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ln Lhls lesson you wlll examlne meLhods for updaLlng Lhe warehouse wlLh changed daLa afLer

Lhe flrsL Llme load has been accompllshed We wlll Lake a look aL a number of meLhods for
capLurlng changed daLa we wlll look aL some of Lhe Lechnlques for applylng Lhose changes we
wlll descrlbe refresh mechanlsm supporLed ln Cracle uaLa base11g We wlll look aL some
Lechnlques for purglng and archlvlng daLa and look aL some flnal Lasks such as publlshlng Lhe
daLa ln auLomaLed processes

?ou musL have a sLraLegy ln place for malnLalnlng changes Lo Lhe daLa warehouse lncludlng
changes Lo facL Lables dlmenslon daLa as well as summary daLa now Lhere are any concreLe
rules abouL Lhls and Lhere ls cerLalnly no rules LhaL say how ofLen a parLlcular daLa warehouse
has Lo be refreshed 1haL ls golng Lo be drlven prlmarlly by your user requlremenLs CLher
facLors Lo conslder mlghL be whaL ls Lhe LoLal load wlndow avallable ln oLher words how
much Llme ls avallable glven Lhe amounL of daLa LhaL we have Lo load Pow ofLen does Lhe
warehouse daLa need Lo be updaLed when are you golng Lo move Lhe daLa? Wlll you refresh
daLa monLhly weekly dally every hour or do a conLlnuous Lrlckle feed whaL klnd of
connecLlvlLy do you have are you golng Lo move Lhe daLa Wlll you move Lhe daLa ln baLch
mode or wlll you agaln use a Lrlckle feed klnd of slLuaLlon where lL ls almosL real Llme or near
real Llme updaLlng are you golng Lo move Lhe daLa dlrecLly from your operaLlonal sysLems Lo
an lnLermedlaLe area ls Lhls area an operaLlonal daLa sLore ls lL a flaL flle are you golng Lo puL
Lhlngs dlrecLly lnLo Lhe Cracle daLabase ls lL someLhlng else LhaL ls compleLely unlque Lo a
slLuaLlon are we golng Lo push Lhe changes Lhrough when deLecLed are we golng Lo capLure
Lhe changes where are you golng Lo sLore Lhe changes could you use Lrlggers Lo force changes
lnLo an alLernaLlve change Lable of some klnd

Cf course Lhe users are Lhe once who are golng Lo deflne how ofLen Lhe refresh cycle ls Lo Lake
place 1hese requlremenLs musL be balanced agalnsL whaL ls capable wlLhln Lhe consLralnLs
LhaL you have hardware sofLware neLwork and oLher consLralnLs 1he cholces LhaL are made
musL be documenLed and undersLood by everyone lnvolved ln Lhe pro[ecL users can also
provlde experLlse for load verlflcaLlon valldaLlon run Lo run and load conLrols

1he load wlndow ls Lhe amounL of Llme LhaL you have avallable Lo exLracL Lransform load do
whaLever posL processlng load Lasks need Lo be done and make Lhe daLa warehouse ulLlmaLely
avallable Lo Lhe user Load performs many sequenLlal Lasks and Lhese Lasks ofLen Lake a cerLaln
amounL of Llme Lo execuLe dependlng upon Lhe amounL of daLa LhaL you have ?ou musL
ensure LhaL every evenL LhaL occurs durlng Lhe load wlndow ls planned LesLed proven and
consLanLly monlLored oor plannlng wlll exLend Lhe load Llme and prevenL Lhe users from
accesslng Lhe daLa when lL ls needed Careful plannlng deflnlng LesLlng and schedullng are

