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Scientific Journal. Vol. 16.

Honggaria 2011

A NEW THEORY OF ARCHITECTURE By Hamah Sagrim@ Architecture Young Scientists

A. BRANCH OF ARCHITECTURE Branch of the architecture can be decomposed into two main branches with parts of other elements, namely: 1. Physical Architecture a. Arsomotology Branch of Architecture science, that studies the architecture and review of the occurrence of other forms of architecture, seen from the flow characteristics, the form of (physical) as an embodiment of an object, or a form that does not appear as an object (Philosophical) as an element of value that can be terms as a symbol. As an example of a symbol is that we often encounter in the building ornaments. b. Palaeoarchitecture Branch of Architecture science, that examines the origins of the architecture of a form of flow architecture using outentik evidence, fossils, and other relics as its object. For example, the Javanese ethnic group studied they origins Javanese architecture at the Borobudur temple relif as evidence outhentic. 2. Culture Architecture a. Prehistory Architecture Banch of Architecture science, that studies the development of architecture and distribution of all the schools of architecture in prehistoric times. b. Archilinguistic Branch of Architecture science, that studies the architecture and the architectural language as the grammar of the Architecture language from various ethnic groups spread across the world. In addition, archilinguistic studying body language of architecture. Examples of body language of architecture is like building a church, when we see the cross on a building we would say to ourselves that it is a building of worship of Christians / the Church. Cross as a symbol of architectural language that speaks to us, and many forms of symbols at the other buildings that can communicate with humans. While the grammar of architecture as related to the utterances and the

Scientific Journal. Vol. 16. Honggaria 2011

designation of buildings with the language of each ethnic group, such as the building is called the English Building, the Indonesian language is the House, and the Java language Omah and so forth. c. Ethno Architecture Branch of Architecture science, that studies the architecture of the flow of architecture through the study of culture in aristektural scattered on the earth. d. Psycoarchitecture Branch of Architecture science, that examines the architecture of personality and behavior problems of architecture. That is a form of architecture not merely as a container, but the architecture must provide the other shades, including a touch of psychology. e. Specialization Architecture Branch of Arcitecture science, that examines architectures to practical problems in developmental and behavioral architectures associated with social, cultural and political community. The problems studied are: Urban, Economic, Political, Population, Health, psychiatric, Education, Economics and Religion. f. Appliedarchitecture Branch of Architecture science, that studies of the architecture used for practical purposes.

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