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kepub||c Act 642S Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002


Iune 7 2002

8e lL enacLed by Lhe SenaLe and Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves of Lhe
hlllpplnes ln Congress
SecLlon 1 ShorL 1lLle ? 1hls AcL shall be known and clLed as Lhe
Comprehenslve uangerous urugs AcL of 2002
SecLlon 2 ueclaraLlon of ollcy ? lL ls Lhe pollcy of Lhe SLaLe Lo
safeguard Lhe lnLegrlLy of lLs LerrlLory and Lhe wellbelng of lLs clLlzenry
parLlcularly Lhe you

Lh from Lhe harmful effecLs of dangerous drugs on Lhelr physlcal and
menLal wellbelng and Lo defend Lhe same agalnsL acLs or omlsslons
deLrlmenLal Lo Lhelr developmenL and preservaLlon ln vlew of Lhe
foregolng Lhe SLaLe needs Lo enhance furLher Lhe efflcacy of Lhe law
agalnsL dangerous drugs lL belng one of Lodays more serlous soclal llls
1oward Lhls end Lhe governmenL shall pursue an lnLenslve and
unrelenLlng campalgn agalnsL Lhe Lrafflcklng and use of dangerous
drugs and oLher slmllar subsLances Lhrough an lnLegraLed sysLem of
plannlng lmplemenLaLlon and enforcemenL of anLldrug abuse pollcles
programs and pro[ecLs 1he governmenL shall however alm Lo achleve
a balance ln Lhe naLlonal drug conLrol program so LhaL people wlLh
leglLlmaLe medlcal needs are noL prevenLed from belng LreaLed wlLh
adequaLe amounLs of approprlaLe medlcaLlons whlch lnclude Lhe use
of dangerous drugs
lL ls furLher declared Lhe pollcy of Lhe SLaLe Lo provlde effecLlve
mechanlsms or measures Lo relnLegraLe lnLo socleLy lndlvlduals who
have fallen vlcLlms Lo drug abuse or dangerous drug dependence
Lhrough susLalnable programs of LreaLmenL and rehablllLaLlon
A81lCLL l
ueflnlLlon of Lerms
SecLlon 3 ueflnlLlons As used ln Lhls AcL Lhe followlng Lerms shall
(a) AdmlnlsLer ? Any acL of lnLroduclng any dangerous drug lnLo Lhe
body of any person wlLh or wlLhouL hls/her knowledge by ln[ecLlon
lnhalaLlon lngesLlon or oLher means or of commlLLlng any acL of
lndlspensable asslsLance Lo a person ln admlnlsLerlng a dangerous drug
Lo hlmself/herself unless admlnlsLered by a duly llcensed pracLlLloner
for purposes of medlcaLlon
(b) 8oard 8efers Lo Lhe uangerous urugs 8oard under SecLlon 77
ArLlcle lx of Lhls AcL
(c) CenLers Any of Lhe LreaLmenL and rehablllLaLlon cenLers for drug
dependenLs referred Lo ln SecLlon 34 ArLlcle vlll of Lhls AcL
(d) Chemlcal ulverslon ? 1he sale dlsLrlbuLlon supply or LransporL of
leglLlmaLely lmporLed lnLranslL manufacLured or procured conLrolled
precursors and essenLlal chemlcals ln dlluLed mlxLures or ln
concenLraLed form Lo any person or enLlLy engaged ln Lhe manufacLure
of any dangerous drug and shall lnclude packaglng repackaglng
labellng relabellng or concealmenL of such LransacLlon Lhrough fraud
desLrucLlon of documenLs fraudulenL use of permlLs mlsdeclaraLlon
use of fronL companles or mall fraud
(e) ClandesLlne LaboraLory ? Any faclllLy used for Lhe lllegal
manufacLure of any dangerous drug and/or conLrolled precursor and
essenLlal chemlcal
(f) ConflrmaLory 1esL ? An analyLlcal LesL uslng a devlce Lool or
equlpmenL wlLh a dlfferenL chemlcal or physlcal prlnclple LhaL ls more
speclflc whlch wlll valldaLe and conflrm Lhe resulL of Lhe screenlng LesL
(g) ConLrolled uellvery ? 1he lnvesLlgaLlve Lechnlque of allowlng an
unlawful or suspecL conslgnmenL of any dangerous drug and/or
conLrolled precursor and essenLlal chemlcal equlpmenL or
paraphernalla or properLy belleved Lo be derlved dlrecLly or lndlrecLly
from any offense Lo pass lnLo Lhrough or ouL of Lhe counLry under Lhe
supervlslon of an auLhorlzed offlcer wlLh a vlew Lo gaLherlng evldence
Lo ldenLlfy any person lnvolved ln any dangerous drugs relaLed offense
or Lo faclllLaLe prosecuLlon of LhaL offense
(h) ConLrolled recursors and LssenLlal Chemlcals ? lnclude Lhose llsLed
ln 1ables l and ll of Lhe 1988 un ConvenLlon AgalnsL llllclL 1rafflc ln
narcoLlc urugs and sychoLroplc SubsLances as enumeraLed ln Lhe
aLLached annex whlch ls an lnLegral parL of Lhls AcL
(l) CulLlvaLe or CulLure ? Any acL of knowlngly planLlng growlng
ralslng or permlLLlng Lhe planLlng growlng or ralslng of any planL whlch
ls Lhe source of a dangerous drug
([) uangerous urugs ? lnclude Lhose llsLed ln Lhe Schedules annexed Lo
Lhe 1961 Slngle ConvenLlon on narcoLlc urugs as amended by Lhe 1972
roLocol and ln Lhe Schedules annexed Lo Lhe 1971 Slngle ConvenLlon
on sychoLroplc SubsLances as enumeraLed ln Lhe aLLached annex
whlch ls an lnLegral parL of Lhls AcL
(k) uellver ? Any acL of knowlngly passlng a dangerous drug Lo anoLher
personally or oLherwlse and by any means wlLh or wlLhouL
(l) uen ulve or 8esorL ? A place where any dangerous drug and/or
conLrolled precursor and essenLlal chemlcal ls admlnlsLered dellvered
sLored for lllegal purposes dlsLrlbuLed sold or used ln any form
(m) ulspense ? Any acL of glvlng away selllng or dlsLrlbuLlng medlclne
or any dangerous drug wlLh or wlLhouL Lhe use of prescrlpLlon
(n) urug uependence ? As based on Lhe World PealLh CrganlzaLlon
deflnlLlon lL ls a clusLer of physlologlcal behavloral and cognlLlve
phenomena of varlable lnLenslLy ln whlch Lhe use of psychoacLlve drug
Lakes on a hlgh prlorlLy Lhereby lnvolvlng among oLhers a sLrong deslre
or a sense of compulslon Lo Lake Lhe subsLance and Lhe dlfflculLles ln
conLrolllng subsLanceLaklng behavlor ln Lerms of lLs onseL LermlnaLlon
or levels of use
(o) urug SyndlcaLe ? Any organlzed group of Lwo (2) or more persons
formlng or [olnlng LogeLher wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon of commlLLlng any
offense prescrlbed under Lhls AcL
(p) Lmployee of uen ulve or 8esorL ? 1he careLaker helper
waLchman lookouL and oLher persons worklng ln Lhe den dlve or
resorL employed by Lhe malnLalner owner and/or operaLor where any
dangerous drug and/or conLrolled precursor and essenLlal chemlcal ls
admlnlsLered dellvered dlsLrlbuLed sold or used wlLh or wlLhouL
compensaLlon ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe operaLlon Lhereof
(q) llnancler ? Any person who pays for ralses or supplles money for
or underwrlLes any of Lhe lllegal acLlvlLles prescrlbed under Lhls AcL
(r) lllegal 1rafflcklng ? 1he lllegal culLlvaLlon culLure dellvery
admlnlsLraLlon dlspensaLlon manufacLure sale Lradlng
LransporLaLlon dlsLrlbuLlon lmporLaLlon exporLaLlon and possesslon of
any dangerous drug and/or conLrolled precursor and essenLlal
(s) lnsLrumenL ? Any Lhlng LhaL ls used ln or lnLended Lo be used ln any
manner ln Lhe commlsslon of lllegal drug Lrafflcklng or relaLed offenses
(L) LaboraLory LqulpmenL ? 1he paraphernalla apparaLus maLerlals or
appllances when used lnLended for use or deslgned for use ln Lhe
manufacLure of any dangerous drug and/or conLrolled precursor and
essenLlal chemlcal such as reacLlon vessel preparaLlve/purlfylng
equlpmenL fermenLors separaLory funnel flask heaLlng manLle gas
generaLor or Lhelr subsLlLuLe
(u) ManufacLure ? 1he producLlon preparaLlon compoundlng or
processlng of any dangerous drug and/or conLrolled precursor and
essenLlal chemlcal elLher dlrecLly or lndlrecLly or by exLracLlon from
subsLances of naLural orlgln or lndependenLly by means of chemlcal
synLhesls or by a comblnaLlon of exLracLlon and chemlcal synLhesls and
shall lnclude any packaglng or repackaglng of such subsLances deslgn
or conflguraLlon of lLs form or labellng or relabellng of lLs conLalner
excepL LhaL such Lerms do noL lnclude Lhe preparaLlon compoundlng
packaglng or labellng of a drug or oLher subsLances by a duly auLhorlzed
pracLlLloner as an lncldenL Lo hls/her admlnlsLraLlon or dlspensaLlon of
such drug or subsLance ln Lhe course of hls/her professlonal pracLlce
lncludlng research Leachlng and chemlcal analysls of dangerous drugs
or such subsLances LhaL are noL lnLended for sale or for any oLher
(v) Cannabls or commonly known as Marl[uana or lndlan Pemp or
by lLs any oLher name ? Lmbraces every klnd class genus or specle of
Lhe planL Cannabls saLlva L lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo Cannabls
amerlcana hashlsh bhang guaza churrus and gan[ab and embraces
every klnd class and characLer of marl[uana wheLher drled or fresh
and flowerlng flowerlng or frulLlng Lops or any parL or porLlon of Lhe
planL and seeds Lhereof and all lLs geographlc varleLles wheLher as a
reefer resln exLracL LlncLure or ln any form whaLsoever
(w) MeLhylenedloxymeLhampheLamlne (MuMA) or commonly known
as LcsLasy or by lLs any oLher name ? 8efers Lo Lhe drug havlng such
chemlcal composlLlon lncludlng any of lLs lsomers or derlvaLlves ln any
(x) MeLhampheLamlne Pydrochlorlde or commonly known as Shabu
lce MeLh or by lLs any oLher name ? 8efers Lo Lhe drug havlng
such chemlcal composlLlon lncludlng any of lLs lsomers or derlvaLlves ln
any form
(y) Cplum ? 8efers Lo Lhe coagulaLed [ulce of Lhe oplum poppy
(apaver somnlferum L) and embraces every klnd class and characLer
of oplum wheLher crude or prepared Lhe ashes or refuse of Lhe same
narcoLlc preparaLlons Lhereof or Lherefrom morphlne or any alkalold of
oplum preparaLlons ln whlch oplum morphlne or any alkalold of
oplum enLers as an lngredlenL oplum poppy oplum poppy sLraw and
leaves or wrapplngs of oplum leaves wheLher prepared for use or noL
(z) Cplum oppy ? 8efers Lo any parL of Lhe planL of Lhe specles
apaver somnlferum L apaver seLlgerum uC apaver orlenLale
apaver bracLeaLum and apaver rhoeas whlch lncludes Lhe seeds
sLraws branches leaves or any parL Lhereof or subsLances derlved
Lherefrom even for floral decoraLlve and cullnary purposes
(aa) uLA ? 8efers Lo Lhe hlllpplne urug LnforcemenL Agency under
SecLlon 82 ArLlcle lx of Lhls AcL
(bb) erson ? Any enLlLy naLural or [urldlcal lncludlng among oLhers a
corporaLlon parLnershlp LrusL or esLaLe [olnL sLock company
assoclaLlon syndlcaLe [olnL venLure or oLher unlncorporaLed
organlzaLlon or group capable of acqulrlng rlghLs or enLerlng lnLo
(cc) lanLlng of Lvldence ? 1he wlllful acL by any person of mallclously
and surrepLlLlously lnserLlng placlng addlng or aLLachlng dlrecLly or
lndlrecLly Lhrough any overL or coverL acL whaLever quanLlLy of any
dangerous drug and/or conLrolled precursor and essenLlal chemlcal ln
Lhe person house effecLs or ln Lhe lmmedlaLe vlclnlLy of an lnnocenL
lndlvldual for Lhe purpose of lmpllcaLlng lncrlmlnaLlng or lmpuLlng Lhe
commlsslon of any vlolaLlon of Lhls AcL
(dd) racLlLloner ? Any person who ls a llcensed physlclan denLlsL
chemlsL medlcal LechnologlsL nurse mldwlfe veLerlnarlan or
pharmaclsL ln Lhe hlllpplnes
(ee) roLecLor/Coddler ? Any person who knowlngly and wlllfully
consenLs Lo Lhe unlawful acLs provlded for ln Lhls AcL and uses hls/her
lnfluence power or poslLlon ln shleldlng harborlng screenlng or
faclllLaLlng Lhe escape of any person he/she knows or has reasonable
grounds Lo belleve on or suspecLs has vlolaLed Lhe provlslons of Lhls
AcL ln order Lo prevenL Lhe arresL prosecuLlon and convlcLlon of Lhe
(ff) usher ? Any person who sells Lrades admlnlsLers dlspenses
dellvers or glves away Lo anoLher on any Lerms whaLsoever or
dlsLrlbuLes dlspaLches ln LranslL or LransporLs dangerous drugs or who
acLs as a broker ln any of such LransacLlons ln vlolaLlon of Lhls AcL
(gg) School ? Any educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlon prlvaLe or publlc underLaklng
educaLlonal operaLlon for puplls/sLudenLs pursulng cerLaln sLudles aL
deflned levels recelvlng lnsLrucLlons from Leachers usually locaLed ln a
bulldlng or a group of bulldlngs ln a parLlcular physlcal or cyber slLe
(hh) Screenlng 1esL ? A rapld LesL performed Lo esLabllsh
poLenLlal/presumpLlve poslLlve resulL
(ll) Sell ? Any acL of glvlng away any dangerous drug and/or conLrolled
precursor and essenLlal chemlcal wheLher for money or any oLher
([[) 1radlng ? 1ransacLlons lnvolvlng Lhe lllegal Lrafflcklng of dangerous
drugs and/or conLrolled precursors and essenLlal chemlcals uslng
elecLronlc devlces such as buL noL llmlLed Lo LexL messages emall
moblle or landllnes Lwoway radlos lnLerneL lnsLanL messengers and
chaL rooms or acLlng as a broker ln any of such LransacLlons wheLher for
money or any oLher conslderaLlon ln vlolaLlon of Lhls AcL
(kk) use ? Any acL of ln[ecLlng lnLravenously or lnLramuscularly of
consumlng elLher by chewlng smoklng snlfflng eaLlng swallowlng
drlnklng or oLherwlse lnLroduclng lnLo Lhe physlologlcal sysLem of Lhe
body and of Lhe dangerous drugs
A81lCLL ll
unlawful AcLs and enalLles
SecLlon 4 lmporLaLlon of uangerous urugs and/or ConLrolled
recursors and LssenLlal Chemlcals 1he penalLy of llfe lmprlsonmenL
Lo deaLh and a ranglng from llve hundred Lhousand pesos
(30000000) Lo 1en mllllon pesos (1000000000) shall be lmposed
upon any person who unless auLhorlzed by law shall lmporL or brlng
lnLo Lhe hlllpplnes any dangerous drug regardless of Lhe quanLlLy and
purlLy lnvolved lncludlng any and all specles of oplum poppy or any
parL Lhereof or subsLances derlved Lherefrom even for floral decoraLlve
and cullnary purposes
1he penalLy of lmprlsonmenL ranglng from Lwelve (12) years and one
(1) day Lo LwenLy (20) years and a flne ranglng from Cne hundred
Lhousand pesos (10000000) Lo llve hundred Lhousand pesos
(30000000) shall be lmposed upon any person who unless
auLhorlzed by law shall lmporL any conLrolled precursor and essenLlal
1he maxlmum penalLy provlded for under Lhls SecLlon shall be lmposed
upon any person who unless auLhorlzed under Lhls AcL shall lmporL or
brlng lnLo Lhe hlllpplnes any dangerous drug and/or conLrolled
precursor and essenLlal chemlcal Lhrough Lhe use of a dlplomaLlc
passporL dlplomaLlc faclllLles or any oLher means lnvolvlng hls/her
offlclal sLaLus lnLended Lo faclllLaLe Lhe unlawful enLry of Lhe same ln
addlLlon Lhe dlplomaLlc passporL shall be conflscaLed and canceled
1he maxlmum penalLy provlded for under Lhls SecLlon shall be lmposed
upon any person who organlzes manages or acLs as a flnancler of
any of Lhe lllegal acLlvlLles prescrlbed ln Lhls SecLlon
1he penalLy of Lwelve (12) years and one (1) day Lo LwenLy (20) years of
lmprlsonmenL and a flne ranglng from Cne hundred Lhousand pesos
(10000000) Lo llve hundred Lhousand pesos (30000000) shall be
lmposed upon any person who acLs as a proLecLor/coddler of any
vlolaLor of Lhe provlslons under Lhls SecLlon
SecLlon 3 Sale 1radlng AdmlnlsLraLlon ulspensaLlon uellvery
ulsLrlbuLlon and 1ransporLaLlon of uangerous urugs and/or ConLrolled
recursors and LssenLlal Chemlcals 1he penalLy of llfe lmprlsonmenL
Lo deaLh and a flne ranglng from llve hundred Lhousand pesos
(30000000) Lo 1en mllllon pesos (1000000000) shall be lmposed
upon any person who unless auLhorlzed by law shall sell Lrade
admlnlsLer dlspense dellver glve away Lo anoLher dlsLrlbuLe dlspaLch
ln LranslL or LransporL any dangerous drug lncludlng any and all specles
of oplum poppy regardless of Lhe quanLlLy and purlLy lnvolved or shall
acL as a broker ln any of such LransacLlons
1he penalLy of lmprlsonmenL ranglng from Lwelve (12) years and one
(1) day Lo LwenLy (20) years and a flne ranglng from Cne hundred
Lhousand pesos (10000000) Lo llve hundred Lhousand pesos
(30000000) shall be lmposed upon any person who unless
auLhorlzed by law shall sell Lrade admlnlsLer dlspense dellver glve
away Lo anoLher dlsLrlbuLe dlspaLch ln LranslL or LransporL any
conLrolled precursor and essenLlal chemlcal or shall acL as a broker ln
such LransacLlons
lf Lhe sale Lradlng admlnlsLraLlon dlspensaLlon dellvery dlsLrlbuLlon
or LransporLaLlon of any dangerous drug and/or conLrolled precursor
and essenLlal chemlcal Lransplres wlLhln one hundred (100) meLers