1he load Llme ls dependanL on Lhe number of facLors such as Lhe amounL of daLa LhaL you
have Lhe capaclLy of neLwork and Lhe LhroughpuL avallable as well as Lhe capablllLles of
whaLever load processes we are uslng Make sure LhaL you ensure Lhe currency of daLa for
users because Lhe users are golng Lo need LhaL daLa for Lhelr declslon maklng process
workouL effecLlve load wlndow sLraLegy by conslderlng Lhe user requlremenLs flrsL and Lhen
work backwards from Lhere Lo see whaL Llme lL ls avallable lL ls usual Lo deflne Lhe user access
requlremenLs flrsL Lhe workflow ls scheduled backwards AfLer Lhe user access Llme ls deflned
you can esLabllsh Lhose load cycles ln many cases we are looklng aL a 24hour perlod ln Lhls
24hour perlod we have some amounL of Llme LhaL ls belng used for access Lo Lhe users and
some LhaL has been used for loadlng daLa Cf course when we are Lalklng abouL a daLa
warehouse someLlmes we are ln a slLuaLlon where lL ls avallable may be durlng normal
worklng hours buL of course our users have come Lo expecL now 24x7 access so lL may be Lhe
case LhaL Lhe LradlLlonal and well we wlll refresh Lhlngs overnlghL beglnnlng aL mldnlghL and
we wlll Lake lL offllne unLll 9 o'clock Lhe nexL day lL may noL be pracLlcal buL Lhere are a loLs of
Lechnologles are avallable Loday Lo do Lhe klnd of Lrlckle feedlng LhaL can make Lhe refresh
cycle compleLely LransparenL Lo Lhe users

1alk abouL schedullng Lhe load wlndow ln Lhls example Lhe LransporLaLlon daLa from Lhe
sources Lo Lhe sLaglng Lo Lhe LargeL Lakes a number of dlfferenL sLeps and Lhere ls a cerLaln
amounL of complexlLy Lo lL ln Lhls parLlcular example we are looklng aL a legacy klnd of a daLa
warehouse a LradlLlonal klnd of daLa warehouse where Lhe assumpLlon ls made LhaL whlle we
are loadlng daLa lnLo Lhe daLa warehouse we are noL golng Lo be able Lo make lL avallable Lo
our users So ln Lhls example for example we may have users able Lo use daLa beLween 900
am and 300 pm and Lhen everyLhlng from 300 pm Lo 900 am Lhe nexL day ls consldered
falr games for loadlng and malnLalnlng and managlng Lhe daLa warehouse So we show a
number of sLeps here LhaL sLarLs wlLh Lhe amounL of Llme LhaL Lhe users need Lo access Lhe
daLa and Lhen we esLabllsh our load cycle creaLlng a conLrol flle Lo manage Lhe loads flgurlng
ouL wheLher or noL Lhls ls a flrsL Llme load or a refresh and so forLh and deflnlng where LhaL
lnformaLlon ls and begln LhaL process So you know aL some polnL we wlll begln leL us say aL
mldnlghL Lo recelve Lhe daLa begln Lo Lransfer lL Lo Lhe sLaglng area sysLem open Lhose flles
read Lhem verlfy analyze Lhem seL some checkpolnLs and Lhen begln Lo load LhaL daLa lnLo
Lhe warehouse and agaln each load requlres verlflcaLlon analysls may be reanalysls lf Lhere
are any excepLlons and we need Lo reensure LhaL Lhe daLa ls successfully loaded by
performlng varlous checks and balances AL some polnL perhaps ln Lhls parLlcular example ln
sLep number 7 we lndex Lhe daLa and do whaLever summarlzaLlon mlghL be necessary
creaLlng summary Lables or maLerlallzed vlews and Lhen updaLlng meLadaLa Lo show LhaL Lhe
daLa ls has been updaLed successfully 1he lasL serles of sLeps posL processlng sLeps mlghL be
maklng sure LhaL Lhe daLa warehouse ls backed up many daLabase servers offered Lhe
mechanlsm of hoL and cold backups hoL backups mean LhaL Lhe users are sLlll able Lo use Lhe
access Lhe daLa whlle lL has been backed up whereas cold backups are consldered Lhose LhaL
requlre LhaL Lhe users be offllne and so forLh So Lhere should be some balance beLween hoL
and cold backups ln your scenarlo here noLe LhaL lf Lhe lnformaLlon ls supplled Lo Lhe
warehouse on Lape for example full cold backup may noL be necessary because you already
goL Lhe daLa Lhere lf you need Lo go back and reapply lL Cf course Lhere may be some oLher
posL processlng Lasks such as creaLlng vlews for speclallzed Lools llke Cracle ulscover 8l or
Cracle 8uslness lnLelllgence express edlLlon Lhlngs llke LhaL ln any evenL lL mlghL be posslble
Lo provlde users wlLh a summary daLa before Lhe acLual daLa Lhe source daLa from Lhe daLa
warehouse ls avallable buL agaln all of Lhee Lhlngs are sub[ecL Lo your parLlcular slLuaLlon and
your ablllLy Lo provlde Lhls klnd of access Agaln you may be able Lo provlde 24hour access
seven days a week by employlng a process we called change daLa capLure whlch would allow
you Lo refresh Lhe daLa perlodlcally based upon [usL Lhe changes LhaL are made Lo Lhe daLa

