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Climate change

and african forest

and wildlife resources

– a platform
for stakeholders
in African Forestry

Emmanuel Chidumayo, David Okali,

Godwin Kowero, Larwanou Mahamane
Copyright © African Forest Forum 2011.

All rights reserved.

African Forest Forum

P.O. Box 30677-00100, Nairobi, KENYA
Tel: +254 20 722 4203
Fax: +254 20 722 4001

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the
expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the African Forest Forum concerning the legal
status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its
frontiers or boundaries regarding its economic system or degree of development. Excerpts may be
reproduced without authorization, on condition that the source is indicated. Views expressed in this
publication do not necessarily reflect those of the African Forest Forum.

Correct citation
Chidumayo, E., Okali, D., Kowero, G. and Larwanou, M. (eds.). 2011. Climate change and African
forest and wildlife resources. African Forest Forum, Nairobi, Kenya.

Printed in Gävle, Sweden, in 2011.

ISBN 978-92-9059-296-9
Climate change
and african forest
and wildlife resources

Emmanuel Chidumayo, David Okali,

Godwin Kowero, Larwanou Mahamane


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................................................... 7
CONTRIBUTORS........................................................................................................................... 8
PREFACE...................................................................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER 1: Climate change and African forests and tree resources:
the stakes are enormous........................................................................................................ 12
Godwin Kowero

Section 1: Climate change: global and African context

CHAPTER 2: Climate change processes and impacts....................................................... 18
Alfred Opere, Daniel Olago, Emmanuel Chidumayo, Balgis Osman-Elasha

CHAPTER 3: Adaption to and mitigation of climate change in forestry.......................... 34

Mahamane Larwanou, Balgis Osman-Elasha, Godwin Kowero

CHAPTER 4: Forests in international arrangements on climate change: .

the African experience and perspective............................................................................ 47
Macarthy Oyebo

Section 2: Climate change and African forests

INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 67
CHAPTER 5: Climate change and African moist forests..................................................... 68
David Okali

CHAPTER 6: Climate change in the woodlands of Africa.................................................. 85

Emmanuel Chidumayo

CHAPTER 7: Climate change in the West African Sahel and savannas:.

impacts on woodlands and tree resources....................................................................... 102
Mahamane Larwanou

4 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Section 3: Climate change and African wildlife
CHAPTER 8: Climate change and wildlife resources in West and Central Africa......... 123
Paul Donfack

CHAPTER 9: Climate change and wildlife resources in East and southern Africa........ 135
Emmanuel Chidumayo

CHAPTER 10: Responding to climate change in the wildlife sector:.

monitoring, reporting and institutional arrangements......................................................151
Emmauel Chidumayo, Paul Donfack

Section 4: Socio-economic and policy considerations

INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................... 159
CHAPTER 11: Community-based adaption to climate change in Africa:.
a typology of information and institutional requirements for promoting.
uptake of existing adaption technologies..........................................................................161
Yatich Thomas, Brent Swallow, Oluyede Ajayi, Peter Minang, Jaffer Wakhayanga

CHAPTER 12: Socio-economic and gender related aspects of climate change.

in Africa....................................................................................................................................176
Balgis Osman-Elasha, Emmanuel Chidumayo, Paul Donfack

CHAPTER 13: African forests and trees in the global carbon market............................. 192
Willy Makundi

CHAPTER 14: Climate change in African forestry; the broader policy context.............214
Godwin Kowero, Yonas Yemshaw

Section 5: Key observations

CHAPTER 15: Some key observations and issues on climate change and African.
forests and wildlife resources............................................................................................... 232
Godwin Kowero, David Okali, Emmanuel Chidumayo, Mahamane Larwanou

ACRONYMS............................................................................................................................. 245

6 Climate change and African Forests and Wildlife Resources

A lot of people and institutions helped in various ways in the process of writing this book. While it is
not possible to acknowledge each individually, the editors wish to recognize at least the contributions
made by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) that financed the work that
supported writing this book, together with its production. The United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) also financed, together with Sida, two workshops at which some of the issues
raised in the book were discussed. We also wish to thank participants in the workshops that were held
in Nairobi, Kenya (November 18–20, 2009), Brazzaville, Republic of Congo (February 20–21, 2010)
and Bamako, Mali (October 28–29, 2010) for their very useful feedback that helped in shaping the book
chapters. We also thank several staff at the Royal Swedish Academy for Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA)
for their support, and specifically to Ms. Ylva Nordin for careful editing of the manuscript and produc-
tion of the book.
The opinions expressed in this book are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect those of Sida, FAO, KSLA and the African Forest Forum.


Alfred Opere. Senior Lecturer, University of Nairobi,

P.O. Box 30197, G.P.O, Nairobi. Kenya.
Balgis Osman-Elasha. Climate Change Adaptation Expert, African Development Bank,
P.O.Box 323-1002, Tunis-Belvedere, Tunisia.
Brent Swallow. University of Alberta,
632 Central Academic Building, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G1, Canada
Daniel Olago. Senior Lecturer, University of Nairobi,
P.O. Box 30197, G.P.O, Nairobi. Kenya.
David Okali. Emeritus Professor, University of Ibadan,
Ibadan, Nigeria.
Emmanuel Chidumayo. Ecologist/Manager, Makeni Savanna Research Project,
P.O. Box 50323, Ridgeway, Zambia.
Godwin Kowero. Executive Secretary, African Forest Forum,
United Nations Avenue, P.O. Box 30677-00100, Nairobi, Kenya.
Jaffer Wakhayanga. Chairperson, Kenya Alliance for Rural Empowerment,
P.O. Box 3394, Kisumu, Kenya.
Macarthy Oyebo. Chairperson, Governing Council of African Forest Forum,
No. 3 Daniel Arap Moi Close, Off Maitama Sule Street, Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria.
Mahamane Larwanou. Senior Program Officer, African Forest Forum,
United Nations Avenue, P.O. Box 30677-00100, Nairobi, Kenya.
Oluyede Ajayi. Senior Scientist, World Agroforestry Centre,
P.O. Box 30798, Lilongwe 3, Malawi.
Paul Donfack. Coordinator, Nature Information Tracks,
BP 31 205 Yaoundé, Cameroon.
Peter Minang. Global Coordinator ASB, World Agroforestry Centre,
United Nations Avenue, P.O. Box 30677-00100, Nairobi, Kenya.
Willy Makundi. Environmental Management Consultant,
P.O. Box 974, Moshi, Tanzania.
Yatich Thomas. Environment and Community Development, Social Affairs and Environment Section,
Delegation of the European Union to Kenya,
P.O. Box 45119-00100, Nairobi, Kenya.
Yonas Yemshaw. Senior Program Officer, African Forest Forum,
United Nations Avenue. P.O. Box 30677-00100, Nairobi, Kenya.

8 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources


Climate and ecosystems are mutually impacting on each other and this has been recognized in various
African eco-zones. And more recently climate change has become the topical issue in forestry and other
circles. Climate change and forests are related in functional and structural ways. Carbon sequestration
increases in growing forests, a process that positively influences the level of green house gases in the
atmosphere, which, in turn, may reduce global warming. In other words, the forests, by regulating the
carbon cycle, play vital roles in climatic change and variability. Climate, on the other hand, affects the
function and structure of forests. Understanding this vital relation is critical in developing appropriate
policies and technology options that can contain the adverse effects of climate change and variability.
In Africa, much as the forestry sector joined the debate on climate change fairly late, significant
achievements for the sector have been made. These debates have succeeded in profiling the sector at all
levels and also in mobilizing attention and resources for the sector to address the climate change important
issues, and more specifically those related to reducing deforestation and degradation, enhancing carbon
stocks, improving the protection of forests, and enhancing sustainable management of forest resources.
All these are in line with the REDD+ approach that was adopted at the COP16 of the UNFCCC nego-
tiations. Still another window for enhancing reforestation and afforestation activities of the sector arises
through the CDM.
The great diversity of forest types and conditions in Africa is at the same time the strength and the
weakness of the continent in devising optimal forest-based responses to climate change. Current and
proposed mechanisms (CDM and REDD+, and possibly REDD++ or AFOLU in the future) will fare
differently under different forest types and conditions. For example, high deforestation rates are likely
to be associated with forests close to densely populated communities; forest regrowth from abandoned
farmland will likely exhibit higher carbon dioxide sequestration rates than old forests in protected areas,
while a subsistence practice of agro-forestry can readily facilitate the adoption of intensification as an
adaptation measure. The forest types and conditions will have to be ascertained for each situation to
provide the appropriate fit to either CDM or REDD+ arrangements.
Interventions that hold significant potential in terms of REDD+ in African forests include improve-
ments in crop and livestock agriculture, enhancement of bio-energy efficiency, better wood and non-
wood forest products harvesting and processing techniques, diversification of rural livelihood options,
better planning and management of other land uses like communication infrastructure (like dams, roads,
railways and power lines), large scale crop and forest plantations, and urbanization; all of which are land

Preface 9
based. Emphasis should also be given to support existing initiatives or programmes. Existing national
forest programmes (nfps) in many African countries and programmes/projects/activities that implement
various international agreements, initiatives and conventions (like CBD, UNCCD, and UNFF-NLBI)
all target the key components of REDD+. Support to these initiatives will considerably facilitate the at-
tainment of the REDD+ objectives.
This book is therefore timely in that it highlights to all stakeholders, and in a systematic manner, the
climate change issues relevant to the African forestry and wildlife sectors, with the view of increasing
these sectors’ contribution, at various levels and fora, to addressing the vagaries of climate change. The
book also outlines the opportunities that climate change brings to the sectors.

Mr. Macarthy Oyebo

Chairman, Governing Council of the African Forest Forum
climate change
and african forest
and wildlife resources
Chapter 1

Godwin Kowero

1.1 The significance of African forests and nomies. Forests and trees in Africa offer consider-
trees able support to agriculture. In fact much of the
Africa has vast areas under forests and tree resourc- agricultural belt lies within the dry forest zone. The
es. More than anything else, these resources are at forests continue to serve as a reservoir of land onto
the centre of the socio-economic development and which agriculture expands. Most of the agriculture
environmental protection of the continent. Life on in Africa is rain-fed and therefore very vulnerable
the continent is largely shaped by these resources; to climate variability that is characterized by fre-
their availability and quality. African forests and quent droughts and occasional floods (a sign post
trees are renowned for their habitats for wildlife, for global climate change), which at times destroy
beekeeping, unique natural ecosystems and genet- crops and livestock. At such times the rural com-
ic resources. They are catchment to many rivers munities increase their reliance on the forests and
and harbour many river basins that are corner- trees for wild foods including fruits, tubers, fish
stones of economic development on the continent. and bush meat, edible insects, beeswax and honey,
The overwhelming majority of Africans obtain as well as traditional medicines.
their energy needs from forests and trees, mostly In addition, the forests are central to maintain-
as woodfuel. Furthermore, the natural forest re- ing the quality of the environment throughout the
sources are increasingly receiving global attention continent, while providing international public
because of their share in biological diversity, po- goods and services.
tential for industrial timber exports, capacity for Climate change is argued to have the poten-
mitigating global climate change, livelihood ‘safety tial to adversely affect these resources in many
nets’, and as levers for rural development. African countries. This will no doubt seriously disrupt
forests and trees also offer some unique opportu- the socio-economic fabric of the continent. Little
nities for rural communities to adapt to the adverse is understood about these resources and how cli-
effects of climatic change. In short, African forests mate change will impact them; and this underlines
and trees underpin key sectors of the economies of the enormity of the problem of containing climate
many African countries, providing the bulk of the change in Africa.
energy needs, supporting crop and livestock agri- Forests and woodlands cover an area of about
culture, wildlife and tourism, water resources and 675 million hectares, or 23% of Africa’s land area
livelihoods. and about 17% of global forest area (FAO, 2011).
Of particular significance is agriculture, which is Tropical moist forests in Central and parts of West
the mainstay of practically all African national eco- Africa and woodlands in southern Africa are the

12 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

dominant formations. Africa has extensive areas ameliorate the climate and support local industries
classified as ‘other wooded land’, with an area of that produce wood and non-wood products. Goods
350 million hectares. The five countries with the and services from African forests contribute im-
largest forest area are the Democratic Republic of mensely to the quality and standard of living of
Congo, Sudan, Angola, Zambia and Mozambique; the African people. They underpin the econo-
together they contain 55% of the forest area on the mies of many African countries, while enhancing
continent (ibid.). The proportion of the land area the quality of the environment. Over 70% of the
covered by forests in the various subregions is: continent’s population depends on forest resources
Central Africa (43.6%), Southern Africa (31%), for their survival (AfDB, 2003); yet, many African
East Africa (20.8%), West Africa (14.3%) and countries continue to give low priority to forestry in
North Africa (7.2%) (FAO 2003). Planted forest their planning. In 2005 agriculture accounted for
area is 14.8 million hectares, and this represents about 70% of the rural employment (FAO, 2009).
5% of the global total (FAO, 2009). Added to the above, significant tree based pro-
The productivity of tropical rain and moist ducts obtained from trees on farms, especially in
forests in Africa is high. Though the forests are agroforestry and out-grower systems, and park-
largely under government ownership, very little lands, augment supplies from forests.
forest management is practiced. The forests are African forests and trees are seriously threat-
mainly exploited, through concessions, mostly by ened by agricultural expansion, commercial har-
the private sector, with minimal benefits going to vesting, increased exploitation for fuelwood and
the local communities that live by the forests. Dry other products and increasing urbanization and
forests, woodlands and savannas which sandwich industrialization. All these are happening under
the major agricultural belt are fairly open and have conditions of inadequate land use planning, inap-
low productivity. They are, however, the dominant propriate land and tree tenure regimes, inappro-
vegetation in 63% of the sub-Saharan African priate agricultural systems, drought and, some-
countries (Chidumayo, 2004) and are under im- times, armed conflicts. All these contribute to the
mense human pressure for various needs. Major high rates of deforestation and forest degradation
African towns and cities are found in their proxim- in Africa.
ity, and they harbour many of the river basins in
Africa. They are also home to much of the wildlife of
Africa, supporting many important game reserves 1.2 Relationship between the forestry
and parks. There is increasing effort to involve lo- sector and other key national economic
cal communities in ownership and management sectors
of these forests and their wildlife (Kowero et al., The interrelationships between food, agriculture,
2006). Problems of African forests are complex and energy use and sources, natural resources (includ-
are very much related to the support of livelihoods ing forests and woodlands) and people in Africa, in
of the many people who depend on them. Africa’s addition to the macro-economic policies and poli-
population is projected to increase from 943 mil- tical systems that define the environment in which
lion in 2006 to 1.2 billion people by 2020, with the they operate are extremely complex. Yet, under-
rural population expected to increase by 94 million standing of these interrelationships is paramount
people between 2005 and 2020 (FAO, 2009). in influencing the process, pace, magnitude and
African forests and woodlands supply the bulk direction of development necessary for enhancing
of the domestic energy needs, housing construction people’s welfare and the environment in which they
materials, wild foods and local medicines that serve live.
the majority of the people on the continent. They

Climate change and African forests and tree resources: the stakes are enormous 13
The agricultural sector is the major contributor 1.3 African forests and trees in climate
to the economies of many African countries, aver- change
aging 21%, and ranging from 10% to 70% of the There is growing evidence that climate change
gross domestic product (GDP) of the sub-Saharan is impacting on forests and forest ecosystems in
countries (Mendelsohn et al., 2000). However, Africa, and therefore on the livelihoods of forest
agriculture is critically dependent on environmen- dependent communities as well as on national
tal resources such as land, water, forest and air. The economic activities that depend on forest and tree
use of any one of these resources can affect, directly products and services. Africa is one of the most
or indirectly, the other natural resources, through vulnerable regions in the world to climate change.
dynamic and complex interrelationships existing This vulnerability is expected to have consider-
in the natural systems. This implies that wrong able negative impacts on the agricultural sector and
use of land, water or forests in the production of could render useless significant regions of marginal
crops and livestock can have far-reaching effects agricultural land. With basic farming technology
on environmental integrity. To avoid any adverse and low incomes, many African farmers will have
consequences, agricultural sector policies must fit few options to adapt, much as they have in the past
in the overall environmental policy. This is critical adapted to varying intensities of climate variability.
in guiding proper and balanced use of natural re- This will inevitably increase the pace of reliance
sources and in defining sectoral responsibilities for on natural resources for survival, and especially
environmental management. Agricultural policies, natural forests and trees. Vulnerability to climate
besides being internally consistent, must provide change is thus a serious threat to poverty eradica-
for a mechanism to link the sector with other sec- tion programmes and the environment in Africa.
tors in protecting and enhancing the environment. Globally, the climate change problem is mani-
The agricultural sector, which is composed festing through, amongst others, unusually high
of livestock and crop components, hinges on the temperatures, floods, droughts, unreliable water
exploitation of land resources (soil and vegeta- supplies, enhanced migration of flora and fauna,
tion). In this context, it has direct and indirect melting glaciers and decreasing mountain snow
influences on the indigenous forest resources in caps. For example, the mosquito belt has consid-
terms of their exploitation and conservation. The erably expanded to higher elevations due to the
direct effects result from the competition for land temperature incline. The frequency and intensity
between forests and agriculture, while the in- of forest fires has increased due to abundance of
direct effects result from the exploitation of the for- fuel and droughts. The scenario is that the interac-
est resources either for subsistence (food, energy, tion between climate change and national socio-
building material) and/or for income. Wanton de- economic policies will drastically reduce crop
forestation and land degradation are a reflection yields in the foreseeable future in most African
of unsustainable land use emanating from poor countries. River flows and water stocks in reser-
policies on agriculture and poverty alleviation in voirs may decline considerably under a warmer cli-
most sub-Saharan African countries. Many studies mate while forest ecosystems are predicted to shift
have demonstrated the potential effects of agricul- their ranges and lose some of their biodiversity
tural policies on the forest condition. with consequential impoverishment in the natural
To the extent that many in Africa rely on wood heritage of the countries and a decline in tourism.
from forests and trees for domestic energy and The impacts of climate change, whether biophys-
home-building, energy and housing policies must ical, social or economic, are therefore a source of
be formulated to be in harmony with forest policy. great concern to practically all African countries.

14 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

In the forestry sector, this concern has given rise to With respect to vulnerability and adaptation
the urgent need to develop and implement national in Africa, there is insufficient knowledge on resil-
and regional forest-based strategies for responding ience of forests and trees to the impacts of climate
to climate change on the continent. However, the change. However, agroforestry systems hold con-
existing knowledge base and capacity in Africa to siderable potential for human and domestic animal
respond to climate change through the forest sector adaptation to climate change. Such systems supple-
is weak (Chidumayo, 2004). ment food supplies and also serve as a buffer during
Climate affects forests but forests also affect cli- periods of crop failure and droughts, among other
mate. It is important to understand adequately the roles.
dynamics of this interaction to be able to design The forestry sector is a late comer to the global
and implement appropriate mitigation and adapta- climate change debate. This has led to there being
tion strategies for the forest sector. This could also no coherent African response to climate change
facilitate the management of forests to contribute to from the forestry sector. Apart from determining
mitigation of climate change, for example through the emission profile of different African forest
reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, es- conditions, consideration should also be given to
pecially carbon dioxide, from avoided deforestation smallholder agriculture, bio-energy plantations,
and enhancement of carbon sequestration. Africa pasture lands, parklands and other landscapes that
has 14% of the world’s population and a low level hold potential for climate change mitigation and
of industrial activity; thus, there are relatively few adaptation.
consumers of fossil fuels in the continent. Africa’s This book systematically presents climate
emission of climate-change inducing GHGs is low, change in the context of African forests, trees and
estimated at 3.5% of world’s total (IPCC WGII wildlife resources. It is written for various audi-
Fourth Assessment Report, 2007), while the vast ences. Section 1 will be more appealing to those
African forests are potentially a significant sink for interested in the broader aspects of climate change
carbon dioxide. and variability, while those interested in only cli-
Currently little is known about the potential mate change in African forests and trees will find
of African forests and trees to adapt to climate Section 2 more appealing. Section 3 presents an
change. Models suggest that climate change will overview of climate change on African wildlife re-
cause shifts in the ranges of many vegetation com- sources. Socio-economic and policy considerations
munities, but different species respond differently are part of Section 4, while Section 5 presents some
to climate factors. As such, understanding the re- key observations from all the sections. The lay
sponses to climate change of individual species, reader will also find most of the text easy to follow.
especially the dominant and ecosystem critical
species, is of paramount importance to the devel-
opment of forest-based adaptation strategies and 1.4 Organization of the book
measures, as well as to the assessment of the ability The book is organized into five sections. Section 1
of forests and trees in Africa to mitigate climate presents climate change in the global and African
change. Thus both climate response and mitigation context by looking at a few key areas, including the
by forests and trees need to be carefully assessed physical processes of climate change, a review on
so that informed strategies and measures (taking adaptation to and mitigation of climate change in
on socio-economic, ecological, gender, tenure and the African forestry and wildlife sectors, and a re-
rights aspects) can be put in place to promote the view of the international debate on climate change
role of forests and trees in climate change pro- and how Africa features in it.

Climate change and African forests and tree resources: the stakes are enormous 15
Climate change in African forests is the subject Socio-economic and policy considerations are
of Section 2. This includes climate change issues presented in Section 4. They include aspects of
related to moist forests, woodlands and savannas, community based adaptation to climate change,
and those specific to the Sahel. In addition insti- how climate change features in the socio-econom-
tutional and governance arrangements that would ic life of the African people, including specific is-
be necessary for identified interventions in these sues related to gender, carbon trade and markets,
eco-zones are discussed. policy and other approaches to climate change
Section 3 presents an overview of climate change in African forests, trees, and wildlife resources.
on African wildlife resources as found in moist Section 5 summarizes some key observations from
forests, woodlands and savannas and the Sahel. the var-ious sections. This could be a good section
Again institutional and governance arrangements for those who have no time to read the whole book
that would be necessary for identified interventions or just want to have a quick overview of the issues
in these eco-zones are discussed. in the book before delving into details in the vari-
ous chapters.

AfDB. 2003. Study on the role of forestry in poverty alleviation. Report. November 2003. African Development Bank.
Chidumayo, E.N. 2004. Key external underlying threats to dry forests of sub-Saharan Africa: A case study of urbanization and climate change. An
unpublished report for CIFOR. Lusaka, Zambia. 43 pp.
FAO. 2003. Forestry Outlook Study for Africa. FAO Rome. 92 pp.
FAO. 2009. State of World’s Forests 2009. FAO, Rome.
FAO. 2011. State of World’s Forests 2011. FAO, Rome.
IPCC WGII Fourth Assessment Report, 2007. Climate Change 2007: Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Summary for policy
makers. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). 23 pp.
Kowero, G., Kufakwandi, F. and Chipeta, M. 2006. Africa’s capacity to manage its forests: an overview. International Forestry Review 8(1): 110–117.
Mendelsohn, R., Morrison, W., Schlesinger, M. and Adronova, N. 2000. Country Specific Market Impacts from Climate Change. Climatic Change
45: 553–569.

16 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Section 1
Climate change:
Global and African context

This section examines the issues and the environment that is shaping climate change in forestry.
Chapter 2 describes, albeit briefly, the processes that contribute to climate change, and discusses trends
in climate change and its impacts in sub-Saharan Africa. This includes projections of future climatology
that are based on IPCC models and scenarios. It also examines briefly perspectives from palaeoclimatic
observations, theory and modeling. Further it describes impacts on natural resources and livelihoods
in Africa, including impacts on water resources, biodiversity and agriculture.

Chapter 3 is about climate change adaptation and mitigation as it relates to forestry. It examines briefly
the various types of adaptation that include anticipatory and reactive adaptation, private and public
adaptation, and autonomous and planned adaptation. It briefly looks at the National Adaptation Plans
of Action (NAPAs), as well as the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), and other expe-
riences related to forests. It also gives a brief account of forest mitigation related actions in Africa. The
chapter ends with a brief on the status of climate change negotiations.

Chapter 4 describes how climate change talks and negotiations have evolved, the place of forestry in
it, and African forestry perspectives and experiences in these negotiations.

Chapter 2

Alfred Opere, Daniel Olago, Emmanuel Chidumayo and Balgis Osman-Elasha

2.1 Introduction the Sahel of West Africa (Nicholson et al., 2000;

Climate change is expressed as deviations from Hulme et al., 2001).
a regional climatology determined by analysis of Although climate change is affecting all
long-term measurements, usually over a period countries of the world, a major impact of climate
of at least 30 years, or the normally experienced change in sub-Saharan Africa is its adverse effects
climate conditions and a different, but recurrent, upon the natural resource base (Kurukulasuriya
set of climate conditions over a given region of the and Mendelson, 2006) and countries in this region
world (IPCC, 1998). Climate change may also re- of Africa are expected to be hit earliest and hard-
fer to a shift in climate, occurring as a result of est (IPCC, 2007b) because their environments are
human activities (Wigley, 1999). Changing cli- closely linked with climate, and the livelihoods of
mate is expected to continue in the 21st century its inhabitants are largely dependent on the utiliza-
in response to the continued increasing trend in tion of land-based resources (soils and forests) as
global green house gas (GHG) emissions (IPCC, well as on freshwater, lacustrine and riverine sys-
2007a), stimulating three main responses: techni- tems as sources of potable water, fish and transport.
cal and livelihood adaptations by affected commu- As a result of this dependency and widespread pov-
nities, mitigation actions that sequester GHGs or erty, the communities in sub-Saharan Africa are
reduce fossil fuels dependence, and formal inter- particularly vulnerable to the effects and impacts
national dialogue on the scope and correction of of climate change and are likely to be adversely af-
this now rapidly emerging threat to human exist- fected in terms of food security, sustainable water
ence. Climate change scenarios for Africa include supply and by extreme climate and severe weather
higher temperatures across the continent estima- phenomena such as floods, droughts and threats
ted to be increasing by 0.2°C per decade (Elagib of desertification. In addition, these impacts are
and Mansell, 2000) and more erratic precipitation likely to be exacerbated by the lack of financial
with slight increase in ecozones of eastern Africa and technical means with which to reduce their
and moist forest ecozones of West Africa and sus- vulnerability to global climate change. The Third
tainable declines in the productivity in the Sahel Assessment Report, 2001 (TAR) concluded that
and the ecozones of southern, Central and North Africa is very vulnerable to climate change given
Africa (Stige et al., 2006). This projection is in part its low capacity to respond and adapt.
reinforced by changes in rainfall over the last 60 This chapter describes, albeit briefly, the pro-
years that has declined by up to 30% (Sivakumar et cesses that contribute to climate change and dis-
al., 2005), with the greatest negative impacts felt in cusses trends in climate change and its impacts in
sub-Saharan Africa.

18 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

2.2 Processes that contribute to ation at 25.9% followed by industry with 19.4%.
climate change However, Africa’s contribution to climate warming
through greenhouse gas emissions is insignificant
2.2.1 Emission of greenhouse gases (e.g. Figure 2.1). Analysis shows that per capita
The Earth has a natural temperature control system. greenhouse gas emissions in a typical European
Certain atmospheric gases are critical to the stabil- country and the USA is roughly 50–100 times and
ity of this system and are known as greenhouse 100–200 times more, respectively, than a typical
gases (GHGs). On average, about one third of the African country.
solar radiation that reaches the earth is reflected
back to space. Of the remainder, the atmosphere 2.2.2 Deforestation
absorbs some but the land and oceans absorb most. Forests can play a significant role in climate
With reduced forests and vegetal cover in sub- change through their influence on rainfall. For
Saharan Africa, the cordon sinks on land are re- example, 95% of the rainfall in the Congo Basin
duced. The Earth’s surface becomes warmer and derives from water recycling (Biodiversity Support
as a result emits infrared radiation. The greenhouse Program, 1992). Logging of large areas can thus
gases trap the infrared radiation, thus warming the affect rainfall in surrounding forest areas (Baidya
atmosphere (the greenhouse gas effect). Naturally et al., 2005). Studies have indicated that deforesta-
occurring greenhouse gases include water vapor, tion has a strong effect on rainfall and that the
carbon dioxide (CO2), ozone, methane (CH4) and desertification in Africa is an example of declining
nitrous oxide (N2O), and together create a natural mean rainfall during the last half of the 20th cen-
greenhouse effect. However, human activities are tury that has caused a 25–30 km south-west shift
causing greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere in the Sahel while the Sudan and Guinea vegeta-
to increase. Overall, agriculture (cropping and tion zones in West Africa have shifted at an aver-
livestock) contributes 13.5% of global greenhouse age rate of 500–600 m per annum (Zhao et al.,
gas emissions mostly through emissions of meth- 2005). Several studies also have highlighted the
ane and nitrous oxide (about 47% and 58% of importance of terrestrial vegetation cover and re-
total anthropogenic emissions of CH4 and N2O, sultant dynamic feedbacks on the physical climate
respectively). The largest producer is power gener- (IPCC, 2007a). An increase in vegetation density,
for example, has been noted to result in a
year-round cooling of 0.8°C in the trop-
ics, including tropical areas of Africa.
Models show that deforestation would
cause a general drying trend over Africa
with rainfall increasing in some areas but
Million tonnes

decreasing by up to 40% with increased

100 heat waves in other areas (Paeth and
Thamm, 2007). Complex feedback mech-
50 anisms – mainly due to deforestation/land
cover change and dust – also play a role
in climate variability, particularly for the
Central East Southern West drought persistence in the Sahel and its
Africa Africa Africa Africa
Figure 2.1 Average carbon dioxide emissions, excluding emissions from land use
surrounding areas (Nicholson, 2001;
change, biomass fuels and cement manufacturing, per country in different regions Semazzi and Song, 2001).
of sub-Saharan Africa in 2001. Based on International Energy Agency (IEA) (2004).

Climate change processes and impacts 19

2.2.3 Assessments of climate change for the African region using historic climate data
Studies of climate change involve analyses of 1) (Figure 2.2). Although these trends seem to be
historical climate data, 2) projections into the fu- consistent over the continent, the changes are not
ture using scenarios based on future changes in always uniform. For instance, decadal warming
concentrations of greenhouse gases, 3) palaeo-cli- rates of 0.29°C in the African moist forests (Malhi
matogical observations, and 4) tree-ring chronol- and Wright, 2004) and 0.1°C to 0.3°C in South
ogy. Africa have been observed. In South Africa and
Ethiopia minimum temperatures have increased Analysis of historical climate data slightly faster than maximum or mean tempera-
The main sources of climate data are meteorologi- tures. Between 1961 and 2000, there was an in-
cal stations. In sub-Saharan Africa some stations crease in the number of warm spells over southern
started recording data as early as 1857 in southern and West Africa, and a decrease in the number of
Africa and 1888 in West Africa but the majority extremely cold days. In eastern Africa, decreasing
of stations have records only dating back to early trends in temperature from weather stations lo-
20th century (Hansen, 1987). These data are used cated close to the coast or to major inland lakes
to analyze trends in temperature and precipitation have been noted. This trend is expected to continue
and are often presented as anomalies that are de- and even to increase significantly and according to
viations from the normal or mean calculated for a the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
specific reference period of at least 30 years. For (IPCC, 2007b), a medium-high emission scenar-
example, World Meteorological Organization io would see an increase in global annual mean
(WMO) published the 1961–1990 climatological surface air temperatures of between 3°C and 4°C
normals (WMO, 1996) against which anomalies by 2080.
can be compared. The trend in annual precipitation indicates a
As elsewhere in the world, an increasing trend small but statistically significant decline in rain-
in surface mean temperature has been observed fall over Africa (Figure 2.3). The IPCC (2007a)

Y = -11.29 + 0.00574x; r2 = 0.41, p < 0.0001
Temperature anomalies (°C)





1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Figure 2.2 Trend in mean surface temperature anomalies over Africa from 1900. Based on IPCC (2001).

20 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Y = 750-0.376x; r2 = 0.06, p < 0.01



Precipitation anomalies (mm) 0



Figure 2.3 Trend in precipitation

anomalies over Africa from 1900. -150
Based on IPCC (2001). 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

indicated a decrease in precipitation occurring over increase in heavy rainfall events has been ob-
the 1900s particularly after the 1960s over the sub- served, including evidence for changes in seasonal-
tropics and the tropics from Africa to Indonesia. ity and extremes (Parry et al., 2007). Based on the
This is further emphasized by Hume et al. (2001), IPCC projections both North African and parts
who observed a decline in precipitation by about of southern Africa regions are very likely to expe-
2.4±1.3% per decade in the moist forest zone of rience reductions in rainfall and in some parts it
Africa since the mid-1970s; a rate which has been may exceed 30% for the A1B scenario (Christensen
stronger in West Africa (-4.2±1.2% per decade) et al., 2007), with the greatest reductions in rain-
and in North Congo (-3.2±2.2% per decade) fall projected over the south-western Africa in
(Nicholson et al., 2000) . In this ecozone, a de- the coastal Namib Desert region. Coupled with
cline in mean annual precipitation of around 4% an increase in average global temperature (above
in West Africa, 3% in North Congo and 2% in 2°C) might result in the complete collapse of the
South Congo for the period 1960–1998 has also ecological systems and enhanced mobilization of
been noted. The drying peaked in the 1980s, when sand dunes throughout the greater Kalahari region
most of West Africa and the Congo basin were (Thomas et al., 2005). With regard to the African
anomalously dry and where the rate was 10% low- Sahel, the observed increase in rainfall since the
er in the period 1968–1997 than in the period early 1990s is projected to continue, as climate
1931–1960 (Nicholson et al., 2000; Mahli and model projections indicate a strengthening of the
Wright, 2004). A 10% increase in annual rainfall monsoon across the central and eastern Sahel. This
along the Guinean coast for the last 30 years has, is expected to result in a consistent band of pro-
however, also been noted (Nicholson et al., 2000). jected higher rainfall extending from Mali in the
In other regions, such as southern Africa, no long- west to northern Sudan in the east which could
term trend has been noted, however, a significant lead to the occurrence of more intense rainfall

Climate change processes and impacts 21

events and associated flash flood risks. Moreover, scenarios do not enable a temporal scale of spe-
there is a general consensus among regional models cies responses to be estimated and imply a uniform
on the ‘greening’ of the Sahel and southern Sahara change in the climate variable across the region of
although these projections are associated with high interest and assume linear relationships between
level of uncertainty (Brooks, 2004). climate variables. Climate-based model scenarios
integrate models with projections of greenhouse Climate change projections gas concentrations and there are a number of com-
Projections of future climatology are based on puter codes that are described as climate models
IPCC models and scenarios. A climate projec- (e.g. Table 2.1).
tion refers to model-derived estimates of future On the basis of some of these models the global
climate while climate scenarios are plausible fu- mean surface temperature is projected to increase
ture climates that have been constructed to deter- between 1.5°C and 5.8°C by 2100. The IPCC in
mine impacts of climate change on resources and its 2007 report stated that warming in Africa is
the environment. General Circulation Models or very likely to be larger than the global annual mean
GCMs are based on equations of physical laws warming throughout the continent and in all sea-
that describe the earth’s radiation budget and the sons, with drier subtropical regions warming more
dynamics of the atmosphere and ocean and these than the moister tropics. The future warming rate
models are described in the 2007 IPCC Fourth is likely to range from 0.2°C per decade (for the
Assessment Report. Future climate scenarios for low scenario) to more than 0.5°C per decade (for
impacts modeling are either ‘idealized’ scenarios or the high scenario). This warming will be greatest
simulations derived from climate models that in- over the interior of semiarid margins of the Sahara
corporate assumptions about future greenhouse gas and central southern Africa. The observed annual
(GHG) concentrations. Idealized scenarios consist rainfall anomalies of the climate change models
of specifying a priori the change in climatic vari- indicate that there are possible increases in precip-
ables across the region of interest, e.g. temperature itation in East Africa, contrasted with reduced
increases of 1°, 2°, 3°C and precipitation changes precipitation for southern Africa in the next 100
of ± 5%, 10%, 20% (Beaumont et al., 2008). Such years. While for East Africa an increase in rainfall

Table 2.1 Examples of codes of general circulation models and their emission scenario combinations.

Model Code Emissions scenario

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Coupled GFDL-A2 Strong increase in fossil fuel consumption and related global CO2 emissions
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Coupled GFDL-A1B Balanced use of fossil fuel consumption
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Coupled GFDL-B1 Lower levels of fossil fuel consumption and related global CO2 emissions
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Model ECHAM-A2 Strong increase in fossil fuel consumption and related global CO2 emissions
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Model ECHAM-A1B Balanced use of fossil fuel consumption
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Model ECHAM-B1 Lower levels of fossil fuel consumption and related global CO2 emissions
Hadley Center Coupled Model HadCM3-A2 Strong increase in fossil fuel consumption and related global CO2 emissions
Hadley Center Coupled Model HadCM3-A1B Balanced use of fossil fuel consumption
Hadley Center Coupled Model HadCM3-B1 Lower levels of fossil fuel consumption and related global CO2 emissions

22 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

as projected would be welcome, it will be accom- time series of atmospheric trace gases and aerosols
panied by an increase of extremely wet events, from for the period from about 650 thousand years (kyr)
the current 5% to about 20%, which could seriously to the present from air trapped in polar ice and
impact on forest resources, biodiversity, food pro- from the ice. As is common in palaeoclimatic stud-
duction systems, water resources and supply and ies of the Late Quaternary, the quality of forcing
infrastructure. and response series are verified against recent (i.e.
post 1950) measurements made by direct instru- Palaeoclimatological observations mental sampling. Atmospheric CO2 concentra-
Palaeoclimate science has made significant ad- tions can be inferred back millions of years, with
vances since the 1970s, when a primary focus was much lower precision than the ice core estimates.
on the origin of the ice ages, the possibility of an The Earth’s climate repeatedly has gone
imminent future ice age and the first explorations through significant variations. Recurrently strong
of the so-called Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm worldwide climate changes have been reported
Period. Even in the first IPCC assessment of 1990, since the Mesozoic (Corfield, 1994; Li and Keller,
many climatic variations prior to the instrumental 1999). Especially the period between ~100 Ma
record were not that well known or understood. and ~50 Ma is characterized by a significant global
Palaeoclimatic record is examined in a chronolog- cooling, commonly referred to as the greenhouse
ical order, from oldest to youngest. This approach to icehouse transition (Sellwood and Valdes, 2006).
was selected because the climate system varies and During the past 800,000 years, the late
changes over all time scales, and it is instructive to Pleistocene and subsequent Holocene, the Earth’s
understand the contributions that lower-frequency climate has swung between cool and warm and
patterns of climate change might make in influenc- back again many times. Variations in incoming
ing higher-frequency patterns of variability and solar radiation, modulated by Earth’s orbital para-
change. In addition, an examination of how the meters, along with recurring ups and downs in
climate system has responded to large changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, are
climate forcing in the past is useful in assessing how among the prominent features associated with these
the same climate system might respond to the large climate swings. At first glance, then, it looks like
anticipated forcing changes in the future. Cutting climate is intimately coupled with solar radiation
across this chronologically based presentation are and CO2. But on closer inspection, differences be-
assessments of climate forcing and response, and come apparent between the amplitudes of climate
of the ability of state-of-the-art climate models to changes and CO2 variations in particular that raise
simulate the responses. the question of how tight that coupling is.
Perspectives from palaeoclimatic observations, Pre-Quaternary climates prior to 2.6 Ma were
theory and modeling are integrated wherever mostly warmer than today and associated with
possible to reduce uncertainty in the assessment. higher CO2 levels. In that sense, they have cer-
Several sections also assess the latest developments tain similarities with the anticipated future climate
in the rapidly advancing area of abrupt climate change (although the global biology and geography
change, that is, forced or unforced climatic change were increasingly different further back in time). In
that involves crossing a threshold to a new climate general warmer climates are to be expected with
regime (e.g. new mean state or character of varia- increased greenhouse gas concentrations. There are
bility), often where the transition time to the new ongoing efforts to obtain quantitative reconstruc-
regime is short relative to the duration of the re- tions of the warm climates over the past 65 Myr.
gime (Alley et al., 2003). The Mid-Pliocene (about 3.3 to 3.0 Ma) is the
One of the most important aspects of modern most recent time in Earth’s history when mean
palaeoclimatology is that it is possible to derive global temperatures were substantially warmer

Climate change processes and impacts 23

for a sustained period (estimated by GCMs to be A recent study has reconstructed the lake
about 2°C to 3°C above pre-industrial tempera- surface temperature of Lake Tanganyika in East
tures [Sloan et al., 1996; Haywood et al., 2000; Africa from analysis of lake-sediment cores and
Jiang et al., 2005]), providing an accessible example has confirmed the warming of the surface water of
of a world that is similar in many respects to what this second largest and second deepest lake in the
models estimate could be the Earth of the late 21st world (Tierney et al., 2010) (Figure 2.4).
century. The Pliocene is also recent enough that
the continents and ocean basins had nearly reached
their present geographic configuration. Taken to- 26.0
gether, the average of the warmest times during
the middle Pliocene presents a view of the equi- 25.5

Lake surface temperature (°C)

librium state of a globally warmer world in which
atmospheric CO2 concentrations (estimated to
be between 360 to 400 ppm) were likely higher
than pre-industrial values (Raymo and Rau, 1992;
Raymo et al., 1996)
Climate models indicate that the Last Glacial
Maximum (about 21 ka) was 3°C to 5°C cooler
than the present due to changes in greenhouse
gas forcing and ice sheet conditions. The inclu-
sion of the effects of atmospheric dust content and
1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
vegetation changes gives an additional 1°C to 2°C Year AD
global cooling, although scientific understanding
Figure 2.4 Lake surface temperature in Lake Tanganyika from results
of these effects is very low. It is very likely that of analysis of multicore samples. Based on Tierney et al. (2010).
the global warming of 4°C to 7°C since the Last
Glacial Maximum occurred at an average rate
about 10 times slower than the warming of the Tree-ring chronologies
20th century. Some studies have used tree-ring chronologies to
Global sea level was between 4 and 6 m high- reconstruct past climate characteristics in sub-Sa-
er during the last interglacial period, about 125 haran Africa. For example, Schöngart et al. (2006)
ka, than in the 20th century. In agreement with used climate-growth relationships of tropical tree
palaeoclimatic evidence, climate models simulate species in West Africa to demonstrate its potential
arctic summer warming of up to 5°C during the for climate reconstruction. Their study revealed a
last interglacial. The inferred warming was largest significant relationship between tree growth, local
over Eurasia and northern Greenland, whereas the precipitation and surface sea temperature anoma-
summit of Greenland was simulated to be 2°C to lies in the Gulf of Guinea while a master chronol-
5°C higher than present. This is consistent with ice ogy enabled the reconstruction of the annual pre-
sheet modeling suggestions that large-scale retreat cipitation in the central-western part of Benin to
of the south Greenland Ice Sheet and other arctic the year 1840. The mean ring-width chronologies
ice fields contributed a maximum of 2 to 4 m of of Pterocarpus angolensis were significantly corre-
sea level rise during the last interglacial, with most lated with regional rainfall totals during the wet
of the remainder coming from the Antarctic Ice season from 1901 to 1990 in western Zimbabwe
Sheet. (Stahle et al., 1999). In Ethiopia, high positive cor-
relations were found between the tree-ring width

24 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

chronologies and precipitation data and all the African lakes such as in the Ziway Shala basin of
studied tree species showed similar response to Ethiopia in East Africa, where a lake lowering of
external climate forcing and declines in tree-ring 50 m is recorded between 8,000 to 6,500 yr BP
width correlated remarkably well with past El Niño (Gasse and Street, 1978; Levine, 1982, Gillespie
Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events and drought/ et al., 1983), with lowest levels between 7,800 and
famine periods (Gebrekirstos et al., 2008). 7,000 yr BP. The Holocene wet phase lasted un-
til about 4,000 yr BP when drier conditions set in
(Gasse and Street, 1978; Hoelzmann, 2002; Barker
2.3 Impacts on natural resources and et al., 2004, Hoelzmann et al., 2005). The end of
livelihoods in Africa the humid phase occurred when gradually declin-
The IPCC 2007 Fourth Assessment Report ing boreal summer insolation crossed a threshold
(AR4) indicates that Africa’s climates, ecosystems value of 4.2% greater than present; a similar insola-
and economies have already been affected by glo- tion threshold that coincided with abrupt tropical
bal warming and are likely to experience further lake level rises during the early deglacial warming
change. The adverse effects of climate change will (deMenocal et al., 2000).
lead to secondary effects in African countries, The lagged response of northern hemisphere
and in particular the poorest of these countries, sea surface temperatures, relative to the southern
resulting in diminishing subsistence capacities hemisphere, is postulated as a possible reason why
of natural systems and/or the durability of hu- lake levels and precipitation were still high in the
man settlements. These effects include the use of mid-Holocene when summer insolation was already
water resources of poor quality, abandonment of declining (Mulitza and Ruhlemann, 2000). As re-
the rural economy, displacement of populations cently as several hundred years ago, Lake Malawi
and infrastructures, and the spread of epidemics. is believed to have been 50 m shallower than it has
Therefore, adaptation is not an option for Africa, been during the last 150 years (Owen et al., 1990),
but a necessity. The challenge lies in the fact that and a high resolution record of hydrological change
Africa’s adaptive capacity is low due to the extreme from Lake Naivasha indicates that there were three
poverty of many of its people, compounded by fre- decadal to inter-decadal scale droughts in the East
quent natural disasters such as droughts and floods, Africa region that matched oral historical records
and poor institutional and infrastructural support. of famine, political unrest and large-scale migra-
tion of indigenous peoples (Verschuren, 2002).
2.3.1 Impacts on water resources Thus, these changes over long timescales have been
Several large lakes registered abrupt transgres- attributed in part to precessional driven variabi-
sions and recessions of magnitudes far larger than lity at ca. 23,000 yr cycles in the tropical regions,
any witnessed in recent times; there is a large and half precessional cycles (11,5000 yr) in the
body of evidence on lacustrine extensions in the equatorial region (Olago et al., 2000; Verschuren
Sahelian and Saharan subtropical latitudes, as et al., 2009), as well as to shorter solar variabil-
well as in equatorial Africa in the early Holocene ity episodes that account for sub-millennial scale
(Lézine 1989; Street-Perrott et al., 1989; Gasse, hydrological changes (Verschuren et al., 2002).
2001; Thorweihe and Heinl, 2002; Edmunds et Some regions of Africa are particularly vul-
al., 2005; Odada and Olago, 2005; Dühnforth et nerable to reduced precipitation, especially given
al., 2006; Olago et al., 2007), suggesting that large that the climate trend indicates longer periods of
areas, now arid, and also humid areas, were regu- drought and shorter periods of heavy rain. Most
larly receiving substantial tropical rainfall. This vulnerable are the arid, semiarid, and dry sub-hu-
was followed by abrupt desiccation events in some mid areas where the ratio of precipitation to po-

Climate change processes and impacts 25

tential evaporation (PET) ranges from 0.05 to
0.65. These areas cover 13 million km 2 or 43%
of the continent’s land area, where 270 million 5000

Water availability (m3 per person) per year

people or 40% of the continent’s population
live (UNDP, 1997).
The major effects of climate change on 4000 2025
African water systems will be through changes 1990
in the hydrological cycle, the balance of tem-
perature, and rainfall (IPCC, 2001). River flow 3000
rates are predicted to decrease. The Nile re-
gion for example, most scenarios estimate a
decrease in river flow of up to 75% by 2100.
The rise in global surface temperatures has
been accompanied by an accelerated hydro- 1000
logical cycle, evidenced by, for example, in-
creases in extreme precipitation, reductions in
snow cover and mountain ice and changes in 0
East Southern West
the frequency and intensity of ENSO events. Africa Africa Africa
In eastern Africa, the last strong ENSO in
Figure 2.5 Water availability in different regions of Africa. Based on United
1997/98 caused widespread destruction and Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (1999).
losses in the agricultural sector, destroyed
critical infrastructure such as roads, railways
and power supply systems by extensive flooding water availability per capita is projected to decrease
and localized landslides. It also led to the outbreak by 53% in southern Africa, 54% in East Africa and
of climate and water related diseases and caused 60% in West Africa from 1990 to 2025 (Figure
significant loss of human and other life. The im- 2.5).
pact on the national economies and food security Many African countries are today expe-
of the affected countries was extremely severe. riencing water stress, and it is projected that
In Ethiopia, so sensitive is economic growth to many more will shift from a water surplus state
hydrological variability that even a single drought to a water deficit state by 2025 due to changes in
event within a 12-year period (the historical aver- population alone (IPCC, 2001). In addition to
age is every 3–5 years) will diminish average this, non-climatic changes such as water policy
growth rates across the entire 12-year period by and management practice may have significant ef-
10% (World Bank, 2006). fects. Thus, water has emerged as one of the high-
Water plays a central role in society by provid- est priorities on the global development agenda as
ing the basic resource for maintenance of ecosys- evidenced by major international efforts to assess
tems, irrigation, hydroelectric power, fisheries and the condition of the resource and to create a dia-
aquaculture, and livestock production. Its availa- logue on its wise use (WSSD Johannesburg 2002,
bility is thus one of the most critical factors in the World Water Forum 3 Kyoto 2003, World Water
development of Africa. Africa’s renewable water Assessment Programme). Twenty-five countries
resources average 4,050 km3 per year, providing in in Africa are expected to experience water stress
the year 2000 an average of about 5,000 m3 per over the next 20 to 30 years and it is projected
capita per year which is significantly less than the that about 480 million people will be affected.
world average of 7,000 m3 per capita per year and Problems with freshwater availability are further

26 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

complicated by highly variable levels of rainfall quantity of fresh water available for domestic use.
hence large numbers of people are dependent on River flow rates are predicted to decrease. The time
groundwater as their primary source of freshwater, consuming task of gathering and transporting wa-
yet little is known about the quantity and quality ter is also usually the responsibility of the women,
of the groundwater resource and the ecosystem re- as water becomes scarce the work overload increases
quirement for water. drastically as they have to walk longer distances in
Many of the forests in Africa are situated in search of water. It has been estimated that women
high altitude mountain regions and, alongside the in developing countries spend an average of 134
expansive lowland moist forests, are important minutes a day collecting water for their households
sources of water. They act as storage and distribu- (Rosen and Vincent, 1999). This increases the rate
tion sources of water to the lowlands, providing of school dropouts for young women as they take
the greater part of the river flows downstream. on extra work-loads, reducing the opportunities for
They also sustain many natural habitats, both in women to participate in nontraditional activities
the mountains and the lowlands, thus contribut- that would empower them.
ing to the conservation of biodiversity. The glacial
melt-water from the tropical glaciers of eastern 2.3.2 Impacts on biodiversity
Africa contributes significantly to the hydrological The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) de-
budget of rivers originating from the slopes of the fines biodiversity as the variation between ecosys-
mountains. The rivers on Mount Kenya currently tems and habitats; the variation between different
meet 50% of the country’s freshwater require- species; and the genetic variation within individual
ments and supply the national grid with about species. Biodiversity can therefore be described in
70% of its hydroelectric power. Major reductions terms of the diversity of ecosystems, species and
in snow and glaciers on Mt. Kenya, Kilimanjaro genes. In this book sub-Saharan Africa is divided
and Ruwenzori have been observed over the past into three major ecozones or ecosystems (Table
century, and scientists have estimated that the ice 2.2).
cap on Kilimanjaro, which has decreased by about
80% from the year 1912 to 2000, is likely to disap-
pear between 2015 and 2020 if the climatological
Table 2.2 Major ecosystems or ecozones in sub-Saharan Africa.
conditions of the past 88 years persist. Today, the
changes in land use around the water towers, defor- Major Phytoregion based on White (1983)
estation, water abstraction for farm irrigation and Ecozone
the gradual melting of the mountain-glaciers are Guineo-Congolian in West and Central Africa
thought to be responsible for depleting waters in Moist forests Lake Victoria in East Africa
streams and rivers. Tourism in the region is poten- Afromontane in East and southern Africa
tially threatened as the visual appeal of the ice caps Guinea-Congolia/Zambezian Regional Transition
disappears and ecosystems of high economic value, Zone in Southern Africa
such as the Mara River ecosystem complex that is Guinea-Congolia/Sudania Regional Transition Zone
dependent on water supply from the Mau Forest Woodlands
in West Africa

complex in Kenya, are degraded and altered as a (including dry

forests) and
Zambezian Region in east and southern Africa

consequence of insufficient water. savannas Sudanian Region in West Africa

As rainfall declines, the quality of water de- Kalahari-Highveld Regional Transition Zone in
teriorates because sewage and industrial effluents southern Africa

become more concentrated, thereby exacerbating Somali-Masai Region in East Africa

water-borne diseases and reducing the quality and Sahel Sahel in West Africa

Climate change processes and impacts 27

Global biodiversity is changing at an unpreced- (Lovett et al., 2005). For example, climate change
ented rate (Pimm et al., 1995), the most important of the magnitude predicted for the 21st century
drivers of this change being land conversion, cli- could alter the range of African antelope species
mate change, pollution, unsustainable harvesting (Hulme, 1996) and other herbivores due to changes
of natural resources and the introduction of exotic in food (vegetation) availability, migratory routes
species (Sala et al., 2001). Africa occupies about (and timings) of species that use seasonal wetlands
one-fifth of the global land surface and contains (e.g. migratory birds). It may also increase conflicts
about one-fifth of all known species of plants, between people and large mammals such as ele-
mammals and birds in the world, as well as one phants, particularly in areas where rainfall is low
sixth of amphibians and reptiles (Siegfried, 1989). (Thirgood et al., 2004), or where migratory routes
Biodiversity is an important resource for African are blocked by park fence boundaries which have
people. Uses are consumptive (food, fiber, fuel, been demonstrated to disrupt migration, leading
shelter, medicine) and non-consumptive (ecosys- to a population decline in wildebeest (Whyte and
tem services and the economically important tour- Joubert, 1988). In addition, weather extremes can
ism industry). Given the heavy dependence on also affect biodiversity in more complex ways. For
natural resources in Africa, many communities are example, in African elephants (Loxodonta africana),
vulnerable to the biodiversity loss that could result breeding is year-round, but dominant males mate
from climate change. in the wet season and subordinate males breed
Novel climates are projected to develop primar- in the dry season. Subsequently, a change in the
ily in the tropics and subtropics, including some intensity or duration of the rainy versus drought
parts of Africa such as the Western Sahara and low- seasons could change relative breeding rates and,
lying portions of East Africa, whereas disappearing hence, genetic structures in these populations
climates are concentrated in tropical montane re- (Poole, 1989; Rubenstein, 1992).
gions. Specific areas likely to be affected in Africa Global change processes on land, and cli-
include African Rift Mountains, the Zambian mate change impacts on aquatic ecosystems is
and Angolan Highlands, and the Cape Province also affecting the biodiversity of aquatic species.
of South Africa. Because climate is a primary de- The coasts of many African countries have rich
terminant of species distributions and ecosystem ecosystems such as coral reefs, seagrass mead-
processes, novel 21st-century climates may promote ows, mangrove forests, estuaries and floodplain
formation of novel species associations and other swamps, while inland rivers, lakes (freshwater
ecological surprises, whereas the disappearance of and soda) and riverine edge swamps, valley swamps,
some extant climates increases the risk of extinc- seasonal floodplains, ponds and high altitude peat-
tion of species with narrow geographic or climatic forming wetlands all contribute to a wide variety of
distributions and disruption of existing commu- aquatic ecosystems that support an extensive range
nities. Under the high-end A2 scenario, 12–39% of resident as well as migratory species.
and 10–48% of the Earth’s terrestrial surface may Differential responses to climate change by
respectively experience novel and disappearing cli- species in ecosystems may lead to disruption of
mates by 2100 AD. Corresponding projections for important functional interactions, with potentially
the low-end B1 scenario are 4–20% and 4–20%. highly serious consequences for the provision of
Terrestrial fauna biodiversity in Africa is con- ecosystem services such as pest control, pollina-
centrated in the moist forests, woodlands and sa- tion, seed dispersal, decomposition and soil nu-
vannas. Loss or alterations of terrestrial habitats trient cycling. In addition to the effects on natural
by climate change will likely impact these species ecosystems, these could have socio-economic con-
as they struggle to adapt to changing conditions sequences for agriculture. Certain ecosystem types

28 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

will be particularly vulnerable: ecotones (transition Climate change will lead to changes in crop-
areas between different ecosystems, with high spe- ping and livestock systems through shifting of
cies and genetic diversity), which are important for agricultural and pasture zones and increased in-
adapting to climate change are highly threatened cidence of pests and diseases. Drought and land
by climate change especially in semi-arid drylands degradation are also major obstacles to agricul-
prone to desertification. These are amongst the so- tural production as 46% of the land is vulner-
called biodiversity ‘hotspots’. Hotspots are areas able to desertification. Pastoralism is a major
where species diversity and endemism are partic- livelihood system in many African countries,
ularly high and where there is an extraordinary with livestock and livestock products contributing
threat of loss of species or habitat, the most vulner- about 19% to the total production value from agri-
able are the woodlands and savannas. There are 25 culture in sub-Saharan Africa while rangelands re-
internationally recognized hotspots; six of them are present up to 83% of the agro-ecosystem area. Fifty
in Africa (Mittermeier et al., 1999). percent of Africa’s livestock production is confined
The current system of protected habitats un- to drier regions and between 1970 and 2000 the per
der the Ramsar Convention is based on the pres- capita livestock production has generally decreased
ent distribution of climate, raising the possibility or remained stable. Pastoral communities have used
of vastly changed habitat type and quality under mobility to take advantage of annual and seasonal
climate change. The designation of some areas as rainfall variations. But the prolonged drying trend
‘biodiversity hotspots’ is a useful concept developed in the Sahel since the 1970s has demonstrated
in recent years as a means of prioritizing habitats the vulnerability of such communities to climate
for conservation (Myers, 1990). change. They cannot simply move their axis of
migration when wetter zones are already densely
2.3.3 Impacts on agriculture occupied and permanent water points disappear at
Agriculture represents 30% of Africa’s Gross the drier end. The problem of droughts appears to
Domestic Product (GDP) and climate change be most severe in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly
threatens this economy because agriculture in in the Sahel and the Horn of Africa. The result has
Africa is climate-dependent (Mendelsohn, 2000). been widespread loss of human life and livestock,
The African agricultural sector relies heavily on and substantial changes to social systems. It is esti-
direct rainfall, and patterns in economic growth mated that about 60 million people will eventually
closely follow precipitation patterns. For example, move from the desertified areas of sub-Saharan
maize, sorghum, millet and groundnut yields have Africa towards northern Africa and Europe by the
a strong association with the year to year varia- year 2020 (UNCCD, 2006).
bility of ENSO (El Niño/Southern Oscillation) There are five main climate change related driv-
in Africa. If global climate change moves more ers in the agriculture sector: temperature, precipi-
towards El Niño-like conditions, crop production tation, sea level rise, atmospheric carbon dioxid
will decline and in southern Africa productivity is content and incidence of extreme events. These may
expected to drop by 20–50% in extreme El Niño affect the agriculture sector in the following ways:
years (UN, 2008). Staple crops such as wheat and • Reduction in crop yields and agriculture produc-
corn that are associated with subtropical latitudes tivity: There is growing evidence that in the
may suffer a drop in yield as a result of increased tropics and subtropics, where crops have reached
temperature, and rice may disappear because of their maximum tolerance, crop yields are likely
higher temperatures in the tropics (Odingo, 1990). to decrease due to an increase in the tempera-
In addition to climate change effects, food produc- ture.
tion in sub-Saharan Africa has not kept pace with • Increased incidence of pest attacks: An increase in
the growing population. temperature is also likely to be conducive for

Climate change processes and impacts 29

a proliferation of pests that are detrimental to in farming systems can compensate for some yield
crop production. decreases under climate change, but additional
• Limit the availability of water: It is expected that fertilizer, seed supplies and irrigation will involve
the availability of water in most parts of Africa extra costs.
would decrease as a result of climate change. In
particular, there will be a severe down trend in
the rainfall in southern African countries. 2.4 Conclusions
• Exacerbation of drought periods: An increase Climate change refers to a shift in climate, oc-
in temperature and a change in the climate curring as a result of human activities. Changing
throughout the continent are predicted to cause climate is expected to continue in the 21st cen-
recurrent droughts in most of the regions. tury in response to the continued increasing
• Reduction in soil fertility: An increase in temper- trend in global greenhouse gases (GHGs) emis-
ature is likely to reduce soil moisture, moist- sions. Although climate change is affecting all
ure storage capacity and the quality of the soil, countries of the world, a major impact of climate
which are vital nutrient sources for agricultural change in sub-Saharan Africa is its adverse effects
crops. upon the natural resource base and countries in
• Low livestock productivity and high production this region of Africa are expected to be hit earliest
cost: Climate change will affect livestock pro- and hardest because their environments are closely
ductivity directly by influencing the balance linked with climate, and the livelihoods of its in-
between heat dissipation and heat production habitants are largely dependent on the utilization
and indirectly through its effect on the availa- of land-based resources.
bility of feed and fodder. As elsewhere in the world, an increasing trend
• Availability of human resource: Climate change in surface mean temperature has been observed
is likely to cause the manifestation of vector for the African region using historic climate data.
and vector born diseases, where an increase in The trend in annual precipitation indicates a small
temperature and humidity will create ideal con- but statistically significant decline in rainfall over
ditions for malaria, sleeping sickness and other Africa. Many of the forests in Africa are situated in
infectious diseases that will directly affect the high altitude mountain regions and are important
availability of human labour in the agriculture sources of water. They act as storage and distribu-
sector. tion sources of water to the lowlands, providing
Major impacts on food production will come the greater part of the river flows downstream.
from changes in temperature, moisture levels, Careful management of mountain water resour-
ultraviolet (UV) radiation, CO2 levels, and tem- ces must therefore become a global priority in a
peratures may cause expansion of production into world moving towards a water crisis in the 21st
higher elevations. The grain filling period may century. Reduced water availability will have ad-
be reduced as higher temperatures accelerate de- verse health effects. The water supply situation in
velopment, but high temperatures may have det- Africa is already precarious and the water stress
rimental effects on sensitive development stages will be exacerbated with climate change. Less wa-
such as flowering, thereby reducing grain yield ter will result in increasing gastrointestinal prob-
and quality. Crop water balances may be affected lems. As water resource stresses become acute in
through changes in precipitation and other climat- future water-deficit areas of Africa as a result of
ic elements, increased evapotranspiration, and in- a combination of climate impacts and escalating
creased water use efficiency (WUE) resulting from human demand, the conflict between human
elevated CO2. It is suggested that major changes and environmental demands on water resources

30 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

will intensify. In addition, because maintenance The vulnerability is due to lack of adapting strate-
of healthy ecosystems is an underpinning to eco- gies, which are increasingly limited due to the lack
nomic sustainability, there is need in each water of institutional, economic and financial capacity to
basin management unit to identify and factor into support such actions. The utmost concern should
development projects the need for environmental therefore be a better understanding of the poten-
flows. Africa’s vulnerability to climate change and tial impact of the current and projected climate
its inability to adapt to these changes may be dev- changes on African agriculture and to identify
astating to the agriculture sector, the main source ways and means to adapt and mitigate its detri-
for livelihood to the majority of the population. mental impact.

