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ANRV297-EN52-05 ARI 21 November 2006 10:17

The Sublethal Effects of

Pesticides on Beneficial
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

Nicolas Desneux,1 Axel Decourtye,2

and Jean-Marie Delpuech3
Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108;
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

ACTA, Institut Claude Bourgelat—ENVL, 69280 Marcy L’étoile, France;
Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive (UMR 5558); CNRS; Université
Lyon 1, 69622, Villeurbanne Cedex, France; email:

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007. 52:81–106 Key Words

First published online as a Review in ecotoxicology, insecticide, behavior, honey bee, natural enemy
Advance on July 14, 2006

The Annual Review of Entomology is online at Abstract
Traditionally, measurement of the acute toxicity of pesticides to ben-
This article’s doi: eficial arthropods has relied largely on the determination of an acute
median lethal dose or concentration. However, the estimated lethal
Copyright  c 2007 by Annual Reviews. dose during acute toxicity tests may only be a partial measure of
All rights reserved
the deleterious effects. In addition to direct mortality induced by
0066-4170/07/0107-0081$20.00 pesticides, their sublethal effects on arthropod physiology and be-
havior must be considered for a complete analysis of their impact.
An increasing number of studies and methods related to the identi-
fication and characterization of these effects have been published in
the past 15 years. Review of sublethal effects reported in published
literature, taking into account recent data, has revealed new insights
into the sublethal effects of pesticides including effects on learn-
ing performance, behavior, and neurophysiology. We characterize
the different types of sublethal effects on beneficial arthropods, fo-
cusing mainly on honey bees and natural enemies, and we describe
the methods used in these studies. Finally, we discuss the potential
for developing experimental approaches that take into account these
sublethal effects in integrated pest management and the possibility
of integrating their evaluation in pesticide registration procedures.

ANRV297-EN52-05 ARI 21 November 2006 10:17

INTRODUCTION AND dose/concentration can be sublethal or lethal).

DEFINITIONS A sublethal dose/concentration is defined as
inducing no apparent mortality in the experi-
Pollinator: an For the past 20 years, the effects of pesticides
organism that carries mental population.
on beneficial arthropods have been the sub-
pollen from one We review the sublethal effects of pesti-
ject of an increasing number of studies, and
flower to another cides on beneficial arthropods reported in the
the potential effects have been reviewed sev-
IPM: integrated published literature and divide these effects
eral times (24, 62, 128). Two groups of organ-
pest management into two major groups: physiology and be-
isms, natural enemies and pollinators, have
LD50 : lethal dose havior. We focus on the side effects and not
received the most attention in this regard be-
50% on the indirect effects of pesticides, such as
cause of their value in integrated pest manage-
Sublethal effect: an habitat destruction and damage to nesting,
ment (IPM) (131) and pollination processes
effect (physiological oviposition, resting, and mating sites. This re-
(105), respectively.
or behavioral) on view aims to (a) provide a better understand-
Methods to test the side effects of pesti-
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

individuals that
ing of the different types of sublethal effects
survive an exposure cides have been developed as a function of the
to a pesticide (the associated with pesticide exposure, (b) clarify
beneficial arthropods and pesticides studied.
pesticide the range of methods used to address sub-
In each country, regulatory insect risk assess-
dose/concentration lethal effects and permit new insights into
ment related to agrochemical use and regis-
can be sublethal or the development of better experimental ap-
lethal) tration follows specific guidelines (European
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

proaches, (c) determine if evaluation of these

Council Directive 91/414 in Europe, and the
Sublethal effects could be included in the pesticides reg-
dose/concentration: Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenti-
istration process, and (d ) elucidate the pos-
a dose or a cide Act in the United States). For a long
concentration sible consequences of the sublethal effects
time, the classical laboratory method for esti-
defined as inducing of pesticides on the efficiency of beneficial
mating the side effects of chemicals on bene-
no statistically arthropods (pest limitation or pollination) and
ficial arthropods was to determine a median
significant mortality community dynamics.
in the experimental lethal dose (LD50 ) or lethal concentration
population (LC50 ) estimate. In a second step, the ef-
fects of pesticides on beneficial arthropods
were examined further by running selectivity PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS
tests (pest/beneficial arthropods) to identify
products with the lowest nontarget activity
General Biochemistry and
(24). However, estimation of selectivity was
based on LD50 values, and side effects of pes- Studies on effects of pesticides on insect bio-
ticides on beneficial arthropods still occurred chemistry have been conducted with both
because of the lack of attention to sublethal pollinator and natural enemy models. More
effects. Because of the increasing economic in-depth studies have been performed us-
importance of beneficial arthropods in agri- ing honey bees primarily because more is
culture and the recognition of limitations as- known about their biochemical systems. Ex-
sociated with traditional methods for study- periments on bee physiology have been done
ing sublethal effects of pesticides (80), a mainly by measuring the activity of enzymes
growing body of literature is aimed at ad- after or during exposure to pesticides. Af-
dressing this issue. Now, it is important ter injection of emerging honey bees in
to step back and review what these studies the laboratory, fenitrothion (organophospho-
have documented to determine the directions rus) and cypermethrin (pyrethroid) led to
of future studies and applications. Sublethal decreases in Na+ /K+ ATPase and acetyl-
effects are defined as effects (either physio- cholinesterase (AChE) activities (12). Re-
logical or behavioral) on individuals that sur- lated glycemic disorders were also linked
vive exposure to a pesticide (the pesticide to enzyme inhibition. Na+ /K+ ATPase is a

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ANRV297-EN52-05 ARI 21 November 2006 10:17

transmembrane enzyme that releases energy tested) was toxin specific as well as species
necessary for cell metabolism and establishes specific. The inhibition of AChE could lead
the ionic concentration balance that main- to general perturbation in all systems because
CO: cytochrome
tains the cell potential. Thus, the inhibition it is a major component in all synaptic oxidase
of Na+ /K+ exchange provoked by pyrethroids transmission (74), especially when inhibition
might affect a wide range of cellular functions. continues for a long time after exposure. For
For example, the pyrethroid deltamethrin example, eight days were required after a 24-
causes marked dysfunctions in myocardial or 48-h exposure to the organophosphorus
cells. Indeed, Papaefthimiou & Theophilidis diazinon and chlorpyrifos for AChE inhibi-
(97) have demonstrated the cardiotoxicity of tion in wolf spiders (Lycosidae) to disappear
deltamethrin using intracellular recordings (132). Thus, pesticide effects on important
from the myocardial cells of the semi-isolated enzyme systems cannot be extrapolated or
hearts of honey bee. The frequency and the deduced from LD50 values.
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

force of spontaneously generated cardiac con- Effects on neurophysiology have also been
tractions were modified by deltamethrin. The described. The metabolic activity in the honey
imidazole fungicide prochloraz had a simi- bee brain was investigated using cytochrome
lar impact, but its effects were more intense. oxidase (CO) histochemistry. Because CO is
When prochloraz and deltamethrin are com- the terminal enzyme in the electron transport
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

