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从马和斑马王国"Ascend Press"SSOA

主题 : From the Horse and Zebra Kingdoms

日期 : Fri, 17 Aug 2007 19:31:16 -1000

Dear JM,

Attached is a new article from a new section upon our web site, "Inspirations
from Nature, Part II". This first article is from the Horse and Zebra Kingdom.
This series of articles will dovetail with the Blessings From Nature Tarot, and
one can study this new information in relation to each time that the Horse or
Zebra card is pulled in a Tarot Spread ahead. Here is a link to the Blessings
with Nature Tarot Deck information for those who are interested.

The new information that nature is bringing through is to allow those reading
these materials to learn Language of ONE algorithmic concepts. The
Language of ONE is a step higher in unity conscious thought-form than the
Language of Light. Therefore this material is for those who are ready to move
beyond the Language of Light and into a deeper thought-form of unity within.
Over time there will be 18 articles in total, combining two each of the related
kingdoms from the Blessings from Nature Tarot Deck. We hope you enjoy this
new information.


We have posted our photo essay section of our Big Sky Masters Conclave
event. The group had a beautiful experience during the event and we hope
that the energy behind the photos captures the essence of the love anchored
by the Heart of the Tao into the group.


There is a change of direction for Terra (Earth) that is occurring at this time
that involves the anchoring of the Heart of the Tao into her aurora. The Heart
of the Tao is a Creator cast by the Tao for the purposes of launching self
healing through love. The Heart of the Tao is also now choosing to extend
into our organization and into events such as Masters Conclave to allow more
love to pour through to aid in the self healing of humanity and anchor love into
the human dream.

The Heart of the Tao has agreed to co-facilitate Masters Conclave in Hawaii
this fall. For those choosing to attend, there is a vast opportunity to receive a
massive healing of all issues that are heart as well as heal the inner family of
the wounds of the past. The love of the Tao has a means of triggering
forgiveness as one opens to deeper levels of love based algorithmic thought-
form that is associated with the Language of ONE. As such there is nothing
that cannot be forgiven in the love of the Tao; and this then leads to a brighter
day for those who have been vastly wounded in the heart this lifetime. So we
invite those desiring to open more fully to love and heal the wounds of the
past to give consideration to joining us at this very special event ahead and in
late October and upon the beautiful garden isle of Kauai.


Our school is beginning to expand and there is a calling out for those who
deeply resonate with our work to join us ahead. The Earth Mother has
created a new self study program utilizing her Complete Ascension Workbook
Part I and II called "Mastering Unity Within". This program includes two
consultations per half year with Mila and Oa to support one's working with the
workbook. Those who feel it is their calling to map carve ascension are
invited to join us.

We wish you the very best on your continued journey "Home".

Until our next communication,

Blessings upon your journey
The Earth Mother


Horse Kingdom and Zebra Kingdom through Karen Danrich

August 15, 2007

Blessings for Becoming a Co-Creator with Earth

Dear JM,

This article begins another section of information from the nature

kingdoms that are holding the archetypal dynamics associated with the
new astrology for ascension. We have written another series of
articles in our "Inspiration from Nature" section that is also
related to the "Blessings from Nature Tarot". Our earlier materials
introduced and focused upon the unity concepts and thought-form of
the Language of Light single, dual and tri tones. The Language of
Light is an ascending thought-form that all species are choosing to
embody and communicate with so that all ascending sentient species
may understand one another. Those ascending in human form must also
embody the Language of Light and are tested in healing temples held
by Terra (the Earth Mother) and Tao in the core of Earth or aurora to
assure that this is the thought-form one is mastering. Those
embodying the Language of Light fall under certain archetypal
patterns associated with the new astrology for ascension. (See "A
New Astrology for a New Millennia" for more information.)

This series of materials is designed to begin to present Language of

ONE concepts in a manner that is easy to understand and then learn
the energetic flow behind. For those working with Blessings with
Nature Tarot, this will provide you new information to work with each
time the "horse card" or "zebra card" is drawn. It is the goal of
each nature kingdom holding space for human ascension that those who
are ready begin to move beyond the Language of Light and learn the
concepts of the Language of ONE as algorithmic brain wave patterns.

The crystalline brain is unlimited in its capacity to learn new

algorithms once embodied, regardless of how far one may ascend in a
given lifetime. Once one has brought the brain and nervous system
into a crystalline blueprint, one can expand one 抯 awareness without
limitation to yet other thought-form that holds even greater unity in
its understanding, which is what the Language of ONE offers; deeper
levels of unity. Generally speaking this is mastered by 2800 to 3000
strands of DNA. It is as humans understand unity and learn unity
based algorithmic patterning within the brain that they will begin to
move towards unity based relationships with all others. This is
important as it is only as humanity returns to unity that peace upon
Earth becomes possible; and ascension of the whole may take off more
greatly than has been accomplished to date.

What exactly is the new astrology that the Horse Kingdom and many
other kingdoms govern? The new astrology provides an ascending set
of archetypal patterns that are essentially a script for life that
causes relationships between humans to flow in a more unity based
manner. What are unity relations? Unity causes humans to begin to
relate from equality rather than from a hierarchical system of better
than or less than, wealth or poverty, power or powerlessness, hope or
hopelessness, health or disease, mental or emotional, intuitive or
creative, abusive or kind, or loving or hateful in nature. Unity
thought-form rises above the polarity enough that one can begin to
relate to one another as god goddess in form rather than use, own,
possess, compete, fear, judge, shame, blame, belittle or hate one
another. It is hate in particular that hosts the most difficult
human pattern in all relationships.

The current script and solar astrology that humanity operates within
is really a Pleiadian system that was set up long ago by the Family
of Anu, a family of Pleiadians that came to Earth to strip mine her
of gold to extend the existence of their planets of origin. The
family of Anu incubated a set of slave nation peoples derived from
40% Nature American Root Race DNA and 60% Pleiadian DNA taken from
the Anu's own genealogies primarily to mine the gold and wait upon
the Anu hand and foot. A set of scripts for the life of the slaves
was set up along with an astrology that was solar in nature to direct
the dance of life of their slave nation. The scripts are very
limited and have fallen over time into patterns of judgment, greed,
lust, pain, suffering, death, and fear.
Slaves were devised to be subordinate and serving of their "masters"
or the "Gods" who were immortal. In reality the Anu were not
immortal at all; but they extended their lives for over 18,000 years
in two cases, and so from the perspective of the slaves they were
immortal as the slave life span was less than 500 years at the time
of incubation. Therefore built into the slave archetypes is aging
and death, as this is how the Anu retained a certain level of control
over the slave existence, by being perceived as much greater than
simply because the Anu knew how to extend their lives. Because the
slave scripts lead to death, another script is required to cause
humans to ascend instead into regeneration and life again. This is
the main purpose of the new scripts behind the new astrology which
allows for an archetypal script that leads to regeneration rather
than death.

