreased llfL generaLed by Lhe lnLeracLlon beLween a llfL sysLem and Lhe ground
when an alrcrafL ls wlLhln a wlngspan dlsLance above Lhe ground lL affecLs a lowwlnged alrcrafL more
Lhan a mld or hlghwlnged alrcrafL because lLs wlngs are closer Lo Lhe ground aka C8Cunu CuSPlCn

C8CunuSLLu 1he acLual speed LhaL an alrcrafL Lravels over Lhe groundlLs shadow speed lL
comblnes Lhe alrcrafLs Al8SLLu and Lhe wlnds speed relaLlve Lo Lhe alrcrafLs dlrecLlon of fllghL

CuLLWlnC uescrlpLlve of wlng ln fronLal vlew benL as Lhe wlng of a seagull a dlsLlncLlve shallow
lnverLed v shapesee SLlnson S810 or lnverLed gullwlng voughL l4u

C?8CLAnL A roLorcrafL whose roLors are noL englnedrlven excepL for lnlLlal sLarLlng buL are made
Lo roLaLe by acLlon of Lhe alr when Lhe roLorcrafL ls movlng and whose means of propulslon usually a
convenLlonal propeller ls lndependenL of Lhe roLor sysLem Slmllar Lo Au1CC?8C

PAnCA8 An enclosed sLrucLure for houslng alrcrafL CrlglnaLed wlLh lakebased floaLlng homes of Lhe
orlglnal Cerman Zeppellns ln whlch Lhey were hung from cables whlch explalns Lhe erroneous ofL
seen spelllng of hanger lrench hangar shed ouLbulldlng from LaLln angarlum shed

PLLlCC1L8 A wlngless alrcrafL acqulrlng lLs llfL from revolvlng blades drlven by an englne abouL a
nearverLlcal axls A 8C1C8C8Al1 acqulrlng lLs prlmary moLlon from englnedrlven roLors LhaL acceleraLe
Lhe alr downward provldlng a reacLlve llfL force or acceleraLe Lhe alr aL an angle Lo Lhe verLlcal
provldlng llfL and LhrusL

PlCP 8LCWL8 A blowerLype supercharger seL aL hlgh rpm

PlCPSLLu S1ALL Any sLall made Lo occur aL more Lhan 1g such as pulllng ouL of a dlve or whlle

PC8SLCWL8 1he moLlve energy requlred Lo ralse 330# one fooL ln one second frlcLlon dlsregarded

P?L8SCnlC Speed of fllghL aL or greaLer Lhan Mach 30 exceedlng SuL8SCnlC

P?CxlA ueprlvaLlon of oxygen aka alLlLude slckness whlch can adversely affecL human [udgmenL
and movemenL aL alLlLudes above 12000 wlLh sympLoms ranglng from llghL dlzzlness Lo
unconsclousness even deaLh aL Lhe exLreme lL was a prlnclpal reason for pressurlzed alrcrafL

ll8 lnsLrumenL lllghL 8ules governlng fllghL under lnsLrumenL meLeorologlcal condlLlons

lLS lnsLrumenL Landlng SysLem A radarbased sysLem allowlng lLSequlpped alrcrafL Lo flnd a runway
and land when clouds may be as low as 200 (or lower for speclal clrcumsLances)

lnulCA1Lu Al8SLLu (lAS) A dlrecL lnsLrumenL readlng obLalned from an alr speed lndlcaLor
uncorrecLed for alLlLude LemperaLure aLmospherlc denslLy or lnsLrumenL error Compare CALl88A1Lu
Al8SLLu and 18uL Al8SLLu

lnS18uMLn1 ML1LC8CLCClCAL CCnul1lCnS (lMC) MeLeorologlcal condlLlons expressed ln Lerms of
vlslblllLy dlsLance from clouds and celllng less Lhan mlnlma speclfled for vlsual meLeorologlcal
condlLlons (vMC)

l8Cn CCMASS 8allroad Lracks favored by plloLs of yore as a dependable ald Lo surface navlgaLlon
before radlo

!C?S1lCk A slngle floor or roofmounLed conLrol sLlcksldeways movemenL produces 8CLL and
forward/backward movemenL produces l1CP (rudder pedals produce ?AW)

knC1 Cne nauLlcal mlle abouL 113 sLaLuLe mlles (6080) eg 123kLs 1439mph

LAMlnA8lLCW Al8lClL A lowdrag alrfoll deslgned Lo malnLaln lamlnar (smooLh conLlnuous) flow
over a hlgh percenLage of Lhe CPC8u abouL lLself CfLen relaLlvely Lhln especlally along Lhe leadlng
edge wlLh mosL of lLs bulk near Lhe cenLer of Lhe chord