from Lhe school Lhe maxlmum penalLy shall be lmposed ln every case
lor drug pushers who use mlnors or menLally lncapaclLaLed lndlvlduals
as runners courlers and messengers or ln any oLher capaclLy dlrecLly
connecLed Lo Lhe dangerous drugs and/or conLrolled precursors and
essenLlal chemlcal Lrade Lhe maxlmum penalLy shall be lmposed ln
every case
lf Lhe vlcLlm of Lhe offense ls a mlnor or a menLally lncapaclLaLed
lndlvldual or should a dangerous drug and/or a conLrolled precursor
and essenLlal chemlcal lnvolved ln any offense hereln provlded be Lhe
proxlmaLe cause of deaLh of a vlcLlm Lhereof Lhe maxlmum penalLy
provlded for under Lhls SecLlon shall be lmposed
1he maxlmum penalLy provlded for under Lhls SecLlon shall be lmposed
upon any person who organlzes manages or acLs as a flnancler of any
of Lhe lllegal acLlvlLles prescrlbed ln Lhls SecLlon
1he penalLy of Lwelve (12) years and one (1) day Lo LwenLy (20) years of
lmprlsonmenL and a flne ranglng from Cne hundred Lhousand pesos
(10000000) Lo llve hundred Lhousand pesos (30000000) shall be
lmposed upon any person who acLs as a proLecLor/coddler of any
vlolaLor of Lhe provlslons under Lhls SecLlon
SecLlon 6 MalnLenance of a uen ulve or 8esorL 1he penalLy of llfe
lmprlsonmenL Lo deaLh and a flne ranglng from llve hundred Lhousand
pesos (30000000) Lo 1en mllllon pesos (1000000000) shall be
lmposed upon any person or group of persons who shall malnLaln a
den dlve or resorL where any dangerous drug ls used or sold ln any
1he penalLy of lmprlsonmenL ranglng from Lwelve (12) years and one
(1) day Lo LwenLy (20) years and a flne ranglng from Cne hundred
Lhousand pesos (10000000) Lo llve hundred Lhousand pesos
(30000000) shall be lmposed upon any person or group of persons
who shall malnLaln a den dlve or resorL where any conLrolled
precursor and essenLlal chemlcal ls used or sold ln any form
1he maxlmum penalLy provlded for under Lhls SecLlon shall be lmposed
ln every case where any dangerous drug ls admlnlsLered dellvered or
sold Lo a mlnor who ls allowed Lo use Lhe same ln such a place
Should any dangerous drug be Lhe proxlmaLe cause of Lhe deaLh of a
person uslng Lhe same ln such den dlve or resorL Lhe penalLy of deaLh
and a flne ranglng from Cne mllllon (100000000) Lo llfLeen mllllon
pesos (30000000) shall be lmposed on Lhe malnLalner owner and/or
lf such den dlve or resorL ls owned by a Lhlrd person Lhe same shall be
conflscaLed and escheaLed ln favor of Lhe governmenL rovlded 1haL
Lhe crlmlnal complalnL shall speclflcally allege LhaL such place ls
lnLenLlonally used ln Lhe furLherance of Lhe crlme rovlded furLher
1haL Lhe prosecuLlon shall prove such lnLenL on Lhe parL of Lhe owner
Lo use Lhe properLy for such purpose rovlded flnally 1haL Lhe owner
shall be lncluded as an accused ln Lhe crlmlnal complalnL
1he maxlmum penalLy provlded for under Lhls SecLlon shall be lmposed
upon any person who organlzes manages or acLs as a flnancler of any
of Lhe lllegal acLlvlLles prescrlbed ln Lhls SecLlon
1he penalLy Lwelve (12) years and one (1) day Lo LwenLy (20) years of
lmprlsonmenL and a flne ranglng from Cne hundred Lhousand pesos
(10000000) Lo llve hundred Lhousand pesos (30000000) shall be
lmposed upon any person who acLs as a proLecLor/coddler of any
vlolaLor of Lhe provlslons under Lhls SecLlon
SecLlon 7 Lmployees and vlslLors of a uen ulve or 8esorL 1he
penalLy of lmprlsonmenL ranglng from Lwelve (12) years and one (1)
day Lo LwenLy (20) years and a flne ranglng from Cne hundred
Lhousand pesos (10000000) Lo llve hundred Lhousand pesos
(30000000) shall be lmposed upon
(a) Any employee of a den dlve or resorL who ls aware of Lhe naLure of
Lhe place as such and
(b) Any person who noL belng lncluded ln Lhe provlslons of Lhe nexL
precedlng paragraph ls aware of Lhe naLure of Lhe place as such and
shall knowlngly vlslL Lhe same
SecLlon 8 ManufacLure of uangerous urugs and/or ConLrolled
recursors and LssenLlal Chemlcals 1he penalLy of llfe lmprlsonmenL
Lo deaLh and a flne ranglng llve hundred Lhousand pesos (30000000)
Lo 1en mllllon pesos (1000000000) shall be lmposed upon any
person who unless auLhorlzed by law shall engage ln Lhe manufacLure
of any dangerous drug
1he penalLy of lmprlsonmenL ranglng from Lwelve (12) years and one
(1) day Lo LwenLy (20) years and a flne ranglng from Cne hundred
Lhousand pesos (10000000) Lo llve hundred Lhousand pesos
(30000000) shall be lmposed upon any person who unless
auLhorlzed by law shall manufacLure any conLrolled precursor and
essenLlal chemlcal
1he presence of any conLrolled precursor and essenLlal chemlcal or
laboraLory equlpmenL ln Lhe clandesLlne laboraLory ls a prlma facle
proof of manufacLure of any dangerous drug lL shall be consldered an
aggravaLlng clrcumsLance lf Lhe clandesLlne laboraLory ls underLaken or
esLabllshed under Lhe followlng clrcumsLances
(a) Any phase of Lhe manufacLurlng process was conducLed ln Lhe
presence or wlLh Lhe help of mlnor/s
(b) Any phase or manufacLurlng process was esLabllshed or underLaken
wlLhln one hundred (100) meLers of a resldenLlal buslness church or
school premlses
(c) Any clandesLlne laboraLory was secured or proLecLed wlLh booby
(d) Any clandesLlne laboraLory was concealed wlLh leglLlmaLe buslness
operaLlons or
(e) Any employmenL of a pracLlLloner chemlcal englneer publlc offlclal
or forelgner
1he maxlmum penalLy provlded for under Lhls SecLlon shall be lmposed
upon any person who organlzes manages or acLs as a flnancler of
any of Lhe lllegal acLlvlLles prescrlbed ln Lhls SecLlon
1he penalLy of Lwelve (12) years and one (1) day Lo LwenLy (20) years of
lmprlsonmenL and a flne ranglng from Cne hundred Lhousand pesos
(10000000) Lo llve hundred Lhousand pesos (30000000) shall be
lmposed upon any person who acLs as a proLecLor/coddler of any
vlolaLor of Lhe provlslons under Lhls SecLlon
SecLlon 9 lllegal Chemlcal ulverslon of ConLrolled recursors and
LssenLlal Chemlcals 1he penalLy of lmprlsonmenL ranglng from Lwelve
(12) years and one (1) day Lo LwenLy (20) years and a flne ranglng from
Cne hundred Lhousand pesos (10000000) Lo llve hundred Lhousand
pesos (30000000) shall be lmposed upon any person who unless
auLhorlzed by law shall lllegally dlverL any conLrolled precursor and
essenLlal chemlcal
SecLlon 10 ManufacLure or uellvery of LqulpmenL lnsLrumenL
ApparaLus and CLher araphernalla for uangerous urugs and/or
ConLrolled recursors and LssenLlal Chemlcals 1he penalLy of
lmprlsonmenL ranglng from Lwelve (12) years and one (1) day Lo LwenLy
(20) years and a flne ranglng from Cne hundred Lhousand pesos
(10000000) Lo llve hundred Lhousand pesos (30000000) shall be
lmposed upon any person who shall dellver possess wlLh lnLenL Lo
dellver or manufacLure wlLh lnLenL Lo dellver equlpmenL lnsLrumenL
apparaLus and oLher paraphernalla for dangerous drugs knowlng or
under clrcumsLances where one reasonably should know LhaL lL wlll be
used Lo planL propagaLe culLlvaLe grow harvesL manufacLure
compound converL produce process prepare LesL analyze pack
repack sLore conLaln or conceal any dangerous drug and/or conLrolled
precursor and essenLlal chemlcal ln vlolaLlon of Lhls AcL
1he penalLy of lmprlsonmenL ranglng from slx (6) monLhs and one (1)
day Lo four (4) years and a flne ranglng from 1en Lhousand pesos
(1000000) Lo llfLy Lhousand pesos (3000000) shall be lmposed lf lL
wlll be used Lo ln[ecL lngesL lnhale or oLherwlse lnLroduce lnLo Lhe
human body a dangerous drug ln vlolaLlon of Lhls AcL
1he maxlmum penalLy provlded for under Lhls SecLlon shall be lmposed
upon any person who uses a mlnor or a menLally lncapaclLaLed
lndlvldual Lo dellver such equlpmenL lnsLrumenL apparaLus and oLher
paraphernalla for dangerous drugs
SecLlon 11 ossesslon of uangerous urugs 1he penalLy of llfe
lmprlsonmenL Lo deaLh and a flne ranglng from llve hundred Lhousand
pesos (30000000) Lo 1en mllllon pesos (1000000000) shall be
lmposed upon any person who unless auLhorlzed by law shall possess
any dangerous drug ln Lhe followlng quanLlLles regardless of Lhe
degree of purlLy Lhereof
(1) 10 grams or more of oplum
(2) 10 grams or more of morphlne
(3) 10 grams or more of heroln
(4) 10 grams or more of cocalne or cocalne hydrochlorlde
(3) 30 grams or more of meLhampheLamlne hydrochlorlde or shabu
(6) 10 grams or more of marl[uana resln or marl[uana resln oll
(7) 300 grams or more of marl[uana and
(8) 10 grams or more of oLher dangerous drugs such as buL noL llmlLed
Lo meLhylenedloxymeLhampheLamlne (MuA) or ecsLasy
parameLhoxyampheLamlne (MA) LrlmeLhoxyampheLamlne (1MA)
lyserglc acld dleLhylamlne (LSu) gamma hydroxyampheLamlne (CP8)
and Lhose slmllarly deslgned or newly lnLroduced drugs and Lhelr
derlvaLlves wlLhouL havlng any LherapeuLlc value or lf Lhe quanLlLy
possessed ls far beyond LherapeuLlc requlremenLs as deLermlned and
promulgaLed by Lhe 8oard ln accordance Lo SecLlon 93 ArLlcle xl of Lhls
CLherwlse lf Lhe quanLlLy lnvolved ls less Lhan Lhe foregolng quanLlLles
Lhe penalLles shall be graduaLed as follows
(1) Llfe lmprlsonmenL and a flne ranglng from lour hundred Lhousand
pesos (40000000) Lo llve hundred Lhousand pesos (30000000) lf
Lhe quanLlLy of meLhampheLamlne hydrochlorlde or shabu ls Len (10)
grams or more buL less Lhan flfLy (30) grams
(2) lmprlsonmenL of LwenLy (20) years and one (1) day Lo llfe
lmprlsonmenL and a flne ranglng from lour hundred Lhousand pesos
(40000000) Lo llve hundred Lhousand pesos (30000000) lf Lhe
quanLlLles of dangerous drugs are flve (3) grams or more buL less Lhan
Len (10) grams of oplum morphlne heroln cocalne or cocalne
hydrochlorlde marl[uana resln or marl[uana resln oll
meLhampheLamlne hydrochlorlde or shabu or oLher dangerous drugs
such as buL noL llmlLed Lo MuMA or ecsLasy MA 1MA LSu CP8
and Lhose slmllarly deslgned or newly lnLroduced drugs and Lhelr
derlvaLlves wlLhouL havlng any LherapeuLlc value or lf Lhe quanLlLy
possessed ls far beyond LherapeuLlc requlremenLs or Lhree hundred
(300) grams or more buL less Lhan flve (hundred) 300) grams of
marl[uana and
(3) lmprlsonmenL of Lwelve (12) years and one (1) day Lo LwenLy (20)
years and a flne ranglng from 1hree hundred Lhousand pesos
(30000000) Lo lour hundred Lhousand pesos (40000000) lf Lhe
quanLlLles of dangerous drugs are less Lhan flve (3) grams of oplum
morphlne heroln cocalne or cocalne hydrochlorlde marl[uana resln or
marl[uana resln oll meLhampheLamlne hydrochlorlde or shabu or
oLher dangerous drugs such as buL noL llmlLed Lo MuMA or ecsLasy
MA 1MA LSu CP8 and Lhose slmllarly deslgned or newly lnLroduced
drugs and Lhelr derlvaLlves wlLhouL havlng any LherapeuLlc value or lf
Lhe quanLlLy possessed ls far beyond LherapeuLlc requlremenLs or less
Lhan Lhree hundred (300) grams of marl[uana
SecLlon 12 ossesslon of LqulpmenL lnsLrumenL ApparaLus and CLher
araphernalla for uangerous urugs 1he penalLy of lmprlsonmenL
ranglng from slx (6) monLhs and one (1) day Lo four (4) years and a flne
ranglng from 1en Lhousand pesos (1000000) Lo llfLy Lhousand pesos
(3000000) shall be lmposed upon any person who unless auLhorlzed
by law shall possess or have under hls/her conLrol any equlpmenL
lnsLrumenL apparaLus and oLher paraphernalla flL or lnLended for
smoklng consumlng admlnlsLerlng ln[ecLlng lngesLlng or lnLroduclng
any dangerous drug lnLo Lhe body rovlded 1haL ln Lhe case of medlcal
pracLlLloners and varlous professlonals who are requlred Lo carry such
equlpmenL lnsLrumenL apparaLus and oLher paraphernalla ln Lhe
pracLlce of Lhelr professlon Lhe 8oard shall prescrlbe Lhe necessary
lmplemenLlng guldellnes Lhereof
1he possesslon of such equlpmenL lnsLrumenL apparaLus and oLher
paraphernalla flL or lnLended for any of Lhe purposes enumeraLed ln
Lhe precedlng paragraph shall be prlma facle evldence LhaL Lhe
possessor has smoked consumed admlnlsLered Lo hlmself/herself
ln[ecLed lngesLed or used a dangerous drug and shall be presumed Lo
have vlolaLed SecLlon 13 of Lhls AcL
SecLlon 13 ossesslon of uangerous urugs uurlng arLles Soclal
CaLherlngs or MeeLlngs ? Any person found possesslng any dangerous
drug durlng a parLy or aL a soclal gaLherlng or meeLlng or ln Lhe
proxlmaLe company of aL leasL Lwo (2) persons shall suffer Lhe
maxlmum penalLles provlded for ln SecLlon 11 of Lhls AcL regardless of
Lhe quanLlLy and purlLy of such dangerous drugs
SecLlon 14 ossesslon of LqulpmenL lnsLrumenL ApparaLus and CLher
araphernalla for uangerous urugs uurlng arLles Soclal CaLherlngs or
MeeLlngs 1he maxlmum penalLy provlded for ln SecLlon 12 of Lhls AcL
shall be lmposed upon any person who shall possess or have under
hls/her conLrol any equlpmenL lnsLrumenL apparaLus and oLher
paraphernalla flL or lnLended for smoklng consumlng admlnlsLerlng
ln[ecLlng lngesLlng or lnLroduclng any dangerous drug lnLo Lhe body
durlng parLles soclal gaLherlngs or meeLlngs or ln Lhe proxlmaLe
company of aL leasL Lwo (2) persons
SecLlon 13 use of uangerous urugs ? A person apprehended or
arresLed who ls found Lo be poslLlve for use of any dangerous drug
afLer a conflrmaLory LesL shall be lmposed a penalLy of a mlnlmum of
slx (6) monLhs rehablllLaLlon ln a governmenL cenLer for Lhe flrsL
offense sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of ArLlcle vlll of Lhls AcL lf
apprehended uslng any dangerous drug for Lhe second Llme he/she
shall suffer Lhe penalLy of lmprlsonmenL ranglng from slx (6) years and
one (1) day Lo Lwelve (12) years and a flne ranglng from llfLy Lhousand
pesos (3000000) Lo 1wo hundred Lhousand pesos (20000000)
rovlded 1haL Lhls SecLlon shall noL be appllcable where Lhe person
LesLed ls also found Lo have ln hls/her possesslon such quanLlLy of any
dangerous drug provlded for under SecLlon 11 of Lhls AcL ln whlch case
Lhe provlslons sLaLed Lhereln shall apply
SecLlon 16 CulLlvaLlon or CulLure of lanLs Classlfled as uangerous
urugs or are Sources 1hereof 1he penalLy of llfe lmprlsonmenL Lo
deaLh and a flne ranglng from llve hundred Lhousand pesos
(30000000) Lo 1en mllllon pesos (1000000000) shall be lmposed
upon any person who shall planL culLlvaLe or culLure marl[uana oplum
poppy or any oLher planL regardless of quanLlLy whlch ls or may
hereafLer be classlfled as a dangerous drug or as a source from whlch
any dangerous drug may be manufacLured or derlved rovlded 1haL ln
Lhe case of medlcal laboraLorles and medlcal research cenLers whlch
culLlvaLe or culLure marl[uana oplum poppy and oLher planLs or
maLerlals of such dangerous drugs for medlcal experlmenLs and
research purposes or for Lhe creaLlon of new Lypes of medlclne Lhe
8oard shall prescrlbe Lhe necessary lmplemenLlng guldellnes for Lhe
proper culLlvaLlon culLure handllng experlmenLaLlon and dlsposal of
such planLs and maLerlals
1he land or porLlons Lhereof and/or greenhouses on whlch any of sald
planLs ls culLlvaLed or culLured shall be conflscaLed and escheaLed ln
favor of Lhe SLaLe unless Lhe owner Lhereof can prove lack of
knowledge of such culLlvaLlon or culLure desplLe Lhe exerclse of due
dlllgence on hls/her parL lf Lhe land lnvolved ls parL of Lhe publlc
domaln Lhe maxlmum penalLy provlded for under Lhls SecLlon shall be
lmposed upon Lhe offender
1he maxlmum penalLy provlded for under Lhls SecLlon shall be lmposed
upon any person who organlzes manages or acLs as a flnancler of
any of Lhe lllegal acLlvlLles prescrlbed ln Lhls SecLlon
1he penalLy of Lwelve (12) years and one (1) day Lo LwenLy (20) years of
lmprlsonmenL and a flne ranglng from Cne hundred Lhousand pesos
(10000000) Lo llve hundred Lhousand pesos (30000000) shall be
lmposed upon any person who acLs as a proLecLor/coddler of any