Slave archetypes are driving the human dream again along with Anu
archetypes in this given Anu based cycle that is concluding
imminently. As a result, there are those related to the Anu in
inheritance who have a script of dominion and are inflated into such
positions at this time, and those who have the script for the slaves
that serve the Anu and work for them also at play at this time.
Those of red nation inheritance have often been pressed into scripts
of slavery, as this is what occurred when the Anu were dominant upon
Earth; they enslaved everything from the people to the land in order
to extend their lives. Today humans of slave and red nation
inheritance alike not only find themselves enslaved to those of Anu
inheritance, but also extending the Anu lives in the unconscious.
This is the underlying cause of false ascension at this time.

The game of life extension carries on until the karma that is related
has been released in full. Life extension of another may not amount
to anything other than giving another one 抯 chi, life force, dream
for life, grid work and information and in return taking on the dream
for death and disease along with other sour dreams that may lead to
depression or suicide, accidents or other life travesties. The dance
of giving of the good dreams and taking on the bad dreams of others
is so extensive due to the fact that the Anu participated in the game
for so long that there are few lineages that were not compromised
over time; as a result those who are ascending today may discover
themselves in circumstances where one is sacrificing of oneself for
another in one capacity or another.
The archetypal scripts of all humans were doctored in the era of the
Anu to not only be complacent to Anu rule but to self sacrifice for
the life extension of the Anu biology. This occurred due to certain
forces in the nonphysical that accessed holographic archives and
altered the archetypes to support the life extension of the Anu. In
recent years, ascending humans have retrieved the keys for how the
holographic archives were doctored, and have edited the scripts to
allow for ascension in lieu of life extension to come forth. Those
in the dance of extending the life of another, whether the other is
one 抯 parent, sibling, spouse, guru, spiritual teacher, boss or any
other, can evolve into another script which allows the ascension of
each to come forth. Extending the life of another by sacrificing of
oneself leads not to ascension for either party; it leads to life
extension for the one of Anu descent and death of the one who could
ascend. This is what has occurred in many time periods upon Earth
and has led to continuous falls into greater density or matter rather
than a rising out of the decay, death and fear thought-form that life
extension practices breed.

Why does life extension breed decay, death, fear and hatred? To
extend the life of a few way beyond the physical genetic capacity to
live, great resources must be gathered and then used to fulfill upon
the task. Why is this so? Beyond about 2000 years that the Anu
Pleiadian biology was designed to live, the grid work and energy
systems along with DNA begin to go sour or decay. To clear what had
gone sour and begun to decay, it required ten thousands times the
energy than it would take when the biology was in its youth to
sustain itself. The twelve Anu in general extended their life 10,000
years each generation; this is 8,000 years beyond what the biology
was capable of sustaining. As a result of this, it took 90,000 times
more chi to sustain the life each 1000 years beyond the 2000 years
they had already lived. This chi had to come from somewhere, and
about 70% of it came from the Anu slaves; the other 30% was stripped
from the Earth Mother and all kingdoms along with the red nation
indigenous peoples alive at the time.

Two family members of the Anu (Innana and Merduk) extended their
lives 18,000 years and into a state of insanity in the end. Over
time it took 150,000 times the chi than their youthful bodies could
generate to sustain the life another 1000 years. The ongoing
confiscation of chi along with the strip mining of Terra 抯 gold led
to a decline in global vibration. As the global vibration declined,
the ice shields that the Sirians had so graciously constructed to aid
in the sustaining of Terra 抯 vibration through a very radioactive
part of the universe fell apart creating your oceans. The Anu
stripped 80% of the gold from Terra 抯 surface to accomplish this
task. After this most of the mines were underwater and so the strip
mining ceased.

What does the loss of gold equate unto? The loss of gold equates to
a loss of love. Love is the essential "glue" that holds life
together and allows for evolution home. Without enough love,
extinction is the only possible future. As there was not enough love
upon Earth due to their own strip mining of gold, the Anu fell into
hating one another enough to create a family war; and continued to
battle it out until the bitter end of a nuclear annihilation.
Without enough love, the red nations' peoples fell into their own
disputes over land with the slaves. In the end the Native American
Root Race (which was really native to the European continent in
present time) constructed large boats and sailed off to a new world
or the North American continent today. In the new world, they could
be at peace and not under the constant battle over resources with the
growing Anu slave populations.

Although the red nations' peoples left for better land and greater
freedom, no freedom was really to be had, as they had embraced the
Anu archetypes and astrological patterns associated with the slaves.
In time, the red nations' peoples in the new world also enslaved one
another as a result. For a long time there was peace amongst the
tribes and enough resources to allow as many as 10,000 different
nations of Native Americans to grow to inhabit North America. Alas
as the Anu cycle recurred, as do all cycles ahead, there were those
amongst them that rose into the position of "god" again, becoming the
Pharaohs. The Pharaohs fell into the same life extension patterns of
the Anu, but under the guise of ascension. The Pharaohs went on to
conquer red nation tribe after red nation tribe and enslave them into
a tax system that sustained the Pharaohs in great wealth. Over time
conquered tribes became slaves to tribes that had been conquered
earlier in Egyptian history.

Pharaoh Tutt in particular fell into gathering larger headed humans

for the purposes of ascension. Indeed many larger headed humans of
the time gravitated towards this path feeling it was their real
purpose. Alas the path was not really ascension but life extension
of the Pharaoh, with all in the group sacrificing of themselves to
retain the life of a small group of elite governing the group and
continent. The dance of the Pharaohs is another level of karma that
many ascending initiates will discover that they must transcend in
order to step out of the game of self sacrifice.

Self sacrifice on any level really does not serve as it only takes
away from the energy flow required to expand the field and ascend the
biology. Self sacrifice leads to warfare and disease and not
ascension, in the Horse Kingdom 抯 perspective. How is this so?
When one self sacrifices enough chi, grid work and information, the
body falls into disease as it can no longer sustain itself. As the
consciousness falls along with the biology, humans fall into
dissonant behavior patterns that are arrogant, abusive and war
mongering or in other terms hateful.

Disease is the result of hatred turned inward; warfare the result of

hatred turned outward. Lose enough consciousness and information,
and so much dissonance will be created internal to self that hatred
is then given birth unto. All patterns of internal or external
hatred in this creation are founded upon self sacrifice for the
benefit of another. The other also loses in the end as to the degree
one takes from another to sustain one's existence, to such a degree
over time one will also self sacrifice for another in karmic
counterbalance. Over time even the Anu fell into hating one
another. How did this occur? This is interesting story, and the
Horse Kingdom will explain from recent records gathered of Innana 抯

Over time Innana took and took and took from the slave nation 抯
peoples, the red nations' peoples and the Earth Mother to extend her
life. The karma rolled over Innana eventually and she had a brief
love affair with a Pleiadian man upon one of her journey 抯 home for
a visit. The Pleiadian man was a famous physician that Innana
visited over some health care issues. Their sexual encounter was
very explosive; however Innana ended up stripped as greatly as she
had unconsciously stripped the slave nations and red nations' peoples
alike. The end result was a fall in consciousness for Innana because
her grid work, information, chi and consciousness went to the doctor
抯 patients to aid in their recovery, and she fell into hating
herself, and then turning the hatred upon her half-brother Merduk.
This led to a war between the two that culminated in a nuclear winter
for Earth.