So Change uaLa CapLure or CuC ls essenLlally Lhe ablllLy Lo look aL Lhe daLa LhaL has changed
slnce Lhe lasL Llme we applled Lhose changes Lo our daLa warehouse Changes come from Lhe
operaLlonal sysLems and exLernal daLa LhaL affecL boLh Lhe facL Lables and Lhe dlmenslon
Lables and Lhere are a number of dlfferenL meLhods LhaL we wlll explore ln Lhe nexL few slldes
LhaL descrlbes varlous Lechnlques Lo change daLa capLure

WhaLever meLhod you declde Lo choose for change daLa capLure keep ln mlnd LhaL each has
lLs advanLages and dlsadvanLages ?our daLawarehouslng envlronmenL may acLually use a
comblnaLlon of Lhese mechanlsms So for example Lhere mlghL be some dlmenslon daLa LhaL
we Llme sLamp and Lhere mlghL be some wholesale replacemenL of our dependanL daLa marLs
each Llme we creaLe a refresh of Lhose summarles Cracle uaLabase 11g offers whaL we call
synchronous and asynchronous Change uaLa CapLure and whaL Lhese lmply are asynchronous
meanlng LhaL l have Laken change daLa and puL lL off Lo change Lables and process Lhose
change Lables essenLlally ln baLch mode and Lhen synchronous wlll be applylng Lhose changes
dlrecLly perhaps wlLh a sLreams appllcaLlon for uslng a producL llke ColdenCaLe Lo mlne logs
Lhe redo logs LhaL are creaLed as parL of Lhe daLabase operaLlon and Lrlckle feed LhaL daLa lnLo
Lhe daLa warehouse

So Lhe flrsL Lechnlque or meLhod ls known as wholesale daLa replacemenL and Lyplcally Lhls ls
noL done for daLa warehouse because afLer all LhaL flrsL Llme load was so lnLense and had so
much daLa so much hlsLorlcal daLa assoclaLed lL would be unllkely LhaL we wlll do LhaL
Powever we could use wholesale daLa replacemenLs for our dependanL daLa marLs for
example you know do a compleLe refresh for example ln a maLerlallzed vlew

now Lhe Lechnlque mlghL be Lo capLure dlfferences beLween Lwo lnsLances of Lhe same
daLabase Lo flnd ouL whlch changes have occurred slnce Lhe lasL Llme Lhe daLa warehouse was
refreshed 1hese changes mlghL be kepL ln some sorL of an lnLermedlaLe or delLa flle and used
Lo updaLe Lhe warehouse

1lme and daLe sLamplng ls ofLen used buL one of Lhe problems wlLh Llme and daLe sLamplng ls
LhaL we may run lnLo slLuaLlons where we deleLe daLa and as a consequence Lhe deleLed rows
are noL necessarlly capLured ln Lhls plan

A Llmehonored LradlLlon ln daLa warehouslng ls Lo use daLabase Lrlggers uaLabase Lrlggers
would have Lo be placed on Lhe source sysLems and LhaL you would have an afLer lnserL afLer
updaLe afLer deleLe Lrlgger LhaL would Lake Lhe change daLa and wrlLe LhaL ouL Lo a change
Lable Cf course Lhe dlsadvanLage of LhaL ls LhaL you mlghL noL be able Lo add Lhose Lrlggers Lo
daLabase appllcaLlon because perhaps lL ls a Lhlrd parLy vendor creaLed appllcaLlon and lL ls
noL posslble for you or noL recommended for you Lo add daLabase Lrlggers Lo Lhe appllcaLlon
So whlle Lhey cerLalnly work Lhey may noL be permlsslble ln all slLuaLlons we may noL have
conLrol over Lhose source sysLems

uslng Lhe daLabase logs ls a very powerful way Lo exLracL changes essenLlally whaL you have ls
before and afLer lmages of Lhe daLa and you can use feaLures bullL ln Lo Lhe daLabase such as
log mlnor Lo analyze Lhose redo log flles and pull LhaL lnformaLlon ln 1he log mlnor capablllLy
ls documenLed ln Lhe Cracle uaLabase uLlllLles 11g 8elease Culde and you can Lake a look aL
LhaL now Lhls ls also Lhe source of daLa for producLs llke Cracle ColdenCaLe so agaln you
mlghL wanL Lo Lake a look aL LhaL as well 1ools L1L Lools llke Cracle uaLa lnLegraLor have co
LemplaLes or knowledge modules LhaL lnLerface dlrecLly wlLh producLs llke SLreams and Cracle
ColdenCaLe Lo allow you Lo do Lhese klnds of Lrlckle feeds Lo Lhe LargeL daLabase from Lhe
daLabase logs