bined there is a synergistic interaction. The chain of the mitochondrial respiratory pro-
joint effects of both compounds were also in- cesses, histochemistry is used as an endoge-
vestigated on honey bee thermoregulation by nous metabolic marker for neuronal activity
infrared thermography. When associated with (145). Using CO histochemistry to carry out
prochloraz, deltamethrin elicited a joint hy- metabolic mapping of discrete brain regions,
pothermia at doses that did not induce a sig- Armengaud et al. (7) showed that CO histo-
nificant effect on thermoregulation when used chemistry could be used to identify the tar-
alone (133). One hypothesis was that imida- get structures of cholinergic ligands in the
zoles delayed the metabolism, detoxification, honey bee brain, particularly in the case of
and excretion of pyrethroids by inhibition of the neonicotinoid imidacloprid. In a behav-
microsomal oxidation and thus enhanced the ioral and histochemical analysis of the effect
toxicity of the pyrethroid to the honey bees of imidacloprid on olfactory learning in the
(98). However, the results of sublethal toxic- honey bee, oxidative metabolism in the ca-
ity suggest other mechanisms for synergistic lyces of the mushroom body was increased af-
toxic effects, such as combined action on a ter treatment (27). In parallel, the impairment
common target (97). of olfactory memory by imidacloprid was ob-
In contrast to studies conducted on honey served. The structure-specific increase of CO
bees, few studies have investigated the effects activity in the brain observed after treatment
of pesticides on the general biochemistry suggests that imidacloprid impairs olfactory
and enzymatic processes in natural enemies. memory by a physiological effect at the level of
In a study aiming to use enzyme activity the mushroom body, which is reported to have
as a biomarker of sublethal exposure to an essential role in olfactory memory (51a).
insecticides, Rumpf et al. (109) demonstrated Results demonstrating negative effects of
that acute toxicity tests (LD50 determination) pesticide at the biochemical and neurophysi-
could miss sublethal perturbations involving ological levels are difficult to interpret because
effects on enzymes. This study (on lacewings) their consequences at individual or population
showed that the correlation between the de- levels are often unknown. However, this is not
gree of AChE and glutathione-S-transferase the case with studies concerning communica-
inhibition and corresponding mortality tion between insects or the development of
caused by a given insecticide (five classes beneficial arthropod larvae. • Sublethal Effects of Pesticides 83

ANRV297-EN52-05 ARI 21 November 2006 10:17

Development window of susceptibility in the host. Fenoxy-

carb is reported to prolong the development
Sublethal effects on larval development may
time of the predator Chrysoperla rufilabris in
IGR: insect growth result from perturbations in development of
regulator all stages but the pupae (81). Cônsoli et al.
neural tissues by neurotoxic substances. Given
(21) reported that Trichogramma pretiosum pu-
Parasitoid: an insect the importance of the cholinergic system
that completes its pae displayed a higher sensitivity to pesticides
in insect development (117), many kinds of
larval development in terms of development time than did either
sublethal effects are possible. Insect growth
within the body of eggs, larvae, or prepupae. Increases in devel-
regulators (IGRs) are also likely to perturb
another insect opment time have also been reported in other
eventually killing it the development of beneficial arthropods. In-
predators exposed to neurotoxic insecticides
and is free-living as deed, IGRs are commercial hormone mim-
an adult (53–55) and on parasitoids exposed to botani-
ics that disrupt molting (juvenile hormone
cal insecticides (18). The impact of pesticides
JHA: juvenile or ecdysone mimics) and cuticle formation
hormone analog on development time may also be a function of
(chitin inhibitors) and more generally act on
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

gender. In the pentatomid predator Supputius

endocrine systems (49). Studies reporting pes-
cincticeps, exposure to permethrin decreased
ticide impacts on the development of natural
development time for females, whereas this
enemies typically differ with the biology of
time increased for males (146). Malforma-
the experimental subject (i.e., predators ver-
tions also occur in natural enemies after ex-
sus parasitoids). Studies using parasitoids of-
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

posure to pesticides and may lead to reduc-

ten report effects on adult emergence from the
tion in predator or parasitoid efficiency and
pupal stage (75, 110, 114). Adult emergence
fitness. In a study describing sublethal effects
has also been studied for the lacewing preda-
in the predators Coccinella septempunctata and
tor Mallada signatus exposed to the botanical
Chrysoperla carnae exposed to AzaA-treated
insecticide azadirachtin A (AzaA) in the pu-
aphids, Ahmad et al. (3) reported morpho-
pal stage (101). In most of these studies, how-
logical deformities and thus calculated a rate
ever, it has remained unclear whether reduced
of deformity to express all the visible defor-
adult emergence is related to the direct lethal
mations in adult individuals exposed to pesti-
effects of pesticides or if other perturbations
cides during the larval stage. Although this
such as organ malformation are primarily re-
statistic did not provide a qualitative mea-
sponsible. Other studies have further clarified
sure of deformation, it could be useful for
this subject. Schneider et al. (115) reported
estimating the potential developmental ef-
a decrease in emergence from parasitized
fects of pesticides. In another study, the hind
host after exposure to spinosad (spinosyns) in
tibia length was shorter in males of the para-
the endoparasitoid Hyposoter didymator; how-
sitoid Cotesia plutellae emerging from Plutella
ever, they related their findings to the appar-
xylostella larvae that fed on cabbage treated
ent inability of the larvae to produce silk, a
with botanical insecticide (18). Such a malfor-
necessary material for cocooning. A similar
mation in males may lead to a strong reduc-
finding has been reported for the predator
tion in their fitness because their capacity to
Chrysoperla carnea following fenoxycarb (juve-
mate is correlated with overall body size (69).
nile hormone analog, JHA) exposure (13).
In the reduviid predator Rhynocoris kumarii,
Another parameter often reported in asso-
adults developed severe abnormalities in the
ciation with the effects of pesticides on insect
alimentary canal, testis, and ovary when
development is the developmental rate. De-
treated with the organophosphorus insec-
velopmental rate can have a large impact on a
ticides monocrotophos, dimethoate, methyl
natural enemy’s intrinsic rate of increase (rm )
parathion, or quinalphos at sublethal doses
and phenological synchrony with the host or
(57). The authors determined that abnormal-
prey. An increase in developmental rate could
ities in the alimentary canal were due to lysis
present a significant disadvantage for a para-
of intercellular cementing material, pycnotic
sitoid if it disrupts synchrony with a critical

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nuclei, vacuolated cells, obliteration of the precise assessment of the effects of pesticides
peritrophic membrane, and exfoliation of on honey bee larvae. After collection of first
cells. In the same study, pesticides caused instars, and grafting in artificial rearing cells in
predator size reduction, sperm cell distortion, laboratory, the larvae are fed with a diet con-
vacuolated spermatocytes in the testis, and taining a pesticide until adult emergence. This
crumpled follicular epithelium and vacuoliza- method appears to be promising to screen out
tion of the germarium in the ovaries. Malfor- sublethal effects of pesticides on the physiol-
mation of ovaries can also occur in parasitoids ogy of larval development.
exposed to IGRs (115). IGRs may also have physiological effects
For hymenopterous social pollinators, per- on honey bee adults, particularly by inhibit-
turbations in larval development must be seen ing the formation of imaginal organs, which
as a major threat for colonies. Reductions in may have indirect effects on larval develop-
brood and numbers of emerging Apis mellifera ment. Newly emerged adults of A. mellifera
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

may be more damaging to colony health than and Apis cerana treated with diflubenzuron
the loss of foragers, because flexibility in the showed reduced weight gain and suppressed
division of labor can replace foragers if there development of hypopharyngeal glands (59).
are sufficient brood and nurse bees (128). This study demonstrated the morphogenic
IGRs can interfere with development, partic- capacity of a chitin inhibitor, an action for-
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

ularly when exposure occurs during the lar- merly showed with juvenile hormone mimics
val stage. Most observations on the effects of (65). Because hypopharyngeal glands of nurse
IGRs rely on measurements of brood quantity bees produce the royal jelly used to feed the
taken under field or semifield conditions. One first instars of worker larvae, and all instars of
common approach uses the number of hive queen larvae, their malformations might re-
cells containing different bee brood stages to sult in undernourished larvae and so might
detect possible adverse effects, because distur- potentially lead to a decline in colony popu-
bances to larval development could be accom- lation or to no renewal of the queen. Simi-
panied by failure to emerge. Oral exposure larly, nurse bees use vitellogenin to produce
of worker bees with diflubenzuron (IGR) re- royal jelly (6), and pyriproxyfen ( JHA) im-
duced brood surface area (17). The impact of pairs vitellogenin synthesis in the hemolymph
fenoxycarb on brood was manifested by the (99), suggesting repercussions on brood care.
presence of malformed larvae or pupae, which Such physiological effects might also cause
were ultimately found dead in front of the hive disturbances in longevity, immunity, or repro-
(42). However, opposite effects were reported duction, because vitellogenin, a lipoprotein, is
on Bombus terrestris exposed to imidacloprid of fundamental importance in each of these
(126), and these authors assumed that the re- processes (6).
duced larval ejection rate in treated groups
was due to reduction of brood size (due to
mortality). Because it is impossible to disso- Adult Longevity
ciate effects on brood size from direct effects Effects on longevity after exposure to lethal
on larvae using these measures, an accurate or sublethal doses of pesticides have been de-
assessment of the effects of pesticide exposure scribed mostly for parasitoid species (5, 43,
on larvae cannot be obtained. 47, 75, 108, 110, 115, 118) and to a lesser ex-
Few quantitative studies have assessed the tent for predators (60, 82). Depending on the
impact of IGRs on larval development, possi- study, reduced longevity may be considered a
bly because of difficulties associated with rear- sublethal effect or latent mortality. Extrapo-
ing larvae under consistent conditions. How- lation of these effects to the population level
ever, a new in vitro brood test described in is difficult because, depending on the biology
several reports (10, 85) may ensure a more of the particular natural enemy [proovigenic • Sublethal Effects of Pesticides 85