You cannot hold one side of the polarity forever from the Horse
Kingdom 抯 point of view; stripping others to extend your life or
have a better dream, and sooner or later you too will be stripped and
experience sour dreams, and if not in this lifetime, then in another
ancestral lifetime ahead. Many are living such ancestral lifetimes
in the now and finding oneself self sacrificing for another. Many
are experiencing depression at this time or even suicidal tendencies;
yet others are finding themselves ill; yet others find it difficult
to manifest enough upon the physical plane; and yet others are
struggling to create friends to share the life dance with or a
beloved to share the life journey with. Whatever one is deprived of,
one can look around at the archetypal dance surrounding oneself as to
whom has the very thing that one most desires in the dance of life,
and one may well discover that one is self sacrificing of the
associated dream to the other.

Dreams are also difficult to hold on to, as Mila and Oa will also
attest to. Dreams seem to want to flow elsewhere and to the ones who
are in dominion at this time. Many a dream for Mila and Oa's events
has gone out the window leading to smaller groups gathering rather
than larger groups. Perhaps this is ultimately a blessing as Mila
and Oa were not ready to handle the energy dynamics of larger groups
anyway. Although this is so, it is frustrating nonetheless to see
one 抯 dreams manifest elsewhere when one spent so much time focusing
upon casting the dream that one desires. So this has also been the
experience of many in Mila and Oa's program who have tendencies to
self sacrifice of their dreams for others.

Where does the pattern of self sacrifice come from? In reality self
sacrifice is a natural part of the red nation way of being. Red
nations' people shared a common dream that each partook of. The
dream included the natural world and so nature was viewed as a part
of the whole or a part of the tribe. In this manner, plants, animals
and trees must be taken into consideration within the dream as well
as each member of the tribe. The red nations' peoples agreed that
each was to be supported by the whole, and each was to have enough.
If one season there was not enough of this or that, all was split
amongst the tribe and each did with a little less. One of the books
Mila and Oa recently read about early Hawaiian civilization shed
light upon this. One outsider noted that if a single cookie was
given to a Hawaiian family, they would split it amongst themselves
each having a bite. To such a degree is it red nation decree to
share that even the smallest of treat is also to be shared by all.

In the sharing, nature was also to be taken into consideration. It

is for this reason that red nations' peoples would not strip all the
mushrooms or berries or other resources from the forest, as some
needed to be left to allow for proliferation of future resources as
well as sustain the other kingdoms that also required such resources
for self preservation. All was to be shared. In times of abundance,
sharing everything does not lead to lack of the individual. In times
of scarcity or drought, sharing everything may mean that many go
hungry only eating a little, but at least each has something.

Over time, the Anu set in motion many energetic patterns that the red
nations' peoples did not understand or detect. The energy dynamics
from the Pleiades led to scarcity upon the physical plane; primarily
due to the electrical tones of creation that combust the water
element. The combustion of water element then leads to droughts in
which there is not enough rainfall to sustain all vegetation. Red
nations' peoples were vegetarian at this time in history and did not
farm. Earth was a "Garden of Eden" at this time and the plant life
was generous in its offerings of fruit, nuts, grains and vegetables,
providing amply for all who simply gathered what they required each
cycle. Earth was also subtropical in most regions allowing for the
fruits to be generated year round.

Having no rainfall was uncommon and unanticipated on the part of the

red nations' folk. It took far more than the twelve Anu to generate
enough radiation to cause droughts however. It was as the slave
populations grew into the billions that the overall radiation of such
groups of humans became so great that massive droughts occurred all
over Earth. Much like Australia that today is struggling with
droughts that are destroying their farming industry, many regions
that red nations' peoples thrived were struck with ongoing droughts
that forced them to move. Some also took to farming after this point
to assure that future tribes would always have enough, copying the
dream of the Anu slave nations.

The Anu slave nations did not gather (except for fishing); they were
trained by the Anu to farm. The farms of the slaves were extensive,
not unlike farming practices of today. The farms tended to grow a
single substance to excess without the consideration to how plants
self fertilize. The farms were also outside of the towns and
villages of the slaves who traded or purchased their foods for other
resources with those in the farming industry. Farms separate humans
from the natural world dream and the source that provides one 抯
food. As humans separate from food, they also separate from the
natural world dream; and as this occurs, humans cease to share with
the natural world, and may overpopulate, over pollute, and over farm,
taking away from the habitats of the other creatures that also share
in the dream of the land.

Today you are in a cycle where humans have moved far away from the
natural world dream. It is in separating off from the natural world
dream that the natural world cannot provide for humans if your farms
fail; as the natural world will not know what you require as you are
outside of its dream. It is in separating off from the natural world
that humans also cease to take care of nature or treat nature as if
it is not a part of the whole. It is in separating off from the
natural world that humans then cease to have a part in Terra 抯
evolution ahead. It will because so many are separated off and
living in an ancient slave dream that so many shall perish; as they
will cease to have a dream the further that Terra ascends and cancels
any and all non-resonant dreams. No dream equates to no life and no
life provisions.

The only solution to this dilemma is for ascending humans to be

restored into the natural world dream and become again a part of the
whole. However one must also be wary of sacrificing yourself to the
natural world dream once you return to existing within it. For the
red nations' peoples sacrificed of themselves when the natural world
dream became compromised in the life extension of the Anu. As the
Anu took more and more of Terra 抯 gold, the red nations' tribes
tried to shore up her vibration and energy flow and became ill in so
doing. As the Anu took more and more of Terra 抯 chi, the red
nations' peoples gave Earth their chi to shore her up, and again
became ill. As the Anu slaves took more and more land for their
farms limiting the natural resources that the red nations' peoples
relied upon, the red nations' peoples gave more and more of their chi
to the Anu slave farms.

So may many ascending initiates today give of themselves to the

natural world and end up self sacrificing from the belief that one
must share one 抯 dreams with all others evenly, including the land.
Sharing dreams evenly only works if there is nothing that vampires
the whole. It only takes a small number of vampires to destroy the
whole; it only took twelve Anu to begin to destroy billions of red
nations' peoples living upon Earth. Earth was never designed to host
leaches upon her. Everything in a consensus reality is to contribute
and receive in equal exchange what is required to subsist. The only
kingdoms that leach are those from other creations that do not host
the proper language and energetic movements to be supportive of
Terra. Each kingdom that is non-resonant is choosing to ascend into
resonant genetics at this time from its more ancient inheritance, or
perish through extinction. In so doing, in time no plant, animal or
mineral kingdom shall leech Earth any longer. This also must come to
be so for the human kingdom, which leeches far more of Earth 抯
resources than all other non-resonant kingdoms combined.