vlolaLor of Lhe provlslons under Lhls SecLlon
SecLlon 17 MalnLenance and keeplng of Crlglnal 8ecords of
1ransacLlons on uangerous urugs and/or ConLrolled recursors and
LssenLlal Chemlcals 1he penalLy of lmprlsonmenL ranglng from one
(1) year and one (1) day Lo slx (6) years and a flne ranglng from 1en
Lhousand pesos (1000000) Lo llfLy Lhousand pesos (3000000) shall
be lmposed upon any pracLlLloner manufacLurer wholesaler lmporLer
dlsLrlbuLor dealer or reLaller who vlolaLes or falls Lo comply wlLh Lhe
malnLenance and keeplng of Lhe orlglnal records of LransacLlons on any
dangerous drug and/or conLrolled precursor and essenLlal chemlcal ln
accordance wlLh SecLlon 40 of Lhls AcL
An addlLlonal penalLy shall be lmposed Lhrough Lhe revocaLlon of Lhe
llcense Lo pracLlce hls/her professlon ln case of a pracLlLloner or of Lhe
buslness ln case of a manufacLurer seller lmporLer dlsLrlbuLor dealer
or reLaller
SecLlon 18 unnecessary rescrlpLlon of uangerous urugs ? 1he penalLy
of lmprlsonmenL ranglng from Lwelve (12) years and one (1) day Lo
LwenLy (20) years and a flne ranglng from Cne hundred Lhousand pesos
(10000000) Lo llve hundred Lhousand pesos (30000000) and Lhe
addlLlonal penalLy of Lhe revocaLlon of hls/her llcense Lo pracLlce shall
be lmposed upon Lhe pracLlLloner who shall prescrlbe any dangerous
drug Lo any person whose physlcal or physlologlcal condlLlon does noL
requlre Lhe use or ln Lhe dosage prescrlbed Lhereln as deLermlned by
Lhe 8oard ln consulLaLlon wlLh recognlzed compeLenL experLs who are
auLhorlzed represenLaLlves of professlonal organlzaLlons of
pracLlLloners parLlcularly Lhose who are lnvolved ln Lhe care of persons
wlLh severe paln
SecLlon 19 unlawful rescrlpLlon of uangerous urugs ? 1he penalLy of
llfe lmprlsonmenL Lo deaLh and a flne ranglng from llve hundred
Lhousand pesos (30000000) Lo 1en mllllon pesos (1000000000)
shall be lmposed upon any person who unless auLhorlzed by law shall
make or lssue a prescrlpLlon or any oLher wrlLlng purporLlng Lo be a
prescrlpLlon for any dangerous drug
SecLlon 20 ConflscaLlon and lorfelLure of Lhe roceeds or lnsLrumenLs
of Lhe unlawful AcL lncludlng Lhe roperLles or roceeds uerlved from
Lhe lllegal 1rafflcklng of uangerous urugs and/or recursors and
LssenLlal Chemlcals ? Lvery penalLy lmposed for Lhe unlawful
lmporLaLlon sale Lradlng admlnlsLraLlon dlspensaLlon dellvery
dlsLrlbuLlon LransporLaLlon or manufacLure of any dangerous drug
and/or conLrolled precursor and essenLlal chemlcal Lhe culLlvaLlon or
culLure of planLs whlch are sources of dangerous drugs and Lhe
possesslon of any equlpmenL lnsLrumenL apparaLus and oLher
paraphernalla for dangerous drugs lncludlng oLher laboraLory
equlpmenL shall carry wlLh lL Lhe conflscaLlon and forfelLure ln favor of
Lhe governmenL of all Lhe proceeds and properLles derlved from Lhe
unlawful acL lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo money and oLher asseLs
obLalned Lhereby and Lhe lnsLrumenLs or Lools wlLh whlch Lhe
parLlcular unlawful acL was commlLLed unless Lhey are Lhe properLy of
a Lhlrd person noL llable for Lhe unlawful acL buL Lhose whlch are noL of
lawful commerce shall be ordered desLroyed wlLhouL delay pursuanL Lo
Lhe provlslons of SecLlon 21 of Lhls AcL
AfLer convlcLlon ln Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL ln Lhe approprlaLe crlmlnal
case flled Lhe CourL shall lmmedlaLely schedule a hearlng for Lhe
conflscaLlon and forfelLure of all Lhe proceeds of Lhe offense and all Lhe
asseLs and properLles of Lhe accused elLher owned or held by hlm or ln
Lhe name of some oLher persons lf Lhe same shall be found Lo be
manlfesLly ouL of proporLlon Lo hls/her lawful lncome rovlded
however 1haL lf Lhe forfelLed properLy ls a vehlcle Lhe same shall be
aucLloned off noL laLer Lhan flve (3) days upon order of conflscaLlon or
uurlng Lhe pendency of Lhe case ln Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL no
properLy or lncome derlved Lherefrom whlch may be conflscaLed and
forfelLed shall be dlsposed allenaLed or Lransferred and Lhe same shall
be ln cusLodla legls and no bond shall be admlLLed for Lhe release of Lhe
1he proceeds of any sale or dlsposlLlon of any properLy conflscaLed or
forfelLed under Lhls SecLlon shall be used Lo pay all proper expenses
lncurred ln Lhe proceedlngs for Lhe conflscaLlon forfelLure cusLody and
malnLenance of Lhe properLy pendlng dlsposlLlon as well as expenses
for publlcaLlon and courL cosLs 1he proceeds ln excess of Lhe above
expenses shall accrue Lo Lhe 8oard Lo be used ln lLs campalgn agalnsL
lllegal drugs
SecLlon 21 CusLody and ulsposlLlon of ConflscaLed Selzed and/or
Surrendered uangerous urugs lanL Sources of uangerous urugs
ConLrolled recursors and LssenLlal Chemlcals
lnsLrumenLs/araphernalla and/or LaboraLory LqulpmenL ? 1he uLA
shall Lake charge and have cusLody of all dangerous drugs planL
sources of dangerous drugs conLrolled precursors and essenLlal
chemlcals as well as lnsLrumenLs/paraphernalla and/or laboraLory
equlpmenL so conflscaLed selzed and/or surrendered for proper
dlsposlLlon ln Lhe followlng manner
(1) 1he apprehendlng Leam havlng lnlLlal cusLody and conLrol of Lhe
drugs shall lmmedlaLely afLer selzure and conflscaLlon physlcally
lnvenLory and phoLograph Lhe same ln Lhe presence of Lhe accused or
Lhe person/s from whom such lLems were conflscaLed and/or selzed or
hls/her represenLaLlve or counsel a represenLaLlve from Lhe medla and
Lhe ueparLmenL of !usLlce (uC!) and any elecLed publlc offlclal who
shall be requlred Lo slgn Lhe coples of Lhe lnvenLory and be glven a copy
(2) WlLhln LwenLyfour (24) hours upon conflscaLlon/selzure of
dangerous drugs planL sources of dangerous drugs conLrolled
precursors and essenLlal chemlcals as well as
lnsLrumenLs/paraphernalla and/or laboraLory equlpmenL Lhe same
shall be submlLLed Lo Lhe uLA lorenslc LaboraLory for a quallLaLlve
and quanLlLaLlve examlnaLlon
(3) A cerLlflcaLlon of Lhe forenslc laboraLory examlnaLlon resulLs whlch
shall be done under oaLh by Lhe forenslc laboraLory examlner shall be
lssued wlLhln LwenLyfour (24) hours afLer Lhe recelpL of Lhe sub[ecL
lLem/s rovlded 1haL when Lhe volume of Lhe dangerous drugs planL
sources of dangerous drugs and conLrolled precursors and essenLlal
chemlcals does noL allow Lhe compleLlon of LesLlng wlLhln Lhe Llme
frame a parLlal laboraLory examlnaLlon reporL shall be provlslonally
lssued sLaLlng Lhereln Lhe quanLlLles of dangerous drugs sLlll Lo be
examlned by Lhe forenslc laboraLory rovlded however 1haL a flnal
cerLlflcaLlon shall be lssued on Lhe compleLed forenslc laboraLory
examlnaLlon on Lhe same wlLhln Lhe nexL LwenLyfour (24) hours
(4) AfLer Lhe flllng of Lhe crlmlnal case Lhe CourL shall wlLhln sevenLy
Lwo (72) hours conducL an ocular lnspecLlon of Lhe conflscaLed selzed
and/or surrendered dangerous drugs planL sources of dangerous
drugs and conLrolled precursors and essenLlal chemlcals lncludlng Lhe
lnsLrumenLs/paraphernalla and/or laboraLory equlpmenL and Lhrough
Lhe uLA shall wlLhln LwenLyfour (24) hours LhereafLer proceed wlLh
Lhe desLrucLlon or burnlng of Lhe same ln Lhe presence of Lhe accused
or Lhe person/s from whom such lLems were conflscaLed and/or selzed
or hls/her represenLaLlve or counsel a represenLaLlve from Lhe medla
and Lhe uC! clvll socleLy groups and any elecLed publlc offlclal 1he
8oard shall draw up Lhe guldellnes on Lhe manner of proper dlsposlLlon
and desLrucLlon of such lLem/s whlch shall be borne by Lhe offender
rovlded 1haL Lhose lLem/s of lawful commerce as deLermlned by Lhe
8oard shall be donaLed used or recycled for leglLlmaLe purposes
rovlded furLher 1haL a represenLaLlve sample duly welghed and
recorded ls reLalned
(3) 1he 8oard shall Lhen lssue a sworn cerLlflcaLlon as Lo Lhe facL of
desLrucLlon or burnlng of Lhe sub[ecL lLem/s whlch LogeLher wlLh Lhe
represenLaLlve sample/s ln Lhe cusLody of Lhe uLA shall be submlLLed
Lo Lhe courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe case ln all lnsLances Lhe
represenLaLlve sample/s shall be kepL Lo a mlnlmum quanLlLy as
deLermlned by Lhe 8oard
(6) 1he alleged offender or hls/her represenLaLlve or counsel shall be
allowed Lo personally observe all of Lhe above proceedlngs and hls/her
presence shall noL consLlLuLe an admlsslon of gullL ln case Lhe sald
offender or accused refuses or falls Lo appolnL a represenLaLlve afLer
due noLlce ln wrlLlng Lo Lhe accused or hls/her counsel wlLhln sevenLy
Lwo (72) hours before Lhe acLual burnlng or desLrucLlon of Lhe evldence
ln quesLlon Lhe SecreLary of !usLlce shall appolnL a member of Lhe
publlc aLLorneys offlce Lo represenL Lhe former
(7) AfLer Lhe promulgaLlon and [udgmenL ln Lhe crlmlnal case whereln
Lhe represenLaLlve sample/s was presenLed as evldence ln courL Lhe
Lrlal prosecuLor shall lnform Lhe 8oard of Lhe flnal LermlnaLlon of Lhe
case and ln Lurn shall requesL Lhe courL for leave Lo Lurn over Lhe sald
represenLaLlve sample/s Lo Lhe uLA for proper dlsposlLlon and
desLrucLlon wlLhln LwenLyfour (24) hours from recelpL of Lhe same
(8) 1ranslLory rovlslon a) WlLhln LwenLyfour (24) hours from Lhe
effecLlvlLy of Lhls AcL dangerous drugs deflned hereln whlch are
presenLly ln possesslon of law enforcemenL agencles shall wlLh leave of
courL be burned or desLroyed ln Lhe presence of represenLaLlves of
Lhe CourL uC! ueparLmenL of PealLh (uCP) and Lhe accused/and or
hls/her counsel and b) endlng Lhe organlzaLlon of Lhe uLA Lhe
cusLody dlsposlLlon and burnlng or desLrucLlon of selzed/surrendered
dangerous drugs provlded under Lhls SecLlon shall be lmplemenLed by
Lhe uCP
SecLlon 22 CranL of CompensaLlon 8eward and Award ? 1he 8oard
shall recommend Lo Lhe concerned governmenL agency Lhe granL of
compensaLlon reward and award Lo any person provldlng lnformaLlon
and Lo law enforcers parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe operaLlon whlch resulLs ln Lhe
successful conflscaLlon selzure or surrender of dangerous drugs planL
sources of dangerous drugs and conLrolled precursors and essenLlal
SecLlon 23 lea8argalnlng rovlslon ? Any person charged under any
provlslon of Lhls AcL regardless of Lhe lmposable penalLy shall noL be
allowed Lo avall of Lhe provlslon on pleabargalnlng
SecLlon 24 nonAppllcablllLy of Lhe robaLlon Law for urug 1rafflckers
and ushers ? Any person convlcLed for drug Lrafflcklng or pushlng
under Lhls AcL regardless of Lhe penalLy lmposed by Lhe CourL cannoL
avall of Lhe prlvllege granLed by Lhe robaLlon Law or resldenLlal
uecree no 968 as amended
SecLlon 23 Cuallfylng AggravaLlng ClrcumsLances ln Lhe Commlsslon of
a Crlme by an Cffender under Lhe lnfluence of uangerous urugs ?
noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe provlslons of any law Lo Lhe conLrary a poslLlve
flndlng for Lhe use of dangerous drugs shall be a quallfylng aggravaLlng
clrcumsLance ln Lhe commlsslon of a crlme by an offender and Lhe
appllcaLlon of Lhe penalLy provlded for ln Lhe 8evlsed enal Code shall
be appllcable
SecLlon 26 ALLempL or Consplracy ? Any aLLempL or consplracy Lo
commlL Lhe followlng unlawful acLs shall be penallzed by Lhe same
penalLy prescrlbed for Lhe commlsslon of Lhe same as provlded under
Lhls AcL
(a) lmporLaLlon of any dangerous drug and/or conLrolled precursor and
essenLlal chemlcal
(b) Sale Lradlng admlnlsLraLlon dlspensaLlon dellvery dlsLrlbuLlon and
LransporLaLlon of any dangerous drug and/or conLrolled precursor and
essenLlal chemlcal
(c) MalnLenance of a den dlve or resorL where any dangerous drug ls
used ln any form
(d) ManufacLure of any dangerous drug and/or conLrolled precursor
and essenLlal chemlcal and
(e) CulLlvaLlon or culLure of planLs whlch are sources of dangerous
SecLlon 27 Crlmlnal LlablllLy of a ubllc Cfflcer or Lmployee for
MlsapproprlaLlon MlsappllcaLlon or lallure Lo AccounL for Lhe
ConflscaLed Selzed and/or Surrendered uangerous urugs lanL
Sources of uangerous urugs ConLrolled recursors and LssenLlal
Chemlcals lnsLrumenLs/araphernalla and/or LaboraLory LqulpmenL
lncludlng Lhe roceeds or roperLles CbLalned from Lhe unlawful AcL
CommlLLed ? 1he penalLy of llfe lmprlsonmenL Lo deaLh and a flne
ranglng from llve hundred Lhousand pesos (30000000) Lo 1en mllllon
pesos (1000000000) ln addlLlon Lo absoluLe perpeLual
dlsquallflcaLlon from any publlc offlce shall be lmposed upon any
publlc offlcer or employee who mlsapproprlaLes mlsapplles or falls Lo
accounL for conflscaLed selzed or surrendered dangerous drugs planL
sources of dangerous drugs conLrolled precursors and essenLlal
chemlcals lnsLrumenLs/paraphernalla and/or laboraLory equlpmenL
lncludlng Lhe proceeds or properLles obLalned from Lhe unlawful acLs as
provlded for ln Lhls AcL
Any elecLlve local or naLlonal offlclal found Lo have beneflLed from Lhe
proceeds of Lhe Lrafflcklng of dangerous drugs as prescrlbed ln Lhls AcL
or have recelved any flnanclal or maLerlal conLrlbuLlons or donaLlons
from naLural or [urldlcal persons found gullLy of Lrafflcklng dangerous
drugs as prescrlbed ln Lhls AcL shall be removed from offlce and
perpeLually dlsquallfled from holdlng any elecLlve or appolnLlve
poslLlons ln Lhe governmenL lLs dlvlslons subdlvlslons and
lnLermedlarles lncludlng governmenLowned or ?conLrolled
SecLlon 28 Crlmlnal LlablllLy of CovernmenL Cfflclals and Lmployees ?
1he maxlmum penalLles of Lhe unlawful acLs provlded for ln Lhls AcL
shall be lmposed ln addlLlon Lo absoluLe perpeLual dlsquallflcaLlon
from any publlc offlce lf Lhose found gullLy of such unlawful acLs are
governmenL offlclals and employees
SecLlon 29 Crlmlnal LlablllLy for lanLlng of Lvldence ? Any person who
ls found gullLy of planLlng any dangerous drug and/or conLrolled
precursor and essenLlal chemlcal regardless of quanLlLy and purlLy
shall suffer Lhe penalLy of deaLh
SecLlon 30 Crlmlnal LlablllLy of Cfflcers of arLnershlps CorporaLlons
AssoclaLlons or CLher !urldlcal LnLlLles ? ln case any vlolaLlon of Lhls AcL
ls commlLLed by a parLnershlp corporaLlon assoclaLlon or any [urldlcal
enLlLy Lhe parLner presldenL dlrecLor manager LrusLee esLaLe
admlnlsLraLor or offlcer who consenLs Lo or knowlngly LoleraLes such
vlolaLlon shall be held crlmlnally llable as a coprlnclpal
1he penalLy provlded for Lhe offense under Lhls AcL shall be lmposed
upon Lhe parLner presldenL dlrecLor manager LrusLee esLaLe
admlnlsLraLor or offlcer who knowlngly auLhorlzes LoleraLes or
consenLs Lo Lhe use of a vehlcle vessel alrcrafL equlpmenL or oLher
faclllLy as an lnsLrumenL ln Lhe lmporLaLlon sale Lradlng
admlnlsLraLlon dlspensaLlon dellvery dlsLrlbuLlon LransporLaLlon or
manufacLure of dangerous drugs or chemlcal dlverslon lf such vehlcle
vessel alrcrafL equlpmenL or oLher lnsLrumenL ls owned by or under
Lhe conLrol or supervlslon of Lhe parLnershlp corporaLlon assoclaLlon
or [urldlcal enLlLy Lo whlch Lhey are afflllaLed
SecLlon 31 AddlLlonal enalLy lf Cffender ls an Allen ? ln addlLlon Lo
Lhe penalLles prescrlbed ln Lhe unlawful acL commlLLed any allen who
vlolaLes such provlslons of Lhls AcL shall afLer servlce of senLence be
deporLed lmmedlaLely wlLhouL furLher proceedlngs unless Lhe penalLy
ls deaLh
SecLlon 32 LlablllLy Lo a erson vlolaLlng Any 8egulaLlon lssued by Lhe
8oard ? 1he penalLy of lmprlsonmenL ranglng from slx (6) monLhs and
one (1) day Lo four (4) years and a flne ranglng from 1en Lhousand
pesos (1000000) Lo llfLy Lhousand pesos (3000000) shall be
lmposed upon any person found vlolaLlng any regulaLlon duly lssued by
Lhe 8oard pursuanL Lo Lhls AcL ln addlLlon Lo Lhe admlnlsLraLlve
sancLlons lmposed by Lhe 8oard
SecLlon 33 lmmunlLy from rosecuLlon and unlshmenL ?
noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe provlslons of SecLlon 17 8ule 119 of Lhe 8evlsed
8ules of Crlmlnal rocedure and Lhe provlslons of 8epubllc AcL no 6981
or Lhe WlLness roLecLlon SecurlLy and 8eneflL AcL of 1991 any person
who has vlolaLed SecLlons 7 11 12 14 13 and 19 ArLlcle ll of Lhls AcL
who volunLarlly glves lnformaLlon abouL any vlolaLlon of SecLlons 4 3
6 8 10 13 and 16 ArLlcle ll of Lhls AcL as well as any vlolaLlon of Lhe
offenses menLloned lf commlLLed by a drug syndlcaLe or any
lnformaLlon leadlng Lo Lhe whereabouLs ldenLlLles and arresL of all or
any of Lhe members Lhereof and who wllllngly LesLlfles agalnsL such
persons as descrlbed above shall be exempLed from prosecuLlon or
punlshmenL for Lhe offense wlLh reference Lo whlch hls/her
lnformaLlon of LesLlmony were glven and may plead or prove Lhe glvlng
of such lnformaLlon and LesLlmony ln bar of such prosecuLlon rovlded
1haL Lhe followlng condlLlons concur
(1) 1he lnformaLlon and LesLlmony are necessary for Lhe convlcLlon of
Lhe persons descrlbed above
(2) Such lnformaLlon and LesLlmony are noL yeL ln Lhe possesslon of Lhe
(3) Such lnformaLlon and LesLlmony can be corroboraLed on lLs maLerlal
(4) Lhe lnformanL or wlLness has noL been prevlously convlcLed of a
crlme lnvolvlng moral LurplLude excepL when Lhere ls no oLher dlrecL
evldence avallable for Lhe SLaLe oLher Lhan Lhe lnformaLlon and
LesLlmony of sald lnformanL or wlLness and
(3) 1he lnformanL or wlLness shall sLrlcLly and falLhfully comply wlLhouL
delay any condlLlon or underLaklng reduced lnLo wrlLlng lawfully
lmposed by Lhe SLaLe as furLher conslderaLlon for Lhe granL of lmmunlLy
from prosecuLlon and punlshmenL
rovlded furLher 1haL Lhls lmmunlLy may be en[oyed by such
lnformanL or wlLness who does noL appear Lo be mosL gullLy for Lhe
offense wlLh reference Lo whlch hls/her lnformaLlon or LesLlmony were
glven rovlded flnally 1haL Lhere ls no dlrecL evldence avallable for
Lhe SLaLe excepL for Lhe lnformaLlon and LesLlmony of Lhe sald
lnformanL or wlLness
SecLlon 34 1ermlnaLlon of Lhe CranL of lmmunlLy ? 1he lmmunlLy
granLed Lo Lhe lnformanL or wlLness as prescrlbed ln SecLlon 33 of Lhls
AcL shall noL aLLach should lL Lurn ouL subsequenLly LhaL Lhe
lnformaLlon and/or LesLlmony ls false mallclous or made only for Lhe
purpose of harasslng molesLlng or ln any way pre[udlclng Lhe persons
descrlbed ln Lhe precedlng SecLlon agalnsL whom such lnformaLlon or
LesLlmony ls dlrecLed agalnsL ln such case Lhe lnformanL or wlLness
shall be sub[ecL Lo prosecuLlon and Lhe en[oymenL of all rlghLs and
beneflLs prevlously accorded hlm under Lhls AcL or any oLher law
decree or order shall be deemed LermlnaLed
ln case an lnformanL or wlLness under Lhls AcL falls or refuses Lo LesLlfy
wlLhouL [usL cause and when lawfully obllged Lo do so or should
he/she vlolaLe any condlLlon accompanylng such lmmunlLy as provlded
above hls/her lmmunlLy shall be removed and he/she shall llkewlse be
sub[ecL Lo conLempL and/or crlmlnal prosecuLlon as Lhe case may be
and Lhe en[oymenL of all rlghLs and beneflLs prevlously accorded hlm
under Lhls AcL or ln any oLher law decree or order shall be deemed
ln case Lhe lnformanL or wlLness referred Lo under Lhls AcL falls under
Lhe appllcablllLy of Lhls SecLlon hereof such lndlvldual cannoL avall of
Lhe provlslons under ArLlcle vlll of Lhls AcL
SecLlon 33 Accessory enalLles ? A person convlcLed under Lhls AcL
shall be dlsquallfled Lo exerclse hls/her clvll rlghLs such as buL noL
llmlLed Lo Lhe rlghLs of parenLal auLhorlLy or guardlanshlp elLher as Lo
Lhe person or properLy of any ward Lhe rlghLs Lo dlspose of such
properLy by any acL or any conveyance lnLer vlvos and pollLlcal rlghLs
such as buL noL llmlLed Lo Lhe rlghL Lo voLe and be voLed for Such
rlghLs shall also be suspended durlng Lhe pendency of an appeal from
such convlcLlon
A81lCLL lll
uangerous urugs 1esL and 8ecord 8equlremenLs
SecLlon 36 AuLhorlzed urug 1esLlng ? AuLhorlzed drug LesLlng shall be
done by any governmenL forenslc laboraLorles or by any of Lhe drug
LesLlng laboraLorles accredlLed and monlLored by Lhe uCP Lo safeguard
Lhe quallLy of LesL resulLs 1he uCP shall Lake sLeps ln seLLlng Lhe prlce
of Lhe drug LesL wlLh uCP accredlLed drug LesLlng cenLers Lo furLher
reduce Lhe cosL of such drug LesL 1he drug LesLlng shall employ among
oLhers Lwo (2) LesLlng meLhods Lhe screenlng LesL whlch wlll
deLermlne Lhe poslLlve resulL as well as Lhe Lype of Lhe drug used and
Lhe conflrmaLory LesL whlch wlll conflrm a poslLlve screenlng LesL urug
LesL cerLlflcaLes lssued by accredlLed drug LesLlng cenLers shall be valld
for a oneyear perlod from Lhe daLe of lssue whlch may be used for
oLher purposes 1he followlng shall be sub[ecLed Lo undergo drug
(a) AppllcanLs for drlvers llcense ? no drlvers llcense shall be lssued or
renewed Lo any person unless he/she presenLs a cerLlflcaLlon LhaL
he/she has undergone a mandaLory drug LesL and lndlcaLlng Lhereon
LhaL he/she ls free from Lhe use of dangerous drugs
(b) AppllcanLs for flrearms llcense and for permlL Lo carry flrearms
ouLslde of resldence ? All appllcanLs for flrearms llcense and permlL Lo
carry flrearms ouLslde of resldence shall undergo a mandaLory drug LesL
Lo ensure LhaL Lhey are free from Lhe use of dangerous drugs rovlded
1haL all persons who by Lhe naLure of Lhelr professlon carry flrearms
shall undergo drug LesLlng
(c) SLudenLs of secondary and LerLlary schools ? SLudenLs of secondary
and LerLlary schools shall pursuanL Lo Lhe relaLed rules and regulaLlons
as conLalned ln Lhe schools sLudenL handbook and wlLh noLlce Lo Lhe
parenLs undergo a random drug LesLlng rovlded 1haL all drug LesLlng
expenses wheLher ln publlc or prlvaLe schools under Lhls SecLlon wlll be
borne by Lhe governmenL
(d) Cfflcers and employees of publlc and prlvaLe offlces ? Cfflcers and
employees of publlc and prlvaLe offlces wheLher domesLlc or overseas
shall be sub[ecLed Lo undergo a random drug LesL as conLalned ln Lhe
companys work rules and regulaLlons whlch shall be borne by Lhe
employer for purposes of reduclng Lhe rlsk ln Lhe workplace Any
offlcer or employee found poslLlve for use of dangerous drugs shall be
dealL wlLh admlnlsLraLlvely whlch shall be a ground for suspenslon or
LermlnaLlon sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of ArLlcle 282 of Lhe Labor Code
and perLlnenL provlslons of Lhe Clvll Servlce Law
(e) Cfflcers and members of Lhe mlllLary pollce and oLher law
enforcemenL agencles ? Cfflcers and members of Lhe mlllLary pollce
and oLher law enforcemenL agencles shall undergo an annual
mandaLory drug LesL
(f) All persons charged before Lhe prosecuLors offlce wlLh a crlmlnal
offense havlng an lmposable penalLy of lmprlsonmenL of noL less Lhan
slx (6) years and one (1) day shall have Lo undergo a mandaLory drug
LesL and
(g) All candldaLes for publlc offlce wheLher appolnLed or elecLed boLh ln
Lhe naLlonal or local governmenL shall undergo a mandaLory drug LesL
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe above sLaLed penalLles ln Lhls SecLlon Lhose found Lo
be poslLlve for dangerous drugs use shall be sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of
SecLlon 13 of Lhls AcL
SecLlon 37 lssuance of lalse or lraudulenL urug 1esL 8esulLs ? Any
person auLhorlzed llcensed or accredlLed under Lhls AcL and lLs
lmplemenLlng rules Lo conducL drug examlnaLlon or LesL who lssues
false or fraudulenL drug LesL resulLs knowlngly wlllfully or Lhrough
gross negllgence shall suffer Lhe penalLy of lmprlsonmenL ranglng from
slx (6) years and one (1) day Lo Lwelve (12) years and a flne ranglng
from Cne hundred Lhousand pesos (10000000) Lo llve hundred
Lhousand pesos (30000000)
An addlLlonal penalLy shall be lmposed Lhrough Lhe revocaLlon of Lhe
llcense Lo pracLlce hls/her professlon ln case of a pracLlLloner and Lhe
closure of Lhe drug LesLlng cenLer
SecLlon 38 LaboraLory LxamlnaLlon or 1esL on Apprehended/ArresLed
Cffenders ? Sub[ecL Lo SecLlon 13 of Lhls AcL any person apprehended
or arresLed for vlolaLlng Lhe provlslons of Lhls AcL shall be sub[ecLed Lo
screenlng laboraLory examlnaLlon or LesL wlLhln LwenLyfour (24) hours
lf Lhe apprehendlng or arresLlng offlcer has reasonable ground Lo
belleve LhaL Lhe person apprehended or arresLed on accounL of
physlcal slgns or sympLoms or oLher vlslble or ouLward manlfesLaLlon ls
under Lhe lnfluence of dangerous drugs lf found Lo be poslLlve Lhe
resulLs of Lhe screenlng laboraLory examlnaLlon or LesL shall be
challenged wlLhln flfLeen (13) days afLer recelpL of Lhe resulL Lhrough a
conflrmaLory LesL conducLed ln any accredlLed analyLlcal laboraLory
equlpmenL wlLh a gas chromaLograph/mass specLromeLry equlpmenL or
some such modern and accepLed meLhod lf conflrmed Lhe same shall
be prlma facle evldence LhaL such person has used dangerous drugs
whlch ls wlLhouL pre[udlce for Lhe prosecuLlon for oLher vlolaLlons of
Lhe provlslons of Lhls AcL rovlded 1haL a poslLlve screenlng laboraLory
LesL musL be conflrmed for lL Lo be valld ln a courL of law
SecLlon 39 AccredlLaLlon of urug 1esLlng CenLers and hyslclans ? 1he
uCP shall be Lasked Lo llcense and accredlL drug LesLlng cenLers ln each
provlnce and clLy ln order Lo assure Lhelr capaclLy compeLence
lnLegrlLy and sLablllLy Lo conducL Lhe laboraLory examlnaLlons and LesLs
provlded ln Lhls ArLlcle and appolnL such Lechnlcal and oLher personnel
as may be necessary for Lhe effecLlve lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls provlslon
1he uCP shall also accredlL physlclans who shall conducL Lhe drug
dependency examlnaLlon of a drug dependenL as well as Lhe afLercare
and followup program for Lhe sald drug dependenL 1here shall be a
conLrol regulaLlons llcenslng and accredlLaLlon dlvlslon under Lhe
supervlslon of Lhe uCP for Lhls purpose
lor Lhls purpose Lhe uCP shall esLabllsh operaLe and malnLaln drug
LesLlng cenLers ln governmenL hosplLals whlch musL be provlded aL
leasL wlLh baslc Lechnologlcally advanced equlpmenL and maLerlals ln
order Lo conducL Lhe laboraLory examlnaLlon and LesLs hereln provlded
and appolnL such quallfled and duly Lralned Lechnlcal and oLher
personnel as may be necessary for Lhe effecLlve lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls
SecLlon 40 8ecords 8equlred for 1ransacLlons on uangerous urug and
recursors and LssenLlal Chemlcals ?
a) Lvery pharmaclsL deallng ln dangerous drugs and/or conLrolled
precursors and essenLlal chemlcals shall malnLaln and keep an orlglnal
record of sales purchases acqulslLlons and dellverles of dangerous
drugs lndlcaLlng Lhereln Lhe followlng lnformaLlon
(1) Llcense number and address of Lhe pharmaclsL
(2) name address and llcense of Lhe manufacLurer lmporLer or
wholesaler from whom Lhe dangerous drugs have been purchased
(3) CuanLlLy and name of Lhe dangerous drugs purchased or acqulred
(4) uaLe of acqulslLlon or purchase
(3) name address and communlLy Lax cerLlflcaLe number of Lhe buyer
(6) Serlal number of Lhe prescrlpLlon and Lhe name of Lhe physlclan
denLlsL veLerlnarlan or pracLlLloner lssulng Lhe same
(7) CuanLlLy and name of Lhe dangerous drugs sold or dellvered and
(8) uaLe of sale or dellvery
A cerLlfled Lrue copy of such record coverlng a perlod of slx (6) monLhs
duly slgned by Lhe pharmaclsL or Lhe owner of Lhe drugsLore pharmacy
or chemlcal esLabllshmenL shall be forwarded Lo Lhe 8oard wlLhln
flfLeen (13) days followlng Lhe lasL day of !une and uecember of each
year wlLh a copy Lhereof furnlshed Lhe clLy or munlclpal healLh offlcer
(b) A physlclan denLlsL veLerlnarlan or pracLlLloner auLhorlzed Lo
prescrlbe any dangerous drug shall lssue Lhe prescrlpLlon Lherefor ln
one (1) orlglnal and Lwo (2) dupllcaLe coples 1he orlglnal afLer Lhe
prescrlpLlon has been fllled shall be reLalned by Lhe pharmaclsL for a
perlod of one (1) year from Lhe daLe of sale or dellvery of such drug
Cne (1) copy shall be reLalned by Lhe buyer or by Lhe person Lo whom
Lhe drug ls dellvered unLll such drug ls consumed whlle Lhe second
copy shall be reLalned by Lhe person lssulng Lhe prescrlpLlon
lor purposes of Lhls AcL all prescrlpLlons lssued by physlclans denLlsLs
veLerlnarlans or pracLlLloners shall be wrlLLen on forms excluslvely
lssued by and obLalnable from Lhe uCP Such forms shall be made of a
speclal klnd of paper and shall be dlsLrlbuLed ln such quanLlLles and
conLaln such lnformaLlon and oLher daLa as Lhe uCP may by rules and
regulaLlons requlre Such forms shall only be lssued by Lhe uCP
Lhrough lLs auLhorlzed employees Lo llcensed physlclans denLlsLs
veLerlnarlans and pracLlLloners ln such quanLlLles as Lhe 8oard may
auLhorlze ln emergency cases however as Lhe 8oard may speclfy ln
Lhe publlc lnLeresL a prescrlpLlon need noL be accompllshed on such
forms 1he prescrlblng physlclan denLlsL veLerlnarlan or pracLlLloner
shall wlLhln Lhree (3) days afLer lssulng such prescrlpLlon lnform Lhe
uCP of Lhe same ln wrlLlng no prescrlpLlon once served by Lhe
drugsLore or pharmacy be reused nor any prescrlpLlon once lssued be
(c) All manufacLurers wholesalers dlsLrlbuLors lmporLers dealers and
reLallers of dangerous drugs and/or conLrolled precursors and essenLlal
chemlcals shall keep a record of all lnvenLorles sales purchases
acqulslLlons and dellverles of Lhe same as well as Lhe names addresses
and llcenses of Lhe persons from whom such lLems were purchased or
acqulred or Lo whom such lLems were sold or dellvered Lhe name and
quanLlLy of Lhe same and Lhe daLe of Lhe LransacLlons Such records
may be sub[ecLed anyLlme for revlew by Lhe 8oard
A81lCLL lv
arLlclpaLlon of Lhe lamlly SLudenLs 1eachers and School AuLhorlLles
ln Lhe LnforcemenL of Lhls AcL
SecLlon 41 lnvolvemenL of Lhe lamlly ? 1he famlly belng Lhe baslc unlL
of Lhe llllplno socleLy shall be prlmarlly responslble for Lhe educaLlon
and awareness of Lhe members of Lhe famlly on Lhe lll effecLs of
dangerous drugs and close monlLorlng of famlly members who may be
suscepLlble Lo drug abuse
SecLlon 42 SLudenL Counclls and Campus CrganlzaLlons ? All
elemenLary secondary and LerLlary schools sLudenL counclls and
campus organlzaLlons shall lnclude ln Lhelr acLlvlLles a program for Lhe
prevenLlon of and deLerrence ln Lhe use of dangerous drugs and
referral for LreaLmenL and rehablllLaLlon of sLudenLs for drug
SecLlon 43 School Currlcula ? lnsLrucLlon on drug abuse prevenLlon
and conLrol shall be lnLegraLed ln Lhe elemenLary secondary and
LerLlary currlcula of all publlc and prlvaLe schools wheLher general
Lechnlcal vocaLlonal or agrolndusLrlal as well as ln nonformal
lnformal and lndlgenous learnlng sysLems Such lnsLrucLlons shall
(1) Adverse effecLs of Lhe abuse and mlsuse of dangerous drugs on Lhe
person Lhe famlly Lhe school and Lhe communlLy
(2) revenLlve measures agalnsL drug abuse
(3) PealLh socloculLural psychologlcal legal and economlc dlmenslons
and lmpllcaLlons of Lhe drug problem
(4) SLeps Lo Lake when lnLervenLlon on behalf of a drug dependenL ls
needed as well as Lhe servlces avallable for Lhe LreaLmenL and
rehablllLaLlon of drug dependenLs and
(3) MlsconcepLlons abouL Lhe use of dangerous drugs such as buL noL
llmlLed Lo Lhe lmporLance and safeLy of dangerous drugs for medlcal
and LherapeuLlc use as well as Lhe dlfferenLlaLlon beLween medlcal
paLlenLs and drug dependenLs ln order Lo avold confuslon and
accldenLal sLlgmaLlzaLlon ln Lhe consclousness of Lhe sLudenLs
SecLlon 44 Peads Supervlsors and 1eachers of Schools ? lor Lhe
purpose of enforclng Lhe provlslons of ArLlcle ll of Lhls AcL all school
heads supervlsors and Leachers shall be deemed persons ln auLhorlLy
and as such are hereby empowered Lo apprehend arresL or cause Lhe
apprehenslon or arresL of any person who shall vlolaLe any of Lhe sald
provlslons pursuanL Lo SecLlon 3 8ule 113 of Lhe 8ules of CourL 1hey
shall be deemed persons ln auLhorlLy lf Lhey are ln Lhe school or wlLhln
lLs lmmedlaLe vlclnlLy or even beyond such lmmedlaLe vlclnlLy lf Lhey
are ln aLLendance aL any school or class funcLlon ln Lhelr offlclal
capaclLy as school heads supervlsors and Leachers
Any Leacher or school employee who dlscovers or flnds LhaL any
person ln Lhe school or wlLhln lLs lmmedlaLe vlclnlLy ls llable for
vlolaLlng any of sald provlslons shall have Lhe duLy Lo reporL Lhe same
Lo Lhe school head or lmmedlaLe superlor who shall ln Lurn reporL Lhe
maLLer Lo Lhe proper auLhorlLles
lallure Lo do so ln elLher case wlLhln a reasonable perlod from Lhe Llme
of dlscovery of Lhe vlolaLlon shall afLer due hearlng consLlLuLe
sufflclenL cause for dlsclpllnary acLlon by Lhe school auLhorlLles
SecLlon 43 ubllcaLlon and ulsLrlbuLlon of MaLerlals on uangerous
urugs ? WlLh Lhe asslsLance of Lhe 8oard Lhe SecreLary of Lhe
ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (uepLd) Lhe Chalrman of Lhe Commlsslon on
Plgher LducaLlon (CPLu) and Lhe ulrecLorCeneral of Lhe 1echnlcal
LducaLlon and Skllls uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (1LSuA) shall cause Lhe
developmenL publlcaLlon and dlsLrlbuLlon of lnformaLlon and supporL
educaLlonal maLerlals on dangerous drugs Lo Lhe sLudenLs Lhe faculLy
Lhe parenLs and Lhe communlLy
SecLlon 46 Speclal urug LducaLlon CenLer ? WlLh Lhe asslsLance of Lhe
8oard Lhe ueparLmenL of Lhe lnLerlor and Local CovernmenL (ulLC)
Lhe naLlonal ?ouLh Commlsslon (n?C) and Lhe ueparLmenL of Soclal
Welfare and uevelopmenL (uSWu) shall esLabllsh ln each of lLs
provlnclal offlce a speclal educaLlon drug cenLer for ouLofschool youLh
and sLreeL chlldren Such CenLer whlch shall be headed by Lhe
rovlnclal Soclal Welfare uevelopmenL Cfflcer shall sponsor drug
prevenLlon programs and acLlvlLles and lnformaLlon campalgns wlLh Lhe
end ln vlew of educaLlng Lhe ouLofschool youLh and sLreeL chlldren
regardlng Lhe pernlclous effecLs of drug abuse 1he programs lnlLlaLed
by Lhe CenLer shall llkewlse be adopLed ln all publlc and prlvaLe
orphanage and exlsLlng speclal cenLers for sLreeL chlldren
A81lCLL v
romoLlon of a naLlonal uruglree Workplace rogram WlLh Lhe
arLlclpaLlon of rlvaLe and Labor SecLors and Lhe ueparLmenL of Labor
and LmploymenL
SecLlon 47 uruglree Workplace ? lL ls deemed a pollcy of Lhe SLaLe Lo
promoLe drugfree workplaces uslng a LrlparLlLe approach WlLh Lhe
asslsLance of Lhe 8oard Lhe ueparLmenL of Labor and LmploymenL
(uCLL) shall develop promoLe and lmplemenL a naLlonal drug abuse
prevenLlon program ln Lhe workplace Lo be adopLed by prlvaLe
companles wlLh Len (10) or more employees Such program shall
lnclude Lhe mandaLory drafLlng and adopLlon of company pollcles
agalnsL drug use ln Lhe workplace ln close consulLaLlon and
coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe uCLL labor and employer organlzaLlons human
resource developmenL managers and oLher such prlvaLe secLor
SecLlon 48 Culdellnes for Lhe naLlonal uruglree Workplace rogram ?
