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To: Chief Justice Rodgers and Chief of Staff Bannon From: McKnight3:10cv1471

To follow up on previous correspondence relating to Administrative appointments of Negroes, the process is delayed by the most used phrase: need more information. You will find this term used both by State of Connecticut Comptroller Administrator Yelmini(former OPM), Fmr. Deputy Administrator Michael Cichetti, Workers Compensation Commissioners Delaney, Miles, Waller, Waldron, Broulette, Frankl, Mastropietro, etc., Superior Court Judge Devlin, Federal Judge , Connecticut Appellate Court Judges, etc.. If you are paying attention to the recent happenings involving Penn State and that organization, the same term was used when the allegations were made back in 2002: Need more Information. This is the same tactic mentioned in the OPEB hearings by the state officials, also known as Attrition; needlessly prolonging investigations in hopes of ruining and distorting evidence. From 2005 through 2008 the state of Connecticut through its members elected from the New Haven District used the plaintiffs government identification and produced fraudulent checks, and cashed these checks for individual profit and malice. These actions further restricted the life of the plaintiff. During this time, while living homeless in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the plaintiff was homeless receiving emergency food stamps, assigned access card number 600760-8701844923-00-1. As it relates to harassment; currently state and/or investigative vehicles are surfacing, monitoring my movements. When I acknowledge their presence they eventually drive away, as they did in 1995-1997 etc.. I only gather they are positively identifying me. Mr. Dzurenda, now of the Comptrollers Office, was in charge of a task force during the Rowland Administration to discredit, harass, and eventually incarcerate me for having reported the unlawful violations of the administration to then Chief States Attorney Bailey, which include most of the very members of the past administration within the Malloy Administration. During the above mentioned times, the State of Connecticut Needed More Time to retire witnesses, terminate witnesses, and most likely harass others, as in the case of Anthony McKnight v State of Conn.. In 2001-2, I was brought to the Keefe Law Firm in New Haven, Trumbull Street by an constituent and agent of former Representative Dyson and Sen. Harp. It was during this time I was informed that if I refused to sign the voluntary agreement offered by the State of Connecticut, I would not be hired in the New Haven Public School System. So, if your Honor would happen to need more information, your quest should lead you to

the office of the governor, and their investigators whom are investigating me for some strange reason. I cannot seem to get my retirement application processed like similarly situated white people like Michael Cozzolino. The people who squandered the over 750 million dollars are members of this current administration, and of the former Rowland and Rell Administrations Mr. Bannon, I was more interested in sharing with you my hypothesis for the beginning/end thesis. I came up with this representation: {U>2|c|<U}. It basically determines the How, Why, When, What, etc., of existence so to speak. I saw your picture on the government website and you appear to be the type that could tolerate enlightenment. There are only two things I ever pray for and thats the Wisdom like Solomon, and never money. Some people like to remain in the dark as it relates to new thought. I do hope that you had an opportunity to review my complaints. Your Associates violated so many laws, and trampled on so many people rights to obtain their selfish public political and private interests. Joe Paterno and Penn State did the same thing, just to say a Caucasian won more college football games than a black man..racism, institutionalized. In reviewing the record, we see how much Sen. Harp, and former Rep Lawlor re-appropriated to the University of New Haven, and Catholic Charities or interests. If you follow the money, you will see the same players occupying the same stronghold positions. This from Cafero, McKinney, Looney, Donovan, Coleman, Harp, Walker, etc., receiving various appropriations to their particular interests. This reflects the image of Wall Street, only in the public sector.

Anyhow, when this issue with the state is over, I would like to speak with you regarding the above thesis. Congratulations on your leaving State service. You can follow the case as it unfolds keying on to [Scribd]. Take Care.

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