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Tugas 4 Perpindahan Massa Muhammad Rizky Putra Pratama 0906640860

9.15. A solution of hexane and hepatane containing 50 wt% each is to be continuously fractionated at standard atmospheric pressure at the rate 4000 kg/h. the distillate product is to contain 95 wt% hexane, the residue 0.5%. The feed will be 30 mol% vaporized before it enters the tower. A total condenser will be used, and reflux will be returned at the bubble point. a. Determine the product rates, kg/h. b. Determine the minimum reflux ratio. c. Determine the minimum number of theoretical trays, graphically and by means of eq. (9.85). d. Determine the number of theoretical trays required at a reflux ratio equal to twice the minimum and the position of the feed tray. e. Estimate the overall tray efficiency of a sieve-tray tower of conventional design and the number of real tays. f. Using the distillate temperature as the base temperature, determine the enthalpy of the feed, the products, and the vapor entering the condenser. Determine the heat loads of the condenser and reboiler.

Jawab Dik F = 4000 Kg/h o Xf = 50 % wt o Xd = 95 % wt o Xb = 0,5 % wt o P = 1 atm o Menggunakan total kondensor o Refluks pada titik didih o Q =0,3 Mr Hexane = 86 Mr Heptane = 100

Jawab Tabel kesetimbangan Hexane

x 0 0,021 0,042 0,063 0,085 0,108 0,131 0,154 0,178 0,203 0,228 0,254 0,28 0,308 0,335 0,364 0,393 0,423 0,454 0,486 0,518 0,552 0,586 0,621 0,658 0,695 0,733 0,773 0,813 0,855 0,898 0,942 0,988 1

y 0 0,047 0,093 0,137 0,18 0,222 0,263 0,303 0,341 0,379 0,416 0,451 0,486 0,519 0,552 0,584 0,614 0,644 0,673 0,701 0,729 0,755 0,781 0,805 0,829 0,853 0,875 0,897 0,918 0,938 0,958 0,977 0,995 1

Gambar 1. Ilustrasi Multi-stage Distillation

a. Menghitung laju alir produk



= 24.24 kgmo/h

B=FD B = 43.3 24.24 = 19.06 kgmol/h

b. Minimum refluks ratio Perpotongan garis operasi enriching dan stripping naik hingga perpotongan feed line dan kurva kesetimbangan.

Feed line :

q = 0,3, sehingga slope feed line

dan intreseptnya 0.77

Persamaan feed line : Y = -0.428 x + 0.77

1.2 1 Series1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Series2 Series3 Series4 Series5 Series6 Series7 Series8

Rm = X dan Y didapat dari perpotongan feed line dengan kurva kesetimbangan Didapat x = 0.39 dan y = 0.6 maka didapat Rm , Rm =

c. Jumlah tray minimum Eq. 9.85 Treybal: *( )( )+




d. Jumlah tray jika R = 2Rm

R = 2 x Rm R = 2 x 0.63 R =1.26

Dari grafik diatas didapat jumlah tray 11

e. Efisiensi tray dan jumlah tray real

Jumlah tray ideal jika

Karena R berubah, maka enriching line akan bergeser. Intersepnya menjadi:

Perpotongan enriching line dengan feed line merupakan titik awal stripping line. Dari gambar berikut, dapat diketahui jumlah tray yang diperlukan.

Jumlah tray yang diperlukan : 13

Feed masuk pada tray ke 5 Efisiensi Murphree:

Efisiensi overall: ( )


, maka:


Efisiensi tray overall = 90% Jumlah tray real = 20

a. T0 = TD

(Data heat capacity, latent heat, dan heat of solution diambil dari International Critical Tables vol.V)

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