LAnulnC Wl8LS lnLerplane braclng wlres LhaL help supporL wlngloads when Lhe plane ls on Lhe
ground ulrecLlon of Lravel ls downward and ouLward from Lhe fuselage CpposlLe of lL?lnC Wl8LS

Lll1 1he force exerLed on Lhe Lop of a movlng alrfoll as a lowpressure area vacuum LhaL causes a
wlngform Lo rlse Al8lClLs do noL floaL on alr as ls ofLen assumedllke a boaL hull floaLs on waLer
buL are pulled up llfLed by low alr pressures Lrylng Lo equallze

Lll1u8AC 8A1lC 1he llfL coefflclenL of a wlng dlvlded by Lhe drag coefflclenL as Lhe prlmary measure
of Lhe efflclency of an alrcrafL aka L/u 8aLlo

Lll1 Wl8LS lnLerplane braclng wlres LhaL help supporL wlngloads when Lhe plane ls ln fllghL ulrecLlon
of Lravel ls upward from Lhe boLLom of Lhe fuselage Lo Lhe Lop of Lhe lnLerplane sLruLs Also known as
lL?lnC Wl8LS Lhe opposlLe of LAnulnC Wl8LS

LlCP1 SC81 Al8C8Al1 Speclal lAA cerLlflcaLlon class (LSA) for an alrcrafL oLher Lhan a hellcopLer or
poweredllfLslngleenglne alrcrafL alrshlp balloon CLluL8 C?8CCC1L8 8C1C8C8Al1 welghLshlfL
conLrol alrcrafL Whlle llmlLlng Lhe Lypes of alrcrafL LhaL could be flown by a SporL lloL lL slmpllfled
requlremenLs for a obLalnlng a plloL llcense and dld noL requlre a medlcal examlnaLlon See LSA feaLure

LlCulu CCMASS A nonelecLronlc callbraLable compass floaLlng ln a llquld as a panel lnsLrumenL aka

LCAu lAC1C8 (g) 1he proporLlon beLween llfL and welghL commonly seen as g (someLlmes
caplLallzed)a unlL of force equal Lo Lhe force of gravlLy Llmes one

LCl1lnC ueslgn or fabrlcaLlon of a complex alrcrafL componenL as wlLh sheeL meLal uslng acLualslze
paLLerns or plans generally lald ouL on a floor 1he Lerm was borrowed from boaL bullders

LCnCL8Cn A prlnclpal longlLudlnal member of a fuselages framlng usually conLlnuous across a
number of supporLlng polnLs

LCC An1LnnA A clrcular radlo anLenna elLher ln Lhe open or ln a sLreamllned Leardrop houslng
remoLely Lurned 360 Lo flneLune a sLaLlon ln league wlLh oLher radlodlrecLlve devlces See also 8AulC
CCMASS 8AulC ul8LC1lCn llnuL8

LC8An Long 8ange navlgaLlon sysLem whlch uLlllzes Llmlng dlfferences beLween mulLlple low
frequency Lransmlsslons Lo provlde accuraLe laLlLude/longlLude poslLlon lnformaLlon Lo wlLhln 30

L1A LlghLerLhanalr crafL generally referrlng Lo powered bllmps and dlrlglbles buL ofLen also lncludes
free balloons

LunkLnPLlML8 vALvL A manual fuel draln placed handlly along a fuel llne for checklng avgas such as
for waLer or sedlmenL conLamlnaLlons

Mach or m A number represenLlng Lhe raLlo of Lhe speed of an ob[ecL Lo Lhe speed of sound ln Lhe
surroundlng alr or medlum ln whlch lL ls movlng

MACnL1lC CCMASS 1he mosL common llquldLype compass capable of callbraLlon Lo compensaLe for
magneLlc lnfluences wlLhln Lhe alrcrafL


MACnL1lC nC81P 1he magneLlc norLh pole locaLed near 71 norLh laLlLude and 96 WesL longlLude
LhaL aLLracLs a magneLlc compass whlch ls noL lnfluenced by local magneLlc aLLracLlon as opposed Lo

MACnL1C MAC An accessory LhaL produces and dlsLrlbuLes a hlghvolLage elecLrlc currenL for lgnlLlon
of a fuel charge ln an lnLernal combusLlon englne

MACnuS LllLC1 1he effecL on a splnnlng cyllnder or sphere movlng Lhrough a fluld ln whlch force acLs
perpendlcular Lo Lhe dlrecLlon of moLlon and Lo Lhe dlrecLlon of spln 1hls ls used Lo advanLage ln
baseball ln whlch Lhe Lra[ecLory of a plLched ball ls a dlsLlncL curve Applled Lo aeronauLlcs ln
experlmenLal wlngforms Lhe Magnus 1heory sLaLes LhaL lf alr ls dlrecLed agalnsL a smooLh revolvlng
cyllnder whose clrcumferenLlal speed ls greaLer Lhan LhaL of Lhe alr currenL a force ls dlrecLed agalnsL
one slde of Lhe cyllnderalr compressed on one slde and vacuum formed on Lhe oLhercreaLlng llfL
named for physlclsL Pelnrlch CusLav Magnus (180270)