1he 8oard and Lhe uCLL shall formulaLe Lhe necessary guldellnes for
Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe naLlonal drugfree workplace program 1he
amounL necessary for Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of whlch shall be lncluded ln
Lhe annual Ceneral ApproprlaLlons AcL
A81lCLL vl
arLlclpaLlon of Lhe rlvaLe and Labor SecLors ln Lhe LnforcemenL of Lhls
SecLlon 49 Labor CrganlzaLlons and Lhe rlvaLe SecLor ? All labor
unlons federaLlons assoclaLlons or organlzaLlons ln cooperaLlon wlLh
Lhe respecLlve prlvaLe secLor parLners shall lnclude ln Lhelr collecLlve
bargalnlng or any slmllar agreemenLs [olnL conLlnulng programs and
lnformaLlon campalgns for Lhe laborers slmllar Lo Lhe programs
provlded under SecLlon 47 of Lhls AcL wlLh Lhe end ln vlew of achlevlng
a drug free workplace
SecLlon 30 CovernmenL AsslsLance ? 1he labor secLor and Lhe
respecLlve parLners may ln pursulL of Lhe programs menLloned ln Lhe
precedlng SecLlon secure Lhe Lechnlcal asslsLance such as buL noL
llmlLed Lo semlnars and lnformaLlon dlssemlnaLlon campalgns of Lhe
approprlaLe governmenL and law enforcemenL agencles
A81lCLL vll
arLlclpaLlon of Local CovernmenL unlLs
SecLlon 31 Local CovernmenL unlLs AsslsLance ? Local governmenL
unlLs shall approprlaLe a subsLanLlal porLlon of Lhelr respecLlve annual
budgeLs Lo asslsL ln or enhance Lhe enforcemenL of Lhls AcL glvlng
prlorlLy Lo prevenLlve or educaLlonal programs and Lhe rehablllLaLlon or
LreaLmenL of drug dependenLs
SecLlon 32 AbaLemenL of urug 8elaLed ubllc nulsances ? Any place or
premlses whlch have been used on Lwo or more occaslons as Lhe slLe of
Lhe unlawful sale or dellvery of dangerous drugs may be declared Lo be
a publlc nulsance and such nulsance may be abaLed pursuanL Lo Lhe
followlng procedures
(1) Any clLy or munlclpallLy may by ordlnance creaLe an admlnlsLraLlve
board Lo hear complalnLs regardlng Lhe nulsances
(2) any employee offlcer or resldenL of Lhe clLy or munlclpallLy may
brlng a complalnL before Lhe 8oard afLer glvlng noL less Lhan Lhree (3)
days wrlLLen noLlce of such complalnL Lo Lhe owner of Lhe place or
premlses aL hls/her lasL known address and
(3) AfLer hearlng ln whlch Lhe 8oard may conslder any evldence
lncludlng evldence of Lhe general repuLaLlon of Lhe place or premlses
and aL whlch Lhe owner of Lhe premlses shall have an opporLunlLy Lo
presenL evldence ln hls/her defense Lhe 8oard may declare Lhe place
or premlses Lo be a publlc nulsance
SecLlon 33 LffecL of 8oard ueclaraLlon ? lf Lhe 8oard declares a place
or premlses Lo be a publlc nulsance lL may declare an order
lmmedlaLely prohlblLlng Lhe conducL operaLlon or malnLenance of any
buslness or acLlvlLy on Lhe premlses whlch ls conduclve Lo such
An order enLered under Lhls SecLlon shall explre afLer one (1) year or aL
such earller Llme as sLaLed ln Lhe order 1he 8oard may brlng a
complalnL seeklng a permanenL ln[uncLlon agalnsL any nulsance
descrlbed under Lhls SecLlon
1hls ArLlcle does noL resLrlcL Lhe rlghL of any person Lo proceed under
Lhe Clvll Code agalnsL any publlc nulsance
A81lCLL vlll
rogram for 1reaLmenL and 8ehablllLaLlon of urug uependenLs
SecLlon 34 volunLary Submlsslon of a urug uependenL Lo ConflnemenL
1reaLmenL and 8ehablllLaLlon ? A drug dependenL or any person who
vlolaLes SecLlon 13 of Lhls AcL may by hlmself/herself or Lhrough
hls/her parenL spouse guardlan or relaLlve wlLhln Lhe fourLh degree of
consangulnlLy or afflnlLy apply Lo Lhe 8oard or lLs duly recognlzed
represenLaLlve for LreaLmenL and rehablllLaLlon of Lhe drug
dependency upon such appllcaLlon Lhe 8oard shall brlng forLh Lhe
maLLer Lo Lhe CourL whlch shall order LhaL Lhe appllcanL be examlned
for drug dependency lf Lhe examlnaLlon by a uCPaccredlLed physlclan
resulLs ln Lhe lssuance of a cerLlflcaLlon LhaL Lhe appllcanL ls a drug
dependenL he/she shall be ordered by Lhe CourL Lo undergo LreaLmenL
and rehablllLaLlon ln a CenLer deslgnaLed by Lhe 8oard for a perlod of
noL less Lhan slx (6) monLhs rovlded 1haL a drug dependenL may be
placed under Lhe care of a uCPaccredlLed physlclan where Lhere ls no
CenLer near or accesslble Lo Lhe resldence of Lhe drug dependenL or
where sald drug dependenL ls below elghLeen (18) years of age and ls a
flrsLLlme offender and nonconflnemenL ln a CenLer wlll noL pose a
serlous danger Lo hls/her famlly or Lhe communlLy
ConflnemenL ln a CenLer for LreaLmenL and rehablllLaLlon shall noL
exceed one (1) year afLer whlch Llme Lhe CourL as well as Lhe 8oard
shall be apprlsed by Lhe head of Lhe LreaLmenL and rehablllLaLlon cenLer
of Lhe sLaLus of sald drug dependenL and deLermlne wheLher furLher
conflnemenL wlll be for Lhe welfare of Lhe drug dependenL and hls/her
famlly or Lhe communlLy
SecLlon 33 LxempLlon from Lhe Crlmlnal LlablllLy under Lhe volunLary
Submlsslon rogram A drug dependenL under Lhe volunLary submlsslon
program who ls flnally dlscharged from conflnemenL shall be exempL
from Lhe crlmlnal llablllLy under SecLlon 13 of Lhls acL sub[ecL Lo Lhe
followlng condlLlons
(1) Pe/she has complled wlLh Lhe rules and regulaLlons of Lhe cenLer
Lhe appllcable rules and regulaLlons of Lhe 8oard lncludlng Lhe afLer
care and followup program for aL leasL elghLeen (18) monLhs followlng
Lemporary dlscharge from conflnemenL ln Lhe CenLer or ln Lhe case of
a dependenL placed under Lhe care of Lhe uCPaccredlLed physlclan
Lhe afLercare program and followup schedule formulaLed by Lhe
uSWu and approved by Lhe 8oard rovlded 1haL capablllLybulldlng of
local governmenL soclal workers shall be underLaken by Lhe uSWu
(2) Pe/she has never been charged or convlcLed of any offense
punlshable under Lhls AcL Lhe uangerous urugs AcL of 1972 or 8epubllc
AcL no 6423 as amended Lhe 8evlsed enal Code as amended or any
speclal penal laws
(3) Pe/she has no record of escape from a CenLer rovlded 1haL had
he/she escaped he/she surrendered by hlmself/herself or Lhrough
hls/her parenL spouse guardlan or relaLlve wlLhln Lhe fourLh degree of
consangulnlLy or afflnlLy wlLhln one (1) week from Lhe daLe of Lhe sald
escape and
(4) Pe/she poses no serlous danger Lo hlmself/herself hls/her famlly or
Lhe communlLy by hls/her exempLlon from crlmlnal llablllLy
SecLlon 36 1emporary 8elease lrom Lhe CenLer AfLerCare and lollow
up 1reaLmenL under Lhe volunLary Submlsslon rogram ? upon
cerLlflcaLlon of Lhe CenLer LhaL Lhe drug dependenL wlLhln Lhe volunLary
submlsslon program may be Lemporarlly released Lhe CourL shall order
hls/her release on condlLlon LhaL sald drug dependenL shall reporL Lo
Lhe uCP for afLercare and followup LreaLmenL lncludlng urlne LesLlng
for a perlod noL exceedlng elghLeen (18) monLhs under such Lerms and
condlLlons LhaL Lhe CourL may lmpose
lf durlng Lhe perlod of afLercare and followup Lhe drug dependenL ls
cerLlfled Lo be rehablllLaLed he/she may be dlscharged by Lhe CourL
sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of SecLlon 33 of Lhls AcL wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo
Lhe ouLcome of any pendlng case flled ln courL
Powever should Lhe uCP flnd LhaL durlng Lhe lnlLlal afLercare and
followup program of elghLeen (18) monLhs Lhe drug dependenL
requlres furLher LreaLmenL and rehablllLaLlon ln Lhe CenLer he/she shall
be recommlLLed Lo Lhe CenLer for conflnemenL 1hereafLer he/she may
agaln be cerLlfled for Lemporary release and ordered released for
anoLher afLercare and followup program pursuanL Lo Lhls SecLlon
SecLlon 37 robaLlon and CommunlLy Servlce under Lhe volunLary
Submlsslon rogram ? A drug dependenL who ls dlscharged as
rehablllLaLed by Lhe uCPaccredlLed CenLer Lhrough Lhe volunLary
submlsslon program buL does noL quallfy for exempLlon from crlmlnal
llablllLy under SecLlon 33 of Lhls AcL may be charged under Lhe
provlslons of Lhls AcL buL shall be placed on probaLlon and undergo a
communlLy servlce ln lleu of lmprlsonmenL and/or flne ln Lhe dlscreLlon
of Lhe courL wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe ouLcome of any pendlng case
flled ln courL
Such drug dependenL shall undergo communlLy servlce as parL of
hls/her afLercare and followup program whlch may be done ln
coordlnaLlon wlLh nongovernmenLal clvll organlzaLlons accredlLed by
Lhe uSWu wlLh Lhe recommendaLlon of Lhe 8oard
SecLlon 38 llllng of Charges AgalnsL a urug uependenL Who ls noL
8ehablllLaLed under Lhe volunLary Submlsslon rogram ? A drug
dependenL who ls noL rehablllLaLed afLer Lhe second commlLmenL Lo
Lhe CenLer under Lhe volunLary submlsslon program shall upon
recommendaLlon of Lhe 8oard be charged for vlolaLlon of SecLlon 13 of
Lhls AcL and prosecuLed llke any oLher offender lf convlcLed he/she
shall be credlLed for Lhe perlod of conflnemenL and rehablllLaLlon ln Lhe
CenLer ln Lhe servlce of hls/her senLence
SecLlon 39 Lscape and 8ecommlLmenL for ConflnemenL and
8ehablllLaLlon under Lhe volunLary Submlsslon rogram ? Should a
drug dependenL under Lhe volunLary submlsslon program escape from
Lhe CenLer he/she may submlL hlmself/herself for recommlLmenL
wlLhln one (1) week Lherefrom or hls/her parenL spouse guardlan or
relaLlve wlLhln Lhe fourLh degree of consangulnlLy or afflnlLy may
wlLhln sald perlod surrender hlm for recommlLmenL ln whlch case Lhe
correspondlng order shall be lssued by Lhe 8oard
Should Lhe escapee fall Lo submlL hlmself/herself or be surrendered
afLer one (1) week Lhe 8oard shall apply Lo Lhe courL for a
recommlLmenL order upon proof of prevlous commlLmenL or hls/her
volunLary submlsslon by Lhe 8oard Lhe courL may lssue an order for
recommlLmenL wlLhln one (1) week
lf subsequenL Lo a recommlLmenL Lhe dependenL once agaln escapes
from conflnemenL he/she shall be charged for vlolaLlon of SecLlon 13
of Lhls AcL and he sub[ecLed under secLlon 61 of Lhls AcL elLher upon
order of Lhe 8oard or upon order of Lhe courL as Lhe case may be
SecLlon 60 ConfldenLlallLy of 8ecords under Lhe volunLary Submlsslon
rogram ? !udlclal and medlcal records of drug dependenLs under Lhe
volunLary submlsslon program shall be confldenLlal and shall noL be
used agalnsL hlm for any purpose excepL Lo deLermlne how many
Llmes by hlmself/herself or Lhrough hls/her parenL spouse guardlan or
relaLlve wlLhln Lhe fourLh degree of consangulnlLy or afflnlLy he/she
volunLarlly submlLLed hlmself/herself for conflnemenL LreaLmenL and
rehablllLaLlon or has been commlLLed Lo a CenLer under Lhls program
SecLlon 61 Compulsory ConflnemenL of a urug uependenL Who
8efuses Lo Apply under Lhe volunLary Submlsslon rogram ?
noLwlLhsLandlng any law rule and regulaLlon Lo Lhe conLrary any
person deLermlned and found Lo be dependenL on dangerous drugs
shall upon peLlLlon by Lhe 8oard or any of lLs auLhorlzed
represenLaLlve be conflned for LreaLmenL and rehablllLaLlon ln any
CenLer duly deslgnaLed or accredlLed for Lhe purpose
A peLlLlon for Lhe conflnemenL of a person alleged Lo be dependenL on
dangerous drugs Lo a CenLer may be flled by any person auLhorlzed by
Lhe 8oard wlLh Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lhe provlnce or clLy where
such person ls found
AfLer Lhe peLlLlon ls flled Lhe courL by an order shall lmmedlaLely flx a
daLe for Lhe hearlng and a copy of such order shall be served on Lhe
person alleged Lo be dependenL on dangerous drugs and Lo Lhe one
havlng charge of hlm
lf afLer such hearlng and Lhe facLs so warranL Lhe courL shall order Lhe
drug dependenL Lo be examlned by Lwo (2) physlclans accredlLed by Lhe
8oard lf boLh physlclans conclude LhaL Lhe respondenL ls noL a drug
dependenL Lhe courL shall order hls/her dlscharge lf elLher physlclan
flnds hlm Lo be a dependenL Lhe courL shall conducL a hearlng and
conslder all relevanL evldence whlch may be offered lf Lhe courL flnds
hlm a drug dependenL lL shall lssue an order for hls/her commlLmenL Lo
a LreaLmenL and rehablllLaLlon cenLer under Lhe supervlslon of Lhe
uCP ln any evenL Lhe order of dlscharge or order of conflnemenL or
commlLmenL shall be lssued noL laLer Lhan flfLeen (13) days from Lhe
flllng of Lhe approprlaLe peLlLlon
SecLlon 62 Compulsory Submlsslon of a urug uependenL Charged wlLh
an Cffense Lo 1reaLmenL and 8ehablllLaLlon ? lf a person charged wlLh
an offense where Lhe lmposable penalLy ls lmprlsonmenL of less Lhan
slx (6) years and one (1) day and ls found by Lhe prosecuLor or by Lhe
courL aL any sLage of Lhe proceedlngs Lo be a drug dependenL Lhe
prosecuLor or Lhe courL as Lhe case may be shall suspend all furLher
proceedlngs and LransmlL coples of Lhe record of Lhe case Lo Lhe 8oard
ln Lhe evenL he 8oard deLermlnes afLer medlcal examlnaLlon LhaL
publlc lnLeresL requlres LhaL such drug dependenL be commlLLed Lo a
cenLer for LreaLmenL and rehablllLaLlon lL shall flle a peLlLlon for hls/her
commlLmenL wlLh Lhe reglonal Lrlal courL of Lhe provlnce or clLy where
he/she ls belng lnvesLlgaLed or Lrled rovlded 1haL where a crlmlnal
case ls pendlng ln courL such peLlLlon shall be flled ln Lhe sald courL
1he courL shall Lake [udlclal noLlce of Lhe prlor proceedlngs ln Lhe case
and shall proceed Lo hear Lhe peLlLlon lf Lhe courL flnds hlm Lo be a
drug dependenL lL shall order hls/her commlLmenL Lo a CenLer for
LreaLmenL and rehablllLaLlon 1he head of sald CenLer shall submlL Lo
Lhe courL every four (4) monLhs or as ofLen as Lhe courL may requlre a
wrlLLen reporL on Lhe progress of Lhe LreaLmenL lf Lhe dependenL ls
rehablllLaLed as cerLlfled by Lhe cenLer and Lhe 8oard he/she shall be
reLurned Lo Lhe courL whlch commlLLed hlm for hls/her dlscharge
1hereafLer hls/her prosecuLlon for any offense punlshable by law shall
be lnsLlLuLed or shall conLlnue as Lhe case may be ln case of
convlcLlon Lhe [udgmenL shall lf Lhe accused ls cerLlfled by Lhe
LreaLmenL and rehablllLaLlon cenLer Lo have malnLalned good behavlor
lndlcaLe LhaL he/she shall be glven full credlL for Lhe perlod he/she was
conflned ln Lhe CenLer rovlded however 1haL when Lhe offense ls for
vlolaLlon of SecLlon 13 of Lhls AcL and Lhe accused ls noL a recldlvlsL Lhe
penalLy Lhereof shall be deemed Lo have been served ln Lhe CenLer
upon hls/her release Lherefrom afLer cerLlflcaLlon by Lhe CenLer and Lhe
8oard LhaL he/she ls rehablllLaLed
SecLlon 63 rescrlpLlon of Lhe Cffense Charged AgalnsL a urug
uependenL under Lhe Compulsory Submlsslon rogram ? 1he perlod of
prescrlpLlon of Lhe offense charged agalnsL a drug dependenL under Lhe
compulsory submlsslon program shall noL run durlng Lhe Llme LhaL Lhe
drug dependenL ls under conflnemenL ln a CenLer or oLherwlse under
Lhe LreaLmenL and rehablllLaLlon program approved by Lhe 8oard
upon cerLlflcaLlon of Lhe CenLer LhaL he/she may Lemporarlly be
dlscharged from Lhe sald CenLer Lhe courL shall order hls/her release
on condlLlon LhaL he/she shall reporL Lo Lhe 8oard Lhrough Lhe uCP for
afLercare and followup LreaLmenL for a perlod noL exceedlng elghLeen
(18) monLhs under such Lerms and condlLlons as may be lmposed by
Lhe 8oard
lf aL anyLlme durlng Lhe afLercare and followup perlod Lhe 8oard
cerLlfles Lo hls/her compleLe rehablllLaLlon Lhe courL shall order hls/her
flnal dlscharge from conflnemenL and order for Lhe lmmedlaLe
resumpLlon of Lhe Lrlal of Lhe case for whlch he/she ls orlglnally
charged Should Lhe 8oard Lhrough Lhe uCP flnd aL anyLlme durlng Lhe
afLercare and followup perlod LhaL he/she requlres furLher LreaLmenL
and rehablllLaLlon lL shall reporL Lo Lhe courL whlch shall order hls/her
recommlLmenL Lo Lhe CenLer
Should Lhe drug dependenL havlng been commlLLed Lo a CenLer upon
peLlLlon by Lhe 8oard escape Lherefrom he/she may resubmlL
hlmself/herself for conflnemenL wlLhln one (1) week from Lhe daLe of
hls/her escape or hls/her parenL spouse guardlan or relaLlve wlLhln
Lhe fourLh degree of consangulnlLy or afflnlLy may wlLhln Lhe same
perlod surrender hlm for recommlLmenL lf however Lhe drug
dependenL does noL resubmlL hlmself/herself for conflnemenL or
he/she ls noL surrendered for recommlLmenL Lhe 8oard may apply wlLh
Lhe courL for Lhe lssuance of Lhe recommlLmenL order upon proof of
prevlous commlLmenL Lhe courL shall lssue an order for
recommlLmenL lf subsequenL Lo such recommlLmenL he/she should
escape agaln he/she shall no longer be exempL from crlmlnal llablllLy
for use of any dangerous drug
A drug dependenL commlLLed under Lhls parLlcular SecLlon who ls
flnally dlscharged from conflnemenL shall be exempL from crlmlnal
llablllLy under SecLlon 13 of Lhls AcL wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe ouLcome
of any pendlng case flled ln courL Cn Lhe oLher hand a drug dependenL
who ls noL rehablllLaLed afLer a second commlLmenL Lo Lhe CenLer shall
upon convlcLlon by Lhe approprlaLe courL suffer Lhe same penalLles
provlded for under SecLlon 13 of Lhls AcL agaln wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe
ouLcome of any pendlng case flled ln courL
SecLlon 64 ConfldenLlallLy of 8ecords under Lhe Compulsory
Submlsslon rogram ? 1he records of a drug dependenL who was
rehablllLaLed and dlscharged from Lhe CenLer under Lhe compulsory
submlsslon program or who was charged for vlolaLlon of SecLlon 13 of
Lhls AcL shall be covered by SecLlon 60 of Lhls AcL Powever Lhe
records of a drug dependenL who was noL rehablllLaLed or who
escaped buL dld noL surrender hlmself/herself wlLhln Lhe prescrlbed
perlod shall be forwarded Lo Lhe courL and Lhelr use shall be
deLermlned by Lhe courL Laklng lnLo conslderaLlon publlc lnLeresL and
Lhe welfare of Lhe drug dependenL
SecLlon 63 uuLy of Lhe rosecuLor ln Lhe roceedlngs ? lL shall be Lhe
duLy of Lhe provlnclal or Lhe clLy prosecuLor or Lhelr asslsLanLs or sLaLe
prosecuLors Lo prepare Lhe approprlaLe peLlLlon ln all proceedlngs
arlslng from Lhls AcL
SecLlon 66 Suspenslon of SenLence of a llrsL1lme Mlnor Cffender ?