ANRV297-EN52-05 ARI 21 November 2006 10:17

or synovigenic (66), parasitoid or predator], effects with the use of a Cox proportional
they may be more or less likely to reproduce hazard model.
and/or to kill pests before their premature
death. From a practical perspective, it is the
resulting amount of feeding and reproduction Immunology
that occurs between exposure and death that Insecticides can interact with the immune
is important. The consequences of reduced capacity of insects. Depending on the type
longevity on population dynamics were re- of insecticide, they can decrease or increase
cently emphasized by studies assessing pes- this capacity. Monocrotophos and methyl
ticide impacts on arthropods using life table parathion applied at one tenth of the LC50
analysis (reviewed in Reference 120). When decreased the number of plasmatocytes in the
the rm is determined for risk assessment of hemolymph of the predator R. kumarii by
pesticides, a reduction of survival (lx ) could 16% and 13%, respectively, whereas endo-
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

lead to a strong reduction of the rm and con- sulfan (organochlorine) increased this num-
sequently a negative effect at the population ber by 15% (56). Plasmatocytes have a di-
level (120). rect role in the immune response of insects
In the honey bee, the possible long-term by enabling the encapsulation of foreign bod-
exposure to a toxic agent by contamination ies (111a). George & Ambrose (56) reported
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

of stored food has been established by study- that decreases in the number of plasmato-
ing the transfer of pesticides sprayed on crops cytes were associated with an increase in the
into the hive (137). Thus, the lethal dose esti- number of granular hemocytes, which play
mated during acute toxicity tests appears to be a role in detoxification through phagocyto-
a partial measure of the lethal effect because sis. They hypothesized that plasmatocytes are
of the short duration of these tests (1 to 3 days transformed into granular hemocytes during
in most cases). Studies concerning long-term the detoxification process, indicating that the
survival of honey bees raise the problem of tested pesticides acted on the predator’s im-
statistical analysis of survival data. In chronic munological response indirectly by mobiliz-
toxicity tests, most often only the end result of ing immunity cells for detoxification tasks. In
long-term poisoning (i.e., an increase of cu- host-parasitoid relations, pesticides may indi-
mulative mortality) is analyzed (113). Some rectly affect the parasitoids by lowering the
approaches consider how the mortality rate immune reaction of the host. Dieldrin (cyclo-
varied during the time of pesticide exposure diene) and endosulfan, applied at LD30 , de-
by a graphic interpretation (124, 126), but not creased by 25% and 23%, respectively, the
with statistical analysis. Conversely, when sta- immune reaction of Drosophila melanogaster
tistical methods are employed in survival anal- against larvae of its parasitoid Leptopilina
ysis a parametric model is often used (63, 138). boulardi (35). However, insecticides may also
However, these analyses depend strongly on increase the encapsulation of parasitoid lar-
the validity of the assumption that the survival vae. When L. boulardi was exposed to an LD50
time has a particular probability distribution. of chlorpyrifos, the encapsulation of its eggs
Moreover, these statistical methods are gener- was increased by 4.5% (41). Therefore, insec-
ally based on the hypothesis of independence ticides may have an impact on both the im-
between bees belonging to the same group, mune capacity of a host and the capacity of
which is not realistic. Indeed, food exchanges, parasitoids to evade the host immune reaction.
contacts, and pheromonal communication oc-
curring among workers make survival of a bee
dependent on the survival of its nestmates. Fecundity
Dechaume-Moncharmont et al. (26) demon- Reductions in fecundity associated with pes-
strated this density dependence in pesticide ticides may be due to both physiological

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and behavioral effects (the effects on be- cause pesticides can induce deformations of
haviors are described later in the review). ovaries (57, 88, 115) and testes (57). How-
Many authors have reported general effects ever, very few studies have documented po-
on fecundity of natural enemies regardless tential mechanisms of sex ratio alteration by
of the nature of perturbations (14, 22, 54, pesticides for beneficial arthropods. Overall,
75), but mechanistic insights into the ef- two major causes are thought to alter the sex
fects of pesticides on natural enemy fe- ratio of the offspring when adults are exposed
cundity have been obtained. Cônsoli et al. to pesticides: (a) an effect on the fertilization
(21) described a reduction of fecundity of of ova, especially in haplodiploid species in
the parasitoid T. pretiosum when exposed which the fertilization of ova is a voluntary
to lambda-cyhalothrin (pyrethroid), tefluben- act by females when they are laying eggs, and
zuron (IGR), or tebufenozide (ecdysone ag- (b) differential survival of sexes when exposure
onist) before oogenesis, but not after. They is before the adult stage (64).
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

hypothesized that tebufenozide may inter- Chlorpyrifos modifies the sex ratio of hy-
fere with ecdysteroid receptors, leading to menopteran parasitoids by decreasing the
a general perturbation of insect reproduc- number of females in the offspring when
tive process involving ecdysteroids (vitello- only parental females are exposed. This phe-
genesis, ovulation of mature eggs, promo- nomenon has been observed for Aphytis
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

tion of spermatocyte growth). A reduction in melinus. The offspring of females that sur-
the number of hosts parasitized by C. plutel- vived the insecticide (LD50 ) were 58% fe-
lae (during a 10-h period) after ingestion of male and offspring of the control group were
the IGRs chlorfluazuron, flufenoxuron, and 73% female (107). In Trichogramma brassicae,
teflubenzuron has been reported (61). The ef- the offspring of females surviving exposure
fect was linked to a reduction in viable eggs to chlorpyrifos (LD20 ) were 61% female and
because of the known effect of flufenoxuron progeny of the control group were 73% fe-
and teflubenzuron on female fertility (67). male (40). Similar results were obtained with
Considering both neurotoxic and IGR pes- two pyrethroids (deltamethrin and lambda-
ticides, the IGRs may induce more long-term cyhalothrin) that decreased the number of fe-
effects on fecundity than neurotoxics. Indeed, male offspring of Aphidius uzbekistanicus when
the life-table parameters (which include fe- adults were exposed to insecticides (75). This
cundity) of the lacewing predator Micromus decrease in the number of female offspring
tasmaniae after exposure to several IGR and may be related to the fact that hymenopteran
neurotoxic pesticides were more seriously af- females result from fertilized eggs, whereas
fected by the IGRs than by the neurotoxic males result from unfertilized eggs. Egg fer-
insecticides (108). Moreover, Rumpf et al. tilization is a voluntary act by females. There-
(108) emphasized that long-term sublethal fore, this behavior of fertilizing eggs may be
effects described in their study may inter- altered through the impacts of insecticides on
fere with the phenological synchrony between nerve transmission in exposed females.
pest species and natural enemies, leading to a
global decrease in their ability to regulate pest

Sex Ratio The mobility of beneficial arthropods af-
Physiological effects of pesticides include al- ter exposure to pesticides is often not di-
teration of the sex ratio of beneficial insects rectly studied. Moreover, studies are usually
via differential survival as a function of sex not accompanied by precise measures with
(5, 24), but additional effects are expected be- quantitative data or statistical analysis. Effects • Sublethal Effects of Pesticides 87

