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CI S00

1 LxecuLlve Summary
2 roducL/Servlce and 1echnology 8oadmap
3 Core managemenL 1eam ersonal ueLall (CM1)
4 Core CompeLency and SLrengLh aL ManagemenL 1eam
3 SLrengLh and SusLalnablllLy aL 8uslness Modal
6 lundlng roposal
7 SupporLlng uocumenL ALLachmenL

Lxec Summary

Company ln CorpraLed uaLe
Company Address
lease clarlLy your lndusLry secLor knowledge
Company core buslness______
1argeL markeL_______
Shareholdlng sLrucLure_______
CurrenL pald up cenLral (8M)________
CurrenL auLhorlsed cenLral
Core ManagemenL 1eam
Company goals vlslon and mlsslon

roduct]Serv|ce and 1echno|ogy koadmap

A CI S00 App||cat|on Summary (no more than 1S00 character)8r|ef summary shou|d |nc|ude
conc|se descr|pt|on at the fur|ong

1) ?ou developed producLs/servlce Lo be commerclallsed or belng commerclallsed (noLe Lo
be ellglble for Cl 300 you musL already here a ready proLoLype or an almosL ready
proLoLype for commerclallzed)
2) ?our venue proposlLlon Lo LargeL cusLomers
3) ?our LargeL markeL
4)?our buslness model and revenue modal
3)?our maln purpose aL your Cl 300 fundlng regalned

8 Commerc|a||zed cha||enge
lease explaln clearly and conclsely (ln nonce form) Lhe challenges LhaL you would face ln
commerclallslng your producLs and servlce and how you would address Lhese challenge hlLs Lhe
aL Cl 300(noLe90 aL Cl 300 granL Lo be allocaLed Lo commerclal seLa acLlvlLy)

C roducts]Serv|ce]8us|ness Descr|pt

lease denser clearly and conclsely
1 Wheel ln your exlsLlng producL/serve
2 Wheel are componenlsfeaLures and funcLlmallLer aL your producLs and servlces

u roduct Lnhance Need or I|red roduct kef|re me for Commerc|a|s
-oLe 1o be ellglble for Cl 300you musL already here a ready phoLoLype or an almosL ready
for Core merlallseLa
lease decrles conclsely any unlearnL (lf any) need Lo be made Lo your producL or servlce ln
order Lo commerclallsed
ln Cl 300 10 aL Lhe granL ln allowed for such purposes
lease llsL down ln deLall budgeLlng for such enhancemenL

L 1echno|ogy Innovat|on
lease dlscourse under lylng Lechnology or plaLform used ln your producL/servlce and polnL
and preclsely wheel lnnovaLlve lnvolved(lease aLLached any dlagram or plcLure aL Lhe flle
aLLachmenL secLor ln Lhe followlng desk)

l Inte||ectua|s roper|y (I)

Pave your flled for any paLen/1rademark/knowPow eLc?
lease explaln Lhe ownershlp aL Lhe l
Speclfy lf Lhere's any l advanLage or sLandardcerLlflceLln Lhe Core be approved Lo your

Lconom|c 1rend
lease llsL down ln deLall Lhe relevanL economlc Lrend LhaL would affecL Lhe commerclal
vlablllLy aL Lhe ldea locallyreglanolly and unLernaLlonally(egCusLomer merhel Lrend
economlc growLhdlsposable uncome aL cusLomer and spendlng reLurn aL Lhe cusLomer

P 8eta Cr Lar|y Adopters]Customer
1 LlsL down clearly all your beLa or early adopLer/cusLomer
2 rovlde any leLLer of lnLerneL or leLLer of lnLerneL
3 rovlde evldence of your early markeL developmenL

l |st of a|| the current and future k and D act|v|ty that your company |s]w||| be |nvo|ved |n

lease ClarlLy any pasL on fuLure 8 u more LhaL your company my conducLelLher ln
relaLlon Lo Lhe growLh aL your currenL producLs/servlcesexpenslon aL your company