An accused who ls over flfLeen (13) years of age aL Lhe Llme of Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe offense menLloned ln SecLlon 11 of Lhls AcL buL noL
more Lhan elghLeen (18) years of age aL Lhe Llme when [udgmenL
should have been promulgaLed afLer havlng been found gullLy of sald
offense may be glven Lhe beneflLs of a suspended senLence sub[ecL Lo
Lhe followlng condlLlons
(a) Pe/she has noL been prevlously convlcLed of vlolaLlng any provlslon
of Lhls AcL or of Lhe uangerous urugs AcL of 1972 as amended or of
Lhe 8evlsed enal Code or of any speclal penal laws
(b) Pe/she has noL been prevlously commlLLed Lo a CenLer or Lo Lhe
care of a uCPaccredlLed physlclan and
(c) 1he 8oard favorably recommends LhaL hls/her senLence be
Whlle under suspended senLence he/she shall be under Lhe
supervlslon and rehablllLaLlve survelllance of Lhe 8oard under such
condlLlons LhaL Lhe courL may lmpose for a perlod ranglng from slx (6)
monLhs Lo elghLeen (18) monLhs
upon recommendaLlon of Lhe 8oard Lhe courL may commlL Lhe
accused under suspended senLence Lo a CenLer or Lo Lhe care of a
uCPaccredlLed physlclan for aL leasL slx (6) monLhs wlLh afLercare
and followup program for noL more Lhan elghLeen (18) monLhs
ln Lhe case of mlnors under flfLeen (13) years of age aL Lhe Llme of Lhe
commlsslon of any offense penallzed under Lhls AcL ArLlcle 192 of
resldenLlal uecree no 603 oLherwlse known as Lhe Chlld and ?ouLh
Welfare Code as amended by resldenLlal uecree no 1179 shall apply
wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe appllcaLlon of Lhe provlslons of Lhls SecLlon
SecLlon 67 ulscharge AfLer Compllance wlLh CondlLlons of Suspended
SenLence of a llrsL1lme Mlnor Cffender ? lf Lhe accused flrsL Llme
mlnor offender under suspended senLence complles wlLh Lhe appllcable
rules and regulaLlons of Lhe 8oard lncludlng conflnemenL ln a CenLer
Lhe courL upon a favorable recommendaLlon of Lhe 8oard for Lhe flnal
dlscharge of Lhe accused shall dlscharge Lhe accused and dlsmlss all
upon Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe proceedlngs agalnsL Lhe accused Lhe courL
shall enLer an order Lo expunge all offlclal records oLher Lhan Lhe
confldenLlal record Lo be reLalned by Lhe uC! relaLlng Lo Lhe case Such
an order whlch shall be kepL confldenLlal shall resLore Lhe accused Lo
hls/her sLaLus prlor Lo Lhe case Pe/she shall noL be held LhereafLer Lo
be gullLy of per[ury or of concealmenL or mlsrepresenLaLlon by reason
of hls/her fallure Lo acknowledge Lhe case or reclLe any facL relaLed
LhereLo ln response Lo any lnqulry made of hlm for any purpose
SecLlon 68 rlvllege of Suspended SenLence Lo be Avalled of Cnly Cnce
by a llrsL1lme Mlnor Cffender ? 1he prlvllege of suspended senLence
shall be avalled of only once by an accused drug dependenL who ls a
flrsLLlme offender over flfLeen (13) years of age aL Lhe Llme of Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe vlolaLlon of SecLlon 13 of Lhls AcL buL noL more Lhan
elghLeen (18) years of age aL Lhe Llme when [udgmenL should have
been promulgaLed
SecLlon 69 romulgaLlon of SenLence for llrsL1lme Mlnor Cffender ?
lf Lhe accused flrsLLlme mlnor offender vlolaLes any of Lhe condlLlons
of hls/her suspended senLence Lhe appllcable rules and regulaLlons of
Lhe 8oard exerclslng supervlslon and rehablllLaLlve survelllance over
hlm lncludlng Lhe rules and regulaLlons of Lhe CenLer should
conflnemenL be requlred Lhe courL shall pronounce [udgmenL of
convlcLlon and he/she shall serve senLence as any oLher convlcLed
SecLlon 70 robaLlon or CommunlLy Servlce for a llrsL1lme Mlnor
Cffender ln Lleu of lmprlsonmenL ? upon promulgaLlon of Lhe
senLence Lhe courL may ln lLs dlscreLlon place Lhe accused under
probaLlon even lf Lhe senLence provlded under Lhls AcL ls hlgher Lhan
LhaL provlded under exlsLlng law on probaLlon or lmpose communlLy
servlce ln lleu of lmprlsonmenL ln case of probaLlon Lhe supervlslon
and rehablllLaLlve survelllance shall be underLaken by Lhe 8oard
Lhrough Lhe uCP ln coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe 8oard of ardons and arole
and Lhe robaLlon AdmlnlsLraLlon upon compllance wlLh Lhe
condlLlons of Lhe probaLlon Lhe 8oard shall submlL a wrlLLen reporL Lo
Lhe courL recommendlng LermlnaLlon of probaLlon and a flnal dlscharge
of Lhe probaLloner whereupon Lhe courL shall lssue such an order
1he communlLy servlce shall be complled wlLh under condlLlons Llme
and place as may be deLermlned by Lhe courL ln lLs dlscreLlon and upon
Lhe recommendaLlon of Lhe 8oard and shall apply only Lo vlolaLors of
SecLlon 13 of Lhls AcL 1he compleLlon of Lhe communlLy servlce shall
be under Lhe supervlslon and rehablllLaLlve survelllance of Lhe 8oard
durlng Lhe perlod requlred by Lhe courL 1hereafLer Lhe 8oard shall
render a reporL on Lhe manner of compllance of sald communlLy
servlce 1he courL ln lLs dlscreLlon may requlre exLenslon of Lhe
communlLy servlce or order a flnal dlscharge
ln boLh cases Lhe [udlclal records shall be covered by Lhe provlslons of
SecLlons 60 and 64 of Lhls AcL
lf Lhe senLence promulgaLed by Lhe courL requlres lmprlsonmenL Lhe
perlod spenL ln Lhe CenLer by Lhe accused durlng Lhe suspended
senLence perlod shall be deducLed from Lhe senLence Lo be served
SecLlon 71 8ecords Lo be kepL by Lhe ueparLmenL of !usLlce ? 1he uC!
shall keep a confldenLlal record of Lhe proceedlngs on suspenslon of
senLence and shall noL be used for any purpose oLher Lhan Lo
deLermlne wheLher or noL a person accused under Lhls AcL ls a flrsL
Llme mlnor offender
SecLlon 72 LlablllLy of a erson Who vlolaLes Lhe ConfldenLlallLy of
8ecords ? 1he penalLy of lmprlsonmenL ranglng from slx (6) monLhs
and one (1) day Lo slx (6) years and a flne ranglng from Cne Lhousand
pesos (100000) Lo Slx Lhousand pesos (600000) shall be lmposed
upon any person who havlng offlclal cusLody of or access Lo Lhe
confldenLlal records of any drug dependenL under volunLary submlsslon
programs or anyone who havlng galned possesslon of sald records
wheLher lawfully or noL reveals Lhelr conLenL Lo any person oLher Lhan
Lhose charged wlLh Lhe prosecuLlon of Lhe offenses under Lhls AcL and
lLs lmplemenLaLlon 1he maxlmum penalLy shall be lmposed ln addlLlon
Lo absoluLe perpeLual dlsquallflcaLlon from any publlc offlce when Lhe
offender ls a governmenL offlclal or employee Should Lhe records be
used for unlawful purposes such as blackmall of Lhe drug dependenL or
Lhe members of hls/her famlly Lhe penalLy lmposed for Lhe crlme of
vlolaLlon of confldenLlallLy shall be ln addlLlon Lo whaLever crlme
he/she may be convlcLed of
SecLlon 73 LlablllLy of a arenL Spouse or Cuardlan Who 8efuses Lo
CooperaLe wlLh Lhe 8oard or any Concerned Agency ? Any parenL
spouse or guardlan who wlLhouL valld reason refuses Lo cooperaLe
wlLh Lhe 8oard or any concerned agency ln Lhe LreaLmenL and
rehablllLaLlon of a drug dependenL who ls a mlnor or ln any manner
prevenLs or delays Lhe afLercare followup or oLher programs for Lhe
welfare of Lhe accused drug dependenL wheLher under volunLary
submlsslon program or compulsory submlsslon program may be clLed
for conLempL by Lhe courL
SecLlon 74 CosLSharlng ln Lhe 1reaLmenL and 8ehablllLaLlon of a urug
uependenL ? 1he parenL spouse guardlan or any relaLlve wlLhln Lhe
fourLh degree of consangulnlLy of any person who ls conflned under Lhe
volunLary submlsslon program or compulsory submlsslon program shall
be charged a cerLaln percenLage of Lhe cosL of hls/her LreaLmenL and
rehablllLaLlon Lhe guldellnes of whlch shall be formulaLed by Lhe uSWu
Laklng lnLo conslderaLlon Lhe economlc sLaLus of Lhe famlly of Lhe
person conflned 1he guldellnes Lhereln formulaLed shall be
lmplemenLed by a soclal worker of Lhe local governmenL unlL
SecLlon 73 1reaLmenL and 8ehablllLaLlon CenLers ? 1he exlsLlng
LreaLmenL and rehablllLaLlon cenLers for drug dependenLs operaLed and
malnLalned by Lhe n8l and Lhe n shall be operaLed malnLalned and
managed by Lhe uCP ln coordlnaLlon wlLh oLher concerned agencles
lor Lhe purpose of enlarglng Lhe neLwork of cenLers Lhe 8oard Lhrough
Lhe uCP shall encourage promoLe or whenever feaslble asslsL or
supporL ln Lhe esLabllshmenL operaLlons and malnLenance of prlvaLe
cenLers whlch shall be ellglble Lo recelve granLs donaLlons or subsldy
from elLher governmenL or prlvaLe sources lL shall also supporL Lhe
esLabllshmenL of governmenLoperaLed reglonal LreaLmenL and
rehablllLaLlon cenLers dependlng upon Lhe avallablllLy of funds 1he
naLlonal governmenL Lhrough lLs approprlaLe agencles shall glve
prlorlLy fundlng for Lhe lncrease of subsldy Lo exlsLlng governmenL drug
rehablllLaLlon cenLers and shall esLabllsh aL leasL one (1) drug
rehablllLaLlon cenLer ln each provlnce dependlng on Lhe avallablllLy of
SecLlon 76 1he uuLles and 8esponslblllLles of Lhe ueparLmenL of healLh
(uCP) under Lhls AcL ? 1he uCP shall
(1) Cversee Lhe monlLor Lhe lnLegraLlon coordlnaLlon and supervlslon
of all drug rehablllLaLlon lnLervenLlon afLercare and followup
programs pro[ecLs and acLlvlLles as well as Lhe esLabllshmenL
operaLlons malnLenance and managemenL of prlvaLelyowned drug
LreaLmenL rehablllLaLlon cenLers and drug LesLlng neLworks and
laboraLorles LhroughouL Lhe counLry ln coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe uSWu
and oLher agencles
(2) Llcense accredlL esLabllsh and malnLaln drug LesL neLwork and
laboraLory lnlLlaLe conducL and supporL sclenLlflc research on drugs
and drug conLrol
(3) Lncourage asslsL and accredlL prlvaLe cenLers promulgaLe rules and
regulaLlons seLLlng mlnlmum sLandards for Lhelr accredlLaLlon Lo assure
Lhelr compeLence lnLegrlLy and sLablllLy
(4) rescrlbe and promulgaLe rules and regulaLlons governlng Lhe
esLabllshmenL of such CenLers as lL may deem necessary afLer
conducLlng a feaslblllLy sLudy Lhereof
(3) 1he uCP shall wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe crlmlnal prosecuLlon of
Lhose found gullLy of vlolaLlng Lhls AcL order Lhe closure of a CenLer for
LreaLmenL and rehablllLaLlon of drug dependency when afLer
lnvesLlgaLlon lL ls found gullLy of vlolaLlng Lhe provlslons of Lhls AcL or
regulaLlons lssued by Lhe 8oard and
(6) Charge reasonable fees for drug dependency examlnaLlons oLher
medlcal and legal servlces provlded Lo Lhe publlc whlch shall accrue Lo
Lhe 8oard All lncome derlved from Lhese sources shall be parL of Lhe
funds consLlLuLed as speclal funds for Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls AcL
under SecLlon 87
A81lCLL lx
uangerous urugs 8oard and hlllpplne urug LnforcemenL Agency
SecLlon 77 1he uangerous urugs 8oard ? 1he 8oard shall be Lhe pollcy
maklng and sLraLegyformulaLlng body ln Lhe plannlng and formulaLlon
of pollcles and programs on drug prevenLlon and conLrol lL shall
develop and adopL a comprehenslve lnLegraLed unlfled and balanced
naLlonal drug abuse prevenLlon and conLrol sLraLegy lL shall be under
Lhe Cfflce of Lhe resldenL
SecLlon 78 ComposlLlon of Lhe 8oard ? 1he 8oard shall be composed
of sevenLeen (17) members whereln Lhree (3) of whlch are permanenL
members Lhe oLher Lwelve (12) members shall be ln an ex offlclo
capaclLy and Lhe Lwo (2) shall be regular members
1he Lhree (3) permanenL members who shall possess aL leasL seven
year Lralnlng and experlence ln Lhe fleld of dangerous drugs and ln any
of Lhe followlng flelds ln law medlclne crlmlnology psychology or
soclal work shall be appolnLed by Lhe resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes 1he
resldenL shall deslgnaLe a Chalrman who shall have Lhe rank of a
secreLary from among Lhe Lhree (3) permanenL members who shall
serve for slx (6) years Cf Lhe Lwo (2) oLher members who shall boLh
have Lhe rank of undersecreLary one (1) shall serve for four (4) years
and Lhe oLher for Lwo (2) years 1hereafLer Lhe persons appolnLed Lo
succeed such members shall hold offlce for a Lerm of slx (6) years and
unLll Lhelr successors shall have been duly appolnLed and quallfled
1he oLher Lwelve (12) members who shall be ex offlclo members of Lhe
8oard are Lhe followlng
(1) SecreLary of Lhe ueparLmenL of !usLlce or hls/her represenLaLlve
(2) SecreLary of Lhe ueparLmenL of PealLh or hls/her represenLaLlve
(3) SecreLary of Lhe ueparLmenL of naLlonal uefense or hls/her
(4) SecreLary of Lhe ueparLmenL of llnance or hls/her represenLaLlve
(3) SecreLary of Lhe ueparLmenL of Labor and LmploymenL or hls/her
(6) SecreLary of Lhe ueparLmenL of Lhe lnLerlor and Local CovernmenL
or hls/her represenLaLlve
(7) SecreLary of Lhe ueparLmenL of Soclal Welfare and uevelopmenL or
hls/her represenLaLlve
(8) SecreLary of Lhe ueparLmenL of lorelgn Affalrs or hls/her
(9) SecreLary of Lhe ueparLmenL of LducaLlon or hls/her represenLaLlve
(10) Chalrman of Lhe Commlsslon on Plgher LducaLlon or hls/her
(11) Chalrman of Lhe naLlonal ?ouLh Commlsslon
(12) ulrecLor Ceneral of Lhe hlllpplne urug LnforcemenL Agency
CablneL secreLarles who are members of Lhe 8oard may deslgnaLe Lhelr
duly auLhorlzed and permanenL represenLaLlves whose ranks shall ln no
case be lower Lhan undersecreLary
1he Lwo (2) regular members shall be as follows
(a) 1he presldenL of Lhe lnLegraLed 8ar of Lhe hlllpplnes and
(b) 1he chalrman or presldenL of a nongovernmenL organlzaLlon
lnvolved ln dangerous drug campalgn Lo be appolnLed by Lhe resldenL
of Lhe hlllpplnes
1he ulrecLor of Lhe n8l and Lhe Chlef of Lhe n shall be Lhe permanenL
consulLanLs of Lhe 8oard and shall aLLend all Lhe meeLlngs of Lhe
All members of Lhe 8oard as well as lLs permanenL consulLanLs shall
recelve a per dlem for every meeLlng acLually aLLended sub[ecL Lo Lhe
perLlnenL budgeLary laws rules and regulaLlons on compensaLlon
honorarla and allowances rovlded 1haL where Lhe represenLaLlve of
an ex offlclo member or of Lhe permanenL consulLanL of Lhe 8oard
aLLends a meeLlng ln behalf of Lhe laLLer such represenLaLlve shall be
enLlLled Lo recelve Lhe per dlem
SecLlon 79 MeeLlngs of Lhe 8oard ? 1he 8oard shall meeL once a week
or as ofLen as necessary aL Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe Chalrman or aL Lhe call
of any four (4) oLher members 1he presence of nlne (9) members shall
consLlLuLe a quorum
SecLlon 80 SecreLarlaL of Lhe 8oard ? 1he 8oard shall recommend Lo
Lhe resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes Lhe appolnLmenL of an LxecuLlve
ulrecLor wlLh Lhe rank of an undersecreLary who shall be Lhe SecreLary
of Lhe 8oard and admlnlsLraLlve offlcer of lLs secreLarlaL and shall
perform such oLher duLles LhaL may be asslgned Lo hlm/her Pe/she
musL possess adequaLe knowledge Lralnlng and experlence ln Lhe fleld
of dangerous drugs and ln any of Lhe followlng flelds law enforcemenL
law medlclne crlmlnology psychology or soclal work
1wo depuLles execuLlve dlrecLor for admlnlsLraLlon and operaLlons
wlLh Lhe ranks of asslsLanL secreLary shall be appolnLed by Lhe
resldenL upon recommendaLlon of Lhe 8oard 1hey shall possess Lhe
same quallflcaLlons as Lhose of Lhe execuLlve dlrecLor 1hey shall
recelve a salary correspondlng Lo Lhelr poslLlon as prescrlbed by Lhe
Salary SLandardlzaLlon Law as a Career Servlce Cfflcer
1he exlsLlng secreLarlaL of Lhe 8oard shall be under Lhe admlnlsLraLlve
conLrol and supervlslon of Lhe LxecuLlve ulrecLor lL shall be composed
of Lhe followlng dlvlslons namely ollcy SLudles 8esearch and
SLaLlsLlcs revenLlve LducaLlon 1ralnlng and lnformaLlon Legal Affalrs
and Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlve and llnanclal ManagemenL
SecLlon 81 owers and uuLles of Lhe 8oard ? 1he 8oard shall
(a) lormulaLe develop and esLabllsh a comprehenslve lnLegraLed
unlfled and balanced naLlonal drug use prevenLlon and conLrol sLraLegy
(b) romulgaLe such rules and regulaLlons as may be necessary Lo carry
ouL Lhe purposes of Lhls AcL lncludlng Lhe manner of safekeeplng
dlsposlLlon burnlng or condemnaLlon of any dangerous drug and/or
conLrolled precursor and essenLlal chemlcal under lLs charge and
cusLody and prescrlbe admlnlsLraLlve remedles or sancLlons for Lhe
vlolaLlons of such rules and regulaLlons
(c) ConducL pollcy sLudles program monlLorlng and evaluaLlons and
oLher researches on drug prevenLlon conLrol and enforcemenL
(d) lnlLlaLe conducL and supporL sclenLlflc cllnlcal soclal psychologlcal
physlcal and blologlcal researches on dangerous drugs and dangerous
drugs prevenLlon and conLrol measures
(e) uevelop an educaLlonal program and lnformaLlon drlve on Lhe
hazards and prevenLlon of lllegal use of any dangerous drug and/or
conLrolled precursor and essenLlal chemlcal based on facLual daLa and
dlssemlnaLe Lhe same Lo Lhe general publlc for whlch purpose Lhe
8oard shall endeavor Lo make Lhe general publlc aware of Lhe hazards
of any dangerous drugs and/or conLrolled precursor and essenLlal
chemlcal by provldlng among oLhers llLeraLure fllms dlsplays or
adverLlsemenLs and by coordlnaLlng wlLh all lnsLlLuLlons of learnlng as
well as wlLh all naLlonal and local enforcemenL agencles ln plannlng and
conducLlng lLs educaLlonal campalgn programs Lo be lmplemenLed by
Lhe approprlaLe governmenL agencles
(f) ConducL conLlnulng semlnars for and consulLaLlons wlLh and
provlde lnformaLlon maLerlals Lo [udges and prosecuLors ln
coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe Cfflce of Lhe CourL AdmlnlsLraLor ln Lhe case of
[udges and Lhe uC! ln Lhe case of prosecuLors whlch alm Lo provlde