ANRV297-EN52-05 ARI 21 November 2006 10:17

on the mobility of beneficial arthropods have with time (124). Therefore, we can assume
been observed, but they are mostly due that with the same dose of imidacloprid it is
to (a) direct intoxication by the pesticides, possible to observe inverse effects according
chemical substance resulting in knock-down effect (23, 124), to the time of observation. Using the same
produced by an uncoordinated movement (5, 14, 116), trem- paradigm described by Lambin et al. (78), a
individual that serves bling, tumbling, abdomen tucking, and/or ro- study reported that fipronil (pyrazole) had no
as a stimulus to other tating and cleaning of the abdomen while effect on motor activity whatever the route
individuals of
rubbing the hind legs together (124); (b) sec- of exposure (oral or topical) (51). Here, other
another species for
behavioral responses ondary consequences of behavioral modifica- endpoints were used: distance covered and
tions (111) such as disruption in the detec- time spent in each of the six levels of the arena.
Foraging: the
behavior of tion of kairomones that result in an increase This test is based on negative geotaxis or pos-
searching for food, of angular speed due to higher arrestment by itive phototaxis because honey bees tend to
host, or prey kairomone patches and hydrous stress (34); migrate upward against the force of gravity to
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

and (c) a repellent (72, 84, 106) or irritant ef- the light source. This test provides an accu-
fect of pesticides (144). Several authors (111, rate assessment of motor function of walking
144) reported increases in mobility of natural bees, but it does not measure flying activity,
enemies with the assumption that these in- which is essential in the process of foraging.
creases would result in greater activity against
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

pests. The predator C. septempunctata walked

and groomed more frequently when released Navigation/Orientation
in a plot sprayed with deltamethrin (144) In natural enemies, navigation and orientation
mainly because of irritation caused by the could involve multiple sensory cues, either
pesticide. The grooming behavior associated chemical (135) or visual (140). Natural ene-
with increased mobility is thought to be a re- mies spend a significant proportion of their
flex action initiated by irritation of chemore- life searching for hosts or prey. Navigation
ceptors located on the surface of the insect depends entirely on nervous transmissions,
body (103). This irritant effect may induce which are targeted by neurotoxic insecticides
movement of the insects away from the treated through different modes of action. Therefore,
areas. Consequently, increased mobility can- effects on navigation are frequently reported.
not be associated with increased natural en- Longley & Jepson (83, 84) and Umoru et al.
emy efficiency. In contrast, perturbations of (130) reported perturbations of the foraging
mobility can increase natural enemy vulnera- pattern in parasitoids, but specific effects of
bility to predation in the field (77). the pesticides were not isolated and repul-
To study chemical effects on the motor sive and direct behavioral effects remained un-
activity of beneficial arthropods, more sub- known. In general, insects have been confined
tle endpoints that provide quantitative data to pesticide-treated plants and the position
might be more useful. The amount of inac- of the natural enemies was recorded at var-
tive time and the position of topically treated ious times. The authors described a reduction
worker bees (in an open-field-like arena al- in time spent on treated plants and an inver-
lowing observation of bee vertical displace- sion in leaf side preference, but direct effects
ment) were compared with those of control on orientation behaviors remained unknown.
bees (78). Adverse effects of imidacloprid on However, other studies have more precisely
motor activity were dependent on insecticide described potential effects on navigation be-
dose. The lowest dose (1.25 ng per bee) re- havior by combining a controlled exposure
sulted in increased motor activity, whereas the time and dose followed by the use of a spe-
higher doses (2.5 to 20 ng per bee) decreased cific behavioral apparatus. Exposure methods
displacements in the arena. The influence of can mimic natural exposure conditions, for ex-
imidacloprid on mobility could also change ample, tarsal exposure on pesticide deposits

88 Desneux · Decourtye · Delpuech

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(34, 36, 48), exposure via feeding on contam- a LD20 of chlorpyrifos are less arrested by fe-
inated sources (118), and direct exposure by male sexual pheromones, and exposed females
topical application (50). Behavioral tests can emit less of these pheromones (36). Sublethal
assess most important steps involved in the doses may also disrupt sexual communica-
navigation process. Results show that pesti- tion. T. brassicae males exposed to a LD0.1 of
cides induce different and sometimes oppo- chlorpyrifos were less arrested by female sex-
site effects on host searching by parasitoids ual pheromones; however, pheromones emit-
depending on the species and insecticide used. ted by exposed females (LD0.1 ) were more ar-
Indeed, positive sublethal effects of pesticides resting for untreated males (37). In contrast,
on natural enemy orientation behaviors have when T. brassicae males were treated with the
been reported (34, 73). pyrethroid deltamethrin at LD0.1 there was
However, most of the studies reported an increase in arrestment, whereas when fe-
negative effects on orientation behavior. males were treated, their pheromones were
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

When the parasitoid Microplitis croceipes con- less arresting for males (39). These effects off-
sumed extrafloral nectar of cotton con- set each other when both sexes are exposed,
taminated with imidacloprid or aldicarb with a mean response to sexual pheromones
(carbamate), its response to odors of the host- similar to that of the control. However, the
plant complex in a wind tunnel decreased by kinetics of the response are modified (38).
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

71% and 62%, respectively (118). A lower For pollinators, visual learning of land-
residence time on the contaminated host marks is important in spatial orientation.
patch was observed with females of the para- Honey bees use visual landmarks to navigate
sitoid Trissolcus basalis exposed to deltamethrin to a food source as well as to communicate ac-
at LD25 , compared with unexposed females curately to their nest mates the distance and
(111). In a four-armed olfactometer, the ca- direction to fly to reach it (139). A bee exposed
pacity of aphid parasitoids to orient toward to pesticide during a foraging trip may in-
host-induced plant odors (synomones) could correctly acquire or integrate visual patterns,
be decreased by exposure to a sublethal dose causing disorientation and loss. Aside from
of lambda-cyhalothrin (45) and to increasing impairing the orientation behavior of exposed
doses of triazamate (carbamate) (46). Desneux foragers, insecticides could affect the accuracy
et al. (45) also emphasized that these ef- of information relayed through the dances of
fects could be temporary and that insects the returning foragers. Recently, the effects of
could recover after a period without expo- deltamethrin on the homing ability of foragers
sure. With predators, studies designed to were investigated. Honey bees were trained
assess the effects of pesticides on navigation to forage on an artificial feeder filled with su-
typically focus on relatively short-range prey crose solution and were individually marked
detection and hunting. Cypermethrin, at rec- with colored number tags. In an insect-proof
ommended field rates, reduced the attack rate tunnel with the feeder located 8 m from the
of Acanthaspis pedestris 2.4- to 6.4-fold, with hive, deltamethrin altered the homing flight
the effect increasing with prey density (19). in foragers treated topically at sublethal doses
Disruption of sexual communication and (134). The percentage of short-term flights
mate-finding has also been reported. Pes- back to the hive decreased in treated foragers,
ticides modify chemical communication be- which flew in the direction of the sun.
tween sexual partners by altering the capac- Still, a relatively small number of studies
ity for stimulus creation by the emitter or have investigated the impact of pesticides on
stimulus perception by the receiver. Stimulus homing flight, perhaps because of the diffi-
detection and integration by the CNS are po- culty of measuring parameters such as direc-
tential targets for perturbations by pesticides tion of flight or the route time between the
(62). For example, T. brassicae males exposed to food source and the hive. Most techniques • Sublethal Effects of Pesticides 89