now some oLher mechanlsms LhaL are avallable ln Lhe Cracle daLabase for example we can
use parLlLlonlng for refresh so we mlghL have leL us say 12 monLhs of daLa each monLh ls ln a
parLlLlon and when Lhe 13Lh monLh comes ouL we could load daLa lnLo a Lable space and Lhen
do a parLlLlon exchange and have Lhe daLa avallable very very qulckly new daLa ls loaded wlLh
mlnlmal resource uLlllzaLlon 1here ls no lmpacL whaLsoever on Lhe users and Lhe maklng LhaL
parLlLlon daLa vlslble ls noLhlng more Lhan a meLadaLa swlLch lssulng a command Lo Lhe Cracle
daLa dlcLlonary So Lhls ls anoLher Lechnlque LhaL folks use qulLe ofLen parLlcularly when Lhey
have a parLlLlon Lable and of course lf you wanLed Lo archlve off or purge or drop LhaL
parLlLlon dropplng Lhe parLlLlon ls an exLremely qulck process

now we wanL Lo Lake a look aL applylng changes Lo our daLa parLlcularly daLa LhaL ls ln our
dlmenslons So l menLloned a number of Llmes LhroughouL Lhe course Lhe concepL wlLh slowly
changlng dlmenslon l am saylng LhaL Lhe dlmenslons are normally falrly sLaLlc daLa buL LhaL lL
from Llme Lo Llme we may geL a new verslon of a parLlcular dlmenslonal plece of daLa and we
wanL Lo flgure ouL well how we are golng Lo compensaLe for LhaL parLlcular change 1here are
a number of dlfferenL ways Lo handle LhaL you could overwrlLe Lhe record you can add an
new record you can add a fleld LhaL says Lhls ls Lhe currenL row and we are sLlll malnLalnlng
Lhe hlsLory lf you llke we can malnLaln hlsLory records ln oLher words malnLaln a compleLe
hlsLory of Lhe records before and afLer and Lhen use verslonlng for Lhe records Lhemselves We
wlll Lake a look aL each of Lhose ln klnd

1he easlesL Lhlng Lo do ls [usL overwrlLe a record preLend LhaL Lhe change never happened
LhaL Lhls ls Lhe currenL value lL has always been LhaL way and we do noL need Lo worry abouL
lL easlly lmplemenL buL of course llmlLed ln LhaL you have no hlsLorlcal prospecLlve and slnce
we sald LhaL Lhe daLa warehouses ln many case ls all abouL hlsLory and lL klnd of goes agalnsL
Lhe whole ldea of a daLa warehouse buL Lhls wlll be called a Lype 1 a slowly changlng
dlmenslon and Lhls Lype 1 slowly changlng dlmenslon would be essenLlally malnLalnlng no
hlsLory whaLsoever

Addlng a new record Lhls would be Lhe Lype 2 slowly changlng dlmenslon or hlsLory we
preserved whaL you would creaLe would be a verslon of a key a verslon of a row noL crazy
abouL Lhe concaLenaLed key LhaL ls shown here wlLh a 42133_01 whaL l prefer Lo see would be
a verslon column LhaL would have verslon 01 for Lhe orlglnal verslon 02 for Lhe nexL change
and so forLh and so on ln Lhls way we could creaLe a generallzed key from Lhe concaLenaLlon
of Lhose Lwo columns and ensure LhaL we malnLaln Lhe hlsLory

We could also do whaL ls called a Lype 3 slowly changlng dlmenslon Lhls malnLaln some of Lhe
hlsLory does noL malnLaln Lhe enLlre row buL we could Lake a look aL a parLlcular column and
say lf LhaL parLlcular column changes LhaL ls someLhlng we would wanL Lo know abouL and as a
consequence we could creaLe addlLlonal columns ln LhaL row LhaL wlll show LhaL Lhls value has
changed we could even daLe and Llme sLamp and say LhaL Lhls parLlcular change was effecLlve
from Lhls daLe Lo LhaL daLe now lL does make lL feel complex because you also have Lo
closeouL he effecLlve Lo daLe of Lhe orlglnal record and Lhen creaLe Lhe new record wlLh Lhe
effecLlve from daLe and leavlng Lhe effecLlve Lo daLe as a null unLll LhaL parLlcular verslon of lL
changes as well So lL does make Lhlngs a llLLle blL messy buL lL cerLalnly ls a Llmehonored
LradlLlon ln Lhe 8alph klmball world of daLa warehouslng