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Climate change processes and impacts 33

Chapter 3

Mahamane Larwanou, Balgis Osman-Elasha and Godwin Kowero

3.1 Introduction sector; ill-defined property rights and the treat-

The world’s forests, oceans and other water bodies ment of forest resources as public goods, among
are the main life-supporting mechanisms for plan- others, have been identified as factors inhibiting
et Earth. The forests are key to sustaining the bio- the implementation of sustainable forest manage-
diversity of natural ecosystems and in regulating ment practices in Africa.
the world’s climate system. Sustainable manage- Globally, forest ecosystems have also expe-
ment of the vast and diverse African natural forest rienced various threats due to the impacts of cli-
resource is proving to be extremely challenging. mate change. These threats vary with regions, but
There is scanty information on the biophysical as- are generally reflected through changes in growth
pects of the natural forest estate, and even less on rates, species composition and density and shifting
the properties and end use of the various tree spe- of ecosystems. Expected impacts for Africa include
cies. There is much less information on socio-eco- the loss of biodiversity and vegetation cover as well
nomic and policy aspects related to the forest con- as the degradation of soil productive capacity. The
dition and responses to the same by users of such various manifestations of the impacts have been
resources. In short there is scanty information, and attributed to factors like recurrent droughts and
of questionable quality and quantity, to guide ra- climate variability. Human factors such as defor-
tional decision making in planning and managing estation have for long been identified as catalytic
the resources, and in particular on how to use the factors to climate change in contributing to accel-
resources in ways that alleviate rural poverty and erating the impacts of climate change on forest
promote environmental protection. Further, large ecosystems.
tracts of natural forests in Africa are being treated Many changes have already been observed in
as open access resources. Africa’s forests and other tree-based ecosystems
Africa’s forest and woodland constitute about that can largely be attributed to climate variabil-
20% of the world’s total. While in Africa, the ity and change, particularly drought. Recent FAO
population density relative to forest area is close to (2010) statistics show that about 3.4 million ha of
the world’s average, the deforestation rate is four forests are lost every year due to various factors
times the world’s average. Low government prior- among which are climate change and variability
ity assigned to the forestry sector, as seen from and human intervention. The loss of forest resources
the low budgetary allocation to the sector, poor is seriously impacting peoples’ livelihoods and
enforcement of regulations; lack of incentives, in well-being in Africa, as well as on the incomes of
particular to local communities and the private various nations and on the environment. Various

34 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

adaptation and mitigation measures have been de- and rangeland management. Moreover, trees and
veloped and in some cases adopted in response to shrubs in farming systems, including agroforestry,
these impacts in Africa. Sustainable forest devel- have always played an important role in protecting
opment in Africa requires integrating livelihood, agricultural soil from erosion and sand storms, thus
climate adaptation and mitigation initiatives with contributing to sustainable agricultural production
forestry, agriculture and other land based activities. and food security.
Louman et al. (2009) noted that adaptation in- Adaptation to climate change is defined by the
volves changes in how services are being affected IPCC as “adjustment in natural or human sys-
by climate change, as well as in the way that ser- tems in response to actual or expected climatic
vices relate to human well-being. Generally, when stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or
climate conditions change, as they have often done exploits beneficial opportunities”. Various types of
in the past, and depending on the severity of the adaptation can be distinguished, including antici-
change, species must adapt (genetically or behavior- patory and reactive adaptation, private and public
ally), or migrate to follow and find suitable con- adaptation, and autonomous and planned adapta-
ditions (Fischlin et al., 2007). Forest ecosystems tion (IPCC, 2001).
can tolerate some change (Fischlin et al., 2007),
but if the coping capacity of the system exceeds a 3.2.1 Autonomous adaptation
tolerable threshold level as a result of the external Autonomous adaptation is defined as those meas-
stimuli, the ecosystem will be severely impacted; ures that take place – invariably in reactive response
including the supporting services it provides at the to climatic stimuli – without the direct interven-
local level, and in some cases also at the regional tion of a public agency (IPCC, 2001). However,
and global levels (Eastaugh, 2008). in the context of this chapter, it is used to describe
local community measures that include traditional
knowledge and practices. These have been sponta-
3.2 Forest-related adaptation neously developed and used by African communi-
to climate change ties in their attempts to cope with past and current
While Africa is the region most vulnerable to the climate viability and change. A number of studies
negative impacts of climate change, it also has low have shown that African communities, particularly
adaptive capacity. Adaptive capacity is defined at the local level, have historically developed cop-
as the ability of a system to adjust to climate change ing strategies to adverse climatic conditions and
(including climate variability and extremes), to are currently making efforts to adjust to observed
moderate potential damages, to take advantage of environmental changes. Trees and forest products
opportunities, or to cope with the consequences have always been part of their coping strategies
(IPCC, 2001). e.g. in agroforestry systems, and use of various
Forests can play a key role in improving adap- non timber forest products (NTFPs), particularly
tive capacity of human societies; this is especially during drought. However, and despite the intimate
true for rural populations in Africa. The diversity understanding of the forests by these local commu-
of functions and services provided by forests such nities, the unprecedented rates of climate change
as the provision of wood and non wood forest pro- are expected to jeopardize their ability to adapt to
ducts, soil fertility, water regulation and biodi- present and future changed conditions.
versity conservation, give the forests a potentially A multidisciplinary review of adaptation of for-
significant role on adaptation approaches under- ests to climate change by Eastaugh (2008) found
taken through different natural resources and land that climate change is expected to impact heavily
based sectors including agriculture, water, energy, forest-dwelling communities with no other sources

Adaption to and mitigation of climate change in forestry 35

of sustenance. FAO (2005a) also points out that The collection and commercialisation of non-
smallholder and subsistence farmers, pastoralists timber forest products (NTFPs) by local people
and fisherfolk in developing countries may not be has the potential to provide an increased source of
able to cope with climate change effectively due to income for people living in or near forests. Non
their reduced adaptive capacity and higher climate timber forest products also have important sub-
vulnerability. In such cases planned adaptation will sistence uses, for example, they are a ‘free’ source
be needed, as examples in Table 3.1 demonstrate. of food, medicines, fuel and construction ma-
A recent study in Ghana that assessed the role terials. If properly managed, NTFPs can be an
of traditional knowledge to cope with climate incentive for forest communities to protect exist-
change in the rural areas indicated that the tra- ing forests and restore degraded areas, and this
ditional and local authorities identified clearing ensures that their source of income is sustainable.
of riparian vegetation as a major factor for in- For example, Michael (2006) and Brown and
creasing soil erosion and siltation of rivers which Crawford (2007) observed that one coping strat-
eventually reduces stream flow; and that meas- egy in Africa involves the harvesting of NTFPs
ures to remedy the situation are being under- only in times of crop failures; in this case the use
taken (Gyampoh et al., 2009). Among the reme- of NTFPs can be considered as an ex-post gap fil-
dial measures adopted are: awareness raising as ling utilization. In other cases, forest products are
to the effects of deforestation, particularly around extracted for households’ consumption in case of
water bodies; sensitizing the communities about low crop returns.
prevention of bush fires; promoting community- On the other hand, forests are being cleared
based management of forests; and imposing as the global demand for timber rises and as ranch-
fines on those who indiscriminately set fire to the ing and large-scale agricultural activities expand.
forests, clear riparian vegetation, or violate other Many forest species fundamental to supporting live-
measures to protect the environment. The study lihoods are vulnerable; and with forest resources
also revealed a variety of coping strategies that have declining this increases the vulnerability of local
been applied, but with mixed success. This suggests people and communities to climate change.
that local traditional knowledge could provide the Marketing NTFPs could be planned in ways
basis for the development of more effective strate- that enhance conservation and development of for-
gies. ests, and therefore sustain the supply of goods and

Table 3.1 Examples of adaptation to local climate conditions and variability. Adapted from Roberts (2009).

Country Adaptive strategy

Botswana Planting drought-resistant fruit trees around villages. The fruits are vitamin-rich and the trees are able to produce even during
drought years and provide an additional income when traditional crops fail due to poor weather (Boven and Morohashi, 2002).
Burkina Faso Afforesting areas with Acacia to protect against drought and aridity and to provide firewood, fodder, tannin, pulpwood, shelterbelts
and for soil improvement (UNFCCC, 2008).
Mali Growing Jatropha for fuel and protection from damage by wind and water (Henning, 2002).
Senegal Cultivating Moringa trees that are very drought-resistant and tolerate a wide variety of soil types. They can be used to combat mal-
nutrition by providing enriched food, and are also used for treating drinking water (Boven and Morohashi, 2002).
Tanzania Promoting vegetation regeneration and tree planting, that is traditionally known as ‘ngitili’, has helped protect the environment,
particularly against drought and aridity, and also improved the livelihoods of communities in the Shinyanga region, (Barrow, 2002).
Zimbabwe Practicing agroforestry with deep-rooted trees to tap moisture from lower depths during the dry season and also return large
amounts of nutrients to the soil, as well as provide shelter against wind erosion (Agobia, 1999).

36 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

services from them. This can add economic value to and silvicultural practices; 2) increased training
forested areas, while at the same time providing lo- and education; 3) identification and promotion of
cal people with a sustainable and productive activity. (micro-) climatic benefits and environmental ser-
However, for this to happen, researchers and poli- vices of trees and forests.
cymakers must collaborate to make community- In many African countries, the value of for-
based forest management initiatives socially and ests and trees to local livelihoods is not fully
economically viable, and inclusive of all forest pro- captured in national development plans. The po-
ducts and services. tential contribution of forests and trees outside
forests in climate change adaptation is also not
3.2.2 Planned adaptation well understood and therefore not reflected in
Planned adaptation is the result of a deliberate pol- official national documents, such as the national
icy decision, based on an awareness that conditions communication reports to the UNFCCC. Only
have changed or are about to change and that ac- a few National Adaptation Program of Action
tion is required to return to, maintain, or achieve (NAPAs) developed by the Least Developed
a desired state. Planning adaptation is essential Countries (LDCs) in Africa identify forest-
in order to realize the full potential of forests and based adaptation as a priority area for intervention
trees in sustainable development in Africa, both to (Osman and Downing, 2007). However, some
meet the immediate and future needs of increasing National Communication Reports (e.g. the one for
populations and to provide the continuity of the Ethiopia), identify the establishment of seed banks
natural resource base. Achievement of this goal re- that maintain a variety of seed types to preserve
quires a comprehensive approach in which a wide biological diversity and provide farmers with an
range of contributions of forest resources to society opportunity to diversify their products and tree
is fully appreciated and supported. Planned adap- cover, among the adaptation options. Soil conser-
tation measures in forestry, more than any other vation and well-managed tree plantations are also
sector, ought to be considered holistically, and in emphasized (UNFCCC, 2006).
coordination with other sectors. It is equally im- Some forest-related adaptation strategies adopt-
portant to create synergies with interventions aim- ed in Africa include 1) reliance on forest products
ing at controlling desertification, land degradation, as a buffer to climate-induced crop failure in cli-
conserving biodiversity, among others. matically marginal areas for agriculture (Dube et
The synergy between adaptation to climate al., 2001); 2) decentralization of local governance
change and biodiversity conservation requires of resources, for example through the Community
a unifying strategy in order to enhance the sus- Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM)
tainability of the forest resource pools on which approach, to promote use of ecosystems goods and
poor communities directly depend for their services, as opposed to exclusive reliance on agri-
livelihoods. Therefore, ecosystem-based adapta- culture (in climatically marginal areas for agricul-
tion, which integrates biodiversity and provision of ture), and 3) transformation of land use leading
ecosystem services into an overall climate change to land use shifts, e.g. from livestock farming to
adaptation strategy, can be cost-effective, generate game farming as in the case in southern Africa
social, economic and cultural co-benefits, and can (UNFCCC, 2006). Tribal and individual move-
help maintain resilient ecosystems (Mortimore, ments and migration are identified as adaptation
2000). FAO (2005b) highlights a number of options (as found in western Africa), since they
adaptation options related to forestry including provide employment and income diversifica-
1) forest fire management, promotion of agrofor- tion away from farms and reduce vulnerability to
estry, adaptive management with suitable species drought (UNDP, 2008; DFID, 2004).

Adaption to and mitigation of climate change in forestry 37

3.2.3 Adaptation gaps and barriers 3.2.4 Some examples of the forestry
Results from the Global Forest Assessment (FAO, adaptation efforts in Africa
2010) demonstrate a general global decline in de-
forestation, except for Africa which experienced Tropical forests and climate change adaptation
an increase in deforestation, and also accounting The Centre for International Forestry Research
for more than 50% of the global damage to forest (CIFOR), together with the Tropical Agriculture
areas by wild fires. This presents an added burden Centre for Research and Higher Education
and extra responsibility for forest planners in ad- (CATIE), developed a 4-year project on Tropical
dressing the many challenges caused or influenced Forests and Climate Change Adaptation
by climatic and non-climatic factors. One of the (TroFCCA) funded by the European Commission.
biggest challenges for forest planners in the future This project launched the Africa component in
will be to increase the general awareness about the Ghana, Mali and Burkina Faso, focusing on dry
role of forests and trees in adaptation to climate tropical forests. The project noted that the imple-
change impacts, and to develop livelihood adap- mentation of any adaptation measures in drylands,
tation strategies that ensure the continuity in the and in particular the NAPAs, to adverse impact
provisioning of forest ecosystem goods and ser- of climate change, as well as the National Action
vices that continue to contribute to food security Plans to fight against desertification, provide a tre-
and poverty alleviation on the continent. Use of mendous opportunity to create a real and effective
indigenous knowledge and local coping strategies synergy between climate change and desertifica-
should be promoted as a starting point for planning tion (
adaptation. Some of the barriers identified by FAO
(2005b) for dealing with forest adaptation include Sustainable land use and forestry programs
limited economic resources and infrastructure, The Central African Regional Program for the
low levels of technology, poor access to informa- Environment (CARPE) is an initiative support-
tion and knowledge, inefficient institutions and ed by the United States Agency for International
limited empowerment and access to resources. The Development (USAID) that seeks to promote
range of measures that can be used to adapt to cli- sustainable natural resource management in the
mate change is diverse, and includes changes in be- Congo Basin. This basin contains massive expan-
havior, structural changes, policy based responses, ses of closed-canopy tropical moist forest. One of
technological responses or managerial responses the aims of this initiative is to facilitate to mitigate
(FAO, 2008). climate change by absorbing and storing carbon di-
The multidisciplinary review of adaptation oxide from the atmosphere, promoting biodiversity
of forests to climate change (Eastaugh, 2008), conservation, as well as improving forest manage-
highlighted socio-economic effects of climate- ment and sustainable agriculture in West Africa,
change impacts on subsistence lifestyles of forest- and by so doing also helps reduce the vulnerability
dependent communities and the role of forests in of ecosystems. The region is threatened by unsus-
adaptation responses within different sectors and tainable timber exploitation, shifting cultivation,
regions, as areas requiring further research. Other urban expansion and decades of human conflict.
important research gaps identified by IPCC (2007) In addition to providing other valuable ecosystem
include the integrated assessment of climate- services, the large forested area of the Congo Basin
change impacts on ecosystem services, including serves as a globally important carbon stock. The
food, fibre, forestry and fisheries; and the rela- principal goal of CARPE is to reduce the rate of
tionship between biodiversity and the resilience forest degradation and biodiversity loss through in-
of ecosystem services at a scale relevant to human creased local, national and international co-oper-
well-being (Parry et al., 2007). ation, as a means to conserve the forests and other

38 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

biological resources that are essential for economic through the preparation of NAPAs (Mace, 2005;
development in the region. It is also expected to UNFCCC Secretariat, 2007; IIED, 2008). The
contribute to slowing global climate change, as significance of public participation in designing
well as conserving species and genetic resources of and implementing measures for climate change
the Congo Basin ( This in adaptation is enshrined in Article 6 (a) (iii) of the
return is expected to contribute to the protection UNFCCC, which calls for public participation in
of the resource base on which local communities addressing climate change and its effects and de-
depend on for their livelihoods. veloping adequate responses (UN, 1992). Decision
28 of COP6 also calls upon developing countries The Congo Basin Forest Partnership to use a multidisciplinary approach when preparing
The Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) was their NAPAs. The NAPAs are prepared through
established at the World Summit on Sustainable bottom-up participatory approaches.
Development in Johannesburg, South Africa, in The concept of using participatory approaches
2002, and involves 29 governmental and inter- is of paramount importance in identifying policy
national organizations. The USAID contributed interventions for climate change adaptation (Few
USD 15 million to the partnership through the et al., 2007). This being a relatively new area also
Agency’s Central African Regional Program for requires adaptive research. The benefits of using
the Environment (CARPE). The CBFP activities participatory tools for project design are many and
aim to improve the management of the region’s for- include enhancing trust between communities and
ests and protected areas, and develop sustainable researchers (Hellin and Dixon, 2008), enabling co-
livelihoods for the 60 million people who live in generation of knowledge thereby increasing com-
the Basin ( munities’ capacity to use such knowledge to sustain
forest-partnership-cbfp). their livelihoods (Nemeroff, 2008; Reed, 2008),
and enabling researchers to understand micro-
3.2.5 National Adaptation Plans of Action realities within the community (Bar-On and
(NAPAs) Prinsen, 1999).
The National Adaptation Plans of Action There have been several warnings that increased
(NAPAs) are provided for through Article 4 of global warming is expected to undermine agricul-
the United Nations Framework Convention on ture (Simonsson, 2005) and forest ecosystem pro-
Climate Change (UNFCCC) which requires ductivity (Delire et al., 2008) and to reduce water
Non-Annex I parties to formulate national and supplies and quality (Harvey 2007), with devas-
regional programmes to facilitate measures for tating socio-economic impacts on communities
adequate adaptation to climate change (UN, whose survival is anchored to forest ecosystem
1992; FAO, 2007; Yohe and Tol, 2002). The goods and services (FEGS) (Brown et al., 2007).
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Forest ecosystems provide goods and services that
Third Assessment Report (IPCC, 2001) estab- create opportunities for development, contribute
lished the severity of climate change impacts on to human well-being and represent a common
developing countries, their vulnerability to the heritage with livelihood portfolios shared by the
impacts, and drew attention to the need for in- great majority of people, especially in developing
ternational support for adaptation actions in countries (Daily, 1997; Nkem et al., 2007). The
LDCs. This led to the establishment of the Least ecosystem-based adaptation refers to the use of
Developed Countries Fund (LDCF), through ecosystem goods and services for planning adap-
the decision of the Sixth Conference of Parties tation and the ecosystem approach is intended to
(COP6) of the UNFCCC to support LDCs in manage human activities in ecosystems (Bunch et
identifying their most urgent needs for adaptation al., 2008), which in this case are crucial for the pro-

Adaption to and mitigation of climate change in forestry 39

vision of ecosystem goods and services while also Stakeholder participation
safeguarding the integrity of the ecosystem. In many African countries, stakeholders like the
The role of FEGS is well understood and ministries in charge of decentralization, economy
has been clearly recognized in the NAPA docu- and development, and relevant NGOs often do
ments of some countries. However, there are still not participate in the implementation of identified
knowledge gaps in the understanding of direct NAPA projects, mainly because they had not been
and indirect benefits that communities obtain involved in the initial planning stage or because
from forest ecosystems. This lack of a common they are unaware of what they are expected to do.
understanding distorts policy and programme Public participation in implementation of NAPA
design, and at times hinders the development of priority projects will therefore be determined by
cross-sectoral institutional alliances. Most stake- the level of awareness and clearly defined stake-
holders outside the forestry sector have little knowl- holder roles. For example, in Burkina Faso stake-
edge of the benefits they get from FEGS (Lange, holders participating in the implementation of
2003). Subsequently, the lack of knowledge can NAPA projects include, among others, the minist-
influence programming and implementation of ries responsible for environment, transport (in
climate change adaptation interventions that di- charge of meteorological information), livestock,
rectly impact the sources of well-being for rural agriculture, and water resources.
communities. Some stakeholders, however, may not partici-
In many African countries, adaptation stra- pate even if they are aware mainly because there
tegies were developed either from the NAPAs are no clearly defined roles for the stakeholders or
or were related to other individual governments’ because climate change is not part of their pro-
efforts in undertaking activities to cope with the gramme portfolios.
effects of climate change. Some adaptations strate-
gies and actions implemented in African countries Political will
have involved many stakeholders (local communi- Political will is an important factor in the reali-
ties, local government, civil servants, government, zation of NAPAs, and its lack impedes the im-
etc.) with variable results. There are examples of plementation of various activities. This is because
failed adaptation strategies and actions as well as on one hand, parliamentarians are responsible for
successful experiences. approving bills and annual budgets allocated to
ministries, and if climate change adaptation is not Funding of budgetary priority, it may not receive adequate
The long time it takes for the funding agencies to government financing.
approve projects for funding constrains the per- On the other hand, representatives of donor
ceived urgent implementation of NAPAs, and countries emphasize that governments negotiate
therefore undermines the urgency that should char- bilateral agreements with donor governments. It is
acterize responses to climate change. The NAPAs at this stage in the negotiations that the recipient
are intended to enable LDCs to identify and priori- government presents its priority projects for fund-
tize activities that require urgent and immediate ac- ing. So if climate change adaptation is not included
tion for adaptation to climate change (UNFCCC, as a priority, it may never be funded through bilat-
2009); but this scheme is rendered redundant when eral arrangements. Donor countries give recipient
the identified ‘urgent and immediate’ activities re- governments what they ask for.
main unimplemented, in some cases for more than National forest programmes are the core instru-
three years because of lack of funding. ments of new forest governance arrangements at
the national level; they can promote the adaptation

40 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

of forests to climate change by reinforcing the use portant for reporting, reviewing and up-scaling
of sustainable forest management as a mechanism of successful cases.
for reducing deforestation and forest degradation.
The following are some recommendations for
enhancing effective implementation of NAPA 3.3 Nationally Appropriate Mitigation
priority projects in Africa: Actions (NAMAs) and other experiences
• The use of an ecosystem approach for NAPA related to forests
projects should be encouraged since all priority Mitigation of climate change is an anthropogenic
sectors relate to ecosystem goods and services. intervention to reduce the sources or enhance the
This approach will improve the adaptive capa- sinks of greenhouse gases. NAMAs are voluntary
city of poor communities and promote co-ben- emission reduction measures undertaken by de-
efits, thereby increasing the cost effectiveness veloping countries and are reported by national
and efficiency of implemented actions. governments to the UNFCCC. They are expected
• NAPA implementation should be integrated to be the main vehicle for mitigation action in de-
with other national strategy plans, for example veloping countries, and can be policies, programs
national biodiversity strategy, national wa- or projects implemented at national, regional, or
ter resources strategy, and Poverty Reduction local levels. The NAMAs are a relatively new con-
Strategies (PRSPs). This would ensure that cept, and consequently opportunities for develop-
NAPA priority projects are tailored into other ing countries to develop NAMAs to support low
existing initiatives that are being implement- carbon development and mobility have not been
ed by various government ministries and/or fully realized.
NGOs. This is also crucial in cost-saving and Many countries have developed and sub-
efficient resource utilization. mitted their NAMA reports to the UNFCCC
• Stakeholder participation in implementing Secretariat. They have developed actions and bud-
NAPA priority projects depends on their level gets for mitigating the effects of climate change,
of awareness and resources available to them. and therefore seek funding support for their im-
There is great need for raising awareness at both plementation. NAMA submissions that seek in-
national and community levels. While print ternational support must contain sufficient infor-
(copies of NAPA documents and newspapers) mation for them to be evaluated and appraised,
may be a suitable dissemination tool at the na- although it is important that the concept remains
tional level (ministries, NGOs, funding part- open and flexible. The process for accessing sup-
ners, research institutions), the same may not port for the NAMAs should also be relatively
be the case with local communities, especially unbureaucratic, in order to help ensure that the
to populations whose capabilities to understand necessary financial, technology transfer, and ca-
climate change issues are limited by high illit- pacity building support is provided in a timely
eracy levels and/or the complexity of the issue. manner; and that momentum is not lost. This
Tools such as community meetings and work- should apply both to support for implementation
shops, national radio and television broadcasts of plans and also to wider enabling factors, such
should be used to reach out to a large number as capacity building and to fulfill the Measurable,
and a variety of audiences. Reportable and Verifiable (MRV) requirement
• In implementing NAPAs there will be need for (Holger and Anne, 2010).
monitoring and evaluation to enable countries Financial support is presently provided on an
to revise their priorities and to improve cur- ad-hoc basis to support these actions. Following
rent adaptation priorities. This will also be im- Article 4, paragraph 3, of the UNFCCC, devel-

Adaption to and mitigation of climate change in forestry 41

oped country Parties are obliged to provide en- of the policy framework and investment conditions
hanced financial support, among other things, to in many African countries. While the CDM was
developing country Parties to support the prepara- initially praised as an opportunity for Africa to
tion and implementation of the NAMAs. achieve sustainable development, it has not worked
well for African forestry. The potential for CDM
3.3.1 Forest mitigation related actions in Africa growth in Africa seems to be further impeded
by the continent’s low greenhouse gas emissions Initiatives on mitigation of climate change and the sectoral bias in favour of highly emit-
The Kyoto Protocol to the UN Climate Change ting industrial sectors, consequently the develop-
Convention that was adopted in 1997 and entered ment of large-scale CDM projects is constrained.
into force in 2005 has established innovative mech- Furthermore, while the Kyoto Protocol allows for
anisms to assist developed countries to meet their the registration of afforestation and reforestation
emissions commitments. The Protocol created a projects under the CDM framework, this can
framework for the implementation of national cli- only be done as defined under the Kyoto protocol.
mate policies, and stimulated the creation of the These conditions seriously limit African participa-
carbon market and new institutional mechanisms tion in CDM. Also, current regulations within the
that could provide the foundation for future miti- European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS),
gation efforts (Geoff, 2009). The first commitment the world’s largest carbon emission credit market,
period of the Kyoto Protocol within which devel- does not allow for the use of emission credits from
oped countries included in Annex I to the Protocol African forest-based projects. More information on
are to achieve their emission reduction and limita- this subject is provided in chapter 13.
tion commitments ends in 2012. The Protocol has
an accounting and compliance system for this pe- Status of negotiations on mitigation for Africa
riod, with a set of rules and regulations. Developed Chapter 4 discusses in more detail how negotia-
countries are under an obligation to demonstrate tions on climate change have progressed over the
that they are meeting their commitments. years. However, only a few highlights will be given
APF (2009) noted that in addition to stipulat- in this section and in relation to NAMAs, NAPAs
ing the domestic actions that should be under- and REDD/REDD+.
taken by developed country Parties, the Protocol The 13th Conference of Parties to the Climate
has flexible mechanisms through which devel- Change Convention (COP13) in June 2007 re-
oped countries can achieve their emissions re- solved to urgently enhance implementation of the
duction commitments. These include Emissions Convention. To achieve this objective, COP13
Trading, Joint Implementation (JI), and the launched the Bali Action Plan, which identifies
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Of in- seven specific issues relating to mitigation that
terest to African forestry is the CDM which al- should be addressed, and they include:
lows developed countries to invest in green pro- • Mitigation commitments or actions by all de-
jects that reduce carbon emissions in Africa and veloped country Parties taking into account dif-
other developing countries. The credits earned ferences in their national circumstances;
from CDM projects can be purchased and used • Nationally appropriate mitigation actions by
by industrialized countries to meet part of their developing country Parties in the context of
emission reduction commitments under the Kyoto sustainable development;
Protocol. However, CDM has so far largely by- • Policy approaches and positive incentives on
passed the African forestry sector – partly because issues relating to reducing emissions from de-
of reasons specific to the CDM and partly because forestation and forest degradation (REDD)

42 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

and the role of conservation, sustainable man- • The relative importance of public finances and
agement of forests and enhancement of forest sourcing from carbon markets to support miti-
carbon stocks in developing countries; gation actions in developing countries. (APF,
• Cooperative sectoral approaches and sector- 2009.)
specific actions, in order to enhance implemen- During COP16 in December 2010, consider-
tation commitments by all countries so as to able progress was made on this through
reduce greenhouse gas emissions; “Decision 1/CP.16, The Cancún Agreements:
• Various approaches, including opportunities for Outcome of the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group
using markets, to enhance the cost-effectiveness on Long-term Cooperative Action under the
of, and to promote, mitigation actions, bearing Convention”. The Cancún Agreements took a
in mind different circumstances of developed step further and came up with several decisions
and developing countries; including the following:
• Economic and social consequences of response “48. Agrees that developing country Parties
measures on climate change; and will take nationally appropriate mitigation actions
• Ways to encourage multilateral bodies, the in the context of sustainable development, sup-
public and private sectors and civil society as a ported and enabled by technology, financing and
means to support mitigation in a coherent and capacity-building, aimed at achieving a deviation
integrated manner. (APF, 2009.) in emissions relative to business as usual emissions
At the negotiating meeting in June 2009, in 2020;
countries expressed divergent views on enhanced 50. Invites developing countries that wish to
action on mitigation. Several developing coun- voluntarily inform the Conference of the Parties
tries, including the African Group and developed of their intention to implement nationally appro-
countries, highlighted the need for legally binding priate mitigation actions in association with this
emission reduction targets by all developed coun- decision to submit information on those actions to
tries. A number of developed countries stressed the the secretariat;
need for mitigation commitments from advanced 51. Requests the secretariat to organize work-
developing countries. The following is a summary shops, to understand the diversity of mitigation
of the then contentious issues in the negotiations actions submitted, underlying assumptions, and
on enhanced action on mitigation: any support needed for implementation of these
• Whether or not to have legally binding emis- actions, noting different national circumstances
sion reduction targets for all developed count- and respective capabilities of developing country
ries or only those listed in Annex I to the Kyoto Parties;
Protocol; 52. Decides that, in accordance with Article 4,
• Whether or not to have legally binding emis- paragraph 3, of the Convention, developed country
sion reduction targets for advanced developing Parties shall provide enhanced financial, technolog-
countries; ical and capacity-building support for the prepara-
• The sufficiency of nationally appropriate miti- tion and implementation of nationally appropriate
gation actions (NAMAs) and whether or not mitigation actions of developing country Parties
NAMAs should be legally binding; and for enhanced reporting by these Parties;
• Links between developing country mitigation 53. Also decides to set up a registry to record
action and developed country financial support; nationally appropriate mitigation actions seeking
• Whether or not monitoring, reporting and veri- international support and to facilitate matching of
fication of mitigation actions (MRV) should be finance, technology and capacity-building support
voluntary or mandatory; and to these actions;

Adaption to and mitigation of climate change in forestry 43

54. Invites developing country Parties to submit tion of support to nationally appropriate mitigation
to the secretariat information on nationally appro- actions through a registry; measurement, reporting
priate mitigation actions for which they are seeking and verification of supported actions and cor-
support, along with estimated costs and emission responding support; biennial reports as part of na-
reductions, and the anticipated time frame for im- tional communications from non-Annex I parties;
plementation; domestic verification of mitigation actions under-
61. Also decides that internationally supported taken with domestic resources; and international
mitigation actions will be measured, reported and consultations and analysis;
verified domestically and will be subject to interna- 67. Invites Parties to submit views on the items
tional measurement, reporting and verification in in paragraph 66, including with respect to the ini-
accordance with guidelines to be developed under tial scheduling of the processes described in this
the Convention; section, by 28 March 2011.” (
62. Further decides that domestically supported source/docs/2010/cop16/eng/07a01.pdf#page=2.)
mitigation actions will be measured, reported and In relation to REDD+ the decision is described
verified domestically in accordance with general in paragraph 70 of the AWG/LCA outcome:
guidelines to be developed under the Convention; “Encourages developing country Parties to con-
63. Decides to conduct a process for internatio- tribute to mitigation actions in the forest sector by
nal consultations and analysis of biennial reports undertaking the following activities, as deemed
in the Subsidiary Body on Implementation, in a appropriate by each Party and in accordance with
manner that is non-intrusive, non-punitive and their respective capabilities and national circum-
respectful of national sovereignty; the interna- stances:
tional consultations and analysis aim to increase a) Reducing emissions from deforestation;
transparency of mitigation actions and their ef- b) Reducing emissions from forest degradation;
fects, through analysis by technical experts in c) Conservation of forest carbon stocks;
consultation with the Party concerned, and d) Sustainable management of forest;
through a facilitative sharing of views, and will re- e) Enhancement of forest carbon stocks.” (ibid).
sult in a summary report; Further, financing mechanisms are pro-
64. Also decides that information considered vided for, including the establishment of a Green
should include information on mitigation actions, Climate Fund to be operated by the Convention.
the national greenhouse gas inventory report, in- Measures for capacity building and technol-
cluding a description, analysis of the impacts and ogy development and transfer are provided for
associated methodologies and assumptions, pro- in the Cancún Agreements. Also the Cancún
gress in implementation and information on do- Agreements provide “Guidance and safeguards for
mestic measurement, reporting and verification policy approaches and positive incentives on issues
and support received; discussion about the appro- relating to reducing emissions from deforestation
priateness of such domestic policies and measures and forest degradation in developing countries; and
are not part of the process. Discussions should be the role of conservation, sustainable management
intended to provide transparency on information of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks
related to unsupported actions; in developing countries”.
65. Encourages developing countries to develop It is expected that COP17, in Durban, South
low-carbon development strategies or plans in the Africa will take this further in December 2011.
context of sustainable development;
66. Agrees on a work programme for the devel-
opment of modalities and guidelines for: facilita-

44 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

3.4 Conclusion Convention on Climate Change. The emphasis in
In Africa, various initiatives have been developed in these approaches is the necessity to integrate all key
terms of adapting people and forests to cope with cli- sectors related to climate change so that holistic
mate change, either by the local communities them- programmes are developed and implemented by all
selves and out of their own volition, or through ini- relevant stakeholders for the benefit of all people,
tiatives promoted by governments, the international their governments and the environment.
community and other stakeholders. These initia- However, the international negotiations on
tives started in the early 1980s in many countries. climate will continue to shape our thinking on
They have since been incorporated in the national climate change, how relevant plans are made, re-
adaptation and mitigation programmes within sources for their implementation secured, and mo-
the framework of the United Nations Framework dalities for their implementation defined.

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46 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Chapter 4
Macarthy A. Oyebo

4.1 Introduction the United Nations Convention on Combating

Drought and Desertification (UNCDD) and
4.1.1 Background the United Nations Framework Convention on
The report of the World Commission on Climate Change (UNFCCC) .
Environment and Development (WCED), also The UNFCCC is an environmental treaty with
known as the ‘Brundtland Report’ drew world at- a focus on climate change, which is now considered
tention to “the accelerating deterioration of human to be the most serious threat to sustainable devel-
environment and natural resources, and the con- opment, with adverse effects on health, food secur-
sequences of that deterioration for economic and ity and economic activity. Scientists agree that ris-
social development” (WCED, 1987). The report, ing concentrations of anthropogenically-produced
aptly titled ’Our Common Future’, dealt with sus- greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the earth’s atmo-
tainable development and the changes in politics sphere are leading to changes in climate. Scientists
needed for achieving that. Sustainable develop- have now agreed that global warming is causing
ment was defined as “the development that meets the greatest and most rapid climatic change in the
the needs of the present without compromising the history of humankind. It will also have enormous
ability of the future generations to meet their own consequences for all life on earth. The internatio-
needs”. The report advanced understanding of glo- nal political response to climate change was, there-
bal interdependence and the relationship between fore, strengthened with the adoption of the United
economics and the environment. Nations Framework Convention on Climate
The United Nations Conference on Environment Change (UNFCCC) in 1992. The UNFCCC sets
and Development (UNCED), in Rio de Janeiro in out the framework for actions aimed at stabilizing
1992, provided a forum for governments to build atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases to
on the Brundtland Report by agreeing on common avoid dangerous anthropogenic interference with
actions, in the context of the famous Agenda 21, to the climate system. The UNFCCC entered into
ensure development into the 21st century. Among force on March 21 1994 and as of December 2009
other outcomes of the Conference was the adop- it had 192 parties.
tion of three conventions (commonly referred to as Given its enormity and seriousness, and the
the Rio conventions), namely the United Nations urgency to contain climate change, internatio-
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), nal action on climate change began with the

Forests in international arrangements on climate change: the African experience and perspective 47
establishment of the Intergovernmental Panel on the first commitment period. The Kyoto Protocol
Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988, by the World (KP) entered into force on February 16, 2005, and
Meteorological Organization (WMO) and has now been signed and ratified by 187 countries.
the United Nations Environment Programme (
(UNEP). The mandate of IPCC is to assess the In order to assist the industrialized countries
scientific, technical and socio-economic informa- meet their emission targets, the Kyoto Protocol
tion relevant to understanding the risks associated created three flexible mechanisms: Emission
with human-induced climate change, its potential Trading (ET), Joint Implementation (JI) and
impacts and options for adaptation and mitiga- the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).
tion. Since its inception, the IPCC has published Emission Trading and Joint Implementation
four Assessment Reports (ARs), in 1990, 1995, take place among Annex I countries within the
2001 and 2007 that provide scientific informa- framework of emission reduction commitments,
tion on climate change to the international com- while with CDM, Certified Emission Reductions
munity, including policy makers and the public. (CERs) generated by projects in developing
The Assessment Reports have played an important countries could be traded and used by Annex I
role in framing national and international policies countries to meet their commitments under the
including advancing climate change negotiations Protocol. CDM provides developing countries
under the UNFCCC. the incentive to participate in emission reduction,
through trade in carbon, while pursuing sustain-
able development; JI and CDM are ‘projects based’
4.1.2 Conferences of Parties (COP) to the mechanisms, because they fund actual projects.
UNFCCC CDM is the only part of the Kyoto Protocol which
Parties to the UNFCCC hold a meeting annually directly involves developing countries in reducing
referred to as the ’Conference of Parties’ (COP). greenhouse gas emission.
The first COP was held in Berlin in 1995. One
of the roles of the COP is to promote and review
the implementation of the UNFCCC. It also re- 4.2 Highlights of relevant Conferences of
views existing commitments in the light of the Parties
Convention’s objectives, new scientific findings
and the effectiveness of national climate change 4.2.1 The ‘Forest COPs’
programmes. Forest issues first surfaced prominently in COP6,
COP6bis (that is unfinished COP6), COP7 and
COP9, all dubbed the ‘Forest COPs’. COP6, held
4.1.3 The Kyoto Protocol (KP) in The Hague in 2000, debated, but failed to reach
At the third COP, held in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997 agreement, over several issues relevant to Land Use
the parties established the Kyoto Protocol, which and Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF).
set out emission reduction targets for industrial- COP6bis, held in Bonn in 2001, produced a draft
ized countries and countries with economies in agreement (the Bonn Agreement) which the par-
transition (identified as Annex I parties). The ties added to and adopted at COP7 in Marrakesh,
parties agreed that Annex I parties should reduce Morocco in November 2001, to yield what is com-
their overall emissions of six greenhouse gases by monly referred to as the Marrakesh Accords. These
an average of 5.2% below their levels in 1990 in included a decision on modalities and procedures
the period 2008–2012, with a specific target for for operating the CDM, covering the composition
each country. The period 2008–2012 is known as and functioning of the CDM Executive Board,

48 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

requirements for participation of Annex I and good practice guidance for estimating, measuring,
non-Annex I parties; procedures for accreditation monitoring and reporting on carbon stock changes
of Designated Operational Entities (DOEs), vali- for greenhouse gas emissions from LULUCF ac-
dation and registration of projects, monitoring, tivities under Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4 and
verification and certification of emission reduc- Articles 6 and 12 of the Kyoto Protocol (http://
tions, leading to the issuance of Certified Emission ).
Reduction (CER) credits.
Delegates agreed that each country partici- COP/MOP1
pating in the CDM must establish a Designated The first conference of parties serving as the meet-
National Authority (DNA) tasked, among other ing of the parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/
things, with approving projects. They also decided MOP1) took place in Montreal Canada from 28
that small scale projects may benefit from simpli- November to 10 December 2005. The meeting for-
fied modalities and procedures. mally adopted the Marrakesh Accords; and estab-
In effect the Marrakesh Accords set out the lished a Subsidiary Body – the Ad Hoc Working
rules for CDM projects with the exception of Group on Further Commitments – for industrial-
those involving forestry projects. However they ized countries beyond the first commitment period.
determined that forestry projects be restricted to On CDM, the meeting adopted a decision ad-
afforestation and reforestation (A/R) projects, and dressing issues related to governance, methodolo-
set a limit on their use. This meant that the as- gies and additionality, and COP/MOP requested
signed amount resulting from eligible Land Use submission from parties on systematic barriers to
and Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) equitable distribution of CDM projects in response
project activities under the Clean Development to concerns raised over regional distribution of pro-
Mechanism should not exceed one percent of base jects and lack of projects in Africa.
year emissions of the party times five. COP/MOP2
This took place in Nairobi, Kenya, in November
4.2.2 Other COPs and meetings on the Kyoto 2006 and, among other activities, carried out the
Protocol first review of the Kyoto Protocol. The meeting
addressed several issues relevant to developing COP9 and COP10 countries, including CDM and equitable distri-
COP9, held in Milan, Italy, in December 2003, bution of CDM projects and establishment of the
reached agreement on modalities and procedures ‘Nairobi Framework’ to catalyze CDM in Africa.
for afforestation and reforestation projects (sink The objective of the Nairobi Framework is to help
projects) under the CDM first commitment period. developing countries, especially those in sub-Sa-
COP9 also initiated work on simplified modalities haran Africa, to improve their level of participation
and procedures for small scale sink projects under in CDM.
the CDM. These were finalized by COP10, held
in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in December 2004. COP13 and COP/MOP3
For technical guidance, especially for the mon- This took place on 3–15 December 2007, in Bali,
itoring methodology, the Parties agreed that the Indonesia, with the main focus on long term in-
Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land ternational cooperation on climate change. But
Use Change and Forestry (GPG-LULUCF) of the negotiators spent much of their time seek-
IPCC should be consulted. The document is the ing to agree on a two-year process, or ‘Bali road
response to the invitation by UNFCCC to develop map’ to finalize a post-2012 regime by COP15 in

Forests in international arrangements on climate change: the African experience and perspective 49
December 2009, in Copenhagen. COP13 estab- the Poznan negotiations resulted in some progress,
lished the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term there were no significant breakthroughs. The sub-
Cooperative Action (AWP-LCA). COP/MOP3 sequent 12 months were to be hectic for negotiators
considered preparations for the second review of in order to meet the critical deadline of December
the Kyoto Protocol. The meeting also decided to 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark, for COP15.
abolish the registration fee and adaptation levy
from CDM projects implemented in least devel- COP15 and COP/MOP5
oped countries. The COP/MOP encouraged the COP15 and COP/MOP5, held in Copenhagen,
Nairobi Framework partners to accelerate their ac- Denmark, 7–18 December 2009, were expected to
tivities to catalyze the CDM in Africa. deliver a legally binding outcome in the form of
The UNFCCC announced plans to establish amendment to the Kyoto Protocol for the second
the African Carbon Forum in collaboration with commitment period for Annex I parties. Developed
the International Emissions Trading Association countries were expected to honour their legally
(IETA) and the Nairobi Framework partner organ- binding commitment for a second commitment
izations, including UNEP, World Bank and the period and also honour their other commitments
African Development Bank. In 2007, parties also under the convention relating to adaptation, finance
concluded a decision entitled Reducing Emission and technology. The international community was to
from Deforestation and Forest Degradation ensure that the global architecture that was to be
(REDD). put in place by the UNFCCC should take cogni-
zance of the opportunities for developing countries COP14 and COP/MOP4 to implement REDD in ways that deliver benefits
COP14 and the 4th Conference of the Parties serv- related to poverty reduction, human rights protec-
ing as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto tion, as well as promotion of livelihoods. Benefits
Protocol (COP/MOP4) were held in Poznan, were likely to be greatest and risk minimized, if
Poland, on 1–12 December 2008. The outcomes REDD financial flows and national level imple-
of the meeting covered a wide range of topics, mentations were harmonized with other pre-
including the Adaptation Fund under the Kyoto existing international commitments and national
Protocol, the 2009 programmes for the Ad Hoc development strategies.
Working Group on Long-term Cooperation A key challenge was to design appropriate pro-
Action (AWG-LCA) and Ad Hoc Working cedural standards including assessment, monitor-
Group-Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP), and outcomes ing and verification mechanisms. This was to en-
on technology transfer, the Clean Development sure that risks and opportunities were recognized
Mechanism (CDM), capacity building, national without imposing excessive transaction costs that
communication, finance and administration mat- work to the detriment of achieving REDD objec-
ters and various methodological issues. tives and benefits.
The main focus in Poznan was on long-term The main accomplishment of COP15, how-
cooperation and the post-2012 period, at the expiry ever, was to ‘take note’ of the Copenhagen Accord,
of the Kyoto Protocol’s first commitment period, which was a three-page non legally-binding docu-
in December 2012. The Bali meeting had already ment that was negotiated by what several devel-
approved the Bali Action Plan and roadmap that oping countries regarded as a non-transparent and
set COP15 (in December 2009) as the deadline for non-inclusive process. Only a selected group of 26
agreeing on a framework for action after 2012. The countries produced the document.
Poznan meeting, therefore, marked the half way The Accord requested Annex I parties to com-
work towards the December 2009 deadline. While mit to implement individually or jointly the quan-

50 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

tified economy-wide emission targets for 2020 to Countries undertaking the above are required,
be submitted in a format given as Appendix I to the among other things,
UNFCCC Secretariat by 31 January 2010, while a) to develop:
non-Annex I parties to the Convention were to - a national strategy or action plan,
implement mitigation actions, reporting same to - a national forest reference emission level
the UNFCCC Secretariat by 31 January 2010 in and/or forest reference level,
a format given as Appendix II. Most relevant to - a robust and transparent national forest
forestry was the recognition of the crucial role of monitoring and reporting system, and
REDD, and agreement on the need to provide pos- b) to address, inter alia, drivers of deforestation
itive incentives to such actions, including REDD and forest degradation, land tenure issues, forest
plus, through the immediate establishment of a governance issues, gender considerations and safe-
mechanism to enable the mobilization of financial guards ensuring full and effective participation of
resources from developed countries. relevant stakeholders, including indigenous people
It is noteworthy that the Executive Secretary of and local communities.
the UNFCCC, on 25 January 2010, clarified that At Cancún, countries agreed also to the for-
since the COP neither adopted nor endorsed the mation of a Green Climate Fund that will be gov-
Accord, but merely took note of it, its provisions do erned by a board of 24 members comprising an
not have any legal standing within the UNFCCC, equal number of members from developing and
even if some parties associate with the Accord. developed country parties. The Fund is to be man-
Secondly, the Secretariat clarified that since the aged under the auspices of the UN rather than the
Accord is a political agreement rather than a treaty World Bank, although the World Bank is to be
instrument subject to signature, a single letter or involved as the interim trustee of the Fund, subject
note verbale to the Secretariat from the appropriate to a review three years after its launch.
authority of Government is sufficient to commu- The formation of the Green Climate Fund is
nicate the intention of a party to associate with the expected to serve to simplify the present compli-
Accord. cated network of funding mechanisms and bilater-
al agreements that currently provide low carbon COP16 and COP/MOP6 and climate adaptation investment for developing
UNFCCC COP16 and COP/MOP6 were held countries with the final agreement stating that a
in Cancún, Mexico, from 29 November to 11 significant share of climate adaptation spending
December 2010, and ended with the adoption of will flow through the new fund.
a balanced package of decisions that set all gov- The agreement, however, did not state clearly
ernments more firmly on the path towards a low- how the funding will be raised. This only points
emissions future, and support for enhanced action to the fact that parties remained committed to
on climate change in the developing world. The providing USD 100 billion a year of climate fund-
package, dubbed the ‘Cancún Agreements’, pro- ing from 2020 that will be generated from a wide
vided, among other things for curbing emissions variety of sources, namely public and private, bi-
from the forestry sector in developing countries, lateral and multilateral, including other alternative
with technological and financial support, through: sources.
a) Reducing emissions from deforestation.
b) Reducing emissions from forest degradation.
c) Conservation of forest carbon stocks.
d) Sustainable forest management.
e) Enhancement of forest carbon stocks.

Forests in international arrangements on climate change: the African experience and perspective 51
4.3 The role of forests in climate change mitments to developed countries (Annex I parties)
to stabilize their greenhouse gas emissions in the
4.3.1 Forests as CO2 sinks period 2008–2012. A major part of the green-
Forests are important carbon pools which contin- house gas emission limitations is expected to take
uously exchange CO2 with the atmosphere, due to place in energy, industry, transport, agriculture
both natural processes and human action. That cli- and waste sectors. According to the Protocol de-
mate change was eventually to affect forestry had veloping countries (non-Annex I parties) are also
become obvious by 1989 when ministers respons- accountable for emissions resulting from land use
ible for environment from 68 nations proposed change since 1990 due to afforestation, reforesta-
afforestation of 12 million hectares annually in tion and deforestation. This implies that develop-
the Noordwijk Ministerial Declaration on Climate ing countries have a clear incentive to reduce de-
Change (IUCC, 1993). Today it is acknowledged forestation and greenhouse gas emissions resulting
that forests can help mitigate climate change, need from deforestation.
to be adapted to it and may help humanity in cop- Discussion concerning forest degradation star-
ing with its effects. ted in the run-up to the agreement on additional
At the global level, 19% of the carbon in the land use activities under the Kyoto Protocol. The
earth’s biosphere is stored in plants, and 81% in the concern was that some emissions from forest de-
soil. In all forests, tropical, temperate and boreal gradation would be omitted from the accounting
together, approximately 31% of the carbon is stored system. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
in biomass and 69% in the soil. In tropical forests Change (IPCC) was invited to explore the method-
approximately 50% of the carbon is stored in the ological issues related to forest degradation and
biomass and 50% in the soil (IPCC 2007). Wood devegetation. In 2003, IPCC prepared a report on
products derived from harvested timber are also Definitions and Methodological Options to Inventory
significant carbon pools. Their longevity depends Emissions from Direct Human Induced Degradation
upon their use – lifetimes may range from less than of Forests and Devegetation of other Vegetation Types.
one year for wood fuel to several decades or cen- The report discusses, a) alternative definitions
turies for lumber. Oxidation of carbon in organic and provides possible framework definitions for
matter and the subsequent emission of CO2 result countries to consider; b) methodological options
from the following processes: to inventory emissions from degradation and de-
• Respiration of living biomass. vegetation activities, c) approaches to reporting and
• Decomposition of organic matter by other liv- documentation, and d) implications of method-
ing organisms. ological and definitional options for accounting
• Combustion. under the Kyoto Protocol.
Removing CO2 from the atmosphere for the Land use, land-use change and forestry
process of photosynthesis explains why forests (LULUCF) are major sources of carbon emissions.
function as CO2 sinks. Land-use change is estimated to release 1.6 billion
tonnes of carbon a year, most of it through tropical
deforestation. Yet avoidance of deforestation was
4.3.2 UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol and forestry rejected in CDM in the Marrakesh Accords, partly
UNFCCC stipulates that all countries have a because of unresolved issues regarding disproving
commitment to promote sustainable management spurious threats to forests, and especially leakage,
of sinks and reservoirs of all greenhouse gases, non-permanence and additionality.
including biomass, forests and other ecosystems. From a climate change policy perspective,
The Kyoto Protocol of the UNFCCC sets com- deforestation results in immediate release of the

52 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

carbon originally stored in trees as CO2 emission 4.3.4 REDD+ adopted in principle
(along with small amounts of CO and CH4), par- The 28th session of SBSTA was held in Bonn,
ticularly if the trees are burned, and slower release Germany, in June 2008 and was followed by the
of emissions from the decay of organic matter. third REDD workshop in Tokyo, Japan, to share
IPCC (2007) estimated that the rate of emission views on methodological issues. In December 2008
from deforestation in the 1990s was 5.8 GtCO2/yr, SBSTA29 and COP14 in Poznan, Poland, invited
representing nearly 20% of global CO2 emissions. Parties to submit their views on needs for technical
IPCC also noted that reducing and/or preventing and institutional capacity – building and coopera-
deforestation is the mitigation option with globally tion, and on issues relating to indigenous peoples
the largest and most immediate carbon stock im- and local communities. Between March and April
pact in the short term, as release of carbon as emis- 2009, the Ad-hoc Working Group on Long-term
sion into the atmosphere is prevented. Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA), considered
several aspects of REDD and endorsed REDD+
in principle, and by June 2009, the 30th session of
4.3.3 Introduction of REDD into UNFCCC SBSTA drafted negotiation texts for COP15 in
Agenda Copenhagen, Denmark.
Reducing emissions from deforestation in developing
countries and approaches to stimulate action (REDD)
was first introduced into UNFCCC agenda at 4.3.5 How the international climate change
COP11 in December 2005, at the request of the agreements address forests
governments of Papua New Guinea and Costa From the foregoing, it is clear that both the
Rica, supported by eight other countries. There UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol recognize the
was general agreement on the importance of the importance of forestry in addressing climate change.
contribution of emissions from deforestation in de- They, in fact, list general obligations regarding
veloping countries to global greenhouse gas emis- forests that apply to all member countries, who
sions. At the instance of COP11, therefore, two should:
workshops were organized on the subject by the • Promote sustainable forest management.
UNFCCC Secretariat. These were held at FAO • Promote and cooperate in the conservation and
(Rome) in 2006 and 2007, and discussed scientif- enhancement of forests as sinks and reservoirs
ic, socio-economic, technical and methodological of greenhouse gases.
issues and policy approaches and incentives for • Promote afforestation and reforestation as well
REDD, while in December 2007 the Subsidiary as renewable energy.
Body on Scientific and Technological Advice • Consider forests as part of national inventories
(SBSTA), at its 26th Session, followed by drafting of greenhouse gas emissions and renewals, in
texts on REDD, which were finalized in the light technology transfer and in national programmes
of discussions on Long Term Cooperative Action of adaptation to climate change.
at COP13. In 2008 and 2009, policy approaches Despite this, however, forestry, and in par-
and positive incentives relating to REDD and the ticular African forestry, has not featured signifi-
role of conservation, sustainable management of cantly in arrangements such as the CDM for ad-
forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks dressing climate change. Some reasons for this are
in developing countries were considered under the presented below.
UNFCCC process as part of the Bali Action Plan.