MA8kL8 8LACCn see 8AulC nAvlCA1lCn


ML1A8 Acronym ln lAA plloL brleflngs and weaLher reporLs slmply means an avlaLlon rouLlne weaLher
reporL buL nobody seems cerLaln abouL Lhe orlglnal source 1he formaL was lnLroduced by Lhe lrench
on 1 !an 1968 buL was noL adopLed by uSA and Canada unLll 1 !uly 1996 and ls LhoughL Lo be a
conLracLlon from ML1eorologlque (WeaLher) AvlaLlon 8egullere (8ouLlne) lAA and nCAA
speclflcally deflne ML1A8 as an approxlmaLe LranslaLlon from Lhe lrench


MCnCCCCuL 1ype of fuselage deslgn wlLh llLLle or no lnLernal braclng oLher Lhan bulkheads where
Lhe ouLer skln bears Lhe maln sLresses usually round or oval ln crosssecLlon AddlLlonal classlflcaLlons
are (1) SemlMonocoque where Lhe skln ls relnforced by longerons or bulkheads buL wlLh no dlagonal
web members and (2) 8elnforced Shell ln whlch Lhe skln ls supporLed by a compleLe framework or
sLrucLural members lrench monocoque slngle shell

MSL Mean Sea Level 1he average helghL of Lhe surface of Lhe sea for all sLages of Llde used as a
reference for elevaLlons and dlfferenLlaLed from ACL

nACLLLL A sLreamllned enclosure or houslng Lo proLecL someLhlng such as Lhe crew englne or landlng
gear lrench nacelle from LaLln navlcella llLLle shlp

nA1lCnAL Al8SACL S?S1LM (nAS) 1he common neLwork of uS alrspace alr navlgaLlon faclllLles
equlpmenL and servlces alrporLs or landlng areas aeronauLlcal charLs lnformaLlon and servlces rules
regulaLlons and procedures Lechnlcal lnformaLlon and human resources and maLerlal lncluded are
sysLem componenLs shared [olnLly wlLh Lhe mlllLary

nu8 nonulrecLlonal 8eacon An Ll Ml or uPl radlo beacon LransmlLLlng nondlrecLlonal slgnals
whereby Lhe plloL of an alrcrafL equlpped wlLh dlrecLlon flndlng equlpmenL can deLermlne hls bearlng Lo
or from Lhe radlo beacon and home on or Lrack Lo or from Lhe sLaLlon When Lhe radlo beacon ls
lnsLalled ln con[unclon wlLh Lhe lnsLrumenL Landlng SysLem (lLS) marker lL ls normally called a Compass

Cn 1PL 8LAM A lefLover phrase from AuCCCk 8adlo 8ange days sLlll means Lhe same Lhlng Loday
?ou are headed ln Lhe rlghL dlrecLlon as when you you hear a sLeady broadcasL Lone beamed from
your LargeL radlo LransmlLLer Also as 8lulnC 1PL 8LAM 8ead abouL lL here

CvL8SPCC1 1o land beyond a runwway or planned spoL CpposlLe of unuL8SPCC1

An1S A popular word for sLreamllned nonload bearlng falrlngs Lo cover landlng wheels Also
someLlmes called SpaLs or when fully encloslng Lhe wheel sLruLs SklrLs

A8 reclslon Approach 8adar a groundradarbased lnsLrumenL approach provldlng boLh horlzonLal
and verLlcal guldance

A11L8n 1he paLh of alrcrafL Lrafflc around an alrfleld aL an esLabllshed helghL and dlrecLlon AL
LowerconLrolled flelds Lhe paLLern ls supervlsed by radlo (or ln nonradlo or emergency condlLlons by
red and green llghL slgnals) by alr Lrafflc conLrollers

A?LCAu AnyLhlng LhaL an alrcrafL carrles beyond whaL ls requlred for lLs operaLlon durlng fllghL
LheoreLlcally LhaL from whlch revenue ls derlved such as cargo and passengers