One cannot share in a dream if there is a leech in the group. This

is what Mila and Oa have discovered over time in their own program.
Those who wish to leech and take more than they give have over time
left the organization as it created enough imbalances to cause
further ascension of the whole to cease otherwise. Terra is in a
parallel dilemma; if she does not extinguish the life of that which
leeches, there will come a point where she cannot ascend any further
due to how much chi those who leech take form her overall resources.
Humans are the primary cause of the lack of chi necessary to ascend,
and shall have vast populations the require cleansing as a result of
this truth.

For those who are choosing to ascend, you cannot afford also to be
spending time with those who leech you excessively of your resources
needed to evolve, or you too will cease to ascend beyond a certain
point. The best solution is to ascertain who is taking too much of
your resources and to whom you are self sacrificing unto, and then
choose to complete with such individuals clearing all karma between
you through forgiveness. Also one must forgive parts of self that
have leeched in this lifetime or in other lifetimes within your
ancestry, as one has done it all so to speak in one 抯 lengthy
inheritance. Understanding the archetypal natures of others is
helpful in this goal, and it is for this purpose that the Earth
Mother has compiled " The Complete Ascension Workbook". The Workbook
allows each to begin to assess the archetypal dance one has been
surrounded in from birth, what position that one holds in the dance
due to one 抯 inheritance, and allows the spiritual lessons behind
the dance to come to light so that one can choose to forgive and

It is only as one completes with the archetypal script that one was
born with that one can ascend into a new archetypal script related to
the new astrology. What are the new scripts like? Mostly the new
scripts are modified red nation patterns that operated in unity at
the time that they were alive. One will have many ancestors related
to a particular script in the new astrology, and this will be the
truth that one will ascend into that is unity based. Unity based
truth relates to all others from equality and unconditional love.
Unity based truth honors one another and the contribution of each
unto the whole. Unity based truth honors all kingdoms and the whole
of the Earth. Unity based truth seeks to give of oneself to the
group and receive in balance. Unity based truth seeks to self
express in joy and allow for the self expression of all others also
in joy.

Unity based truth seeks to love all others, but understands that if
another cannot love in return and vampires or takes more than they
give, that one cannot keep loving and loving until there is nothing
left of self. Unity based truth desires for each to have the
fulfillment of dream that each longs for; however you now also will
come to understand that you cannot sacrifice your dreams for others
or weave dreams for others so that they will be fulfilled at your own
expense. Unity based truth seeks to empower self and all others;
however now you will understand that you cannot empower another to
such a degree that you lose your own power and then fail to ascend.
Unity based truth seeks to stand in one 抯 unique truth and allow all
others the same; however now one will understand that one cannot
sacrifice of one 抯 own truth for another that perceives one's truth
as more desirable than their own.

The Anu had no truth within the red nation dream, nor did they have a
truth to exist upon Earth; nor did their slave nation have a sincere
truth related to the Earth Mother. Those of this nature tend to take
the truth of those ascending or who are red nation as it appears to
resonate with Earth and so that they can feel as though they fit in.
Over times past Mila has noted how many metaphysical aspirants of
such natures take on red nation truths of the Hawaiians or Native
Americans or other indigenous cultures and for a time may believe it
is their truth. The truth of another will never be one 抯 own truth;
one 抯 own truth is unique unto oneself and one 抯 inheritance and
never will be duplicated in another. Duplication of truth is an Anu
mechanism so that the Anu could have a place and truth to exist upon
Earth. Duplicated truth will never resonate within and only leads to
confusion and lack of understanding of one 抯 own archetypal nature.
The Anu became very confused over time due to their intertwining with
their slaves and red nations' folk. The Anu as a result did not know
who they were in their own lifetimes; those of their inheritance
repeat the same today as this is all that they recall.

Those of sincere red nation inheritance will move backward in time

and recover one 抯 truth as it was expressed in more ancient times in
your red nation ancestors. This truth brought forward today will not
resemble present day red nation truth as reflected through indigenous
groups or tribes; it will be a unique expression of even more ancient
holographic recollection of unity. It is true that indigenous
peoples are also ascending, and in so being they too are evolving to
a more ancient truth that will encompass a larger picture of the
dance than in present time. The ancient ancestors are pressing those
who have red nation origins today to embody greater wisdom so that
tomorrow they can become the leaders of of their own tribes and
potentially nations as well. This too will create a dance that is
different from what has been in the past, and will allow the light to
begin to shine again amongst indigenous groups.

Those who are white with ancient red ancestry will also have to
release the thought-form, patterns and programs that cause one to
live a script related to the slave nations of the Anu; and as one
releases 60% of the associated programming, one will begin to embody
their ancient red nation truth and then can receive a script for
unity associated with the new astrology for ascension. The new
astrology for ascension is founded upon the energy flow within the
Great Central Sun and is not related completely to anything outside
and in this current region of domain. Most archetypes today are
distorted and from fallen genetic and behavioral patterns. The new
archetypes therefore are to be revised so that humans can restore a
fully conscious state of being, and then ascend to another dimension
of thought-form with Terra over the coming 1000 years.

The archetypes themselves however will not be like what has fallen;
the Tao is choosing to edit the scripts to reflect the nature of
human relations as they occurred in the Great Central Sun, shortening
the pathway to unity. Most of such changes are occurring through
algorithmic formations that will allow those with a crystalline brain
to understand the larger concepts of the Language of ONE. The
Language of ONE is a consensus based thought-form. As such, one is a
part of the consensus, and is a guardian of the consensus. As a
guardian, one has responsibility to contribute to the consensus and
in return receives what is required to subsist. As a guardian, one
has responsibility to assist in the ascension of one another and the
land and all kingdoms that reside upon the land. As a guardian, one
can learn to be an equal with the Earth Mother or any other kingdom.

Now this may seem unusual, as how can something as small as a human
be equal unto the whole of the consensus known as Terra? This is
perhaps a large lesson and a new algorithmic pattern for those who
are ready. Every part of the consensus is equal; no matter how large
or how small, or one 抯 level of mastery, or one 抯 physical shape or
form. All are equal; embracing equality with Earth is the first step
out of being codependent with her. Many would like to replace one 抯
former saviors or false gods with Terra 抯 consciousness. Then when
things do not go well, you scream to Earth to be saved; saved often
from yourself and your own karma. No one can save another from their
karma. Each must take responsibility for the karma that one has, and
learn to clear it along with the patterns associated to move into a
unity based script.

Those who self sacrifice become the savior of others; then one seeks
the savior in another such as Terra when one has not enough because
one has become depleted by giving away everything to others. When
one has one 抯 own truth, power, love, dream and enough chi, then one
can hold one 抯 own; and contribute to the consensus upon which one
resides. Then one need not rely upon Earth as a savior but as a co-
creator in the dance of life. This is also the role of the guardian,
to co-create your human life in collaboration with the consensus that
you reside within.