Forests in international arrangements on climate change: the African experience and perspective 53
4.3.6 Why African forestry has not featured heavily on wood fuel for domestic energy needs,
significantly in CDM it becomes difficult to fund eligible forestry activi-
Reasons advanced by Desanker (2005) for the low ties that can be regarded as truly additional and
participation of African forestry in CDM include: not displace existing land use practices important
1. Prohibitive costs and lack of investment cap- to people’s livelihoods like grazing and fuel wood
ital to develop forest projects over the many years harvesting or shift related emissions elsewhere.
before income from emission trading starts to ac- Another challenge to African forestry was the
crue. acceptance into CDM of only small scale bio-ener-
2. Lack of private investors for afforestation and gy projects that could replace fossil fuels. This ex-
reforestation, since these activities have typically cluded most innovative projects aimed at replacing
been carried out through government or donor unsustainable fuel-wood use with solar energy, sus-
supported development projects in most of Africa. tainable biomass or biogas. It also excluded projects
3. Uncertain markets for emission reductions, aimed at reducing unsustainable fuel-wood use
especially the reluctance by many buyers in devel- through more efficient cooking stoves.
oped countries to consider credits from forestry Since the African forestry sector has not ben-
activities. efited much from the CDM or the voluntary car-
4. The complexity of the processes for develop- bon market, vigorous efforts are needed to address
ing projects to completion especially the prepa- the inadequate technical capacity and policy and
ration of methodologies and the lack of national institutional constraints of the region in order to
technical capacity to develop methodologies with- be able to take advantage of REDD.
out reliance on expensive international technical
5. Lack of adequate international institutional 4.4 Africa in climate change negotiations
capacity for the various steps in a CDM project
from mobilization of resources to certification 4.4.1 Challenges to Africa in the negotiations
and validation for the diversity of situations in the Although the African continent remains the most
many African countries. vulnerable region in the world to climate change,
6. Lack of institutional capacity in Africa for especially because it lacks the capacity to adapt to
implementing all the requirements of CDM parti- the adverse effects of climate change, African voices
cipation, such as the establishment of a Designated are scarcely heard at climate change negotiations.
National Authority (DNA) whose role is to define Main reasons for this include 1) inadequate repre-
sustainable development criteria and facilitate pri- sentation because of limited funds; often only the
vate investment in CDM activities. national focal point whose sponsorship is financed
7. Difficulties in identifying eligible projects. by the UNFCCC Secretariat attends internatio-
Eligible sink projects ought to be on land that had nal meetings, leaving many negotiating sessions or
no forest as at December 1989. Data sources for committees that run in parallel and where criti-
demonstrating this may be limited. Although aeri- cal decisions are made without adequate African
al photocopy of satellite imagery may be available, representation, 2) lack of continuity in following
their scale is often inadequate to authenticate small debates because of frequent changes in delegates, 3)
scale projects; land use records are usually not avail- inadequate preparatory meetings at both regional
able in most African countries. and country levels because of funding constraints,
8. Projects are also required to demonstrate ad- 4) difficulties of negotiating under the umbrella
ditionality and the absence of leakage (emissions of G77 plus China because of conflicting climate
shifted elsewhere as a result of the project). Since change profiles of such members as China, India
in most instances, many African countries rely and Brazil in the group, and 5) language barriers

54 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

to accessing and exchanging information among tration of 450 ppm CO2e of greenhouse gases in
anglophone, francophone and lusophone African the atmosphere.
delegates, despite the operation of such facilities c) Adaptation in Africa must be given higher
as the websites of the Intergovernmental Agency priority in order to balance it with mitigation on
for the French-speaking World (http://www.fran- the international negotiating agenda., the Climate Convention Secretari- d) There is a need for a significantly up-
at ( scaled adaptation financing that is new and addi-
php), the French Inter-Ministerial Mission for the tional, which would not divert existing Overseas
greenhouse effect, and of the Senegal-based NGO, Development Assistance away from poverty erad-
ENDA. ication and other development priorities, to be
channeled through the Kyoto Protocol’s Adaptation
4.4.2 Developing a common negotiating e) There is a need for simplification of proce-
position for Africa dures and the removal of conditionalities to pro-
The African Ministerial Conference on Envi- vide access to international climate funds.
ronment (AMCEN) at its twelfth session held in f) There is the necessity for all developed
Johannesburg in June 2008 took landmark deci- countries to engage in ambitious multilateral, le-
sions on: gally binding, absolute emission reduction as this
1. Africa’s preparations for developing a com- is critical in securing carbon markets.
mon negotiating position on a comprehensive in- g) There is a need to negotiate improvements
ternational climate regime beyond 2012, and to the Clean Development Mechanism rules to
2. developing a comprehensive framework of enable Africa to take advantage of funds from the
African climate change programmes. carbon market to support sustainable development
Subsequently, meetings of the African Group and the transfer of climate friendly technologies
of negotiators, held in Accra, Algiers, Poznan to Africa.
and Bonn between August 2008 and April 2009, h) National growth and poverty reduction as-
agreed on the African common climate platform to pirations remained key imperatives and could be
Copenhagen, called the Algiers Platform, which, supported through increased investment and in-
among other things, provided that: centives for technological innovations, including
a) There should be a shared vision, based on incentives to support home grown technology.
scientific evidence and broad political consen- i) There is the necessity for regional preparations
sus, accommodating the priorities for Africa of for the Copenhagen meeting in 2009 and for the
sustainable development, poverty reduction and recognition of the importance of regional strategies
attainment of the MDGs, in any future climate for implementation, and the involvement of women
change regime. Such a regime should also provide and youth in climate strategies at all levels, partic-
increased support for capacity building, financing, ularly in the areas of education, awareness raising
and technology development and transfer, for and capacity building.
adaptation and mitigation in Africa, and the stabi- j) Africa should renew partnerships on an equita-
lization of emissions in the atmosphere. ble basis with, among others, the Group of Eight,
b) Africa seeks a future global emissions reduc- China, India, Japan, South America and European
tion regime with targets for all developed countries Union, through concrete projects in Africa, to deal
to reduce their emissions by 2020 towards the up- with the global problem of climate change at the
per end of the 25–40% range for emissions reduc- continental and sub-regional levels.
tion below 1990 levels, and by 2050 by between 80 To give effect to the call for regional prepa-
and 95% below those levels, to achieve the concen- rations towards the Copenhagen meeting, four

Forests in international arrangements on climate change: the African experience and perspective 55
related ministerial meetings were subsequently FSCCPs as well as other subsequent implementa-
held in Bangui, Central African Republic (for the tion activities.
Economic Community of Central African States
– ECCAS – in September 2008); Cotonou, Benin
(for the Economic Community of West African 4.5 Funding and mobilization of
States – ECOWAS – in October 2008); Nairobi, resources to accommodate the forestry
Kenya (for Common Market for Eastern and South- sector in the climate change regime
ern Africa – COMESA – in November 2008),
and in Algiers (November 2008). The first phase 4.5.1 Existing financing mechanisms
of AMCEN deliberations on climate change in Existing financial mechanisms in climate change
Africa ended with the African High Level Expert arrangements fall into two categories, namely:
Panel on Climate Change, held in Nairobi, Kenya, 1. Existing international public financing ini-
from 25 to 26 May 2009. The meeting served as tiatives for both mitigation and adaption including
the preparatory meeting of African experts for the both multilateral and bilateral initiatives, and
special session of AMCEN on climate change also 2. The Clean Development Mechanism.
held in Nairobi on 29th May 2009. The African Recently, there has been a proliferation of new
High Level Expert Panel included senior officials international climate funds, which the forestry sec-
and African focal points for the UNFCCC, work- tor can take advantage of for mitigation or adap-
ing in collaboration with UNEP, NEPAD and the tation purposes. Taking the latter into account,
Commission of the African Union. The expert pan- existing financing mechanisms for forestry include
el was mandated to develop the common position, the following:
including a plan of action for building consensus in
the region in support of a focused and coordinated The Global Environment Facility (GEF)
approach to climate change negotiations. The Global Environment Facility (GEF) is at the
centre of the existing system of financing pro-
grammes and projects to protect the global envi-
4.4.3 Comprehensive framework of African ronment. Article 11 of the UNFCCC established
climate change programme a financial mechanism for the provision of financial
The development of the Framework of Sub-regional resources on a grant or concessional basis including
Climate Change Programmes (FSCCPs) was with for the transfer of technology. At COP2, GEF was
the goal of finalizing a Comprehensive Framework assigned the role and responsibility of operating
of African Climate Change Programme. This ini- the financial mechanism. The mechanism is ac-
tiative was to ensure that the negotiation process countable to the COP, which decides on its cli-
informed the programmatic work being carried out mate change policies, programmes, priorities and
on the continent and vice versa. In this regard, this eligibility criteria for funding. The projects selected
part of the work was aimed at: for GEF funding are implemented by multilateral
a) Developing FSCCPs in each of the follow- agencies such as the World Bank, UNDP, UNEP,
ing sub-regions: central African, west African, east- IFAD, FAO, UNIDO and four regional develop-
ern African, southern African and north African. ment banks – Inter-American Development Bank
b) Raising the capacities of the Regional (IADB), African Development bank (AfDB),
Economic Communities, the African Union Com- Asian Development Bank (ADB) and European
mission and NEPAD Secretariat, to facilitate and/ Bank for Reconstruction and Development
or prepare as well as implement FSCCPs. (EBRD).
c) Strengthening the capacity of AMCEN Funding available under GEF are for a) The
Secretariat to facilitate the development of the Climate Change Focal Area, covering enabling

56 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

activities, mitigation and adaptation, and b) GEF tion, the potential of the instrument as a financing
Multi-focal Area, which includes integrated eco- mechanism for forestry is examined. Relevant to
system management, under which activities rele- forestry is the admission of the following actions
vant to forestry and climate change fall. as eligible CDM projects:
• Projects inducing a reduction of greenhouse The Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF) gases emissions by sources, excluding emissions
This was established to finance the special needs of from biomass combustion.
developing countries, including Africa, in adapta- • Projects inducing an increase in removals of
tion, technology transfer, energy, transport, indus- CO2 by sinks through afforestation and refor-
try, agriculture, forestry and waste management, estation.
and economic diversification for countries whose Thus forestry in developing countries can ben-
economies depend on the fossil fuel sector. efit from CDM directly and indirectly. Forestry
projects which correspond to the definitions for The Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) ‘afforestation’ and ‘reforestation’ can be certified
This fund was established to cover the work on directly as CDM projects. Indirectly, the use of
least developed countries’ National Adaptation biomass as a substitute for fossil energy in the form
Programmes of Action (NAPA). It is to assist least of oil, coal or natural gas, is eligible for CDM
developed countries to formulate funding demands certification. The restrictions for forestry activi-
to the GEF. Land use and forestry can benefit from ties, embodied especially in the definitions for
this fund. afforestation and reforestation, coupled with the
rules that govern the CDM, account for the very The Kyoto Protocol Adaptation Fund low participation of the African forestry sector in
This fund is established to finance adaptation of this mechanism. Reasons for the low participation
developing country parties to the Kyoto Protocol. of African forestry in CDM and measures to rem-
The projects that could be eligible under this fund edy this are further treated in chapter 13.
include, capacity building for adaptation, conserva-
tion of tropical forests in vulnerable zones where The French Global Environment Facility (FFEM)
forests contribute to adaptation, rehabilitation of This is a bilateral fund financed by the French
degraded lands and combating desertification in Government, over and above French Government’s
Africa. This fund is operated by the GEF, and like development assistance. The fund has complement-
other GEF funding, demands should originate ed GEF activities since 1994, with the aim of fi-
from a host country and there is a requirement to nancing the additional costs incurred in protecting
meet certain criteria. The Adaptation Fund can po- the global environment. The eligibility criteria for
tentially serve as a model for future international FFEM are the same as for the focal areas of GEF.
financial mechanisms. Of particular relevance to African forestry is the
inclusion of the following activity areas as eligible Opportunities in the Clean Development for support by the Facility:
Mechanism • Combating climate change, which includes
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was carbon sequestration by forests and soils.
earlier introduced as an instrument of the Kyoto • Mixed biodiversity climate change projects,
Protocol assisting Annex I countries to fulfill their which facilitate the application of global en-
emission reduction targets, while enabling non- vironmental concepts particularly to African
Annex I developing countries to use clean tech- forestry, especially the inclusion in this area of
nologies for sustainable development. In this sec- 1) development of appropriate tools, method-

Forests in international arrangements on climate change: the African experience and perspective 57
ologies and criteria for dealing with biodiver- 4.5.2 Multilateral initiatives
sity and climate change mitigation in forestry Table 4.2 gives the summary of some multilater-
development projects, and 2) creating tools and al climate change funding initiatives and the
methodologies for facilitating FFEM projects disbursement that was made to Africa under each
that focus on combating desertification, and initiative.
improving their integration into development
projects. African Development Bank (AfDB)
The AfDB is now engaged in climate funding for Summary of economic instruments the region through its Clean Energy Investment
available to developing countries Framework (CEIF). The fund was approved in
The economic instruments that can be utilized by 2008 and is financed through non-concessional
developing countries and their potential for for- resources from the AfDB to provide public spon-
estry development are shown in Table 4.1. sored projects and programmes in the 15 middle-
income and ‘blend’ countries. The ‘blend’ category
is used to classify countries that are eligible for

Table 4.1 Economic instruments towards developing countries and their potential for forestry.
Source: FAO (2003), Forest and Climate Change.

Type Instrument Potential for Forestry

Biomass production and use

GEF climate change focal area
Carbon sequestration
Funds prioritized by the Convention

GEF Multifocal area Projects addressing climate, biodiversity and land degradation issues,
OP 12 Integrated ecosystem e.g rehabilitation and improved management of forested watersheds
Management (sustainable forest management)

Special climate change fund of the

Adaptation, technology transfer, forestry
or the Protocol

Least developed countries fund of the

Capacity building and adaptation priorities identification

Conservation projects in vulnerable zones where forests constitute an

Adaptation Fund of the Kyoto Protocol
adaptation measure

French fund for the global environment Carbon sequestration in forests and soils
North/South private and
public investment flows
Mechanisms to foster

CDM for GHG sinks Afforestation and reforestation projects, as defined by COP9

CDM for GHG sources Substitution projects of fossil fuels by biomass

All pilot phase All forestry activities, as a learning experience for the CDM

58 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Table 4.2 Summary of multilateral climate change funding initiatives. Source: (adapted).

Disbursed to Africa
Name of fund Administered by Funding instrument as at September,
2009 (million USD)
Adaptation Fund Record
Adaptation Fund Grants 0
Clean Energy Investment Part non-concessional resources,
AfDB 0
Framework part non-guaranteed financing
Congo Basin Forest Fund AfDB Unknown Unknown
Strategic Priority on
GEF Grants 9
Special Climate Change
GEF Grants 15
Least Developed Countries
GEF Grants 42
Climate Change Focal Area GEF Grants 407
UN-REDD Programme UNDP Grants 0
Grants, Loans, Guarantees,
Strategic Climate Fund The World Bank 0
Forest Carbon Partnership
The World Bank Grants 0
Grants, Concessional Loans,
Clean Technology Fund The World Bank 0

IDA resources on the basis of per capita income to generate the requisite flow of resources to signi-
but also have limited credit worthiness to borrow ficantly reduce global emissions from deforestation
from IBRD. They are given access to both sources and forest degradation.
of funds, but are expected to limit IDA funding to
social sector projects and use IBRD resources for
projects in the ‘harder’ sectors. The World Bank
The AfDB is also hosting the Congo Basin The World Bank, along with other multilateral de-
Forest Fund (CBFF) launched in 2008 with initial velopment banks, developed a Climate Investment
contribution of USD 200 million from the United Fund (CIF) in 2008. The Fund is an interim
Kingdom and Norway. Other parties are expected measure to scale up assistance to developing
to contribute to the fund, which will be used to countries and to strengthen the knowledge base
curb deforestation through local capacity building in the development community. As at September
efforts in the Congo basin countries. 2009, about USD 6 billion had been pledged for
the CIF, comprising both grants and conces- United Nations Development Programme sional loans, to address urgent climate challenges
(UNDP) in developing countries. CIF has been criticized for
The UNDP runs the UN Collaborative Programme creating parallel structures for financing climate
on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and change adaptation and mitigation outside the on-
forest Degradation in Developing Countries (The going multilateral framework for climate change
UN-REDD Programme), which is a collaborative negotiations and within a process dominated by
project between FAO, UNDP, and UNEP. It aims G8 countries.

Forests in international arrangements on climate change: the African experience and perspective 59
Table 4.3 Summary of bilateral climate change funding initiatives. Source: (adapted).

Disbursed to Africa
Name of fund Administered by Funding instrument as at September,
2009 (million USD)
2,000 in grants
Cool Earth Partnership Japan Unknown
8,000 in ODA loans
Part grants,
Transformation Fund UK 0 (GBP)
part concessional loans
– International Window
International Climate Part grants,
Germany 61 (EUR)
Initiative part concessional loans
Global Climate Change
European Commission Grants Unknown
International Forest Carbon
Australia Unknown Unknown

4.5.3 Bilateral initiatives support adaptation. Most of the finance available

Table 4.3 gives a summary of bilateral climate under this initiative will be channeled through the
change finding initiatives and funds disbursed to World Bank’s Climate Investment Fund, although
Africa under each initiative. early support to the Congo Basin Conservation
Fund has been provided. The Japanese Cool Earth Partnership (CEP)

The Japanese CEP has three priorities: The European Commission’s Global Climate
1. Establishing a post-Kyoto framework that Change Alliance (GCCA)
will ensure the participation of all emitters, aiming GCCA will address mitigation, adaptation and
at fair and equitable emission targets. poverty reduction via a proposed partnership with
2. Strengthening international environmen- developing countries that will include the provision
tal cooperation, under which Japan will provide of both technical and financial assistance. In ad-
assistance to help developing countries achieve dition, it aims to provide an informal forum that
emissions reductions and to support adaptation will facilitate negotiations for a post-2012 climate
in countries suffering from severe climate change agreement. GCCA also plans to add value by act-
impacts. ing as a clearing house mechanism to coordinate
3. Supporting activities focused on the develop- the international adaption initiatives of EU mem-
ment of innovative technology and a shift to a low ber states. GCCA is the only scheme that can be
carbon society. considered to fall under the EU-Africa Partnership,
a political partnership focused on establishing a
shared Africa-EU vision for climate change. The UK Environmental Transformation Fund –
International Window (ETF-IW)
The international window of the UK ETF aims to The German International Climate Initiative (ICI)
support poverty reduction, provide environmental The German ICI has three objectives:
protection and tackle climate change in develop- 1. Supporting sustainable energy systems, adap-
ing countries by addressing unsustainable defor- tation and biodiversity projects related to climate
estation, access to clean energy, and activities that change.

60 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

2. Ensuring that investments will trigger pri- gation potential of forest related activities is located
vate investments at a greater magnitude. in the tropics, and about 50% of the total could be
3. Ensuring that financed projects will strate- achieved by reducing emissions from deforestation
gically support the post-2012 climate change ne- (IPCC, 2007). COP13 of UNFCCC in December
gotiations. 2007 adopted a decision on reducing emissions
The German ICI is unique in terms of how funds from deforestation in developing countries.
are generated. The German Federal Environmental The success of REDD in reducing emission
Ministry (BMU) raises funds by auctioning 9% of will depend on tackling profound market and
its nationally allocated carbon allowances for the governance failures. REDD policies will have to
second phase (2008–2012) of the EU Emissions strengthen the alignment of economic actors and
Trading Scheme (ETS), rather than giving the the public interest, a challenge made more difficult
permits away free. Of the EUR 800 million ex- by the complexity of the issues behind deforesta-
pected annually, half will be used for both dom- tion and the fact that many of the drivers of defor-
estic and international climate initiatives. One estation are external to the forestry sector.
hundred and twenty (120) million Euros of the Policies need to be tailored to address diverse
money will be allocated to developing countries, local situations and other factors that encourage
half of which will be allocated to adaptation and forest conversion, unsustainable extraction, devel-
forest protection. Germany’s ICI is in addition to a oping rights and responsibilities to local forest users
much larger sum of money already spent bilaterally and promoting the other concepts and ecosystem
by the German Government on adaptation. services of forests besides carbon storage and se-
questration. Several governments have already an- The Australian International Forest Carbon nounced their willingness to support such actions
Initiative (IFCI) and to provide funds to address methodological
Australia’s IFCI aims at facilitating global action issues.
to address emissions from deforestation by provid- The first proposals for a mechanism for REDD
ing incentives to developing countries to reduce did not consider emission from terrestrial carbon
deforestation. stores outside the core of standing forest. It also did
not address the drivers of deforestation adequate-
ly. A more recent proposal (the REDD-plus) ad-
4.5.4 Reducing Emissions from Deforestation dresses the range of forest types more fully, taking
and Forest Degradation (REDD) into account forest conservation, sustainable forest
Recent initiatives from REDD open up new fund- management and enhancement of forest carbon
ing opportunities. Reduction in emissions from stocks, in addition to avoided deforestation and
deforestation and forest degradation is generally degradation.
recognized as a relatively low cost greenhouse gas
mitigation option. The Stern Report (2006) and its
sobering forecast of the economic cost associated 4.6 Some observations on the current
with climate change was compelling in reminding climate change financial instruments as
policy makers of the important linkages between of 2010
forests and climate change: one-fifth of total an-
nual carbon emissions now come from land-use 4.6.1 Problems with GEF funding
change, most of which involves tropical deforesta- Many developing countries, particularly in Africa,
tion. have felt very little impact of Global Environment
The Collaborative Partnership on Forest (CPF) Facility in the forestry sector. GEF has not prior-
in 1999, reported that about 65% of the total miti- itized the adaptation needs of the most vulnera-

Forests in international arrangements on climate change: the African experience and perspective 61
ble countries and has disproportionately funded tivities as opposed to research or knowledge build-
projects in countries that have relatively low levels ing. The fund also operates on the principles of ac-
of poverty. Other criticisms of GEF governance countability in management, operation and use of
include: funds, short and efficient project development and
1. The governance structures are seen by devel- approval cycles, and expedited processing of eli-
oping countries as complex and weighted in favour gible activities. It also stresses the need for projects
of donor countries. to be country driven, taking into account existing
2. The rules and structures make accessing of national planning exercises and development activ-
funds difficult and time consuming. ities. The Adaptation Fund can potentially serve as
3. There appears to be a lack of transparency in a model for future international financial mech-
decision making that is the prerogative of powerful anisms.
4. There is an emphasis on supporting projects
rather than programmatic approaches. 4.6.4 The Climate Investment Funds (CIF) of the
5. The focus on securing environmental projects World Bank
over development projects results in fewer global The Climate Investment Fund (CIF) under the
benefits. aegis of the World Bank was not, as at September
If GEF is to continue as a financing mechan- 2009, fully operational and funding had not yet
ism, Africa should push for governance reforms been disbursed even though some projects had
within the Facility. been approved.
The World Bank’s track record of lending
with its conditionalities is well known. There
4.6.2 The CDM is the feeling that the World Bank’s attempt to
Even though the CDM has proved successful in control climate change funding could undermine
generating emission reduction projects in many de- the UNFCCC process. The language of the fund
veloping countries, Africa accounted for only about recognizes the UNFCCC principles merely as a
5% of CDM transactions in 2007 and roughly 2% guide for the fund’s policies rather than as binding
of CDM activities overall. It was reported that and internationally negotiated commitments of
as at October 2008, only 17 out of 1,186 CDM State Parties, which must be respected. As such,
projects were located in sub-Saharan Africa and the principles negotiated under the Convention
most of these (14 out of 17) were located in South and the legal status of commitments under the
Africa. The CDM as currently constituted is in- UNFCCC are not well reflected in CIF.
adequate as a tool to support the needs of Africa in
its quest for sustainable development and its fight
against global warming. The distribution of CDM 4.6.5 Emerging Green Climate Fund
investments is not geographically equitable as far Not included in the above analyses is the emerg-
as the African continent is concerned. The govern- ing Green Climate Fund, the establishment of
ance framework of CDM excludes non-Annex I which was agreed at COP16 in Cancún, Mexico
countries even though the primary objective is to (December, 2010). The Green Climate Fund is
provide an offset mechanism for Annex I countries. established to support projects, programmes, pol-
icies and other activities in developing country
parties. Besides providing for equal representation
4.6.3 The Adaptation Fund of developed and developing country members on
The Adaptation Fund is unique in being exclusively the governing board of the fund, another notable
dedicated to the funding of concrete adaptation ac- feature is that the Fund is expected to simplify the

62 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

present complicated network of funding mecha- ments of both developed and developing countries
nisms and bilateral agreements that currently pro- in reducing emission and financing. These facts
vide low carbon and climate adaptation investment will be used to buttress their negotiations. Some of
for developing countries, with the final agreement the areas to work on are in the following sections.
stating that a significant share of climate adapta-
tion spending will flow through the new Fund.
4.7.2 The development agenda of UNFCCC
and the Kyoto Protocol
4.7 The way forward Development and poverty eradication are the first
and overriding priorities of African countries.
4.7.1 General Following a sustainable development path will help
Climate change and the international instru- to identify inter-linkages and promote synergies
ments dealing with it have created a gamut of new between meeting development goals and deliver-
challenges, opportunities and tasks for the forest ing climate benefits. Therefore, efforts aimed at
sector. Meeting them successfully requires fresh meeting development imperatives can at the same
perspectives, modified priorities, new knowledge, time be geared towards reducing greenhouse gas
skills and creativity. In its Fourth Assessment emissions. This will enable Africa to play a mean-
Report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ingful role in global environment and development
Change (IPCC) emphasizes the likelihood that governance. Understanding of this fact will be the
climate change and variability will negatively im- basis for Africa to negotiate for increased financial
pact Africa’s economic activities and exacerbate its assistance, sound investments, and transfer of en-
current development challenges. With this warn- vironmentally sound technologies.
ing in mind, Africa should make effort to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, plan for immediate and
future adaptation, and integrate climate change 4.7.3 The CDM and Africa
considerations into development programmes and The impact of the CDM to provide adequate fi-
strategies. nancial support for mitigation activities in Africa
The projected estimates that will be required to is very limited. It is therefore necessary for Africa
meet the cost of alleviating and adapting to climate to take cognizance of the existing carbon market
change in Africa are in tens of billions of dollars opportunities and come out with a clear position
per annum. Unfortunately, the investment in car- for post-2012 negotiations in order to increase the
bon market in Africa is low and the support from flows of carbon finance needed for Africa to meet
multilateral and bilateral funding mechanisms, in- the challenges of climate change and sustainable
cluding ODA, are not enough to meet the needs development. The African negotiating position
of Africa. The financial support for mitigation and should focus on actions that can broaden the CDM
adaptation, as well as for addressing the shortcom- approach and coverage in a post-2012 framework,
ings in the current financing mechanisms, must be so that Africa can have a fair share of CDM trans-
very clear in the minds of the African negotiators actions. Some of the actions that are desirable to
and policy makers as well as the regional African take include: a) expansion of types of projects eli-
institutions. This will help in shaping Africa’s ne- gible for CDM and support for a REDD agree-
gotiating position from an informed base. ment, b) simplification of methodologies, and c)
The way forward will be for African negotia- support the concept of sectoral CDM.
tors to get familiar with key principles of both the a) Expansion of types of projects eligible for CDM
UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol, as various ar- and support for a REDD agreement.
ticles in the treaties are very explicit on the commit- A major inhibiting factor to the growth of CDM

Forests in international arrangements on climate change: the African experience and perspective 63
in Africa is the limitation of the types of projects 4.7.4 Negotiation on basis of the key principles
currently eligible for CDM. The land use sector of the Convention related to finance
holds the greatest potential for carbon finance The key financial burden-sharing principle is that
in Africa. Realizing the full potential for mitiga- of common but differentiated responsibilities and
tion in Africa requires considerable new invest- respective capabilities, enshrined in Article 3.1 and
ments in measures to prevent deforestation and to Article 4.3 of the Convention, maintaining that
adopt land use practices that sequester high carbon. developed countries are obliged to transfer finance
Reducing emission from agricultural land- to developing countries. Annex I countries have
scapes has both local and global benefits. The IPCC an obligation to provide new additional, adequate
report (2007) puts the emission from deforestation and predictable resources to developing countries
at about 20% of global GHGs in the atmosphere, to fund the agreed incremental costs of mitigating
while emission from agriculture accounts for about and adapting to climate change. Article 4.4 states
14%. Together, this represents more emissions that developed country parties and other devel-
(34%) than the global transport sector (13.1%) or oped parties included in Annex II shall also assist
emissions from industry (19.1%). the developing country parties that are particularly
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from vulnerable to the adverse effect of climate change
Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Uses in meeting costs of adaptation to those adverse ef-
(AFOLU) offers a great opportunity for Africa to fects. Article 11 makes it clear that the financial
contribute to climate change mitigation and help mechanism of the Convention shall be accountable
millions of small holder farmers adapt to climate to the Conference of the Parties and shall have an
change impact. In view of the foregoing, African equitable and balanced representation of all Parties
negotiators should push for an agreement on a within a transparent system of governance.
work plan for reducing emissions from AFOLU The African negotiators should use these prin-
under a post-2012 climate change agreement. They ciples to agree on the financial architecture for
should also push for a position that international post-2012.
greenhouse gas offset markets should accept bicar-
bon credits from emission reductions and carbon
stock increases from AFOLU from developing 4.7.5 African preparatory meeting
countries. The role of Africa in global carbon mar- A preparatory meeting for African delegations to
kets will be greatly enhanced if the AFOLU sector meetings of the Conference of Parties should be
is taken on board. a priority so that a common negotiating position
b) Simplification of methodologies. could be reached. The present dispensation of ad-
Negotiators should work on how to simplify the ding political weight to the negotiation through
rules for determining baselines, monitoring carbon African Ministers of Environment and Finance,
emissions and enforcing offsets. and African Heads of States, is a welcome devel-
c) Support the concept of sectoral CDM. opment and should be sustained.
This involves establishing sectoral baselines and
granting carbon credits for emission reductions re-
lative to these sectoral baselines. By reducing the
transaction costs for individual companies, this
sectoral approach provides financing opportunities
for sectors that are currently under-represented un-
der the CDM in Africa, such as transport.

64 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

4.7.6 Capacity building
The African Group should be persistent in restat- Fund should be voiced. Negotiators should con-
ing the inadequacy of the commitment to capacity tinue to push for increased support for adaptation
building and urging the Annex I parties to honour and technology transfer, basing the argument on
their commitments. This is because many countries the principle of common but differentiated respon-
in Africa face capacity constraints on the imple- sibilities.
mentation of the Convention and the Protocol.

4.7.8 Technology development and transfer

4.7.7 Adaptation Fund Low technological capacities and capabilities are
Even though mitigation is very important given major impediments to development in Africa. The
the vulnerability of Africa to the impacts of cli- African Group should maintain its position on the
mate variability and change, adaptation should be importance of technology development and trans-
the main concern of African negotiators. Issues re- fer to meeting the development needs and climate
lating to the operationalization of the Adaptation change concerns in Africa.

ADAM. 2008. ADAM Interim Result 2008: Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies: Supporting European Climate Policy. Tyndall Centre for Climate
Change Research University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 77J, UK.
Earth Negotiations Bulletin. 2008. Summary of the 29th Session of the intergovernmental panel on climate change, Vol. 12 No. 384. Online at http:// .
FAO. 2003. Karsenty, A., Blanco, C. and Dufour, T. Forest and Climate Change: Instruments related to the United Framework Convention on
Climate Change and their potential for sustainable forest management in Africa. FAO, Rome.
FAO. 2004. Climate Change and the Forest Sector, possible national and sub-national legislation. FAO Forestry Paper No. 144. FAO, Rome.
FAO. 2005. Forestry projects under the CDM, procedures, experiences and lesson learned. Forests and climate change working paper 3. FAO, Rome.
FAO. 2009. State of the World’s Forests 2009. FAO, Rome.
Hamilton, K., Sjardin, M., Marcelo, T. and Xu, G. 2008. Forging a Frontier: State of Voluntary Carbon Market 2008. Ecosystem Market Place and
New Carbon Finance, Washington D.C. and London.
ICRAF. 2009. The case for investing in Africa’s biocarbon potential. ICRAF Policy Brief No. 4. Nairobi.
ICRAF. 2009. Africa’s biocarbon interests – perspectives for a new climate change deal, ICRAF Policy Brief No. 5. Nairobi.
Information Unit on Climate Change (IUCC). 1993. Noordwijk Ministerial Declaration on Climate Change. Châtelaine, Switzerland. UNEP.
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). 2008. Africa Carbon Forum Bulletin – A Summary Report of the Africa Carbon Forum
3–5 September 2008. Online at
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). 2007. Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report, Summary for Policy Makers. IPCC Fourth
Assessment Report. Geneva, Switzerland.
Kanninen, M., Murdiyarso, D., Seymour, F., Angelsen, A., Wunder, S. and German, L. 2007. Do Trees grow on Money? The implications of defor-
estation research for policies to promote REDD. CIFOR, Bogor.
Schoene, D. and Netto, M. 2005. The Kyoto Protocol: what does it mean for forests and forestry. Unasylva 222 Vol. 56.
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. 2008. Climate Change: African Perspective for a Post 2012 Agreement; Document E/ECA/
COE/27/8 and AU/CAMEF/EXP/8/(III). Prepared for the 41st Session of the Economic Commission for Africa.
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. 2009. Financing Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Africa: Key issues and options for
policy makers and negotiators. A paper prepared for the 3rd Financing for Development Conference on Climate Change 21–22 May 2009, Kigali,
Rwanda, and the Africa Ministerial Conference on the Environment Special Session on Climate Change, 25–29 May 2009, Nairobi, Kenya.
United Nations Environment Programme. 2009. Climate Change: A Call to Action for African Leaders. Africa Progress Panel, UNEP.
Veltheim, T. 2008. Background Document to the Pan-European workshop as a regional contribution to the United Nations Forum on Forests on the
theme “Forests in the changing environment”. Ministry of Agriculture and forestry, Koli, Joensus, Finland.
Vermuelen, S. et al. 2008. Spring back: climate resilience at Africa’s grassroot. Sustainable Development Opinion. International Institute for
Environment and Development (IIED). May 2008.

Forests in international arrangements on climate change: the African experience and perspective 65
66 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources
Section 2
Climate change
and African forests


The biomes – moist forests, woodlands and Sahel – form the framework for the discussion of climate
change and African forests and wildlife resources in this book. At issue is that these biomes, which
are intricately linked to and form the main support for livelihoods and the productive systems
of people in Africa, are now threatened by the impact of climate change, over and above the
pressures on them from increasing human use driven, in most cases, by burgeoning populations.
By describing the key features of these biomes, such as their location, distribution, biomass and
carbon stocking, the vulnerabilities and adaptation of the natural systems and of the people who
depend on them, conservation and management status as well as the institutional and governance
arrangements for their management and use, the chapters in this section provide the background
for appreciating issues discussed in the rest of the book.

In more specific terms, the biome descriptions help in the evaluation of the extent to which moist
forests, woodlands and the Sahel in sub-Saharan Africa can withstand the temperature and rainfall
variability, as well as the extreme weather events, associated with climate change. They enable the
appreciation of the contribution of the biomes to global carbon cycling, which is the starting point
for understanding how the biomes may be involved in forest-based efforts to combat climate
change. Descriptions of current uses and adaptation practices of the communities that depend on
the biomes pave the way for designing effective and timely response measures to climate change
that do not compromise the support to livelihoods.

It is hoped that readers of other chapters in this book will use this section as a reference base.
Chapter 5

David Okali

5.1 Introduction in fact, serve as ‘livelihood safety nets’, helping

This chapter focuses on the interrelations among communities that live by them to overcome shocks
African moist forests, the people who depend on from natural disasters and economic or climatic va-
them for their livelihoods, climate change and cli- garies. They also function to maintain the quality
mate variability. Emphasis is placed on the exten- of the environment, and command international
sive moist deciduous forests, at low altitudes under attention because of their rich biodiversity and the
rainfall regimes of 1,000–2,500 mm per annum, unique products this provides, as well as their high
and the true rain forests, also at low altitudes but productivity and potential to influence climate.
at higher rainfall regimes (over 2,500 mm per an- Tropical moist forests, as a whole, are among
num). Commonly referred to, collectively, as rain ecosystems expected to be most affected by climate
forests, both types of forest cover an extensive area change (IPCC 2007). Impacts that diminish the
on the continent, but are concentrated in West and capacity of the forests to provide goods and ser-
Central Africa, where they are the principal base vices, including maintenance of the quality of the
for industrial wood production (Okali and Eyog- environment, will have far reaching, mostly ad-
Matig, 2004). Although the chapter dwells on these verse, consequences for the livelihoods of forest-
lowland moist forests, the forest-people-climate dependent communities, particularly in Africa,
change issues treated apply equally to moist forests where the capacity to adapt is low. It is important,
at higher altitudes (especially the Afromontane therefore, that the vulnerabilities and resilience of
broadleaf forests at >900 m elevation), which, African moist forests, and their peoples, to climate
though widely scattered in distribution, cover less change be better understood than at present, in or-
area. Significant departures of the high altitude der to facilitate the design of effective and timely
forests from lowland forest characteristics are spe- response measures. Furthermore, since tropical
cifically pointed out. forests are increasingly being considered as criti-
Like other forests on the continent, moist for- cal components of strategies for addressing climate
ests are intricately linked to the socio-economic change, it is important that the status of African
and productive systems of people in Africa; they moist forests, in terms of their size, productivity
underpin the economies of many countries that and resilience to climatic and non-climatic pres-
have them, supporting, besides industrial wood sures, among other characteristics, be well under-
production, livelihoods that are based on agricul- stood, for effective use of the forests in addressing
ture, extraction of wood for energy and housing, climate change. In doing this, it is important also
and collection of non-wood products for food, to understand the responses to change in forest
medicine and various other uses. African forests, status by the forest-dependent peoples themselves,

68 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

from whom much can also be learned of age-old b) Relevant policy actions and incentives for
traditional approaches that have been used in re- addressing climate change adaptation and mitiga-
sponding to natural climate variability. Insights tion in African moist forests.
based on natural climate variability can help in c) Summary of experiences in adaptation and
dealing with climate change. mitigation in African moist forest regions.
This chapter reviews the status of African moist d) Ways of improving forestry sector linkages
forests, with particular emphasis on the lowland with other sectors of the economy to address cli-
forests that are extensive, together with the reac- mate change.
tions of the forest-dependent people to changes in e) Domestication and mainstreaming of global
the status of the forests, in terms of: processes on climate change within the forestry
a) Stocking, including areal cover, biomass con- sector in the moist forest regions.
tent, carbon pools and productivity potentials. f) Institutional issues (tenure, rights, owner-
b) Conditions, vulnerability and resilience of ship, administration, governance, gender dimen-
the forests in response to utilization and climate sions) for addressing climate change adaptation
change impacts. and mitigation in the moist forest regions.
c) Adaptation and coping practices of the for-
est-dependent communities in response to changes
in forest status. 5.2 African moist forests
d) How climate change and variability, and
change in forest status, are monitored and reported 5.2.1 Location and areal cover of lowland moist
in the moist forest regions. forests
e) Existing institutional and governance ar- African lowland moist forests occur mainly in
rangements for addressing and sharing informa- Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Côte d’Ivoire,
tion on climate change in the moist forest regions. Ghana, Togo, Benin and Nigeria in the West
The chapter also treats the following issues that African sub-region; and in Cameroon, Equatorial
are considered to be important for effective inclu- Guinea, Central African Republic, Gabon, Congo
sion of African moist forests in strategies for ad- and the Democratic Republic of Congo in the
dressing climate change: Central African sub-region (Figure 5.1). True
a) Relevant global and Africa-specific adapta- rain forest covers only 6% of Africa’s land area, re-
tion and mitigation initiatives on climate change presenting about one third of the total rain forest
and variability. remaining in the world (Table 5.1, IPCC Special
Report 1997).

5.1a 5.1b

Cameroon Central African Republic

Closed forest
Open and fragmented forest Equatorial Guinea
Republic Democratic
Gabon of Congo Republic
of Congo

Nigeria Intact forest
Côte Ghana cover (> 500 km2)
Sierra Intact forest cover
Leone Benin (< 500 km2)
Liberia Togo
Figure 5.1 African moist forests. 5.1a: West Africa. Forest cover according to FRA 2000 Map of the World’s Forests 2000.
5.1b: Central Africa. Adapted from South Dakota State University, Maryland, and USAID CARPE Project.

Climate change and African moist forests 69

Table 5.1 Rain forest cover by biogeographical regions.
Source: Butler (2006).
The bulk of the lowland moist forest in Africa is
clearly located in the Central African sub-region,
Realm Area (million ha)
% share of world and is dominated by the forest of the Congo Basin,
rain forest cover
where, on the average, close to 60% of the land
Afrotropical 187.5 30
area is recorded as being under forest cover. The
Australasian 56.3 9
Congo Basin moist forest is, in fact, the second
Indo-Malayan 100.0 16
largest contiguous block of forest in the world after
Neotropical 281.2 45 the forest of the Amazon Basin. The area of forest
available per thousand people is also much greater
in Central Africa than in West Africa, signifying
Lowland moist forests as described above ap- the greater population pressure on the forests of
proximate to the closed forests of FAO (2001), West Africa. In general, the Central African for-
and together with woodlands cover about 650 mil- ests exist in sparsely populated areas such that, on
lion hectares or 21.8% of Africa’s total land area the average, close to 6,000 ha of forest (over 16,000
(Cutler, 2008). ha in Gabon) is available per thousand people. By
Areal cover of lowland moist forest in the contrast, the average area per thousand of popula-
countries listed above, together with the percen- tion is barely 400 ha in West Africa.
tage of total land area covered, and an indication
of the population pressure on the forest in terms of
area of forest per thousand of population is sum- 5.2.2 Location of
marized in Table 5.2. Afromontane broadleaf
Table 5.2 Areal cover of lowland moist forest in West and Central Africa. Source: FAO (2009). High altitude forests in Africa
are discontinuous in distribu-
Extent of forest, 2005
Country Forest area Forest area as per- Forest area per
tion, occurring on highlands
(1,000 ha) cent land area (%) 1,000 people (ha) separated by lowland regions,
West Africa scattered from West Africa and
Benin 2,351 21.3 268 the Sudan in the north, through
Côte d’Ivoire 10,405 32.7 550 to southern Africa. By analogy
Ghana 5,517 24.2 240 with the distribution of islands
Guinea 6,724 27.4 732 in the sea, they are sometimes
Liberia 3,154 32.7 881 referred to as the Afromontane
Nigeria 11,089 12.2 77 archipelago. Countries of oc-
Sierra Leone 2,754 38.5 480 currence of broadleaf high al-
Togo 386 7.1 60 titude forests are listed in Table
Total/average West Africa 42,380 24.5 411 5.3.
Central Africa
Cameroon 21,205 45.6 1,169
Central African Republic 22,755 36.5 5,337 5.2.3 Growing stock, biomass
Congo 22,471 65.8 6,091 and carbon content
Democratic Republic of Congo 133,610 58.9 2,203 Growing stock, biomass and
Equatorial Guinea 1,632 58.2 3,297 carbon contents corresponding
Gabon 21,775 84.5 16,662 to the lowland forest areas listed
Total/average Central Africa 223,448 58.3 5,793 above are summarized in Table

70 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Table 5.3 Location of Afromontane broadleaf forests.
5.4. These features are treated only for the domi-
nant, extensive lowland forests. The country data in
Forest Country Table 5.4 are quite incomplete for West Africa. To
Albertine Rift montane Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, enhance the comparability of the data, the total fig-
forests Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda
ures for West Africa were adjusted to compensate
Cameroonian Highlands Cameroon, Nigeria
forests for the missing values. Figures in brackets in the
East African montane Kenya, Sudan, Tanzania
main body of Table 5.4 are thus totals derived by
forests applying the average per hectare values in Table 5.4
Eastern Arc forests Kenya, Tanzania to total forest area for West Africa given in Table
Ethiopian montane Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan 5.2.
forests Both the unadjusted and adjusted figures show
Guinean montane forests Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone clearly the greater stocking of the forests in the
Knysna-Amatole montane South Africa Central African sub-region, in terms of volume,
biomass and carbon content. The total stocking
Mount Cameroon and
Bioko montane forests
Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea
values correspond with the greater forest cover of
Mount Mabu Mozambique
the Central African sub-region, while the per hec-
tare values imply a greater density of the forests in

Table 5.4 Growing stock, biomass and carbon content of lowland moist forest in West and Central Africa. Source: FAO (2009).
[In brackets in the main table are entries adjusted for missing data.]
Growing stock Biomass Carbon content
Country Per hectare Total Per hectare Total Per hectare Total
(m3/ha) (million m3) (tonnes/ha) (million tonnes) (tonnes/ha) (million tonnes)
West Africa
Benin – – – – – –
Côte d’Ivoire 258 2,683 386 4,014 179 1,864
Ghana 58 321 180 993 90 496
Guinea 77 520 189 1,272 95 636
Liberia 158 498 287 908 144 453
Nigeria 125 1,386 253 2,803 126 1,402
Sierra Leone – – – – – –
Togo – – – – – –
135.2 5,408 259 9,990 126.8 4,851
Total/average West Africa [5,729] [10,976] [5,373]
Central Africa
Cameroon 62 1,313 179 3,804 90 1,902
Central African Republic 167 3,801 246 5,604 123 2,801
Congo 203 4,551 461 10,361 231 6,181
Democratic Republic of Congo 231 30,833 347 46,346 173 23,173
Equatorial Guinea 66 107 142 231 70 115
Gabon 223 4,845 335 7,285 167 3,643
Total/average Central Africa 158.7 45,450 285 73,631 142.3 37,815

Climate change and African moist forests 71

Table 5.5 African lowland moist forest stock data in relation to total Africa and world forest stocks. Source: FAO (2009).

African lowland African lowland moist forest as %

Forest stock All Africa forest Total world forest
moist forest All Africa Total world

Wood volume (million m3) 51,179 63,858 384,007 80.1 13.3

Biomass (million tonnes) 97,607 120,137 436,360 81.2 22.4

Carbon content (million tonnes) 43,188 59,927 240,441 72.1 17.9

Central Africa. Lowland moist forests contain over bined with techniques such as allometry (Lewis et
80% of the wood volume and biomass and more al. 2009), modeling and remote sensing by satellite
than 70% of the carbon stock in forests in Africa, imagery (Laporte et al., 1995; Mayaux et al., 1998)
representing 13, 22 and nearly 18 per cent of the have been used to enhance the quality of tropical
world’s forest stock of wood by volume, biomass forest stocking data.
and carbon, respectively (Table 5.5). Lewis et al. (2009), for example, applied al-
In the context of climate change, current inter- lometric equations to measurements on trees in 79
est in African moist forests derives mainly from the forest plots, spread through 10 African countries,
potential influence of these forests on the global and estimated the average carbon stock in above
carbon balance. In this regard, the data in Table ground live trees at 202 tC/ha, with a 95%
5.4 confirm the often quoted reference to the car- Confidence Interval of 174–244 tC/ha. An inven-
bon stocking of the Congo Basin as being equiv- tory by Adams (2006) illustrates the major pools
alent to 4 years’ global carbon emission (WWF, of the forest ecosystem for which determination
2007; IPCC, 2007). The contribution of African of stocking is sought. For tropical moist forest,
moist forests to global carbon cycling depends on a) Adams (2006) differentiated the carbon stock into
the extent of the forests, b) their stocking per unit storage in a) above and below ground vegetation
area, and c) the rate and direction of change of this (210 tC/ha), b) dead standing trees, coarse woody
stocking, all of which must be accurately known litter, leaf litter, other debris (necromass) (10 tC/
for precise determination of the contribution. But ha), and c) Soil organic matter (100 tC/ha), yield-
the data in Tables 5.2 and 5.4 are derived from na- ing a total carbon stocking density of 320 tC/ha for
tional forest statistics that, in Africa, are based on tropical moist forest.
infrequently conducted national inventories, with While volume and biomass stock data directly
uncertainties about the included errors and the re- give an indication of how much material is avail-
presentativeness of the samples used. As discussed, able for exploitation or for support of the rich bio-
for example, by Justice et al. (2001) and Houghton diversity of the forests, the carbon stocking indi-
(2005), such data lack sufficient detail for quan- cates how much carbon will be emitted into the
tification of errors; they are also inadequate for atmosphere, thereby exacerbating climate change,
assessment of the stock of carbon in the various in the event of destruction of the forests. Current
pools of the forest ecosystem, e.g. living vegeta- concern about deforestation in Africa and other
tion above and below ground, dead organic mat- tropical regions arises mainly from this latter fac-
ter, litter and soil, or for tying stock estimates to tor. Of paramount interest in evaluating the role of
the actual sites where changes in stocking may be African moist forests in climate change is whether
taking place. Appropriate sampling designs, com- the forests function as a source or a sink for carbon

72 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

dioxide. Repeated measurement of stocking allows 5.2.4 Status, vulnerability and resilience of
the change in stocks to be determined. Increase in African moist forests
stocking signifies net fixation of carbon, and the Moist forests in Africa are heavily depleted by
forests acting as a sink, while decrease suggests commercial logging, conversion for agriculture, ex-
loss and contribution of carbon to the atmosphere. ploitation of non-timber forest products (NTFPs),
Lewis et al. (2009) concluded from repeated meas- expansion of settlements and their associated in-
urements that African moist forests fixed carbon at frastructure and, in some places, activities asso-
the rate of 0.63 tC/ha/yr between 1968 and 2007, ciated with mining or civil strife. Afromontane
a rate comparable to that earlier determined for moist forests are additionally degraded by invasion
the Amazon moist forest (Baker et al., 2004), with of alien species escaping from extensive plantation
the forests serving as a sink in both cases (see also of exotics.
Luyssaert et al., 2008). On the other hand, Feeley Anthropogenic pressure is much higher in
et al. (2007), monitoring up to three million trees West Africa, leading to the loss of more than
of 6,000 species in 18 sites around the world found 90% of the original forest, because of the greater
that tree growth rates decreased significantly in density of the human population than in Central
the tropical moist forests of Panama and Malaysia, Africa. In both sub-regions the moist forest zone
implying that, over the period of monitoring, moist is a mosaic of forest reserves within which most of
forest in those two locations served as a source of the industrial wood production is concentrated, set
carbon to the atmosphere. Determination of the in a matrix of forests outside reserves which con-
true role of African moist forests in the carbon tribute also to industrial wood production, farms
cycle is essential for guiding decisions on invest- and forests at various stages of re-growth from
ment on the forests in carbon trading and the farming or disturbance (Okali and Eyog-Matig,
emerging mechanism of REDD being designed 2004). Especially in West Africa the forests are
for combating climate change. very fragmented, with logging tracks pioneering
Moist forests are the most productive terrestrial access to the forests. Central Africa still has large
ecosystems in the world and the African examples blocks of contiguous forest, with over two-thirds of
are no exception. Covering only about 6% of the the forests being classifiable as ‘low-access forest,
total land area of the Earth, moist forests account i.e. contiguous forest areas of at least 1,000 km 2,
for more than 30–50% of total primary productiv- unbroken by public roads (Minnemeyer, 2002). In
ity in terrestrial ecosystems. The high productivity West Africa industrial wood production is dom-
supports the rich biodiversity, which functions to inated in numbers by indigenous entrepreneurs
maintain the goods and services provided by moist operating small scale businesses, while in Central
forests. There is concern that climate change and Africa, exploitation is dominated by a few, mostly
climate variability may impact adversely on the pro- foreign-connected, concerns operating large con-
ductivity of African moist forests, thereby dimin- cessions, around which most of the forestry deve-
ishing their capacity to support a rich biodiversity lopment in the sub-region is centered (Okali and
and the livelihoods of the people who depend on Eyog-Matig, 2004). Very little of the moist forest
them. The latter could severely curtail the options is managed sustainably at an operational level in
for adaptation of the forest dependent people to both sub-regions, although West Africa has a long
climate change. In addition, biodiversity loss will history of attempts to achieve sustained wood yield
be more consequential for the Afromontane forests by use of management plans incorporating trials of
where a high proportion of the species are endemic. various silvicultural systems. Economic, political
and social imperatives appear to have overwhelmed
the efforts in West Africa and remain the main

Climate change and African moist forests 73

obstacles to sustainable forest management in both Table 5.6 Forest area loss (deforestation) for African lowland moist
forest countries 2000–2005. Source: FAO (2009).
sub-regions (Okali and Eyog-Matig, 2004; Justice
et al., 2001), so that deforestation and forest degra- Annual change rate
dation remain serious threats to African moist for- Area (1,000 ha) %

ests, especially in West Africa. According to FAO West Africa

(2009) (Table 5.6), the moist forest countries in Benin -65 -2.5
West Africa collectively lost 710,000 ha, or about Côte d’Ivoire 15 0.1
1.9% of their forest cover, between 2000 and 2005. Ghana -115 -2.0
The corresponding figures for the Central African Guinea -36 -0.5
countries, with a much larger expanse of forest, are Liberia -60 -1.8
611,000 ha and 0.38%. Forest loss from African Nigeria -410 -3.3
moist forest countries as a whole was as much as Sierra Leone -19 -0.5
18% of the total world forest loss between 2000 Togo -20 -4.5
and 2005, even though moist forest area in Africa Total/mean West Africa -710 -1.87
represents only 6.8% of world forest cover. Central Africa
Deforestation is occurring mainly because of Cameroon -220 -1.0
the pressure of disturbance by human activities. Central African Republic -30 -0.1
The apparent luxuriance and high productivity Congo -17 -0.1
of moist forests are maintained by a balance set Democratic Republic of Congo -319 -0.2
through complex interactions among the very di- Equatorial Guinea -15 -0.9
verse species in the ecosystems and between the Gabon -10 0
species and the physical environment. This balance Total/mean Central Africa -611 0.38
is readily upset by disturbance which exceeds levels World total 7,317
of change to which the forests are exposed in the
gap-phase dynamics by which the forests are natur-
ally maintained. This happens because many spe-
cies in the high diversity moist forests exist within that IPCC (1997), in discussing vulnerability, not-
narrow niches that can readily be transgressed ed that moist forests are under threat from popu-
(IUFRO, 2009). Deforestation and degradation lation pressure and systems of land use, and that
occur when the impacts of logging, slash and burn the effects of these threats include loss of biodi-
agriculture (which is the predominant farming versity, rapid deterioration in land cover and de-
practice) and overexploitation of NTFPs cross the pletion of water availability through destruction of
threshold of resilience of the forests. For African catchments and aquifers. The panel noted further
moist forests to participate in the emerging mech- that the effects of climate change will interact with
anism of REDD for addressing climate change, these underlying changes in the environment, and
the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation add further stresses to an already deteriorating sit-
must be understood and effectively checked. uation.
African moist forests are clearly vulnerable and Actual studies on the vulnerability and resil-
have a low resilience to human disturbance, ac- ience of moist forests to the impacts of climate
counting for the deforestation discussed above. It change and climate variability are few. Some of
is recalled that the tropical moist forest was once such studies (e.g. Lewis et al., 2009) suggest that
described as a non-renewable resource (Gomez- African moist forests may be responding positively
Pompa et al., 1972) on account of the rapid rate at to the increased CO2, increased nutrient addition
which the ecosystem is depleted. It is noteworthy or increased rainfall, all associated with climate

74 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

change, by increase in growth rate. Others (e.g. It is worth noting that IPCC (2007) concluded
Feeley et al., 2007) find the contrary – tree growth that with climate change, forests are likely to un-
rates decreasing significantly in tropical moist for- dergo species range shift and changes in tree pro-
ests in recent years. IPCC (2007) prediction is that ductivity, and that a large proportion of species
with climate change productivity gains in forest may be threatened or endangered in the future.
ecosystems may result from three mechanisms – Studies are urgently needed to ascertain the true
CO2 fertilization, warming in cold climates with response and the stability of African moist forests
concomitant increase in precipitation or through to climate change and climate variability. In such
precipitation increase where water limits growth. studies, since different species respond differently
In the warm humid conditions of African moist to climatic factors, attention should focus on the
forests, only CO2 fertilization may be important, dominant and ecosystem critical species (Okali and
but gains in productivity from this mechanism are Eyog-Matig, 2004; AFF, 2009)
likely to be countered by the higher respiration rate
induced by global warming. Whether there is a net
gain or a net loss in primary production depends 5.3 Adaptation, monitoring and
on the balance between the enhancement of pho- governance
tosynthesis by CO2 fertilization and the increased
respiration induced by the higher temperatures. 5.3.1 Adaptation and coping practices of the
Reduced growth rate coupled with deforestation forest-dependent communities
could leave more CO2 in the atmosphere and, As indicated earlier, moist forest communities
through a positive feed-back, exacerbate rather engage mainly in farming, for which the forests
than mitigate climate change. Friedlingstein et provide fertile land, ameliorate the microclimate
al. (2008), from modeling and simulation studies, in the farming landscape and, through catchment
concluded that warming over African ecosystems protection, conserve soil water. The communities
induced reduction of net ecosystem productivity, gain employment and livelihood support from par-
making a 20% contribution to the global climate- ticipating in the logging industry where this takes
carbon positive feed-back. However, African moist place. They rely on the forests for the supply of wood
forests alone made only a negligible contribution to to meet energy and house-building needs, and for
the overall feed-back, being much smaller than the the supply of a wide range of non-wood products
Amazon forest. to meet various other needs, especially food and
The response of African moist forests to climate medicines. The practices used by the communities
change could also be mediated through enhanced in these engagements with the forest are them-
evapotranspiration from the forest, induced by the selves adaptations to prevailing conditions. To sus-
warmer temperatures (Schochet, undated). The low tain their livelihoods the communities adjust these
clouds formed by the massive transfer of moisture practices in various ways in response to changes
to the atmosphere could reflect radiation helping in the environment, including changes in the eco-
to maintain lower temperatures around the forests. nomic environment, but especially changes in the
Without temperature enhanced respiration, gains capacity of the forest to provide continued sup-
in primary production resulting from CO2 ferti- port. For farming, for example, which is entirely
lization could be retained, making African moist weather-dependent, they already have practices for
forests to serve as a sink for CO2 and an important managing weather-related risks, such as dislocation
factor in climate change mitigation. Deforestation, in the pattern of rainfall, relying on their knowl-
which is rapidly depleting the forests, would have edge of the links between meteorological pheno-
to be checked to realize any benefits from African mena and animal behaviour or plant phenology.
moist forests as a sink. Aware of inter-annual variability in factors such as

Climate change and African moist forests 75

onset of the rainy reason, farmers in African moist experienced in parts of the moist forest zone of
forest communities insure against total crop failure Cross River State. With collection of NTFPs, re-
by staggering crop-sowing dates. turns for effort may fall because of increasing scar-
What follows is a review of adaptation practi- city of the products and the need to travel longer
ces by moist forest communities, organized around distances as the habitats from which the products
livelihood choices, land use, farming and forest are obtained recede with deforestation and forest
management practices. The review draws largely degradation. Scarcity may also arise from overex-
from on-going practices in Cross River State of ploitation of the products. In Cross River State,
Nigeria, which contains the largest expanse of moist both factors are operating causing collectors to
forest in the country, and focuses on adaptation travel longer distances for the collection of the
practices at the lowest level of social organization – highly valued bush-mango (Irvingia gabonensis)
communities and households (CERCOPAN, pri- and leafy vegetable (Gnetum sp.) Migration, change
vate communication). Enhancement and security in livelihood occupation or alteration in the balance
of livelihood, as well as conservation of the natural of activities undertaken to support livelihoods are
resource base for livelihood pursuits, are the overall clearly options that moist forest people may adopt
goals of adaptation choices. to adapt to the impacts of climate change.
People in African moist forest communities Land use practice is being reformed in the
combine a number of activities for livelihood sup- moist forest zone of Cross River State in the effort
port. Farming appears to be the base occupation to to increase the conservation of land to accommo-
which other activities like hunting for bush-meat date the rising population pressure. Encouraged by
and collection of NTFPs are added. Farming, hunt- NGOs, communities in the area are now instituting
ing and NTFP collection may be carried through Community Land Use Plans (CERCOPAN, pri-
to the point of engaging in selling of products to vate communication) to control wasteful use of land,
which value has been added by processing. The bal- adopting essentially the Biosphere Reserve con-
ance in the effort devoted to these activities or to a cepts of the Man and the Biosphere Programme of
combination of activities is determined by the per- UNESCO (UNESCO). Community forest land is
ceived profitability of the choice made. Adaptation now mapped and demarcated into various use zones,
consists essentially of adjusting this balance, to the including a core zone that is totally protected,
point that some activities may be reduced, phased areas for collection of NTFPs, recuperation areas
out or enhanced in relation to others, or the entire and farmland. Adherence to the prescribed uses is
search of livelihood support in the rural setting, controlled by regulations and bye-laws endorsed
may be dropped. The latter leads to migration as an at the local government level of administration.
adaptation response, and this could be temporary This effort at controlled land use is only a few
and seasonal to sell labour, or more prolonged for years old. Its potential for contributing to reduce
temporary settlement in an urban setting. The cue deforestation is evident, but the practice would
for adjustment, or for an adaptation response, is need to be tested over a longer period to accept it
usually failing returns for effort made or perceived as a viable adaptation option for climate change.
opportunity in a new line of action. Dwindling With farming, the cue for adaptation is usually
returns from farming could be caused by weather- first given by declining soil fertility. Adaptation
related factors, such as shortening of the growing response commonly involves ‘shifting’ to a new site
season because of delayed onset or early cessation or changing the crops grown. In the moist forests
of rains or a combination of both factors. Extreme of Cross River State and other parts of Nigeria,
weather events such as drought, excessive heat or ‘shifting’ means cutting new forest in the absence
flooding could also lead to poor returns from farm- of fallow vegetation old enough to provide the re-
ing. Flooding from excessive rainfall is frequently quired level of soil fertility. When old forest area

76 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

is exhausted as has happened with some commun- ditionally prepared for cropping by making high
ities, fallows are repeatedly cropped after short pe- mounds or ridges with hoes adapted for the pur-
riods of fallowing, leading to further degradation pose. This practice could spread as an adaptation
of the soil. In the heavy rainfall zone of Cross River response if flooding increased with climate change.
State, the end point of such degradation is gulley Similarly the practice of mulching could become
erosion. This process can be exacerbated by climate more widely used to conserve moisture and protect
change-induced increase in rainfall amount and crops as an adaptation against climate-change in-
intensity. In the moist forest zone of Cross River duced drought.
State the choice crops when soil fertility is high For forest conservation, in addition to the ben-
are bananas and plantains (Musa spp.) followed efits of planned land use pointed out earlier, key
by yams (Dioscorea spp.). Depleted soils are put on practices that can be adapted to respond to cli-
cassava (Manihot sp.) which is grown repeatedly mate change in the moist forest region include
on shortened fallows until the soil is completely sustainable forest management (SFM) now being
exhausted and abandoned when badly degraded vigorously pursued in Cross River State through
by erosion. The range of crop species used could Community Based Forest Management (Okali,
widen in an effort to adapt to climate change. The 2002; Odera, 2004), and organized production,
main effort to reduce further depletion of forests, outside forests, of many of the products for which
and at the same time respond to the exhaustion forests were ravaged – woodlots for fuel wood and
of farmland soil fertility, is the adoption of agro- building materials, plantations or agro-forests of
forestry practices. This serves also to keep the land wild fruit trees (notably the wild mango, Irvingia
continuously under vegetation cover, which pro- spp.), domestication of wildlife, including bush-
tects the land against soil erosion, and could be a meat yielding animals (e.g. grass-cutter, Thryonomis
potent adaptation option for climate change. The swinderianus), snails in snaileries and bees in apia-
economic benefits of agro-forestry could also help ries for honey. Attempts are also being made to
to reduce poverty which is a major driver of defor- scale-up the cultivation of the very popular leafy
estation. vegetable, afang (Gnetum sp.), hitherto only lightly
At present, farmers rely on indigenous knowl- cultivated in home-gardens, as a major livelihood
edge of the relationships between plant (phenology) option. Medicinal plants, hitherto collected from
or animal (commonly birds) behaviour to forecast the wild, and now made scarce by forest destruc-
the weather, or detect inter-annual climate var- tion, are also being grown in specialized gardens
iability for agricultural decisions and operations. as livelihood options. Most of the forest manage-
This traditional approach is becoming increasingly ment practices are designed to cut back on forest
unreliable partly because of the lag in adaptation exploitation thereby conserving forest resources.
of the biological phenomena used to the changing To this end, improved efficiency in utilizing forest
climate (IUFRO, 2009). Efforts are only now be- products, e.g. use of improved stoves for efficient
ing made to introduce farmers to the use of weather burning of wood, are also part of the practices be-
data from meteorological services (Saleem et al., ing developed, and to the extent that these forest
2003). But much remains to be done in developing practices increase incomes of the forest-dependent
reliable short-term forecasts from meteorological people, they also serve to reduce poverty and de-
data and propagating the use of these among farm- forestation.
ers as an adaptation option for climate change. Similar adaptation practices as reviewed above
Cultivation of land for planting also reflects are reflected in the extensive discussions of adap-
adaptation to the environment. Planting in the tation to climate change globally (IUFRO, 2009)
moist forest zone of Nigeria is usually on mounds/ and in Africa (IPCC, 2007). Both sources stress
heaps or ridges. Land prone to inundation is tra- the importance of good governance for realizing

Climate change and African moist forests 77

the goals of adaptation. The practices described EUMETSAT (AFP, 2009). The aim of the ini-
above are taking place in the context of improving tiative is to track the effects of climate change on
environmental governance at least up to the local the continent, and achieve better dissemination of
government level of administration which provides environment information for improved decision-
the cover for enforcement. Note should be taken, making processes, and to develop coherent and
however, of the alert by IPCC (2007) that the tra- sound policies across a wide spectrum in the field
ditional adaptation practices developed by African of the environment (Ping, 2009).
farmers to cope with current climate variability There is a longer experience with monitoring
may not be sufficient for future changes of climate. of forest cover, than with monitoring of climate
Despite this, traditional climate risk management change, in the moist forest countries of West and
practices remain a valid take-off point in the de- Central Africa. Periodic inventories are made of
velopment of optimal climate change adaptation the forest estate and the data are fed into FAO for-
practices. est statistics for world-wide dissemination. The in-
ventories are, however, infrequent and sometimes
only partial. According to Okali and Eyog-Matig
5.3.2 Monitoring and reporting on climate (2004), in West Africa, only Benin and Nigeria
change and change in forest status carried out an inventory of their forest resources
Monitoring and reporting on climate change in in the 90s; Sierra Leone, Liberia and Togo made
the moist forest countries of Africa can only be a their last inventories in 1986, 1980 and 1975, re-
relatively recent development. Climate records kept spectively, while only partial inventories existed for
for decades by national meteorological services are Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire at the time of reporting.
only now being analyzed and interpreted in the Okali and Eyog-Matig (2004) also reported that
context of climate change, by the meteorological in Central Africa, the inventories at that time cov-
services themselves, or by researchers in the field. ered only part of the productive forested domain
Such treatment, for instance, recently enabled the in Cameroon, the Congo, Gabon and the Central
Nigerian meteorological service (NIMET, 2008) African Republic; national level inventories exist-
to produce maps showing evidence of climate ing for the Democratic Republic of Congo and
change in the country, based on 1940–2000 data. Equatorial Guinea were dated, 1982 and 1992,
At present, there is little capacity to use meteor- respectively. Most of the data in the Global Forest
ological data for climate monitoring at the rural Resources Assessment 2000 Main Report were
community level. Any monitoring that occurs at based on national expert estimates (FAO, 2001).
this level most likely relies on indigenous knowl- As with monitoring of climate change, the
edge. Monitoring of climate change is now facili- use of satellite remote sensing technology and
tated by satellite technology and African countries international collaboration now greatly aid moni-
are taking advantage of this (e.g. INFORMS, see toring of change in forest status. In this regard,
below). Of interest is the increasing development notable initiatives focused on the Congo Basin in-
of partnerships with industrialized countries to clude the Central Africa Regional Project for the
share their satellite facilities for climate change Environment (CARPE) of USAID (http://carpe.
monitoring in Africa. This international collabo-, and the Integrated Forest Monitoring
ration is engendered by the widespread concern System for Central Africa (INFORMS) project of
for the high vulnerability of the African continent Woods Hole Research Center (http://www.whrc.
to climate change. Notable among such initiatives org/mapping/index.html).
is the recent launching, by the African Union, of At the community level, change in forest status
the Africa Climate Change Monitoring Station is readily noticed from the changed appearance,
in partnership with the European satellite agency structure and species composition of the forest.