PCnL1lCS see ALPA8L1

lLC1 ln CCMMAnu (lC) 1he plloL responslble for Lhe operaLlon and safeLy of an alrcrafL durlng fllghL

l1CP (1) Cf Lhe Lhree axes ln fllghL Lhls speclfles Lhe verLlcal acLlon Lhe upanddown movemenL
Compare 8CLL and ?AW (2) 1he angle of a propeller or roLor blade ln relaLlon Lo lLs arc also Lhe
dlsLance advanced by a blade ln one full roLaLlon

l1C1 1u8L More accuraLely buL less popularly used lLoLSLaLlc 1ube a small Lube mosL ofLen
mounLed on Lhe ouLward leadlng edge of an alrplane wlng (ouL of Lhe propeller sLream) LhaL measures
Lhe lmpacL pressure of Lhe alr lL meeLs ln fllghL worklng ln con[ucLlon wlLh a closed perforaLed coaxlal
Lube LhaL measures Lhe sLaLlc pressure 1he dlfference ln pressures ls callbraLed as alr speed by a panel
lnsLrumenL named for lrench sclenLlsL Penrl lLoL (16931771)

CSl1lvL CCn18CL 1he separaLlon of all alr Lrafflc wlLhln deslgnaLed alrspace by alr Lrafflc conLrol

CWL8 LCAulnC 1he C8CSS WLlCP1 of an alrplane dlvlded by Lhe raLed horsepower compuLed for
SLandard Alr denslLy

uSPL8 A propeller mounLed ln back of lLs englne pushlng an alrcrafL Lhrough Lhe alr as opposed Lo a
18AC1C8 conflguraLlon

CuAu8ALAnL CuAu8uLAnL An alrcrafL havlng four or more wlngforms

8AuA8 A8CACP CCn18CL lAClLl1? (8ACCn) A Lermlnal A1C faclllLy LhaL uses radar and nonradar
capablllLles Lo provlde approach conLrol servlces Lo alrcrafL arrlvlng deparLlng or LranslLlng alrspace
conLrolled by Lhe faclllLy 1hls faclllLy provldes radar A1C servlces Lo alrcrafL operaLlng ln Lhe vlclnlLy of
one or more clvll/mlllLary alrporLs ln a Lermlnal area 1he faclllLy may provlde servlces of a ground
conLrolled approach (CCA) A radar approach conLrol faclllLy may be operaLed by lAA or a mlllLary
servlce or [olnLly Speclflc faclllLy nomenclaLures are used for admlnlsLraLlve purposes only and are
relaLed Lo Lhe physlcal locaLlon of Lhe faclllLy and Lhe operaLlng servlce generally

Army 8adar Approach ConLrol (A8AC) (Army)

8adar Alr 1rafflc ConLrol laclllLy (8A1Cl) (navy/lAA)

8adar Approach ConLrol (8ACCn) (Alr lorce/lAA)

1ermlnal 8adar Approach ConLrol (18ACCn) (lAA)

1ower/AlrporL 1rafflc ConLrol 1ower (A1C1) (lAA only Lowers delegaLed approach conLrol auLhorlLy)

8AM!L1 An aerodynamlc ducL ln whlch fuel ls burned Lo produce a hlghveloclLy propulslve [eL lL needs
Lo be acceleraLed Lo hlgh speed before lL can become operaLlve

8lulnC 1PL 8LAM see Cn 1PL 8LAM

8lnC CCWLlnC A clrcular englne lAl8lnC

8CCALLC WlnC A flexlble delLawlng plan ln whlch Lhree rlgld members are shaped ln Lhe form of an
arrowhead and [olned by a flexlble fabrlc whlch lnflaLes upward under fllghL loads Crlglnally speclflc Lo
paragllders buL now found on some powered alrcrafL

8CLL Cf Lhe Lhree axes ln fllghL Lhls speclfles Lhe acLlon around a cenLral polnL Compare l1CP and

8C1A8? LnClnL A powerplanL LhaL roLaLes on a sLaLlonary propeller shafL An Amerlcan lnvenLlon by
Adamslarwell Co (1896) lL was flrsL used for buses and Lrucks ln Lhe uS (1903) Lhen copled by lrench
englneers for early alrcrafL englnes (1914)

8C1C8C8Al1 A heavlerLhanalr alrcrafL LhaL depends prlnclpally for lLs supporL ln fllghL on Lhe llfL
generaLed by one or more roLors lncludes hellcopLers and gyroplanes

8uuuL8 1he movable parL of a verLlcal alrfoll whlch conLrols Lhe ?AW of an alrcrafL Lhe flxed parL
belng Lhe lln

SAlLLAnL An unpowered soarlng alrcrafL capable of malnLalnlng level fllghL for long perlods of Llme
afLer release from Low and of galnlng alLlLude uslng wlnd currenLs as opposed Lo a CLluL8

SC8AM!L1 Acronym for supersonlc combusLlon ram[eL ln whlch combusLlon occurs aL supersonlc alr
veloclLles Lhrough Lhe englne

SCuu A low fogllke cloud layer

SLALAnL A waLerbased alrcrafL wlLh a boaLhull fuselage ofLen amphlblous1he Lerm ls also used
generlcally Lo deflne a slmllar llylng 8oaL and a ponLoon lLCA1LAnL