ANRV297-EN52-05 ARI 21 November 2006 10:17

are limited by the number of individuals who ways. First, some pesticides are well docu-
might be monitored simultaneously and by mented to have repellent effects on benefi-
the time span during which observations can cial insects, and this effect may conflict with
ppb: part per billion
be made. However, techniques of automatic feeding behavior. Second, some pesticides are
tracking and identification of individuals have used specifically for their antifeedant proper-
the potential to revolutionize the study of be- ties (100) with the possibility that beneficial
havioral ecotoxicology. In this regard, several insects may also be discouraged from feed-
different types of transponders such as har- ing when exposed. Third, disruption in the
monic radar (104) and radio frequency iden- ability to locate food may occur after expo-
tification devices (RFID) (123) may be use- sure to pesticides because of reduced olfac-
ful for studies using the honey bee. Presently, tory capacity (31). However, the consequences
RFID tags offer the most advantages (unlim- of effects may depend on the organisms con-
ited number of individual insects, large num- sidered. For proovigenic natural enemies,
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

bers of events recorded, rapid reading) (79) reduced feeding may influence the overall
and they cause less disturbance to the in- parasitism/predation rate because of reduced
sects than harmonic radar, which requires the longevity. However, this effect may be lim-
attachment of an antenna. Given the large ited because these insects do not require en-
range of biological parameters potentially af- ergy for egg production (66). In contrast, re-
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

fected by pesticides, another approach mea- duced feeding by the adults of synovigenic
suring the orientation performance of bees in species may reduce egg production, leading
a complex maze relies on associative learn- to reduced fitness. Moreover, perturbation of
ing between a visual mark and a reward of host feeding behavior exhibited by many par-
sugar solution (147). Using this experimental asitoids (66) and predation by predators may
setup, researchers examined whether foragers drastically reduce the efficiency of natural en-
receiving 1 ppb (parts per billion) fipronil (ad- emies. In the case of honey bees, impaired
ministered orally) can learn to fly through a feeding behavior can induce a drastic decline
maze according to the presence or absence of in hive population. In large-scale farming ar-
a visual cue (A. Decourtye, unpublished data). eas, when food resources are reduced to culti-
The bees learned the maze by making cor- vated plants, the repellent effect of pesticides
rect and incorrect decisions. The maze sim- may reduce pollen and nectar uptake, poten-
ulates learning of complex routes under field tially leading to a demographic decrease of the
conditions. Results for experimental controls colony.
showed that 89% of bees flew through the en- Honey bees change their behavior in re-
tire path and arrived at the goal (reward of sponse to pesticides through reduced feed-
sugar solution). However, when the bees were ing stimulation (62). For example, topical ap-
exposed to pesticide, the rate fell to 60%. In plication of deltamethrin at concentrations
parallel, the percentage of bees that did not ranging from 0.08 to 0.16 ppm increased
find the goal within 5 min of entering the maze syrup uptake in bees, although similar concen-
increased dramatically when exposed (34% trations delivered orally decreased uptake of
and 4% in exposed and control groups, re- treated syrup (127). Despite this work, many
spectively). Thus, the orientation capacity of of the reported effects on the foraging activ-
foragers in a complex maze was highly affected ity of bees relate to avoidance behavior and,
by fipronil. in a few cases, feeding stimulation. In the
same manner, official guidelines for assessing
the impact of pesticides on foraging activity
Feeding Behavior consist mainly of measuring repellency (93).
Pesticides may interfere with the feeding be- These bioassays were developed in higher-tier
havior of exposed insects in three general studies, under semifield and field conditions.

90 Desneux · Decourtye · Delpuech

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In this regard, pyrethroids are probably the ering canola. Several observations on the re-
best-known repellent insecticides (33, 106). pellency of pesticides after spraying indicate
For a long time, repellency associated with that it could not be attributed to the active
pyrethroids has been considered a behavioral ingredient itself, but rather to additives in
adaptation for reducing the risk of exposure. commercial formulations (13a) or the phys-
However, it is now known that pyrethroid ical characteristics of the spray (wetting veg-
applications during peak foraging activity (in etal). These observations may explain the dif-
broad daylight) result in high exposure levels ferences in behavior observed between treated
(32). Therefore, a repellent effect must not artificial food and field applications. Although
be misconstrued as providing any protection the means by which foragers detect the treat-
against exposure to pesticides. ment on the crop remains uncertain, the gus-
In the case of parasitoids, Aphidius tatory perception of active ingredients can be
rhopalosiphi responded strongly to patches assumed when there is a notable decline in
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

of aphid honeydew on filter paper, but the level of foraging on an artificial feeder at
the addition of increasing concentrations of short time intervals (28, 87, 112). The delay
deltamethrin caused increasingly early de- in the inhibition of foraging with imidacloprid
parture from the honeydew/deltamethrin- varies according to concentration tested (112).
treated areas because of a repellent and/or irri- The author attributed this delay to a process
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

tant effect (84). The influence of deltamethrin occurring inside the hive rather than to ef-
on the general feeding behavior of the preda- fects on foragers. A decrease in feeding activ-
tory ladybeetle C. septempunctata was exam- ity may be the result of changes in commu-
ined via visual observations (144). The move- nication processes that alter foraging activity.
ment of ladybeetles on deltamethrin-treated This hypothesis was reinforced by studies re-
plants increased, although the ladybeetles porting the impact of imidacloprid on dances.
tended to stay on plant parts known to re- Dances produced by returning foragers con-
ceive less pesticides during treatment (72), tain coded information about the distance and
thus demonstrating a clear repellent effect. A direction of food sources and are aimed at the
similar effect was observed when ladybeetles recruitment of foragers (139). Decreases in
foraged on dimethoate-treated plants (116). the frequency of waggling dances were ob-
The authors indicated that adult and lar- served when foragers had previously visited
val stages ate fewer aphids when exposed to a sugar solution contaminated with approxi-
dimethoate because they avoided the treated mately 20 ppb of imidacloprid (25). A lower
areas. They also reported less consumption motivation to perform waggling dances can
of aphids that were previously treated (in result in a reduction of recruitment activity.
choice experiment), indicating that a com- The process of food detection, whether
bined repellent/antifeedant effect could oc- the food is prey (predators and host-feeding
cur. An antifeedant effect was demonstrated parasitoids), nectar, or honeydew (proovi-
for the predatory carabid Nebria brevicollis genic parasitoids or honey bees), involves
feeding on deltamethrin-treated aphids (143). sophisticated nervous activity that can be dis-
The authors reported that 53% to 80% of bee- rupted by neurotoxic pesticides (62). The re-
tles ingesting treated aphids exhibited a regur- duviid predator Acanthaspis pedestris exhibited
gitation response after consumption. a decrease in excitation by prey and a de-
The specific sensory mechanism through creased ability to paralyze prey after expo-
which repellency operates is not well under- sure to the cypermethrin (19). These per-
stood but may depend on the mode of expo- turbations were accompanied by a reduction
sure. Fipronil (87) and AzaA (92) reduced vis- in food intake, haphazard movement, and
itation of honey bees to treated sucrose but signs of restlessness. Reductions in the rate of
did not have an effect when applied to flow- aphid consumption by the predators Coccinella • Sublethal Effects of Pesticides 91

ANRV297-EN52-05 ARI 21 November 2006 10:17

septempunctata and Chrysoperla carnae at the repellent effect of pesticides, which can re-
larval stage were also reported when aphids duce the chances that a natural enemy will
were treated with AzaA (3). The impact on find a suitable host or oviposition site (83,
PER: proboscis
extension response food detection may also have a negative im- 130), and also by occurrence of uncoordinated
pact on parasitism capacity of parasitoids. The movements after pesticide exposure (5, 46). In
decrease in parasitism capacity may result these two last studies, after exposure to lethal
from reduced energy intake, as well as from in- and sublethal doses of pesticides, Aphidius ervi
direct effects on host detection. Indeed, it has and Trybliographa rapae females exhibited an
been suggested that aphid parasitoids exploit irreversible uncoordinated ovipositor extru-
honeydew deposits on the surfaces of leaves as sion and consequently failed to lay eggs.
cues for evaluating the numbers of aphids on Kühner et al. (76) described the negative
the plant and therefore the amount of effort to effects of herbicides on the parasitic behav-
be invested in further search (83). Thus, if the ior of Diaeretiella rapae, which included a re-
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

ability to detect honeydew is compromised, an duction in the number of attempted stings.