78 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

The disappearance of forest species of hunted ani- provisions of the Convention and the submission
mals, reduction in abundance of exploitable plants of necessary reports. Full address of climate change
and the invasion of weedy species must be some of would entail having the appropriate policies and
the earliest signs of changing forest status. Except programmes systematically coordinated at the na-
with the emerging introduction of land use plan- tional level but reaching to the grassroots, with
ning and mapping, change in forest status was climate change considerations embedded in all
traditionally not recorded. Information on forest relevant development programmes.
status was simply disseminated by oral tradition. The 14 countries in the two sub-regions of con-
centration of lowland moist forests are parties to
the UNFCCC and subscribe to the Kyoto Protocol,
5.3.3 Institutional and governance having ratified both instruments, the last country
arrangements for climate change doing so by March 2008 (Table 5.7). Ratification
Institutional and governance arrangements for of the Kyoto Protocol is significant, as this is the
addressing climate begin, for each country, with instrument through which engagement of the for-
the ratification of the United Nations Framework estry sector with climate change action occurs.
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Benin, Central African Republic, Democratic
and ratification of instruments deriving from the Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Liberia
Convention, such as the Kyoto Protocol. Setting and Togo are additionally among 50 parties to the
up the structures necessary for participating in UNFCCC listed as Least Developed Countries
UNFCCC activities, such as the Conferences of (LDCs), which receive special support for addres-
Parties and its relevant committees, would then sing climate change. For example, Least Developed
follow, along with measures to domesticate the Countries were funded under UNFCCC to
prepare National Adaptation
Programmes of Action (NAPA).
Table 5.7 Status of African lowland moist forest countries in relation to UNFCC and the Kyoto
Protocol. Source: UNFCCC website.
Among the African moist forest
LDCs only Equatorial Guinea
Date ratified Reports and Togo are yet to submit their
UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol FNC NAPA
NAPA report. All the countries
West Africa have named appropriate govern-
Benin 30 Jun 1994 25 Feb 2002 X X ment ministries, departments or
Côte d’Ivoire 29 Nov 1994 23 Apr 2007 X agencies, mostly related to the
Ghana 6 Sep 1995 30 May 2003 X Environment, as the focal point
Guinea 7 May 1993 7 Sep 2000 X for the Convention, with Ghana
Liberia 5 Nov 1995 5 Nov 2002 X and Nigeria also appointing
Nigeria 29 Aug 1994 10 Dec 2004 X Designated National Authority
Sierra Leone 22 Jun 1995 10 Nov 2006 X X (DNA) for the Clean De-
Togo 8 Mar 1995 2 Jul 2004 X velopment Mechanism (CDM)
Central Africa of the Kyoto Protocol. Except for
Cameroon 19 Oct 1994 28 Aug 2002 X Equatorial Guinea and Liberia,
Central African Republic 10 Mar 1995 18 Mar 2008 X X all have also submitted their
Congo 14 Oct 1996 12 Feb 2007 X First National Communication,
Democratic Republic of Congo 8 Jan 1995 23 Mar 2005 X X required by the Convention to
Equatorial Guinea 16 Aug 2000 16 Aug 2000 indicate the circumstances of
Gabon 21 Jan 1998 12 Dec 2006 X each country, the status of in-
formation on the inventory of

Climate change and African moist forests 79

the greenhouse gases, mitigation and adaptation cal point, is the responsibility of a Special Climate
efforts, and areas where the countries might need Change Unit (SCCU) of the ministry, while an
support to fully participate in pursuing the objec- Inter-Ministerial Committee on Climate Change
tives of the Convention. coordinates activities across sectors. National co-
The countries are mostly all engaged with ordination is effected through a National Climate
capacity building, training and public awareness Change Coordinating Committee, comprising, in
raising on climate change. Mostly with external addition to government ministries, representatives
agencies’ support, activities relevant for forest-based of civil society organizations and the private sector.
response to climate change are also taking place (see In Guinea, coordination is effected by a National
Okali and Eyog-Matig, 2004, for a list of externally Climate Change Coordinating Committee com-
supported initiatives working on Central African prising 13 public and private institutions. The
forests). These include research, updating inven- elaborate arrangement made for coordination to
tories on the greenhouse gases, monitoring land achieve an effective response to climate change is
cover status, clarifying vulnerabilities to scenar- illustrated by the case of Ghana (see Box 5.1).
ios of climate change and seeking to identify opti-
mal adaptation options (e.g. the Building Nigeria’s
Response to Climate Change Project, supported by 5.4 Issues in forest-based climate change
the Canadian International Development Agency response
(CIDA) in Nigeria (BNRCC, 2008), the Central
Africa Regional Project for the Environment 5.4.1 Barriers to expanding the role of African
(CARPE) supported by USAID (Justice et al., moist forests in climate change response
2001), and the Congo Basin Forest Partnership The challenge of climate change has been the fo-
project in which the German government is hel- cus of several Africa regional and sub-regional
ping the six countries that share the Congo Basin summits (IISD 2009), from which have emerged
to develop a common forest policy (Barbara and such general initiatives as the ClimDev Africa
Cramer, 2008). Initiatives such as CIFOR’s Congo programme, aimed at improving climate-related
Basin Forests and Climate Change Adaptation data management and dissemination towards
Project are, among other things, researching to building climate-resilient capacity in all aspects of
harness the safety net role of forests into profitable the continent’s development (E/ECA/COE/23/8).
household strategies for adapting to climate change The Africa Union partnership with EUMESTAT
(Nkem et al., 2008). The external interventions aim to create the African Climate Change Monitoring
to enhance the capacities of the countries to re- Station also has a similar objective. This section,
spond to climate change. however, focuses on forest-based climate change
In the African moist forest countries, climate initiatives.
change is mostly governed by existing environmen- Interest in an expanded role for African moist
tal policies, acts, laws and regulations. Nigeria is in forests in climate change response strategies arises,
the process of articulating a specific policy on cli- primarily, because of the concern for the rapid rate
mate change, which will be followed by appropriate of loss of tropical forests (see Table 5.5), which ac-
regulations and legislation. In some countries (e.g. counts for about 20% of global emission of CO2
Ghana, Guinea and Nigeria) special units have (IPCC, 2007). Forest loss at the same time dimin-
been set up to coordinate climate change activities, ishes the capacity of forests to sequester, and serve
within the environment sector and across sectors. as a sink for, CO2, while, mainly through the loss
In Nigeria, for example, coordination within the of biodiversity, it also curtails the opportunities for,
Federal Ministry of Environment, which is the fo- and capacities of, forest-dependent local people to

80 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Co-ordination of Climate Change and UNFCCC activities in Ghana

A National Committee on Climate Change is hosted by the Ministry of Environment, Science & Technology. This
committee (made up of representatives from Ministries, Universities, Research Institutions, the private sector and
Non-Governmental Organizations) has been mandated to review policies and programs that can complement the
national development priorities while at the same time contributing to reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and
increase in carbon sinks. The Ministry is the focal point for the UNFCCC activities in the country. The main Country
Implementing Institution (CII) for the technical coordination of activities on Climate Change, the UNFCCC and
other environmental conventions ratified by Ghana, is the Environmental Protection Agency. Since 1997, a special
Conventions and Projects Implementation Department has been established within the Agency to perform, inter
alia, the following functions:
a) Serve as the focal point for National, Regional and International Projects and Conventions implemented by
the Agency.
b) Liaise with other departments to generally facilitate the coordination of Ghana’s involvement in the prepara-
tion, ratification and implementation of Conventions and Protocols on the environment.
c) Act as the ‘desk’ for the implementation of climate change related issues.
Experts selected from the Universities, NGOs, Research institutions and Ministries, Departments and Agencies
have also been organized into Working Groups and Climate Change Study Teams to assist with the implementa-
tion of the Climate Change Project. They form a core of experts who execute various activities in identified areas
within the national economy that affect greenhouse gas emissions and sinks and also provide technical support to
projects under the national climate change activities. This initial National Communication is based on the results
obtained from the working groups and study teams.

Box 5.1 Source: Ghana’s First National Communication to UNFCCC.

adjust and adapt to the adverse effects of climate chapter have ratified the Kyoto Protocol (Table
change. Thus, African moist forests, as indeed all 5.6), and significant that not one of the countries
tropical forests, are particularly central to the is- has a forest project under the protocol addressing
sue of responding to climate change, through the climate change. Understanding why this is so, de-
two major approaches articulated by UNFCCC spite the acknowledged importance of forests, pro-
for addressing the problem globally – mitigation vides a clue to the thrust of most Africa-specific,
(by reducing emissions and/or sequestering carbon) forest-related positions or initiatives on climate
and adaptation (by adjusting to the anticipated or change. It leads also to the understanding of the
existing effects of climate change). relevance of issues considered, in this chapter, to
Under the UNFCCC, the key global initiative be important for effective engagement of African
of relevance, from the forest point of view, is the forests in climate change response strategies.
Kyoto Protocol, which, is the main instrument Under the Kyoto Protocol, the existing in-
for regulating emission up to 2012, and is man- strument through which forestry activities can be
datory to countries that have ratified the protocol conducted as a response to climate change is the
(Robledo et al., 2008). It is noteworthy that all the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). African
14 African moist forest countries discussed in this moist forest countries have not been able to access

Climate change and African moist forests 81

this facility mainly because they lack the expertise 5.4.2 Providing the enabling environment
and financial resources to meet the project prepa- Global agreements and processes, as might result
ration standard and heavy financial cost involved. from current negotiations on REDD, must first
The high transaction and plantation establishment be domesticated by African moist forest countries,
costs, the requirement for clear property rights and and accompanied by the necessary policies, laws,
the difficulty of meeting the sustainability criterion regulations and guidelines, as well as administra-
are further obstacles that have made it difficult for tive structures to facilitate their implementation.
local communities to participate even in the sim- Domestication implies embedding the essential
plified afforestation and reforestation (A/R) pro- elements of the global agreements and processes
jects under the CDM (Robledo et al., 2008). into local instruments of governance, taking lo-
These obstacles are among the issues of con- cal realities into account. For example, successful
cern to Africa in the emerging mechanism of implementation of an instrument like REDD, or
REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation other forest-based climate change mitigation or
and Forest Degradation in Developing countries), adaptation measures, would require policy reforms
by which it is sought to expand the engagement that 1) settle the issues of forest land and trees
of tropical forest countries in quantified emission ownership and rights, 2) provide for the equitable
reduction action. Africa’s position in responding distribution of benefits and incentives, taking gen-
to this emerging mechanism is well articulat- der considerations into account, 3) provide for the
ed, for example, in the submission made by the institution of financial and technical incentives, to
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa overcome transaction and early establishment dif-
(COMESA) to the UNFCCC Ad-hoc Working ficulties, and 4) create the necessary conditions for
Group for Long-Term Cooperative Action recent- enhancement of the knowledge base in support of
ly (COMESA, 2009), and in the recently issued the transaction and implementation of projects.
African Forest Forum position paper on present It would be necessary also for the moist forest
and emerging climate change arrangements (AFF, countries to maintain a regular update of the sta-
2009). The primary concern is that the design of tus of their forest resources, through frequently re-
REDD or, indeed, of any climate change response peated inventories that specify at least ownership,
mechanism affecting forests, in the post-2012 ar- cover and stocking of the forests.
rangements, must take account of the full range Linkage of the forestry sector with other sectors
of the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use like agriculture, energy, housing and settlements,
(AFOLU) activities that are key drivers of defor- water resources, tourism and finance must be ta-
estation in Africa. Since these activities support ken fully into account in designing forest-based re-
the livelihoods of forest-dependent local commu- sponses to climate change. While forestry impacts
nities the mechanism must lead to enhancement of on these sectors, activities that drive deforestation
these livelihoods in addition to its environmental often come mostly from them. There will be need
benefits. The compensation for avoiding deforesta- to co-ordinate effectively policies in these sectors in
tion must cover the cost of enhanced alternative support of forest-based mitigation and adaptation
livelihoods. At the same time, the transactions for measures. In addition to doing this at the highest
putting such mechanisms into place must also be so policy-making level, devices such as inter-minis-
simplified and involve realistic criteria for assessing terial committees comprising relevant ministries,
emission reduction credits as to be readily operat- departments and agencies, and national coordinat-
ed and accepted by local people. The financial and ing committees comprising civil society and pri-
other benefits accruing from the mechanism must vate sector representatives, added to government
in addition be equitably distributed to reach both representatives, can help to enhance coordination
men and women in the affected communities. in policy implementation. Cross-sectoral coordi-

82 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

nation can further be strengthened by designating However, since tropical deforestation is known
and maintaining forestry/climate change desks and to contribute about 20% of annual global emission
focal points in relevant ministries, departments and of CO2, any reduction in loss of African moist for-
agencies. It is emphasized that the critical factor is ests will contribute to mitigating climate change.
the commitment to cross sectoral coordination at The challenge is how to achieve reduction in forest
the highest level of policy-making. This ensures loss and at the same time meet the livelihood needs
that the necessary support is provided to make in- of the majority of Africans who depend on forests.
ter-ministerial or coordinating committees, as well The debate on the emerging mechanism of reduc-
as designated focal points or desks effective. ing emission from deforestation and degradation
of tropical forests, REDD, centres largely on how
to meet this challenge. Inclusion of African moist
5.5 Conclusion forests in global arrangements to respond to cli-
African lowland moist forests are located mainly mate change requires mechanisms and procedures
in West and Central Africa, with the forest in the that are so simplified as to be readily accessible to
Congo basin being the second largest continuous African people, in terms of definitions, criteria for
block of forest in the world after the Amazon for- emission reduction assessment, transaction time
est. An archipelago of high altitude moist forests and cost. The mechanism(s) must also take into
occurs mainly in the eastern and southern African account, and provide resources and technologies to
countries. Together with woodlands, African moist develop the full range of activities in Agriculture,
forests occupy about 22% of Africa’s land area, con- Forestry and Other Land Uses (AFOLU), that
tain more than 80% of the wood biomass of forests avoided deforestation will forego.
in Africa, and are intimately linked to the socio- To engage effectively in such mechanisms,
economic and productive systems of the people. African countries must themselves take steps to
Besides being the base for industrial wood produc- develop the expertise and knowledge base (espe-
tion, they support livelihoods that are organized cially of the status of forest resources and of issues
around agriculture and collection of forest products in the transaction process), and establish the nec-
for food, energy, medicine and house-building, and essary institutional, legislative and administrative
serve as livelihood safety nets that help the people framework, domesticating as necessary internation-
to overcome livelihood-threatening shocks. al laws and processes in ways that fully take local
African moist forests are currently under con- realities into account. Policies must be reformed to
siderable pressure from human use and are also clarify and secure forest land and trees ownership,
impacted by climate change, at the same time that tenure and rights, taking equity and gender consid-
interest is increasing in their potential to contrib- erations fully into account, so that benefits from
ute to climate change mitigation and adaptation the engagement reach the grassroots. Policy re-
strategies. Pressure from human use is leading to forms must also provide for incentives and financial
degradation, fragmentation and outright loss of assistance for transaction and initial implementa-
forest cover such that African moist forests, which tion costs, and install management regimes that
represent less than 7% of the world’s forest cover, ensure full accountability in the transactions and
contribute nearly 20% of total world deforestation. regular monitoring of the resource base. And since
The impact of climate change is reflected mainly the drivers of deforestation often come from many
in the increasing rate of species loss, but the effects sectors outside the forestry sector, mechanisms for
on forest productivity, which is critical for knowing cross-sectoral coordination of policies and their
the extent to which African moist forests serve as implementation must be in place.
a sink for, or a source of, carbon dioxide are not yet Engaging African moist forests in climate
well understood. change mitigation and adaptation strategies could

Climate change and African moist forests 83

provide the impetus for the development of efficient before the improved and sustainable ways of using
and sustainable ways of using the forests. However, the forests, to combat climate change and variabil-
much methodological and policy reform, as well ity while enhancing livelihoods, can be realized.
as capacity building, remains to be accomplished

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84 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Chapter 6

Emmanuel Chidumayo

6.1 Introduction respect of climate change, emerging evidence also

Woodlands in Africa contain a high diversity of suggests that climate warming might reduce overall
plant species with a high degree of endemism and plant production in woodlands of East and south-
are therefore important for biodiversity conserva- ern Africa. At larger geographical scale shifts in
tion. Woodlands in sub-Saharan Africa are also of ranges of individual plant species are likely impacts
crucial importance to water resources management of climate change on African woodland species.
because all the major river basins in sub-Saharan This chapter describes the distribution of wood-
Africa are either located or have most of their head- lands in sub-Saharan Africa and discusses the state
waters in woodland zones where this vegetation of woodland biomass and carbon stocks, utiliza-
plays a crucial role in sustaining river flows and tion, threats to woodlands and opportunities for
water supplies. Agriculture is a significant local improved management, vulnerability of the wood-
economic activity in many countries of sub-Sahar- lands to climate change and impacts on trees and
an Africa because the majority of the people – who forests, and climate change adaptation and miti-
live in rural areas – depends on both subsistence gation issues in the woodlands. The chapter ends
production and local trade in agricultural produce. with recommendations for managing woodlands
Large areas of African woodlands have been sub- for climate change adaptation and mitigation.
jected to clearing for agriculture which has greatly
affected their extent and condition. Much of the
cropland is rain-fed and is therefore vulnerable to 6.2 Distribution of woodlands
climate variability that is characterized by periodic in sub-Saharan Africa
droughts and occasional floods that frequently cause The term woodland is here used in its broadest
crop failure. During such times the majority of sense and includes a variety of wooded vegetation
coping strategies for woodland inhabitants involves formations in which the woody canopy covers more
gathering of wild foods in the forest. Threats to than 10% of the ground surface, under climatic
African woodlands can be attributed to a number conditions with a dry season of three months or
of factors and processes including policies that fail more. This definition incorporates vegetation types
to take into account impacts on forests, conversion commonly termed woodland, shrubland, thicket,
of forest to cropland arising from both population savanna, wooded grassland, as well as dry forest
growth and structural adjustment policies, urban- in its strict sense but does not include moist for-
ization, over-dependence on wood-based energy est and the Sahel. Woodlands are found in 34
sources, unsustainable harvesting of wood pro- countries (excluding island states) in sub-Saharan
ducts, fire and climate change and variability. In Africa and dominate the vegetation in the majority

Climate change and the woodlands of Africa 85

30° 30°N

20° 20°N

10° 10°N

0° 0°

Warm sub-humid

10° 10°S
Warm dry


20° 20°S

0 1100

30° 30°S

Figure 6.1 Distribution of woodlands in sub-Saharan Africa. Based on White (1983).

of these countries. On the basis of climate these 6.3 Woodland stocks and condition
woodlands can be divided into three main types: The level of vegetation cover in sub-Saharan
warm sub-humid, warm dry and semi-arid (Figure woodlands depends on their structure and phe-
6.1). The warm sub-humid woodlands are actually nology, but generally tree cover is highest in
dry forests with a typical forest structure and oc- sub-humid woodlands (over 70%) and lowest in semi-
cur in two of White’s (1983) floristic regions – the arid woodlands (10–40%) although Mayaux et
Guinea-Congolia/Zambezian regional transition al. (2004) give a range of 15–40% for the latter.
zone in southern Africa and the Guinea-Congolia/ Because of the deciduous nature of the woodlands,
Sudanian regional transition zone in West Africa. vegetation cover also varies seasonally. The increase
Warm dry woodlands occur in the Zambezian and in greenness during the late dry season is due to
the Sudanian regional centres of endemism, while the woody component, while that in the early wet
the semi-arid woodlands cover most of the Somali- season is due to the grass component (Chidumayo,
Masai regional centre of endemism in northeast 2001). Degradation of the tree component, by fire,
Africa and the Kalahari-Highveld regional transi- timber and wood harvesting, drought or browsing/
tion zone in southern Africa. grazing by wildlife or livestock, tends to reduce

86 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

dominance of the woody component in favour of number of cover types, including cropland, aban-
the grass component. This grass dominance can doned fields and fallows at various stages of recov-
then be maintained by fire or grazing. ery. For example, Lanly and Clement (1982) esti-
The analysis of data for 164 woodland sample mated that 20% of open woodland in Africa is made
plots in sub-Saharan Africa revealed that stem up of fallows and land use conversion to agricul-
density does not vary significantly: stem density ture is continuing as population pressure on wood-
ranged from 300 to 900 per ha with a tendency for lands grows resulting in a decline in woodland
higher stem densities (800–900 per ha) in semi- area per person: land per person in the Zambezian
arid woodlands and lower densities (700–800 per woodlands in southern Africa decreased from 1.45
ha) in warm dry woodlands. However, data for 92 ha in 1975 to 1.05 ha in 2000, and corresponding
sample plots indicated that basal area varies signif- values for the Sudanian woodlands of West Africa
icantly among woodlands - the highest basal area are 1.58 ha in 1975 and 1.28 ha in 2000 (Eva et
(at breast height) is found in sub-humid wood- al., 2006).
lands (24–28 m 2 per ha) and this declined to a Estimates based on the Food and Agriculture
range of 11.5–14.1 m 2 per ha in warm dry wood- Organization (FAO) (2005) indicate that tropical
lands in southern Africa and 8.4–11.0 m 2 per ha woodlands in sub-Saharan Africa covered a total
in Kalahari-Highveld semi-arid woodlands. The of 2.9 million km 2 in 2000 and represented nearly
basal area in the Sudanian warm dry woodlands 23.4% of the total land area in the 34 countries
of West Africa ranges from 3.6 to 10.1 m 2 per ha. in which these vegetation types occur. The broad
Large areas of African woodlands have been distribution of woodland cover in the different sub-
subjected to clearing for agriculture which has regions in sub-Saharan Africa is shown in Table
greatly affected their extent and condition. In ad- 6.1.
dition, woodland fragmentation has occurred due
to logging and wood harvesting for fuel. The great-
est impact of agriculture has been in West and East 6.4 Uses of woodlands
Africa, where more than 50% of woodlands has Woodland ecosystems in Africa contain a high
been converted to agricultural use. Because of the diversity of plant species with a high degree of
nature of shifting cultivation that is widely prac- endemism and are therefore important for biodi-
ticed in Africa, land under agriculture represents a versity conservation. Floristic diversity in African

Table 6.1 Distribution of woodland vegetation types in sub-Saharan Africa in 2000.

Total land area Woodland area2

Woodland category Phytoregion1 Subregion
(km2)1 km2 % of woodland
Guinea-Congolia/Sudanian transition zone West Africa 1,165,000 94,365 8.1
Warm sub-humid
Guinea-Congolia/Zambezian transition zone Southern Africa 705,000 129,015 18.3
Sudanian West Africa 3,731,000 790,972 21.2
Warm dry
Zambezian Southern Africa 3,770,000 1,474,070 39.1
Kalahari-Highveld Southern Africa 1,223,000 50,143 4.1
Somali-Masai Northeast Africa 1,873,000 376,400 9.0
All 12,467,000 2,914,965 23.4

1) Based on White (1983).

2) Based on FAO (2005).

Climate change and the woodlands of Africa 87

woodlands was assessed by White (1983) and has tion plays a crucial role in sustaining river flows
recently been re-evaluated by Linder et al. (2005). and water supplies. Agriculture is a significant
Plant species diversity in the different woodlands local economic activity in many countries of sub-
in sub-Saharan Africa are presented in Table 6.2. Saharan Africa because the majority of the people
The large differences in species diversity between – who live in rural areas – depends on both sub-
White (1983) and Linder et al. (2005) (Table 6.2) sistence production and local trade in agricultural
are probably due to 1) taxonomic classifications and produce. Agriculture is therefore a major land use
revisions, especially following the work of White, in African woodlands. In fact, the major zone of
2) variable sampling effort, and 3) differences in crop agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa is located in
delineating phytoregions. The latter source of dif- woodland areas (Mayaux et al., 2003, 2004). Much
ference is particularly acute in the case of wood- of the cropland is rain-fed and is therefore vulner-
lands and savannas of Africa that are diverse and able to climate variability that is characterized by
their delineation vary considerably among work- periodic droughts and occasional floods that fre-
ers. However, both the assessments by White quently cause crop failure. During such times the
(1983) and Linder et al. (2005) indicate that the majority of coping strategies for woodland inhabi-
Zambezian woodlands of southern Africa have tants involves gathering of wild foods in the forest.
the highest floristic diversity while the Kalahari- This reliance on woodland resources is actually
Highveld semi-arid woodlands, also in southern greater considering that forests also support local
Africa, have the poorest. According to White industries that produce wood products. And most
(1983), phytoregions with high levels of endemism important is the diverse range of other products,
(30–55%) include the Somali-Masai, Sudanian and including fruits, fish and bush meat, edible insects,
Zambezian centers of endemism and this is sup- bees wax and honey and traditional medicines, that
ported by the assessment by Linder et al. (2005), come from woodlands and are indispensable to the
except for the Sudanian phytoregion that was given lives of woodland-dwelling communities. Most of
a very low level of endemism of one percent (Table these non-timber forest products are produced, tra-
6.2). ded and consumed outside the cash economy and
Woodlands in sub-Saharan Africa are of cru- therefore are not adequately captured in national
cial importance to water resources management. economic statistics. Nevertheless, the FAO (1999a)
In fact, all the major river basins in sub-Saharan estimated that the export of timber, nuts, gum and
Africa are either located or have most of their other forest products generates about 6% of the
headwaters in woodland zones where this vegeta- economic product of African countries.

Table 6.2. Plant species richness and endemism in woodlands of sub-Saharan Africa.

Plant species richness % of endemic species

Woodland category Subregion
White (1983) Linder et al. (2005) White (1983) Linder et al. (2005)
West Africa 2,000 711 3 1
Warm sub-humid
Southern Africa 2,000 571 3 5
West Africa 2,750 684 35 1
Warm dry
Southern Africa 8,500 1,725 54 22
Northeast Africa 4,000 931 31 11
Southern Africa 3,000 583 2 2

88 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

6.5 Carbon pools in wood biomass and Africa, including Benin (Schreckenberg, 1999),
soils in the woodlands Burkina Faso (Nikiema, 2005; Sawadogo et al.,
Woodland trees through photosynthesis capture 2002; Zida et al., 2007), the Democratic Republic
carbon dioxide (CO2) to produce carbon com- of Congo (Freson, unpublished; Malaisse, 1978;
pounds that constitute much of the woody biomass. Malaisse, 1984; Malaisse et al., 1970; Malaisse et
However, few studies have assessed wood biomass al., 1975), Mali (Picard et al., 2006), Mozambique
in African woodlands. The determination of above- (Musanhane et al., 2000; Sambane, 2005;
ground wood biomass in trees is generally achieved Williams et al., 2008), South Africa (Shackleton
using the relationship between tree diameter and/ et al., 1994; Scholes, 1990), Tanzania (Banda et
or height and biomass derived from felled sam- al., 2006; Gausala, 1989; Isango, 2007), Zambia
ple trees. A combination of tree- and stand-based (Araki, 1992; Chidumayo, 1987, 1997, unpub-
basal area (derived from diameter measurements) lished; Endean, 1968) and Zimbabwe (Ward and
was used to develop a common equation for esti- Cleghorn, 1964) were used in the analysis.
mating wood biomass from basal area data (Figure The basal area data that were originally based
6.2). This approach is particularly useful because on stump height (between 15 and 30 cm above-
most forest standing stocks are reported as basal ground) measurements were converted to basal
area per ha and an equation based on basal area area at breast height using the following equation
could have a wider application in estimating above- (Chidumayo, unpublished):
ground wood biomass in woodlands of Africa.
Basal area = - 0.0019 + 0.71*stump height basal
The equation in Figure 6.2 was applied to basal
area, r2 = 0.999, P < 0.0001.
area data from different woodland sample plots
in Africa to compute aboveground wood biomass. In addition data on wood biomass were obtained
Data for a total of 92 sample plots in sub-Saharan directly from literature for 73 sample plots in Benin
(Orthmann, 2005), Ivory Coast (Lamotte, 1970;
Menaut and Cesar, 1979), Kenya (Okello et al.,
8000 Y = 0.702X - 281.484; R2 = 0.92 2001; Western and Ssemakula, 1981), Mozambique
(Sambane, 2005), Nigeria (Fatubarin, 1984), South
7000 Africa (Higgins et al., 1990) and Zimbabwe (Kelly
and Walker, 1976).
The results of the analysis indicate that above-
ground wood biomass (mean ±1se) is highest
Total wood biomass (kg)

in Congo-Guinea and Congo-Zambezian sub-
4000 humid woodlands (179 ± 24 t per ha) followed by
the Zambezian warm dry woodlands (93 ± 4 t per
3000 ha), then the Sudanian woodlands (57 ± 6 t per
ha), Kalahari-Highveld (28 ± 6 t per ha) and lastly
2000 Somali-Masai (16 ± 3 t per ha).
There have been even fewer studies on be-
lowground wood biomass in African woodlands
0 but Frost (1996) estimated that belowground wood
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 biomass represented about 40% of the aboveground
Basal area (cm2) at 1.3 m above ground biomass. This is most likely an underestimation of
belowground wood biomass given that the depth of
Figure 6.2 Linear equation for estimating total aboveground wood
biomass (oven-dry basis) from basal area of individual and stand trees roots of woodland trees may exceed 5 m (Savory,
in African woodlands. Source: Chapter author. 1962) while most root samples have been obtained

Climate change and the woodlands of Africa 89

at depths of less than 2 m (Chidumayo, 1993a). al., 2008). Soil bulk density ranges from 1.2 to 1.4
Estimates of belowground wood biomass were (Brookman-Ammissah et al., 1980; Chidumayo
therefore derived from multiplying aboveground and Kwibisa, 2003; Williams et al., 2008). To es-
biomass by 0.4 as suggested by Frost (1996). timate soil organic carbon in the top 30 cm the
Carbon content in wood biomass was estimat- product of organic matter content of 1% and a bulk
ed by multiplying wood biomass by a factor of density of 1.2 was multiplied by a factor of 0.58
0.47 (Chidumayo, 1993b; Williams et al., 2008; which is the proportion of carbon in soil organic
Woomer et al., 2004). matter (McVay and Rice, 2002).
Woodland soils also contain considerable The estimated carbon density in African wood-
amounts of organic matter. Total organic matter lands is shown in Figure 6.3 and total carbon stocks
content ranges from 1 to 2% that is concentrated in are summarized in Table 6.3. The major carbon
the top 30 cm (Brookman-Ammissah et al., 1980; stocks are found in warm subhumid and warm dry
Chidumayo, 1993a; Lugo and Sanchez, 1986; woodlands of southern Africa (70% of the carbon
Orthmann, 2005; Trapnell et al., 1976; Williams et in wood biomass and 55% of the carbon in soil).


Carbon (tonnes ha-1)







f ri

f ri






Warm dry Semi arid

Figure 6.3 Average carbon stocks per ha in woodlands of sub-Saharan Africa. Vertical line above each bar is
standard error of mean value.

Table 6.3 Distribution of carbon stocks in woodlands of sub-Saharan Africa in 2000. Based on FAO (2005).

Woodland area2 Carbon stocks in million tonnes

Woodland category Subregion
km2 Wood Soil Total
West Africa 94,365 1,112 200 1,312
Warm sub-humid
Southern Africa 129,015 1,520 274 1,793
West Africa 790,972 2,967 1,677 4,644
Warm dry
Southern Africa 1,474,070 9,020 3,126 12,146
Southern Africa 50,143 92 106 199
Northeast Africa 376,400 396 798 1,194
All 2,914,965 15,107 6,181 21,288

90 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

6.6 Threats to the woodlands due to wastage during conversion, the use of char-
Given the difficulties of modeling deforestation and coal in urban areas of sub-Saharan Africa has also
degradation of tropical open woodlands (Grainger, serious implications on woodland condition and
1999), estimates of woodland cover loss in Africa land cover loss.
tend to vary greatly depending on the methodolo- In tropical woodlands, fire is a common threat
gy used to estimate deforestation and degradation. to the vegetation. Although some fires originate
Estimates of woodland loss therefore can only be from lightening around the start of the rainy sea-
indicative of the extent of the problem of defor- son, most are caused by humans. Some originate
estation in woodland areas. During 1990 to 2000 accidentally from burning undertaken during land
it was estimated that woodland countries in sub- preparation, from making charcoal or from honey
Saharan Africa lost nearly 5 million ha of forest collecting, but others are set deliberately to flush
cover annually or nearly 1.7% of the forest cover in out mammals or birds for hunting or to stimulate
2000 (FAO, 2005). Much of this loss occurred in new grass growth for livestock and wild herbivores
West Africa (2.5 million ha) and southern Africa (Frost, 1996). However, it must be recognised that
(2.3 million ha). According to Kigomo (2003) the fire is a natural feature of woodlands in Africa, al-
causes of woodland cover degradation and loss in though its frequency is probably now much higher
semi-arid Africa are overgrazing, agricultural ex- than historically. Fire has a composite nature (Frost
pansion and overexploitation of forest resources. and Robertson, 1987), its behaviour, timing, inten-
He indicated that 48% of woodland degradation sity, frequency all vary independently, and all affect
was due to overgrazing which is concentrated in vegetation structure and composition differently.
semi-arid areas, 32% was due to agricultural activi- Fire can kill trees, but it can also change the com-
ties, 12% was due to deforestation and 9% was due petitive status, allowing vegetation to change over
to resource overexploitation. Mayaux et al. (2004) time through differential recruitment and survival
estimated that nearly 15% of the Zambezian wood- of seedlings and saplings. Seedlings and sprouts
lands has been converted to agriculture while sim- face frequent and severe fire damage that can re-
ilar values for the Sudanian and Somali-Masai tard their recruitment into the tree layer. Between
woodlands are 60% and 80%, respectively. fires, seeds have to germinate and seedlings must
Threats to African woodlands can be attributed build enough root reserves to survive the next fire.
to a number of factors and processes, including 1) However, given that fires usually occur once in
policies that fail to take into account impacts on every 2–4 years (Chidumayo, 2004; Sankaran et
forests, 2) conversion of forest to cropland arising al. 2007), sprouts would need to grow rapidly to
from both population growth and structural ad- escape damage.
justment policies, 3) urbanization, 4) over-depend- There will undoubtedly be some marked changes
ence on wood-based energy sources, 5) unsustain- in distribution and extent of African vegetation
able harvesting of wood products, 6) fire, and 7) types during the 21st century, probably resulting
climate change and variability. from an increased tendency in many areas to low-
The influences of macroeconomic policies on er mean annual precipitation (see chapter 2). But
forestry in southern Africa have been reviewed in such effects have also got to be seen in the context
Kowero et al. (2003) who observed that macroeco- of equally – or more – rapid changes in land use
nomic policies affect factors that make forest con- resulting from intensification and increased pop-
version, wood processing and trade attractive while ulation pressures. However, climate change and
increased growth as a result of macroeconomic increased human impacts on vegetation are likely
policies can also result in extensive deforestation. to be intertwined, and it is difficult to predict what
Because charcoal requires more wood to produce, the consequences will be in detail.

Climate change and the woodlands of Africa 91

Woodlands in sub-Saharan Africa occur in a through the recruitment of sprouts or resprouts
climate that is seasonal with rainfall during the from pre-existing trees that get cut or damaged,
wet season(s) but almost no rain during the dry sometimes termed coppice. Sprouting is the pro-
season(s). The climate also exhibits high inter- duction of secondary trunks as an induced response
annual and interdecadal variability. These wood- to injury or to profound changes in growing con-
lands will be increasingly subjected to drying in the ditions. Seed dispersal, predation, desiccation and
21st century, as well as increasing land-use inten- seedling mortality can act as strong constraints
sity. In the last 10 to 20 years woodlands in Africa that impede woodland recovery after disturbance.
have experienced erratic weather patterns, includ- The ability to sprout after severe injury from
ing short-term climatic cycles, that have adversely disturbances such as herbivory, fire, floods, logging
affected productivity of these forests (Gonzalez, or drought, overcomes these barriers, as these indi-
2001), with serious implications for human well- viduals bypass the seed stage and tend to have more
being in woodland communities. vigorous shoots than seedlings presumably because
vegetative shoots take advantage of the extensive
root system and the substantial food storage in
6.7 Opportunities for sustainable the remaining parts of the parent plant. However,
management of the woodlands sprouting ability varies with the age or size of a
In spite of the above threats, a number of opportu- plant and also with the type and severity of injury.
nities exist in support of sustainable management Aboveground wood carbon accumulation in
of African woodlands. Woodlands in sub-Saharan regrowth woodland stands was assessed based on
Africa are thinly populated with an overall density the model given in Figure 6.2 using data in the
of 1.7 ha of woodland per person in 2000 (FAO, literature from Ghana (Swaine et al., 1987), Ivory
2005). The lowest density of 2.9 ha per person is Coast (Louppe et al., 1995), Kenya (Johansson and
found in southern Africa and the highest density of Kaarakka, 1992; Okello et al., 2001), Mozambique
0.5 ha per person occurs in northeast Africa. A to- (Sambane, 2005), South Africa (Scholes, 1990),
tal of 5.2 million ha have been designated as forest Tanzania (Boaler and Sciwale, 1966), Zambia
protected areas in woodland countries in Africa (Chidumayo, 1987, 1988a, 1988b, 1997, unpub-
which represents only 1.8% of the forest area in lished) and Zimbabwe (Strang, 1974). This gave
2000. Thus potential exists to increase the propor- a total of 123 sample plots representing a variety
tion of woodland under forest protection. of forest management regimes. In addition, direct
Woodlands in sub-Saharan Africa regenerate estimates of wood biomass were obtained for 62
easily following wood harvesting and clearing for sample plots in Burkina Faso (Nygård et al., 2004),
shifting cultivation, a major land use in Africa. Ivory Coast (Menaut and Cesar, 1979), Kenya
Once the woodland has been cleared and the land (Okello et al., 2001), Mozambique (Sambane, 2005)
abandoned, regeneration often takes place but and Zambia (Chidumayo, 1990; Oyama, 1996).
the speed of woodland recovery depends on the In most woodlands carbon accumulation with
methods used in clearing, the sources available increasing age was best explained by a steep rise in
for regeneration, and site history (i.e. type, fre- carbon stocks with increasing age of regrowth, al-
quency and intensity of stress and/or disturbance). though accumulation in early stages of regrowth is
Regeneration occurs through either sexual or veg- depressed (Figure 6.4). The only asymptotic carbon
etative means. Sexual regeneration is achieved accumulation was observed in Zambezian miombo
through seed germination and establishment of woodland of southern Africa in which the bulk of
seedlings and their recruitment into the sapling the carbon is accumulated within 50–60 years with
and tree phases. Vegetative regeneration occurs very little change afterwards (Figure 6.4). A high

92 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

100 a 14 b


70 10
Carbon accumulation (t ha -1)






0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Age (years) of regrowth stand Age (years) of regrowth stand

a) Zambezian miombo (, y = 42.71 – 45.70x0.97, r2 = 0.42) and b) Kalahari-Highveld woodlands (, y = 0.24x1.63, r2 = 0.97) and
Sudanian woodlands (o, y = 14.19 – 1.06x + 0.03x2, r2 = 0.56). Somali-Masai woodlands (o, y = -1.08x/(-15.7 + x), r2 = 0.99).

Figure 6.4 Models describing the pattern of carbon accumulation in aboveground wood biomass in regrowth.
Based on data from literature (see text).

potential therefore exists for carbon assimilation in 6.8 Vulnerability of the woodlands to
African regrowth woodlands that can contribute to climate change and impacts on trees and
mitigation measures against climate change. forests
As the regrowth woodland reaches maturity, Woodland vulnerability to climate change refers
the carbon stocks also approach a steady state (e.g. to the degree to which the woodland system is
Figure 6.4 for a miombo woodland). However, susceptible to or unable to cope with adverse ef-
even though mature woodlands are considered fects of climate change, its variability and extreme
to be in a steady state with respect to the carbon events. Vulnerability therefore includes the system’s
balance, many of these woodlands have been dis- sensitivity once exposed to climate change and its
turbed in the past by biotic factors, especially hu- adaptive capacity. Sensitivity is the degree to which
man factors such as selective harvesting and burn- a system is affected either adversely or beneficially
ing. It is therefore probable that under good forest by climate change stimuli, such as change in rain-
management, such relatively mature woodlands fall or temperature. Currently evidence suggests
have the potential to accumulate additional carbon that the climate in eastern and southern Africa is
in woody biomass and soil while maintaining exist- warming at a faster rate than has been predicted
ing stocks and therefore can contribute to climate from global models. For example, temperature rises
change mitigation and stabilization. For example, of 0.25–0.5°C per decade have been recorded in
Endean (1968) observed that under good forest Zambia (Chidumayo, 2008), Kenya (Altmann et
management, relatively mature miombo woodland al., 2002), Kenya and Tanzania (Ogutu et al., 2007)
in Zambia had a mean annual increment of 1.2% and Uganda (Chapman et al., 2005). However, no
until it reached a basal area of about 16.2 m 2 per ha. clear trend in rainfall patterns has been observed

Climate change and the woodlands of Africa 93

although extreme events, such as droughts and served (Chapman et al., 2005; Figure 6.5a). Similar
floods, appear to have increased in frequency. The observations have been made concerning fruit pro-
significant climate change stimuli to which African duction in Strychnos spinosa in Lusaka, Zambia,
woodlands are likely to be subjected to in the near (Chidumayo, unpublished data; Figure 6.5b). It
future in East and southern Africa are most likely appears therefore that climate warming is likely
related to climate warming due to rising temper- to reduce fruit/seed production in African wood-
atures and extreme events such as droughts and land trees with negative consequences for sexual
floods. Plant responses to such changes will occur regeneration and therefore plant genetic diversity.
via altered ecophysiological processes. Chidumayo (2008) studied seedling emergence
Plant reproductive processes that might be af- and mortality in relation to climate factors in five
fected by climate factors include flowering, pollina- savanna woodland trees at a field site in central
tion, seed production and seed germination. The Zambia and assessed their likely responses to a
effect of climate change on seed production will 1°C warmer climate. In four of the species, tem-
depend on flowering phenology, behaviour of pol- perature significantly affected seedling emergence
lination agents and fruit/seed development periods. and this was predicted to decline in three of the
The few observations that have been made in East species but an increase was predicted in one of the
and southern Africa suggest that fruiting levels species. Temperature also significantly affected
will be negatively affected by climate warming. For seedling mortality in all the five species such that
example, a negative correlation between the pro- under a warmer climate, mortality was predicted
portion of fruiting trees in Kibale National Park, to increase in two of the species but a decrease was
Uganda, and minimum temperature has been ob- predicted in three other species. The conclusion

a b
15 325

14 300
Y = 44.1 -2.25x; Y = 2857 -178x;
13 r2 = 0.77 275 r2 = 0.89

12 250
Angle (% of fruting trees)

11 225
Fruits produced

10 200

9 175

8 150

7 125

6 100

5 75
13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 14.2 14.4 14.6 14.8 15 15.2 15.4 15.6 15.8
Mean annual minimum temperature (°C) Mean annual minimum temperature (°C)

Figure 6.5 Relationship between a) proportion of fruiting trees (angular transformed data) and minimum temperature in Kibale National Park,
Uganda (based on Chapman et al., 2005) and b) fruits produced by Strychnos spinosa tree and minimum temperature at Lusaka, Zambia
(Chidumayo, unpublished data).

94 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

was that African woodland trees would respond to Africa have also been attributed to the rise in mini-
climate warming in different but predictable ways. mum temperature (Ogutu et al., 2007; Figure 6.6).
Leaf phenology of most woodland trees in A mean series of 38 years for Isoberlinia tomentosa
East and southern Africa is correlated with mini- trees in Tanzania revealed significant correlation
mum temperature (Jeffers and Boaler, 1966) and of tree ring widths and 1) monthly precipitation, 2)
Woodward (1988) proposed that minimum tem- monthly maximum air temperature and 3) monthly
perature could be an important determinant of Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) value (Trouet et
the distribution of a number of plant species in al., 2001). Observations made at a Makeni savan-
the tropics. Ernst (1988) also observed that pho- na site in central Zambia also show that the radial
tosynthesis in seedlings of Brachystegia spiciformis, growth of the majority of trees declined due to addi-
an important miombo woodland tree, ceased when tive effects of temperature factors which explained
temperatures dropped below 16°C while it has a significant proportion of the variation in tree
been suggested that tropical trees remain dormant annual growth (Chaidumayo, unpublished data;
below temperatures of 12–15°C (Larcher, 1995). Table 6.4). However, productivity of the dominant
All these observations indicate the significance of C4 grasses at the same savanna site increased ap-
temperature in determining leaf phenology and parently in response to rising temperatures that
productivity in African woodland trees. was in sharp contrast to the growth pattern in the
Emerging evidence also suggests that climate majority of C3 trees. This difference in the growth
warming might reduce overall plant produc- responses of C3 trees and C4 grasses may be due to
tion in woodlands of East and southern Africa. the fact that C4 photosynthetic pathway is charac-
Chidumayo (2001) observed that minimum and terized by high water-use efficiency and high op-
maximum temperature had a significant additive timum temperatures for photosynthesis compared
effect on woodland leaf phenology (based on the to the C3 photosynthetic pathway. Most trees in
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index [NDVI]), African woodlands are C3 plants while most gras-
which is a measure of vegetation greenness and ses are C4 plants and climate warming is likely to
therefore productivity. Indeed recent declines in have different effects on these two plant functional
NDVI in the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem in eastern groups.


Y = 61.9 -1.77x;
r2 = 0.19

Angle (% NDVI)





42 Figure 6.6 Relationship between NDVI (angular

transformed data) and minimum temperature
8.8 9 9.2 9.4 9.6 9.8 10 10.2 10.4
in the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem in east Africa.
Mean annual minimum temperature (°C) Based on Ogutu et al. (2007).

Climate change and the woodlands of Africa 95

Table 6.4 Regression models for predicting the radial growth (y) of trees at a Makeni savanna site in central Zambia
during 1998 to 2008. Predictor variables are annual rainfall (R, mm), mean annual daily average temperature (Tavg, °C),
minimum temperature (Tmin, °C) and maximum temperature (Tmax, °C). Based on Chidumayo (unpublished data).

Predicted annual growth rate

Species Model for predicting y (cm year-1) r2 P
under a 1°C warmer climate
Indigenous trees
Acacia polyacantha 21.6 – 0.4R 0.16 0.0001 No change
Acacia sieberiana 24.6 – 1.1Tavg 0.20 0.0001 Decrease
Combretum molle 41.5 – 0.001R – 1.02Tmin – 1.1Tavg 0.39 0.0001 Increase
Piliostigma (Bauhinia) thonningii 32.4 – 0.001R – 2.1Tavg + 0.52Tmax 0.30 0.001 Decrease
Exotic trees
Eucalyptus grandis 19.1 – 0.8Tavg 0.08 0.04 Decrease
Gmelina arborea 16.2 – 1.0Tmin. 0.17 0.001 No change
Senna siamea 5.7 – 0.002R – 2.1Tavg + 0.52Tmax 0.38 0.001 Decrease

Increased variability in rainfall and changes in change on African woodland species (McClean et
temperature, as predicted under climate change al., 2005). These authors through modeling have
scenarios, will likely disrupt woodland leaf phenol- predicted that 25–75% of the plant species in
ogy and such ecosystem services as evapo-trans- African woodlands might lose all their currently
piration. This may occur in a number of ways. A climatically suitable ranges under a future warmer
changed warmer climate might shorten ’winter’ and drier climate. Indeed, retraction of mesic spe-
dormancy in African woodlands and advance the cies to areas of higher rainfall and lower tempera-
onset of spring leaf flush. If this was to happen ture as a result of desertification in the last half of
without a corresponding advance in the onset of the the 20th century has been documented in Senegal
rainy season, then a prolonged period of pre-rains (Gonzalez, 2001) while modelling of the distribu-
water stress may trigger premature leaf loss and/ tion of forest species has projected changes from
or tree mortality. In fact, in most of Africa, soil mesic vegetation to xeric vegetation in Tanzania
water availability is projected to have the greatest and The Gambia (Jallow and Danso, 1997) and a
impact on plant processes (IPCC, 2001) because shift from arid to moist vegetation in Mozambique
woodland species are adapted to a particular water (Bila, 1999).
regime, such that these may perform poorly and Increasing temperatures in southern Africa
possibly die out under a changed warmer climate. are predicted to either extend the growing season
For example, in spite of the impacts of elephant and in some ecosystems or shorten it in some others
fire damage on trees in a Tanzanian woodland over (Rutherford et al., 1999). Climate change is also
a 25-year period, a dramatic decline in density of likely to alter the frequency, intensity, seasonality
small trees was caused by a severe drought in 1993 and extent of vegetation fires that are character-
(van de Vijver et al., 1999). This indicates that ex- istic of African woodlands. Such changes in the
treme climatic events may in some cases have more fire regime are likely to change the structure and
dramatic effects on tropical woodlands in Africa, composition of these woodlands. Climate-induced
especially in semi-arid zones. fires have also been cited as being responsible for
At larger geographical scale shifts in ranges the downward shift of cloud forests on Kilimanjaro
of individual species are likely impacts of climate Mountain in Tanzania in the last three decades

96 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

(Hemp, 2009). It is most likely, however, that un- warmer future climate. One adaptive strategy for
der these predicted changes in climate and disturb- dealing with such a future reduction in wild food
ance factors, species will respond individualistical- production is to plant more indigenous fruit trees
ly, perhaps with substantial time lags and periods in order to increase tree populations and reduce the
of re-organization, rather than wholesome shifts in impact of low fruit production in the wild that is
vegetation formations. likely to be caused by climate change.
According to Desanker and Magadza (2001)
the most promising adaptation strategies to declin-
6.9 Climate change adaptation and ing tree resources in sub-Saharan African coun-
mitigation issues in the woodlands tries include natural regeneration of local species,
Adaptation is primarily aimed at tackling local- sustainable forest management and community-
ized impacts of climate change while mitigation based natural resources management. However,
addresses the impacts on the climate system. the success of such strategies generally depends
Adaptation is therefore perceived to have the po- on the ability of local people to exercise power to
tential to reduce adverse effects of climate change inventory and manage local resources in systems
but not necessarily prevent all the damage caused of community-based natural resources manage-
by climate change (Hulme, 2005). Given that ment. For example, decentralization of decision-
African woodlands and the resources they contain making and revenue allocation authority has pro-
will undoubtedly be impacted upon as a result of moted efficient forest management in some areas in
climate change, adaptive strategies should aim at Niger, Madagascar and Zimbabwe (FAO, 1999b).
managing species and habitats to reduce the nega- Nevertheless, if forest and tree productivity decline,
tive impacts of climate change. as is predicted, under a future warmer climate,
African woodlands are commonly used for yields will also decline, as will revenue generation
wood harvesting, livestock grazing and wildlife from forest resources. Adaptive strategies therefore
management, including tourism. Biodiversity con- will have to include changes in harvesting regimes
tributes to livelihoods in African woodlands but to reduce overexploitation, including imposition of
also to the well-being of others that live outside longer cutting cycles for timber and possibly alloca-
the woodlands, for example people who visit as tion of larger areas dedicated to forest manage-
tourists or use medicinal or horticultural products ment in order to ensure adequate yields to meet
derived from woodlands. Often it is during times local expectations under community-based forest
when there is crop failure that local communities management models.
appreciate the values of woodland resources as Hundreds of potentially valuable tree species
sources of food. This gives the impression that wild are often not used but simply burnt in forest clear-
food resources will always be available in times of ing operations like logging, agricultural conver-
natural disasters and therefore reliance on wild sions and dam building. Little is known at the
food sources is considered an adaptation to climate present about their possible end-uses or even their
change. However, this may not be the case for fu- physical and mechanical properties. Nevertheless,
ture climate impacts. For example, fruit produc- utilization of such lesser known species may help
tion in many woodlands trees is likely to decline to alleviate the pressure on the diminishing high-
(see Figure 6.4) and this will lower the woodland value species while contributing to increasing
capacity to supply edible fruits to meet local con- yields under a warmer climate and by so doing, in-
sumption needs and for sale. Women and child- creasing the economic opportunities for communi-
ren who are currently the main consumers of wild ties responsible for sustainable forest management
foods are most likely going to be worse off under a (Vlosky and Aguire, 2001). In addition, the use of

Climate change and the woodlands of Africa 97

lesser known species is desirable because 1) the log- mitigation by forests need to be assessed so that
ging intensity in African woodlands is low and can informed strategies and measures can be made to
presumably be increased if more species are used, address the role of forests in climate change.
without jeopardizing the functioning of the eco- Harvesting strategies need to be adapted to
system, and 2) an increase in yield per hectare re- changed climate. Given the predicted decline in
duces costs of logging and silvicultural operations tree growth, current sustainable wood and timber
per unit product. harvesting rates may represent overestimations
for the future climate scenarios. Clear trade offs
will have to be worked out between maximizing
6.10 Conclusions average harvest and minimizing the risk of popu-
Climate affects forest condition but forests also lation collapse. Indirect consequences of species
affect climate. The forest sector in Africa there- harvest on non-target species may require special
fore needs to be adequately equipped to respond attention where a common resource base is likely to
to climate change. It is important to understand alter under climate change. Under certain circum-
how climate change is likely to impact on forests stances, current harvesting regimes may no longer
in order to implement adaptation strategies for the be sustainable and will require reformulation or
sector. In the same vein, the forest sector needs redesigning, as parts of the adaptation process.
to improve the management of forests to mitigate Establishing effective climate adaptation strate-
climate change, especially through the reduction gies requires that scientists, managers and policy-
in CO2 emissions from deforestation and forest makers work together to 1) identify climate-sen-
degradation and carbon sequestration from the sitive species and systems, 2) assess the likelihood
atmosphere. Improved management of forests, and consequences of impacts, and 3) identify and
e.g. through the protection of forested watersheds, select options for adaptation (Hulme, 2005). It is
will also contribute to sustainable water supplies also important to recognize that although climate
for human use, agriculture, fisheries, wildlife and plays a significant role in determining species’ dis-
hydropower generation and ultimately improve tribution, other variables such as human popula-
livelihoods, food security, poverty reduction and a tion density, land use and soils can have similar,
healthy environment. if not more, important roles. Issues of population
Currently little is known about the potential of growth and land use change therefore should be
woodlands in Africa to adapt to climate change. considered in developing adaptive strategies to cli-
Models suggest that climate change will cause mate change.
shifts in the ranges of many vegetation commu- Climate envelope models suggest that for some
nities but it is also possible that different species species predicted changes in climate may signifi-
respond differently to climate factors and therefore cantly reduce the suitability of currently occupied
may respond differentially to climate change. If habitats. Such threats are likely to be most keenly
this is true, then understanding the responses of felt by species with limited dispersal ability. For
individual species, especially the dominant species, such situations, adaptive management may involve
is of paramount importance to the development of either improving connectivity of habitats to facili-
forest-based adaptation strategies. If climate warm- tate natural dispersal or human-aided dispersal to
ing reduces the productivity of woodland trees, appropriate habitats. Under the latter, success can
then their role in mitigation against climate change be improved by ensuring that the size of the intro-
through carbon sequestration may be reduced. duction is sufficiently large to overcome the risk
Climate change may also affect forest regeneration of Allee effects that can drive small populations
and afforestation. Thus both climate response and towards extinction.