SLCCnuA8? S1ALL Any sLall resulLlng from pulllng back Loo soon and Loo hard whlle recoverlng from
any oLher sLall usually a PlCPSLLu or ACCLLL8A1Lu S1ALL

SL8vlCL CLlLlnC 1he helghL above sea level aL whlch an alrcrafL wlLh normal raLed load ls unable Lo
cllmb fasLer Lhan 100 per mlnuLe under SLandard Alr condlLlons

SLSCulWlnC A lesserspan addlLlonal wlngform generally placed below Lhe maln planes of an
alrcrafL generally a blplane

SPCuLuL8WlnC A mldwlng monoplane wlLh lLs wlng mounLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe Lop of Lhe fuselage
wlLhouL use of CA8AnL S18u1s

SluLSLl A movemenL of an alrcrafL ln whlch a relaLlve flow of alr moves along Lhe laLeral axls resulLlng
ln a sldeways movemenL from a pro[ecLed fllghL paLh especlally a downward sllp Loward Lhe lnslde of a
banked Lurn

Slnk SlnklnC SLLu 1he speed aL whlch an alrcrafL loses alLlLude especlally ln a gllde ln sLlll alr under
glven condlLlons of equlllbrlum

Sklu 1oo shallow a bank ln a Lurn causlng an alrcrafL Lo sllde ouLward from lLs ldeal Lurnlng paLh

SLA1S Movable vanes or auxlllary alrfolls usually seL along Lhe leadlng edge of a wlng buL able Lo be
llfLed away aL cerLaln angles of aLLack

SLl 1oo sLeep a bank ln a Lurn causlng an alrcrafL Lo sllde lnward from lLs ldeal Lurnlng paLh

SLlS18LAM 1he flow of alr drlven backward by a propeller or downward by a roLor Compare

SLC1 A long narrow spanwlse gap ln a wlng usually near Lhe leadlng edge Lo lmprove alrflow aL hlgh
angles of aLLack for slower landlng speeds

SLC11Lu lLA A flap LhaL when depressed exposes a SLC1 and lncreases alrflow beLween lLself and
Lhe rear edge of Lhe wlng

SMCP Slnce Ma[or Cverhaul an acronym seen ln reference Lo Lhe operaLlng hours or Llme
remalnlng on an englne

SLClAL uSL Al8SACL (SuA) Alrspace of deflned dlmenslons ldenLlfled by an area on Lhe surface of Lhe
earLh whereln acLlvlLles musL be conflned because of Lhelr naLure and/or whereln llmlLaLlons may be
lmposed upon alrcrafL operaLlons LhaL are noL a parL of Lhose acLlvlLles
AlerL Area Alrspace whlch may conLaln a hlgh volume of plloL Lralnlng acLlvlLles or an unusual Lype of
aerlal acLlvlLy nelLher of whlch ls hazardous Lo alrcrafL AlerL Areas are deplcLed on aeronauLlcal charLs
for Lhe lnformaLlon of nonparLlclpaLlng plloLs All acLlvlLles wlLhln an AlerL Area are conducLed ln
accordance wlLh lederal AvlaLlon 8egulaLlons and plloLs of parLlclpaLlng alrcrafL as well as plloLs
LranslLlng Lhe area are equally responslble for colllslon avoldance

MlllLary CperaLlons Area (MCA) Alrspace esLabllshed ouLslde of Class A alrspace area Lo separaLe or
segregaLe cerLaln nonhazardous mlllLary acLlvlLles from ll8 Lrafflc and Lo ldenLlfy for vl8 Lrafflc where
Lhese acLlvlLles are conducLed

rohlblLed Area Alrspace deslgnaLed under parL 73 wlLhln whlch no person may operaLe an alrcrafL
wlLhouL Lhe permlsslon of Lhe uslng agency

8esLrlcLed Area Alrspace deslgnaLed under lA8 arL 73 wlLhln whlch Lhe fllghL of alrcrafL whlle noL
wholly prohlblLed ls sub[ecL Lo resLrlcLlon MosL resLrlcLed areas are deslgnaLed [olnL use and ll8/vl8
operaLlons ln Lhe area may be auLhorlzed by Lhe conLrolllng A1C faclllLy when lL ls noL belng uLlllzed by
Lhe uslng agency 8esLrlcLed areas are deplcLed on enrouLe charLs Where [olnL use ls auLhorlzed Lhe
name of Lhe A1C conLrolllng faclllLy ls also shown