effect on foraging pattern and patch time al- For another aphid parasitoid, A. ervi, females
location may occur, resulting in a reduction in showed significantly less oviposition activity
parasitism rate. In honey bees, the proboscis compared with the controls after exposure
extension reflex (PER) can be elicited through to a LD20 of lambda-cyhalothrin (45). The
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

antennal stimulation with a sucrose solution frequency of sting attempts and related be-
and can be used to assess the gustatory thresh- haviors were significantly reduced. The par-
old to sugary foods (8). The gustatory thresh- asitoid Neochrysocharis formosa exhibited a re-
old is defined as the lowest concentration of duction in the number of ovipositor insertions
a sucrose solution, applied to the antennae, into a host, host mine drumming frequency,
that is capable of eliciting a PER. A reduction and the number of eggs laid when foraging on
of sensitivity for low-sucrose concentrations imidacloprid-treated leaves (129). Similar re-
(55% to 60% in control versus 15% to 20% duction in the number of hosts stung has been
in treated bees) was observed following tho- reported in the parasitoid Colpoclypeus florus af-
racic application of fipronil at a dose of 1 ng ter exposure to two commercial formulations
per bee (51), demonstrating that pesticide ex- of spinosad (14). These authors also reported
posure can drastically reduce the capacity of that for one formulation no offspring were
honey bees to detect food sources. produced. Egg deposition may have been dis-
rupted in these experiments, as uncontrolled
egg laying associated with egg losses could oc-
Oviposition Behavior cur after pesticide exposure (5). Effects were
Most studies concerning the effects of pesti- formulation dependent, which implied that
cides on oviposition behavior have been done adjuvants may be worthy of consideration.
on parasitoids because of the direct linkage An effect on egg deposition may also be due
between oviposition and parasitism rate and to perturbation of chemoreceptors or infor-
consequently pest regulation. However, few mation integration during host acceptance
studies in this regard have been conducted on [occurring during ovipositor insertion into
predators (11), and to our knowledge none host (136)], but this effect has not been well
have been conducted on pollinators. Pesti- described.
cides can disrupt the very precise coordination Short-range detection of hosts may also be
between the insect nervous and hormonal sys- altered by pesticides, resulting in disruption
tems, resulting in a breakdown in the complex of oviposition. When parasitoids are close
series of behavioral and physiological events to a host, they often rely on short-range
related to oviposition. Indirect perturbations chemical cues (135) or color (140). Desneux
in oviposition behavior may be induced by the et al. (45) determined that after exposure to

92 Desneux · Decourtye · Delpuech

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lambda-cyhalothrin the parasitoid A. ervi a prominent role in flower recognition dur-

exhibited less host antennal contact and ing subsequent trips (90). Under laboratory
antennal examination behavior than did conditions, olfactory learning can be studied
unexposed individuals and that these obser- using a bioassay based on conditioning of the
vations were not associated with perturbed PER in restrained individuals (125). The PER
mobility. Similarly, the parasitoid H. didy- assay simulates natural honey bee–plant inter-
mator had difficulties finding hosts after actions that take place when landing on the
exposure to AzaA (115). The parasitoid did flower; the forager extends its proboscis as a
not actively search for hosts and often walked reflex when the gustatory receptor set on the
away from hosts. This effect was independent tarsi, antennae, or mouthparts are stimulated
of any repellent effect, because parasitoids with nectar. This reflex leads to the uptake
were tested after their exposure to pesticides. of nectar and promotes memorization of con-
However, sublethal effects of pesticides on comitant floral odors. The PER assay has been
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

host detection and oviposition may not always used with restrained workers to investigate the
be unfavorable to parasitoids. Chlorpyrifos behavioral effects of about 20 different pesti-
at LD20 caused an increase (5.1-fold) in cides (1, 29, 30, 86, 122, 142). However, in
host searching by Leptopilina heterotoma, a order to confirm that the effect of a pesticide
parasitoid of Drosophila larvae that probes on conditioned PER levels is due strictly to
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

substrate with its ovipositor (102). Further- failure of learning or memory ability, it is nec-
more, the authors reported that treated essary to consider impacts on motor functions
females found and oviposited into host larvae and gustatory and olfactory senses that under-
46% faster than did control females. lie the endpoint (8, 31, 51).
Toxicant exposure can be carried out be-
Learning Performance fore (122), during (1), or after (86) PER con-
Effects of pesticides on learning processes ditioning. In an ecological context, long-term
of beneficial arthropods have been studied exposure to low concentrations corresponds
mostly in pollinator models and, more specif- to the case of inexperienced bees involved in
ically, in honey bees because of the better un- foraging duties based on their learning abil-
derstanding of their learning processes and ity after being fed a contaminated food within
the importance of learning in the foraging the hive. With this approach, reduced learn-
process (91). In contrast, very few studies have ing performance was observed in bees surviv-
investigated the effects of pesticides on the ing 11 days of oral exposure to imidacloprid,
learning capacity of natural enemies, and im- 5-OH-imidacloprid, fipronil, deltamethrin,
pairment of specific learning traits has not endosulfan, and prochloraz (29, 30). This
been reported. Odor conditioning in the par- bioassay can also help to assess how chem-
asitoid L. heterotoma (probing into substrate) ical treatments can interfere with the mem-
was not modified by tarsal exposure to dry ory process and provides an indication of the
residues of chlorpyrifos (LD20 ) (102). In the ability of foragers to return to a crop where
aphid parasitoid A. ervi, learning capacity for they have been exposed to a toxin while they
synomones and consequent olfactory orien- were collecting food and memorizing the flo-
tation in an olfactometer were not modified ral cues. In this regard, imidacloprid adminis-
after tarsal exposure to lambda-cyhalothrin tered after trial conditioning of PER impaired
(LD0.1 and LD20 ) (45). medium-term olfactory memory (27). By con-
When landing on a flower, each honey bee trast, short-term and long-term memory was
forager is subjected to a conditioning process unaffected. It was assumed that the consoli-
in which floral cues (smell, color, and shape) dation process that ensures the transfer from
are memorized after being associated with short-term memory to medium-term mem-
food (91). Once memorized, the odors play ory was affected by imidacloprid. Because • Sublethal Effects of Pesticides 93

ANRV297-EN52-05 ARI 21 November 2006 10:17

flower choice in successive foraging bouts is deed, effects of pesticides on natural enemies
interrupted by return to the hive (89), imi- can be short-lived (4).
dacloprid may affect this process. However, Serious losses of pollinators have been at-
the precise consequences for foraging behav- tributed to pesticides (96), and honey bees
ior are still unclear. can be used effectively as bioindicators to
Overall, work using the PER assay has detect environmental pollution (71). How-
employed olfactory Pavlovian conditioning. ever, effects of pesticides on honey bees are
However, pesticide exposure can affect not poorly representative of effects on other polli-
only associative learning task but also nonas- nators, including other bees (68). Indeed, bees
sociative learning procedures such as habit- (Apoidea) constitute a highly diverse group,
uation. Habituation of the PER is a simple and bees from different taxonomic groups dif-
form of learning in which the repetition of fer widely in their vulnerability to pesticide
gustatory stimulation leads to a decrease of exposure. In honey bees, pesticides may af-
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

response probability. This test sheds light on fect social organization (reduction of food up-
the ability of an organism to constrain a re- take or reduction of worker/brood popula-
flex response. The habituation procedure has tion), but these effects may be compensated
been used to demonstrate the effect of a sub- for because the queen does not take part in
lethal dose of imidacloprid on PER suppres- foraging and is probably less likely to be ex-
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