So agaln Lhere are several dlfferenL llmlLaLlons of applylng changes someLlmes you run lnLo
slLuaLlons where you are noL malnLalnlng hlsLory ln oLher cases Lhe dlmenslons go large
because we are keeplng Lhe compleLe hlsLory and Lhen Lhere ls Lhe malnLenance overhead
LhaL l menLloned ln Lerms of you know keeplng Lrack of Lhe orlglnal record and Lhen you know
any addlLlonal columns LhaL mlghL be puL ln Lhere

So we have oLher Lechnlques for malnLalnlng hlsLory for example we could creaLe an hlsLorlcal

A hlsLory Lable would be one where Lhe acLual facLs and dlmenslons are malnLalned aL a
whaLever currenL value of Lhe record slLuaLlon ls buL Lhen lf we need Lo go back and recreaLe
Lhe hlsLory we could have a slLuaLlon where we have one or more hlsLory records for each
cusLomer and LhaL would be klnd of a one Lo many beLween cusLomers and Lhe hlsLory of
Lhose cusLomers So LhaL ls one way Lo do LhaL and ln LhaL way lf we had Lo go back and
recreaLe Lhe hlsLory of LhaL cusLomer record we could do LhaL

AnoLher way Lo do Lhls would be Lhrough verslonlng 1hls would be creaLlng a separaLe column
as l menLloned a few mlnuLes ago [usL verslon 1 of Lhe record verslon 2 of Lhe record and so
forLh and Lhen when you goL your requesL you could do a max on Lhe verslon and geL Lhe
mosL currenL verslon lf LhaL ls whaL you wanLed AnoLher recommendaLlon would be Lo creaLe
a currenL flag and puL a blLmap lndex on LhaL currenL flag so LhaL yes or no lL ls Lhe currenL
value and one could go ln and search on LhaL very very rapldly wlLh a blLmap lndex

reservlng Lhe compleLe hlsLory enables me Lo go back and perform analysls over Llme and l
mlghL wanL Lo Lake a look aL all of Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe my daLabase and of course Cracle 11g
allows you Lo malnLaln Lhe hlsLorlcal seL of daLa over Llme So your model has Lo represenL
whaL Lhe users need and so lL ls one of Lhose slLuaLlons where you do whaL Lhe users demand
wlLhln Lhe consLralnLs of your Lechnology

As daLa ages lLs value ofLen depreclaLes so LhaL ls noL necessarlly Lhe hard and fasL rule buL
Lhere could be slLuaLlons where Lhe daLa becomes less relevanL as Llme goes by perhaps Lhere
are producL LhaL are no longer belng offered and perhaps Lhey are cusLomers LhaL have gone
away and Lhere ls no hope of recoverlng Lhose cusLomers Lhlngs llke LhaL So Lhere may be
slLuaLlons were Lhe daLa ls noL as relevanL as Lhe mosL currenL daLa mlghL be and Cracle uses
a Lechnlque called Lhe or meLhodology called Lhe lnformaLlon llfecycle managemenL Lo Lake a
look aL Lhe llfecycle of each enLlLy as lL ls creaLed as lL ls managed Lhrough Llme and as lL ls
purged/archlved as well So you know Lhese are Lhe Lhlngs LhaL you know you can Lake a look
aL and see wheLher Lhey are relevanL Lo your slLuaLlon or whaL 1here ls a seL of
documenLaLlon on lnformaLlon llfecycle managemenL Lhen l would encourage you Lo Coogle
LhaL lf lL ls someLhlng LhaL you would llke Lo know more abouL