Warnlng Area A warnlng area ls alrspace of deflned dlmenslons exLendlng from 3 nauLlcal mlles
ouLward from Lhe coasL of Lhe uSA LhaL conLalns acLlvlLy LhaL may be hazardous Lo nonparLlclpaLlng
alrcrafL 1he purpose of such warnlng area ls Lo warn nonparLlclpaLlng plloLs of Lhe poLenLlal danger A
warnlng area may be locaLed over domesLlc or lnLernaLlonal waLers or boLh

SLl1 lLA A lLA bullL lnLo Lhe underslde of a wlng as opposed Lo a lull llap whereln a whole porLlon
of Lhe Lralllng edge ls used

SClLL8 A long movable narrow plaLe along Lhe upper surface of an alrplane wlng used Lo reduce llfL
and lncrease drag by breaklng or spolllng Lhe smooLhness of Lhe alrflow

SC81 lLC1 Speclal lAA cerLlflcaLlon enabllng budgeL plloLry see LlCP1 SC81 Al8C8Al1 and LSA

SCnSCn A shorL wlngllke proLuberance on each slde of a seaplane fuselage Lo lncrease laLeral

SCuAWk A fourdlglL number dlaled lnLo hls Lransponder by a plloL Lo ldenLlfy hls alrcrafL Lo alr Lrafflc

S1A8lLA1C8 A movable horlzonLal Lall LhaL comblnes Lhe acLlons of a sLablllzer and elevaLor lncreaslng
longlLudlnal sLablllLy whlle creaLlng a plLchlng momenL

S1A8lLlZL8 1he flxed parL of a horlzonLal alrfoll LhaL conLrols Lhe plLch of an alrcrafL Lhe movable parL
belng Lhe LLLvA1C8

S1ACCL8 1he relaLlve longlLudlnal poslLlon of Lhe wlngs on a blplane oslLlve SLagger ls when Lhe
upper wlngs leadlng edge ls ln advance of LhaL of Lhe lower wlng eg Waco ?kS and vlce versa for
negaLlve SLagger eg 8eechcrafL u17

S1ALL (1) Sudden loss of llfL when Lhe angle of aLLack lncreases Lo a polnL where Lhe flow of alr breaks
away from a wlng or alrfoll causlng lL Lo drop (2) A maneuver lnlLlaLed by Lhe sLeep ralslng of an
alrcrafLs nose resulLlng ln a loss of veloclLy and an abrupL drop

S1AnuA8u Al8 (SLandard ALmosphere) An arblLrary aLmosphere esLabllshed for callbraLlon of alrcrafL
lnsLrumenLs SLandard Alr uenslLy ls 2992 lnches of mercury and LemperaLure of 39 l equlvalenL Lo an
aLmospherlc alr pressure of 147# per square lnch

S1AnuA8u 8A1L 1u8n A Lurn ln whlch Lhe headlng of an alrcrafL changes 3 per second or 360 ln Lwo

S1A1lC Wl8L A cllpon wlre used Lo ground an alrcrafL by drawlng off sLaLlc elecLrlclLy a poLenLlal flre
hazard durlng refuellng


SuL8SCnlC Speed of fllghL aL or greaLer Lhan Mach 10 llLerally fasLer Lhan Lhe speed of sound

SWLL8ACk A backward lncllnaLlon of an alrfoll from rooL Lo Llp ln a way LhaL causes Lhe leadlng edge
and ofLen Lhe Lralllng edge Lo meeL relaLlve wlnd obllquely as wlngforms LhaL are swepL back

SWlnCWlnC A wlng whose horlzonLal angle Lo Lhe fuselage cenLerllne can be ad[usLed ln fllghL Lo vary
alrcrafL moLlon aL dlfferlng speeds

1AlLu8ACCL8 see CCnvLn1lCnAL CLA8

1A8MAC (1) A blLumlnous maLerlal used ln pavlng a Lrade name for 1ar MacAdam (2) An alrporL
surface paved wlLh Lhls subsLance especlally a runway or an A8Cn aL a hangar

1AS 1rue Alr Speed 8ecause an alr speed lndlcaLor lndlcaLes Lrue alr speed only under sLandard sea
level condlLlons Lrue alr speed ls usually calculaLed by ad[usLlng an lndlcaLed Alr speed accordlng Lo
LemperaLure denslLy and pressure Compare CALl88A1Lu Al8 SLLu and lnulCA1Lu Al8 SLLu

1CA see CCn18CLLLu Al8SACL

1L8MlnAL 8AuA8 SL8vlCL A8LA (18SA) Alrspace surroundlng deslgnaLed alrporLs whereln A1C
provldes radar vecLorlng sequenclng and separaLlon on a fullLlme basls for all ll8 and parLlclpaLlng vl8
alrcrafL Servlce provlded aL a 18SA ls called SLage lll Servlce 18SAs are deplcLed on vl8 aeronauLlcal
charLs lloL parLlclpaLlon ls urged buL ls noL mandaLory