sion (58, 78). These results clearly indicate posed than workers. In contrast, in other so-
task-dependent behavioral effects associated cial pollinators such as bumble bees, the queen
with sublethal doses of imidacloprid and can must find food during spring in order to found
be generalized to other insecticides. the colony. In this case, the potential negative
effects of pesticides may substantially affect
colony establishment. In summary, social pol-
IMPACT OF SUBLETHAL linators having no perennial colony and no so-
EFFECTS ON COMMUNITY cial pollinators are more likely to suffer from
ECOLOGY insecticide exposure.
Because sublethal effects of pesticides inter-
act with numerous life-history traits involved
in the reproduction of beneficial arthropods IMPLICATIONS IN
(i.e., foraging, fecundity, sexual communica- INTEGRATED PEST
tion, and sex ratio), they likely have an impact MANAGEMENT AND
on insect communities. However, although POLLINATION
the effects of pesticides on insect communi- The economic gains due to beekeeping and
ties have been described, sublethal effects have agricultural pollination might be reduced by
not specifically been analyzed. Pesticides tend intoxication of colonies with pesticides, even
to lower the abundance of both parasitoids though there are few data to support this as-
and their hosts, and lead to the disappear- sertion. The best example is a long-term study
ance of scarce species (species that are not conducted in eastern Canada. In that region,
naturally abundant in a given agroecosystem) blueberry production, which depends largely
(J.M. Delpuech & R. Allemand, unpublished on pollination by as many as 70 species of
data). A potentially useful tool for evaluating native insects, failed in 1970, and subsequent
these different impacts would be to integrate years, because of aerial spraying of fenitroth-
them in a modeling approach. However, syn- ion (70). Although the impacts of mass mortal-
thetic pesticides generally had a lower impact ities of honey bees on pollination of crops are
on natural enemy populations than predicted documented, less understood and often over-
by database analyses, and recolonization of looked is the problem of sublethal effects that
chemically treated plots can be rapid (9). In- reduce agricultural production.

94 Desneux · Decourtye · Delpuech

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Studies of the sublethal effects of pesti- sidered. Whereas lethal effects are rather easy
cides on natural enemies often aim to assess to observe and can lead to loss of product reg-
the suitability of pesticides for IPM. How- istration, more subtle effects on bee physiol-
ever, sublethal effects on natural enemies are ogy or behavior may also affect honey bee
rarely taken in account when IPM programs populations. The honey bee risk assessment
are established. To reduce nontarget effects scheme tentatively takes into account these
of pesticides on natural enemies, selectivity different aspects of exposure. U.S. EPA guide-
tests are performed with the aim of choos- lines indicate that abnormal behavior dur-
ing pesticides with a high degree of lethal ing acute toxicity tests should be precisely
toxicity against the target pests and mini- recorded (i.e., kind, time of onset, duration,
mal nontarget lethal toxicity (24). However, severity, numbers of bees affected). In Europe,
given the potential importance of sublethal when the standard procedures cannot provide
effects on natural enemies (reported in this clear conclusions on the harmlessness of a
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

review), pesticide choice should also con- pesticide, the official decision-making scheme
sider those with minimal sublethal effects on recommends the use of additional studies
key components of beneficial efficiency. For in order to provide adequate information
example, a comparison of sublethal effects (93). However, no specific protocols are out-
of two pyrethroids (lambda-cyhalothrin and lined even though issues related to pesticides
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

deltamethrin) on key behaviors of aphid para- and bees are intensively discussed. In recent
sitoids demonstrated that lambda-cyhalothrin years, many beekeepers in European coun-
disrupted olfactory orientation toward host- tries have complained about unusual honey
infested plants and oviposition behavior (45) bee losses and hive depletions. These losses
and that deltamethrin did not (43, 47, 48). may be due to the use of seeds dressed with
These results were partially confirmed by a newly registered pesticides (20). This issue has
study in semifield conditions in which the revealed limitations in standardized regula-
authors showed that aphid parasitoids re- tory methods: underestimation of bee expo-
leased on deltamethrin-treated plants signifi- sure after seed-dressing application, failure to
cantly limited aphid population growth even account adequately for larval and sublethal
when introduced one day after treatment (44). toxicities, and absence of measures of chronic
Moreover, the pesticide and parasitoid effects toxicity. In this context, more standardized
were additive. We expect that more thor- methods to evaluate sublethal effects of pesti-
ough consideration of potential sublethal ef- cides may be needed.
fects on natural enemies in the future will help According to guidelines, a brood feeding
to optimize IPM programs involving use of test is required to evaluate whether bee larvae
both natural enemies and pesticides against may be at risk when exposed to a compound
pests. showing IGR activity (94). Because of envi-
ronmental variation, the recommended meth-
ods (95) may not be easily reproducible. Thus,
METHODS PROMISING an in vitro method for rearing bee larvae has
FOR INTEGRATION IN been improved and may be recommended for
REGISTRATION PROCEDURES regulatory trials assessing pesticide toxicity to
larvae (10). Sublethal effects may be investi-
Pollinators gated by measuring weight and larval devel-
Environmental risk assessment of pesticides opmental variation and morphology changes
on honey bees takes into account mainly the in adults. Further studies are necessary to de-
survival of adult bees exposed to pesticides termine if the method can reliably detect be-
over a relatively short time frame. Further- havioral effects in individuals exposed during
more, sublethal effects are generally not con- the larval stage. • Sublethal Effects of Pesticides 95

ANRV297-EN52-05 ARI 21 November 2006 10:17

The PER assay can be considered a quan- tility, fecundity, developmental rate, survival,
tifiable and reliable method to assess sublethal and sex ratio can be detected when estimat-
toxicity (31). The PER procedure enables re- ing the rm . Life-table experiments provide a
searchers to compare responses to different more accurate measure of toxic effect than do
chemicals and different concentrations of the lethal concentration estimates (52) and have
same chemical, determine no-effect concen- been used successfully to evaluate side ef-
trations, and investigate the nervous circuitry fects of pesticides on several natural enemies
underlying the olfactory learning processes (2, 121).
when neurotoxic molecules that affect the pe- However, this method also has some limi-
ripheral nervous system or CNS are tested. tations (120): It is expensive, time consuming,
Although the associative learning of workers and performed under laboratory conditions
investigated with PER assays may be ecologi- that do not reflect wild conditions (such as
cally significant, it is unknown how well they density dependence). Several of these points
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

translate to the colony level under natural have been addressed (119, 141). However, if
conditions (128). However, preliminary stud- we consider the caging conditions used dur-
ies using PER assays indicate that the decrease ing experiments, lack of detection of behav-
in learning performance induced by imidaclo- ioral perturbations induced by pesticides is
prid at the individual level translate well to the likely. Indeed, the ability of parasitoids to de-
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

colony level in olfactory discrimination tasks tect host-induced plant odors (synomones) is
(28). crucial because these odors are used to detect
host patches at long range (135). However, in
Natural Enemies life-table experiments, parasitoids may be so
To date, no standardized methods for assess- close to the hosts that they detect their hosts
ing sublethal effects on parasitoids and preda- without using long-range cues. Thus, an im-
tors are described in the regulatory texts. The pairment of important aspects of foraging be-
European standard characteristics of nontar- havior can be missed during evaluation. It may
get arthropod regulatory testing (ESCORT 2) therefore be important to add a standard be-
workgroup has developed a method to im- havioral test to any toxicological tests, includ-
prove the risk assessment of pesticides on nat- ing the rm evaluation.
ural enemies and propose the adoption of a
hazard quotient (HQ) approach. HQ is cal-
culated by dividing crop-specific application CONCLUSION AND FUTURE
rates by the LR50 (lethal rate 50) derived from OUTLOOK
worst-case-scenario laboratory studies gener- This review reports a wide variety of sub-
ated using two sensitive indicator species (16). lethal effects of pesticides on the physiological
This method is a welcome development, but and behavioral processes in beneficial arthro-
there are still important questions to con- pods. Effects are documented according to the
sider due to the fact that HQ is calculated technical issues associated with studying var-
from LR50 values, and thus potential sub- ious processes and also according to ecologi-
lethal effects are not included. This integra- cal knowledge of basic mechanisms involved
tion can be solved in part by using a de- in the traits that are potentially perturbed by
mographic approach to estimate toxicity as pesticides. In most cases only one dose, punc-
reviewed by Stark & Banks (120). Life-table tually administered and not necessarily sub-
experiments are conducted by exposing indi- lethal, was studied. Thus, misinterpretation
viduals or groups to increasing doses of a tox- may result from lethal concentrations mistak-
icant over their life span and daily mortality enly used to study sublethal effects. Acute ex-
and reproduction are recorded, providing data posure to high concentrations of a chemical
to calculate the rm . Sublethal effects on fer- can result in selection of insects that are less

