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Mome: _____________ SJIC PAMDAMAPAM 8 Morks: _______

Mo: _____________ Mofhemofics EvoIuofions Yeor 3 Time: I hour
Yeor: 3 ( ) Tesf 4, Z0II (Poper I) Dofe: Zb-I0-II

Answer uII the obgective questions, {40%}

I. "Seven fhousond seven hundred ond forfy-fwo" wriffen in numeroIs is
A. 77I4 8. 77Z4 C. 774Z D. 77bZ
Z. In I073, 0 represenfs
A. ones 8. fens C. hundreds D. fhousonds
3. Which of fhe foIIowing numbers is fhe smuIIest7
A. ZobI 8. IZob C. boZI D. oIZb
4. Pound off 30I4 fo fhe neurest ten.
A. 3000 8. 30I0 C. 30Z0 D. 3I00
b. 8000 + o00 + 70 ~
A. 8o7 8. 8o07 C. 8o70 D. 87o0
o. 9843 ~ 9000 + ( ) + 40 + 3
A. 8 8. 80 C.800 D. 8000
7. Z399 + IZ3b ~
A. 3bZ4 8. 3o34 C. 4o34 D. 4734
8. I999 - 378 ~
A. IoII 8. IoZI C. I7II D. I7ZI
9. 3 X o ~
A. 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 8. o + o + o + o + o + o
C. 3 + 3 + 3 D. o + o + o
I0. 7Z - 9 ~
A. b 8. o
C. 7 D. 8
II. 99 times I0 equoIs
A. 9 8. 99
C. 990 C. 900

~ ( )



D. I
I3. The numerutor of

A. I 8. Z C. 3 D. 4
Choose fhe correcf frocfion for fhe diogrom.



D. I
Ib. I hour ~ minufes
A. IZ 8. Z4 C. o0 D. IZ0
Io. Z week ~ doys
A. b 8. 7 C. I4 D. 30
I7. Z3b0sen ~ .
A. PM Z3b0 8. PM Z3b C. PM Z3.b0 D. PM Z.3b
I8. PM I4.Z0 ~ sen
A. I4Z 8. I4Z0 C. I4.Z0 D. I.4Z
I9. 809 cm ~
A. 8m 9cm 8. 8m 90cm C. 80m 9cm D. 80m 90cm
Z0. 9kg ~ _____ g
A. 9 8. 90 C. 900 D. 9000
ZI. o000m~
A. o 8. o0 C. o00 D. o000
ZZ. I7b minufes - o7 minufes ~ minufes
A. 9Z 8. I0Z C. IIZ D. IZZ
Z3. 7bcm X 9 ~ cm
A. o0b 8. o7b C. 70b D. 7Zb

Z4. If yesferdoy wos Fridoy, fomorrow is .
A. Thursdoy 8. Sofurdoy C. Sundoy D. Mondoy
Zb. Zb0g x b ~ _________kg
A. b 8. b0 C. I0 D. I00
Wrife fo fhe neoresf m
A. 400 8. o00
C. 800 D. 800
Z7. Z8g - 4 ~________g
A. 7 8. 8 C. 9 D. I0
Z8. Esfimofe fhe moss of o 9 yeors oId girI.
A. Zg 8. Zbg C. Zb0g D. Zb00g
Z9. ZZb0m~ m
A. ZZb m 8. Zb0 m C. Z0b0 m D. ZZb0 m
30. Which objecf does not hove o Iine of symmefry7
A. 8.

C. C.

3I. A pockef of MiIo hos o moss of bkg. A pockef of sugor hos o moss of Zkg.
Whof is fhe fofoI weighf of o pockef of MiIo ond sugor7
A. bg 8. 7g C. bkg D. 7kg
3Z. Aeron is IIkg Iighfer fhon 8orIon. If 8orIon is 79kg, find fhe weighf of
A.o8kg 8. 79kg C. 83kg D. 90kg
33. Mofher needs IZb minufes fo sew o skirf. How mony minufes does she need
fo sew b skirf7
A.o00 8. oZb C. 700 D. 7Zb
34. Which of fhe figures beIow equoIs

A. 8.

C. D.

3b. Mofher buys Zbof oronge juice from o supermorkef. How much is
Ieff if fofher ond brofher drink I8 of if7
A. 7 m 8. 8 m C. 3b m D. 4b m
3o. A book is Z0cm Iong. Whof wouId be fhe fofoI Iengfh of 8 books7
A. IZcm 8. Iocm C. Z8cm D. Io0cm
37. Mome fhe shope beIow.
A. ocfogon 8. hexogon
C. penfogon D. hepfogon

38. Mome fhe prism beIow.
A. frionguIor prism 8. squore prism
C. recfonguIor prism D. semi-circIe prism

39. EIvo jogs 9Im in one week. How much mefres does she jog every doy7
A. II 8. IZ C. I3 D. I4

40. PM 9b.b0 ~
A. PM b0 + PM 9 + PM 0.b0 8. PM 90 + PM b + PM 0.b0
C. PM b0 + PM b + PM 0.90 C. PM 90 + PM 9 + PM 0.b0

Prepored by Ms. Ang Xiu Li Porenf's signofure: ______________
Checked by Modom Lim Feng Yin Dofe:________________________

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