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TREE:-a tree consists of a finite set of element called as node ,each node in the tree is connected by a directed lines

called as the Branches the Branches which are directed in the node is called indegree branches the Branches which are directed out the node is called outdegree branches //function to find the the successor void successor(node *root) { int key; parent=NULL; current=NULL; if(root==NULL) cout<<"empty tree\n"; else { cout<<"please enter the number\n"; cin>>key; current=bineary_search(key); } if(flag==1)//main process { if(current->pr==NULL) cout<<"the successor is not found\n";//element found and current is pointing to leaf else { current=current->pr; while(current->pl!=NULL) { current=current->pl; } cout<<"the successor is="<<current->iteam; } } else cout<<"not found\n"; }

//function to perform level order node *a[MAX_size]; int rear=-1; int front=-1; void addq(node *root) { if(MAX_size-1!=rear) { rear++; a[rear]=root; } } node *delq(void) { if(front!=rear) { front++;

return(a[front]); } } int emptyq(void) { if(rear==front) return 1;//if empty queue else return 0; } void level_order(node *root) { if(root==NULL) { cout<<"empty"; return; } addq(root); while(!(emptyq())) { root=delq(); if(root) { cout<<" "<<root->iteam; if(root->pl) addq(root->pl); if(root->pr) addq(root->pr); } else break; } } /*output input 4 5 7 8 15 45 output 4 5 45 15 7 8 */ //iterative inorder int top=-1; int stack_empty(void) { if(top==-1) return 1; else return 0; } void push(node *ptr) { top++; a[top]=ptr; } node *pop(void) { if(!(stack_empty()))

{ node *temp; temp=a[top]; top--; return(temp); } } void iter_Inorder(node *root) { if(root==NULL) { cout<<"empty"; return; } while(1) { for(1;root;root=root->pl)//repeat untill is root point to null push(root); root=pop(); if(root==NULL) break; cout<<" "<<root->iteam; root=root->pr; } } /*output input:-3 21 23 43 65 output:-3 21 23 43 65*/

//inorder traversal for threaded bineary tree node *find_succ(node *temp) { current=temp; current=current->pr_child;//right child if(!current->pr_thread)//if pointer to right thread is true the it is the leaf { while(!current->pl_thread) { current=current->pl_child; } } temp=current; return temp; } void inorder_threader(node *root) { node *temp=root; while(1) { temp=find_succ(temp); if(temp==root) break;

cout<<" "<<temp->iteam; } } //insert the thread at right of given key element //s is the address of the key elemnt //r is the new node with value inserted void insert_right_thread(node *s,node *r) { node *temp; r->right_child=parent->right_child; r->right_thread=parent->right_thread; r->left_child=parent; r->left_thread=TRUE; s->right_child=child; s->left_thread=FALSE; if(!r->right_thread)//if right thread is true the is's leaf { temp=insucc(r); temp->left_child=r; } } //function to create MAX HEAP in a preinsearted array //note that winner or losser tree is completely a diffrent concept than the MAX HEAP void topdown(int n,int a[]) { int k,j,key,p; for(k=1;k<n;k++)//0 is for root,since 0 is the parent itself no need to consider { key=a[k]; j=k; p=(j-1)/2; while((j>0) && (key>a[p])) { a[j]=a[p]; j=p; p=(j-1)/2; } a[j]=key; } } /*input:-54 13 27 65 32 19 64 output:-65 54 64 13 32 19 27 */ //BST binery search function node *bineary_search(int key) { current=root; parent=root; flag=0; while(current!=NULL) { if(key==current->iteam) { flag=1; return(current);