Terra also is learning not to be the savior of other creations. For

eons of time she too has sacrificed herself for 18 creations upon
this dimension and a host of other creations upon other dimensions
numbering over 100. Terra has self sacrificed for the same reason
that red nations' peoples self sacrifice, she has believed that one
must contribute to the whole and that each should have enough; and
that each should do whatever they can to assure that each has
enough. Alas this has included self sacrificing herself leading to
her own demise and falls form the 24th to the 18th to the 12th to the
5th to the 3rd dimension. Enough of so much self sacrifice, and as
such, each creation she has supported is being cut off, and what has
been taken is to be retrieved, until Terra recovers herself enough to
step out of the delusion of physicality and back home to the heart of
the Tao.

So this is so for each human. This existence is only the biggest

delusion of all; that one must self sacrifice in so many ways that it
is difficult to subsist; that one must be imprisoned to a 9 to 5 job
that one hates in order to pay the bills and pay the taxes and raise
the family and put food upon the table; or be imprisoned in a
marriage of non-love to be supported in the dance of life. The
delusion is so great however that your DNA believes that this is so;
working your way therefore to a sovereign way of being and out of the
current system or box is a lengthy journey. One takes one step at a

Even Mila and Oa are confined by the requirement to create enough to

subsist; and this sometimes exhausts them. Perhaps if they had more,
they would work less; and this is what they too are working upon;
holding a large enough dream to create more effortlessly and without
taxing those who study with them; as each here also often struggles
to manifest enough. This is due to being a group of red nation
descendents that still self sacrifice for the Anu in your life. As
one ceases to sacrifice for the Anu, one will begin to hold a larger
dream, and then one 抯 ability to manifest will come more easily.
This too is what the new scripts associated with the new astrology
are designed to create.

Guardianship creates a sense of internal fulfillment that one can

only understand as it is restored. For those of red nation
inheritance, becoming again a guardian of Earth fulfills something
deep within oneself that is related to your original casting within
the Great Central Sun as a human being. Humans always were the
guardians of the consensus that they reside upon; something occurred
in the Great Central Sun causing fall after fall, and humans as
guardians sacrificed of themselves there too. It is time to cease
self sacrificing and begin to weave a dream in collaboration, honor,
unity, equality and love with the Earth Mother.

Real love of the Tao does not expect another to give more than one
gives; real love of the Tao does not expect another to self sacrifice
so that one can have a better life. Real love calls for
responsibility; responsibility for what the language that you hold
within in your programming causes upon the physical plane. There is
not one incident that one manifests, even homelessness, that one is
not at cause of. One holds programs and beliefs that call a
particular dream to oneself. Sometimes some of the programs and
beliefs are not one 抯 own and have been projected upon oneself.
These can easily be returned. However, underlying the projections
will always be a thread and series of programs that are related that
one also believes.

Remove the original programs and forgive the karmic cause, and one
will be able to integrate other thought-form that is Language of
Light and Language of ONE based, and this thought-form will cause a
different dream to be caught; a dream of unity in which there will
always be balance and always enough. Through such languages, the
fulfillment of each dream that one holds can then come forth as a co-
creator with the Earth Mother.

We leave you with these thoughts

Horse and Zebra Kingdom

Copyright ? 2007 Karen Danrich. All Rights Reserved.

从马和斑马王国"Ascend Press"SSOA

星期五, 19:31:16 8 月 17 日 2007 年-1000

亲爱的 JM,

"启发从自然, 第部分 II" 。 这篇第一篇文章是从
马和斑马王国。 文章这系列将燕尾与
祝福从自然 Tarot, 和你可能学习这新
拉扯 Tarot 向前被传播。 这链接对祝福与
自然 Tarot 舱板信息为那些感兴趣。

概念。 语言一个是步更高在团结神志清楚
想法形式比光语言。 所以这材料是
团结的一个更加深刻的想法形式内。 在时间期间有将是 18
文章总共, 结合每两个相关王国从
祝福从自然 Tarot 舱板。 我们希望您享用这新

事件。 小组有美好的经验在事件和我们期间
希望, 能量在相片之后抓住本质

关于夏威夷掌握秘密会议在 10 月

极光。 陶的心脏是创作者由陶扮演为
发射自已的目的愈合通过爱。 陶的心脏

陶的心脏同意 co 促进大师秘密会议
夏威夷这个秋天。 为那些选择出席, 有浩大的
并且愈合过去的创伤的内在家庭。 爱
与相关语言一个。 因为这样那里是没什么那
不能被原谅在陶的爱; 并且这然后导致 a
终身。 如此我们邀请那些渴望对爱更加充分地打开和
这个特殊事件的时刻前面和在 10 月下旬和在
Kauai 美丽的庭院小岛。


谁深深地共鸣以我们的工作向前加入我们。 地球母亲
作业簿第部分 I 和 II 叫"掌握团结在之内" 。 这个节目
包括二咨询每半年以 Mila 和 Oa 支持
某人的工作与作业簿。 那些感到它是他们叫

我们祝愿您最佳在您持续的旅途"在家" 。







马王国和斑马王国通过 Karen Danrich "Mila"

2007 年 8 月 15 日

祝福为成为一个 Co 创作者与地球

亲爱的 JM,

新占星术为上生。 我们写了其它系列
文章在并且被关系的我们的"启发从自然" 部分
对"祝福从自然 Tarot" 。 我们更加早期的材料
轻的唯一, 双重和三口气语言。 光语言
并且通信与以便所有上升的 sentient 种类可以
互相明白。 那些登高以人的形式并且必须
土地(地球母亲) 并且陶在地球或极光核心
保证, 这是想法形式你掌握。 那些
与相关新占星术为上生。 (参见"新

精力充沛的流程后边。 为那些运作以祝福以自然
Tarot, 这将供给您新信息对工作每次
"马卡片" 或"斑马卡片" 被画。 这是每个的目标

算法一次被实现, 不管多远你也许登高在 a
指定的终身。 一旦你带来了脑子和神经系统
入一张水晶图纸, 你可能扩展一? 了悟无
它的理解, 是什么语言一个提供; 更深
团结的水平。 一般而论这由 2800 到 3000 掌握
DNA 子线。 它是当人了解团结和学会团结
行动朝团结与其他的基于的关系。 这是
地球变得可能; 并且整体的上生也许离开更多

其它王国治理? 新占星术提供登高的套
什么是团结联系? 团结导致人开始关系从
比, 财富或贫穷、力量或无力、希望或绝望,
健康或疾病, 精神或情感, 直觉或创造性, 虐待
或亲切, 或爱恋或可恶在自然里。 团结想法形式上升
当神女神以形式而不是用途, 拥有, 拥有, 竞争, 恐惧,
法官, 羞辱, 责备, 轻视或互相恨。 这是怨恨