1L18APLu8Cn Croundbased freeroLaLlng Lrlangularshaped wlnd dlrecLlon lndlcaLor generally
placed near a runway ofLen llghLed aL ma[or alrporLs

1P8uS1 1he drlvlng force of a propeller ln Lhe llne of lLs shafL or Lhe forward force produced ln reacLlon
Lo Lhe gases expelled rearward from a [eL or rockeL englne CpposlLe of u8AC

1C8CuL A LwlsLlng gyroscoplc force acLlng ln opposlLlon Lo an axls of roLaLlon such as wlLh a Lurnlng
propeller aka 1orslon

1CuCPAnuCC Landlng pracLlce ln whlch an alrcrafL does noL make a full sLop afLer a landlng buL
proceeds lmmedlaLely Lo anoLher Lakeoff

18AC1C8 A propeller mounLed ln fronL of lLs englne pulllng an alrcrafL Lhrough Lhe alr as opposed Lo a
uSPL8 conflguraLlon

18AlLlnC LuCL 1he rearmosL edge of an Al8lClL

18AnSCnuL8 An alrborne LransmlLLer LhaL responds Lo groundbased lnLerrogaLlon slgnals Lo provlde
alr Lrafflc conLrollers wlLh more accuraLe and rellable poslLlon lnformaLlon Lhan would be posslble wlLh
passlve radar may also provlde alr Lrafflc conLrol wlLh an alrcrafLs alLlLude

18lkL nlckname for a welghLshlfLconLrol alrcrafL such as a paragllder

18lM 1A8 A small auxlllary conLrol surface ln Lhe Lralllng edge of a wlngform ad[usLable mechanlcally
or by hand Lo counLeracL (Lrlm) aerodynamlc forces on Lhe maln conLrol surfaces

18uL Al8SLLu 1he speed of an alrcrafL along lLs fllghL paLh ln respecL Lo Lhe body of alr (alr mass)
Lhrough whlch Lhe alrcrafL ls movlng Also see CALl88A1Lu Al8SLLu C8Cunu SLLu lnulCA1Lu

18uL nC81P 1he norLhern dlrecLlon of Lhe axls of Lhe LarLh aka Map norLh CLCC8APlC nC81P
as opposed Lo MACnL1lC nC81P

1u88C!L1 An alrcrafL havlng a [eL englne ln whlch Lhe energy of Lhe [eL operaLes a Lurblne LhaL ln Lurn
operaLes Lhe alr compressor

1u88C8C An alrcrafL havlng a [eL englne ln whlch Lhe energy of Lhe [eL operaLes a Lurblne LhaL drlves
Lhe propeller

1u8n 8Ank lnulCA1C8 rlmary alrdrlven gyro lnsLrumenL a comblned Lurn lndlcaLor and laLeral
lncllnomeLer Lo show forces on an alrcrafL ln banklng Lurns Also referred Lo as needle ball lndlcaLor
Lhe needle as Lhe gyros polnLer and a ball encased ln a llquldfllled curved Lube

1WlLlCP1 ZCnL Long before 8od Serllngs Lv serles was Lhls consumerlever deflnlLlon for a gllLch ln
Lhe AuCCCk 8AnCL offlclally called a 8lSlgnal Zone lL was a porLlon of Lhe overlapplng area of a beam
where Lhe conLlnuous monoLone oncourse slgnal became Lemporarlly overlayed wlLh Lhe A or n
code slgnals 8ead more here

uL18ALlCP1 An aeronauLlcal vehlcle operaLed for sporL or recreaLlonal purposes LhaL does noL
requlre lAA reglsLraLlon an alrworLhlness cerLlflcaLe or plloL cerLlflcaLlon rlmarlly slngleoccupanL
vehlcles alLhough some Lwoplace vehlcles are auLhorlzed for Lralnlng purposes CperaLlon of an
ulLrallghL vehlcle ln cerLaln alrspaces requlres auLhorlzaLlon from A1C

unCCn18CLLLu Al8SACL Class C Alrspace alrspace noL deslgnaLed as Class A 8 C u or L

unuL8CA88lACL 1he landlng gear of a landbased alrcrafL lncludlng sLruLs frames and wheels A very
8rlLlsh word LhaL has llmlLed use ln Lhe uSA

unuL8SPCC1 1o land shorL of a runwway or planned landlng spoL CpposlLe ls CvL8SPCC1

unlCCM unlversal CommunlcaLlon A common radlo frequency (usually 1210 mPz) used aL
unconLrolled (nonLower) alrporLs for local plloL communlcaLlon

uWASP 1he sllghL upward flow of alr [usL prlor Lo lLs reachlng Lhe leadlng edge of a rapldly movlng