98 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

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Climate change and the woodlands of Africa 101

Chapter 7

Mahamane Larwanou

7.1 Introduction persistent drying up of streams spurred people to

The climate of the West African Sahel has shown adjust by expanding cultivation to hill slopes and
various changes, especially in terms of rainfall, of giving more preference to farming in lowland are-
which inter-annual variability has been very high as (Salibo and Joseph, 2001). Many inhabitants in
in the last 30 years (Ben et al., 2002). The West search of water sources migrated and settled closer
African Sahel is already known as an area charac- to streams. These pressing climate changes lead
terized by important interaction between climate to disastrous floods during the short rainy season
variability and key socio-economic sectors such as while water scarcity continues to worsen year after
agriculture and water resources. Local to regional year during the dry season.
interaction between vegetation and rainfall was Research has for several decades focused on the
also shown to be linked to the variability of Sahel causes of the dryness in the Sahel. Earlier studies
rainfall (Zeng et al., 1999). identified desertification and land degradation as
In the 1970s and 1980s many publications were possible causes for the persistent drought in the
made on energy crisis in Sahelian countries and Sahel. Other studies suggest that the build up in
elsewhere in arid and semi-arid zones (Eckholm, dust as a result of changes in land surface, exac-
1975; Winterbottom, 1980). The recurring theme erbated by anthropogenic factors, may have con-
was that there is an important gap between the en- tributed to large-scale climate change (Nicholson,
ergy needs of the people that was exclusively wood- 2000). This tendency, it is argued, ignites large scale
based and the annual growth of tree resources. It climate fluctuations, which ultimately could im-
was then assumed that in the near future, areas pact on rainfall (Biasutti and Gianini, 2006), and
near big towns in the Sahel could be seriously de- consequently on ecosystems of the Sahel. However,
nuded due to increasing needs of fuel wood by the the regional atmospheric response to these crises is
growing urban population. not very clear. Will it be a very wet or a very dry
The Sahel also experienced a period of crisis Sahel, or just a Sahel with more frequent dry years
because of serious and recurrent droughts. These as Cook and Vizy (2006) suggested? Proper un-
droughts have had significant consequences for the derstanding of the influence of modes of variability
poorly resourced farmers, whose incomes depend at all time scales on Sahel rainfall, and the ability
mainly on rain-fed agriculture. However, the long of the climate models to accurately represent these
period of rainfall insufficiency and the gradual but modes of variability, will help improve seasonal to

102 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

inter-annual climate predictions (Thiaw and Bell, 7.2 The Sahel and West African
2004) that will help society to cope with these cli- savannas: characteristics and forest
mate conditions. Olsson et al. (2005) have noted resources status
that more recent studies in the Sahel suggested sec-
ular trends of change, many related to vegetation 7.2.1 Characteristics of the Sahel
and land use, in selected case studies (Mortimore The term ‘Sahel’ was first coined by the botanist
and Adams, 2001; Reij and Thiombiano, 2003), at Chevalier (1900), which he used primarily as a
a national scale (Niemeijer and Mazzucato, 2002) phytogeographical unit. The origin of the term is
and even at the regional to sub-continental scale variously translated from the Arabic ‘Sahel’, mean-
(Eklundh and Olsson, 2003). Although it is evi- ing coast or shore and ‘s’hel’, meaning plain or
dent that the observed vegetation trend is the result flat land (White, 1983; Le Houérou, 1989). This
of a complex combination of social and environ- is where ecology and climate make life possible
mental factors, most of which are yet to be under- after traveling thousands of kilometers through
stood better, there are already some important pol- the Sahara desert on a southern direction from the
icy implications. Maghreb countries. It is a transition zone between
In response to climate change, the recent global the arid north and the green tropical forest along
debate has focused on two broad levels. The first, the maritime coast. The vegetation cover is com-
known as mitigation, involves reducing green- posed of shrub, herbs and trees that increasingly
house gas (GHG) emissions to slow or stop climate become dense towards south. Agriculture is only
change. The second, adaptation, is learning to cope viable with crop varieties resistant to drought.
with the impacts of climate change. Adaptation The Niger and Senegal rivers crossing the Sahel
is important for two reasons: first, some climate increase dry season cropping. Livestock rearing
change impacts are now inevitable and, indeed, is an important activity, but the long dry seasons
are already being observed. Second, even if all make herders to move towards the south for pas-
GHG emissions were to stop immediately, aver- tures. Therefore, the term Sahel applies to an agro-
age temperatures would continue to rise for some climatic zone than a geopolitical entity as shown
time because of lags in the earth’s natural proces- in Figure 7.1.
ses. Hence, adaptation will be of great importance Some of the factors characterizing the Sahel
in dealing with the inevitable impacts of climate include:
change over the next 30 years, while the benefits • High climatic variations ranging from 200 to
gained from mitigation will only start to be felt in 800 mm of rainfall per annum.
30+ years time (IIED, 2008). This could also be • Predominance of agriculture and livestock rear-
true in forest and tree resources especially in arid ing: more than half of the active population is
zones like the Sahel. employed in these sectors which contribute al-
The aim of this paper is to present the state of most 40% of GDP.
the resources and impacts of climate change on for- • High population growth (more than 3.1% per
ests and trees as well as efforts made in the Sahel year) and a rapid urbanization with a growth
region to contain them. rate of 7% per year.
The Sahelian region is also characterized by the
degradation of various ecosystems, especially land,
due mainly to overexploitation of natural resources
by local communities, especially wood for energy.
Further, land degradation has been largely due to
extensive agricultural production. These evolutions

Climate change in the West African Sahel and savannas: impacts on woodlands and tree resources 103
Rainfall (mm)
SENEGAL 300–400
GUINEA 600–800

500 0 500 1000 km

Figure 7.1 The Sudano-Sahelian region showing the area with annual rainfall ranging from 200 to 800 mm.
Adopted from Mamby Fofana (2007).

bring serious concerns on soil fertility manage- on silty soils. Aristida mutabilis, Cenchrus bifloris
ment, in the sense that fallow systems enter into and Tribulus terrestris are found on sandy soils. The
crisis. vegetation cover increases in the Sudano-Sahelian
The Sahel vegetation is semi-desert grassland, zone, reaching 10–12 percent on sandy soils and
thorn scrub and wooded grassland dominated by over 60% on silty soils. Andropogon gayanus and
Acacia spp. (Wickens and White, 1979; White, Zornia glochidiata are representative grasses of the
1983; Wickens, 1984). Sudano-Sahelian zone; representative trees include
The Sahelo-Saharian zone in the northern Faidherbia albida, Acacia seyal, Adansonia digitata
fringe has relatively few trees including Acacia and Combretum glutinosum.
ehrenbergiana, Acacia tortillis and Balanites aegypti- Generally, the flora is made up of about
aca. Sparse grass such as Panicum turgidum is found 1,200 species, 40 of which being strictly endemic
on sand dunes. South of the Sahelo-Saharian (Kigomo, 1998a).
zone is more vegetated with characteristic species Sahel trees are multi-usage. The 114 woody
like: Acacia ehrenbergiana, A. nilotica, A. Senegal, species listed by von Maydell (1986) have all mul-
A. tortillis, Balanites aegyptiaca, Maerua crassi- tiple uses. In the Sahel, it appears that nearly all
folia, Salvadora persica, Ziizphus mauritiana, etc. trees are used, either for fruit (Balanites aegypti-
Annuals such as Aristida asdscensionis, A. funiculata, aca, Phoenix dactylifera) or for forage (Acacia spp.)
Panicum laetum and Schoenefeldia gracilis are found (Okigbo, 1986).

104 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Since the initiation of the international efforts to (Phillips, 1959) in tropical Africa. The essential
combat the effects of drought in the arid and semi- feature of the bioclimatic classification is that the
arid zones of West Africa in the 1970s, the term natural vegetation closely reflects the integration of
‘Sahel’ has been more broadly applied to non-Sahel- rainfall, temperature and soil. Therefore, areas with
ian regions of the member states of the Permanent the same or very similar types of natural vegetation
Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the have similar agricultural potentials (Table 7.1).
Sahel (CILSS). The states include Cape Verde,
Senegal, The Gambia, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Table 7.1 Bioclimatic zones of the West African savannas.
Faso, Niger and Chad. In these states the Sahel
Bioclimatic West Africa Mean annual Length of growing
covers approximately 2 million square kilometers zone rainfall (mm) season (days)
comprising 27% of Senegal, 39% of Mauritania, Arid Southern 300–600 60–90
40% of Mali, 7% of Burkina Faso, 50% of Niger savannas Sahelian
and 32% of Chad (Leonard et al., 1983). Sub-arid Sudanian 600–900 90–140
Sub-humid Northern 900–1,200 140–190
savanna Guinean
7.2.2 West African savannas
Humid Southern 1,200–1,500 190–230
Savannas lie between the equatorial rainforests savanna Guinean
and the deserts of the subtropics. Worldwide,
they cover about one-quarter of the earth’s surface
(Andrew, 1995). The term ‘savannas’ is generally The arid savanna zone covers most of northern
used to describe landscapes characterized by vege- Senegal from Dakar to just south of the Senegal
tation types ranging from pure grassland to dense River, and extends eastward across Africa, includ-
woodland with the presence of a more or less con- ing large parts of central Mali, northern Burkina
tinuous ground layer of grasses beneath or between Faso, southern Niger, northern Nigeria, Chad,
the trees as common denominator. As defined by Sudan, and Ethiopia (Andrew, 1995). It extends
geographers, the term mainly corresponds to the into southern Ethiopia and as a narrow strip
African part of the geographical entity sometimes through Kenya into Somalia and central Tanzania.
described as the Intermediate Tropical or Savanna It is also widespread in southern Mozambique,
Zone, which is defined as the part of the tropical Zimbabwe and eastern and northern Botswana,
world experiencing a dry season of 2.5–7.5 months extending into eastern Zambia and southwest
duration (Harris, 1980). Angola.
However, some authors include semi-arid areas The vegetation in this zone consists mainly
with dry seasons lasting up to 10 months as part of of Acacia spp., with Acacia senegal (gum arabic),
the African savannas (Phillips, 1959). Although it Acacia raddiana, Leptadenia pyrotechnica, Salvadora
is difficult to define the boundaries of the African spp., Grewia spp., Acacia seyal in low areas liable to
savannas precisely it has been estimated to nearly flooding, and grasses such as Aristida and Chloris
60% of tropical Africa (Okigbo, 1986) including spp., common in the Sahel. In eastern Africa,
the Sahel. Commiphora spp. is also important.
In view of the overriding importance of cli-
mate, and particularly the length of the crop grow-
ing season, the corresponding dry season in de- 7.2.3 Resources stocks in the Sahel and West
termining the types of natural vegetation and the African savanna
possibilities for rain fed agriculture, a classifica- In the Sahelian zone, the woody biomass of for-
tion mainly based on bioclimatic zones is used ests is as low as 4 tonnes per hectare (FAO, 2003).

Climate change in the West African Sahel and savannas: impacts on woodlands and tree resources 105
The biomass productivity is extremely low and trees were planted in Niger. A total of 378,000 ha
extraction often far exceeds natural productivity. of degraded lands have been restored in that coun-
Substantial investment is therefore needed to in- try.
crease productivity.
In West Africa, the total land area is 505.3 mil-
lion hectares with a forest land area of 72.2 million 7.3. Climate impacts
hectares. This is 14.3% of total land area in this
region with an annual change of -1.26% as defor- 7.3.1 Climate variability in the Sahel: brief
estation rate (FAO, 2001a). overview
Resource use conflicts are severe in the Sahel Sahelian climate is seen as “the most dramatic ex-
and savanna zones as a result of the combination ample of climatic variability that has quantitatively
of low natural productivity and intense demands. been measured anywhere in the world”. Hulme
Management plans are available for a negligible (1998) showed that, in global terms, the droughts
fraction of the area. While these woodlands are of 1970s and 1980s were unique in their severi-
important for local communities, their low com- ty. He indicated that natural climatic variability,
mercial value makes them less attractive for invest- coupled with the known effects of changes in land
ment, and the ability of local communities to invest cover and land uses, explains more variability than
in them is limited. They are thus largely character- global climatic changes and global warming effects
ized by low investment and high resource exploita- alone.
tion by many users (FAO, 2003). These droughts have varying impacts because
Trees outside forests are therefore important the Sahel is a region with a great diversity of soils,
suppliers of wood and non-wood forest products climate, livelihood systems and ethnic groups. For
due to natural forests decline and are becoming a many, the droughts were grim historical markers,
major source of these products. The area covered because of their disturbing effects on food supply
by agroforestry parklands (trees in farm lands) in and human welfare in a semi-arid region so de-
the Sahel is variable depending on rainfall, type of pendent on rainfall.
soils and farmers’ practices and management. For The social actors of the Sahel are its people, who
instance it was estimated that Niger has more than are not only responding to social and environmental
10 million hectares of agroforestry parklands with change, but creating this change through their own
a mean density of 40 trees/hectare (Larwanou et actions. It is true, however, that environmental,
al., 2006). economic and political constraints continue to
Plantation forests are not well developed in the structure many aspects of social life. Much can be
Sahel and savanna zones because of the arid con- gained by promoting an ‘enabling environment’ to
ditions. Where they exist, they are intended to play support these local responses, buttressed by poli-
an environmental role mainly for desertification cies provided by national governments, aid agen-
control. Windbreaks and shelterbelts have been cies, and by organizations like CILSS.
used to stabilize shifting sand dunes and reduce the Faced with an inability to accurately predict
effects of dry winds on agricultural crops. Private the onset of a future drought or its impacts, and
woodlots are also used to produce woods for com- given the varied capacities to adapt as described by
mercial purposes. Raynaut (1998), scientific understanding appears
Land rehabilitation is therefore very important limited in the Sahel region. There is therefore need
and constitutes a greater part of land based activi- for a better scientific understanding of the condi-
ties in the Sahel region. According to CNEDD tions and building up of better adaptive mecha-
(2003) from 1984 to 2002, nearly 120 millions nisms in these complex systems.

106 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

7.3.2 Impacts on ecosystems • Lowering of water table and reduction in river
Ecosystems degradation is caused by the complex flow.
interactions between physical, biological, political, • Erratic rainfall patterns which increase over the
social, cultural and economic factors. This is more years.
or less similar to desertification. • Increase in evapo-transpiration.
According to the United Nations Convention • Increase in water percolation and water infiltra-
on Desertification, the term ‘desertification’ means tion due to sandy nature of the soil.
“degradation of lands in arid, semi-arid and dry • Decline in humidity (both air and soil).
sub-humid zones following various factors among • Increase of invasion of pests and diseases (e.g.
which climatic variations and human activities”. locust).
Land degradation causes reduction or loss of • Increase in wind erosion because of reduced
soil productivity, vegetation, cultivated lands, vegetation cover.
pasture lands and forests. In extreme cases, these • Increase in dust storm.
conditions precipitate famine and poverty and • Degradation of land resources (physical degra-
therefore become causes and consequences of land dation and loss of soil fertility).
degradation at the same time. • Reduction of plant and animal biodiversity.
The two main factors that come into play in • Disturbance of hydrological regimes.
terms of desertification are climatic variations and • Sand invasion and saline intrusion in some
human activities. When temperatures are high for areas.
many months and rainfall is scarce and irregular, • Reduction of livestock numbers due to the
plant/vegetation growth become difficult. This shrinking of grazing areas.
makes agricultural production difficult especially • Reduction of fauna and fishing resources.
in the Sahelian countries where major economic • Expansion of cultivated areas to compensate for
resources come from agriculture and little or no low yields with encroachment in low potential
other extra alternative revenues. The soils are over- areas.
exploited with fallowing of land becoming difficult All these have contributed in changing the for-
or shortened because of the need to produce more est conditions as demonstrated in Table 7.2.
to feed the ever growing population. The conse- These impacts have not only affected the forest
quences of this are that the soils lose the organic conditions in terms of area covered, but also the
matter and this constrains or even stops the vegeta- species diversity. For instance, a study conducted
tion growth and reduces the plant cover. The soils by the Famine Early Warning System Network
are thus exposed to erosion by violent winds, water (FEWSNet) in 13 villages in Burkina Faso, Chad,
runoff and flooding. All these combine to reduce Mali, Mauritania and Niger through forest inven-
crop harvests, constrain livestock husbandry and tory between 1960 and 2000, revealed serious loss
consequently the incomes of rural people diminish. of forest species diversity (Figure 7.2).
Further more is biodiversity change, through loss The climatic factors also affected the physiolog-
of species in addition to constraining agriculture ical features of forest plant species from the cell to
and other livelihoods supporting systems. the ecosystem level (Table 7.3). With respect to the
As a response to this situation there has been an Sahel, increase of temperature affects tree species
increase in human and animal migration, as well as up to ecosystem level. Also, decrease in rainfall
an increase in conflicts over resources and changes results in tree/species/ecosystem levels effects. The
in the forest resources. net effect has been the observed changes of forest
Some other problems which are frequent in the ecosystems (in Table 7.2) and species loss (Figure
Sahel are: 7.2).

Climate change in the West African Sahel and savannas: impacts on woodlands and tree resources 107
Table 7.2 Forest resources trend from 1947 to 2000 in some Sahelian countries (adopted from Serge and Ozer, 2005).

Country Site Landscape unit BZ Author(s) Period S (%)

Burkina Faso Kodel Dense and continuous savanna SA Lindqvist and Tengberg (1994) 1955–1990 -2.9
Burkina Faso Oursy Dense and continuous savanna SA Lindqvist and Tengberg (1994) 1955–1990 -1.1
Mali Sorobasso Woodland savanna SA Cuny and Sorg (2003) 1952–1998 -2.2
Mauritania Tekane Forests SA Niang et al. (2006) 1954–2003 -2.0
Niger Diffa Forests A CNEDD (200a) 1947–2000 -1.7
Niger Zinder Forests SA CNEDD (200b) 1947–2000 -1.5
Niger Maradi Forests SA CNEDD (200b) 1947–2000 -1.2
Niger Dabaga Forests A CNEDD (200b 1954–1990 -2.7
Niger Bangui Forests SA CNEDD (200b) 1954–1992 -2.6
Niger Karofan Forests SA CNEDD (200b) 1955–1992 -1.4
Niger Tapkin Zaki Forests SA CNEDD (200b) 1955–1992 -2.4
Niger Makaortchin Gayi Forests A Karimoune (2004) 1958–1987 -2.7
Niger Baban Rafi Forests SA CNEDD (200b) 1962–1992 -1.8
Nigeria Kaska Forests SA Mortimore and Turner (2005) 1950–1990 -1.0
Nigeria Futchimiran Forests SA Mortimore and Turner (2005) 1954–1990 -2.1
Senegal Tendouk Forests SHD Gueye and Ozer (2000) 1954–1990 -1.6
Senegal Suel Forests SHD Gueye and Ozer (2000) 1954–1990 -2.0
Senegal Kourouk Forests SHD Gueye and Ozer (2000) 1954–1990 -1.8
Senegal Bambey and Diourbel Wooded valley SA Ba et al. (2000) 1954–1999 -1.7
Senegal Boulel Woodland savanna SA Ba et al. (2004) 1965–2000 -2.9

BZ = bioclimatic zone SHD = Semi humid dry (600–1,000 mm)

A = arid (100–300 mm) S = Speed of changes
SA = Semi-arid (300–600 mm)

Table 7.3 Impact of climate change on forest ecosystems. Source: Modified from Benoit (2007).

Climatic factors Cell level Organ level Tree/species level Ecosystem level
Increase in growth rate
Increase in photosynthesis Reduction of grain/seed Increase in biomass produc-
rate Increase in the water use mortality tion
Increase of CO2 efficiency
Decrease in stomatic con- Changes in growth cycle Changes in species competi-
ductance Increase in grain/seed tion and composition
Changes in tree density
Changes in regeneration rate
Increase/decrease of photo-
synthesis Increase/decrease of primary Possible increase in mortality Changes in species competi-
production rate tion and composition
Increase of temperature Increase/decrease of periodic
photosynthetic activity Changes in seed production Negative effect on sensible Increase in soil mineralization
species to the temperature
Increase in transpiration
Increase in mortality rate of Increase in mortality rate of Changes in species competi-
Rainfall regime changes Reduction of growth rate
grains/seeds adult trees tion and composition

108 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

1960 2000 Ecological zones
-5% desert
60 0%
50 -22% -2%
-9% -11% -7%
40 -35% dry forest
30 -40% -57% -41% -13% moist deciduous forest
20 -47%
10 mountain systems
Aten Juude Waalo Fabugu Narnoebuum Banizumbi Tamaka Dan Tsuntsu Guidimouni Burtey Ganuun Akar Ningelin Kardofal Marchuut steppe
Mauritaine Mauritaine Mali Burkina Faso Niger Niger Niger Niger Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad
Forest species: villagers, US Geological Survey (USGS), field representatives of the Famine Early Warning Network (FEWS NET).
Ecological zones: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 2001. Global forest resources assessment 2000. FAO, Rome, Italy.
Map: USGS Earth Resources Observations System (EROS) Data Center, 2002.

Figure 7.2 Forest species loss in the Sahel (1960–2000). Total number of forest species on village lands and percent decline.

The Sahel populations depend much on forest • Reduction in the availability of forest products
products and services through the following: and services.
• Products – timber, poles, fuel, non timber forest • Low agricultural productivity.
products (NTFPs), wood biomass, forage. The current demand by the rural and urban
• Services – shading, soil fertility, protection of populations for fuelwood and charcoal already ex-
water catchment’s areas. ceeds supply and often has to be transported for
• People are shifting from using forest products considerable distances (Larwanou et al., 2006).
to other resources (e.g. animal dung for fuel). Agricultural production does not meet the needs
But, climate change is seriously affecting the of the ever increasing population.
availability of these products and services through: To respond and cope to the situation, various
• Forest fires which are associated with drought. actions have been undertaken by local commu-
• Changes in patterns of pests and diseases in- nities in collaboration with the governments and
festations. aid agencies. Some of the actions were tended to

Climate change in the West African Sahel and savannas: impacts on woodlands and tree resources 109
solve the problem of wood for fuel and construc- and livestock numbers but, at the same time, im-
tion through assisting natural regeneration of trees proving the resilience of these systems to ‘bad
in private lands to develop and provide useful pro- years’ of drought or other hazards. 3) Improved
ducts. Also, simple water conservation techniques production technologies that include high yielding
were adopted and used to protect soil against ero- drought-resistant crops, irrigation, or improved
sion and rehabilitate land for increased agricultural ranching and grazing schemes.
These various actions have resulted in the im-
provement of agroforestry parklands in Sahelian 7.4.2 Specific Sahelian approaches
countries. The drought of the 1970s and 1980s shifted down
the water table seriously affecting vegetation cover.
Many trees and forest stands died. Desertification
7.4 Responses to climate impacts in the became a serious threat to livelihoods and environ-
Sahel ment. As a response to this, most of the Sahelian
countries changed their forest policies encouraging
7.4.1 Internationally developed approaches more active participation of the population in de-
Sahelian droughts and their effects have been stud- velopment projects. Interventions developed under
ied intensively since the 1970s, as part of the inter- such projects promoted growing of trees outside
national response to ‘environmental problems’. It is forests, establishment of woodlots, green belts
only in the decade of 1990–2000, however, that the around big towns, dune fixation using trees, wa-
long-term impacts of the famines of the 1970s be- ter and soil conservation and soil restoration using
come evident. Those events provoked a re-thinking trees. This drought period coincided also with the
of the links between population growth, drought, establishment of various sub regional organizations
and socio-political change, and also helped to re- such as the Inter-States Committee for Drought
focus development policy away from expensive and Control in the Sahel (CILSS), Sahel Institute,
unsuccessful ‘interventions’ towards more consider- United Nations Office for the Sahel and the Club
ate schemes targeted at boosting local capacities du Sahel. These are all established to help contain
(Sabio, 2001). The international community has the adverse effects of the droughts. There were
acquired an increasing capability to prevent the on- also debates at regional and national levels where
set of drought-induced food shortages through: 1) important decisions were taken in terms of fight
Early warning systems. These provide the data nec- against desertification using integrated and par-
essary to predict or assess potential crop loss and ticipatory approaches. Key outcomes from these
animal shortfalls, based partly on remotely-sensed debates were emphasizes placed on food security,
data of vegetation cover and rainfall patterns and satisfying energy needs, restoration and protection
partly on food market surveys. The Famine Early of the environment and national action plans to
Warning System Network (FEWSNet), devel- combat desertification. These outcomes helped to
oped by the American aid programme (USAID) shape a clear vision on natural resources manage-
for example, alerts policymakers and governments ment in the Sahel in improving the productive ca-
to rapid price hikes for the staple foods at local pacity at village level. Concrete actions carried out
markets, and unusual land cover changes that may in response to the vision include the development
signal an impending food shortage. 2) This is done of:
on working with the human and drought-induced • forest management and energy projects;
stress on natural ecosystems, by supporting only • natural forest management plans;
modest increases in the production of foodstuffs • land rehabilitation plans and projects.

110 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Various activities were developed and promoted According to Le Houérou (1989) and Le
around these three broad areas and were intended Houérou et al. (1993), attempts at establishing
to sustainably manage natural resources and at the browse species in areas receiving less than 400 mm
same time facilitate the fight against desertifica- annual rainfall have not met with any long-term
tion. success, even with indigenous species, apart from a
plantation of Acacia senegal (L.)Willd. and A. tortilis
(Forssk.) Hayne at M’Bidi in Senegal. However,
7.4.3 Ecosystems changes in the Sahel some encouraging results have been obtained with
Ecosystem changes definitely impact on climate Bauhinia rufescens Lam., Combretum aculeatum
change and variability, not only in the Sahel but Vent., Piliostigma reticulatum (DC.) Hochst. and
also globally. Some of the impacts of these changes Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. This is not intended to
include: mean that reforestation of the Sahel is impossible,
• Increased emission of green house gases (GHGs). rather that it is extremely difficult and long-term.
• Increased temperature. For example, Olsson et al., 2005, have shown,
• Increased albedo. through Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
• Less radiation. (NDVI) derived from satellite images NOAA-
• Low precipitation. AVHRR over 1982–1999 periods, a trend to good
• Low interception and retention of rain water. rainfall conditions and regreening of the Sahel in





-10 0 10 20 30 40
decrease > 50% increase 100–150%
change < 50% increase 150–200%
increase 50–100% increase 200%

rainfall decrease > 10% rainfall increase 10–25%

rainfall change < 10% rainfall increase > 10%


20 Figure 7.3 Results of trend analyses

of time series of NDVI amplitude (top)
and NDVI seasonal integral (bottom)
16 of NOAA-AVHRR NDVI-data from
1982 to 1999. Areas with trends of
<95% probability in white.
Data from 40 climate observation
stations, showing percent change
8 between the periods 1982–1990 and
1991–1999, have been superimposed
on the top figure (adopted from
-10 0 10 20 30 40 Olsson et al., 2005).

Climate change in the West African Sahel and savannas: impacts on woodlands and tree resources 111
some areas as shown in Figure 7.3. However, re- The parkland dynamics
cent findings suggest a consistent trend of increas- The parkland system is an agroforestry system in
ing vegetation greenness in much of the region. which trees are scattered in agricultural lands. It
Increasing rainfall over the last few years is cer- is found all over the Sahel and savanna regions of
tainly one reason, but does not fully explain the West Africa and functional for centuries (Figure
change. Other factors, such as land use change 7.4). Trees provide farmers high value goods and
and migration, may also contribute (Olsson et al., services. In addition to reducing wind erosion
2005). during the nine months of dry season yearly, trees
There is an increase of Normalized Difference stop water erosion during the rainy season.
Vegetation Index during the period 1990–1999 Trees from the parkland system also provide
(Figure 7.3) compared to 1980–1989 which could food and nutritional security through their fruits,
be explained by: leaves, oil, spices, of which are the principal ele-
• An increase in rainfall in some areas. ments of the regions’ food regime. They also pro-
• Reforestation actions (farmer managed natural vide fuelwood for domestic uses and fodder for
regeneration, tree planting). animals. They constitute supplementary sources
• People’s migration from rural areas to towns of revenues. Some high value trees in parkland sys-
(Olsson et al., 2005). tems like Vitellaria paradoxa (karité in French or
sheanut in English), Parkia biglobosa and Adansonia

Figure 7.4 Agroforestry traditional parklands in Niger.

112 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

digitata (baobab) have multiple uses and consider-
able economic potential.
ICRAF (1994) mapped the Sahelian parklands
according to climatic gradient.
In Burkina Faso for instance, the results showed
the following parkland types according to species
• Faidherbia albida system (30% of farm
• Faidherbia albida – Hyphaene thebaica (25%
of farm lands).
• Balanites aegyptiaca (15%). 1975 2005
• Hyphaene thebaica – Balanites aegyptiaca Figure 7.5 Tree density in a site in different years.
• Hyphaene thebaica (8%) and others (12%).
Almost 90% of dominant species in the park-
land system are naturally regenerated. This natural Niger
regeneration is being assisted through protection
and management by local communities throughout
the Sahel region in order to accelerate the recover-
ing of tree vegetation in the parklands. Some of the
management strategies used by the local commu-
nities are pruning, pollarding, identification and Nigeria
protection of the natural regeneration in order to
1) accelerate the growth, 2) increase the biomass
and fruit production, 3) reduce shading which has
an adverse effect on crop yield, 4) obtain organic
matter to enrich and protect soils, 5) reduce the in-
cidence of birds and other pests that could destroy Figure 7.6 Tree density on opposite sides of the Niger/Nigeria border.
crops, 6) get firewood, and 7) make trees more Source: Google Earth, 2005.
resistant to winds. This farmer managed natural
regeneration has given positive impacts throughout
the Sahel and especially in Niger where a recent
study has shown (Larwanou et al., 2006) that the
tree cover increased from 0.6% in 1975 to 16.5% in developed parklands on almost 1 million hectares.
2005. Aerial photos (Figures 7.5 and 7.6) and satel- These parklands were dominated by Faidherbia al-
lite images analysis showed that despite a high in- bida with a density varying from 20 to over 200
crease in human population, there are at present 10 trees per hectare (Table 7.4 and Figure 7.7). This
to 20 times more trees than there was 30 years ago. spectacular vegetation cover in Niger has differen-
An exploratory study was also conducted in tiated itself from the northern neighboring Nigeria
Zinder region, located in the eastern part of Niger. which has less tree cover (Figure 7.6). These re-
This study showed that farmer managed natural greening activities were not known to the public
regeneration (FMNR) is a generalized practice in outside the involved regions because very few pub-
this region (Larwanou et al., 2006). Farmers have lished studies were done.

Climate change in the West African Sahel and savannas: impacts on woodlands and tree resources 113
Table 7.4 Mean number of trees/ha in Niger. Changes in soil fertility management
Sites Number of trees Standard deviation
In Niger, degraded land rehabilitation projects
Adouna 78 91
have introduced on a larger scale runoff water har-
vesting techniques (Zai [holes made before sowing
Batodi 71 72
to collect water], half-moon and trenches) which
Boukanda 57 74
have broken hard denuded soils to increase their
Dansaga 103 122
water storage capacity to reduce runoff. Farmers
Dourgou 73 120
have increased fertilization efforts in their farms.
Garado Nord 48 49 In 1980, few farmers used organic manure on crop
Gassikayna 45 59 fields; the available manure was only being used
Guidan Illa 60 47 on irrigated lands. In 2005, at least 80% (Adam
Karebangou 29 25 et al., 2006) of interviewed farmers used organic
Kolloma 24 34 manure in their cereal fields. Most of the farmers
Laba 20 51 who invest in rehabilitating their lands used organ-
Maiguizawa 162 249 ic manure.
Tama 189 125
On sandy soils, vegetation regeneration shows
a reduction of wind erosion and the availability of
litter to fertilize soils. Parklands development has
contributed to increase organic matter in farmers’
fields especially where Faidherbia albida dominates
(Larwanou et al., 2006). A positive change in soil
structure and fertility was perceived through:
• progressive smoothing of
soil through Zai and half-moon
• litter fall and decomposi-
tion, and capturing of small or-
ganic materials brought in by the
wind, especially where agrofor-
estry practices are developed.
In areas where natural resour-
ces management projects have
intervened, 40% to 100% of in-
terviewed farmers affirmed that
there is an improvement in terms
of soil fertility and agricultural

Figure 7.7 Trees in a farmer’s field regenerated through FMNR.

114 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

7.4.4 Adaptation and mitigation policy actions West African States to share ideas and expe-
and incentives in the Sahel rience.
2. Agree on management systems for shared
river basins, movement of people, and research The broader context on drought resistant crops, drought early warn-
Climate change has implications for many sectors. ing systems.
Response measures are needed from local to inter- 3. Lesson learning on tackling climate change
national levels, and by a diversity of actors (IIED, – such as happened through the Inter-States
2008). Some measures involve being prepared to Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel
cope with the impacts, such as disaster prepared- in the West African Sahel following droughts
ness. Others aim at building greater resilience into in the 1970s and 1980s.
environmental, economic, social and institutional • Country:
systems. Resilience refers to the ability of a re- 1. Mainstream climate change into all areas of
gion, country, city, village or household to protect government policy, such as energy, water, agri-
it from adverse impacts and recover from damage. culture, finance, trade, health and education.
Building resilience can take many forms depending 2. Draw up National Adaptation Plans of
on the policy level and sector. Diversification is a Action (NAPA), assess investment in new in-
key strategy in resilience for many countries and frastructure, and ensure disaster preparedness,
communities when faced by risk, since “having setting up grain reserves, food price subsidies,
your eggs in more than one basket” reduces the cash transfers, crop breeding programmes.
likelihood of total loss. Thus building resilience 3. Establish public information and educa-
at different levels will often imply finding ways to tion activities to help people understand and
diversify, whether it is sources of income, forms respond to the changes underway, using media,
of energy supply, cropping systems or investment radio, schools, etc.
portfolios. Some of the actions that could be con- 4. Promote legal framework which strengthens
sidered in Africa at various levels are (IIED, 2008): community based systems for land and natural
• Continent-wide: resource management.
1. High level political leadership through 5. Identify areas for possible afforestation and
Heads of State meetings at the African Union, sites for avoided deforestation.
climate observatories, weather monitoring, fore- • District/municipality:
casts. 1. Plan urban growth to minimize risks from
2. Work with regional and sub-regional bodies flooding and other disasters.
and the Comprehensive African Agricultural 2. Set up crop insurance schemes, managing
Development Programme to build climate local river catchments, encourage decentralized
change into Africa-wide initiatives. energy generation, micro-finance.
3. Develop business engagement with African 3. Link local disaster preparedness with na-
decision-makers on climate change challenges, tional level plans and information.
such as at the World Economic Forum. 4. Ensure emergency supplies of food and shel-
• Sub-regional: ter.
1. Work with Regional Economic Com- 5. Invest in better local water supply systems,
missions and political groupings (Economic small scale dams, soil conservation and water
Commission for West African States, Inter- harvesting.
States Committee for Drought Control in the 6. Improve management of key resources –
Sahel, and Economic and Monetary Union for wetlands, grazing, forests.

Climate change in the West African Sahel and savannas: impacts on woodlands and tree resources 115
• Household/individual: Mitigation policy actions
1. Income diversification, migration of some The policy actions in terms of mitigations are car-
family members, introducing new crops, micro- ried out through establishment of programmes at
water harvesting. national and regional levels to contain the impacts
2. Set up savings and micro-finance accounts. of climate change. Some of the programmes set
up are:
• Inter-States Committee for Drought Adaptation through policy and technical Control in the Sahel: harmonizing and imple-
actions menting regional policies.
In the Sahel, various actions have been carried • Re-greening of the Sahel initiative which
out in terms of policy and technical activities in conducts field activities and helps to develop
different areas connected to adaptation to climate policy measures.
change. The most important actions are stated be- • Changes in fiscal policies to support mitiga-
low in a broader range. These are: tion and adaptation at national levels.
• Production and update of National Action • National Committee for sustainable envi-
Plan for Adaptation (the nine Sahelian coun- ronment and development (CNEDD): national
tries have their NAPAs). policies for sustainable development.
• Implementation of projects and activities to • Policies for implementing Multilateral
improve water harvesting, soil fertility and pro- Environmental Agencies (MEA) (establish-
ductivity. ment of NAPs, DNA, NAPA, etc).
• Diversification of agricultural to minimize • Promotion of research for use of solar en-
risks related to climate change. ergy, etc.
• Promotion of improved agroforestry prac-
tices has been carried out.
• Development and promotion of drought, Incentives policy actions
pest and disease, weed, salinity resistant and In addition to the aforementioned measures, incen-
high yielding crop varieties for local conditions tives are also being used to strengthen the efforts
are being implemented. of various governments to tackle climate change is-
• Development of early warning systems to sues in the Sahel. Some of the incentive actions are:
inform farmers and other stakeholders is being • Subsidizing seedling production.
carried out. • Food for work and assets for planting.
• Promotion of post-harvest technologies to • Subsidized private nurseries.
reduce losses in the field and during storage is • Established forest product markets.
being carried out. • Change in policy for tree tenure and market-
• Restoration of wetlands for a better man- ing.
agement of natural resources and biodiversity • Poverty reduction and food security pro-
conservation are being implemented. grammes and Country Policy Frameworks
• Development of research for the improve- are being developed.
ment of cropping techniques and genetic ma- • Investment projects to ensure they are ‘cli-
terial is in the programme of various research mate friendly’ and resilient to the risks by
institutions. climate change prone disasters.
These actions are giving impacts in various ways
and need to be pursued and strengthened by new

116 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

7.5 Conclusion and recommendations • Build understanding of how resource-poor pop-
ulations in the Sahel understand climate varia-
bility and change, associated risks and conse-
7.5.1 Conclusion quences for their livelihoods.
The ‘driving forces’ of change in the Sahel, both en- • Inventory of :
vironmental and socio-economic, are highly com- - initiatives in the West African Sahel to learn
plex and have led to transformation and continuity. from experience and build on existing work,
The main opinion is that, the Sahel is undergoing, - existing interventions, e.g. the Global
slowly but inevitably, a profound ‘transformation’ Mechanism, Sustainable Land Management,
in the way people relate to the environment and - capitalizing the enormous value of early
to each other in a fluid and dynamic manner. The work within the CILSS region to create oppor-
other viewpoint is that there is a need to maintain tunities for learning and exchange of experience
continuity with the past. Sahelian peoples have within the Sahel region and assure that these
a rich local tradition to draw on what is able to links still work,
manage change, better than the kinds of adapta- - using the enormous energy and resources
tion that are now flowing in rapidly from outside behind the climate change debate to promote
in ecosystem resilience concepts. In the Sahel, ac- and extend locally tailored interventions which
tions needed are well defined, inclusive, sensitive to strengthen resilience and rights across the
local interests and relevant. The genuine concerns Sahel.
about ecological degradation and the vital role of
natural resources in rural livelihood systems should
be drawn on analysis of numerous projects initiat- Way forward
ed since the droughts of the 1970s and 1980s that • Local communities to be empowered to develop
support natural resource management alone. In their programmes and action plans in natural
dealing with forests and trees, and the emerging resources management.
issue of climate change in the sub-region, improve- • Develop well defined and concerted initiatives
ment in ‘household viability’ and other structural on management of dry forests and parklands at
measures leading to poverty alleviation should all levels (e.g. re-greening the Sahel initiative).
also be addressed (including income generation, • Develop research actions on policy issues re-
employment access, conflict, equitable sharing of garding tree tenure and sustainable manage-
ecosystem services). Policy and technical measures ment of forests and parklands.
that are successful should be reinforced and dis- • Develop a concerted environmental informa-
seminated in order to restore the vegetation cover, tion system and making it available at all levels.
therefore containing the effects of climate change • Reinforce cooperation among actors: exchange
and variability. of experiences and know-how on forest con-
servation and sustainable utilization for poverty
alleviation and environmental protection.
7.5.2 Recommendations Challenging the future Action research • Develop and promote appropriate (low-cost)
• Build understanding of how poor people opti- agroforestry technologies in the management
mize new knowledge in a context of competing of dry forests and parklands.
demands of forests and tree products. • Promote participatory research in the manage-

Climate change in the West African Sahel and savannas: impacts on woodlands and tree resources 117
ment of dry forests and parklands in collabora- and policy factors affecting the management of
tion with all stakeholders including local com- parklands.
munities and decision-makers. • Revisit country policies on natural resources
• Set up a good communication network for best management by incorporating recent research
practices on dry forests and parklands for per- policy findings.
manent dialogue among actors. • Develop and implement a wide range of parti-
• Define a coherent link between poverty and en- cipatory management, enrichment options (at
vironmental security policies. village and community levels) and farmer man-
• Better understand the cultural, institutional aged natural regeneration.

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120 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Section 3
Climate change
and African wildlife


Section 3 consists of three chapters. The first chapter focuses on wildlife in West and Central Africa,
the second chapter deals with wildlife in woodlands and the third chapter describes broader issues
of institutions and governance concerning climate change and wildlife.

Although there has been great concern about the state of moist forests in Africa, little has been
published on climate change threats to wildlife in African moist forests. However, it is generally
acknowledged that negative effects of climate change (e.g. climate warming, shortage of rainfall,
exceptional events such as drought or floods, and rising sea level) are having negative impacts on
key wildlife habitats and species in West and Central Africa. Chapter 8 in this section deals with a
wide range of issues including 1) the distribution of wildife resources in important conservation
areas, 2) the use of biodiversity resources and related threats, 3) the manifestations of climate
change and their impacts on wildlife resources, and 4) the adaptation and mitigation measures
against climate change and variability that are relevant to the wildlife sector. Scientists suspect
that increasing temperatures, in combination with changes in rainfall and humidity, may have
significant impacts on wildlife, domestic animals and human diseases (Hofmeister et al., 2010).
The common observation is that the behavior of many wildlife species can change due to the
changing weather patterns. The chapter points out that given the high level of climate variability
in West and Central Africa (Kandji et al., 2006), impacts of climate change could be regarded as
under-estimations. It is therefore probable that increases in mortality of many species in West and
Central Africa may be due to climate warming.
Common effects of climate change on species and ecosystems include 1) changes in the timing of
life-history events or phenology, 2) effects on demographic rates, such as survival and fecundity,
3) reductions in population size, and 4) shifts in species distribution ranges.

Chapter 9 describes the state and use of wildlife resources in the woodlands and savannas of East
and southern Africa and discusses threats to wildlife resources and opportunities for sustainably
managing these resources, impacts of climate change on wildlife and the resources that support
wildlife species, as well as adaptation and mitigation approaches to impacts of climate change on
wildlife resources. In Africa, most of the wildlife species are found in rangelands (i.e. grasslands
and open woodlands or savannas) that are estimated to cover about 13.4 million km2 or 60% of
the continent (de Leeuw and Reid, undated). Except in a few cases, protected areas are exclusively
set aside for wildlife conservation; outside these areas, livestock and native herbivores share land,
water, forage and diseases, and the fate of wildlife in such areas largely depends on the interactions
between wildlife and livestock (Grootenhuis and Prins, 2000). Apparently, ungulates in East African
savannas respond to rainfall fluctuations through movements, reproduction or survival, and the
responses appear independent of breeding phenology and synchrony, dietary guild, or degree
of water dependence. However, extreme events, such as droughts, have been observed to delay
onset and reduce synchrony of calving and natality rates while high rainfall advanced onset and
increased synchrony of calving and natality rates in some ungulates (Ogutu et al., 2010). Both
droughts and herbivory (including fire) contribute to the shift in the current balance between
woody and grassy habitats in East and southern Africa (van de Vijver et al., 1999; Western, 2006).
This has implications for the abundance of the browsers and grazers in wildlife conservation areas.

Climate affects wildlife resources through different path-ways and the wildlife sector needs to be
adequately equipped to respond to climate change. It is important to understand how climate
change is likely to impact on wildlife in order to implement adaptation strategies for the sector.

Chapter 10 proposes the establishment of effective climate adaptation strategies through

cooperative work of scientists, managers and policymakers to 1) identify climate-sensitive species
and ecosystems, 2) assess the likelihood and consequences of impacts, and 3) identify and
select options for adaptation (Hulme, 2005). Although it is widely accepted that climate affects
the distribution and abundance of mammals and other wildlife species, there are problems in
relating climate change and variability to wildlife population dynamics. The chapter calls for
the monitoring and recording of distribution and abundances of target wildlife species over a
sufficiently long period of time in order to assess the relationship between population dynamics
and climate variables.

122 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Chapter 8

Paul Donfack

8.1 Introduction 8.2 State of wildlife resources in West and

The majority of West and Central African countries Central Africa
are experiencing the effects of climate change and
variability. Desertification, climate change and loss 8.2.1 Ecosystems
of biodiversity are currently the most compelling The West and Central African region is usually di-
issues in African dry lands and threaten develop- vided into two sub-regions: West with 15 countries
ment efforts and jeopardize the livelihoods of the and Central with 7 countries (Figure 8.1), exclud-
poor (Hamndou and Requier-Desjardins, 2008). ing island states. Though, Cameroon and Chad are
Negative effects of climate change (e.g. climate politically attached to Central Africa, ecologically
warming, shortage of rainfall, exceptional events they are often considered to be part of West Africa.
such as drought or floods and rising sea level) are West Africa extends over 6.14 million km 2 and
having negative impacts on key wildlife habitats represents one fifth of the African continent. The
and species. Therefore, expansion of protected are- region has a variety of ecosystems stretching from
as is not only an important strategy to promoting the Atlantic Ocean in the south-western portion
biodiversity conservation but could also be a means of the region to the Sahel in the northern portion
to mitigate climate change. which is a transition zone between the arid lands
This chapter presents the state of wildlife re- to the north (Sahara) and inter-tropical Africa to
sources and climate change in West and Central the south. Different vegetation types cover the
Africa. The emphasis is on 1) the distribution of region and there are many hydrographical basins
wildife resources in important conservation areas, situated in different agro-climatic zones (Senegal
2) the use of biodiversity resources and related Basin, Lake Chad Basin, Niger River Basin and
threats, 3) the manifestations of climate change Congo Basin). Each of these agro-climatic zones
and their impacts on wildlife resources, and 4) the is characterized by different climatic and hydrolog-
adaptation and mitigation measures against cli- ic conditions. From the northern to the southern
mate change and variability that are relevant to limits of the region annual rainfall varies gradually
the wildlife sector. from 100 mm in the north (northern limit of the
Sahel) to more than 1,500 mm (up to 4,000 mm
around Mt Cameroon) in the south.
The driest part of the region is made up of what
Letouzey (1985) called ’Région soudano-zambéz-
ienne’, which from north to south corresponds

Climate change and wildlife resources in West and Central Africa 123

Burkina Faso Sudan
Guinea Bissau Guinea

Sierra Côte Ghana
Leone d’Ivoire Central African Republic
Liberia Cameroon
N Eq. Guinea
Congo Democratic Republic
Gabon of Congo

Moist forest

0 1,200

Figure 8.1 Mainland countries and ecological zones in West and

Central Africa region.

to the Sahelian domain and the Sudanian do- The subhumid savannas are often made of woody
main that represent types of savanna. Within the groves and grassy patches in which a few woody
Sahelian domain, Letouzey (1985) has distin- species develop (Menaut et al., 1990). The sub-
guished the Sahelian sector and the Sahelo-Sudan- humid savannas are not different from what
ian sector. The Sahelian domain has two types of Letouzey (1968) calls the Sudanian domain. The
vegetation: the spiny steppe and the periodically Sudanian flora has tree elements such as Burkia afri-
flooded grasslands. The spiny steppe is dominated cana, Acacia sieberiana, Bombax costatum, Dalbergia
by small trees such as Acacia spp., Balanites aegypti- melanoxilon, Detarium microcarpum, Diospyros mes-
aca, Calotropis procera, Ziziphus spp., and grass spe- piliformis and Ficus spp. They are home to wildlife
cies like Aristida spp., Chloris spp.and Schoenefeldia species such as elephants, giraffe, derby elands,
gracilis. The second vegetation type is made up of lions, wild dogs, panther, cheetah, roan antelope,
periodically flooded grasslands with grass species hartebeest, cobs that are also sensitive to water
like Echinochloa pyramidalis, Hyparrhenia rufa, availability.
Oryza longistaminata and Pennisetum ramosum. The forest ecozone in West and Central Africa
These types of savannas are found in the far north consists of moist forests (see chapter 5) comprising
of Cameroon but also in the northern parts of the of lowland moist forests, mangroves, swamp for-
Central African Republic, Chad, Niger, Mali, ests and mountain forests. The moist forests of the
Senegal, Mauritania and Burkina Faso. Congo Basin cover almost 200 million ha. They

124 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

represent the second largest tropical moist for- sub-regions. In addition, the Gulf of Guinea Islands
ests in the world, after the Amazon. In West and support highly endemic flora (185 endemic spe-
Central Africa, geographically there are six moist cies). There are also some important flagship plant
forests that include the Guinea moist forest (on the species such as oil palm trees (Elaeis guineensis),
coast of West Africa), Congolese coastal forests, African ebony (Diospyros gracilis), Iroko (Clorophora
Cameroon highlands forests, Northern Congo excelsa) as well as the genera Entandophragma and
Basin moist forests, Central Congo Basin moist Khaya.
forests and Western Congo Basin moist forests. There are about 1,100 species of mammals in
These forests play a crucial regulatory role in con- Africa, with 320 species found in the hot-spots of
trolling natural processes like the climate, water West Africa (Conservation International, 2007).
quality and carbon sequestration and have a cul- The lowland forests of West Africa are home to
tural service value. Forests of the Congo Basin play more than one-quarter of Africa’s mammals, in-
an important role in national and regional econo- cluding more than 20 species of primates and threat-
mies because of the importance of its biodiversity ened species such as Jentink’s duiker, Pygmy hip-
that include large animals such as elephants, great popotamus, and scattered populations of Western
apes, bongo, various duikers. chimpanzees. Five Endemic Bird Areas (EBA) lie
partly or entirely within this hot-spot. The Guinea
forests are renowned for their primate diversity (al-
8.2.2 Species diversity most 30 species). Six of them are endemic to up-
Many criteria are used worldwide to classify eco- per Guinea, nine are endemic to moist forests of
systems to highlight their biodiversity importance. Nigeria and Cameroon and six to Bioko Island in
Among such classes are important ecoregions Equatorial Guinea. The area is also home to great
(WWF, 2000), conservation hot-spots (Myers, apes such as chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and
1990), Ramsar Conservation Sites and World gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and Diana monkey
Heritage Natural Sites. Hot-spots are biologically (Cercopithecus diana) which is an indicator of forest
rich areas with high biodiversity and a large pro- health. The Guinean moist forests of West Africa
portion of endemic species. The Guinea moist for- are home to 10 species of hornbills, large frugivores
ests of Western Africa (Table 8.1) are among the that fill an important ecological function as seed
global biodiversity hot-spots (Myers, 1990). dispersers. However, dozens of the region’s bird
The flora of this hot-spot is closely related to the species are threatened by extensive forest clearing;
flora of Central Africa and most genera are wide- similarly, some flagship species such as black rhi-
spread throughout both West and Central Africa noceros have become extinct while others such as
cheetah and wild dog have become rare.

Table 8.1 Endemism in the Guinea.

Source: 8.2.3 Biodiversity conservation
Taxonomic group Area (ha) Endemic species % endemism While it is important to conserve biodiversity
Vascular plants 9,000 1,800 20.0 everywhere, current rates of loss, and the limited
Mammals 320 67 20.9
resources available to address them, require clear-
Birds 785 75 9.6
ly established priorities. Conserving ecoregions
will require addressing needs at large temporal
Reptiles 210 52 24.8
and biogeographical scales and focusing on both
Amphibians 221 85 38.5
socio-economic and biological systems dynamics.
Fresh water fishes 512 143 27.9
The setting aside or gazettment of protected areas

Climate change and wildlife resources in West and Central Africa 125
within each country could be an important ap-
proach to achieving this goal. This presupposes N
effective national policy and site-specific manage-
ment interventions in conformity with the interna-
tional requirements. According to the International
Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources (IUCN), a protected area is an area of
land and/or sea especially dedicated to the protec-
tion and maintenance of biological diversity, and
of natural and associated cultural resources, and
managed through legal or other effective means. Central Africa sub-region

Biodiversity conservation in the Central Africa
sub-region is a relatively old practice. The first pro-
tected area created was the Albert National Park
in Belgian Congo (now Democratic Republic of 0 500
Congo) in 1925. To date many other protected are- km
as have been gazetted in each country in the sub-
region (Figure 8.2 and Table 8.2). These protect-
ed areas are situated within different ecosystems Figure 8.2 Protected areas in the Central Africa sub-region of West and
Central Africa region. Based on the World Resources Institute (WRI)
including Sahel, Sudanian and Guinean savannas (2009).
and moist forests.
Protected areas in Central Africa sub-region
covers 9.9% of total land area, which is close to In Cameroon the protected area network in-
that of 9.0% for the West Africa sub-region. It is cludes 20 national parks among which four are
however important to mention that the process of under the process of gazettment, three sanctu-
gazettement of protected areas in most countries of aries (Category IV of IUCN), 10 wildlife reserves
Central Africa is ongoing and therefore is likely to (Category VI of IUCN) and three zoological gar-
increase in the future. dens (Donfack, 2009). The largest protected areas of

Table 8.2 Protected areas in countries in the Central Africa sub-region.

Country Area of the country (km2) Number of protected areas Extension of protected areas (km2) Percentage
Cameroon 475,442 36 82,361 17.3
Congo 342,000 14 36,469 11.0
Gabon 267,667 13 30,075 11.0
Equatorial Guinea 28,051 12 6,155 21.97
Central African Republic 622,984 16 68,475 10.99
Democratic Republic of Congo 2,344,860 21 183,853 7.84
Sao Tome and Principe 964 3 295 30.6
Chad 1,284,200 10 122,893 9.57
Total 5,366,168 125 557,779 9.9

126 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Cameroon are the Dja Biosphere Reserve (526,000 corresponding to Category VI of IUCN (Mertens
ha), the Mbam and Djerm National Park (416,512 et al., 2007).
ha), the Nki National Park (309,362 ha) and the In the Democratic Republic of Congo, Salonga
Faro National Park (330,000 ha). There are also 33 National Park (3,656,000 ha), Okapi wildlife
safari hunting zones and 19 community hunting reserve (1,372,625 ha), Maiko National Park
zones (MINFOF-WRI-GFW, 2007). The Waza (1,083,000 ha), Virunga National Park (780,000
National Park is one of the most important protect- ha), Upemba National Park (1,173,000 ha) and
ed areas situated in the southern part of the Sahel Bili-Uéré hunting reserve (6,000,000 ha) are
(Bauer, 2003) and receiving less than 600 mm of among the largest protected areas in the sub-region
annual rainfall. It contains considerable mammal and fall in Category II of the IUCN classification.
populations, including species that are increasingly In the Central African Republic, large pro-
becoming rare in West and Central Africa, such as tected areas include Manovo-Gounda-Saint
savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana africana), gi- Floris National Park (1,740,000 ha), the com-
raffe (Giraffa camelopardis), hyena (Crocuta crocuta), plex Bamingui-Bangoran/Vassako Bolo National
lion (Panthera leo) and various antelope species. The Parks (1,156,000 ha) and Zemongo wildlife re-
main species (kob) is decreasing progressively due serve (1,010,000 ha). They are also equivalent to
to regular droughts and lack of water in the ponds. Category II of the IUCN classification.
It also contains important bird populations, includ- In the Republic of Chad, there are Ouadi
ing ostrich (Struthio camelus) and crowned crane Rimé-Ouadi Acim wildlife reserve (7,795,000 ha)
(Balearica pavonina). Bénoué National Park, Faro and Bahr Salamat wildlife reserve (2,860,000 ha),
National Park and Bouba Ndjida National Park all in Category II of the IUCN classification.
are all in the Sudanian savanna zone. The rest of
protected areas (Dja Biosphere Reserve, Lobéké West Africa sub-region
NP, Nki NP, Boumba-Bek NP, Campo Ma’an Each of the 15 mainland countries in the West
NP, Kurup NP, Mbam and Djerem NP, etc.) in Africa sub-region has a number of protected areas
Cameroon are either in the moist forest zone or in (Table 8.3). Five of them, located mainly in the
the forest-savanna transition zone (Donfack, 2009) dry Sahel and Sudanian zones, are among the larg-
and some of these are priority conservation areas. est protected areas of West Africa (Fondjo, 2009).
In Gabon, Minkebé National Park (756,669 These are in Burkina Faso with the Sahel Reserve
ha), Lopé (484,780 ha) and Moukalaba-Doudou (1,600,000 ha), Mali with the partial wildlife re-
(449,548 ha) are the largest protected areas serve (Category II of IUCN) of Ansongo Ménaka
(Category IV of IUCN). The remainder includes (1,750,000 ha), Mauritania with the Guel Er
Akanda, Plateau Batéké, Monts Birougou, Monts Richât (1,900,000 ha). Two main large protected
de Cristal, Ivondo, Loango, Mayumba, Mwagné, areas are in Niger: the National Natural Reserve
Pongara and Waka. of Termit and Tin Toumma (10,000,000 ha) and
In the Republic of Congo, the network of protect- the National Natural Reserve of Aïr and Ténéré
ed areas includes three national parks (Nouabale- (7,736,000) ha.
Ndoki, Odzala-Kokoua, and Conkouati-Douli) Besides these protected areas, the West Africa
with a total land area of 2,306,377 ha, one biosphere sub-region also has other important conservation
reserve with 147,006 ha (Category IV of IUCN), areas. In Senegal, for instance, there is the Niokolo
one community reserve (Lake Tele with 461,815 Koba National Park with 900,000 ha, considered
ha), six wildlife reserves (587,440 ha) (Category as an important site for the conservation of wild
VI of IUCN), one chimpanzee sanctuary (8,847 animals (large mammals) and plants. There is also
ha) and two gorilla sanctuaries with 134,378 ha the Djoudj National Park (12,000 ha) consid-

Climate change and wildlife resources in West and Central Africa 127
Table 8.3 Protected areas in countries in the West Africa sub-region. region. The main protected area in the country is
Source: Chapter author; *database of
Sapo National Park. The country harbours endemic
Area of Number of Extension
species, some of which are nearly extinct (Pygmy
Country the country protected of protected
hippopotamus, Jintink’s duiker, the zebra duiker
(km2) areas areas (km2)
and the Liberian mongoose) outside the country.
Benin 112,620 5 12,402 11.01 However, out of 67 species of mammals in Liberia,
Burkina Faso* 274,200 72 39,211 14.30 13 have become extinct and a similar number is
Cape Verde* 4,033 1 0.4 0.01 threatened with extinction.
Côte d’Ivoire* 322,460 240 24,185 7.50 In Côte d’Ivoire, a network of 13 protected
Gambia* 11,300 6 441 3.90 areas represents the main ecosystems found in the
Ghana 239,460 21 12,585 5.25 country. Many of these protected areas (Comoé,
Guinea* 245,857 102 44,746 18.20 Aboukouamékro, Mont Péko, Monts Nimba, etc.)
Bissau-Guinea* 36,120 9 903 2.50
are subjected to high pressure from various factors.
Liberia* 111,370 16 111 0.10
In Ghana, the Ministry of Land and Natural
Resources has declared 67 zones as ’Globally
Mali 1,240,000 18 119,599 9.64
Significant Biodiversity Areas’ (GSBA), among
Mauritania 1,030,700 9 42,160 4.09
which are the Krokosu Forest Reserve, Shai Hills
Niger 1,267,000 5 188,460 14.87
Resource Reserve, Bia, Mole National Park, Kya
Nigeria* 923,768 6 48,036 5.20
Bobo National Park, Kakum National Park and
Senegal 196,190 12 16,149 8.23 Ankasa.
Sierra Leone 71,740 27 716 0.99 Nigeria has an important network of protected
Togo 56,785 6 8,074 14.21 areas including 14 national parks, eight strict na-
Total 6,143,603 528 557,779 9.08 ture reserves, 39 game reserves. Among them are
the Yankari National Park located in the savannas,
Gashaka Gumti National Park in the transition
between savanna and moist forest and Cross River
ered as a paradise of birds species. Other protect- National Park in the moist forest zone. Other
ed areas in Senegal include the Ferlo wildlife re- national parks include Baturiya Wetlands, Chad
serve, the Guembeul Reserve, the Delta of Saloum Basin, Gujiba, Ifon, Kainji Lake, Kamuku, Kogo,
National Park that harbour birds (pelican, aigrette Kuyambana, Old Oyo and Sambisa.
dimorphe, grand cormoran, Echasse blanche) and In Guinea, protected areas include two national
mammals (dama gazelle and oryx). parks (Upper Niger and Badiar), one natural in-
Gambia has six protected areas including Abuko tegral reserve (Mont Nimba) and one community
Nature Reserve, Kiang West National Park, River Forest (Ziama). There is also a transboundary pro-
Gambia National park, Niumi National Park, Bao tected area at the Mali border.
Bolon wetland reserve and Tanji Karinti bird re- Between Burkina Faso, Benin and Niger, there
serve. is an important trans-boundary conservation area
In Sierra Leone, protected areas include six na- called the WAP Complex (W National Park,
tional parks, two oases for hunting, five wildlife Arly National Park and Pendjari). In the eastern
hunting reserves, four forest reserves and ten inte- part there is the W National Park which forms
gral natural reserves. the central nucleus, comprising a trans-boundary
Liberia has two of the three largest remaining Biosphere Reserve, surrounded by hunting zones
intact blocks of upper Guinea moist forest, which (Kondio, Tapoa-Djerma, Mekrou and Djona,
are of incalculable biological value within the sub- Tamou and Dasso). At the western part, the

128 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Pendjari National Park is situated in Benin and promoting national growth (e.g. through collec-
the Arly National Park in Burkina Faso, together tion of taxes, job creation, local markets, transport
with the Singou Reserve. Between the two blocs, and communication). Protected areas in West and
there are other conservation areas like Atakora, Central Africa are located in moist forests (Côte
Mekrou and Koakrana and the partial reserve of d’Ivoire, Gabon, Democratic Republic of Congo,
Kourtragou. Though the W Transboundary Park Congo, Central African Republic, Cameroon,
appears as an effectively protected space, the neigh- Equatorial Guinea), Sudano-Guinean savannas
bouring protected areas are facing serious threats and the Sahel (Central African Republic, Burkina
and need rehabilitation. Faso, Niger, Mali, Senegal, Benin, Guinea, Togo,
In addition, the West Africa sub-region has Chad, Cameroon). In West and Central Africa,
two main endemic zones and two secondary zones many countries have protected areas suitable
for the conservation of birds (Islands of Cape for wildlife tourism. In Cameroon, the Waza
Verde, Forest of North Guinea [Côte d’Ivoire, National Park is one of them. But many other pro-
Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone], Low tected areas are managed to receive tourists even
Valley from Niger to Nigeria and Upper Valley if their numbers per year is low (Benoué National
from Niger to Mali and Senegal). Park, Korup National Park). Others are Zakouma
National Park (Chad) and Manovo-Gounda St-
Floris National Park (Central African Republic).
8.3 Biodiversity uses in West and Central In DRC and Rwanda, the Virunga National Park
Africa and the Volcanoes were respectively considered as
sites receiving an impressive number of visitors and
8.3.1 Tourism generating significant portions of income for their
It is generally recognized that protected areas and respective countries. However, this economic con-
other forest resources can constitute natural herit- tribution of tourism has been reduced by political
age and spiritual value as well as make a substantial crises and civil wars.
contribution to regional development through tour-
ism. Because of the richness of wild animals and 8.3.2 Hunting
plants in West and Central Africa, protected areas Unlike in other regions of Africa, the wildlife sec-
of these sub-regions can be considered as products tor in West and Central Africa is not well devel-
with high commercial value. The economic uses of oped. In Cameroon, it generates USD 2.0 million
biodiversity in the sub-regions include ecotourism, for the national economy. In the Central African
safari hunting, traditional hunting, trade of forest Republic, 11 community hunting zones (Zones de
products and conservation-related employment. Chasse villageoise, or ZCV) have progressively
Many protected areas in West and Central Africa been created since 1988 and annual incomes from
have good potential for the development of wildlife these zones have increased from less than USD
tourism. However, the level of utilization is lower 5,500 in 1993 to USD 262,000 in 2009 (Bouché,
than in other regions such as southern and eastern 2009; Figure 8.3). These resources are reinvested
Africa. The whole system is suffering from poor in socio-economic infrastructures in education,
promotion and organization; improving profes- health and water supply. In countries where wild-
sionalism of local officials with suitable training is life utilization is better organized, part of the re-
needed to boost the tourism sector. venue is distributed to the local populations and
Through revenue from tourism, protected areas the remainder is retained by the State Treasury.
demonstrate their contribution to local economic In Cameroon, hunting is an old tradition in the
and social development as well as their role in savanna zone and has recently gained importance

Climate change and wildlife resources in West and Central Africa 129
in the moist forest zone through the safari hunt- 300,000

ing zone. Benefits from these forms of utiliza-

tion are shared between central governments 250,000
(50%), local governments (40%) and local com-
munities (10%) when they are organized into
legal entities. With regard to traditional hunt-
ing, despite its informal nature, the annual bush

US Dollars
meat sales bring more than USD 10,000 in 150,000

Cameroon. Within the WAP complex, there is

a number of hunting zones covering more than 100,000
2,752,000 ha. At the moment, the problems
facing hunting in West Africa are those of re-
habilitation of the environment, re-stocking
of wildlife populations and establishing new
arrangements for accessing these wildlife pop- 0
1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010
ulations and effectively involving local com-
munities living around wildlife areas. In ad-
Figure 8.3 Income generated from the community hunting initiative in Central
dition there is need to resolve wildlife-related African Republic from 1993 to 2009. Based on Bouché (2009).
conflicts around protected areas because these
remain one of the major constraints to the de-
velopment of the wildlife sector in West and
Central Africa.