真正地是由家庭从前设定的 Pleiadian 系统
Anu, 来接地对露天矿她 Pleiadians 的家庭
金子扩大他们的行星的存在起源。 家庭
Anu 被孵化一套奴隶国家人民从 40% 自然获得了
美国根种族 DNA 和 60% Pleiadian DNA 被采取从 Anu 的自己
谱学主要对我的金子和等待在 Anu 手和
脚。 一套剧本为奴隶的生活被设定了
他们的奴隶国家。 剧本是非常有限的和下落了
随时间入评断的样式, 贪婪, 情热, 痛苦, 痛苦,
死亡, 和恐惧。

或"神" 谁不朽。 实际上 Anu 不是不朽
根本; 但他们延长他们的生活 18,000 年在二
案件, 和从奴隶的透视他们如此不朽
奴隶寿命是少于 500 年在之时
孵出。 被建立所以入奴隶原型老化和
死亡, 作为这是怎样 Anu 保留了某一控制水平对
奴隶存在, 由被察觉的一样大于简单地
因为 Anu 会延长他们的生活。 由于奴隶
剧本导致死亡, 其它剧本必需导致人
再改为登高入再生和生活。 这是扼要

奴隶原型再驾驶人的梦想与 Anu 一起
原型在这指定的 Anu 根据了结束的周期
临近地。 结果, 有那些与 Anu 有关
此时的位置, 和那些有剧本为奴隶
那次服务 Anu 和工作为并且他们在此时的戏剧。 那些
奴隶制, 作为这是什么发生了当 Anu 是统治的
地球; 他们奴役了一切从人民对土地在有条有理
延长他们的生活。 今天奴隶和红色国家的人
继承不仅发现自己被奴役对那些 Anu
继承, 而且延伸 Anu 居住在不自觉。

充分被发布了。 另的生活引伸不能共计
对任何除给另外一之外? chi, 生活力量, 梦想为
消沉或自杀、事故或其它生活 travesties 。 舞蹈
那么广泛由于这样的事实 Anu 参加了比赛为
那么长期, 有未减弱的少量后裔
时间; 结果那些是上升的今天也许发现
Anu 不仅是得意洋洋的对 Anu 规则但对自已牺牲为
Anu 生物的生活引伸。 这发生的由于确定
力量在 nonphysical 访问全息照相的档案和
修改原型支持 Anu 的生活引伸。 在
最近岁月, 上升的人检索了钥匙为怎样
全息照相的档案被篡改了, 和编辑了剧本
考虑到上生代替生活引伸来。 那些
延长另的生活舞蹈, 是否其他是一个?
父母、兄弟姐妹、配偶、宗师、精神老师, 上司或些其他,
来。 延长另的生活由牺牲自己
主角不是对上生为或者党; 它导致生活引伸
为那个 Anu 下降和死亡那个谁能登高。
对连续的分成更加巨大的密度或问题而不是 a

活, 巨大资源必须被会集和然后被使用履行
任务。 为什么这是如此? 在大约 2000 年之外 Anu
Pleiadian 生物被设计居住, 栅格工作和能量
系统与 DNA 一起开始变酸或腐朽。 对明白什么有
变酸和开始腐朽, 它需要十数以万计倍
本身。 十二 Anu 总之延长他们的生活 10,000 年
各个世代; 这是 8,000 年在是什么之外生物
能承受。 由于这, 这花费了 90,000 倍更多
chi 承受□1000 年在 2000 年之外他们有的生活
已经居住。 这 chi 必须来自某处, 和大约 70%
它来自 Anu 奴隶; 另一 30% 从地球被剥离了

Anu 的二个家庭成员(Innana 和 Merduk) 延长他们的生活

18,000 年和入疯狂状态在最后。
比他们年轻的身体能引起采取了 150,000 倍 chi
承受生活另外 1000 年。 持续的没收
chi 与土地一起小条采矿? 金子导致了衰落
全球性振动。 如同全球性振动下降了, 冰盾
Sirians 那么客气修建援助在
承受土地? 振动通过一非常放射性部份的
宇宙落分开创造您的海洋。 Anu 剥离了 80%
金子从土地? 表面完成这项任务。 在这以后多数

金子损失视同什么? 金子损失视同对 a
爱损失。 爱一起是根本"胶浆" 那举行生活
并且考虑到演变家。 没有足够的爱, 绝种是
唯一可能的未来。 尽管没有足够的爱在地球由于
金子他们自己的小条采矿, Anu 分成恨
足够创造家庭战争; 并且继续作战它直到
核歼灭的苦涩结尾。 没有足够的爱,
奴隶。 在最后真正地是的当地美国人根种族(
当地人对欧洲大陆在当前时间) 被修建的大
今天。 在新世界, 他们能是在和平和不是在之下
关于资源的恒定的争斗有增长的 Anu 奴隶人口。

自由, 没有自由真正地将有, 因为他们拥抱了 Anu
原型和占星术样式联系了奴隶。 在
时间, 红色国家的人民在新世界并且奴役了一
另结果。 有长期和平在之中
部落和足够的资源允许多达 10,000 不同
当地美国人的国家成长为居住北美洲。 呀
Anu 周期象所有周期前面复发了, 有那些
在他们之中玫瑰色入"神的" 位置再, 成为
Pharaohs 。 Pharaohs 分成同样生活引伸样式
Anu, 但装扮上生。 Pharaohs 继续
承受 Pharaohs 在了不起的财富的税收系统。 随时间

Pharaoh Tutt 特别是分成会集更大的朝向的人

为上生的目的。 的确许多更大的朝向的人
目的。 呀道路真正地不是上生而是生活引伸
Pharaoh, 与所有在小组牺牲他们自己保留
Pharaohs 的舞蹈是许多的其它羯磨的水平
登高的发起发现, 他们必须超越为了
生物。 自已牺牲导致战争和疾病和不是
上生, 在马王国? 透视。 这怎么是如此? 当
一自已牺牲足够的 chi 、栅格工作和信息, 身体
分成疾病如同它可能不再承受自己。 作为
知觉下跌与生物, 人一起分成刺耳
是傲慢, 虐待和战争 mongering 或的行为模式

疾病是仇恨被转动的内部的结果; 战争结果
仇恨被转动向外。 丢失足够的知觉和信息, 和
不和谐非常将是被创造的内部的对自已, 仇恨是
然后诞生的。 所有内部或外在仇恨的样式
另。 其他并且丢失在最后至于程度你采取
从另承受某人的存在, 对这样程度随时间
一意志并且自已牺牲为另在 karmic 抵消。
在时间期间甚而 Anu 分成恨。 怎么做了这
发生? 这是有趣的故事, 并且马王国将解释
从最近纪录会集了 Innana? 生活。

随时间 Innana 采取了和采取了和采取了从奴隶国家?