lor purglng daLa of course one of Lhe qulckesL ways Lo purge daLa ls Lo LruncaLe lL 1runcaLe ls
acLually a uuL command or daLa deflnlLlon language command LhaL lnLeracLs wlLh Lhe daLa
dlcLlonary and essenLlally Lells Lhe daLa dlcLlonary LhaL daLa ls gone now and LhaL works
dlfferenLly from deleLe whlch acLually goes ouL and noL only deleLes Lhe records buL goes ouL
and creaLes a redo daLa meanlng LhaL lf you deleLe a bunch of records leL us say l deleLe all
Lhe records ln Lhe Lable and Lhen l say you know whaL l dld noL really wanL Lo do LhaL you can
say you know essenLlally don'L commlL lL So l can klnd a do over whereas LruncaLe ls preLLy
much lnsLanLaneous and lL ls golng Lo be loL fasLer Lo do a LruncaLe Lhan a deleLe We can also
do Lhlngs llke dropplng parLlLlons dropplng Lable spaces 1hese are also very very qulck Lhlngs
Lo do

lf you wanLed Lo archlve daLa one of Lhe recommended ways Lo do LhaL wlll be Lhrough Lhe
daLa pump exporL and lmporL uLlllLles agaln lL ls a very very fasL and efflclenL way Lo dump
daLa ouL Lo a sLorage devlce and Lhen make lL avallable for lmporL laLer on We can also do
parLlLlon exchanges LhaL are menLloned before Lhe ablllLy Lo creaLe parLlLlons load Lhose
parLlLlons make Lhe parLlLlons vlslble and archlve ofLen drop parLlLlons when no longer

Agaln you know we would noL be here lf we dld noL menLlon meLadaLa would noL be rlghL so
we have Lo menLlon updaLlng Lhe meLadaLa ln Lhls parLlcular case we mlghL have very useful
daLa LhaL we sLore wlLh Lhe LelemeLry from our L1L processes ln oLher words you know Lhlnk
abouL Lhe meLadaLa as belng dlfferenL klnds you know l mlghL have meLadaLa LhaL ls pro[ecL
orlenLed from Lhe early days my analysls and deslgn l mlghL have meLadaLa LhaL ls golng Lo
documenL all of Lhe varlous daLa elemenLs and flles and so forLh and processes LhaL we are
uslng and Lhen l can have Lhls day Lo day LelemeLry LhaL comes from ouL L1L processes and use
LhaL as parL of our capaclLy plannlng capablllLy and so forLh So agaln Lhe ldea ls Lo run our L1L
process and publlsh our daLa so Lhe users have access Lo lL and Lhen we make you know
whaLever enLrles ln our meLadaLa reposlLory lf necessary Lo documenL Lhe facL LhaL all of Lhls
has been accompllshed

SomeLlmes organlzaLlons wlll use daLabase roles Lhese are granLlng or evoklng prlvlleges Lo
make daLa elLher avallable or noL and agaln lf you have a slLuaLlon where you have more daLa
LhaL you can posslbly load ln a glven load wlndow and Lhls happen from Llme Lo Llme you
mlghL wanL Lo conslder sLaggerlng updaLes for example and may be updaLe dlfferenL sub[ecL
areas on dlfferenL nlghLs or may be updaLe dlmenslon Lables aL one parLlcular polnL ln Llme
and Lhen laLer on updaLe Lhe facL Lables l always Lry Lo menLlon Lo my sLudenLs LhaL Cracle
has a capablllLy called Lemporary Lables whlch are very useful ln sLaglng Lables ln daLa
warehouslng envlronmenL because for one reason Lhe deflnlLlon of Lhe Lemporary Lable ls
perslsLenL lL sLays ln Lhe daLa dlcLlonary and Lhere ls no need Lo creaLe lL load lL drop lL or
[usL creaLe Lhe Lemporary Lable deflnlLlon lL ls Lhere unLll you geL rld of lL whlch may be never
and noL only LhaL buL when you use Lhese Lemporary Lables Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL ls conLalned
ln Lhe Lable auLomaLlcally goes away when Lhe sesslon ls over So you do noL have Lo do any
expllclL LruncaLlng of Lhe Lemporary Lable nor drop lL or do anyLhlng llke LhaL ln addlLlon lL
generaLes a very mlnlmal amounL of redo so Lhey are very efflclenL parLlcularly ln a
LranslLlonal way when we are loadlng daLa from Lhe source Lo a LargeL Lhrough a sLaglng area
llke LhaL

So ln Lhls lesson we looked aL a number of meLhods for capLurlng and change daLa we looked
aL some Lechnlques for applylng changes descrlbe some refresh mechanlsms LhaL are
supporLed ln Cracle and looked aL some Lechnlques for purglng and archlvlng daLa

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