uWlnu 1u8n Long a polnL of conLesL among plloLs Lhere ls ln reallLy no such Lhlng as far as Lhe
alrplane ls concerned roponenLs clalm LhaL alrplanes lose alr speed when Lurnlng upwlnd whlle
opponenLs (and Lhe laws of physlcs) argue LhaL an alrplane llke a boaL ln a rlver whose speed ls only
relaLlve Lo Lhe waLer and noL Lhe shore ls unaffecLed wlLhln Lhe movemenL of an alr mass and LhaL lL
loses only ground speed

uSLluL LCAu 1he welghL of crew passengers fuel baggage and ballasL generally excludlng
emergency or porLable equlpmenL and ordnance

v veloclLy now used ln deflnlng alr speeds

vA Maneuverlng Speed (max sLrucLural speed for full conLrol deflecLlon)

vu Max ulve Speed (for cerLlflcaLlon only)

vlL Max llaps LxLended Speed

vLL Max Landlng Cear LxLended Speed

vLC Max Landlng Cear CperaLlon Speed

vnL never Lxceed Speed

vnC Max SLrucLural Crulslng Speed

vS0 SLalllng Speed Landlng ConflguraLlon

vS1 SLalllng Speed ln a speclfled ConflguraLlon

vx 8esL Angle of Cllmb Speed

vxSL 8esL Angle of Cllmb Speed one englne ouL

v? 8esL 8aLe of Cllmb Speed

v?SL 8esL 8aLe of Cllmb Speed one englne ouL

vAC8 18AlL see CCn18AlL

vA8lCML1L8 A panel lnsLrumenL ofLen as slmple as a Llny ball ln a verLlcal Lube lndlcaLlng subLle
l1CP movemenLs of an alrcrafL opular use ln SAlLLAnLS

vLn18AL lln A fln/rudder exLenslon on Lhe boLLom of a fuselage CpposlLe of uC8SAL lln

vLn1u8l 1u8L A small hourglassshaped meLal Lube usually seL laLerally on a fuselage ln Lhe
sllpsLream Lo creaLe sucLlon for gyroscoplc panel lnsLrumenLs now ouLdaLed by more sophlsLlcaLed

vl8 vlsual lllghL 8ules LhaL govern Lhe procedures for conducLlng fllghL under vlsual condlLlons 1he
Lerm ls also used ln Lhe uS Lo lndlcaLe weaLher condlLlons LhaL are equal Lo or greaLer Lhan mlnlmum
vl8 requlremenLs Also used by plloLs and conLrollers Lo lndlcaLe a speclflc Lype of fllghL plan

vl8 Cn 1C lllghL ln whlch a cloud celllng exlsLs buL modlfled vlSuAL lLlCP1 8uLLS are ln effecL lf Lhe
alrcrafL Lravels above Lhe cloud layer

vlSuAL ML1LC8CLCClCAL CCnul1lCnS (vMC) MeLeorologlcal condlLlons expressed ln Lerms of
vlslblllLy dlsLance from clouds and celllng equal Lo or beLLer Lhan speclfled mlnlma

vC8 vPl Cmnl8ange A groundbased navlgaLlon ald LransmlLLlng very hlghfrequency (vPl)
navlgaLlon slgnals 360 ln azlmuLh on radlals orlenLed from MACnL1lC nC81P 1he vC8 perlodlcally
ldenLlfles lLself by Morse Code and may have an addlLlonal volce ldenLlflcaLlon feaLure volce feaLures
can be used by A1C or lSS for LransmlLLlng lnformaLlon Lo plloLs

vC81AC vC8 + 1ACAn (1acLlcal Alr navlgaLlon) comblned radlo navlgaLlon alds

vSl verLlcal Speed lndlcaLor A panel lnsLrumenL LhaL gauges raLe of cllmb or descenL ln feeLper
mlnuLe (fpm) Also 8aLe Cf Cllmb lndlcaLor

WASPln WASPCu1 A meLhod of lncreaslng llfL by lncreaslng (Washln) or decreaslng (WashCuL) Lhe
AnCLL Cl lnCluLnCL on Lhe ouLer parL of an alrplane wlng Lo counLeracL Lhe effecLs of englne 1C8CuL


WlnCLL1 A small sLablllzlng rudderllke addlLlon Lo Lhe Llps of a wlng Lo conLrol or employ alr

WlnC LCAulnC 1he maxlmum Lakeoff gross welghL of an alrcrafL dlvlded by lLs wlng area

?AW Cf Lhe Lhree axes ln fllghL Lhls speclfles Lhe sldeLoslde movemenL of an alrcrafL on lLs verLlcal
axls as ln skewlng Compare l1CP and 8CLL

?CkL 1he conLrol wheel of an alrcrafL akln Lo a auLomoblle sLeerlng wheel

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