Lhem wlLh Lhe currenL developmenLs and programs of Lhe 8oard
perLlnenL Lo lLs campalgn agalnsL dangerous drugs and lLs sclenLlflc
researches on dangerous drugs lLs prevenLlon and conLrol measures
(g) ueslgn speclal Lralnlngs ln order Lo provlde law enforcemenL
offlcers members of Lhe [udlclary and prosecuLors school auLhorlLles
and personnel of cenLers wlLh knowledge and knowhow ln dangerous
drugs and/or conLrolled precursors and essenLlal chemlcals conLrol ln
coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe Supreme CourL Lo meeL Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe
naLlonal drug conLrol programs
(h) ueslgn and develop ln consulLaLlon and coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe uCP
uSWu and oLher agencles lnvolved ln drugs conLrol LreaLmenL and
rehablllLaLlon boLh publlc and prlvaLe a naLlonal LreaLmenL and
rehablllLaLlon program for drug dependenLs lncludlng a sLandard
afLercare and communlLy servlce program for recoverlng drug
(l) ueslgn and develop [olnLly wlLh Lhe uCLL and ln consulLaLlon wlLh
labor and employer groups as well as nongovernmenL organlzaLlons a
drug abuse prevenLlon program ln Lhe workplace LhaL would lnclude a
provlslon for employee asslsLance programs for emoLlonallysLressed
([) lnlLlaLe and auLhorlze closure proceedlngs agalnsL nonaccredlLed
and/or subsLandard rehablllLaLlon cenLers based on verlfled reporLs of
human rlghLs vlolaLlons subhuman condlLlons lnadequaLe medlcal
Lralnlng and asslsLance and excesslve fees for lmplemenLaLlon by Lhe
(k) rescrlbe and promulgaLe rules and regulaLlons governlng Lhe
esLabllshmenL of such cenLers neLworks and laboraLorles as deemed
necessary afLer conducLlng a feaslblllLy sLudy ln coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe
uCP and oLher governmenL agencles
(l) 8ecelve gaLher collecL and evaluaLe all lnformaLlon on Lhe
lmporLaLlon exporLaLlon producLlon manufacLure sale sLocks
selzures of and Lhe esLlmaLed need for any dangerous drug and/or
conLrolled precursor and essenLlal chemlcal for whlch purpose Lhe
8oard may requlre from any offlclal lnsLrumenLallLy or agency of Lhe
governmenL or any prlvaLe person or enLerprlse deallng ln or engaged
ln acLlvlLles havlng Lo do wlLh any dangerous drug and/or conLrolled
precursors and essenLlal chemlcals such daLa or lnformaLlon as lL may
need Lo lmplemenL Lhls AcL
(m) CaLher and prepare deLalled sLaLlsLlcs on Lhe lmporLaLlon
exporLaLlon manufacLure sLocks selzures of and esLlmaLes need for
any dangerous drug and/or conLrolled precursors and essenLlal
chemlcals and such oLher sLaLlsLlcal daLa on sald drugs as may be
perlodlcally requlred by Lhe unlLed naLlons narcoLlcs urug Commlsslon
Lhe World PealLh CrganlzaLlon and oLher lnLernaLlonal organlzaLlons ln
consonance wlLh Lhe counLrys lnLernaLlonal commlLmenLs
(n) uevelop and malnLaln lnLernaLlonal neLworklng coordlnaLlon wlLh
lnLernaLlonal drug conLrol agencles and organlzaLlons and lmplemenL
Lhe provlslons of lnLernaLlonal convenLlons and agreemenLs Lhereon
whlch have been adopLed and approved by Lhe Congress of Lhe
(o) 8equlre all governmenL and prlvaLe hosplLals cllnlcs docLors
denLlsLs and oLher pracLlLloners Lo submlL a reporL Lo lL ln coordlnaLlon
wlLh Lhe uLA abouL all dangerous drugs and/or conLrolled precursors
and essenLlal chemlcalsrelaLed cases Lo whlch Lhey have aLLended for
sLaLlsLlcs and research purposes
(p) 8ecelve ln LrusL legacles glfLs and donaLlons of real and personal
properLles of all klnds Lo admlnlsLer and dlspose Lhe same when
necessary for Lhe beneflL of governmenL and prlvaLe rehablllLaLlon
cenLers sub[ecL Lo llmlLaLlons dlrecLlons and lnsLrucLlons from Lhe
donors lf any
(q) lssue guldellnes as Lo Lhe approval or dlsapproval of appllcaLlons for
volunLary LreaLmenL rehablllLaLlon or conflnemenL whereln lL shall
lssue Lhe necessary guldellnes rules and regulaLlons perLalnlng Lo Lhe
appllcaLlon and lLs enforcemenL
(r) lormulaLe guldellnes ln coordlnaLlon wlLh oLher governmenL
agencles Lhe lmporLaLlon dlsLrlbuLlon producLlon manufacLure
compoundlng prescrlpLlon dlspenslng and sale of and oLher lawful
acLs ln connecLlon wlLh any dangerous drug conLrolled precursors and
essenLlal chemlcals and oLher slmllar or analogous subsLances of such
klnd and ln such quanLlLy as lL may deem necessary accordlng Lo Lhe
medlcal and research needs or requlremenLs of Lhe counLry lncludlng
dleL pllls conLalnlng ephedrlne and oLher addlcLlve chemlcals and
deLermlne Lhe quanLlLy and/or quallLy of dangerous drugs and
conLrolled precursors and essenLlal chemlcals Lo be lmporLed
manufacLured and held ln sLock aL any glven Llme by auLhorlzed
lmporLer manufacLurer or dlsLrlbuLor of such drugs
(s) uevelop Lhe uLlllzaLlon of a conLrolled dellvery scheme ln addresslng
Lhe LransshlpmenL of dangerous drugs lnLo and ouL of Lhe counLry Lo
neuLrallze LransnaLlonal crlme syndlcaLes lnvolved ln lllegal Lrafflcklng
of any dangerous drugs and/or conLrolled precursors and essenLlal
(L) 8ecommend Lhe revocaLlon of Lhe professlonal llcense of any
pracLlLloner who ls an owner coowner lessee or ln Lhe employ of Lhe
drug esLabllshmenL or manager of a parLnershlp corporaLlon
assoclaLlon or any [urldlcal enLlLy ownlng and/or conLrolllng such drug
esLabllshmenL and who knowlngly parLlclpaLes ln or consenLs Lo
LoleraLes or abeLs Lhe commlsslon of Lhe acL of vlolaLlons as lndlcaLed
ln Lhe precedlng paragraph all wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe crlmlnal
prosecuLlon of Lhe person responslble for Lhe sald vlolaLlon
(u) AppolnL such Lechnlcal admlnlsLraLlve and oLher personnel as may
be necessary for Lhe effecLlve lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls AcL sub[ecL Lo Lhe
Clvll Servlce Law and lLs rules and regulaLlons
(v) LsLabllsh a regular and conLlnulng consulLaLlon wlLh concerned
governmenL agencles and medlcal professlonal organlzaLlons Lo
deLermlne lf balance exlsLs ln pollcles procedures rules and
regulaLlons on dangerous drugs and Lo provlde recommendaLlons on
how Lhe lawful use of dangerous drugs can be lmproved and faclllLaLed
(w) SubmlL an annual and perlodlc reporLs Lo Lhe resldenL Lhe
Congress of Lhe hlllpplnes and Lhe SenaLe and Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves commlLLees concerned as may be requlred from Llme
Lo Llme and perform such oLher funcLlons as may be auLhorlzed or
requlred under exlsLlng laws and as dlrecLed by Lhe resldenL
hlmself/herself or as recommended by Lhe congresslonal commlLLees
SecLlon 82 CreaLlon of Lhe hlllpplne urug LnforcemenL Agency (uLA)
? 1o carry ouL Lhe provlslons of Lhls AcL Lhe uLA whlch serves as Lhe
lmplemenLlng arm of Lhe 8oard and shall be responslble for Lhe
efflclenL and effecLlve law enforcemenL of all Lhe provlslons on any
dangerous drug and/or conLrolled precursor and essenLlal chemlcal as
provlded ln Lhls AcL
1he uLA shall be headed by a ulrecLor Ceneral wlLh Lhe rank of
undersecreLary who shall be responslble for Lhe general admlnlsLraLlon
and managemenL of Lhe Agency 1he ulrecLor Ceneral of Lhe uLA shall
be appolnLed by Lhe resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes and shall perform such
oLher duLles LhaL may be asslgned Lo hlm/her Pe/she musL possess
adequaLe knowledge Lralnlng and experlence ln Lhe fleld of dangerous
drugs and ln any of Lhe followlng flelds law enforcemenL law
medlclne crlmlnology psychology or soclal work
1he ulrecLor Ceneral of Lhe uLA shall be asslsLed ln Lhe performance
of hls/her duLles and responslblllLles by Lwo (2) depuLles dlrecLor
general wlLh Lhe rank of AsslsLanL SecreLary one for CperaLlons and Lhe
oLher one for AdmlnlsLraLlon 1he Lwo (2) depuLles dlrecLor general
shall llkewlse be appolnLed by Lhe resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes upon
recommendaLlon of Lhe 8oard 1he Lwo (2) depuLles dlrecLor general
shall possess Lhe same quallflcaLlons as Lhose of Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral of
Lhe uLA 1he ulrecLor Ceneral and Lhe Lwo (2) depuLles dlrecLor
general shall recelve Lhe compensaLlon and salarles as prescrlbed by
SecLlon 83 CrganlzaLlon of Lhe uLA ? 1he presenL SecreLarlaL of Lhe
naLlonal urug Law LnforcemenL and revenLlon CoordlnaLlng CenLer as
creaLed by LxecuLlve Crder no 61 shall be accordlngly modlfled and
absorbed by Lhe uLA
1he ulrecLor Ceneral of Lhe uLA shall be responslble for Lhe necessary
changes ln Lhe organlzaLlonal seLup whlch shall be submlLLed Lo Lhe
8oard for approval
lor purposes of carrylng ouL lLs duLles and powers as provlded for ln
Lhe succeedlng SecLlon of Lhls AcL Lhe uLA shall have Lhe followlng
Servlces namely lnLelllgence and lnvesLlgaLlon lnLernaLlonal
CooperaLlon and lorelgn Affalrs revenLlve LducaLlon and CommunlLy
lnvolvemenL lans and CperaLlons Compllance Legal and rosecuLlon
AdmlnlsLraLlve and Puman 8esource llnanclal ManagemenL LoglsLlcs
ManagemenL and lnLernal Affalrs
1he uLA shall esLabllsh and malnLaln reglonal offlces ln Lhe dlfferenL
reglons of Lhe counLry whlch shall be responslble for Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls AcL and Lhe pollcles programs and pro[ecLs of
sald agency ln Lhelr respecLlve reglons
SecLlon 84 owers and uuLles of Lhe uLA ? 1he uLA shall
(a) lmplemenL or cause Lhe efflclenL and effecLlve lmplemenLaLlon of
Lhe naLlonal drug conLrol sLraLegy formulaLed by Lhe 8oard Lhereby
carrylng ouL a naLlonal drug campalgn program whlch shall lnclude drug
law enforcemenL conLrol and prevenLlon campalgn wlLh Lhe asslsLance
of concerned governmenL agencles
(b) underLake Lhe enforcemenL of Lhe provlslons of ArLlcle ll of Lhls AcL
relaLlve Lo Lhe unlawful acLs and penalLles lnvolvlng any dangerous drug
and/or conLrolled precursor and essenLlal chemlcal and lnvesLlgaLe all
vlolaLors and oLher maLLers lnvolved ln Lhe commlsslon of any crlme
relaLlve Lo Lhe use abuse or Lrafflcklng of any dangerous drug and/or
conLrolled precursor and essenLlal chemlcal as provlded for ln Lhls AcL
and Lhe provlslons of resldenLlal uecree no 1619
(c) AdmlnlsLer oaLh lssue subpoena and subpoena duces Lecum relaLlve
Lo Lhe conducL of lnvesLlgaLlon lnvolvlng Lhe vlolaLlons of Lhls AcL
(d) ArresL and apprehend as well as search all vlolaLors and selze or
conflscaLe Lhe effecLs or proceeds of Lhe crlmes as provlded by law and
Lake cusLody Lhereof for Lhls purpose Lhe prosecuLors and
enforcemenL agenLs are auLhorlzed Lo possess flrearms ln accordance
wlLh exlsLlng laws
(e) 1ake charge and have cusLody of all dangerous drugs and/or
conLrolled precursors and essenLlal chemlcals selzed conflscaLed or
surrendered Lo any naLlonal provlnclal or local law enforcemenL
agency lf no longer needed for purposes of evldence ln courL
(f) LsLabllsh forenslc laboraLorles ln each n offlce ln every provlnce
and clLy ln order Lo faclllLaLe acLlon on selze or conflscaLed drugs
Lhereby hasLenlng lLs desLrucLlon wlLhouL delay
(g) 8ecommend Lo Lhe uC! Lhe forfelLure of properLles and oLher asseLs
of persons and/or corporaLlons found Lo be vlolaLlng Lhe provlslons of
Lhls AcL and ln accordance wlLh Lhe perLlnenL provlslons of Lhe AnLl
MoneyLaunderlng AcL of 2001
(h) repare for prosecuLlon or cause Lhe flllng of approprlaLe crlmlnal
and clvll cases for vlolaLlon of all laws on dangerous drugs conLrolled
precursors and essenLlal chemlcals and oLher slmllar conLrolled
subsLances and asslsL supporL and coordlnaLe wlLh oLher governmenL
agencles for Lhe proper and effecLlve prosecuLlon of Lhe same
(l) MonlLor and lf warranLed by clrcumsLances ln coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe
hlllpplne osLal Cfflce and Lhe 8ureau of CusLoms lnspecL all alr cargo
packages parcels and malls ln Lhe cenLral posL offlce whlch appear
from Lhe package and address lLself Lo be a posslble lmporLaLlon of
dangerous drugs and/or conLrolled precursors and essenLlal chemlcals
Lhrough onllne or cyber shops vla Lhe lnLerneL or cyberspace
([) ConducL eradlcaLlon programs Lo desLroy wlld or lllegal growLh of
planLs from whlch dangerous drugs may be exLracLed
(k) lnlLlaLe and underLake Lhe formaLlon of a naLlonwlde organlzaLlon
whlch shall coordlnaLe and supervlse all acLlvlLles agalnsL drug abuse ln
every provlnce clLy munlclpallLy and barangay wlLh Lhe acLlve and
dlrecL parLlclpaLlon of all such local governmenL unlLs and
nongovernmenLal organlzaLlons lncludlng Lhe clLlzenry sub[ecL Lo Lhe
provlslons of prevlously formulaLed programs of acLlon agalnsL
dangerous drugs
(l) LsLabllsh and malnLaln a naLlonal drug lnLelllgence sysLem ln
cooperaLlon wlLh law enforcemenL agencles oLher governmenL
agencles/offlces and local governmenL unlLs LhaL wlll asslsL ln lLs
apprehenslon of blgLlme drug lords
(m) LsLabllsh and malnLaln close coordlnaLlon cooperaLlon and llnkages
wlLh lnLernaLlonal drug conLrol and admlnlsLraLlon agencles and
organlzaLlons and lmplemenL Lhe appllcable provlslons of lnLernaLlonal
convenLlons and agreemenLs relaLed Lo dangerous drugs Lo whlch Lhe
hlllpplnes ls a slgnaLory
(n) CreaLe and malnLaln an efflclenL speclal enforcemenL unlL Lo
conducL an lnvesLlgaLlon flle charges and LransmlL evldence Lo Lhe
proper courL whereln members of Lhe sald unlL shall possess sulLable
and adequaLe flrearms for Lhelr proLecLlon ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe
performance of Lhelr duLles rovlded 1haL no prevlous speclal permlL
for such possesslon shall be requlred
(o) 8equlre all governmenL and prlvaLe hosplLals cllnlcs docLors
denLlsLs and oLher pracLlLloners Lo submlL a reporL Lo lL ln coordlnaLlon
wlLh Lhe 8oard abouL all dangerous drugs and/or conLrolled precursors
and essenLlal chemlcals whlch Lhey have aLLended Lo for daLa and
lnformaLlon purposes
(p) CoordlnaLe wlLh Lhe 8oard for Lhe faclllLaLlon of Lhe lssuance of
necessary guldellnes rules and regulaLlons for Lhe proper
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls AcL
(q) lnlLlaLe and underLake a naLlonal campalgn for drug prevenLlon and
drug conLrol programs where lL may enllsL Lhe asslsLance of any
deparLmenL bureau offlce agency or lnsLrumenLallLy of Lhe
governmenL lncludlng governmenLowned and or ?conLrolled
corporaLlons ln Lhe anLllllegal drugs drlve whlch may lnclude Lhe use
of Lhelr respecLlve personnel faclllLles and resources for a more
resoluLe deLecLlon and lnvesLlgaLlon of drugrelaLed crlmes and
prosecuLlon of Lhe drug Lrafflckers and
(r) SubmlL an annual and perlodlc reporLs Lo Lhe 8oard as may be
requlred from Llme Lo Llme and perform such oLher funcLlons as may
be auLhorlzed or requlred under exlsLlng laws and as dlrecLed by Lhe
resldenL hlmself/herself or as recommended by Lhe congresslonal
commlLLees concerned
SecLlon 83 1he uLA Academy ? upon Lhe approval of Lhe 8oard Lhe
uLA Academy shall be esLabllshed elLher ln 8agulo or 1agayLay ClLy
and ln such oLher places as may be necessary 1he uLA Academy shall
be responslble ln Lhe recrulLmenL and Lralnlng of all uLA agenLs and
personnel 1he 8oard shall provlde for Lhe quallflcaLlons and
requlremenLs of lLs recrulLs who musL be aL leasL LwenLyone (21) years
old of proven lnLegrlLy and honesLy and a 8accalaureaLe degree holder
1he graduaLes of Lhe Academy shall laLer comprlse Lhe operaLlng unlLs
of Lhe uLA afLer Lhe LermlnaLlon of Lhe LranslLlon perlod of flve (3)
years durlng whlch all Lhe lnLelllgence neLwork and sLandard operaLlng
procedures of Lhe uLA has been seL up and operaLlonallzed
1he Academy shall be headed by a SuperlnLendenL wlLh Lhe rank of
ulrecLor Pe/she shall be appolnLed by Lhe uLA ulrecLor Ceneral
SecLlon 86 1ransfer AbsorpLlon and lnLegraLlon of All CperaLlng unlLs
on lllegal urugs lnLo Lhe uLA and 1ranslLory rovlslons ? 1he
narcoLlcs Croup of Lhe n Lhe narcoLlcs ulvlslon of Lhe n8l and Lhe
CusLoms narcoLlcs lnLerdlcLlon unlL are hereby abollshed however
Lhey shall conLlnue wlLh Lhe performance of Lhelr Lask as deLall servlce
wlLh Lhe uLA sub[ecL Lo screenlng unLll such Llme LhaL Lhe
organlzaLlonal sLrucLure of Lhe Agency ls fully operaLlonal and Lhe
number of graduaLes of Lhe uLA Academy ls sufflclenL Lo do Lhe Lask
Lhemselves rovlded 1haL such personnel who are affecLed shall have
Lhe opLlon of elLher belng lnLegraLed lnLo Lhe uLA or remaln wlLh Lhelr
orlglnal moLher agencles and shall LhereafLer be lmmedlaLely
reasslgned Lo oLher unlLs Lhereln by Lhe head of such agencles Such
personnel who are Lransferred absorbed and lnLegraLed ln Lhe uLA
shall be exLended appolnLmenLs Lo poslLlons slmllar ln rank salary and
oLher emolumenLs and prlvlleges granLed Lo Lhelr respecLlve poslLlons
ln Lhelr orlglnal moLher agencles
1he Lransfer absorpLlon and lnLegraLlon of Lhe dlfferenL offlces and
unlLs provlded for ln Lhls SecLlon shall Lake effecL wlLhln elghLeen (18)
monLhs from Lhe effecLlvlLy of Lhls AcL rovlded 1haL personnel
absorbed and on deLall servlce shall be glven unLll flve (3) years Lo
flnally declde Lo [oln Lhe uLA
noLhlng ln Lhls AcL shall mean a dlmlnuLlon of Lhe lnvesLlgaLlve powers
of Lhe n8l and Lhe n on all oLher crlmes as provlded for ln Lhelr
respecLlve organlc laws rovlded however 1haL when Lhe
lnvesLlgaLlon belng conducLed by Lhe n8l n or any ad hoc anLldrug
Lask force ls found Lo be a vlolaLlon of any of Lhe provlslons of Lhls AcL
Lhe uLA shall be Lhe lead agency 1he n8l n or any of Lhe Lask force