8.4 Threats to biodiversity and oppor-

tunities for effective management of and poaching activities for subsistence and com-
biodiversity resources mercial purposes constitute a serious threat to game
Despite the socio-economic values of biodiversity mammal species as well as to human populations
mentioned above, moist forests of the Congo Basin who depend on wildlife resources for their animal
can be considered as receiving relatively lower lev- protein needs. Unsustainable levels of hunting
els of pressure than the Amazon. Deforestation could lead to the local extinction or disappearance
due to agricultural practices and development of of vulnerable animal species such as the elephant,
human settlements were estimated to be lower the gorilla, mandrill and many other species and
than 0.5% for the period between 2000 and 2005 causes immediate hardships within rural popu-
(WRI, 2009). Its progression, linked to the devel- lations that depend on game for nutritional and
opment of roads for logging and timber transporta- economic purposes. Due to current demographic
tion, could become critical given the fact that for- and socio-economic driven changes of lifestyles of
est roads represent 30% of the whole road network human populations, the daily demand for game is
of the region. In the Central African Republic, for particularly high and is increasing. If the system is
example, wood exported represents 50% of all ex- disturbed, habitat fragmentation could increase as
ports (WRI, 2009). well as loss of threatened species.
Climate variability directly affects the national In most countries where wildlife resources are
economies of West African countries in general utilized, laws and regulations related to wildlife
and those of the Sahelian countries in particular. conservation exist but these were mainly devel-
The over-exploitation of wildlife through hunting oped without taking into account the concerns of

130 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

indigenous people. The implementation of wildlife 8.5 Impacts of climate change and
utilization projects often collides with the inter- variability on wildlife resources
ests of local people. Traditional hunting tends to Two approaches can be used to assess the impact
be confused with poaching, either at traditional of climate change. The first is the synchronic ap-
hunters’ level, or at the level of game guards in proach, which consists of comparing the climax
charge of law enforcement. Consequently, over- biodiversity in different eco-climatic zones within
hunting is one of the main threats to biodiversity West and Central Africa with the current state.
conservation and natural habitats. A survey car- The second is the diachronic approach, which con-
ried out in Africa has shown that at least 22% of sists of comparing historical data within the same
protected areas are being degraded (Conservation geographical areas. The climate of West Africa
International, 2007). West Africa has the highest is subjected to recurrent variations of significant
number of large protected areas and a network of magnitude. Severe declines in rainfall were regis-
wildlife reserves but most of them are being de- tered between 1968 and 1972. Because of this, ma-
graded or fragmented. There are many interactions jor watercourses have registered a decline with a
between protected areas and their surroundings significant reduction in the surface area of main
which, in most cases, increase with time, because natural wetlands (the case of Lake Chad where the
of the lack of respect for national laws, poor con- surface area has shrunk from 20,000 km 2 during
ditions of local communities and the deficiency in wet years before 1970 to less than 7,000 km 2 since
the application of the participatory management the early 1990s) (UICN-BRAC, 2007).
of protected areas. In contradiction with the ongo- Many studies have demonstrated how environ-
ing gazettement process of protected areas in most mental factors (mainly climate) influence varia-
West and Central African countries, management tion in life history traits such as body weight and
options continue to clash with people’s habits or growth, or population parameters such as sex ra-
customs. Disappearance of plants and animal spe- tio (Weladji, 2003; Hofmeister et al., 2010). But
cies linked to human practices is frequent and often data focusing on West and Central Africa are
due to the paradox between institutions in charge rare. The Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate
of implementing conservation strategies and other Change (IPCC) predicts that unprecedented rates
economic or socially oriented institutions. of climate change will result in increasing average
Since the establishment of the first protected global temperatures, a rise in sea levels, change in
area in Central Africa, the process of gazettement global precipitation patterns, including increased
of new protected areas has continued in most West amounts and variability, and increased continental
and Central African countries. This provides an drying during summer (IPCC, 2007). Scientists
opportunity for taking into account issues of cli- suspect that increasing temperatures, in combina-
mate change in the establishment of new protected tion with changes in rainfall and humidity, may
areas in the region. The maintenance of the pro- have significant impacts on wildlife, domestic ani-
cess of establishing new protected areas in most mals and human diseases (Hofmeister et al., 2010).
countries is a clear testimony of the political will The common observation is that the behavior of
to conserve wildlife. The presence of conservation many wildlife species can change due to the chang-
NGOs, some of which have considerable expe- ing weather patterns.
rience in conservation, interest of donors and sup- Reduced rainfall and droughts can worsen
port from the international community provide ad- the already limited water resources crises and in-
ditional opportunities for implementing effective crease wildlife habitat destruction, with negative
management of biodiversity resources in the West impact on both flora and fauna. Patterns in life
and Central African region. history traits and population parameters of various

Climate change and wildlife resources in West and Central Africa 131
ungulates vary over space and time. Extrinsic cli- Given the high level of climate variability in
matic fluctuations are important causative factors West and Central Africa (Kandji et al., 2006),
for such variations. Hance (2009) has shown that impacts of climate change could be regarded as
forest elephants in Congo consume more than 96 under-estimations. It is probable that increases in
species of plant seeds and can carry the seeds as mortality of many species may be due to climate
far as 57 km from their parent tree. Elephant may warming. Climate change, climate variability and
then be responsible for the dispersal and possibly extreme events may also be responsible for changes
establishment of more tree species than any other in seasonal life cycles of many species. Other im-
species within their home range. A study carried pacts of climate change on wildlife include changes
out by Tchamba (1997) in Cameroon concerns the in phenology and wildlife host-pathogen interac-
migration of elephants from Waza National Park tions and disease patterns in wildlife species.
to northern Kalamaloué National Park or to the
Kaélé area (South) depending on water and food
availability. From this example, it is clear that 8.6 Potential adaptation to the impacts
drought is likely to trigger elephant migration and of climate change in the wildlife sector
consequently influence tree establishment patterns. In Africa, knowledge of climate change risks is
The geographic range of many wildlife species inadequate and pro-active management of green-
could shift from one area to another due to climate house gases concentration is limited. Adaptation
change. Drought and extreme temperatures pose could give positive results in the short term.
potential risks to wildlife that include decrease in However, as the issue of climate change is uncer-
surface water for mammals and birds (Figure 8.5). tain and may not be easily predictable, it is neces-
In respect of habitat fragmentation, the species sary to apply the precautionary principle to develop
may not be able to adapt to environmental change policies and plans that could ensure timely adapta-
within and outside protected areas. This is why tion.
land-use and land-cover change assessment can be In West and Central Africa, there is a large
used to update the impacts on nature reserves. body of knowledge and experience within local

a b

Figure 8.5 a) Importance of water to wildlife populations, and b) drought-related death of wild animals in Waza National Park in Cameroon.
Photos from WWF-NSSP records.

132 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

communities on coping with climatic variability 8.7 Conclusions 
and extreme weather conditions. Local commu- Protected areas in West and Central Africa cov-
nities have made preparations based on their re- er about 9% of the total area in 2000 (Giraut et
sources and their knowledge accumulated through al., 2003), which is lower than the global mean of
experience of past weather patterns. For example, 11.5%. However, due to new conservation initia-
many communities have been forced to respond to tives such as COMIFAC and its convergence plan,
floods, droughts or hurricanes, and lessons can be the situation is improving as new protected areas
learned from these experiences and applied to the continue to be created. Because protected areas are
wildlife sector. dedicated to the production of wildlife for socio-
Countries in West Africa and a large part of economic development, management of these
Central Africa have faced severe climatic condi- conservation areas must be recognized and grant-
tions in the 1970s. In West Africa, the most notice- ed equal status and legitimacy as other land uses.
able responses to such droughts and pronounced Protected areas could also be considered as car-
climate variability experienced for the past three bon sinks and applied to the mitigation of climate
decades concerned data collection and analysis. To change. Climate change and variability have been
monitor this situation, the Permanent Interstate presented in this chapter as events with direct im-
Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel pacts on many wildlife species and indirect impacts
(CILSS) was created to collect and manage agro- on their habitats, particularly in protected areas.
hydro-climatic data, to set up an early warning However, scientific data to demonstrate how cli-
system, and to carry out research and training ac- mate change is impacting on biodiversity in much
tivities mainly through AGRHYMET (Regional of West and Central Africa are limited, in spite of
Centre for Training and the Application of Agro the existence of agro-hydro-climatic data collect-
meteorology and Operational Hydrology). Such ed through the Permanent Interstate Committee
an information and knowledge base can be used to for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS). Such
develop adaptation strategies to the impacts of cli- an information and knowledge base can be used
mate change on wildlife resources. For example, ef- to develop adaptation strategies to the impacts of
forts have been made in managing water resources climate change in the wildlife sector.
in Burkina Faso by implementing a policy for the
construction of small water reservoirs and even
experimenting artificial rain making that can be
applied to the management of wildlife populations
that suffer high mortality rates due to droughts and
lack of surface drinking water (Figure 8.5).

Climate change and wildlife resources in West and Central Africa 133
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National Park, Cameroon. PhD Thesis, University of Leiden, The Netherlands.
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Hance, J. 2009. Success stories in management of wildlife and nature in Africa. News, Nature & Faune 23 (issue 2): 8–8.
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indirect effects. USGS Science for changing world. U.S. Geological survey National Wildlife Health Center. 4 p.
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Kandji, S. T., Verchot, L. and Mackensen, J. 2006. Climate change and variability in the Sahel Region: impacts and adaptation strategies in the
agricultural sector. ICRAF-UNEP, Nairobi.
Letouzey, R. 1968. Etude phytogéographique du Cameroun. Paul Lechevalier, Paris.
Letouzey, R. 1985. Carte phytogéographique du Cameroun au 1/500.000. 1) Domaine sahélien et soudanien. IRA (Herbier National), Yaoundé.
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Myers, N. 1990. The biodiversity challenge: Expanded hotspots analysis. The Environmentalist (Earth and Environmental Science) 10: 243–256.
Tchamba, N.M. 1997. Number and Migration patterns of savannah elephants (Loxodonta africana africana) in Northern Cameroon. Pachyderm
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134 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Chapter 9

Emmanuel Chidumayo

9.1 Introduction This chapter describes the state and use of wild-
Africa is rich in wildlife species and apart from life resources in the woodlands and savannas of
their biodiversity significance, the major uses of East and southern Africa and discusses threats to
wildlife resources in East and southern Africa are wildlife resources and opportunities for sustaina-
eco-tourism, safari hunting and local hunting. In bly managing these resources, impacts of climate
most areas that are rich in wildlife species, local change on wildlife and the resources that support
people may be heavily dependent on the wildlife wildlife species, as well as adaptation and mitiga-
resource as a source of bush meat. However, sur- tion approaches to impacts of climate change on
veys suggest that over 65% of the original wildlife wildlife resources. The chapter ends with a call for
habitat in Africa has been lost (Kiss, 1990) as a the incorporation of predicted climate change im-
result of agricultural expansion, deforestation and pacts into overall wildlife management plans and
overgrazing, which in many cases are a direct re- for the review and modification of existing laws,
sult of rapid human population growth and pover- regulations and policies regarding wildlife man-
ty. There is growing evidence that the climate in agement.
eastern and southern Africa is warming at a faster
rate than has been predicted from global models al-
though no clear trend in rainfall patterns has been 9.2 State of the wildlife resources
observed (but see chapter 2). Nevertheless, ex- In Africa, most of the wildlife species are found
treme events, such as droughts and floods, appear in rangelands (i.e. grasslands and open woodlands
to have increased in frequency in the recent past. or savannas) that are estimated to cover about 13.4
Therefore the significant climate change stimuli to million km 2 or 60% of the continent (de Leeuw and
which African wildlife resources are likely to be Reid, undated). Wickens (1983) estimated that the
subjected in the near future in East and southern flora of tropical Africa contains more than 7,000
Africa are most likely related to climate warming species of trees or shrubs of which at least 75% are
due to rising temperatures and extreme events, browsed to a greater or lesser extent. Hood (1972)
such as droughts and floods. Common effects of identified a total of 14 browse species in a 1.24
climate change on species and ecosystems include ha wet miombo woodland in northern Zambia
1) changes in the timing of life-history events or although only eight of these were most palatable.
phenology, 2) effects on demographic rates, such as The browse resource is therefore a key resource for
survival and fecundity, 3) reductions in population browsing animals, especially in the dry season be-
size, and 4) shifts in species distributions. cause of 1) the diversity of browse species, 2) the

Climate change and wildlife resources in East and southern Africa 135
longer production cycle, 3) the variety of feed com- species but the savannas of West Africa have only
ponents (fresh and dry leaves, flowers and fruits/ 7 endemic mammal species; similarly, East Africa
pods), and 4) the high protein content and minerals has the highest bird fauna endemism (52 species)
(Sanon, 2007). and is closely followed by southern Africa with
Africa is rich in wildlife species and the total 50 endemic bird species while West Africa trails
number of wild ungulates in African woodlands far behind with 10 endemic bird species (UNEP,
and savannas is estimated at 98 species while the 2006).
richest assemblages contain more than 30 large Within specific conservation areas, the diver-
herbivore species (Prins and Olff, 1998) which are sity of large herbivores is correlated to habitat di-
the most species-rich on earth (Olff et al., 2002). versity (Bonyongo and Harris, 2007; Figure 9.2)
The African continent is also rich in mammal spe- and a study in southern Africa showed that there
cies (Figure 9.1) which although dominated by is a strong positive correlation between species
small-sized species (< 5.0 kg body mass) has spec- richness of woody plants and that of mammals
tacular large mammals, such elephant (Loxodonta (Qian et al., 2009). As a result the exceptional
africana), hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphib- fauna diversity and herbivore biomass density in
ious), buffalo (Syncerus caffer), eland (Tragelaphus Africa appear to be directly linked to high spatial
oryx), roan (Hippotragus equines) and sable ante- heterogeneity of habitats that allows the utilization
lopes (Hippotragus niger), lion (Panthera leo), chee- of the different habitats by the different wildlife
tah (Acinonyx jubatus) and leopard (Panthera par- species. For example, the different major habitats
dus). East and southern Africa are rich in endemic of the Serengeti ecosystem in Tanzania are used in
wildlife species. In terms of mammal endemism, a complex pattern such that the highly nutritious
the eastern Africa region has 72 endemic species forage of the short grass plains is available only to
while the southern African region has 65 endemic the larger migratory species for a few months of


7 35 y = 13.57 + 1.43x; r = 0.93, p = 0.008


6 30
Large herbivore species

25 Okavango

4 20
In (species)

24 25 27
16 15



<5 >5–25 >25–50 >50–100 >100–300 >300 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Body mass (kg) class Habitats
Figure 9.1 The diversity of mammal fauna in Africa. The numbers on Figure 9.2 Relationship between habitat diversity and large herbivore
top of bars indicate species in each body mass class. Based on de Vivo species in five national parks in southern Africa. Based on Bonyongo
and Carmingnotto (2004). and Harris (2007).

136 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

the year, the tall grass areas, woodlands and kop-
jes support species that are resident throughout the
year and only the larger herbivores and carnivores
obtain their nutrition from all the different major
habitat types in the ecosystem (Dobson, 2009).
The protection of biodiversity in Africa is close-
ly associated with protected areas and these can N
be divided into two broad categories: 1) those
meant for conservation and 2) those managed for
resource utilization. The International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) defines the form-
er as ‘protected areas’ (Chape et al., 2003) while
those established as sites for controlled resource 0 1,000

utilization in woodlands and savannas are termed km

‘forest reserves’ (Burgess et al., 2005; Burgess et al.,

2007). It is important to note that both ’protected
areas’ and ‘forest reserves’ can effectively conserve
ecosystems although more often this is more ef- Figure 9.3 Distribution of protected areas in woodland and savanna
ecosystems of sub-Saharan Africa, excluding South Africa.
fective in protected areas and specialized forest Source: World Conservation Monitoring Center (1997).
reserves, such as botanical gardens and sanctuaries.
The distribution of protected areas in the wood-
land and savanna zones in sub-Saharan Africa is
shown in Figure 9.3; the woodlands and savan-
nas of West Africa are most poorly covered by
protected areas. Protected areas (6,390 in all) of Except in a few cases, protected areas are exclusive-
all categories cover about 2.4 million km 2 (World ly set aside for wildlife conservation. Outside these
Resources Institute, 2003). The area under protec- areas, livestock and native herbivores share land,
tion represents about 9% of total land area in West water, forage and diseases, and the fate of wildlife
Africa, 11% in eastern Africa, 14% in central south- in such areas largely depends on the interactions
ern Africa and 16% in south western Africa. The between wildlife and livestock (Grootenhuis and
Conference of Parties (COP7) of the Convention Prins, 2000). For example, in East Africa the ma-
on Biological Diversity requires that at least 10% jority of the populations of native herbivore spe-
of each of the world’s ecological regions be protect- cies occur outside protected areas (Rannestad et
ed (Chape et al., 2005) and this would imply that al., 2006; Western et al., 2009). This is in sharp
other than in West Africa, there is adequate cov- contrast to West and southern Africa where most
erage of woodland and savanna ecosystems in pro- of the native herbivore species are largely confined
tected areas in sub-Saharan Africa. Furthermore, to protected areas.
the majority of African protected areas are small
with an average size of 260 km 2 in West Africa,
430 km 2 in central southern Africa and 670 km 2 9.3 Uses of wildlife resources
and 830 km 2 in eastern and south western Africa, Apart from their biodiversity significance, the ma-
respectively. Thus rangelands adjacent to protected jor uses of wildlife resources in East and southern
areas are potentially important in the local survival Africa are eco-tourism, safari hunting and local
of wild herbivores (Western et al., 2009). hunting. Tourism is the principal economic activ-

Climate change and wildlife resources in East and southern Africa 137
ity in national parks and game reserves (Figure
9.4). For example, with around a quarter of a mil- N
lion people visiting Tanzania’s parks each year, the
majority of Tanzania’s foreign currency earnings
come from eco-tourism (Dobson, 2009).
In most wildlife-rich areas, local people may
be heavily dependent on the wildlife resource as
a source of bush meat. A study by CONASA in
the Mulobezi Game Management Area in Zambia
revealed that 20% and 78% of the hunters sourced
the animals for game meat outside protected areas
and controlled game hunting areas, respectively
(CONASA, 2001). In this case the most frequently
hunted animals were common duiker (Sylvicapra
grimmia), bush pig (Potamochoerus porcus), wart-
hog (Potamochoerus aethiopicus), reedbuck (Redunca 0 600
arundinum), roan antelope (Hippotragus equines)
and buffalo (Syncerus caffer). However, where medi-
um-sized and large animals are scarce, even small Figure 9.4 National parks and Game Reserves in which eco-tourism is
animals, such as insects, rodents and birds are an important economic activity in East and southern Africa. Based on
African Safari Company (2003–2008).
hunted for consumption and sale (WWF-IUCN
Traffic Network, 2001). Hunting of medium and
large animals involves dogs, snares and firearms
(CONASA, 2001). Illegal hunting of resident and
migratory herbivores is widespread in the Serengeti
National Park and adjacent areas in Tanzania
where bush meat is a source of protein and a means
of generating cash income (Loibooki et al., 2002).
This study also found that illegal hunting was not
reduced by participation in community-based con- 4.6 kg in wildlife deficit areas to 36.8 kg in wildlife
servation programs and estimated that between rich areas (WWF-IUCN Traffic Network, 2001).
52,000 and 60,000 people participated in illegal In rural areas, bush meat is relied upon to a greater
hunting within protected areas, and that many extent during times of economic hardship, such as
young men derived their primary source of income during drought and famine, thereby constituting
from hunting. an important drought and famine coping strategy.
Bush meat is sold both locally in rural areas Therefore, hunting of wildlife tends to be inten-
and in urban areas. A study by the WWF-IUCN sified in dry years when crop yields are low and
Traffic Network (2001) demonstrated the im- when livestock may also not perform well. Similar
portance of ’illegal’ bush meat in rural and ur- observations have been made in East Africa
ban areas of Zambia. In Lusaka urban areas, the (Loibooki et al., 2002). It has also been observed
share of bush meat that is traded is estimated at that the poorer the household, the greater is its re-
80% while the remainder is for own consumption. liance on bush meat and should bush meat become
Household monthly consumption of bush meat in unavailable, there is likely to be health impacts in
the Luangwa valley, eastern Zambia, ranged from the form of increased levels of malnutrition.

138 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

9.4 Threats to wildlife resources and habitats results from the use of fire and tree fel-
opportunities for sustainable ling to create an environment unsuitable for tsetse
management flies (Ford, 1971) or the felling of trees to increase
Surveys suggest that over 65% of the original wild- grass production. The use of fire especially causes a
life habitat in Africa has been lost (Kiss, 1990) as decrease of woody species and an increase in grass
a result of agricultural expansion, deforestation, cover (Norton-Griffiths, 1979; Van Wijngaarden,
and overgrazing, which have been fueled by rapid 1985; Buss, 1990; Dublin, 1995). The combination
human population growth and poverty. As a result of cattle, small-stock and fire over hundreds of
protected areas are becoming increasingly ecolog- years probably has had a profound effect on wildlife
ically isolated while wildlife on adjacent lands is herbivores by creating habitats suitable to livestock
actively eliminated (Newmark and Hough, 2000). keeping (Smith, 1992; Stutton, 1993; Marshall,
Efforts to exterminate populations of wild species 1994). Also by the provision of water and locating
have taken place in many areas of Africa. This in- available fodder, domestic stock become extreme
cluded black rhinoceros south of the Ngorongoro generalists and now dominate the rangelands with
Crater because they were a menace to farmers human assistance (Homewood and Rodgers, 1991).
(Stanley, 2000), wildebeest in Botswana because Africa’s terrestrial wildlife resources are also
they were thought to compete for grazing and under tremendous pressure from a variety of causes
spread malignant catarrh (Spinage, 1992), elimi- that include habitat loss and excessive illegal har-
nation of all game to keep disease free corridors vesting. There has been a general decrease in the
along the border between Tanzania and Zambia populations of most economically important large
(Plowright, 1982) and of lions and wild dogs be-
cause they were thought to prevent the recovery of
game species (Stevenson-Hamilton, 1974). Table 9.1 Percent decline in large mammal populations across Kenyan
Erecting fences for the protection of livestock rangelands between the 1970s and 1990s. Based on Newmark (2008).
against contagious diseases has sometimes resulted Common name Scientific name Percent decline
indirectly in local extinction of wildlife species. For
Burchell’s zebra Equus burchelli 2.0
example, fences have caused massive mortality in
Buffalo Synercus caffer 8.7
wildebeest in Botswana that were prevented from
migrating by fences during droughts (Spinage, Giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis 20.1

1992). From 1960 to the present, veterinary con- Wildebeest Conochaetes taurinus 22.7

trol fences have been built in Botswana, Namibia, Eland Taurotragus oryx 28.4

South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The early Hartbeest Alcelaphus buselaphus 38.3

fences were mainly directed at the control of foot Lesser kudu Alcelaphus imberbisi 40.5
and mouth disease but, as veterinary research Topi Damaliscus lunatus 41.4
progressed in the latter half of the 20th century, Gerenuk Litocranius walleri 44.1
it became apparent that numerous other diseases Oryx Oryx beisa 49.8
affecting cattle had to be considered (Morkel, Impala Aepyceros malampus 55.1
1988). The fence along the international boundary Grey’s zebra Equus grevyi 55.2
between Botswana and Namibia was constructed Elephant Loxodonta Africana 55.8
in the early 1960s and disrupted wildlife movement
Grant’s gazelle Gazella granti 56.6
between the two countries, and yet these move-
Thomson’s gazelle Gazella thomsoni 70.7
ments play a critical role in species survival, espe-
Waterbuck Kobus ellipsiprymnus 72.2
cially in semi-arid ecosystems.
Perhaps the most important threat to wildlife Greater kudu Tragelaphus strepsiceros 80.0

Climate change and wildlife resources in East and southern Africa 139
mammal species, such as rhino, buffalo, antelope 300

species (Table 9.1) and lion in both East and south-

ern Africa. Species like the white and black rhino, 250
black wildebeest, crowned crane, velvet gecko and
the cape mountain zebra have come critically close
to disappearing altogether, but decisive conserva- 200

Lechwe per plot

tion action is allowing their populations to sur-
vive and revive. African wild dogs are also endan-
gered in Africa, surviving only in large protected
areas (Ledger, 1990). On the other hand, popula-
tions of a few species such as elephants, have in- 100
creased or stabilized, possibly in partial response
to trade restrictions imposed by the Convention
on International Trade in Endangered Species
(CITES) and the artificial supply of water in pro-
tected areas, especially in semi-arid zones. 0
Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are species intro- 0 20 40 60 80
duced deliberately or unintentionally outside their Shrub cover (angular transformed %)
natural habitats where they have the ability to estab- Figure 9.5 Abundance of Kafue lechwe in relation to Mimosa-
lish themselves, invade, out-compete natives and Dichrostachys shrub cover in Lochinvar National Park, Zambia.
take over the new environments (IUCN, 2000). Based on Genet (2007).
Invasive Alien Species were mostly introduced into
Africa for their economic and aesthetic values, such
as commercial timber, cropping, biological control
agents and ornamental functions. However, some management of these resources, including the in-
of these have significant environmental and eco- volvement of local communities in management,
nomic impacts on native biodiversity and ecosys- trans-boundary cooperation and enforcement of
tems. In its compilation of the Red Data List of international agreements.
threatened species, IUCN cited IAS as directly For more than two decades, some African
affecting 15% of all threatened plants, 30% of all countries have been implementing strategies that
threatened birds and 10% of all threatened mam- support human livelihoods through the sustainable
mals (Carlton, 1998). Invasion by IAS in protected use of biological resources within the context of
areas can change the diversity and distribution of Community Based Natural Resource Management
habitats and in turn the distribution and abundance (CBNRM). In this approach, communities are
of herbivores. In the Lochnivar National Park given rights of access to wild resources and legal
in the Kafue Floodplain of Zambia the invasion entitlements to benefits that accrue from manag-
by Mimosa pigra, an IAS, is reducing the grass- ing the resources. This creates positive social and
land habitat which is being replaced by Mimosa- economic incentives for the people to invest their
Dichrostachys thickets in the floodplain. This has time and energy in natural resource conserva-
reduced the preferred habitat of the Kafue lechwe tion. Typically, CBNRM initiatives have been
(Kobus leche, a grazer species) and as a consequence implemented in ecologically marginal areas, with
the abundance of lechwe has declined (Figure 9.5). limited capacity for other natural resource based
In spite of the above threats to wildlife resources, economies, such as agriculture. Community Based
a number of opportunities exist to improve the Natural Resource Management involves 1) the de-

140 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

volution of control and management responsibilities ing interfered with even in areas outside designated
on natural resources from the State to local people nature conservation sites. This approach has been
through appropriate legislative and policy chan- used to conserve wildlife species, such as the ele-
ges and 2) building the technical, organization- phant, in East and southern Africa.
al and institutional capacity of local communities
to assume management responsibilities over natu-
ral resources. So far the success of CBNRM has 9.5 Impacts of climate change on
depended on the level of devolution, donor com- resources that support wildlife
mitment, policy changes and links with tourism Climate change refers to a significant change in
and hunting. The key economic driver of CBNRM the trend of a climate variable, such as temperature
has been wildlife (large mammals), mostly through or rainfall, over time. It can also refer to a change
trophy hunting and eco-tourism. A major concern in the frequency of climatic events, such as floods
about CBNRM, however, has been the limited and droughts (measured as events per given period,
financial incentives and insufficient devolution of e.g. decade). Climate variability refers to the de-
rights to landholders and this is hampering the gree of departure of a climate parameter from its
success of most CBNRM initiatives and needs to mean value. Climate events can also be considered
be properly resolved. as extreme events if they have a high magnitude
The trans-boundary nature of biological re- of extremity even though their duration may be
sources, coupled with their global significance short. Such extreme events can be distinguished
in terms of the goods and services they provide, from gradual trends by their statistical extremeness
has motivated African countries to sign and ac- combined with their discreteness relative to the
cede to a number of Multilateral Environmental life span of the impacted organism (Jentsch et al.,
Agreements (MEAs). The MEAs recognize the 2007). Changes in mean values of climate para-
importance of sustainable biodiversity manage- meters, such as temperature or precipitation, may
ment in poverty reduction and the lasting improve- lead to changing species composition of a given
ment of rural livelihoods on the continent. They ecosystem but the occurrence of extreme events
include the Convention on Biological Diversity can advance such a process. Currently evidence
(CBD), the United Nations Convention to Combat suggests that the climate in eastern and southern
Desertification, the Framework Convention on Africa is warming at a faster rate than has been
Climate Change and the International Convention predicted from global models (see chapter 6). With
on Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). The regards to precipitation, except for isolated sites, no
MEAs are complimented by regional and sub-re- clear trend in rainfall patterns has been observed
gional agreements such as the African Convention (but see chapter 2) although extreme events, such
on the Conservation of Nature and Natural as droughts and floods, appear to have increased
Resources, the Lusaka Accord and the NEPAD in frequency in the recent past. The significant cli-
Environmental Initiative. In the recent past a num- mate change stimuli to which African wildlife re-
ber of trans-boundary conservation areas have been sources are likely to be subjected in the near future
established in East and southern Africa to better in East and southern Africa are most likely related
manage wildlife species across borders. to climate warming due to rising temperatures and
Another approach to improving the manage- extreme events, such as droughts and floods.
ment of wildlife resources is by placing threatened Plants are at the base of the food chain and there-
species on the Convention on International Trade fore their productivity affects herbivores which in
in Endangered species list. This gives the listed turn support carnivores such as lions. Plant re-
species a legal status that prevents them from be- sponses to climate change in East and southern

Climate change and wildlife resources in East and southern Africa 141

Urochloa brizantha 500 Hyparrhenia dissoluta


Changes in AG biomass production (%)

Changes in AG biomass production (%)


-2000 -500
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Loudetia superba Setaria sphacelata
1000 0
500 -500
0 -1000
-500 -1500
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Year Year

Figure 9.6 Annual changes in aboveground (AG) biomass production of four grasses at a Makeni savanna site in central Zambia under a climate
warming period. Based on Chidumayo (unpublished).

Africa have been described in chapter 6 although ern Africa, especially in semi-arid zones. In fact,
very limited studies have been conducted in East Western (2006) concluded from results of a long-
and southern Africa to assess the impacts of cli- term ecological research project in the Amboseli
mate change and variability on grasses, trees, for- National Park, Kenya, that woodland and bush-
ests and water on which wildlife species depend. land habitats have declined sharply over the past
Observations made at a Makeni savanna site in half a century and that grasslands, scrubland and
central Zambia show that the growth of the major- swamps have expanded and projected that wood-
ity of trees declined due to the additive effects of land habitats will become extinct in the park in
temperature factors which explained a significant the next two decades. The conclusions from these
proportion of the variation in tree annual growth site-specific observations differ from those based
(see chapter 6), while the productivity of most gras- on model simulations that show future increases in
ses at the same site increased under a warming cli- tropical woody vegetation over East Africa at the
mate (Figure 9.6). Birkett et al. (2005) found that expense of grasslands, with regional increases in
although black rhino killed small Acacia drepano- net primary productivity of 18–36% by 2080–2099
lobium trees, elephant and drought killed trees of compared with the present-day situation (Doherty
all sizes in the Laikipia region of Kenya (Figure et al., 2009).
9.7). This indicates that extreme climatic events The functioning of river basins in southern
may in some cases have more dramatic effects on Africa is also likely to be affected by climate change
woodlands and savannas, either on their own or in (also see chapter 2), especially through its impacts
interaction with other factors, in East and south- on woodlands. The Intergovernmental Panel on

142 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

40 9.6 Direct impacts of climate change on
Common effects of climate change on species and
ecosystems include 1) changes in the timing of
30 life-history events or phenology, 2) effects on de-
mographic rates, such as survival and fecundity,
Elephant 3) reductions in population size, and 4) shifts in
Percent of trees killed

Drought species distribution ranges.

20 In the case of wildlife, food availability and am-
bient temperature determine energy balance and
variation in energy balance is the ultimate cause of
seasonal breeding in all mammals and the proxi-
10 mate cause in many (Bronson, 2009). Temperature
extremes can impose limits directly through the
physiological tolerances of the species. The inten-
sity of a wet season may directly limit opportunities
to feed due to wetness while the intensity of the dry
0.5<1 1<2 2<3 3<4 4<5 >6 season may limit access to surface water for birds
Tree height (m) class and mammals that frequently require it to drink.
For example, darker skinned mammals, such as
Figure 9.7 Mortality of Acacia drepanolobium trees caused by
drought, elephant and black rhino in the Laikipia region of Kenya. buffalo, elephant, hippopotamus and warthog, due
Based on Birkett et al. (2005). to their reduced hair are particularly sensitive to
heat and depend on wallowing as a cooling mecha-
nism (Field and Laws, 1970). Similarly, animals
Climate Change (IPCC, 2001) indicates that the such as buffalo, elephant and waterbuck also need
major effects of climate change on African water drinking water, whereas other species obtain much
systems will be through changes in the hydro- of their water requirements from their food. For
logical cycle, i.e. the balance of temperature and these reasons, permanent or temporary surface wa-
rainfall. Analysis has shown that the Zambezi sys- ter may influence the distribution of large mammals
tem in southern Africa has low runoff efficiency and some birds whose water requirements include
and a high dryness index which indicates its high both drinking and wallowing. Warburton and
sensitivity to climate change. Climate warming is Perrin (2005) reported a reduction in the distribu-
predicted to result in runoff decreases even when tion range of the black-cheeked lovebird (Agapornis
precipitation increases due to the large hydrolog- nigrigenis) in south-west Zambia due to a gradual
ical role played by evaporation, especially from desiccation of its habitat caused by drought and
wetlands. Thus increased runoff from loss of forest declining rainfall that have caused the drying up
cover will only worsen water losses from wetland of surface water sources. It has also been observed
areas due to evaporation that is predicted under that larger herbivores, such as kudu (Tragelaphus
a warmer climate. The Zambezi basin contains a strepsiceros) and giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis), re-
number of important national parks in southern duce their activity with increasing temperature but
Africa that are likely to be negatively impacted by because they are forced to feed during all hours
such climate-induced changes in the hydrological of the day, they are thus susceptible to thermo-
cycle. regulatory constraints during foraging compared to
small herbivores such as steenbok (Raphicerus cam-

Climate change and wildlife resources in East and southern Africa 143
pestris) and impala (Aepyceros melampus), although creased synchrony of calving and natality rates in
most species decreased their time spent feeding some ungulates (Ogutu et al., 2010). Observations
and moving on hot days, in favour of resting (Du made in Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe
Toit and Yetman, 2005). It is apparent therefore also showed that climate variability strongly af-
that larger herbivores are likely to suffer more from fects local elephant population dynamics through
thermoregulatory constraints as a result of climate changes in surface-water availability caused by
warming than small ones. The abundance of the variable rainfall and overall population decreased
African lion is also, to a significant extent, deter- during dry years when the elephant density was
mined by climate factors, such as rainfall and tem- high (Chamaillé-Jammes et al., 2008). Chamaillé-
perature (Celesia et al., 2009). Statistical analysis Jammes et al. (2007) suggested that in arid and
suggests that the density of lions decreases with semi-arid environments, surface water strongly
increasing mean temperature and decreasing rain- constrains the distribution and abundance of large
fall and this relationship is best described by the herbivores during the dry season and that artificial
following linear model: pumping increased surface water availability and
reduced its variability over time.
Y (lions/100 km2) = 35.8 + 0.016R – 0.016Tmean ; Owen-Smith et al. (2005) found that juvenile
r2 = 0.47, F = 12.98, P = 0.0001 survival of most ungulates in Kruger National
Park, South Africa, was sensitive to annual varia-
where R is annual rainfall in mm and Tmean is an- bility in rainfall, especially in the dry season, and
nual mean temperature (°C). This model indicates that rainfall also affected adult survival in several
that lion density or carrying capacity in protected species that were in a population decline phase.
areas in sub-Saharan Africa is likely to decline In the female elephant of semi-arid Samburu
with climate warming and drying. National Reserve in northern Kenya, the initiation
However, rainfall, more than temperature, ap- of the reproductive bout was dependent on condi-
pears to regulate aspects of reproduction in most tions during the season of conception but timed
dry tropical African mammals. For example, the so that parturition occurred during the most likely
abundances of newborn calves in topi, waterbuck, periods of high primary productivity, 22 months
warthog and migratory zebra were best correlated later (Wittermyer et al., 2007).
with monthly rainfall and this exerted both nega- Global climate change also presents a potential
tive and positive effects on the abundances of ze- long-term threat to the East and southern African
bra, impala and waterbuck in the Mara-Serengeti savanna ecosystems. For example, Dobson (2009)
ecosystem of East Africa (Ogutu et al., 2009). observed that in Serengeti National Park, because
These studies concluded that rainfall underpins the wet season is slowly getting drier while the dry
the dynamics of African savanna ungulates, and season is getting wetter, wildebeest arrive earlier
that changes in rainfall due to global warming (two months earlier) for the wet season and un-
may markedly alter the abundance and diversity usually early rains for the dry season stimulate the
of these mammals. Apparently, ungulates in East herds to move south into areas that are usually
African savannas respond to rainfall fluctuations dry and barren at that time of the year. Although
through movements, reproduction or survival, earlier movement towards more nutritious grazing
and the responses appear independent of breeding might give wildebeest more time to feed before
phenology and synchrony, dietary guild, or degree they arrive at the calving grounds in January, their
of water dependence. However, extreme events, conception times are set by lunar cycles with the
such as droughts, have been observed to delay on- rut occurring during full moon in early summer,
set and reduce synchrony of calving and natality such that if the wet season rains are diminishing
rates while high rainfall advanced onset and in-

144 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Table 9.2 Current and modeled (at 2050) species in selected national parks in east and southern Africa using two climate change scenarios.
Source: Thuiller et al. (2006).

HadMC3 scenario IPCC SRES scenario

Park Biome Current species
Species loss Species gain Turnover Species loss Species gain Turnover
Kalahari Desert & xeric shrubland 45 25 6 19 23 7 -16
Etosha Flooded grassland & savanna 80 22 14 8 18 13 -5
Mt Kenya Montane grassland & savanna 50 18 25 7 12 26 14
Nyika Montane grassland & savanna 97 5 10 3 6 4 2
Kruger Tropical grassland & savanna 87 11 16 5 10 18 8
Serengeti Tropical grassland & savanna 120 7 6 1 6 3 3

then there will be a reduction in the high-quality national parks in East and southern Africa with
forage during lactating. This will ultimately lead negative consequences on the abundance of these
to reduced calf survival and the population will herbivores.
slowly decline. In turn this may lead to a reduc- Modeling studies have shown that mammals
tion in the abundance of the larger predators that in African national parks will experience changes
depend upon the wildebeest for food. in species richness. Xeric shrubland national parks
Both droughts and herbivory (including fire) are likely to experience significant richness losses
contribute to the shift in the current balance be- not compensated by species influxes (Thuiller et al.,
tween woody and grassy habitats in East and 2006; Table 9.2); but other national parks might
southern Africa (van de Vijver et al., 1999; Western, expect substantial losses and influxes of species but
2006). This has implications for the abundance on balance, the national parks might ultimately
of the browsers and grazers in wildlife conserva- realize a substantial shift in the mammalian spe-
tion areas. A vulnerability assessment for ungu- cies composition of a magnitude unprecedented in
lates (nyala, impala, buffalo, warthog and kudu) in recent geological time. These studies conclude that
Lengwe National Park, Malawi, revealed that all the effects of global climate and land use change
these species, but especially nyala antelope, could on wildlife communities may be most noticeable
be highly susceptible to climate induced changes in not as a loss of species from their current ranges,
habitat and food supply (Mkanda, 1996). Mkanda but instead as a fundamental change in community
observed that thicket clumps which occupy about composition (Thuiller et al., 2006).
half of Lengwe National Park comprised the pre- Relationships between the geographical dis-
ferred nyala habitat but in times of drought there tributions of birds and present climate have been
is a reduction in thicket clumps and woody plant modeled for species breeding in both Europe and
regeneration is poor. As a result the nyala popula- Africa and the results suggest that there is likely
tion declines. Scenarios showed that due to climate to be a general decline in avian species richness
change, particularly ambient temperature, habitat with the mean extent of species’ potential geo-
loss would increase and make nyala vulnerable. graphical distributions likely to decrease (Huntley
It has also been shown in chapter 6 that climate et al., 2006; Figure 9.9). In particular, species with
warming is likely to reduce the production of woody restricted distributions and specialized species of
plant fruits/seeds and this is likely to reduce the particular biomes, as well as migrant species, are
food availability for browsing wildlife species, likely to suffer the greatest impacts. The modeling
such as elephant, in many wooded and scrubland results showed potential boundary shifts in African

Climate change and wildlife resources in East and southern Africa 145
a b


Figure 9.8 Simulated current a) and future

b) distribution of the red-billed hornbill
(Tockus erythrorhynchus) in East and 0 1,000 0 1,000
southern Africa. Based on Huntley et al. km km

species of more than 500 km while in general the found that species turnover across the sub-Saharan
patterns of changes predicted (Huntley et al., 2006) Africa’s Important Bird Area (IBA) network is
are that: likely to vary regionally and will vary substantially
• species in southern Africa will potentially be- at over 50% of IBAs by 2085 for priority species
come more restricted, their distributions con- (Hole et al., 2009). Persistence of suitable climate
tracting towards the Cape; space across the network as a whole, however, is
• species restricted to the Horn of Africa potenti- notably high, with 90% of priority species retaining
ally become more restricted, their distributions suitable climate space in existing IBAs in which
again contracting within that region (see Figure they are currently found. However, for the re-
9.8); maining 10% of priority species new sites will have
• species of semi-arid zone, as well as most of to be added to the existing IBAs to ensure their
those found in East Africa, especially those of continued survival. Another study has shown that
montane habitats, potentially become more re- the South African IBAs network is also likely to
stricted as many arid areas expand and mon- become less effective for conserving endemic birds
tane habitats become more restricted or even under climate change (Coetzee et al., 2009).
displaced from lower elevation ranges;
• species associated primarily with equatorial and
moist forest habitats will likely not be affect- 9.7 Adaptation and mitigation
ed, their distributions being potentially little approaches to impacts of climate
altered. change on wildlife resources
These observations are a source of great concern Adaptation is primarily aimed at tackling localized
about the continuing effectiveness of networks of impacts of climate change; it is therefore perceived
protected areas under projected 21st century cli- to have the potential to reduce adverse effects of
mate change. Shifts in species’ distributions could climate change but not necessarily prevent all the
mean that these areas may cease to afford protec- damage caused by climate change (Hulme, 2005).
tion to wildlife species for which they were origi- One of the most commonly used coping/adapta-
nally established. For example, a recent study has tion approach to impacts of climate change on

146 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

wildlife has been the artificial provision of water some species predicted changes in climate may
to wildlife in arid and semi-arid national parks. significantly reduce the suitability of currently oc-
This approach has been successfully employed in cupied habitats. Such threats are likely to be most
Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe, to maintain keenly felt by species with limited dispersal ability.
elephant populations, especially during the dry For such situations, adaptive management may in-
season (Chamaillé-Jammes et al., 2007, 2008). volve either improving connectivity of habitats to
Migratory species naturally migrate from stressed facilitate natural dispersal or human-aided disper-
ecosystems to more favourable ecosystems at dif- sal to appropriate habitats. Under the latter, success
ferent periods of the year. However, the conver- can be improved by ensuring that the size of the
sion of land use to agriculture and settlements introduction is sufficiently large to overcome the
along the migration routes is restricting the move- risk of Allee effects that can drive small popula-
ments of such species. For example, around tions towards extinction.
Tarangire National park, Tanzania, key corridors Indeed, a number of potential adaptation strat-
and dispersal areas are being lost to agriculture and egies exist for reducing the impact of climate
settlements (Rodgers et al., 2003). At the root of change on wildlife resources and these include the
these problems and the challenge of conservation following (Mawdsley et al., 2009):
in East and southern Africa is wildlife’s inability • Increasing the extent of protected areas.
to compete as a locally valued form of land use and • Improving management and restoring existing
livelihood option. Local communities must be able protected areas to facilitate resilience.
to derive benefits from wildlife resources occur- • Protecting movement corridors and refugia.
ring on lands surrounding national parks in order • Managing and restoring ecosystem function
to have incentives for conservation. Considerable rather than focusing on specific species or as-
progress has been made in most countries in creat- semblages.
ing local wildlife-based benefits from tourism, but • Translocating species at risk of extinction.
major institutional constraints remain unresolved • Reducing pressures on species from sources
and these are hampering progress towards viable other than climate change, such as over-ex-
community-based conservation and in turn to the ploitation of species and preventing and manag-
adaptation to impacts of climate change on wildlife ing invasive species.
resources. • Evaluating and enhancing monitoring pro-
In the past the boundaries of some nation- grams for wildlife and ecosystems.
al parks have been expanded to allow for easy • Incorporating predicted climate-change im-
movement and migration of wildlife species. For pacts into species and land-management plans,
example, the original boundaries of Serengeti programs and activities.
National Park were expanded to include key wet • Ensuring that wildlife and biodiversity needs
season grazing resources within the Ngorongoro are considered as part of the broader societal
Conservation Area and the short grass plains of climate change adaptation process.
the Serengeti that were complimented by wet sea- • Reviewing and modifying existing laws, regu-
son habitats in the Mara in Kenya (Dobson, 2009). lations and policies regarding wildlife and natu-
There are also efforts to create trans-boundary con- ral resource management.
servation areas by linking parks across borders of Climate change mitigation addresses the im-
two or more countries to increase the range for pacts on the climate system. Dobson (2009) has
wildlife species (see chapter 8), thereby increasing argued that wildlife conservation areas in African
the potential of wildlife species to adapt to climate savannas have the potential to play a key role in
change. Climate envelope models suggest that for helping slow climate change by considering these

Climate change and wildlife resources in East and southern Africa 147
areas as carbon sinks. For example, he and others ern Africa to assess the impacts of climate change
estimate that the Serengeti grasslands remove a net and variability on resources that support wildlife.
of about 5.24 million tonnes of carbon from the at- However, emerging evidence suggests that climate
mosphere each year and after accounting for losses warming might reduce woody plant production, in-
due to fire and run-off, the net annual build-up in cluding fruit/seed production, while there is likely
the soil is about 0.5 tonne per km2. It is apparent to be an increase in grass production. Drought has
therefore that the potential for managing East and also been observed to contribute significantly to
southern African national parks for climate change tree mortality in the region and climate warming is
mitigation through carbon storage and sequestra- predicted to negatively affect the hydrological cycle
tion and other ecosystem services that could be with consequences for surface water availability for
traded on world carbon markets to off-set the costs mammals and some birds.
of management is huge but remains unexploited. Direct effects of climate warming include shifts
in onset and duration of rainy seasons and drought
on wildlife species, reduction in species distribu-
9.8 Conclusions tion ranges, alteration in abundance and diversity
East and southern Africa are rich in wildlife re- of mammals, changes in calving and population
sources and have a large number of endemic mam- growth rates, changes in juvenile survival of most
mal and bird species that are conserved in protect- ungulates and changes in species richness of birds
ed areas and the major uses of wildlife resources and mammals. These changes in wildlife species
are eco-tourism, safari hunting and local hunting; will have direct serious negative impacts on eco-
these activities contribute to local and national tourism and game hunting.
economic development and household livelihoods. The most commonly used adaptation strate-
Africa’s wildlife resources are under tremendous gies to deal with impacts of climate change in the
pressure from habitat loss and excessive harvesting wildlife sector include artificial provision of water,
that are fueled by rapid human population growth expansion of protected areas to include migration
and poverty. Invasive alien species pose an additio- corridors and seasonal feeding areas and improving
nal threat to wildlife in East and southern Africa. connectivity of habitats to facilitate dispersal to
Nevertheless, management of wildlife resources appropriate habitats. However, in future it will be
can be further improved through more effective important to incorporate predicted climate change
involvement of local people and communities, impacts into overall wildlife management plans
trans-boundary cooperation and enforcement of and to review and modify existing laws, regula-
international agreements. tions and policies regarding wildlife management.
The significant climate change factors that In addition, consideration should be given to man-
are likely to affect wildlife resources in East and aging protected areas for climate change mitigation
southern Africa are climate warming and extreme through carbon storage and sequestration, as well
events, such as drought and floods. Very limited as for other ecosystem services.
studies have been conducted in East and south-

148 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

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150 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Chapter 10

Emmanuel Chidumayo and Paul Donfack

10.1 Introduction ment policy, plans, investment decisions and insti-

Climate affects wildlife resources through different tutions. Within the wildife sector, it is important
path-ways and the wildlife sector needs to be ade- to build an efficient communication link to reach
quately equipped to respond to climate change. It various stakeholders in order to promote awareness
is important to understand how climate change is and knowledge about the linkages between climate
likely to impact on wildlife in order to implement change and conservation of wildife resources.
adaptation strategies for the sector. Establishing This chapter considers issues of monitoring and
effective climate adaptation strategies requires reporting in the wildlife sector in relation to cli-
that scientists, managers and policymakers work mate change and discusses the roles of institutions
together to 1) identify climate-sensitive species in promoting effective responses to climate change.
and ecosystems, 2) assess the likelihood and con- The chapter first describes the different types of
sequences of impacts, and 3) identify and select op- monitoring and capacity building before consider-
tions for adaptation (Hulme, 2005). As Berteaux ing reporting arrangements under the United
et al. (2006) stated “a good understanding of the Nations Framework Convention on Climate
factors which allow the ecological effects of cli- Change (UNFCCC) and ends with an overview
mate change to be effectively anticipated is critical of institutional and governance arrangements that
to both the quality of basic science and its appli- exist and are necessary in responding effectively to
cation to public policy”. Fundamental to this un- climate change threats and effects.
derstanding is the need to monitor and record the
distribution and abundances of wildife species in
order to assess the relationships between popula- 10.2 Monitoring
tion dynamics and climate variables. This can only Recording, mapping, surveying and sampling are
be done if there is adequate capacity to conduct and all methods of data collection that provide a basis
sustain research at national level. Climate change is for the systematic measurement of variables and
a cross-cutting issue and therefore requires special processes over time. Monitoring refers to system-
institutional and governance arrangements both atic observations of parameters related to a specific
at national and international levels. This calls for problem and designed to provide information on
climate change mainstreaming which involves the the characteristics of the problem and their changes
inclusion of climate change concerns into develop- with time. Monitoring therefore differs from sur-

Responding to climate change in the wildlife sector: monitoring, reporting and institutional arrangements 151
veillance which is the systematic measurement of 10.2.2 Ecological monitoring
variables and processes over time with the aim of Although it is widely accepted that climate affects
establishing a series of data in time. Census gener- the distribution and abundance of mammals and
ally refers to population counts that if repeated other wildlife species (see chapters 9 and 10), there
over time can be used in monitoring programmes. are problems in relating climate change and varia-
Monitoring climate change and climate variability bility to wildlife population dynamics. Krebs and
means providing good quality climatic and non- Berteaux (2006) recommend that for us to begin
climatic data. Information concerning the ongoing to understand the effects of climate change on
situation on the ground for terrestrial ecosystems, wildlife species we need to determine specifically
biodiversity and protected areas are examples of the mechanisms, magnitude and frequency of cli-
non-climatic data applicable here. mate changes that affect wildlife populations and
their distribution. Studies of climate-population
dynamics require special methodologies which
10.2.1 Climate monitoring include 1) correlational analyses, 2) observational
To better understand the local climate with the aim experiments, and 3) modeling that match climate
of forecasting the local change, there is a need for a predictions with distribution and abundance of
suitable and operational meteorological observing species (climate envelope models). Each of these
station that is part of an operational national ob- approaches has its own advantages and disadvant-
servation network which could also be integrated ages.
into regional networks. The network of meteoro- Fundamental to all these approaches is the
logical stations allows the collection of data on need to monitor and record distribution and abun-
climate parameters to monitor the atmosphere, dances of target species over a sufficiently long
oceans and terrestrial systems. Among the climate period of time in order to assess the relationship
variables that are measured are temperature, rain- between population dynamics and climate varia-
fall, wind speed, sea surface temperature and sea bles. Some effects of climate change and variability
level. Data to be collected on these variables are on wildlife will be felt through changes in plant
useful to the improvement of our understanding production because herbivores are dependent on
of the climate system, detection of climatic change plant biomass. This means that monitoring plant
and provision of inputs for climate models and for production and phenology in wildlife habitats is as
evaluating adaptation options. important as monitoring the abundance of herbi-
A network of meteorological stations exists vores as the impact of climate factors on herbivores
within sub-Saharan African countries which rou- may be exerted through impacts on plant produc-
tinely records and reports on climate variables, tion. Thus habitat and species monitoring need to
such as rainfall and temperature, although the be conducted simultaneously at specific sites to
density of meteorological stations is low (Hansen generate data that can be used to infer bottom-up
and Lebedeff, 1987). A regional workshop for processes and their potential to amplify the direct
Africa organized by the Global Climate Observing effects of climate on wildlife species.
System (GCOS) observed that systematic obser- Data to better understand the impacts of cli-
vation networks in Africa are inadequate because mate change in sub-Saharan Africa are limited
there is lack of stations and maintenance. However, although it is important to understand the impact
even the limited available time-series meteorologi- of climate change on key wildlife species, as well
cal data have rarely been used in the wildlife sec- as the relation between climate and animal popu-
tor to assess impacts of climate factors on wildlife lations. However, this can be done only if suitable
resources. methodologies are developed, including computer

152 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

modeling. To achieve this, a suitable monitoring Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) can be used
system is needed. Monitoring of biodiversity is to build forecasting models at large temporal and
important to the assessment of climate change spatial scales (Berteaux et al., 2006). Nevertheless,
influences on biodiversity. Ecological monitoring, small-scale studies are needed to understand the
conceived around 1990 focusing mainly on bio- processes that lead to a correlation between NDVI
monitoring, can be easily adapted to integrate the and the performance of herbivore populations in
monitoring of climate change and its impacts. It is conservation areas.
easy to establish a representative sample of protect-
ed areas for wildlife, with indicators, to monitor
climate change in relation to biodiversity parame- 10.2.3 Modelling
ters. This system can be connected to the region- Description of an unknown situation from some
al network of meteorological stations (see above). current information is referred to as prediction. In
The Earth’s surface to be monitored (whether it is ecology forecasting, models take structural rela-
a protected area or not) should be subjected to peri- tionships among variables that have been quanti-
odic data collection on 1) community composition fied for a given data set and extend these to different
in order to note the appearance and disappearance situations based on correlations that do not neces-
of species, 2) changes in the migration trajectory of sarily assume any causal relationships between
key species, and 3) changes in the abundance of en- variables, while predictions describe known or as-
demic species. In Europe monitoring of biodiver- sumed causal relationships (Berteaux et al., 2006).
sity relies on indicator species, such as butterflies; Projections into the future improve our capacity to
in Africa this could be based on species threatened mitigate or adapt to changes and ecological moni-
by human pressure, such as large mammals and toring plays an important role in the development
other flagship species, including species that are of projections. However, because climate change
sensitive to climate variations. For plants, the in- is likely to bring novel conditions, projecting the
clusion in the monitoring program of neophytes future ecological consequences of climate change
(introduced plants) can be useful in assessing biotic is a difficult challenge due to a number of reasons
threats to native biodiversity (OFEV, 2007). It is and some of these are:
also important to recognize that although climate • One or more important variables may not have
plays a significant role in determining species’ dis- been measured which is often a result of simp-
tribution, other variables such as human population listic hypotheses concerning climate variables
density, land use and soils can have similar, if not and wildlife.
more, important roles. Issues of population growth • It is difficult to disentagle direct and indirect
and land use change therefore should be considered effects of climate variation on wildlife popula-
in developing adaptive strategies to climate change. tion dynamics due to multitrophic interactions.
Hence the need to collect data on human popula- However, this can be overcome by collecting
tions and changes in land cover and use. information on all trophic levels and at multi-
Satellite data could be of significant use for ple temporal and spatial scales. Climate effects
the management of the environment. Remote on wildlife population dynamics is invariably
sensing will enable the monitoring of changes in multifactorial but multifactor hypotheses in
land cover but this technology might be too ex- ecology tend to be vague and qualitative and
pensive for sub-Saharan African countries, unless therefore rarely provide useful information.
they can be supported. However, the use of remote • Uncertainties of the climatic scenarios given by
sensing is very important, especially for large pro- climatologists.
tected areas. New tools such as the Normalized