96 Desneux · Decourtye · Delpuech

ANRV297-EN52-05 ARI 21 November 2006 10:17

sensitive to the pesticide tested. Such resis- The link between sublethal effects of pesti-
tant insects may provide responses that are not cides and consequences at the population and
representative of the population. This point community levels are still not well understood
should be carefully considered in future stud- in either pollinators or natural enemies, and
ies of the sublethal effects of pesticides be- the same can be said when considering how
cause errors in choice of doses/concentrations sublethal effects are taken into account for the
tested may provide misleading results. Assess- development of IPM programs. Even though
ment of sublethal effects should be conducted many studies have documented sublethal ef-
by testing effects of both sublethal and lethal fects of pesticides on natural enemies, only
doses/concentrations. mortality tests are considered when a choice
Methods using the honey bee model are between several pesticides must be made. To
well defined, particularly in the field of be- fully assess risk, it is crucial to establish a link
havior, because of its importance for studying between the toxicity of a given product in lab-
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

behavioral and learning processes in insects oratory assays and the risk associated with ex-
(91). Moreover, increasing requirements re- posure under field conditions. Although this
lated to the nontarget effects of pesticides on point is often overlooked, it emphasizes the
pollinators for new pesticide registration have need for studies on the dynamics of exposure
motivated expansion of tests on this model to pesticides. It will require the quantification
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

(93). Thus, tests on honey bees in registration of residues in different locations visited by in-
procedures are better developed than tests on sects and also an estimation of the degradation
natural enemies, and the development and in- of pesticides under field conditions. The use
clusion of several promising methods into reg- of multistep bioassays to evaluate the potential
ulatory procedures is in progress (32, 128). effects of pesticide on beneficial insects would
Methods to assess nontarget effects on nat- also help to assess risk in a more complete
ural enemies are also progressing. Choice of way by including evaluation of pesticide ef-
indicator species is also being made (15, 16) fects on key behavioral and physiological pro-
and was a first step to help the development cesses instead of considering mortality only as
and inclusion of methods on natural enemies. an endpoint. These assays, although slightly
However, sublethal effects are not a major more laborious than lethal concentration es-
concern yet, and further development of stan- timates, will help researchers to evaluate
dardized methods assessing sublethal effects the nontarget impacts of pesticides and pro-
on key components of natural enemy effi- mote discovery of crucial ecological side ef-
ciency must be achieved before incorporating fects before pesticide registration rather than
these effects into regulatory procedures. after.

1. Physiological sublethal effects on the development of beneficial arthropods occur at
multiple levels. The parameter generally recorded is the developmental rate. However,
new parameters such as malformation rates in natural enemies (when emerging from
pupae) and in pollinators (in the cells inside the hive) are now used.
2. Studies have generally reported perturbations of the foraging pattern in parasitoids
and honey bee. Other studies have described more precisely the potential effects on
navigation behavior by combining a controlled exposure time and dose followed by
the use of a specific behavioral apparatus. • Sublethal Effects of Pesticides 97

ANRV297-EN52-05 ARI 21 November 2006 10:17

3. Pesticides may interfere with the feeding behavior by repellent, antifeedant, or re-
duced olfactory capacity effects. A more drastic effect should be observed for synovi-
genic species that need feeding for egg production all life long.
4. Learning processes depend on a high functionality of sensory and integrative nervous
systems, which in particular have high importance in the honey bee (floral and nest
recognition, spatial orientation). Therefore, the impact of neurotoxic pesticides on
these processes has been largely studied and identified in this insect.
5. Even though many studies have documented sublethal effects of pesticides on natural
enemies, only mortality tests are considered when a choice between several pesticides
must be made in an IPM context. To fully assess risk, it is crucial to establish a link
between the toxicity of a given product in laboratory assays and the risk associated
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

with exposure under field conditions (including lethal and sublethal effects).
6. Methods to test sublethal effects on beneficial arthropods are currently being devel-
oped, and inclusion of several promising methods into regulatory procedures is in
progress (more advanced work on pollinators). However, sublethal effects are not a
major concern yet, and further development of standardized methods assessing sub-
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

lethal effects on key components of natural enemy efficiency will need to be achieved
before incorporating these effects into regulatory procedures.

We wish to thank Dr. D.S. Richmond for helpful comments on the review. N. Desneux also
thanks Dr. L. Kaiser for encouraging his interest in sublethal effects of pesticides. This work
was supported in part by a grant from French Ministry of Agriculture (European fund for
French beekeeping).

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106 Desneux · Decourtye · Delpuech

Contents ARI 24 October 2006 17:16

Annual Review of

Contents Entomology

Volume 52, 2007

Charles D. Michener p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p xiv
The Professional Development of an Entomologist
Charles D. Michener p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
Insect/Mammal Associations: Effects of Cuterebrid Bot Fly Parasites
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

on Their Hosts
Frank Slansky p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 17
Phenology of Forest Caterpillars and Their Host Trees:
The Importance of Synchrony
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

Margriet van Asch and Marcel E. Visser p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 37

Arthropod Pest Management in Organic Crops
Geoff Zehnder, Geoff M. Gurr, Stefan Kühne, Mark R. Wade, Steve D. Wratten,
and Eric Wyss p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 57
The Sublethal Effects of Pesticides on Beneficial Arthropods
Nicolas Desneux, Axel Decourtye, and Jean-Marie Delpuech p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p81
Impact of Extreme Temperatures on Parasitoids in a Climate Change
Thierry Hance, Joan van Baaren, Philippe Vernon, and Guy Boivin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 107
Changing Paradigms in Insect Social Evolution: Insights from
Halictine and Allodapine Bees
Michael P. Schwarz, Miriam H. Richards, and Bryan N. Danforth p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 127
Evolutionary Biology of Centipedes (Myriapoda: Chilopoda)
Gregory D. Edgecombe and Gonzalo Giribet p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 151
Gene Regulation by Chromatin Structure: Paradigms Established in
Drosophila melanogaster
Sandra R. Schulze and Lori L. Wallrath p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 171
Keys and the Crisis in Taxonomy: Extinction or Reinvention?
David Evans Walter and Shaun Winterton p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 193
Yellow Fever: A Disease that Has Yet to be Conquered
Alan D.T. Barrett and Stephen Higgs p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 209

Contents ARI 28 September 2006 19:28

Molecular Mechanisms of Metabolic Resistance to Synthetic and

Natural Xenobiotics
Xianchun Li, Mary A. Schuler, and May R. Berenbaum p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 231
Group Decision Making in Nest-Site Selection Among Social Insects
P. Kirk Visscher p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 255
The Role of Allatostatins in Juvenile Hormone Synthesis in Insects and
Barbara Stay and Stephen S. Tobe p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 277
Nectar and Pollen Feeding by Insect Herbivores and Implications for
Multitrophic Interactions
Felix L. Wäckers, Jörg Romeis, and Paul van Rijn p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 301
Biology and Evolution of Adelgidae
Nathan P. Havill and Robert G. Foottit p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 325
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:81-106. Downloaded from

Biology of the Bed Bugs (Cimicidae)

Klaus Reinhardt and Michael T. Siva-Jothy p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 351
The Use of Push-Pull Strategies in Integrated Pest Management
Samantha M. Cook, Zeyaur R. Khan, and John A. Pickett p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 375
by CAPES on 01/05/07. For personal use only.

Current Status of the Myriapod Class Diplopoda (Millipedes):

Taxonomic Diversity and Phylogeny
Petra Sierwald and Jason E. Bond p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 401
Biodiversity Informatics
Norman F. Johnson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 421
Cockroach Allergen Biology and Mitigation in the Indoor Environment
J. Chad Gore and Coby Schal p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 439
Insect Conservation: A Synthetic Management Approach
Michael J. Samways p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 465
Interactions Between Mosquito Larvae and Species that Share the
Same Trophic Level
Leon Blaustein and Jonathan M. Chase p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 489


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 43–52 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 509

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 43–52 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 514


An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Entomology chapters (if any, 1997 to
the present) may be found at

viii Contents

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