! Impact at CIS00 Grant to your Company
lease clarlLy Lhe maln value creaLlon you wlll be generaLlng ouL of Lhe fundlng aL Cl 300
lease breakdown your assumpLlon and [usLlflcaLlon

k kevenue Mode|

lease descrles clearly
1 ?our prlclng sLraLegy and why cusLomers would be wllllng Lo pay Lhls much for your
2 All your revenue sources

kegu|atory Comp||ance
lease sLaLe ln deLall Lhe maln 8egular Compllance requlremenL (egany
rulesregucaLlonsllcenclnglncenLlvesmonopollesgovernlng bodles and laws) LhaL may lmpacL Lhe

M Core Management 1eam
1lLle -ame -aLlonally

N Core Connetency and Strength at Management 1eam
-ame 8ole CompensaLlon Shareholdlng
8rlefly descrles Lhe managemenL's Leam Lrack record

C Strength and Susta|nab|||ty at 8us|ness Moda|

MarkeLlng and sales sLraLegy
1) Pow does your company plan Lo generaLe revenue? lease descrles your buslness
2) WhaL ls your markeLlng peneLraLlon sLraLegy?
3) WhaL ls your granLs sLraLegy?
4) Pow wlll you dlsLrlbuLor you producL/servlce
3) WhaL ls Lhe 3 (rlclngroducLromoLlonlacemenLackaglng) aL your
6) Pow wlll your sales force be organlsed
7) WhaL ls your sales unLlaLlme
8) Pow you done any markeL survey? lease explaln your raLlonale
9) ls Lhe markeL growlng or shrlnklng?lease explaln your raLlonale
10)8reLhy descrlbe whaL are Lhe

a CusLomer MarkeL 1rend
b Lconomlc ranLs
c ulsposable lncome aL CusLomer
d Spendlng aLLern aL CusLomer 8ase

Compet|t|on]8us|ness romot|on

Who ls your key compeLlLor?
WhaL are Lhe opporLunlLles and LhreaLs for your company and producL/servlce?
WhaL ls Lhe lmporLanL aL your LargeL markeL Lo your compeLlLlon?
WhaL are Lhe barrlers Lo enLry ln your LargeL markeL?
Pow wlll you overcome markeL barrlers and compeLlLlon?
lease clearly and conclsely explaln your value proposlLlon Lo LargeL cusLomers lor Lhe
above value proposlLlon lease explaln how your producL/servlce creaLes such value Lo Lhe
LargeL cusLomers lease conclsely descrlbe Lhe characLerlsLlcs of your LargeL cusLomer 1he
real need for Lhe producL servlce and lf Lhere ls a ready markeL for your buslness or Lhe
markeL has Lo be creaLed

; Stage Cf Industry]Market

lease deLall ouL Lhe sLage of Lhe lndusLry le WheLher lL ls sLlll growlng or shrlnklng
esLlmaLed accepLance aL lndusLry and markeL Lo Lhe ldea wlLhln Lhe nexL 33 years (wlLh
reason Lo supporL your bellef) and sulLablllLy of Llmlng for explolLaLlon of opporLunlLy lf Lhe
markeL has Lo be creaLed please explaln whaL ls your plan or sLraLegy Lo creak Lhe markeL
WhaL are Lhe charL erlsLlc and Lrend of Lhe lndusLry?
LlsL down Lhe lndusLrles LhaL your company parLlclpaLe ln and slze aL each lndusLry
Are Lhere subbLlLlube for your producLs and or servlces?
Who are your ma[or cusLomer groups ln Lhe lndusLry?
ls Lhere a need ln Lhe markeL for your producLs/servlce? Why would

k Iund|ng roposa|

lund 8equlred
roflle and Loss AccounL
8alance SheeL
Cash llow
SLaLemenL roofed uellverraleAkLlvlLl uura flrm and llnd 8equaLed
LxpendlLure ueLall

S Support|ng Document

lorm 49
lorm 24
lorm 48A
lorm 9
lorm 13
Annual 8eLurn
lull ueLalls aL Company 8oard aL ulrecLor
CapLlLal LxpendlLure 8udgeL
revlous AudlLed AccounL (max 3 years)

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