shall lmmedlaLely Lransfer Lhe same Lo Lhe uLA rovlded furLher
1haL Lhe n8l n and Lhe 8ureau of CusLoms shall malnLaln close
coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe uLA on all drug relaLed maLLers
A81lCLL x
ApproprlaLlons ManagemenL of lunds and Annual 8eporL
SecLlon 87 ApproprlaLlons ? 1he amounL necessary for Lhe operaLlon
of Lhe 8oard and Lhe uLA shall be charged agalnsL Lhe currenL years
approprlaLlons of Lhe 8oard Lhe naLlonal urug Law LnforcemenL and
revenLlon CoordlnaLlng CenLer Lhe narcoLlcs Croup of Lhe n Lhe
narcoLlcs ulvlslon of Lhe n8l and oLher drug abuse unlLs of Lhe dlfferenL
law enforcemenL agencles lnLegraLed lnLo Lhe uLA ln order Lo carry
ouL Lhe provlslons of Lhls AcL 1hereafLer such sums as may be
necessary for Lhe conLlnued lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls AcL shall be
lncluded ln Lhe annual Ceneral ApproprlaLlons AcL
All recelpLs derlved from flnes fees and oLher lncome auLhorlzed and
lmposed ln Lhls AcL lncludlng Len percenL (10) of all unclalmed and
forfelLed sweepsLakes and loLLo prlzes buL noL less Lhan Lwelve mllllon
pesos (1200000000) per year from Lhe hlllpplne CharlLy
SweepsLakes Cfflce (CSC) are hereby consLlLuLed as a speclal accounL
ln Lhe general fund for Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls AcL rovlded 1haL
no amounL shall be dlsbursed Lo cover Lhe operaLlng expenses of Lhe
8oard and oLher concerned agencles rovlded furLher 1haL aL leasL
flfLy percenL (30) of all Lhe funds shall be reserved for asslsLance Lo
governmenLowned and/or operaLed rehablllLaLlon cenLers
1he flnes shall be remlLLed Lo Lhe 8oard by Lhe courL lmposlng such
flnes wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days from Lhe flnallLy of lLs declslons or orders
1he unclalmed and forfelLed prlzes shall be Lurned over Lo Lhe 8oard by
Lhe CSC wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days afLer Lhese are collecLed and declared
A porLlon of Lhe funds generaLed by Lhe hlllpplne AmusemenL and
Camlng CorporaLlon (ACCC8) ln Lhe amounL of llve mllllon pesos
(300000000) a monLh shall be seL aslde for Lhe purpose of
esLabllshlng adequaLe drug rehablllLaLlon cenLers ln Lhe counLry and
also for Lhe malnLenance and operaLlons of such cenLers rovlded
1haL Lhe sald amounL shall be Laken from Lhe flfLy percenL (30) share
of Lhe naLlonal CovernmenL ln Lhe lncome of ACCC8 rovlded
furLher 1haL Lhe sald amounL shall auLomaLlcally be remlLLed by
ACCC8 Lo Lhe 8oard 1he amounL shall ln Lurn be dlsbursed by Lhe
uangerous urugs 8oard sub[ecL Lo Lhe rules and regulaLlons of Lhe
Commlsslon on AudlL (CCA)
1he fund may be augmenLed by granLs donaLlons and endowmenL
from varlous sources domesLlc or forelgn for purposes relaLed Lo Lhelr
funcLlons sub[ecL Lo Lhe exlsLlng guldellnes seL by Lhe governmenL
SecLlon 88 ManagemenL of lunds under Lhls AcL Annual 8eporL by Lhe
8oard and Lhe uLA ? 1he 8oard shall manage Lhe funds as lL may
deem proper for Lhe aLLalnmenL of Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhls AcL ln addlLlon
Lo Lhe perlodlc reporLs as may be requlred under Lhls AcL Lhe Chalrman
of Lhe 8oard shall submlL Lo Lhe resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes and Lo Lhe
presldlng offlcers of boLh houses of Congress wlLhln flfLeen (13) days
from Lhe openlng of Lhe regular sesslon an annual reporL on Lhe
dangerous drugs slLuaLlon ln Lhe counLry whlch shall lnclude deLalled
accounL of Lhe programs and pro[ecLs underLaken sLaLlsLlcs on crlmes
relaLed Lo dangerous drugs expenses lncurred pursuanL Lo Lhe
provlslons of Lhls AcL recommended remedlal leglslaLlon lf needed
and such oLher relevanL facLs as lL may deem proper Lo clLe
SecLlon 89 AudlLlng Lhe AccounLs and Lxpenses of Lhe 8oard and Lhe
uLA ? All accounLs and expenses of Lhe 8oard and Lhe uLA shall be
audlLed by Lhe CCA or lLs duly auLhorlzed represenLaLlve
A81lCLL xl
!urlsdlcLlon Cver uangerous urugs Cases
SecLlon 90 !urlsdlcLlon ? 1he Supreme CourL shall deslgnaLe speclal
courLs from among Lhe exlsLlng 8eglonal 1rlal CourLs ln each [udlclal
reglon Lo excluslvely Lry and hear cases lnvolvlng vlolaLlons of Lhls AcL
1he number of courLs deslgnaLed ln each [udlclal reglon shall be based
on Lhe populaLlon and Lhe number of cases pendlng ln Lhelr respecLlve
1he uC! shall deslgnaLe speclal prosecuLors Lo excluslvely handle cases
lnvolvlng vlolaLlons of Lhls AcL
1he prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon of cases flled under Lhls AcL shall be
LermlnaLed wlLhln a perlod of LhlrLy (30) days from Lhe daLe of Lhelr
When Lhe prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon ls conducLed by a publlc prosecuLor
and a probable cause ls esLabllshed Lhe correspondlng lnformaLlon
shall be flled ln courL wlLhln LwenLyfour (24) hours from Lhe
LermlnaLlon of Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon lf Lhe prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon ls
conducLed by a [udge and a probable cause ls found Lo exlsL Lhe
correspondlng lnformaLlon shall be flled by Lhe proper prosecuLor
wlLhln forLyelghL (48) hours from Lhe daLe of recelpL of Lhe records of
Lhe case
1rlal of Lhe case under Lhls SecLlon shall be flnlshed by Lhe courL noL
laLer Lhan slxLy (60) days from Lhe daLe of Lhe flllng of Lhe lnformaLlon
ueclslon on sald cases shall be rendered wlLhln a perlod of flfLeen (13)
days from Lhe daLe of submlsslon of Lhe case for resoluLlon
SecLlon 91 8esponslblllLy and LlablllLy of Law LnforcemenL Agencles
and oLher CovernmenL Cfflclals and Lmployees ln 1esLlfylng as
rosecuLlon WlLnesses ln uangerous urugs Cases ? Any member of law
enforcemenL agencles or any oLher governmenL offlclal and employee
who afLer due noLlce falls or refuses lnLenLlonally or negllgenLly Lo
appear as a wlLness for Lhe prosecuLlon ln any proceedlngs lnvolvlng
vlolaLlons of Lhls AcL wlLhouL any valld reason shall be punlshed wlLh
lmprlsonmenL of noL less Lhan Lwelve (12) years and one (1) day Lo
LwenLy (20) years and a flne of noL less Lhan llve hundred Lhousand
pesos (30000000) ln addlLlon Lo Lhe admlnlsLraLlve llablllLy he/she
may be meLed ouL by hls/her lmmedlaLe superlor and/or approprlaLe
1he lmmedlaLe superlor of Lhe member of Lhe law enforcemenL agency
or any oLher governmenL employee menLloned ln Lhe precedlng
paragraph shall be penallzed wlLh lmprlsonmenL of noL less Lhan Lwo
(2) monLhs and one (1) day buL noL more Lhan slx (6) years and a flne of
noL less Lhan 1en Lhousand pesos (1000000) buL noL more Lhan llfLy
Lhousand pesos (3000000) and ln addlLlon perpeLual absoluLe
dlsquallflcaLlon from publlc offlce lf desplLe due noLlce Lo Lhem and Lo
Lhe wlLness concerned Lhe former does noL exerL reasonable efforL Lo
presenL Lhe laLLer Lo Lhe courL
1he member of Lhe law enforcemenL agency or any oLher governmenL
employee menLloned ln Lhe precedlng paragraphs shall noL be
Lransferred or reasslgned Lo any oLher governmenL offlce locaLed ln
anoLher LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon durlng Lhe pendency of Lhe case ln courL
Powever Lhe concerned member of Lhe law enforcemenL agency or
governmenL employee may be Lransferred or reasslgned for
compelllng reasons rovlded 1haL hls/her lmmedlaLe superlor shall
noLlfy Lhe courL where Lhe case ls pendlng of Lhe order Lo Lransfer or
reasslgn wlLhln LwenLyfour (24) hours from lLs approval rovlded
furLher 1haL hls/her lmmedlaLe superlor shall be penallzed wlLh
lmprlsonmenL of noL less Lhan Lwo (2) monLhs and one (1) day buL noL
more Lhan slx (6) years and a flne of noL less Lhan 1en Lhousand pesos
(1000000) buL noL more Lhan llfLy Lhousand pesos (3000000) and
ln addlLlon perpeLual absoluLe dlsquallflcaLlon from publlc offlce
should he/she fall Lo noLlfy Lhe courL of such order Lo Lransfer or re
rosecuLlon and punlshmenL under Lhls SecLlon shall be wlLhouL
pre[udlce Lo any llablllLy for vlolaLlon of any exlsLlng law
SecLlon 92 uelay and 8ungllng ln Lhe rosecuLlon of urug Cases ? Any
governmenL offlcer or employee Lasked wlLh Lhe prosecuLlon of drug
relaLed cases under Lhls acL who Lhrough paLenL laxlLy lnexcusable
neglecL unreasonable delay or dellberaLely causes Lhe unsuccessful
prosecuLlon and/or dlsmlssal of Lhe sald drug cases shall suffer Lhe
penalLy of lmprlsonmenL ranglng from Lwelve (12) years and one (1)
day Lo LwenLy (20) years wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo hls/her prosecuLlon
under Lhe perLlnenL provlslons of Lhe 8evlsed enal Code
SecLlon 93 8eclasslflcaLlon AddlLlon or 8emoval of Any urug from Lhe
LlsL of uangerous urugs ? 1he 8oard shall have Lhe power Lo reclasslfy
add Lo or remove from Lhe llsL of dangerous drugs roceedlngs Lo
reclasslfy add or remove a drug or oLher subsLance may be lnlLlaLed by
Lhe uLA Lhe uCP or by peLlLlon from any lnLeresLed parLy lncludlng
Lhe manufacLurer of a drug a medlcal socleLy or assoclaLlon a
pharmacy assoclaLlon a publlc lnLeresL group concerned wlLh drug
abuse a naLlonal or local governmenL agency or an lndlvldual clLlzen
When a peLlLlon ls recelved by Lhe 8oard lL shall lmmedlaLely begln lLs
own lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhe drug 1he uLA also may begln an
lnvesLlgaLlon of a drug aL any Llme based upon Lhe lnformaLlon recelved
from law enforcemenL laboraLorles naLlonal and local law enforcemenL
and regulaLory agencles or oLher sources of lnformaLlon
1he 8oard afLer noLlce and hearlng shall conslder Lhe followlng facLors
wlLh respecL Lo each subsLance proposed Lo be reclasslfled added or
removed from conLrol
(a) lLs acLual or relaLlve poLenLlal for abuse
(b) SclenLlflc evldence of lLs pharmacologlcal effecL lf known
(c) 1he sLaLe of currenL sclenLlflc knowledge regardlng Lhe drug or oLher
(d) lLs hlsLory and currenL paLLern of abuse
(e) 1he scope duraLlon and slgnlflcance of abuse
(f) 8lsk Lo publlc healLh and
(g) WheLher Lhe subsLance ls an lmmedlaLe precursor of a subsLance
already conLrolled under Lhls AcL
1he 8oard shall also Lake lnLo accord Lhe obllgaLlons and commlLmenLs
Lo lnLernaLlonal LreaLles convenLlons and agreemenLs Lo whlch Lhe
hlllpplnes ls a slgnaLory
1he uangerous urugs 8oard shall glve noLlce Lo Lhe general publlc of
Lhe publlc hearlng of Lhe reclasslflcaLlon addlLlon Lo or removal from
Lhe llsL of any drug by publlshlng such noLlce ln any newspaper of
general clrculaLlon once a week for Lwo (2) weeks
1he effecL of such reclasslflcaLlon addlLlon or removal shall be as
(a) ln case a dangerous drug ls reclasslfled as precursors and essenLlal
chemlcals Lhe penalLles for Lhe vlolaLlons of Lhls AcL lnvolvlng Lhe Lwo
laLLer caLegorles of drugs shall ln case of convlcLlon be lmposed ln all
pendlng crlmlnal prosecuLlons
(b) ln case a precursors and essenLlal chemlcals ls reclasslfled as
dangerous drug Lhe penalLles for vlolaLlons of Lhe AcL lnvolvlng
precursors and essenLlal chemlcals shall ln case of convlcLlon be
lmposed ln all pendlng crlmlnal prosecuLlons
(c) ln case of Lhe addlLlon of a new drug Lo Lhe llsL of dangerous drugs
and precursors and essenLlal chemlcals no crlmlnal llablllLy lnvolvlng
Lhe same under Lhls AcL shall arlse unLll afLer Lhe lapse of flfLeen (13)
days from Lhe lasL publlcaLlon of such noLlce
(d) ln case of removal of a drug from Lhe llsL of dangerous drugs and
precursors and essenLlal chemlcals all persons convlcLed and/or
deLalned for Lhe use and/or possesslon of such a drug shall be
auLomaLlcally released and all pendlng crlmlnal prosecuLlon lnvolvlng
such a drug under Lhls AcL shall forLhwlLh be dlsmlssed and
(e) 1he 8oard shall wlLhln flve (3) days from Lhe daLe of lLs
promulgaLlon submlL Lo Congress a deLalled reclasslflcaLlon addlLlon
or removal of any drug from Lhe llsL of dangerous drugs
A81lCLL xll
lmplemenLlng 8ules and 8egulaLlons
SecLlon 94 lmplemenLlng 8ules and 8egulaLlons ? 1he presenL 8oard ln
consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe uCP ulLC uC! uepLd uSWu uCLL n n8l
ACCC8 and Lhe CSC and all oLher concerned governmenL agencles
shall promulgaLe wlLhln slxLy (60) days Lhe lmplemenLlng 8ules and
8egulaLlons LhaL shall be necessary Lo lmplemenL Lhe provlslons of Lhls
A81lCLL xlll
llnal rovlslons
SecLlon 93 Congresslonal CverslghL CommlLLee ? 1here ls hereby
creaLed a Congresslonal CverslghL CommlLLee composed of seven (7)
Members from Lhe SenaLe and seven (7) Members from Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves 1he Members from Lhe SenaLe shall be appolnLed by
Lhe SenaLe resldenL based on Lhe proporLlonal represenLaLlon of Lhe
parLles or coallLlons Lhereln wlLh aL leasL Lwo (2) SenaLors represenLlng
Lhe MlnorlLy 1he Members from Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves shall be
appolnLed by Lhe Speaker also based on proporLlonal represenLaLlon of
Lhe parLles or coallLlons Lhereln wlLh aL leasL Lwo (2) Members
represenLlng Lhe MlnorlLy
1he CommlLLee shall be headed by Lhe respecLlve Chalrpersons of Lhe
SenaLe CommlLLee on ubllc Crder and lllegal urugs and Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves CommlLLee on uangerous urugs
SecLlon 96 owers and luncLlons of Lhe CverslghL CommlLLee ? 1he
CverslghL CommlLLee on uangerous urugs shall ln ald of leglslaLlon
perform Lhe followlng funcLlons among oLhers
(a) 1o seL Lhe guldellnes and overall framework Lo monlLor and ensure
Lhe proper lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls AcL
(b) 1o ensure Lransparency and requlre Lhe submlsslon of reporLs from
governmenL agencles concerned on Lhe conducL of programs pro[ecLs
and pollcles relaLlng Lo Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls acL
(c) 1o approve Lhe budgeL for Lhe programs of Lhe CverslghL CommlLLee
on uangerous urugs and all dlsbursemenLs Lherefrom lncludlng
compensaLlon of all personnel
(d) 1o submlL perlodlc reporLs Lo Lhe resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes and
Congress on Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe provlslons of Lhls AcL
(e) 1o deLermlne lnherenL weaknesses ln Lhe law and recommend Lhe
necessary remedlal leglslaLlon or execuLlve measures and
(f) 1o perform such oLher duLles funcLlons and responslblllLles as may
be necessary Lo effecLlvely aLLaln Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhls AcL
SecLlon 97 AdopLlon of CommlLLee 8ules and 8egulaLlons and lundlng
? 1he CverslghL CommlLLee on uangerous urugs shall adopL lLs lnLernal
rules of procedure conducL hearlngs and recelve LesLlmonles reporLs
and Lechnlcal advlce lnvlLe or summon by subpoena ad LesLlflcandum
any publlc offlclal prlvaLe clLlzen or any oLher person Lo LesLlfy before
lL or requlre any person by subpoena duces Lecum documenLs or oLher
maLerlals as lL may requlre conslsLenL wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhls AcL
1he CverslghL CommlLLee on uangerous urugs shall be asslsLed by a
secreLarlaL Lo be composed by personnel who may be seconded from
Lhe SenaLe and Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves and may reLaln
1o carry ouL Lhe powers and funcLlons of Lhe CverslghL CommlLLee on
uangerous urugs Lhe lnlLlal sum of 1wenLyflve mllllon pesos
(2300000000) shall be charged agalnsL Lhe currenL approprlaLlons of
Lhe SenaLe 1hereafLer such amounL necessary for lLs conLlnued
operaLlons shall be lncluded ln Lhe annual Ceneral ApproprlaLlons AcL
1he CverslghL CommlLLee on uangerous urugs shall exlsL for a perlod of
Len (10) years from Lhe effecLlvlLy of Lhls AcL and may be exLended by a
[olnL concurrenL resoluLlon
SecLlon 98 LlmlLed AppllcablllLy of Lhe 8evlsed enal Code ?
noLwlLhsLandlng any law rule or regulaLlon Lo Lhe conLrary Lhe
provlslons of Lhe 8evlsed enal Code (AcL no 3814) as amended shall
noL apply Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhls AcL excepL ln Lhe case of mlnor
offenders Where Lhe offender ls a mlnor Lhe penalLy for acLs
punlshable by llfe lmprlsonmenL Lo deaLh provlded hereln shall be
recluslon perpeLua Lo deaLh
SecLlon 99 SeparablllLy Clause ? lf for any reason any secLlon or
provlslon of Lhls AcL or any porLlon Lhereof or Lhe appllcaLlon of such
secLlon provlslon or porLlon Lhereof Lo any person group or
clrcumsLance ls declared lnvalld or unconsLlLuLlonal Lhe remalnder of
Lhls AcL shall noL be affecLed by such declaraLlon and shall remaln ln
force and effecL
SecLlon 100 8epeallng Clause ? 8epubllc AcL no 6423 as amended ls
hereby repealed and all oLher laws admlnlsLraLlve orders rules and
regulaLlons or parLs Lhereof lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhls AcL
are hereby repealed or modlfled accordlngly
SecLlon 101 Amendlng Clause ? 8epubllc AcL no 7639 ls hereby
amended accordlngly
SecLlon 102 LffecLlvlLy ? 1hls AcL shall Lake effecL flfLeen (13) days
upon lLs publlcaLlon ln aL leasL Lwo (2) naLlonal newspapers of general


l8AnkLln M u8lLCn
resldenL of Lhe SenaLe
!CSL uL vLnLClA !8
Speaker of Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves

1hls AcL whlch ls a consolldaLlon of SenaLe 8lll no 1838 and Pouse 8lll
no 4433 was flnally passed by Lhe SenaLe and Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves on May 30 2002 and May 29 2002 respecLlvely

SecreLary of Lhe

SecreLary Ceneral
Pouse of

Approved !anuary 23 2002


resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes

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