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Why at the end does the Crow feel he is stronger than Death?

Examination at the Womb Door is although only an episode in the Crow-Stories, but it is a relatively significant one in the sense that the character Crow is just about to be born, about to cross the barrier that separates him from the other world, the world where men live. This Crow, which if taken in the context of the Crow poems; is a representation of man or it would be right to say this one aspect of human nature; his darker side, a side that has always been a part of him as his instinctual nature but which has been with time suppressed by social, religious and moral codes that developed over time in history. In Hughes poem (seen in the context of the CrowStories), death is in fact the Voice-hand. Being the creator of all has always been Gods biggest attribute and his opposite or to say the rival would obviously be the one causing destruction; and death because it destroys, engulfs everything acts as this rival. The ultimate end Death is here the beginning that creates the Crow. To put in Hughes own words the crow is the indestructible bird that suffers everything, suffers nothing. So the Crow; despite being a rather detestable character feels that he can conquest everything because he is in fact created by death itself so how could he have to fear this destruction, death. Furthermore, Hughes God is not the traditional biblical one but one much like the fallible gods of the ancient mythologies; Greek for example who are arrogant, quarrelsome and apt to make mistakes even in such grave matters as human destiny or fate. Viewed in the light of all this the Crows answer is so logical and up to the mark that even God has to pass him eventually at the end of the exam. This very act of being born makes the Crow superior, or to say stronger than death because creation is in fact the exact opposite of death.

Explain the use of the term womb-door

In Hughes poem the use of the term womb-door has essentially been done in the sense of a place of creation firstly and secondly in sense of a partition, a portal or a barrier that separates the two worlds, a barrier that stands between nothingness and the mortal world. However this nothingness, this womb being an isolated place is also the Crows place of creation so it becomes significant to highlight what ever the Crow has to take along with him- his character, his attributes and a sense of self consciousness as well that he gained from the adventures he went through before the examination. All of these things, he takes from here and these aspects of his nature are quite efficiently highlighted by the examination he takes. Another important aspect that is made significant through the use of this term womb-door is that since the Crow is just about to be born, standing at the door, at the other side so what ever he answers is based on his inert understanding; an understanding that he possesses by default. Moreover as the Crow is still in a sort of womb as the title suggests so he is still fragile, dependent and weak if seen in the traditional sense of a living creature being born, and he is at the door so this situation also explains his power and authority that is actually quite limited because at the end he is only a creation and even needs to pass an examination before he could finally enter the world.

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