生活。 羯磨最终滚动了在 Innana 并且她有一份摘要
风流韵事与一个 Pleiadian 人在一个她的旅途? 家为 a
参观。 Pleiadian 人是 Innana 拜访的一位著名医师
在一些医疗保健问题。 他们的性遭遇非常是
易爆; 但是 Innana 结束了一样很大地剥离象她有
。 最终结果是在知觉的一个秋天为 Innana 因为
她的栅格工作、信息、chi 和知觉去医生?
患者援助在他们的补救, 和她分成恨,
并且然后转动仇恨在她的半亲兄弟 Merduk 。 这导致了

? 观点; 剥离其他人延长您的生活或有更好
作梦, 并且迟早您太将被剥离和经验
变酸梦想, 和如果不是在这一生, 然后在另祖先
终身前面。 许多现在居住这样祖先终身在
并且发现自己自已牺牲为另。 许多是
其他人发现自己不适; 其他人发现它困难
体现足够在物理飞机; 仍然其他人奋斗
生活旅途与。 什么你被剥夺, 你可能看
一个最渴望在生活舞蹈的事, 和非常一个可以
井发现, 一个是自已牺牲伴生的梦想

梦想还难举行对, 因为 Mila 和 Oa 并且将

证实。 梦想似乎想要流动在别处和到那个
是在统治此时。 许多梦想为 Mila 和 Oa 的事件
比更大的小组。 或许这最后是祝福作为 Mila 和
Oa 没准备好处理更大的小组能量动力学
无论如何。 虽然这是如此, 它令人沮丧仍然看一
? 梦想在别处体现当你非常花费了时间聚焦
熔铸一个渴望的梦想。 如此这并且是
许多的经验在有倾向的 Mila 和 Oa 的节目

自已牺牲的样式何处来自? 实际上自已
牺牲是红色国家方式的一自然部份是。 红色
每个参加的国家的人分享了一个共同的梦想那。 梦想
整体或部落的部份。 这样、植物, 动物和
各名部落的成员。 红色国家的人民同意每个
是由整体支持, 并且每个是有足够。 如果一
季节那里不是足够这或那, 全部被分裂了在之中
部落和每个做了与一点较少。 书 Mila 和 Oa 的当中一个
一个局外人注意了那如果一个唯一曲奇饼被给了 Hawaiian
家庭, 他们会分裂它在他们自己每个之中有叮咬。

在分享, 自然并且将被考虑到。 它是
因此, 红色国家的人不会剥离所有
蘑菇或莓果或其它资源从森林, 作为一些
为自已保存。 所有将被分享。 在丰盈时候,
分享一切不导致缺乏个体。 在时期
缺乏或天旱, 分享一切也许意味, 许多是
饥饿只吃少许, 但至少每个有某事。

在时间期间, Anu 设置了在行动红色的许多精力充沛的样式

国家的人没有了解或没有查出。 能量动力学
从 Pleiades 导致缺乏在物理飞机; 主要
由于创作电子口气 combust 水
元素。 水元素的燃烧然后导致天旱
哪些那里不是足够的降雨量承受所有植被。 红色
农场。 地球是"伊甸园" 此时和机器寿命
周期。 地球是还亚热带的在多数地区考虑到

红色国家的民间。 它采取更多比十二 Anu 引起
足够的辐射导致天旱然而。 它是作为奴隶
小组人变得很伟大, 大天旱发生了所有
结束地球。 很象今天奋斗与的澳洲
毁坏他们的农业生产的天旱, 许多地区那
牵强他们行动。 一些并且喜欢对种田在这点以后
保证, 未来部落总会有足够, 复制梦想
Anu 奴隶国家。

Anu 奴隶国家没有会集(除了渔); 他们是

由 Anu 训练对农场。 奴隶的农场是广泛的,
不是不同于农场经营实践今天。 农场倾向于生长 a
自已施肥。 农场并且是在镇和村庄外面
与那些在农业生产。 农场分离人从
自然世界梦想和提供一的来源? 食物。 作为人
分别于食物, 并且他们分别于自然世界梦想;
并且当这发生, 人停止与自然世界分享, 和
可以人口过剩, 在污染, 和农场, 拿走从

自然世界梦想。 它是在分离从自然世界
作梦, 自然世界无法为人提供如果您的农场
失败; 因为自然世界不会知道什么您需要当您是
在它的梦想外面。 它是在分离从自然世界
不是整体的部份。 它是在分离从自然
世界, 人然后停止有一部份在土地? 演变
向前。 它将因为那么许多被分离和居住在
那么许多将消灭的古老奴隶梦想; 因为他们将停止
non-resonant 梦想。 梦想不视同对没有生活和没有生活

整体。 但是你必须并且是机警的对牺牲对
自然世界梦想一旦您回到存在在它里面。 为
梦想成为了妥协在 Anu 的生活引伸。 作为 Anu
采取了越来越土地? 金子, 红色国家的部落尝试了
Anu 采取了越来越土地? chi, 红色国家的人民
给地球他们的 chi 支持她, 和再变得不适。 作为
Anu 奴隶采取了越来越土地为他们农厂限制
自然资源, 红色国家的人民依靠了, 红色
国家的人给了越来越他们的 chi Anu 奴隶

必须分享一? 梦想与均匀地其他, 包括土地。
整体。 它只采取很小数量的吸血鬼毁坏整体;
它只采取十二 Anu 开始毁坏亿万红色国家的
人居住在地球。 地球从未被设计主持过滤
在她。 一切在公众舆论现实中将贡献和
接受在相等的交换什么必需维持生活。 唯一
土地。 non-resonant 的各个王国选择登高入
共振遗传学在这时间从它的更加古老的继承, 或
消灭通过绝种。 这样作, 及时没有植物, 动物或
矿物王国任何长期 leech 地球。 这必须还来
是如此为人的王国, leeches 更多地球?
资源比所有其它 non-resonant 王国结合了。
你无法分享在梦想如果有一只水蛭在小组。 这是
什么 Mila 和 Oa 发现了随时间在他们自己的节目。
那些希望 leech 并且比他们给有随时间采取更多
整体的上生停止否则。 土地是在平行
困境; 如果她不熄灭那生活 leeches,
chi 那些 leech 作为形成她的整体资源。 人是
缺乏的主要起因 chi 必要登高, 和将

为那些选择登高, 您无法并且是
消费时间与那些过份地 leech 您您的资源
需要演变, 或您太将停止登高在确定之外
点。 最佳的解答将查明谁采取太多
您的资源和对谁您是自已牺牲, 和然后
您通过饶恕。 并且你必须原谅自已的部份那
leeched 在这一生或在其它一生在您之内
祖先, 作为一个做了它全部亦所谓在一个? 长
继承。 了解其他人的原始模型的本质是
有用的在这个目标, 和它是为这个目的那地球母亲
编写了"完全上生作业簿" 。 作业簿准许
在从诞生, 一个担任在舞蹈由于一个的什么职务?
继承, 和允许精神教训在舞蹈之后来