Responding to climate change in the wildlife sector: monitoring, reporting and institutional arrangements 153
Krebs and Berteaux (2006) observed that cor- changes. Long-term observations in time and space
relational studies are a key part of ecological re- provide the best validation of ecosystem scale mod-
search but warned that they suffer from a massive els but long-term records in sub-Saharan African
confounding of variables. For example, climate countries rarely go back more than 100 years and
can be described using a very large number of vari- therefore future responses remain unknown until
ables and correlationships, with one or more of they occur, thereby rendering current validations
these variables likely to be statistically significant. of models of future conditions impossible (Rustad,
Furthermore, the use of aggregated climatic indi- 2008). Except for the recent work by Kgope et al.
ces, such as ENSO, to reduce the number of inde- (2010), there have been virtually no experimental
pendent variables can make it even more difficult observations on the response of species and com-
to determine the mechanistic processes by which munities to climate change in sub-Saharan Africa.
climate affects wildlife populations. Nevertheless, And yet experimental manipulations of natural sys-
correlational studies in climate research can be the tems or their components are powerful means for
basis for developing hypotheses that can be tested determining the cause-and-effect relationships of
with additional data. short-term responses to single or multiple elements
Experimentation is often preferred in develop- of climate change (Rustad, 2006). Nevertheless,
ing an understanding between climate-related there is concern that the results from short-term
variables and wildlife resources. However, since manipulation experiments may be transient and
climate cannot be manipulated, the experiments therefore not reflect the long-term responses of
are often observational. Long-term processes are natural systems to climate change.
the most difficult to deal with in ecological re-
search. Krebs and berteaux (2006) propose four
ways of dealing with this problem: 10.3 Capacity building, research and
1. Where good fossil deposits or beds exist, his- technology transfer
torical records and paleontological data can be used For sub-Saharan African countries maintaining
to generate knowledge about the past. and reporting of climate change and impacts on
2. Making predictions, knowing that it will take wildlife will require billions of dollars. This is why
some decades before they can be tested. Therefore, providing financial support to developing countries
wildlife population monitoring programs should to help mitigate the effects of climate change and
include the monitoring of local climatic variables. adapt to its impacts is crucial. Climate change costs
3. Break-up long-term hypotheses into shorter- are estimated at about 100 to 200 billion US dol-
term ones and test the latter independently. But lars, while adaptation costs could reach 86 billion
this approach requires proper coordinated organi- dollars per year (APF, 2009). The funding mech-
zation of team work to ensure that work addresses anisms include bilateral and multilateral funds.
the long-term hypotheses. Among multilateral funds, there is the Adaptation
4. Substitue space for time as long as there is Fund Board linked to Kyoto Protocol, African
a clear understanding of the mechanisms behind Development Bank, GEF, UN Development
spatial variation in the process being investigated. Programme and the World Bank. Among bilater-
Although models have been used to predict al funds, committed countries include Japan, the
effects of climate change on wildlife, especially UK, the European Commission, Germany and
species ranges, these models have never been em- Australia. Many least developed countries have
pirically tested and therefore their outputs should received funding under the UNFCCC to prepare
really be viewed as possible scenarios or fore- their National Adaptation Plan of Action (NAPA)
casts rather than as firm predictions of the future and many countries have already submitted their

154 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

NAPAs that include project proposals related to 2) the national greenhouse gases inventory, 3) pro-
land-use management, soil conservation meas- grammes containing measures to facilitate ade-
ures and erosion control, agroforestry and forestry quate adaptation to climate change, 4) programmes
techniques and management of bush fires. It is re- containing measures to mitigate climate change,
commemded that in future NAPAs should include 5) other information considered relevant to the
specific projects on wildlife. achievement of the objectives of the convention,
The promotion of practices that reduce the im- and 6) constraints and gaps, and related financial,
pacts of climate change on biodiversity is an im- technical and capacity building needs. For the
portant point to consider. At national level, setting Second Communications, developing countries
up biodiversity conservation areas and ensuring are requested to include appropriate implemen-
effective management of those protected areas and tation strategies for the different elements in the
their sustainable use should become a priority goal communication. Aspects of the strategies should
that emphasizes the development of good prac- include, among other things, plans to address
tices through research, enhancing exchange of data gaps and resource allocations for improve-
good practices and encouraging joint initiatives in ment of data collection, in response to identified
sub-Saharan African countries. Working on adap- priorities and needs, information on methodologies
tation and mitigation also requires training. The and tools available for carrying out the technical
involvement of research in such programmes is studies, linkages between the Second National
necessary in order to ensure that decision makers, Communication process and national development
biodiversity users and other intermediaries work priorities. The strategies should also address issues
together to produce decision support tools for pol- concerning enhanced institutional arrangements to
icy development. This is why training schools or create a sustainable national communication pro-
wildlife training centers and universities should be cess.
requested to adopt curricular modules to improve An important objective for preparing a National
monitoring of climate change and variability as Communication under the UNFCCC has been to
well as its impacts on wildlife. There is also a need ensure that the document is used to mainstream
to enhance technical capacity to assess, plan and climate change concerns into the national planning
integrate adaptation needs into sectoral develop- agenda and add value to in-country programming.
ment plans. Thus national mitigation and adaptation projects
can be based on the National Communication
outputs, although this is rarely the case as many
10.4 Reporting countries submit National Communications to the
The main vehicle for reporting on climate change UNFCCC secretariat largely to meet the demands
under the United Nations Framework on Climate of the convention. For this reason, Least Developed
Change Convention (UNFCCC) is the National Countries (LDCs) are now required to ensure that
Communications Support Programme that is the National Adaptation Programmes of Actions
supported by funding from the UNDP/UNEP/ (NAPAs) feed into the preparation of the Second
GEF. Through this facility the majority of coun- Communications adaptation assessments in order
tries in sub-Saharan Africa prepared the Initial to avoid duplication of efforts and ensure coherent
National Communications as a requirement un- integration of adaptation needs into national devel-
der the UNFCCC and some of these countries opment planning. The National Communication
are in the process of preparing Second National Support Programme (NCSP) is intended to sus-
Communications. The main elements in a National tain capacity-building efforts through technical
Communication are 1) national circumstances, and policy support, knowledge management, and

Responding to climate change in the wildlife sector: monitoring, reporting and institutional arrangements 155
communications and outreach. This support can be into mainstream development policy, plans, in-
used to organize training and dissemination work- vestment decisions and institutions. Thus climate
shops and for processes that better incorporate cli- change mainstreaming is the inclusion of relevant
mate change into national development. climate change concerns into development pol-
It is important to build an efficient communica- icy, plans, investment decisions and institutions.
tion link to reach various stakeholders in order to Such mainstreaming is critical for the countries
create awareness about linkages between climate in sub-Saharan Africa where both the economies
change and conservation of biodiversity. In this and people’s livelihoods are heavily dependent on
regard, conservation NGOs, research institutions, natural resources, including wildlife. The drivers of
political and economic operators, users of natural climate change mainstreaming can be varied; rang-
resources, the civil society, development partners ing from environmental interest groups, interna-
and donors need to be involved. Establishing net- tional NGOs, politicians and government author-
works to share information on the wildlife sector in ities responsible for international environmental
the region and linkages with other sectors of nation- obligations. In addition, donors concerned with
al economies and global initiatives and processes coherence of aid and global public goods, and busi-
on climate change and variability is also important. nesses exposed to environmentally discriminating
markets, are increasingly driving mainstreaming
processes. Among the relevant global processes
10.5 Institutional and governance that need to be mainstreamed are those related
arrangements to the implementation of protocols, treaties and
Climate change is a cross-cutting issue and there- conventions such as Convention on Biodiversity,
fore requires special institutional and governance United Nations Convention on Desertification,
arrangements. Currently in many of the African UNFCCC, The NEPAD Environmental Action
countries, climate change issues are coordinated Plan, The Global Environment Facility (GEF)
by institutions that are responsible for either the and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
environment or agriculture. This has resulted in ar- In particular Goal 7 of the MDGs, that addresses
rangements for addressing and sharing information environmental sustainability through the integra-
on climate change that are restricted to a particular tion of the principles of sustainable development
sector or specific problems. Furthermore, because into national policies and programmes and activ-
most information on climate change relates to ities that reverse loss of environmental resources,
agriculture and water resources, little information including wildlife.
has been disseminated on other sectors and insti- It is obvious therefore that capacity develop-
tutions. ment and knowledge sharing are challenges that
Climate change is often considered as part need to be addressed so that skills can be enhanced
of the environment and within the sub-Saharan and capacity developed within the context of cli-
Africa, formal environmental institutions are not mate change. There is a clear need for scaling up
well linked to development planning, finance and awareness raising actions in sub-Saharan African
sector institutions; in many cases environment in- countries. National Communication on climate
stitutions are separate from development institu- change exists and some countries have produced
tions, as well as weaker politically and in capac- reports as a requirement under the UNFCCC but
ity terms. The ways in which they do interact are there are no mechanisms for effectively sharing
principally for advisory purposes rather than for such information among the countries. There is
joint decision-making. Climate mainstreaming also a need to seek collaboration with key regional,
is a process of including climate change concerns international and national partners to support the

156 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

capacity of local institutions and communities and research, mobilization of political support and fi-
apply relevant knowledge for both mitigation and nancial resources, and communication of available
adaptation. To respond more effectively to climate information. As elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa,
change, national and regional institutions need to international conservation organizations are pro-
develop coordinated efforts to streamline and align gressively being established in the subregion, of-
efforts by these institutions in support of climate ten with a long-standing tradition of conserva-
actions and ongoing UNFCC negotiations (see tion. They include World Wide Fund for Nature
chapter 4). (WWF), World Conservation Union (IUCN),
Each country in sub-Saharan Africa has specif- Wildlife Conservation Society, (WCS), Bird-Life
ic laws and policies on wildlife that define political International, Conservation International (CI) and
and strategic arrangements concerning biodiversity TRAFFIC International.
management. Often, these laws and policies are in Most countries in sub-Saharan Africa have
accordance with sub-regional, regional or interna- established Ministries in charge of the manage-
tional agreements. In this respect, a number of in- ment of biodiversity or natural resources. Many
ternational conventions have been ratified by most other institutions provide the bulk of support to
of those countries. Among these are the following: nature protection. For example, in the Central
• The Washington Convention of 1973, also African sub-region, the Central Africa Forests
known as the Convention on International Commission (COMIFAC) was created, with the
Trade of Endangered Species (CITES). responsibility of monitoring the implementation
• The Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD), of the  Convergence  Plan that regroups priority
signed in 1992 and ratified by most countries. actions such as transboundary conservation (e.g.
• The United Nations Framework Convention on Tri Nationale Dja-Odzala-Minkébé (TRIDOM)
Climate Change (UNFCCC), signed in 1992 or Tri Nationale de la Sangha (TNS) Agreements.
and ratified by most countries. Many other institutions exist within the Central
• The Convention to Combat Desertification African sub-region, including the following:
(CCD) in 1994. • The Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP)
• The World Heritage Convention (WHC) or that groups ten countries of COMIFAC,
Convention on the Protection of cultural and Agencies from donor countries, NGOs, re-
natural Heritage, adopted in Paris in 1972. search institutions and the private sector.
• The Bonn Convention on the protection of • Central Africa Forests Observatory (OFAC).
migratory species, adopted in 1993. • The Communauté Economique et Monétaire
• The Algier Convention, adopted in 1968 on d’Afrique Centrale (CEMAC), that groups six
wildlife Conservation in Africa. countries of Central Africa (Cameroon, Gabon,
• The RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic,
signed in 1971. Congo and Chad).
In the Central African sub-region, the con- • The Communauté Economique des Etats de
servation policy of each country is in accordance l’Afrique Centrale (CEEAC) that groups the
with the Yaoundé Declaration (1999) agreed upon six CEMAC countries and the DRC, Rwanda
by Heads of States from the sub-region and with and Burundi.
the Brazzaville Treaty (February 2005). This pol- • The Network of Central Africa Protected Areas
icy focuses on the conservation and the sustainable (RAPAC) that is an association with scientif-
management of forest ecosystems of the Congo ic and technical goals. It focuses on protected
Basin. Other main political issues include capac- areas from eight countries (Cameroon, Chad,
ity building within institutions, strengthening of Congo, Central Africa Republic, Democratic

Responding to climate change in the wildlife sector: monitoring, reporting and institutional arrangements 157
Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, such as correctional analyses, observational exper-
Sao Tome and Principe) and there are plans to iments and computer modeling. Fundamental to
bring in Burundi, Rwanda and Angola. all these approaches, is the need to monitor and
• The Conférence sur les Ecosystemes de Forêts record distribution and abundances of target spe-
Denses et Humides d’Afrique Centrale cies over a sufficiently long period of time, coupled
(CEFDHAC). with the monitoring of plant production and phe-
In West Africa, there are institutions fulfil- nology in wildlife habitats. However, establishing
ling important roles in the management of natural effective climate change adaptation strategies re-
resources. They include CILSS (Permanent Inter- quires that scientists, managers and policy makers
State Committee for Drought Control in Sahel), work together to 1) identify climate-sensitive spe-
GWP-WAWP (Global Water Partnership-West cies and ecosystems, 2) assess the likelihood and
Africa Water Partnership), Niger Basin Authority, consequences of impacts, and 3) identify and se-
Senegal River Basin Development Authority. lect options for adaptation. However, to effectively
mainstream climate change at national, regional
and international levels, it is necessary to include
10.6 Conclusions relevant climate change concerns into development
The main vehicle for reporting on climate policy, plans, investment decisions and institutions.
change under the UNFCCC is the National With respect to wildlife, it is important to develop
Communication Support Programme. However, a capacity and knowledge base in the context of cli-
for us to understand the impacts of climate change mate change, particularly concerning monitoring
on wildlife species, it is necessary to determine spe- and recording the distribution and abundances of
cifically the mechanisms, magnitude and frequency wildlife species over a sufficiently long period in or-
of climate changes that affect wildlife populations der to have meaningful data to evaluate the effects
and their distribution using special methodologies, of climate change on wildlife resources.

APF. 2009. Financing climate change adaptation and mitigation in Africa: Key issues and options for policy makers and negotiators. Paper prepared
for The Financing for Development Conference for Climate Change and the African Ministrial Conference for the Environment, Kigali, Rwanda,
20–21 May, 2009.
Berteaux, D., Humphries, M.M., Krebs, C.J., Lima. M., McAdam, A.G., Pottorelli, N., Réale, D., Saitoh, T., Tkadlec, E., Weladji, R.B. and
Stenseth, N. Chr. 2006. Constraints to projecting the effects of climate change on mammals. Climate Research 32: 151–158.
Hansen, J. and Lebedeff, S. 1987. Global trends of measured surface air temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research 92: 13345–13372.
Hulme, P.E. 2005. Adapting to climate change: is there scope for ecological management in the face of a global threat. Journal of Applied Ecology
42: 784–794.
Kgope, B.S., Bond, W.J. and Midgley, G.F. 2010. Growth responses of African savanna trees implicate atmospheric (CO2) as a driver of past and cur-
rent changes in savanna tree cover. Austral Ecology 35: 451–463.
Krebs, C. J. and Berteaux, D. 2006. Problems and pitfalls in relating climate variability to population dynamics. Climate Research 32: 143–149.
Draeger, U. 2007. Monitoring de la biodiversité en Suisse (MBD): Amé pour le changement climatique. Hotspot 16: 20–21.
Rustad, L.E. 2006. From transient to steady state response of ecosystems to atmospheric CO2-enrichment and global climate change. Plant Ecology
182: 43–62.
Rustad, L.E. 2008. The response of terrestrial ecosystems to global climate change: towards an integrated approach. Science of the Total Environment
404: 222–235.

158 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Section 4
Socio-economic and
policy considerations


Section 4 consists of four chapters. The Chapter 11 deals with community based adaptation to
climate change, the Chapter 12 describes socio-economic and gender issues related to threats
posed by climate change and other non-climate factors and processes, and Chapter 13 is devoted
to carbon trade and markets, particularly as they affect Africa. Chapter 14 discusses policy and
other approaches to climate change with emphasis on African forestry.

Chapter 11 acknowledges that all parts of Africa will be subject to more extreme day-to-day and
season-to-season fluctuations in rainfall as climate change intensifies. This means that African
farmers will need to adapt to more extreme and erosive storms, greater likelihood of flood, longer
periods of drought, and generally less certain conditions for food and agricultural production. In
the face of such challenges, the chapter describes known adaptation technologies including crop
improvement, water harvesting and their associated informational and institutional requirements.
Some of the informational requirements include giving the right information in the right package
to farmers as well as establishing or strengthening institutions to ensure their scaling up. The
chapter also reviews the existing informational and institutional gaps, challenges and the way
forward with the hope that these will catalyze a re-look at community-based adaptation, increased
investment in adaptation and consideration of community-based adaptation as part of the global
response in addressing the potential effects of climatic variability and climate change.
Africa’s social and economic development is constrained by climate variability and change,
habitat loss, over-harvesting of selected species, the spread of alien species, and activities such as
hunting and deforestation. Chapter 12 addresses socio-economic issues related to climate change
influences on socio-economic and livelihoods dependence on natural resources, including
vegetation and wildlife resources, food security and human health as well as the impacts of non-
climate factors on natural resources. Climate change is not the only threat that African forests are
facing, the chapter points out. They are also subjected to a number of non-climatic factors, often
human-induced, that contribute to impacts and vulnerability of African forests. These include
poor management, population growth, poverty, policies and governance, competition over
resources and conflicts. However, the vulnerability of African forests stems from their central role
in socio-economic development. Because of the important role of gender in natural resources
utilization and management, the chapter calls for gender considerations when vulnerability and
impacts of climate change are assessed and in the implementation of adaptation and mitigation

Africa has a large mitigation potential in the land use sector that can be translated into significant
participation in the current and future carbon market opportunities. This potential is underwritten
by her large endowment of land and large populations involved in land use based economic
activities. However, so far African forests and trees have not been adequately brought forth in the
carbon market. Chapter 13 describes the genesis of carbon markets and trade, legal framework
for carbon markets, how carbon markets operate, the performance of carbon markets to date,
initiatives and experiences in Africa on carbon trade and markets, opportunities and challenges
for Africa in carbon trade and markets.

Dealing with the climate change challenge is critical to Africa’s economic security and future
prosperity and many African governments are moving steadily to implement their national climate
change mitigation and adaptation strategies. Chapter 14 examines the context within which
policies to bear on climate change are made. Since policies are about issues, the chapter gives a
brief account of identified policy issues that are directly and indirectly related to climate change
at all levels of societal organization and in different sectors of national and global economies
before addressing selected related issues that feature prominently, but are not always confined
to the forestry sector.

160 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Chapter 11

Thomas Yatich, Brent Swallow, Oluyede C. Ajayi, Peter Minang and Jaffer Wakhayanga

11.1 Introduction efforts are being initiated to mitigate the effects

The global phenomenon of climate change con- of the phenomenon and/or to fashion out various
stitutes major threats to Africa (IPCC, 2007). coping strategies to assist the population to adapt
Although the impact of climate change is global, to climate change with a view to reducing present
for various reasons including the state of prepared- and future vulnerability. However, adaptation to
ness of the continent, it has been estimated that climate change has to be localized, given that
Africa will be most vulnerable to climate change adaptation to climate change is inevitably and un-
(Arnell, 2004 and IPCC, 2007). The impacts of avoidably local (Blaikie et al., 1994; Ribot, 1995),
climate change in the continent are manifested in Several adaptation approaches have been ad-
various forms including extreme weather patterns, vocated. Given the urgency and the potential
prolonged droughts, flash floods, decline in crop impacts of climate change, ‘community-based
productivity and loss of livestock due to droughts, adaptation’ strategies are currently advocated as
resurgence of malaria in highland areas, water and the best approach. Community-based adaptation
pasture scarcities leading to conflicts. The chal- (CBA) is enabling communities to enhance their
lenges in capacity and the availability of resources own adaptive capacity, and empowering vulnera-
and the existence of a high dependence on natural re- ble communities to increase their own resilience
sources increase the risks and uncertainties to live- to the impacts of climate change (http://community.
lihoods of the rural poor, as the natural resource It involves strengthening
base becomes more vulnerable to the vagaries of the adaptive capacity of poor communities to deal
climatic changes (Denton et al., 2000). As a result with the potential impacts of climate change and
of these, climate change has the risk of compro- climatic variability. Currently communities are not
mising efforts to attain development targets set for key participants in ongoing adaptation iniatives
the Millennium Development Goals or wiping out not because they are not recognized, but because
some of the modest developments that were already climate change responses are at policy levels and
achieved in the continent. Given these challenges, shaped by climate negotiations at regional and

Community-based adaption to climate change in Africa: a typology of information and institutional requirements 161
for promoting uptake of existing adaption technologies
international levels. Ongoing UNFCCC negotia- lack of robust approaches to enhance use of scientific
tions on the post-2012 regime are focusing more on evidence by communities. At the institutional level,
‘REDD+’-reducing emissions from deforestation failures of markets, governments and local organ-
and forest degradation in developing countries – izations to resolve resource allocation and public
plus conservation, sustainable management of for- good challenges further weaken the adaptive cap-
ests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in acity of local communities to adapt to the impacts
developing countries as well as financial, technical of climate change.
and capacity strengthening. Many commentators, Despite these challenges adaptation technol-
including Dazé and Chan (2009), argue against ogies have continued to be developed by interna-
the likelihood of these negotiations emphasizing tional, regional and national research institutes.
financing mechanisms for community-based adap- These technologies are rarely adopted by farmers.
tation because: 1) existing funding mechanisms In this paper we enumerate on these technologies
and planning processes under the UNFCCC do and propose strategies for enhancing their uptake
not prioritize CBA, 2) the National Adaptation as the best approach for promoting community-
Programmes of Action (NAPAs) identify vulner- based adaptation. We have also suggested institu-
ability only on the basis of location-based risk and tional and informational requirements to enhance
impacts on key risk averse agricultural sectors, and uptake and lesson learning from adaptation strate-
3) lack of scaling up of existing adaptation technol- gies of communities.
ogies. Capacity related challenges affect the ability
of national level and decentralized state institutions
to design, pilot and scale up adaptation strategies at 11.2 Known adaptation technologies
the community level. Research and development efforts over the last
Poor linkage between climate change research twenty years have established a number of technol-
and communities leads to poor appreciation of tech- ogies and practices that are known to be suitable
nologies developed by the scientific community as for the kinds of extreme climate conditions that
well as integration of lessons and experiences from are emerging across the African continent. Some
community coping strategies. National-level initia- of these case studies have learnt lessons from expe-
tives are driven by collective action at the interna- riences of communities with coping strategies in-
tional level. Subsequently, local level mainstream- cluding inter alia adjustments in cropping and ani-
ing of climate change strategies are top-down mal practices (Paavola, 2004; Orindi and Eriksen,
and rarely evidence-based. In Africa, poorly re- 2005). These strategies will not be enough to re-
sourced agricultural research (World Bank, 2008) spond to the impacts of climate change (Kandji et
has worked against technology development and al., 2007), but they could be enhanced and com-
dissemination. Agricultural extension has faltered plemented through the development, adoption
over the years because of policy changes as well as and scaling up of agricultural technologies. Barry
lack of institutional capacity due to poor invest- and Skinner (2002) categorized adaptation options
ments. Kenya’s extension approach, for example, into: 1) technological developments, 2) government
has shifted from a robust effective supply driven programs and insurance, 3) farm production practi-
approach to a challenges-ridden demand driven ces, and 4) farm financial management. In this pa-
approach. Initially the extension approach provided per we have used this typology to order and guide
a platform for farmers’ participatory learning, sci- our discussions on technology adaptation options.
entists-to-farmers interaction and pathway for dis- Although the focus of the paper is on agricultural
semination of agricultural technologies. Pathways technologies, they are not mutually exclusive from
for knowledge to action are therefore impeded by farm production practices.
poor extension service provision approaches and

162 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Agricultural technologies have the potential to conditions (
enhance the adaptive capacity of smallholder farm- ann_report/2007/pdf/ar07_stress.pdf ).
ers, although their adoption is affected by various The International Centre for Maize and Wheat
factors. It is generally agreed that these technol- Improvement (CIMMYT) and its national part-
ogies will potentially improve resilience and re- ners have used participatory crop breeding tech-
duce vulnerabilities of different farming systems. niques to develop and promote the adoption of
Agricultural technologies have been developed stress tolerant crops among hundreds of thousands
over the years, but their uptake is limited by sever- of farmers in East and southern Africa. In the
al factors including inter alia high costs associated Sahel, the International Centre for Agricultural
with technology adoption, poor information flow Research in the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
from technology developers to the farmers, lack of specializes in developing stress tolerant crops in-
financial support infrastructure, cognitive related cluding millet and cowpeas that are well adapted
challenges and poor extension service provision to to low and highly variable climatic conditions
the farmers. The following is an overview of some (CGIAR, 2008). Efforts by the CGIAR harvest
of the technologies developed over the last 20 years. centres to develop stress tolerant crop priorities
are complemented by efforts by regional pol-
icy institutions like the Conseil Ouest et Centre
11.2.1 Crop development Africain pour la Recherche et le Développement
Agricultural research has focused more on im- Agricoles/West and Central African Council
proving crop yields. As the uncertainty of climate for Agricultural Research and Development
change effects become clearer and warnings by (CORAF/WECARD). In Sahelian parklands,
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change CORAF/WECARD has initiated various re-
(IPCC) reports, ‘climate-proofing’ of crops has search activities such as DNA extraction of tama-
become crucial – switching crop research to cli- rind and baobab trees aimed at improving their
mate adaptation. The Consultative Group on adaptation to drought. CORAF/WECARD has
International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) also screened and characterized cowpea and sor-
institutes are now investigating how to make ghum from the sub-region with the results charged
crops more resilient to environment stresses. as promising (CORAF/WECARD, 2008). The
National agricultural research institutes like Kenya regional centre for breeding stress tolerant crop and
Agricultural Research Institute (KAR1) have also tree species is at Thies, Senegal.
developed new cultivars that are stress tolerant.
The International Maize and Wheat Improvement
Centre (CIMMYT) with the International 11.2.2 Resource management innovations
Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), nation- As a response to moisture insufficiency, research
al agricultural research institutes in sub-Saharan and development institutions have developed re-
Africa, advanced research institutions, private source-based innovations. The literature gives a
sector seed companies, and nongovernment and range of innovations including water harvesting
community-based through the Drought Tolerant and market-based approaches. Water harvesting is
Maize for Africa (DTMA) iniative, have devel- still practiced by relatively few farmers and com-
oped high yield stress tolerant maize varieties for munities, despite the fact that there are a number
13 countries in East and Southern Africa. It has of proven technologies. The World Agroforestry
been established that the drought tolerant maize Centre hosts a water harvesting network for
varieties produce about 20–50% more grain than Southern and Eastern Africa (SEARNET) that
other maize varieties, under ‘mid-season drought’ draws together and supports efforts in a number of

Community-based adaption to climate change in Africa: a typology of information and institutional requirements 163
for promoting uptake of existing adaption technologies
countries. The Water Harvesting programme has by 50% (Chin Ong, 2006). Water scarcity is par-
over the years provided technical support to farm- ticularly severe in water catchments where farmers
ers and national research systems to promote up- and urban residents share available water supplies.
take of technologies. Reduced tillage technologies Many of those same areas are also experiencing
such as Conservation agriculture and improved shortage in wood products, prompting rapid up-
fallows are gaining momentum in Africa, although take of fast-growing trees such as clonal eucalyp-
still in their infant stages. In Zambia, farmers are tus from South Africa. The World Agroforestry
adopting animal-drawn implements that help pre- Centre has recently synthesized research results on
pare land for crop production without large los- water efficiency of tree-based systems and estab-
ses in ground cover or soil moisture. Elsewhere in lished principles for water-efficient tree production.
Southern Africa, hundreds of thousands of farmers The synthesis recommended for better tree alterna-
are using nitrogen-fixing trees as improved fallows, tives and making appropriate trade-offs. Research
thus restoring soil nutrients, retaining soil moist- by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and
ure, and increasing infiltration rates (Akinnifesi et its partners show that leaf phenology or shedding
al., 2008). has very important effects on seasonal water use.
Reward schemes for environmental services Native deciduous trees – which drop their leaves
have been gaining momentum in Africa. Apart in the dry season – can help match the water use of
from promoting ecological benefits, reward trees to the long-term rainfall pattern. This means
schemes promote less erosive and more beneficial less impact on river flow, while producing high val-
land use systems. This improves resilience of differ- ue to farmers in terms of timber and fodder. Such
ent ecosystems to climatic change and variability. species can also be very suitable for intercropping
Designing and implementing rewards for envi- with crops. This is illustrated in Figure 11.1.
ronmental services (RES) is a daunting task given The question is what are the best tree alterna-
the information and institutional requirements as- tives? Will these be better than the water thirsty
sociated with such schemes. ICRAF and partners trees such as eucalyptus? As illustrated in Figure
are implementing a project on pro-poor rewards for 11.1 the alternative tree species have different wa-
environmental services in Africa (PRESA) which ter demands during different seasons. With cli-
is aimed at fostering fairs and workable reward mate change and subsequent decline in water and
mechanisms that can benefit stewards of ecosys- availability of moisture, these trees will continue
tem services in East and West African highlands. providing important ecosystem services and pro-
PRESA and partners are also implementing carbon ducts. Alternative tree species will not only use less
sequestration projects that not only act as carbon water during dry seasons by shedding their leaves.
sinks, but provide alternative income streams for Some of the alternative tree species include Cordia
participating farmers. Annual crops now comprise Africana, Melia volkensii and Croton machrostachys.
less than half of farm income in many countries, Cordia Africana is found widely throughout dry
with vegetables, dairy and tree crops taking on to moist regions in sub-Saharan Africa, ranging
greater importance. from Guinea in West Africa to Ethiopia to South
Africa. In Kenya, Cordia displays bimodal shed-
ding of its leaves in time with the rainfall pattern
11.2.3 Water efficient trees and is suitable for intercropping with coffee. It has
Water scarcity is increasing in much of Africa, with the potential to improve on the quality of coffee
countries like Rwanda, Burundi and Kenya already and also provide other ecosystem services asso-
classified as water scarce. Climate change predicts ciated with coffee. Cordia is also a forage tree and
that a 10% drop in rainfall can reduce river flow flowers between March and October (Fichtl and

164 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

1996 1996/1997 1997 1997/1998
long rains, 224 mm short rains, 158 mm long rains, 316 mm short rains, 608 mm

Leaf cover

Croton magelocarpus Melia volkensii Gliricidia sepium
Evergreen native Deciduous native Deciduous exotic

Figure 11.1 Rainfall demand by evergreen and deciduous trees. Source: Chin Ong et al., 2006.

Admasu, 1994). It is therefore good for beekeep- Croton machrostachys is suitable for intercrop-
ing and honey production. Cordia is also a source ping with coffee and is found more or less through-
of excellent high-value timber that is suitable for out tropical Africa in montane forest and evergreen
furniture, mortars, windows and house doors and bushland areas that receive between 700 and 2,000
therefore would replace timber provided by euca- mm annually. These trees experience extended
lyptus. Cordia is not as fast growing as eucalyptus. flowering seasons in most areas, peaking in March–
Melia volkensii, a deciduous species, displays a June and May–July, providing excellent bee forage.
major reduction in leaf cover during both the long The cream-coloured, soft wood is used for indoor
and short rainy seasons in Kenya, closely matching carpentry, furniture, veneers, tool handles, boxes
the rainfall pattern. This tree species is drought- and crates. Many parts of the tree have medicinal
resistant and found in semi-arid areas of Ethiopia, value, including the fruit and the roots are used
Kenya and Tanzania. Melia is highly prized for to treat venereal diseases, and the juice from the
its valuable timber that is termite resistant, both leaves which is used to treat skin diseases like ring
when alive and dead (Mulatya, 2000). Compared worm (Fichtl and Admasu, 1994).
to Cordia and even fast growing thirsty trees, Melia
has the added advantage of being harvested in rea-
sonably short rotations. In Machakos in Kenya, 11.2.4 Flexible livestock production strategies
Melia was found to produce poles in less than Mobility, grazing reserves and communal wa-
three years and timber in less than five years from ter management are important strategies used by
coppiced stems (Ong et al., 2002). Other uses of African livestock keepers to cope with variable
Melia volkensii include inter alia construction and rainfall conditions. The Borana people in southern
carving, fuel, fodder, mulch and green manure. All Ethiopia have elaborate institutions for ensuring
of these unique features add up to economically that their livestock are able to maintain access
favourable options for farmers (Ong et al., 2002; and good care for water points and pastures. The
Mulatya, 2000, 2006). Its climate change bene- Sukuma people of Western Tanzania have revived
fits with regards to water use efficiency enhance its their customary ngitili arrangement for reserving
benefits to smallholder farmers. dry-season grazing areas. Recently the Kenyan

Community-based adaption to climate change in Africa: a typology of information and institutional requirements 165
for promoting uptake of existing adaption technologies
Government and civil society have implemented an into action by ‘actions institutions’ because of the
off take program for livestock to reduce the adverse lack of boundary objects. The boundary objects/
effects of prolonged droughts. Capacity building agents who straddle the multiple and varied bound-
for farmers on diversification and re-stocking has aries between stakeholders, translating, communi-
also been undertaken by NGOs like Oxfarm and cating and facilitating linkages between knowl-
Semi-arid Rural Development Programme, an edge and action are often lacking and this limits
SNV-GOK initiated programme. action by action institutions. However developing
Research institutes are working with small- more nuanced tools, approaches and methodologies
holder farmers to try out some of the agricultural that address the needs of action institutions would
technologies discussed above as a way of adapting bridge the gap between science and practice. This
to potential climate change. Provision of informa- is only possible if the six classes of boundary work
tion has the potential to stimulate adaptation. This are understood (Table 11.1). Meine van Noordwijk
is however limited by the institutional and infor- (2008) identified and expounded on the six classes
mational challenges. Research and approaches to of boundary work by linking knowledge and action
sharing information also present challenges to the to typify the relationship between the knowledge
Consultative Group on International Agricultural and action domains.
Research (CGIAR) centres and national research Based on Table 11.1, Meine van Noordwijk
systems. Institutional factors constraining the (2008) and Guston et al. (2000) developed typolo-
adoption of agricultural technologies and support gies of boundary organizations based on a 0, 1 and
infrastructure include changing commodity prices, ≥2 classification of actors and ways of knowing.
trade agreements, resource use rights, government Meine van Noordwijk (2008) further identifies six
subsidies and support programs. Institutional and classes of boundary spanning activities as:
information needs for enhancing the uptake of
agricultural technologies by farmers are discussed 0. A ó A, no K, meaning not informed by any
in the next section. science.
I. K ó K, no A, knowledge not influencing any
11. 3 Information and institutional needs II. K ó A – the archetypal boundary work of tech-
Different adaptation strategies will need different nology transfer, science-policy advice, public
information and have different institutional needs. funding for science and decision support systems;
The identification of the knowledge gaps and in- the IPCC effort falls within this class with its
stitutional needs associated with each of the adap- ‘policy relevant’ but not ‘prescriptive’ synthesis
tation strategies is useful information for farmers, of science.
policy makers, technocrats, research institutes, III. K ó (A ó A) – boundary work such as ‘joint
national research systems, national level climate fact finding’ that can emerge at a certain stage
change negotiators, universities, regional level pol- in (mediated) political negotiations.
icy processes and non-state actors. IV. (K ó K) ó A – integrated assessments, such
as the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
11.3.1 Information needs V. (K ó K) ó (A ó A) – negotiation support
The use of research results to inform action by farm- systems and the emerging reward mechanisms
ers and farmers’ organizations is constrained by the for environmental systems, where both the ar-
poor linkage between two domains: knowledge/ ticulation of knowledge and the actions are ne-
science and action domains. Often knowledge pro- gotiated.
duced by scientific institutions does not translate

166 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Table 11.1 Typology of boundary organizations on the interface of knowledge and action, with examples of six classes of boundary work.
Source: Meine van Noordwijk, 2008.

0 None 1 Decision ≥2 Collective action

0 Conjecture and A A1  A2 0
Daily life of you and me
ignorance Ignorant decisions Ignorant politics

K K 
1 One truth Technology transfer,
Science A2
Scientific policy advice such as IPCC,
Knowledge for own sake
Decision support systems – DSS Joint fact-finding

I K1 IV K1 A1 V
K1  K 2  A    A
≥2 Multiple ways of
knowing Interdisciplinary, tacit + K2 K2 A2
Scientific knowledge
Integrated assessments such as MEA Negotiation support systems – NSS, RUPES

11.3.2 Institutional needs

In most cases the boundary spanning activities Availability of better information may need to be
that best explain the links between the ‘scientific’ augmented by changes in institutions. In this pa-
and ‘farmer’ domains are AóA and KóK. It is de- per we have viewed institutions as organizations,
sirous to have the rest four but this is constrained establishments, foundations, societies, or the like,
by different factors including knowledge gaps. For devoted to the promotion of a particular cause or
agricultural technologies to be adopted scientists programme, especially one of a public, education-
have to provide knowledge that would be required al or charitable character. Institutions are also
by the farmers as well as by policy makers at differ- the act of instituting or setting up establishment:
ent scales. Information gaps are also useful for dif- the institution of laws (
ferent policy domains. In Table 11.2 (next page) we Institutions established at the national, sub-na-
have broken down the different categories into spe- tional and local levels are determined by response
cific agricultural technologies and provided some mechanisms to climate change at the global level.
of the requisite information required for successful Institutions at the national level are organized into
adoption by farmers. Decision makers and techno- policy domains: forestry, agriculture, water, etc.
crats such as planners also require such information These domains operate vertically and there is lack
to improve their decision making as well as provide of cross-sectoral coordination. Climate change is
extension advice to the farmers. Information gaps a cross-sectoral issue that requires cross-sectoral
and needs vary from one technology to another. coordination. Knowledge, in this case, agricul-
To best exploit these known technologies, there is tural technologies, is passed through institutions
need for better information for farmers, regional and policy domains (Figure 11.2) with factors like
planners and policy makers. Table 11.2 presents a levels of income, property rights, extension service
summary of some of these information needs. provision, governance, levels of education, state
of market infrastructure and proximity to urban
centres determining the rate of adoption and scal-
ing-up of agricultural technologies. In most cases

Community-based adaption to climate change in Africa: a typology of information and institutional requirements 167
for promoting uptake of existing adaption technologies
Table 11.2 Summary of information needs.

Regional/national planners’ and policy makers’

Adaption strategy Farmers’ information needs
Suitable tested germplasm, reliable germplasm
Long-term climate trends, adoption of existing or
Stress-tolerant crops suppliers, management needs and other input
development of new varieties.
Individual or group approaches, appropriate Appropriate technologies, returns to small or
Water harvesting and storage harvesting technology, opportunities for public larger-scale water harvesting, climate scenarios
support, licensing requirements. for planning storage capacity.
Market risks and opportunities, production risks,
Tradeoffs between investment security and
Flexible livestock production strategies hardy breeds, reliable sources of parent stocks,
husbandry practices.
Trade-offs between specialization and diversifica-
Market risks and opportunities, technologies and
Diversified production and marketing strategies tion, farmers’ motivations and interests, range of
management needs, complementarity.
Benefits and costs of technologies, benefits of Geographic suitability and targeting of technol-
Conservation agriculture and improved fallows
collective action. ogies.
RES vis-à-vis policy implementation, appropriate
Obligations of the farmer in service provision,
Reward schemes for environmental services policies to support RES design and implementa-
benefits, monitoring and evaluation.
Market opportunities for products, germplasm Trade-offs between production and seasonal
Water-efficient tree species and cultivars suppliers, economic returns, farm and local trade- water use in watersheds, invasiveness risks, pro-
offs between production and water use. duction risks, tree suitability assessments.

Table 11.3 Summary of institutional needs.

Adaption strategy Institutional needs Options for meeting institutional needs

Research, extension, output markets and Public research and extension institutions that
germplasm supply systems that support a range give particular attention to crops that are well
Stress-tolerant crops
of crops, as well as genetic adaptation of existing adapted to climatic stresses, participatory genetic
crops to harsh conditions. improvement
Appropriate technologies for water harvesting are
Water harvesting is mainstreamed into agricul-
available and supported for the household, com-
Water harvesting and storage tural extension, targeted public investment for
munity and regional scales. Better integration of
community and public water infrastructure.
planning for water and agricultural development.
Effective mechanisms for group tenure, incen-
Public research and mainstreaming in emerging
tives for maintaining group tenure; technical
livestock and fisheries policies. Sharing of research
Flexible livestock production strategies innovations to add value to grazing reserves,
results and institutionalizing improvements in
management of conflict between pastoral groups
livestock systems.
sharing rangelands.
Extension systems and agricultural development
Diversified production and marketing strategies strategies support infrastructure of general, Pluralistic and participatory extension.
versus commodity-specific, value.
Public research and extension institutions and
Conservation agriculture and improved fallows Innovative research and extension approaches. institutions for sharing information and capacity
Enabling environment for the design and adop- Action research to provide solid scientific evi-
Reward schemes for environmental services tion of RES. Institutional arrangements for imple- dence base as well as using existing and site-
mentation, monitoring and evaluation. specific networks as entry points.
Cooperation and shared understanding between Cross-sectoral promotion of water efficient
forests, hydrologists, ecologists and social tree species and working through mandated
Water-efficient tree species and cultivars
scientists. Removing blockages on germplasm for bodies like national environment management
indigenous species. authorities.

168 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

there are challenges to institutional capacity that level domains. International level negotiations
can be said to be ideological, historical, structur- and collective action are also influenced by what
al or even sometimes perceptive. In the case of is happening at the regional and national levels.
germplasm development, farmers are rarely aware Adaptation to climate change or any other large-
of its availability. This would require public and scale environmental problems are then nested in
private sector investment in providing information the different levels of governance providing op-
as well as establishing support infrastructure. In portunities of learning lessons across different lev-
Table 11.3, we discuss requisite institutional needs els.
for each adaptation technology and propose op- As is discussed above it is obvious that adapta-
tions of meeting those institutional requirements. tion to climate change at the community level is
In section 11.4 we also explore various institutional lacking if not minimal. Given this situation, what
and policy needs for community-based adaptation therefore needs to be done at the policy level to
to climate change. unlock community-based adaptation to climate
To effectively promote adoption of agricultural change?
technologies, the six classes of boundary spanning
activities, must be understood in the contexts of
feedbacks, strong or weak, across the different 11.4 Enhancing interactions between
multilevel regime structures. Within each level, knowledge and actions institutions
there are sector-based policy domains (in this pa- Having discussed existing technologies and farm-
per we have used agriculture, forestry, energy, wa- ers’ information and institution needs, and to
ter and wildlife) which relate with climate change avoid these being prescriptive, we explore and pro-
adaptation in different ways, a relationship that is pose what is required to promote feedback between
limited by vertical planning and regime structures knowledge and action domains at the local level
pursued by different African institutions. in this section. This is because adoption of some
The national level sub-unit is charged with pol- of these technologies among smallholder farming
icy formulation and implementation facilitation. communities has generally lagged behind scientific
Lower level sub-units are mainly responsible for and technological advances thereby reducing their
translating policy provisions into action with les- potential impact (Ajayi et al., 2008; Franzel and
sons and experiences feeding into the national level Scherr, 2002). A recent review indicates that the
policy formulation sub-unit. National level lessons adoption of technologies depends on several factors
and experiences feed into regional and internation- that are technology-specific, household-specific,
al level negotiations and decisions. Policy, plans, policy and institutions context within which they
programmes and projects implementation at the are disseminated and geo-spatial factors (Ajayi et
climate change adaptation is rarely informed by al., 2007). As a result, efforts to improve adoption
research and rarely translates to action by farmers of the technologies necessitate a thorough analysis
at the lowest regime structure. Implementation of of the biophysical, economic, social, and cultural
policies, plans, programmes and projects is also af- constraints which have been barriers to using these
fected by complexities associated with multilevel promising and renewable technologies.
governance systems (Figure 11.2). Regional-level It will be difficult to have mass adoption of the
initiatives influence and are shaped by what is hap- technologies discussed above given the existing
pening at the national-level domain. Discussions at multiple interests and stakes. In the case of water ef-
the international level on several policy areas and ficient trees there is need to provide information to
collective learning and action initiatives influence farmers by: 1) sharing existing understanding with
what is happening at the national and country- farmers and policy makers interested in banning

Community-based adaption to climate change in Africa: a typology of information and institutional requirements 169
for promoting uptake of existing adaption technologies
Figure 11.2 Relationships between different domains and how nested climate change adapta-
tion (CCA) could be addressed through interactions between action institutions and knowledge
systems. Source: Yatich et al. (2008).

eucalyptus or finding alternatives; 2) enhancing ment of water thirsty trees. Currently ICRAF and
knowledge of a range of species to widen choices partners are piloting river care/water care programs
for farmers, and 3) geographical targeting of catch- in Mt. Kenya East would involves planting of water
ments for more or less attention to water use, in- efficient trees such as ‘moringa’
cluding water taxes by evoking the polluter-pays- Some of the institutional needs for promoting
principle. In some cases rewards for environmental water efficient trees/alternatives include getting
services has been used where farmers are given around the bias in African conservation and for-
incentives to remove water thirsty trees. In Mt. estry against indigenous trees. Ashley, Russell and
Kenya East for example, certification programmes Swallow (2006) studied the policy terrain affect-
for smallholder outgrower schemes for tea have ing agroforestry around protected areas in Mali,
been developed and includes removal and replace- Cameroon and Uganda, and generally found that

170 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

forestry and agroforestry extension was weak and tives from broader public viewpoints including
biased toward exotic trees. Changing the approach policymakers, researchers and other stakeholders.
however requires providing alternative trees species The participation of public stakeholders is im-
to farmers as well as providing policy makers at vari- portant given that policies emerge from policy
ous levels with guidelines on how to manage the processes that are themselves embedded in po-
water use of different tree species (e.g. no planting litical processes (Ajayi et al., 2009). The World
of fast-growing evergreens near areas of permanent Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) has tried to
water sources). The World Agroforestry Centre address this challenge through the design and
has provided evidence-based guidelines on where adoption of negotiation support systems (NSS)
to plant specific tree species relative to their water in Southeast Asia for purposes of linking
use efficiency (Swallow and Rumley, 2006). knowledge systems to action. Negotiation sup-
To ensure that the knowledge gaps are made at port systems are now being expanded to Africa
a strategic level, there is need to rethink agricul- through ICRAF’s work on compensation and
tural research and education. rewards for environmental services currently
being tested in different agricultural landscapes
across Africa. NSS requires the use of science
11.4.1 Agricultural research and extension to inform decisions at community level as well
To inform decision making and support com- as ensuring an enabling policy environment.
munity-based adaptation and mitigation through • Provision of information and data. Provision of
scaling up of existing technologies, research must information to farmers catalyzes adaptation.
focus on: To produce and avail relevant information to
• Answering the right questions. The right ques- farmers, requisite data for predicting huge cli-
tions must be raised and answered with com- mate uncertainty is lacking. This is because of
munities. Perhaps agricultural and climate sci- the poor collaboration between Meteorological
ence research have been asking and solving the and Hydrological services with line ministries,
wrong questions, at least from the perspective and research institutes. More cross-sectoral
of national agricultural research systems. This coordination is warranted to improve the cur-
could be attributed to the failure of internation- rent scenario. Institutions need to work closely
al institutions to influence policy processes be- with national-level partners to ensure capacity
cause of poor link of research results to national building and uptake of their research results
interests or science-policy communication dis- (Stockholm Environment Institute, 2008).
connect. Much of the research results have had • Linking climate change research to the broader con-
only modest impact on policy making proces- text. Broader issues of agriculture often hide the
ses due to this communication disconnect. It importance of climate change at farmer or na-
is therefore recommended that international re- tional level. Research undertaken in Machakos
search institutes realign their research to be rel- by ICRISAT indicated that farmers attributed
evant to the interests of national governments declining crop productivity to climate change,
and national research systems (NRIs) by: 1) un- but when ICRISAT analyzed other factors
dertaking joint planning with NRIs, 2) under- from a broader context, declining crop produc-
taking targeted capacity building e.g. in climate tivity was linked to declining trends in the use
change negotiation, and 3) providing relevant of fertilizers (CGIAR, 2008). Rainfall trends
information to farmers and communities. were established to have remained constant
• The science-policy dialogue. Provides a knowl- over the years. This is because of government’s
edge base and discussions among representa- policy rather than climate change. In Malawi,

Community-based adaption to climate change in Africa: a typology of information and institutional requirements 171
for promoting uptake of existing adaption technologies
the heavy attention to fertilizer subsidy as a Africa) community of practice (CoP) focuses
way of improving crop productivity has ob- on rewards for environmental services (RES)
scured the need for attention on climate change. including carbon sequestrations by bringing
Fertilizer tree technologies advocated by the together payment for environmental services
World Agroforestry in Malawi and Zambia (PES) innovators to share information on as-
are slowly being seen as more sustainable as re- sessment tools, negotiation approaches and
search is linked to the broader context-seeing partnerships. Existing platforms should re-look
food security in the context of climate change at their focus and expand to include climate
mitigation and adaptation. There is a need to change mitigation and adaptation. Platforms
initiate new institutional forms to bring science for promoting adaptation at the community
(technology development) and policy making level are however lacking.
together to examine climate change through Use of research results and data at the national
a sustainable multi-faceted development lens level are complicated by monocentric governance
(Ajayi et al., 2009). systems with distributed regime structures and
• Participatory action research. Scientists often excessive red tape. Disconnects between science-
ignore lessons and experiences that local com- based evidence and policy implementation at dif-
munities have gained over the years as they ferent levels exist because policy implementation
adapt to the impacts of climatic variability. is left to the discretion of technocrats at different
ICRISAT’s research on adoption of new crop levels. Mainstreaming of adaptation in country
varieties in the Sahel shows that farmers eagerly policies plans and programmes need to learn les-
adopt new crop varieties but over time they dis- sons and be informed by science-based evidence
card them and go back to their traditional crop so as to scale out some of the existing adaptation
varieties (CGIAR, 2008). Further research technologies. These would require strategic policy
showed that the traditional varieties were more formulation with focus at the community level and
adopted than those developed and promoted by climate change adaptation.
scientists. The same is true in Malawi for local
open pollinated maize versus improved maize
variety. Building on existing coping and adap- 11.4.2 Strategic policy development
tive strategies of local communities is therefore In developing countries, the lack of strategic policy
important. It is prudent to see climate change formulation to deal with emerging threats of climate
as an integrative science requiring integrating change is likely to heighten its impacts at various
both local and scientific knowledge with local levels with the adverse impacts on smallholder
circumstances. However, this also calls for prop- farmers. Existing policies and laws are sectoral,
er needs assessment in development for pro- some outdated, others duplicative in nature or
motion of new technologies. altogether contradictory to one another. Despite
• Community of practice. Platforms for sharing these weaknesses, it is worth noting that policy
lessons and experiences are lacking. National domains steer government interventions, influ-
and regional platforms will provide avenues ence markets and market transactions, concern the
for learning lessons and act as springboards for immediate decisions of consumers, and have im-
country-based or collective action for climate portant impact on the behaviour of policy makers
change. Through these platforms, there will and communities.
be review of adaptation initiatives, method- When a vertical policy approach is adopted,
ologies, tools and approaches. PRESA (Pro- linkages between different policy domains are
poor rewards for environmental services in likely to promote waste of resources and dupli-

172 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

cation of efforts as these domains will operate as that possess the required national visibility and
autonomous entities within existing governance with sufficient political clout to influence poli-
systems (Yatich, 2007). Addressing, promoting cies. Climate change adaptation is neither the
and balancing feedbacks across the different policy traditional mandate of meteorological services,
domains are crucial from a planning perspective. nor agriculturalists. In whose realm does climate
Mainstreaming climate change adaptation is likely change lie? How is it handled by several sectors
to remain as a challenge in the face of differing and how do the sectors interact with each other?
mandates among regime sectors, failure of govern- Perhaps we defer these questions for another paper.
ments to promote cross-sectoral policy formulation The failure of African governments to adequately
and implementation as well as power relations that deal with these questions creates some confusion
shape feedback mechanisms among the different among institutions responsible for climate change.
sectors. For purposes of promoting community- Consequently, adaptation interventions are devel-
based adaptation, strategic policy development oped at levels that are not operational. Agricultural
should therefore focus more on promoting cross- decision makers fail to make the right decisions
sectoral coordination and decentralization and because of the inability of agricultural technocrats
devolution. to offer strategic advice. In some instance there is
overemphasis on the impacts and multiplier effects
of climate variability because they are perceived as
11.4.3 Institutional adaptation real. Despite increased collective action and aware-
Ongoing economic and institutional reforms in ness at the international level and looming threat of
African economies have created constraints and climate change, national-level institutional adapta-
opportunities for climate change adaptation. Reed tion innovations do not match the ‘ dynamism’ of
(2004) enumerates these opportunities as the dis- climate change and rarely are farmers/communi-
mantling of state-controlled marketing systems, ties involved. African governments are at different
the removal of bureaucratic obstacles to initiating levels of putting in place appropriate institutional
small-scale enterprises, the opening of market out- frameworks for dealing with climate change adap-
lets for new crops and products, and the opening tation at regional and national levels. At a strate-
of some political structures to public participation. gic level climate change adaptation has not been
Institutional reforms have also created constraints adequately mainstreamed in the existing policies,
for the poor: entrenchment of political and eco- laws, plans, projects and programmes. Institutional
nomic elites, new resource management regimes arrangements that will wholly be charged with the
that preclude access for the poor, decentralization mandate of climate change adaptation are yet to be
reforms that shift power to regional power brokers established.
but not to the poor, and increased vulnerability to
economic shocks that threaten the meager asset
base of the rural poor (Reed, 2004). These con- 11.5 Gaps and way forward
straints do not prepare the poor to adapt to climate In this synthesis we have provided an overview of
change or promote interventions at the strategic existing agricultural technologies with the poten-
level to boost the resilience of systems against im- tial to enhance farmers’ and communities’ adapta-
pacts of climate change. tion to climate change. Knowledge gaps and insti-
In many countries, smallholder farmers rarely tutional needs have also been discussed including
influence government policy on climate change what needs to be done at strategic levels to ensure
because they do not interact with climatologists, adoption of agricultural technologies. Challenges
and they seldom have umbrella organizations however still abound. These include re-orienting

Community-based adaption to climate change in Africa: a typology of information and institutional requirements 173
for promoting uptake of existing adaption technologies
research to meet the needs of farmers and policy 11.6 Conclusion
makers, i.e. promoting research to address the The failure to realize improved technology adop-
gaps summarized in Table 11.2 and 11.3 on infor- tion by communities as a climate change adapta-
mational and institutional needs. With focus on tion strategy can be attributed to the failures of
these needs, uptake will be possible depending on the scientist to provide information to farmers and
provision of the information to farmers and estab- communities. Meeting the institutional needs for
lishing requisite institutions to promote adoption. the promotion and adoption of technologies is the
The way information is packaged and passed onto responsibility of policy makers. Research should
the farmers and communities influences adoption however be re-oriented so that the information
of technologies. Lessons and experiences learnt needs of farmers and communities are realized.
through ongoing trials of these technologies, needs This includes shifts from focus on improving agri-
to inform scaling out. Linking extension to com- cultural productivity to ‘climate proofing’-ensuring
munities’ needs to enhance adaptation to climate that we adapt to the uncertainties of climate change
change has gaps including weaknesses of exten- but at the same time enhance food security. The
sion approaches. If extension service provision is institutional infrastructure including cross-sectoral
demand driven, its success would be dependent coordination for community-based climate change
on how proactive farmers are, levels of education adaptation, need to be addressed at a more strate-
and other motivating factors, e.g. demand for their gic level, but distributive enough to meet the needs
agricultural products, supportive policies and legis- of communities living under different biophysical
lation and existing market infrastructure. and social conditions. This requires strategic policy
development as well as institutional adaptation. It
is hoped that this paper will catalyze and reshape
ongoing debates on adaptation to climate change.

We are deeply indebted to the World Agroforestry Centre and the European Union for financial support to prepare
this chapter. We also thank our colleagues at ICRAF who provided constructive review comments on an initial version
of this chapter.

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Community-based adaption to climate change in Africa: a typology of information and institutional requirements 175
for promoting uptake of existing adaption technologies
Chapter 12

Balgis Osman-Elasha, Emmanuel Chidumayo and Paul Donfack

12.1 Introduction and floods is expected to increase, exacerbating the

The major ecozones in Africa have been described losses already experienced due to drought and land
in chapters 2 and 5 to 7, which have also highlight- degradation, and creating additional threats to nat-
ed the biological and environmental importance of ural ecosystems.
these ecological regions. These ecosystems also This chapter addresses socio-economic issues
contribute significantly to national economies related to climate change influences on socio-
and the sustenance of livelihoods. For example, economic and livelihoods dependence on natural
Africa’s moist forests are extremely important for resources, including vegetation and wildlife re-
their biodiversity value and support to livelihoods sources, food security and human health as well
(Brockington, 2002) but are also sensitive to global as the impacts of non-climate factors on natural
climate change and may be so severely impacted in resources. The chapter also considers effects of cli-
structure and function that their services can be mate change on women and youth.
greatly threatened (Betts et al., 2008). Over 270
million people, representing 40% of the continent’s
population, live and depend on forests, woodlands 12.2 Climate change and dependence on
and savannas for their livelihoods. These vegeta- forest products
tion types in Africa have been cited in scientific Africa’s forests and woodlands have multiple uses
literature as vital to reducing the continent’s pov- for local communities, ranging from construction
erty; they provide a frontier for agricultural ex- materials, foods, energy, medicines, catchment
pansion, the manure needed to nourish crops, and protection, soil protection, and shade, habitat for
grazing areas for livestock and wildlife. However, wildlife and bees, grazing as well as cultural values.
in some dry lands of Africa, the heavy dependence Africa’s social and economic development is con-
of the rural poor population on natural resour- strained by climate variability and change, habitat
ces for subsistence has largely contributed to de- loss, over-harvesting of selected species, the spread
forestation, land degradation and desertification. of alien species, and activities such as hunting and
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change deforestation.
(IPCC, 2007) report concluded that “climate The Centre for International Forestry Research
change, interacting with human drivers such as de- (CIFOR) defines non-timber forest products
forestation and wild fires, is a threat to Africa’s eco- (NTFPs) as products or services other than tim-
systems”. The same IPCC report further states that ber produced in forests. For example, fruits, nuts,
the frequency of extreme events, such as droughts vegetables, fish, game, medicinal plants, resins,

176 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

essences, barks, and fibres such as bamboo, rat- and Climate Change Adaptation (TroFCCA)
tans and other palms and grasses (Belcher, 2003). project of CIFOR in some local communities in
Non-timber forest products are harvested from for- northern Burkina Faso indicates significant reduc-
est areas and are produced in farmers’ fields. Non- tion in the distribution and availability of some
timber forest products could be directly negatively NTFP species and high variability in their produc-
impacted by climate change through its impacts tivity, making forest-dependent communities more
on the forest resources. They can also be indirectly vulnerable. These changes are attributed to rising
impacted by climatic changes on local livelihoods, temperatures and changing rainfall patterns in ad-
particularly agriculture, which force people to de- dition to human activities such as deforestation,
pend more and more on products from forests and agricultural expansion, over-harvesting, annual
trees. In many rural sub-Saharan Africa commu- bush fires and overgrazing, (Idinoba et al., 2009).
nities, NTFPs may supply over 50% of a farmer’s Forests provide direct and indirect employment
cash income and provide the health needs for over for a large number of people in Africa in collect-
80% of the population, particularly among forest- ing fuelwood, forest fruits, honey, resins, gums
dependent populations (FAO, 2004) (Box 12.1). and others for consumption as well as for selling as
However, expected decreases in rainfall, and in- ‘employment of last resort’ (Angelsen and Wunder,
creased severity and frequency of drought, can ex- 2003). For example, in Cameroon, the small-scale
acerbate current exploitation pressures on forests and informal forestry sector employs an estimat-
and trees and expansion of agriculture into forest ed 100,000 men and women, mainly related to
lands. Research carried out by the Tropical Forest NTFPs. This compares well with the 135,000 jobs

Impacts of climate change on gum Arabic production

Gum arabic from Sudan is obtained from Acacia senegal trees by tapping that involves the removal of pieces of
bark 10–30 cm long and 2–4 cm broad to form wounds. The gum exudes in the form of small droplets from the
wounds that steadily grow in size until they become nodules of 2–5 cm diameter. These nodules are ready to be
picked for sale after about 4–6 weeks. The main gum-producing regions of the Sudan are those falling in the Acacia
senegal savanna vegetation type, which covers most of Kordofan and Darfur states and parts of White Nile state.
The clay plains of east and central Sudan contribute only about 25–30% of the total production of Sudanese gum
arabic. Gum arabic has remained an important cash crop for Sudanese peasants in the arid and semi-arid areas
over thousands of years. Its production is going to remain, for a long time to come, a peasant industry for millions
of smallholders in areas where other income-generating activities are not available.
The gum tree itself is essential for sustaining the farming system and has the advantage that the gum tree Acacia
senegal var. senegal occurs naturally over the large area known as the Gum Belt, which covers 40–50% of the total
area of the country. An assessment of current and long-term impacts of climate change on gum arabic production
has been conducted in Sudan under the auspices of the Sudan’s First National Communication to the UNFCCC (GoS,
2003). The study indicated that a rise in temperature associated with increased water stress would lower gum arabic
production significantly. A southward shift in the natural distribution of this tree species is already being detected
and is projected to continue with declining rainfall. It is estimated that this will result in a reduction in gum arabic
production, region-wide, of between 25% and 30%.