} else if(key<current->iteam) { parent=current; current=current->pl; } else if(key>current->iteam) { parent=current; current=current->pr; } } return (current); } void print_search(node *root,int key) { if(root==NULL) { cout<<"empty"; return; } else node *current=bineary_search(key); if(flag==1) cout<<"found"; else cout<<"not found"; } //function to insert a node to tree void insert_tree(void) { BTREE *temp; int x; temp=(node *)new(node); cout<<"please enter the number\n"; cin>>x; temp->iteam=x; temp->pl=NULL; temp->pr=NULL; if(root==NULL) { root=temp; } else { current=root; while(current!=NULL) { parent=current; if(current->iteam==x) { cout<<"Duplicate iteam\n"; break; } else if(current->iteam>x ) { current=current->pl;

} else if(current->iteam<x) { current=current->pr; } if(current==NULL)//if current is NULL then it as reached to leaf //here parent is pointing to the leaf node address { if(parent->iteam>x) { parent->pl=temp; break; } else { parent->pr=temp; break; } } } } } //ADT of THE BST here the bineary tree is called as BTREE objects:=a tree consists of a finite set of element called as node it can have no node(empty bineary tree),only one node called root ,of any number of node,which for a left child and right child for all b1,b2,b3 E bineary tree,and data E element BTREE create() ::= if bineary tree is empty create new BTREE and return 1 ::=if the root is NULL return 1 else return 0 if not empty BTREE MakeBT(b1,data,b2)::=return a bineary tree whose left subtree is b1 ,whose root is iteam & right subtree is b2 BTREE is_empty(b1) ::=return 1 for left subtree is empty return 0 for not empty BTREE is_empty(data) ::=return 1 for root or data field is empty return 0 for not empty BTREE is_empty(b2) ::=return 1 for right subtree is empty return 0 for not empty //function for copying the entire bineary tree node copy(node *orginal)//the root of the existing tree { node *temp; if(orginal!=NULL) { temp=get_node();//a small function to allocate memory using MALLOC temp->pl=copy(orignal->pl); temp->pr=copy(orignal->pr); temp->iteam=copy(orignal->iteam); return temp; } return NULL; } BTREE empty(b1)

//function for finding equality int equal(node BT1,node BT2) { //pl is left and pr is right child //return 1 for equality else return 0 //first check that both tree are exist //if exist then both iteam are equal return 1 else return 0 return((!BT1 && !BT2) || ((BT1 && BT2)&&(BT1->iteam==BT2->iteam)&&equal(BT1->pl,BT2>pl)&&equal(BT1->pr,BT2->pr)); } //ADT of MAX heap objects: a complete binary tree of n > 0 elements organized so that the value in each node is at least as large as those in its children functions: for all heap belong to MaxHeap, item belong to Element, n,max_size belong to integer function:MaxHeap Create(max_size) ::= create an empty heap that can hold a maximum of max_size elements Boolean HeapFull(heap, n) ::= if (n==max_size) return TRUE else return FALSE MaxHeap Insert(heap, item, n)::= if (!HeapFull(heap,n)) insert item into heap and return the resulting heap else return error Boolean HeapEmpty(heap, n) ::= if (n>0) return FALSE else return TRUE Element Delete(heap,n) ::= if (!HeapEmpty(heap,n)) return one instance of the largest element in the heap and remove it from the heap else return error //function for simple find in unions int simple_find(int i) { foe(1;parent[i]>=0;i=parent[i]); return i; } //function for union void simple_union(int i,int j) { parent[i]=j; } //function for wighted rule void wighted_rule_union(int i,int j) { int temp=parent[i]+parent[j]; if(parent[i]>parent[j])//the least value become to root { parent[i]=j;//j become the root parent[j]=temp; } else { parent[j]=i;//j become the root parent[i]=temp; } } //function for collapsing rule int collasping_rule(int i)//the i is key below which the tree as to be collasped { int root,trail,lead; for(root=i;parent[root]>=0;root=parent[root]);

//loop for find the root of given subtree element for(trail=i;trail!=root;trial=lead) { lead=parent[trial]; parent[trial]=root; } return root; } ---------------------------------------end--------------------------------------

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