新占星术。 什么是新剧本象? 主要新
计时, 他们活。 你将有许多祖先与 a 有关
特殊剧本在新占星术里, 和这将是真相
那一个将登高入那是团结根据。 团结根据了真相
与其他关系从平等和无条件的爱。 团结
整体。 团结根据了真相荣誉所有王国和整体
地球。 团结根据了真相寻求对授予自己对小组和
接受在平衡。 团结根据了真相寻求对自已明确在喜悦

团结根据真相寻求爱其他, 但了解那如果
给, 那一个无法保持爱恋和爱恋直到有没什么
自已左边。 团结根据了真相欲望使每个有
每个渴望梦想的履行; 但是并且您现在意志
来了解, 您无法为其他人牺牲您的梦想或
费用。 团结根据真相寻求授权自已和其他;
您现在了解, 您无法授权另
这样程度, 您丢失您自己的力量和然后不登高。
团结根据真相寻求站立在一个? 独特的真相和准许所有
其他人同样; 你现在了解, 一个不能
牺牲一个? 拥有真相为另察觉某人的真相

Anu 没有真相在红色国家梦想之内, 亦不他们有 a

真相存在在地球; 亦不他们的奴隶国家有一恳切
真相与地球母亲关系了。 那些这自然倾向 Ó 诓扇¡
随时间通过 Mila 注意了这样的多少位 metaphysical 追求者
自然承担 Hawaiians 或当地美国人的红色国家真相
真相。 另的真相从未将是一个? 拥有真相; 一? 拥有
真相是独特的自己和一个? 继承和从未将是
复制在另。 真相的复制是 Anu 机制如此
Anu 能有地方和真相存在在地球。
混乱和缺乏理解对一个? 拥有原始模型的自然。
Anu 成为了非常迷茫的随时间由于他们交错与
他们的奴隶和红色国家的民间。 Anu 结果不知道
谁他们是 在他们自己的一生; 那些他们的继承

恢复一? 真相照原样用更加古老的时期被表达了在您
红色国家祖先。 这真相被带来的向前今天不会将
小组或部落; 这将是一个独特的表示更加古老
团结的全息照相的往事。 它是真实的本地人
并且登高, 和在因此是他们太演变对更
在当前时间。 古老祖先按那些有
国家。 这太将创造与不同是的一个舞蹈
什么从前在, 和将允许光开始发光

剧本与 Anu 的奴隶国家关系了; 并且作为一发布
60% 伴生编程, 你将开始实现他们
与相关新占星术为上生。 新占星术
领域的当前的区域。 多数原型今天被变形和
从下落的基因和关于行为的样式。 新原型
是因此被校正以便人能充分地恢复 a
神志清楚的状态是, 和然后登高对其它维度
想法形式与土地以后的 1000 年。

联系如同他们发生了在了不起的中央太阳, 变短
路对团结。 大多这样的变动发生着通过
语言一个是公众舆论基于的想法形式。 , 你是 a
分开公众舆论, 和是公众舆论的监护人。 作为 a
监护人, 你有责任贡献对公众舆论和
返回接受什么必需维持生活。 作为监护人, 你有
并且居住在土地的所有王国。 作为监护人, 一个罐头

现在这也许似乎异常, 作为怎么可能某事象小作为人是
均等公众舆论的整体以土地著名? 这是
准备好。 每公众舆论的部份是相等的; 无论大或
多么小, 或一个? 精通的水平, 或一个? 物理形状或形式。
所有是相等的; 接受平等与地球是第一步在外面
是 codependent 与她。 许多会想替换一? 前
救主或假的神与土地? 知觉。 然后当事
不去很好, 您尖叫接地被保存; 经常保存从
你自己和您自己的羯磨。 没人可能从他们保存另
羯磨。 每个必须承担对一个有的羯磨的责任, 并且
学会对明白它与样式一起联系搬入 a
那些自已牺牲适合其他人的救主; 然后你寻找
你成为了由给耗尽一切其他人。 当一
有一? 拥有真相、力量、爱、梦想和足够的 chi, 然后一个罐头
举行一? 拥有; 并且对一个的公众舆论贡献
居住。 然后你不需要依靠地球作为救主而是作为 co-
创作者在生活舞蹈。 这并且是监护人的角色,
co 创造您的人生与公众舆论合作那

土地并且学会不是其它创作的救主。 为
永世时间她为 18 创作太牺牲了自己在这
编号 100 。 土地有自已为同样原因被牺牲
红色国家的人自已牺牲, 她相信那一个
必须对整体贡献并且那每个应该有足够; 并且
困境和秋天形成 24 对 18 对 12 对 5
第 3 个维度。
足够非常自已牺牲, 和,
她支持了的各创作被切除, 并且什么是
被采取被检索, 直到土地恢复自己足够跨步
出于 physicality 和后面家错觉对心脏的

如此这是如此为每个人。 这存在只最大
所有的错觉; 那一个必须自已牺牲用它的许多方式
难维持生活; 那一个必须被监禁对 9 到 5 工作
家庭和被投入的食物在桌; 或被监禁在婚姻
非爱支持在生活舞蹈。 错觉是如此
伟大然而您的 DNA 相信这是如此; 工作您的方式
箱子是一次长的旅途。 你采取一个步骤一次。

Mila 和 Oa 由要求限制创造足够
维持生活; 并且这有时用尽他们。 或许如果他们有更多,
他们会运作; 并且这是什么他们太运作在;
收税那些学习与他们; 作为每个这里经常并且奋斗
后裔那寂静的自已牺牲为 Anu 在您的生活中。
你停止为 Anu, 你牺牲将开始举行更大
梦想, 和然后一个? 能力体现更加容易地将来。 这

了解照原样被恢复。 为那些红色国家继承,
中央太阳作为人。 人总是监护人
他们居住的公众舆论; 某事发生了在伟大
中央太阳导致秋天在秋天以后, 和人作为监护人
牺牲他们自己那里也是。 是时间停止自已
牺牲和开始编织一个梦想在合作, 荣誉, 团结,

给; 陶的真正的爱不期待另对自已牺牲
以便你可能有更好的生活。 真正的爱电话为
责任; 对什么的责任您举行的语言
在在您编程的起因之内在物理飞机。 有
没有一个体现的一次事件, 甚而无家可归, 那一个是
不是在起因。 你怀有叫 a 的节目和信仰
特殊梦想对自己。 有时一些节目和
信仰不是一个? 拥有和被射出了在自己。 这些
罐头容易地返回。 但是, 部下投射将

去除原始的节目和原谅 karmic 起因, 和一个

并且语言一个根据, 和这个想法形式将导致 a
另外梦想被捉住; 团结的梦想那里意志
总是平衡和足够总。 通过这样语言,
一个举行各个梦想的履行可能然后来作为 co-





版权? 2007 年 Karen Danrich 。版权所有。

yahoo 翻译

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