Box 12.1

Socio-economic and gender related aspects of climate change in Africa 177

provided by the formal forestry sector in all nine and game reserves in East and southern Africa.
West and Central African countries – including For example, with around a quarter of a million
Cameroon – combined (Karsenty, 2007). In South people visiting Tanzania’s parks each year, the ma-
Africa, the forestry sector employs close to 170,000 jority of Tanzania’s foreign currency earnings come
people. from eco-tourism (Dobson, 2009). At local level,
Collection and sale of NTFPs can provide em- tourism can generate considerable revenue (Figure
ployment during slack periods of the agricultural 12.1) for the local economy.
cycle and provide an income buffer against climat- Safari game hunting is conducted in game
ic risk and household emergencies. Due to climate hunting areas and can be a more lucrative econom-
change impacts on the productivity and diversity ic activity than eco-tourism. The beneficiaries of
of forest products, forest exports in many African safari hunting are governments, private enterprises
countries are expected to be affected. These in- and local communities and many countries have
clude, for example, the export of timber, nuts, some kind of mechanism for sharing benefits from
fruit, gum and other forest products which gen- game hunting among all these stakeholders.
erate 6% of the economic product of African In most areas that are rich in wildlife spe-
countries (FAO, 1999). These important products cies, local people may be heavily dependent on
play a key role in the livelihoods of African rural the wildlife resource as a source of bush meat.
households as sources of income when traded in lo- In fact, Walter (2001) listed bush meat as an im-
cal, regional, and international markets. So far very portant non-wood forest product in the majority of
few studies have focused on the impact of climate countries in eastern and southern Africa (Figure
change in the consumption and trade of NTFPs. 12.2). About 60% of the rural population in the
Based on Easterling et al. (2007), the impact of Kafue River Basin in Zambia derive some income
climate change on NTFPs is an area that requires from game meat selling (Chidumayo et al., 2004).
greater attention from the research community. However, much of the trade in bush meat is con-

12.3 Climate change and dependence on

wildlife resources
Apart from their biodiversity significance, the ma-
jor uses of wildlife resources in East and southern 160000

Africa are eco-tourism, safari hunting and local 140000

hunting. The major beneficiaries of wildlife re-
source utilization are 1) local people whose liveli- 120000

hoods are historically and culturally dependent on

Revenue (USD)

wildlife products, such as bush meat, 2) govern-
ment which derives revenue from wildlife-based
tourism, 3) the private sector (both foreign and lo- 60000
cal) that operates tourism facilities, and 4) foreign
tourists that view wildlife resources in national
parks and hunt game. Wildlife-based tourism has 20000

great potential for economic development in sub- 0

Saharan Africa, especially in woodland and savan- 1990/91 1992/93 1994/95 1996/97 1998/99 2000/01
na countries of East and southern Africa. Tourism Figure 12.1 Revenue from tourism in Tarangire National Park,
is the principal economic activity in national parks Tanzania. Based on Rodgers et al. (2003).

178 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

ulations of the forest area of Cameroon is derived
from game.
In the Congo Basin, about 80% of the meat
from wildlife and almost one million tonnes of
game for sale are consumed each year (WWF,
2002). Game trade represents the equivalent of
USD 1 to 2 million per year in monetary value but
it is largely unregulated. The marketing of game is
generally informal and illegal. However, estimates
in West and Central African countries suggest that
game is important both in trade and as a source
Figure 12.2 Countries in of food for humans. In the Congo Basin, bush
East and southern Africa meat trade seems to be the first threat to wildlife
in which hunting for and
trading and consumption
0 600
(BTCF, 2002; WWF, 2002).
of bush meat are important Climate change has the potential to shift the
economic and livelihood
activities. Based on Walter configuration and diversity of woody and grassy
(2001). habitats in wildlife conservation areas and since
wildlife species diversity is correlated to habitat
diversity (see chapter 10), it follows that climate
change may also impact negatively on wildlife spe-
cies diversity. The loss of woody habitat in Amboseli
sidered ‘illegal’ because meat is obtained without National Park in Kenya is already causing a loss
government permits. of large mammal diversity, particularly browsing
Even though the wildlife sector is not well de- species (Western, 2006). The large carnivores are
veloped in many countries of Central and West also declining as a result of declining populations
Africa, many protected areas in West and Central of herbivores in many East and southern African
Africa have good potential for the development of parks. Such trends will be of crucial importance in
wildlife tourism while hunting is an important sub- reducing the huge economic potential of national
sistence and commercial activity in some countries. parks as sites for eco-tourism and controlled game
For example, in Cameroon, hunting is an old tradi- hunting areas for safari hunting. Most tourists
tion in the savanna zone and has recently gained in- come to game parks to photograph lions, leopards
terest in the forest zone through the safari hunting and cheetahs while large species are most valued
scheme. Benefits from such forms of utilization are by humans as food or hunting trophies (Dobson,
shared between central governments (50%), local 2009). There is a high correlation between the status
governments (40%) and local communities (10%) of wildlife populations and revenue generated from
when they are organized into legal entities. With the utilization of wildlife resources (Table 13.1), in-
regard to traditional hunting, despite its informal dicating that there is a financial value to be gained
nature, the annual bush meat sales bring more than from better management of wildlife species and
USD 10 million in Cameroon. their habitats under the different climate change
Bush meat significantly contributes to the means scenarios. Thus the loss of wildlife populations
of subsistence of rural populations, who are gener- arising partly from climate change (see chapters 9
ally poor. It is a source of financial revenue for the and 10) can have serious negative impacts on both
rural people and according to Ajayi (1971), about local and national economies.
80% of animal protein consumed by the rural pop-

Socio-economic and gender related aspects of climate change in Africa 179

Table 12.1 Levels of local community incomes from wildlife utilization and the 12.4 Influence of climate change
state of wildlife populations in some game management areas in Kafue River on food security
Basin, Zambia. Source: Chidumayo et al. (2004).
Desertification in Africa is strongly
Status of wildlife
Game management community populations
Income (USD) received linked to poverty, migration and food se-
Status Rank 1991 1994 curity, since people living in poverty have
Kasonso-Busanga (GMA 38) High 3 4,299 29,202
little choice but to overexploit the land.
Mumbwa (GMA 45) High 3 12,918 26,111
Currently two thirds of the continent is
Lunga-Luswishi (GMA 31) Very low 1 5,078 97
desert or dry land, a situation that is going
to be aggravated by climate change (FAO,
Bilili-Springs (GMA 54) Low 2 634
2003). Due to the social and economic
Namwala (GMA 49) Low 2 235
importance of natural resources in many
Kafue Flats (GMA 48) High 3 5,186 14,326
African countries, combating desertifica-
tion and promoting development are vir-
tually one and the same thing. According
to Seppälä (2009), higher temperatures –
Although a large and extensive network of na- along with the prolonged droughts, more intense
tional parks and other protected areas has been pest invasions, and other environmental stresses
established in many ecozones of Africa, these parks that could accompany climate change – would lead
are insufficient to conserve wildlife and key habitats. to considerable forest destruction and degradation
Tarangire National Park, for example, contains less with negative effects on livelihoods and socio-eco-
than 15% of the annual ranges of migratory species nomic development.
such as zebra, wildebeest and elephant (Rodgers et Major environmental challenges currently fac-
al., 2003). It has also been shown in chapter 9 that ing the continent include deforestation, soil degra-
under climate change scenarios, most parks in East dation and desertification, declining biodiversity
and southern Africa will lose some wildlife species and water scarcity. There is an increasing literature
while distribution ranges for some will change. This on deforestation, land degradation, and water log-
will have serious implications for the tourism sector ging and their contribution to declining capacity
in the region. Worse still, many of the conserva- of sub-Sahara Africa to feed itself (FAO, 2002).
tion areas are small (see Figure 9.3 in chapter 9). An FAO (2008) report indicated that low crop
For example, around Tarangire and throughout the yields and poor harvest attributed to frequent fluc-
East African region, wildlife is dependent on com- tuations in rainfall, coupled with food shortages,
munal and private lands for effective conservation have always resulted in low incomes and chronic
of migratory routes and dispersal areas (Rodgers food insecurity, a situation that leaves farming fam-
et al., 2003). According to Dobson (2009), there ilies acutely vulnerable to the smallest hazard or
appears to be a strong relationship between park shock and takes them closer to the poverty line. A
size and extinction rate. Smaller parks lose more World Food Program (WFP) report of 2002 stated
species and they tend to lose those with larger area that in sub-Sahara Africa, because there are poor
requirements, particularly carnivores and if larger harvests, individuals often sell off livestock and as-
herbivores need larger areas to support them, they sets to purchase food, hence completely depleting
should be expected to disappear first from small their livelihood capitals. Seppälä (2009) notes that
national parks. Climate change is likely to speed the decreased rainfall and more severe droughts
up the rate of disappearances with negative con- are expected to be particularly stressful for forest-
sequences for industries and livelihoods based on dependent people in Africa who look to forests for
wildlife species. food, clean water and other basic needs. For these

180 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

people, climate change could mean more poverty, the on-going deforestation in Ethiopia has largely
food insecurity, deteriorating public health, and impacted the irrigated agriculture in Sudan, as well
social conflict. For these reasons, FAO (2003) con- as the hydro-power generation from Al Rosairis
siders that “poverty alleviation and environmental Dam (ElFadul, 2005).
protection in sub-Saharan Africa will remain the Biomass, a major source of energy in rural areas,
most important priorities over the next two dec- represents about 70% of total energy consumption
ades” and proposes the adoption of new approaches in Africa (FAO, 2004). In some countries biomass
that give more priority to strategies for enhancing accounts for 90% of total energy use, e.g. in Uganda
the contribution of forestry to the economic, social (Bizzari, 2009) and Tanzania (Paavola, 2003).
and environmental interests of Africa. Climate change threatens the availability of bio-
According to GIEC (2007), the agriculture mass energy, through species shifting and changes
sector in West African countries is expected to lose in species composition. It is not only climate change
between 2% and 4% of the Gross Domestic Product that affects the availability of and accessibility to
(GDP) by 2100 due to climate change and variabil- fuelwood in Africa but also the increasing defor-
ity. In contrast, case studies carried out in Senegal, estation which lead to land degradation and desert-
Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger estimated that yields ification. Presently, almost half (46%) of Africa’s
of crops like millet and sorghum could decrease land area is vulnerable to desertification (Granich,
between 15% and 25% in Burkina Faso and Niger 2006). Nevertheless, consumption of fuelwood is
by 2100 and that yield of rice could increase from expected to increase with increases in population
10% to 25% for irrigated rice and from 2% to 10% to about 850 million m3 by 2020 (as compared to
for pluvial rice (CEDEAO, SAO, OCDE, 2008, 635 million m3 in 2000) (FAO, 2001). In addition,
in Hamndou and Requier-Desjardins, 2008). urban demand for charcoal is expected to increase
leading to further deforestation and ultimate de-
gradation of African forests and woodlands. Unless
12.5 Climate change and other economic- energy alternatives to firewood and charcoal and
ally important natural resources other sources of income for people whose lives de-
Forest management is considered a key to water pend on forests are found and promoted, deforesta-
resources management in particular and to upland tion will continue unabated.
resources development in general. Forest is tightly
linked to watershed development. The loss of ‘cloud
forests’ through fire since 1976 has resulted in 25% 12.6 Influence of climate change on
annual reduction of fog water (the equivalent of human health
the annual drinking water of one million people li- The burden of obtaining safe drinking water and
ving in Kilimanjaro) (Agrawal et al., 2003; Hemp, sufficient water for proper sanitation and hygiene
2009). Any changes to forests that protect water- is more profound for the poor who very often live
shed areas can have severe impacts on the quantity in degraded environments and who are predomi-
and quality of water supplied to downstream areas nantly women and children. Currently 20% of the
since these forested catchments usually supply wa- total occurrence of disease in the developing world
ter for domestic, agricultural, industrial and other and 34% in sub-Saharan Africa is associated with
needs in downstream regions (FAO, 2007a). For environmental degradation, lack of access to safe
example, a study conducted in Sudan to assess the affordable water and sanitation (WHO, 2009).
impacts of deforestation in the Ethiopian high- Forest loss can contribute directly to the severity
lands, the headwaters of the Blue Nile, on agri- of these health problems through disruption of the
culture and hydro-power generation, revealed that water cycle and increased soil erosion, as well as

Socio-economic and gender related aspects of climate change in Africa 181

indirectly through its effects on local and global the vulnerability of the urban population to natural
climate change which in turn can have a profound disasters and diseases, especially HIV/AIDS and
effect on the survival and spread of disease patho- atmospheric pollution are well recognized (UNEP,
gens (Houghton et al., 2001). The loss of forest eco- 1994).
system services due to climate change will worsen Increasing temperature is expected to provide
public health and related problems. The impact of the optimum conditions for the growth of some
climate change on NTFPs, particularly medicinal vectors such as the mosquito. There is evidence
plants, will also deprive the local people of a cheap that in some sites in the highlands of East Africa,
source of treatment and threatens their health se- a warming trend over the last 30 years has im-
curity. The impact of climate change on the availa- proved conditions for the growth of mosquito pop-
bility of fuelwood could indirectly impact human ulations and therefore the probability of malaria
health, through its impact on water and food sani- transmission and highland epidemics (Pascual et
tation as well as its impact on the nutritional value al., 2006). A study of the microclimate change due
of diet (Barany et al., 2001). to land-use change such as swamp reclamation for
A report by a WHO Task Group has warned agricultural use and deforestation in the highlands
that extreme climatic changes such as floods and of western Kenya, found that tree removal creates
droughts may have important impacts on human suitable conditions for the survival of Anopheles
health (WHO, 2009). Dry conditions over long gambiae larvae and consequently increased risks
periods could increase hazards of forest fires, which of malaria (Munga et al., 2006). Average ambient
could pose serious health respiratory problems. temperatures in the deforested areas of Kakamega
Moreover, the forest and environmental deteriora- in the western Kenyan highlands was 0.5°C higher
tion could lead to out-migration from rural to ur- than that of forested areas, that enhanced mosquito
ban areas. This could impact health in many ways larval-to-pupal development (Afrane et al., 2006).
as displaced people may face situations of scarce Similar linkages between deforestation and increas-
clean drinking water, sewage and rubbish disposal, ing malaria incidence have been observed in the
food security and poverty problems. Additionally, Amazon Basin (Olson et al., 2010, Box 12.2).

Deforestation and malaria in the Amazon Basin

Most malaria cases in Brazil occur in the Amazon Basin where logging rates increased from 12,000 km2 in 1999 to
20,000 km2 per year in 2006. Apparently, Anopheles darlingi mosquitoes, that are the main vectors of malaria in the
Basin, are more abundant in modified landscapes where partially deforested sites provide sunlit microhabitats
that provide ideal conditions for mosquito larvae development and survival. A study conducted in Mâncio Lima
County in Brazil on the border with Peru confirmed that cleared land is associated with higher malaria risk (Olson
et al., 2010). The study noted that biting rate and larval count increase with more deforestation: mean biting rate
was 8.33 per night in areas with over 80% deforestation compared to 0.03 per night in areas with less than 30%
deforestation. Between 1997 and 2006 deforestation increased from 6.6% to 26.0% and the best predictor of ma-
laria risk in Mâncio Lima County was deforestation during the first part of this period. After adjusting for access to
medical care, health district size and spatial trends, the study showed that a 4.3% change in deforestation from
1997 to 2000 was associated with 48% increase of malaria incidence.

Box 12.2

182 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

12.7 Influence of climate change on The gendered social order is based on and main-
cultural resources and values tains these differences (Borgatta and Montgomery,
Forests provide many social, spiritual and aesthet- 2000). Gender relations refer to a complex system
ic benefits. Social benefits provided by forests in- of personal and social relations of domination and
clude recreation, tourism, education and conserva- power through which women and men are socially
tion of sites with cultural or spiritual importance created and maintained and through which they
(FAO, 2005). In rural areas of Africa, tree shade gain access to power and material resources or are
is a gathering place where villagers confer to dis- allocated status within society (IFAD, 2000). The
cuss their daily lives, solve their problems or enjoy impact of climate change on gender relationships
tea and coffee. Sometimes big trees act as a mar- with respect to access to and use of forests resources
ket place where people exchange and sell goods. and on forest sustainability is gaining a growing at-
Sometimes trees act as courtyards where villagers tention from scholars and practitioners. More focus
meet to solve their local conflicts and disputes is being given to assessing and understanding the
(Seppälä, 2009). In arid and semi-arid zones of different benefits that women and men derive from
Africa, forests occupy areas that are almost too forestry services, recognizing gender differences in
dry to support forests and are consequently very access to, control and knowledge of forest resources,
sensitive to changes in the severity or frequency of and identifying the significant differences in ac-
droughts, which in turn could impact forest-related cess of women and men to forest-related decision
socio-economic and cultural aspects of local com- making, institutions and economic opportunities
munities (Seppälä, 2009). It is important for forest (IUCN, 2009).
managers and planners to take these cultural and It is generally recognized in Africa that forests
spiritual values into consideration when develop- are important for the rural poor, the majority of
ing forest development strategies and mitigation whom are women, and who often do not own land
plans. It is equally important to consider them in but do use forest resources for subsistence and in-
community-level adaptation efforts. come generation (Agrawal, 2002). It is now well
In many countries certain cultural, social and established by climate science that Africa will be
spiritual values are associated with some NTFPs disproportionately affected by climate change,
such as the use of Frankincense or Olibanum which (IPCC, 2007), which poses a significant challenge
exudates from Boswelia trees for making incense to the achievement of sustainable development for
in traditional ceremonies in Sudan and Kenya the rural poor, especially women, who are expected
(Chikamai and Kagombe, 2002), and sometimes as to suffer most from its impacts. Their vulnerability
medicine. The NTFPs, though not easily quanti- stems from their central role in socio-economic de-
fied, may in some cases be as important to people as velopment. Gender considerations need to be re-
the economic value (Davidson-Hunt et al., 2001); cognized, not only when vulnerability and impacts
an issue that is often overlooked. of climate change are highlighted but also in rela-
tion to adaptation and mitigation efforts. The mil-
lennium development goals recognize the need to
12.8 Gender aspects of climate change promote gender equality and empower women to
Gender is the division of people into two catego- participate in all facets of economic and social life
ries, ‘men’ and ‘women’. Through interaction with with the aim of achieving sustainable development.
caretakers, socialization in childhood, peer pres- Greater efforts are needed in order to achieve the
sure in adolescence, and gendered work and family objective of mobilizing and empowering women
roles, women and men are socially constructed to and men in Africa to address global environmental
be different in behavior, attitudes and emotions. challenges such as climate change (UNDP, 2001).

Socio-economic and gender related aspects of climate change in Africa 183

Although it is widely known that women are stock and raw materials to produce natural medi-
active actors in the protection and management cines, all of which help to increase family income
of forest resources, Agarwal (2002) observes that while men are involved in timber extraction and
women are often excluded from participation in the use of NTPs for commercial purposes (UNDP,
forestry-related decision making for various rea- 2001). Due to this division in labour, women living
sons including rules governing the community for- near the forest are differently and disproportion-
estry groups, social barriers stemming from cul- ately harmed by deforestation and have stronger
tural constructions of gender roles, responsibilities interest in forest conservation and sustainable use.
and expected behavior, logistical barriers relating Meinzen-Dick et al. (1997) stressed the need for
to the timings and length of organizational meet- giving due attention to gender differences in prop-
ings, and male bias in the attitudes of those pro- erty rights since it can improve the outcomes of
moting community forestry initiatives. He pointed natural resource management policies and projects
out that the need for understanding this depriva- in terms of efficiency, environmental sustainability,
tion is critical as women continue to be among the equity, and empowerment of resource users. They
poorest in many developing countries and their de- indicated that security of women’s property rights
pendence on forest resources for subsistence, will and access to forest and tree resources serve as an
assume even greater importance as they face new important incentive for their adopting resource
challenges due to increasing global interconnected- conserving measures (Mwangi et al., 2009).
ness and climate change. Finally, it is essential that forestry projects aim-
For centuries, women have passed on their ing at addressing mitigating and/or adaptation to
skills and local experiences on natural resource climate change adopt a gender-based approach that
management and acquired valuable knowledge incorporates the gender differences between wom-
that will enable them to contribute positively to the en and men, i.e. socially-defined differences in
identification of appropriate adaptation and miti- terms of roles and responsibilities, problems, needs
gation measures if their knowledge is tapped. For and priorities and knowledge of and access to and
example, the Kenya’s Greenbelt Movement, found- control over forest and tree resources. It is equally
ed by Nobel Peace Laureate Wangari Maathai important to promote participation of women in
and the World Bank’s Community Development forestry development policies, strategies and capac-
Carbon Fund, signed an emissions reductions ity-building initiatives related to the conservation
purchase agreement to reforest two mountain areas and sustainable management of forests and trees
in Kenya. Women groups will plant thousands of and their use. National forests legislations should
trees, an activity that will also provide poor rural also be reformed in order to protect women’s rights
women with a small income and some economic concerning forest resources in Africa.
independence. Women’s empowerment through
this process will also capture 350,000 tonnes of
carbon dioxide, restore soil lost to erosion and sup- 12.9 Vulnerabilities of forests to
port regular rainfall essential to Kenya’s farmers non-climatic factors
and hydro-electric power plants (IUCN, 2009). Climate change is not the only threat that African
Women can play an important role in supporting forests are facing. They are subjected to a number
households and communities to mitigate and adapt of non-climatic factors. This part of the chapter
to climate change. Across Africa, women’s leader- focuses on these non-climatic and often human-
ship in natural resource management is well recog- induced factors that contribute to impacts and
nized. Women typically gather forest products for vulnerability of African forests. They include poor
fuel, fencing, food for the family, fodder for live- management, population growth, poverty, policies

184 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

and governance, competition over resources and many underlying human-induced changes in the
conflicts. environment, and contribute to deforestation and
land degradation.
Slash and burn agriculture, coupled with the
12.9.1 Management of natural resources high occurrence of lightning across Africa, is
Globally, humans have large and pervasive influence thought to be responsible for a large proportion
over the different natural systems. They present of wildfires. The dynamics of savannas and wood-
an important part of most ecosystems and many lands are strongly linked to fires, so any likely
ecosystems have been heavily modified by them. changes in fire intensity and frequency will have
As a consequence, ecosystems function in a context unknown consequences on vegetation (Menaut et
of multiple human influences and interacting fac- al., 1990). For example, the upland rice cultivation
tors (Worm et al., 2006). Historically, human ac- under slash-and-burn shifting cultivation, espe-
tivities have largely shaped the natural ecosystems cially in sub-Saharan Africa, has resulted in de-
through, for example, introducing new species, or struction of forest vegetation and this could further
moving non-native species from one ecosystem to increase deforestation in these areas, if the cultiva-
another. Even without climate change, African tion expands (FAO, 2007a).
forests are shrinking at a high rate as a result of While traditional national forest inventories
deforestation and over-logging (forests are lost an- provide an overall assessment of forest carbon
nually at an estimated rate of more than 5 million stocks, additional analysis is needed to attribute
ha [FAO, 2007b]). stock changes to specific climatic change-related
Paeth (2007) concluded that, for at least the events. Some studies have documented responses of
first part of this century, the local impacts of de- ecosystems, plants and animals to climate changes
forestation would be more devastating to tropical that have already occurred (Parmesan, 2006;
Africa than direct impacts resulting from climate Rosenzweig et al., 2007). These studies, although
change and therefore vegetation protection at the mainly conducted in the temperate forests, demon-
national scale may directly contribute to mitiga- strate many direct and indirect effects of climate
tion of the expected negative implications of future change on ecosystems.
climate change in Africa. In the long term, signif- Evidence of the ecological impacts of climate
icant shifts in the spatial distribution and extent change becomes more convincing when trends
of tropical forests are very likely, not least because are observed among hundreds of species rather
of the interaction of climate-change impacts with than relying on studies of a few particular spe-
the many non-climatic environmental changes tak- cies (National Research Council, 2008). Based on
ing place in the tropics (Huntingford et al., 2008; a study by Bigelow et al. (2003), one of the most
Nepstad et al., 2008). noticeable indications of climate change is the
The close relation between humans and forests northward extension of northern temperate forest,
and the many linkages between human livelihoods which reflects warmer summers than at present. In
and forest ecosystems, make it generally difficult to the tropics the more vegetated conditions inferred
attribute ecological changes directly or solely to the from pollen records in the now dry sub-Saharan
effects of climate change. This is why the question ecozones indicating the prevalence of wetter condi-
of attribution to climate change is always associat- tions in the distant past in these zones (Braconnot
ed with forestry. Further assessments and studies et al., 2004) and demonstrating the impact of
are needed to address the issue of attribution in climate change on the distribution of vegetation
relation to tropical forest, particularly in Africa, types.
where changes in climate will interact with the

Socio-economic and gender related aspects of climate change in Africa 185

12.9.2 Population growth cause of soil degradation and productivity decline
Tropical forests and rangelands are under threat in Africa (FAO, 2002). In the absence of trees the
from population pressures and systems of land use. impacts of environmental factors, such as wind and
Logging, land conversion to agriculture and settle- water run-off, become harsher and reinforce to rob
ments, wild fires, cutting for firewood and charcoal, the soil of its fertility. The impact of land degrada-
and civil unrest are identified as the primary causes tion is then reflected in productivity decline, low
of deforestation in Africa. Many of these pressures harvest, hunger and the increase in poverty levels.
are driven by population growth. Apparent effects The cycle then goes on since the poor, with short-
from these pressures include rapid deterioration er time-horizons, and usually less secure access to
in vegetation cover, biodiversity loss and depletion natural resources, are unable and often unwilling
of water availability through destruction of catch- to invest in natural resource management. Poverty
ments and aquifers (Watson et al., 1997; Achard et makes recovery from impacts of hazardous climat-
al., 2002). According to FAO (2005), globally net ic events, which are projected to increase under
carbon stocks in forest biomass decreased by about climate change scenarios, extremely difficult and
4,000 Mt CO2 annually between 1990 and 2005, contributes to lowering social and ecological resist-
with the largest annual net loss of forested area oc- ance.
curring in Africa. Africa suffered a net loss of for- A number of countries, such as Cameroon,
est area exceeding 3.6 million ha per year between Nigeria and Ethiopia, have identified poverty as a
2000 and 2005. The greatest losses occurring in major contributing factor to deforestation (World
heavily forested countries, which are generally ac- Bank, 2007). This could be explained by the fact
companied by huge losses of fertile soil and some that high dependence on natural resources forces
areas across the continent are said to be losing over people to over-exploit the surrounding forests and
50 metric tonnes of soil per hectare per year (FAO, woodlands. The ongoing deforestation leads to
2005). Based on (IPCC, 2007) carbon stocks in land degradation and loss of soil fertility, which
forest biomass in Africa, Asia and South America eventually weakens livelihoods of local people, un-
decreased but increased in all other developed re- dermines their ability to recover, and pushes them
gions. This clearly shows the direct link between towards chronic poverty and destitution. Coupled
climate change and development. Field inventories with the aggravating impact of climate change,
of forest species have also shown a 25–30 km shift this could finally create a vicious circle that engulfs
in the Sahel, Sudan and Guinean vegetation zones more and more people in rural areas of Africa.
in West Africa in the past half century (Gonzalez,
12.9.4 Policies and governance
Sustainable forest management is essential for re-
12.9.3 Poverty ducing the vulnerability of forests to climate change.
Local people in Africa have very close relationship The current failure to implement it limits the capac-
with trees and forests, as they represent to them ity of forests and forest-dependent people to adapt
important assets for reducing poverty and increas- to climate change. Based on the WG3 of the IPCC
ing their livelihood options. Poverty is a major (2007) report, forests in Africa have historically
cause and consequence of environmental degrada- passed through two types of governance. Firstly
tion and resource depletion that threatens the sus- under traditional systems controlled by families,
tainable livelihoods and human security in Africa traditional leaders and communities where deci-
(Osman-Elasha, 2008). Various studies provide sions regarding land allocation, redistribution and
evidence that the loss of forest cover is the main protection were the responsibility of local leaders

186 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

and forest and range resources managed for multi- in concessions exists side by side with costly and
ple benefits. Secondly the central government sys- unsustainable levels of illegal logging.
tems in which land-use policies are sector-based, On the other hand, changes in policy that pro-
with strong governance in the agricultural sector. mote sustainable forest management and the main-
Agriculture expansion policies typically dominate tenance of forest ecosystem services will at the same
land use at the expense of forestry and rangeland time reduce the vulnerability of forest-dependent
management. This has greatly influenced present people. This includes policies that involve com-
day forest and range policies and practices and re- munities and aim at improving conservation and
sulted in vast land degradation. Out of 649 million sustainable utilization of forest ecosystem goods
forested ha in Africa in 2000, only 5.5 million ha and services. Evidence from many case studies in
(0.8%) had long-term management plans, and only Sudan suggests that integrated forest management
0.9 million ha (0.1%) were certified on the basis where communities have access rights to forest
of sound forestry standards (FAO, 2001; IPCC, lands and are involved in management is a key fac-
2007). This is mainly attributed to the inadequacy tor favouring the restoration of forest carbon stocks
of robust institutional and regulatory frameworks, (IUCN, 2004). Such projects provide examples of a
trained personnel, and secure land tenure which collaborative system for the rehabilitation and use
have largely constrained the effectiveness of forest of the forest land property based on defined and
management in many developing countries includ- acceptable criteria for land cultivation by the local
ing those in Africa (IPCC, 2007) people and for forest sustainability.
In many situations there are significant govern-
ance-related barriers to action that could exacer-
bate the impact of climate change on forests, in- 12.9.5 Competition over resources and
cluding a lack of accountability, unclear property conflicts
rights and corruption. Adger (1999) and Adger Numerous studies indicate that there is a connec-
et al. (2003) highlighted the lack of support in- tion between climate change on the one hand and
frastructure and effective governance system that security and violent conflicts on the other (Boko
can further increase vulnerability to climate change et al., 2007). Illegal forestry activities and poor
impacts. Traditional forms of forest governance governance in Africa are among the factors that
that focus on hierarchical, top-down policy for- can trigger conflict between different land users.
mulation and implementation by the nation state Widespread violence in turn makes forestry con-
and the use of regulatory policy instruments are servation efforts ineffective. External intervention,
not flexible enough to meet the challenges posed particularly when driven by fast revenues and bene-
by climate change (Seppälä, 2009). The issue of fits can also cause local resentment and subsequent
poor governance related to forest management is conflicts.
also highlighted by Agrawal (2007), who revealed In several parts of Africa, timber has become
significant levels of logging that were being carried associated with violent conflict. Based on UNEP
out in forests nominally under government control (2006), the links between timber exploitation and
in some African countries with moist forests. The conflict have generally two objectives:
Agrawal (2007) estimates that illegal logging in • To use the revenues from the timber trade for
developing countries results in a loss of USD 15 purchasing arms and weapons which in turn
billion every year and Keller et al. (2007) also ex- fuel more conflicts.
plained that the limited enforcement of conces- • The illegal felling and exploitation of timber
sion agreements in most countries in Africa and may itself be a direct cause of conflict. This
Southeast Asia has also meant that legal logging may be because of disputes over, for example,

Socio-economic and gender related aspects of climate change in Africa 187

ownership of forest resources, local environ- 12.10 Conclusions
mental degradation, the distribution of bene- Africa’s forests and woodlands have multiple uses
fits, or social conflicts. for local communities, ranging from construction
Although conflicts may sometimes isolate people materials, foods, energy, medicines, catchment
from forest areas and consequently provide un- protection, soil protection and shade, habitat for
intended protection from investors and intruding wildlife and bees, grazing as well as cultural val-
communities, many cases of abuse and illegal fel- ues. Wildlife resources in sub-Saharan Africa have
ling of commercial tree species by army officers great potential for economic development in which
have been reported, e.g. during the war in southern tourism and game hunting are the principal eco-
Sudan (FNC, 2009). Refugee migrations are caus- nomic activities. However, Africa’s social and eco-
ing further pressure on the environment, with ma- nomic development is constrained by climate var-
jor population movements due to conflict but also iability and change, habitat loss, over-harvesting
increasingly as a result of food and water shortages. of selected species, the spread of alien species, and
Western Africa is a classical arena where refugees activities such as hunting and deforestation. In ad-
have impacted negatively on different types of na- dition, desertification in Africa is strongly linked
tural resources, as over one million Sierra Leonean to poverty, migration and food security, since
and Liberian refugees fled across their borders people living in poverty have little choice but to
within the Upper Guinea forests of Guinea and overexploit the land. Currently two thirds of the
Côte d’Ivoire clearing forests for farmland, felling continent is desert or dry land, a situation that is
trees for the construction of refugee camps, logging going to be aggravated by climate change.
and mining (Bishop and Garnett, 2000). Climate change is not the only threat that
Negative effects of deforestation include water African forests and wildlife resources are facing.
pollution, heath hazards, declining agricultural They are subjected to a number of non-climatic
land and production, timber and fuel wood short- factors that include poor management, population
ages and loss of biodiversity. Deforestation around growth, poverty, policies and governance, compe-
refugee settlements is a common phenomenon in tition over resources and conflicts. Nevertheless,
the arid and semi-arid lands and savannas of Africa. forest management is considered a key to water re-
Clearing for settlement, crops, extraction of timber sources management. Any changes to forests that
for commercial and domestic use and removal for protect watershed areas can have severe impacts
fuel and charcoal production around settlement on the quantity and quality of water supplied to
nodes have devastating impacts on forest cover. For downstream areas since these forested catchments
example, the UNHCR found that, based on 1989 usually supply water for domestic, agricultural, in-
estimates, roughly 11 million trees, representing dustrial and other needs in downstream regions.
a deforestation of over 12,000 hectares, were cut Increasing temperature is expected to provide
for providing shelter for refugees during the initial the optimum conditions for the growth of some
period of refugee influxes in Africa (Cardy, 1993). vector organisms, such as the mosquito, that will
In addition, about 4 million tonnes of fuelwood impact negatively on human health. It is now well
were consumed by refugees in Africa. The factors established by climate science that Africa will
affecting the extent of the environmental impact of be disproportionately affected by climate change
refugees include the numbers of the refugees, the which poses a significant challenge to the achieve-
conditions under which they are settled, the avail- ment of sustainable development for the rural poor,
able infrastructure and employment opportunities especially women, who are expected to suffer most
(Black, 1993; Crisp, 2003). from its impacts. Their vulnerability stems from

188 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

their central role in socio-economic development.
Gender considerations need to be recognized, not
only when vulnerability and impacts of climate
change are highlighted but also in relation to adap-
tation and mitigation efforts.

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Worm, B., Barbier, E.B., Beaumont, N., Duffy, J.E., Folke, C., Halpern, B.S., Jackson, J. B.C., Lotze, H.K., Micheli, F. and Palumbi, S.R. 2006.
Impacts of biodiversity loss on ocean ecosystem services. Science 314: 787–790.

Socio-economic and gender related aspects of climate change in Africa 191

Chapter 13

Willy R. Makundi

13.1 Introduction In 1997 the Kyoto Protocol (KP) to the

Framework Convention on Climate Change was
signed (UNFCCC, 1997a) and came into force in
13.1.1 Genesis of carbon markets and trade February 2005. So far, the treaty has been acced-
In 1988, after noting the increasing scientific evi- ed to by over 166 parties. The Protocol committed
dence and concern that anthropogenic emissions of signatories to reduce emissions of greenhouse gas-
greenhouse gases may have been dangerously inter- es into the atmosphere, given their common but
fering with the global climate, the United Nations differentiated responsibilities. Parties in Annex I
General Assembly (UNGA) instructed The United (developed countries and those in transition from
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and centrally planned economies to market econo-
the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) mies) took binding commitments under the Kyoto
to form the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Protocol to reduce emissions by an average of 5.2%
Change (IPCC), with a mandate to provide pol- of their 1990 emission levels, excluding emissions
icy makers with authoritative scientific informa- from aviation and international shipping.
tion to address the global climate change problem. On their part, non-Annex I (developing)
The process culminated into the United Nations countries agreed to collaborate with Annex I par-
Framework Convention on Climate Change ties to assist them meet their binding commitments
(UNFCCC), which was opened for signature at while pursuing sustainable development. This in-
the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992, teraction is encapsulated in the protocol’s Article
when it was signed by 154 states and the European 12 – Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) that
Community. The Convention entered into force on allows emitters to reduce emissions in non-Annex I
March 21, 1994, and now has near universal mem- countries and use part or all of the emission reduc-
bership, having been ratified by over 190 countries. tions to meet their obligations under the Protocol.
The UNFCCC committed the parties to sta- CDM is one of three flexible mechanisms under
bilize atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse the Protocol involving carbon trading/offsets, the
gases “at a level that would prevent dangerous an- other two, international Emission Trading (ET)
thropogenic interference with the climate system”, and Joint Implementation (JI) being restricted to
by adhering to the principle of common but dif- Annex I countries.
ferentiated responsibilities (UNFCCC, 1992). The Legally binding, quantified emission reduction
Conference of the Parties to the Convention met obligations only became part of international law
annually and launched the process to operation- with the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol,
alize the objectives of the Convention.

192 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

marking the beginning of regulated emission trad- • formalizing Decision 2/CP.13 to include
ing in carbon and the regulated carbon market. Emission Reductions from Deforestation and
forest Degradation (REDD+) in the emission
reduction sector, with a keen view to eventually
13.1.2 Legal framework for carbon markets and including it in the carbon market and trade,
trade • bringing in the United States of America
There are two types of carbon markets, that is the (USA) into the global carbon market, as the
regulated and the unregulated markets. For the second largest GHG emitter that never ratified
regulated markets, Article 4 of the Convention the Kyoto Protocol, and
forms the operational basis for emission reduction • expanding the scope of mitigation to include
and Article 3 of the Protocol provides binding emis- conserving and further enhancement of forest
sion reduction commitments to 35 Annex I countries. carbon stocks in developing countries and also
Flowing from the above mentioned two articles, introducing Nationally Appropriate Mitigation
we obtain from Articles 6 and 12 of the Protocol the Actions (NAMAs) that potentially covers all
basis for carbon markets and trading – the Flexible sectors. How much of the NAMAs carbon will
Mechanisms, in the form of Joint Implementation be tradeable will be a function of post COP15
(JI) and Emission Trading (ET) for Annex I and further negotiations.
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) between
Annex I and Non-Annex I parties (UNFCCC,
1997a, op. cit.). 13.1.3 How carbon markets operate
Preceding the Kyoto-derived carbon market, All the carbon markets are unique in that they have
a Compliance Market (Voluntary Carbon Market) different operating systems. The regulated market
had existed, by and for companies, individuals and so far is a project-based market rooted in the con-
communities that wanted to voluntarily reduce cept of a baseline and credit system. The emission
their carbon footprint. This market has its roots in reductions are created and traded through a given
the environmental movements in western countries project or activity (JI and CDM). On the other
such as the US, Europe, Japan and Australia dat- hand, the allowance market is a cap-and-trade sys-
ing back to the late seventies and early eighties. tem, where emission allowances are defined by re-
Understandably, the market is smaller and with less gulations at the international, national, regional or
stringent rules than the regulated market. firm level – Kyoto-ET, EU-ETS or domestic regu-
More recent developments have sought to lations, e.g. UK, Australia, Japan, Canada, Korea,
revamp the carbon markets by expanding both the or firms, e.g. BP, Shell. There is a structural linkage
scope and parties’ commitments in the next com- between EU-ETS and project-based mechanisms.
mitment period. In 2006, COP13 put forth the In the voluntary market, individuals and com-
Bali Action Plan calling for deeper implementa- panies account for and trade their greenhouse gas
tion of the Convention and seeking to expand the emissions on a voluntary basis (e.g. carbon and
scope of mitigation (UNFCCC, 2008). COP15 travel compensation schemes). Several companies
resulted in the 2009 Copenhagen Accord that have expressed interest in buying project-based
pending agreement on modalities and procedures credits (Certified Emission Reductions [CERs]
will potentially deepen and broaden the carbon and Emission Reduction Units [ERUs]).
market, by For African countries, under the current glob-
• formalizing the Bali Action Plan from Decision al carbon trade regime, the Clean Development
1/CP.13 to extend the Protocol to a second Mechanism provides the widest opportunities for
commitment period beyond 2012, their participation. The CDM has the following
key characteristics:

African forests and trees in the global carbon market 193

• allows Annex I parties to purchase CERs from As shown in Table 13.3, two thirds of all CDM
Non-Annex I parties through eligible projects, projects in 2008 are in the renewable energy sector,
• requires that the project must contribute to generating two fifths of all CERs. Emissions re-
sustainable development (SD) as per the host ductions in the land use sector contribute less than
country’s SD criteria, 1% of total reductions with only nine projects in af-
• is run by the Executive Board with a few forestation and deforestation, as mentioned above.
supporting groups, panels and teams, e.g. Domination of the CDM market by four
Methodology Panel, Accreditation Panel, countries: China, India, Brazil and Mexico, hold-
Afforestation/Reforestation Working Group, ing 75% of CDM projects is clearly illustrated
Small Scale Working Group, Registration in Figure 13.1, while Table 13.4 shows that over
Issuance and Transfer teams, 95% of projects and CERs are in the Asia-Pacific
• has modalities and procedures guiding the and Latin American regions, with Africa fielding
whole process from project proposal, verifica- about 2% of projects and 3.3% of projected CERs
tion, methodologies for baselines and monitor- by 2012.
ing, accreditation to certification and crediting. The skewed geographical distribution of pro-
jects extends to the voluntary carbon market where
Asia also dominates the market with two-fifths of
13.1.4 Performance of global carbon markets the projects, with Africa hosting only 2% of the
Table 13.1 shows the status of CDM projects in the projects (Table 13.5) (VCS, 2008 op. cit.).
processing cycle by May 2009. It is noteworthy that close to half of the pro-
Transaction volumes and values in all carbon jects in the voluntary market are located in Annex
markets in 2006 and 2007 were as summarized in I countries (in North America, Europe & Russia
Table 13. 2 below. and Australia).
The distribution of CDM projects has been In 2008/2009 the world economy faced a
strongly skewed by sector and geographical regions. protracted financial crisis that led to a downturn

Table 13.1 Status ofCDM projects, May 2009. Table 13.2 Transaction volumes and values in all carbon markets, 2006 and 2007.
Source: UNFCCC CDM website, 2009.. Source: Ecosystem Marketplace, New Carbon Finance, World Bank, 2008.
Status Number Volume (MtCO2e) Value** (million USD)
In registration process 202 2006 2007 2006 2007
Withdrawn or rejected 136 1. Voluntary OTC market 14.3 42.1 58.5 258.4
Projects at validation 2,935 2. CCX 10.3 22.9 38.3 72.4
Registered no CER issuance 1,096 3. Total voluntary markets 24.6 65.0 96.8 330.8
Registered CER issued 500 4. EU-ETS 1,104.0 2,061.0 24,436.0 50,097.0
Total registered 1,596 5. Primary CDM 537.0 551.0 6,887.0 6,887.0
Total projects 4,869 6. Secondary CDM 25.0 240.0 8,384.0 8,384.0

*) Estimated to exceed USD 126 billion in 2008 and  7. Joint Implementation 16.0 41.0 141.0 495.0
USD 150 billion in 2009 (same size as the music 8. New South Wales 20.0 25.0 225.0 224.0
industry), with CDM accounting for about USD 20
billion in 2008 (Ecosecurities, 2009). 9. Total regulated markets 1,702.0 2,918.0 45,072.0 66,087.0
**) 2007 regulated markets value per CER =
USD 22/tCO2e. Voluntary = USD 5/tCO2e. 10. Total global market* (USD billion) 1,727 2,983.0 40.17 66.42

194 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Table 13.3 CDM projects in the pipeline (global) by type, 2008. Source: Risoe CDM/JI Project
Pipeline and Analysis (, 2009.
Major type Number % KCERs %
HFCs, PFCs & N2O reduction 97 2.0 132,528 22.0
Renewable energy 2,877 63.0 241,259 39.0
CH4 (reduction & cement & coal mine/bed) 704 16.0 105,724 17.0
Supply-side EE 468 10.0 79,362 13.0
Fuel switch 140 3.1 44,408 7.2
Demand-side EE 207 4.6 7,120 1.2
Afforestation/Reforestation 39 0.9 2,205 0.4
Transport 9 0.2 981 0.2
Total 4,541 100.0 613,587 100.0

Table 13.4 Regional distribution of CDM Projects in the pipeline (2004–2009). Source: Risoe
CDM/JI Project Pipeline and Analysis (
Total in the CDM pipeline Number % KCERs 2012 CERs % Population Per cap.
Latin America 873 18.4 80,486 421,214 14.4 449 0.94
Asia & Pacific 3,657 77.3 516,698 2,358,509 80.4 3,418 0.69
Europe & Central Asia 48 1.0 4,105 17,541 0.6 149 0.12 Notes:
- The regional share of the global
Africa 102 2.2 21,085 97,966 3.3 891 0.11 market has remained constant.
- Even though African countries
Middle East 53 1.1 7,783 36,583 1.2 186 0.20 are making some progress; their
Less Developed Countries 4,733 100 630,156 2,931,813 100 5,093 0.58 share of the CDM market is low in
all comparisons.

100% Table 13.5 2007 Voluntary market (OTC) trans-

action by region.
Location %
Asia 39
India North America 27
Europe & Russia 13

50% Australia 7

40% South America 7

30% Africa 2
Others 5



Figure 13.1 Regional distribution of CDM projects (market dominated by

four countries), 2004 – March 2009. Source: Risoe CDM/JI Project Pipeline
and Analysis (

African forests and trees in the global carbon market 195

25 about USD 1 billion. About one third of
these projects were in South Africa and
20 Nigeria, with the bulk of the CERs coming
from industrial projects and methane capture
EUR per tCO2e

15 (Table 13.7), with the two countries account-

EUA ing for over half of the total CERs in Africa.
10 sCER Though Nigeria has only four of the projects
} pCER
(offtake) on the continent, it has more than 26% of the
5 CERs mostly due to the large oil field CH4
capture project that replaced flaring.
0 There are many reasons underlying
- 08 - 08 - 08 - 08 - 08 - 0 9 - 09 - 09 - 0 9
Africa’s dismal performance in the carbon
g p t v c n b r r
Au Se Oc No De Ja Fe Ma Ap
market so far. Historically, compared to
Figure 13.2 Recent trends in the carbon market 2008–2009. Asia-Pacific and Latin America, the continent
Source: Capoor and Ambrosi, 2009.
has lagged behind in collaborative mitigation ef-
forts beginning with the 1980’s pilot phase Joint
Implementation (JI) programme that later became
in global economic activity which in turn affect- Activities Implemented Jointly (AIJ) where devel-
ed the carbon market negatively (Figure 13.2). oping countries hosted GHG mitigation pilot pro-
The onset of this crisis, combined with the then jects funded by developed countries (UNFCCC,
existing uncertainties about future global climate 1997b; UNFCCC, 1999).
change governance regime led to a steep decline Underlying this lukewarm response to climate
in CER market prices in 2008, when the primary change mitigation by Africa is the historical sus-
CDM market contracted (Capoor and Ambrosi, picion surrounding the evolution of the climate
2008; 2009). A similar reduction occurred in the change debate, with many African countries har-
price of carbon credits (CERs – carbon credits un- bouring concerns that they, instead of the real per-
der the CDM; EUAs – carbon allowances under petrators which are the developed and industrial
the EU-ETS), which saw the primary CDM mar- countries, were being made to shoulder responsi-
ket price fall to USD 10/EUR 7 in February 2009 bilities to clean up the global environment that was
(Figure 13.2). There are signs of recovery in the soiled by their wealthy cousins. Also contributing
CDM market. to this slow response is the lack of significant in-
dustrial emissions on the continent, coupled with
some reluctance by environmental groups especi-
13.2 Initiatives and experiences in Africa ally in the west to involve the land use sector in
on carbon trade and markets emission reduction efforts.

13.2.1 Africa’s participation in the CDM

Table 13.6 shows the cumulative number of CDM 13.2.2 Sectoral distribution of CDM projects in
projects in Africa from the inception of the Kyoto Africa
Protocol in 2004 to 2009, while Table 13.7 shows Similar to the global picture, the sectoral distri-
the distribution of CERs by African countries in bution of CDM projects in Africa is dominated
CDM projects in the pipeline in 2008. by renewable energy projects followed by land-
As of mid-2009, there were 102 CDM projects fill emission reduction or methane capture, ac-
in Africa (Table 13.6) with total CERs valued at counting for two-thirds of CDM projects on the

196 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Table 13.6 Cumulative number of projects in Africa since the Kyoto Table 13.7 CDM projects in the pipeline in Africa 2008. Source: Risoe
Protocol came into force. Source: Risoe CDM/JI Project Pipeline and CDM/JI Project Pipeline and Analysis (
Analysis (

Country/Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Country Number kCERs by 2012 % of CERs
Egypt 0 0 5 7 12 12 South Africa 28 24,314 26.6
Morocco 1 4 5 5 10 10 Egypt 12 16,673 18.2
Tunisia 0 0 2 2 2 2 Morocco 10 3,006 3.3
North Africa 1 4 12 14 24 24 Uganda 9 1,175 1.3
Cameroon 0 0 0 0 0 1 Kenya 8 3,402 3.7
Cape Verde 0 0 0 0 0 1 Tanzania 6 3,758 4.1
Congo DR 0 0 0 0 2 2 Nigeria 4 23,821 26.1
Côte d’Ivoire 0 1 1 1 2 2 Côte d’Ivoire 2 5,974 6.5
Ethiopia 0 0 0 0 1 1 Mali 2 281 0.3
Kenya 0 0 1 4 7 9 Tunisia 2 4,125 4.5
Liberia 0 0 0 0 0 1 Senegal 2 1,103 1.2
Madagascar 0 0 0 0 1 1 Mauritius 1 1,764 1.9
Mali 0 0 0 1 2 2 Mozambique 1 228 0.2
Mauritius 0 0 0 1 1 1 Madagascar 1 210 0.2
Mozambique 0 0 0 1 1 1 Zambia 1 588 0.6
Nigeria 0 2 2 2 4 6 Ethiopia 1 181 0.2
Rwanda 0 0 0 0 1 1 Swaziland 1 252 0.3
Senegal 0 0 0 1 2 2 Rwanda 1 74 0.1
South Africa 1 7 16 23 27 29 Cameroon 1 460 0.5
Swaziland 0 0 0 0 1 1 DR Congo* 1 – –
Tanzania 0 0 1 2 5 6 Total 96 91,390 100
Uganda 0 1 1 2 8 10 *) Missing data on CERs 2012.
Zambia 0 0 0 0 1 1
Sub-saharan Africa 1 11 22 38 66 78
Total Africa 2 15 34 52 90 102
Afforestation &
10% Renewables

Supply-side EE

continent (Figure 13.3). Whereas Afforestation/ HFC & N2O reduction

Reforestation projects account for less than 1% of
CDM projects in the world, in Africa they account Fuel switch
for 10% of CDM projects. This trend is promising 7%

as it signifies that there is a large potential in se-

questering carbon on land in Africa compared to Landfill etc.
the small emission reduction potential from fossil 26%

fuels and industry. Figure 13.3 Sectoral distribution of CDM projects in Africa. Source:
Risoe CDM/JI Project Pipeline and Analysis (

African forests and trees in the global carbon market 197

13.2.3 Afforestation/Reforestation (A/R) CDM Table 13.8 A/R CDM Projects in the pipeline
in Africa (as of March 1st, 2009). Source: Risoe
projects CDM/JI Project Pipeline and Analysis (http://
As noted earlier, there has been a dearth of CDM

projects in the land use sectors. As at the end of Uganda 5

2009, there were only four registered forestry CDM Tanzania 3

projects, namely in China, Macedonia, India and DRC 2
Uganda. By March 2009, there were only 39 A/R Mali 1
projects in the pipeline globally, about a third of Ethiopia 1
which were in Africa (Table 13.8). Total Africa 12
A key question is: “Why dwell on forestry mit- Global 39
igation projects in Africa?” There are many factors
that make A/R activities pivotal to Africa’s con-
tribution to the global climate mitigation effort,
including but not limited to:
1. Africa has an abundance of land (Figure 13.4)
and, since land is the key A/R input, the conti-
nent has a high potential for carbon sequestration.
Despite having close to 900 million inhabitants,
due to the vastness of the continent (about 3.1 bil-
lion hectares) large swathes of land remain availa-
ble for afforestation and reforestation.
2. In a global forestry mitigation potential study
– GCOMAP (Sathaye et al., 2006), analysis of the
availability of land for mitigation in the forestry India
sector showed that in Africa: Argentina
• At least 200 million hectares are available for
A/R, from the large areas of past deforestation Europe
and grasslands not currently used for grazing or
significant wildlife management. New Zealand
• There is a large potential for forestation because
the current rate of planting of less than 200,000
hectares per year will not meet the growing de-
mand for wood products by fast growing popu-
lations and economies. China, for example, has
more than 60 million hectares of short and long
rotation plantations; India has 40 million hec-
tares, while Africa has only 8.5 million hectares
(Sathaye et al., op. cit.). Figure 13.4 Key actors in the climate change mitigation effort fit into
• There is a significant comparative advantage in Africa’s land mass. Source: Compiled from Googlemaps.

CDM investments in forests and wild lands in

Africa due to relatively lower cost of foresta-
tion and much shorter rotation age to achieve
maximum accumulation of carbon. The price of
inputs, especially land rent and labour is quite

198 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

low compared to other regions and the growth require to be met from new forests if the con-
rate of trees is much faster due to ambient con- tinent does not want to exhaust its natural for-
ditions and length of growing period. ests which are already under a lot of pressure
• Given the potential in the land use sectors, in many African countries. The rising demand
Africa can bring to the mitigation table a very to nurture and replenish wildlife ecosystems
large number of CERs from the land use sector opens additional opportunities for tailored for-
compared to those from the energy and other estation in these areas.
sectors of the economy. • Africa has the knowledge and skills to imple-
• Investing in CDM in the forestry sector in ment mitigation projects in the forest sector.
Africa accentuates other environmental and There is a small but growing cadre of local for-
economic benefits derived from A/R on a con- estry and wildlife professionals capable of im-
tinent without enough forestation. plementing forestry carbon projects/program-
• Africa has a high deforestation rate, estimated mes.
at 5 million hectares per year. If a significant • The miniscule current and past investments in
amount of this area is brought under REDD, traditional forestry make it imperative to ex-
hundreds of millions of tonnes of avoided emis- plore these new creative avenues for channeling
sions will be gained and that can translate to investment funds into forestation. As men-
billions of dollars. tioned earlier, Africa adds about 200,000
It has to be borne in mind that the actual A/R hectares of plantations annually compared to
CDM and REDD area achieved will depend on China and India which annually add 1.4 mil-
national eligibility, competition for land, land use lion hectares and 650,000 hectares respectively
policy and meeting the criteria under the respective (Sathaye et al., op. cit.).
modalities and procedures. • Africa has had strong historical inter-linkages
between people, power, land, forests and trees.
Effective forestation programs can exploit this
13.2.4 Key elements of forest mitigation relationship by mobilizing A/R activities in
potential in Africa areas where people will take ownership of these
Under the current modalities and procedures for projects in order to enhance their social power
CDM, as well as general understanding of the in addition to the economic benefits derived.
Copenhagen Accord, many opportunities are Table 13.9 shows the potential land area avail-
brought forth for mitigation in the forestry sector able for forestation in Africa, given the baseline
in Africa. Key factors contributing to this high po- rates of deforestation and conventional afforestation
tential include: and deforestation in the 21st century. According to
• Many ecosystems are potentially eligible for af- the GCOMAP model on global mitigation po-
forestation and reforestation projects in Africa. tential in the forest sector, the baseline cumulative
These include deforested lands that are not area under plantations by 2100 is projected to be
recovering, degraded lands, low carbon den- about 20 million hectares, compared to about 350
sity landscapes such as grasslands, thickets and million of baseline deforestation in the same pe-
bush-lands, and low carbon multiple-use lands, riod. Even if 50% of the deforested area is utilized
e.g. agroforestry and pastoral-silvicultural for other land uses like agriculture, infrastructure
lands. and settlements, there will still be about 200 mil-
• Existing economic factors point to a fast grow- lion hectares available for afforestation and refor-
ing domestic and export demand for forest estation, assuming that the CDM modalities and
products and services. The rising demand will procedures will be amended to expand the scope

African forests and trees in the global carbon market 199

Table 13.9 Estimated potential baseline area in Africa for CDM (A/R) Table 13.10 GCOMAP Carbon gain potential in Africa for the price
and REDD-Plus (million ha). scenario of USD 37/tCO2 + 5%/yr for the next century.
Source: GCOMAP – Sathaye et al., op. cit., 2006. Source: GCOMAP – Sathaye et al., op. cit., 2006.

Year 2050 2100 Year 2050 (MtC) 2100 (MtC)

Short rotation 4 8 Short rotation 55 687
Long rotation 5.75 11.50 Long rotation 145 1,857
Total forestation* 9.75 19.50 Total forestation 200 2,544
Deforestation 204.67 347.90 Deforestation 6,806 6,222
Forest area gained - 194.92 - 328.41 Net C-gain 7,006 8,766
*) Modified CDM with expanded land eligibility under
Copenhagen Accord.

of land eligibility for climate change mitigation country achieves some sustainable development
efforts in the ongoing post-COP15 negotiations. goals.
This is more likely given the inclusion of NAMAs The CDM was established under Article 12
in the forestry sector and other land uses. of the Kyoto Protocol, which was agreed upon in
Estimates from the same model project a gain 1997. The detailed modalities and procedures for
of 25.4 million tonnes of C per year (123 mi tCO2) its operationalization were subsequently agreed
from A/R over the next century, and a large 62.2 upon by parties in 2001, as part of the Marrakech
million tonnes of C per year (228 mi tCO2) from Accords (UNFCCC, 2001). In that same year, the
reduced deforestation – assuming a carbon price CDM Executive Board (CDM-EB) was formed
scenario of USD 37/tCO2 growing at 5% per year and began building the structure and process of the
from year 2000 (Table 13.10). These values provide international CDM system. The first CDM pro-
a general appreciation of the amounts of carbon jects were officially registered with the Executive
that can be sequestered in African forests and trees, Board in 2004, and since then the number of pro-
and also an indication of the vast amounts of mon- jects in the pipeline has continued to grow steadily.
ey that can be gained from such activities. These
values are roughly comparable from the two other
major global forest mitigation models – GTM and 13.3.2 Scopes: eligible GHGs and key sectors
IMAGE (Alcamo et al., 1998; EMF22, 2005). under the CDM
The Clean Development Mechanism is one of the
important mechanisms of the KP for the reduc-
13.3 Opportunities and challenges for tion of the atmospheric concentration of GHGs, in
Africa in carbon trade and markets order to mitigate human-induced climate change.
The IPCC identified six types of gases (Table
13.3.1 Context 13.11) whose emission reduction is the objective
The CDM was created to promote the hosting of of the Protocol, while the Executive Board of the
GHG emission reduction projects by developing Protocol, identified 15 key sectors from which the
country parties to the KP, using finance provided parties can target emission reduction activities as
by developed/industrial country parties (Annex follows:
I) as a win-win-win situation, with the Annex I • Energy industries (renewable and non-renew-
party meeting part of its emission reduction com- able sources).
mitments at a cheaper cost, while the developing • Energy distribution.

200 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Table 13.11 Types of GHGs and their Global Warming main areas in this sector avail themselves to carbon
Potential (GWP). Source: IPCC (2001).
1. Afforestation and reforestation.
Greenhouse gas Chemical symbol Global warming potential
2. Reduced deforestation and forest degrada-
Carbon dioxide CO2 1
Methane CH4 21
3. Agriculture, livestock, agroforestry (agri-
Nitrous oxide N2 O 310 silviculture and pastoral-silviculture).
HFC-23 11700 4. Bio-energy including, biofuels and energy
HFC-125 2800
HFC-134a 1300 efficiency.
HFC-152a 140 More importantly, the carbon finance oppor-
Per-fluorocarbons tunities in the land use sector also fall in priority
– Tetrafluoromethane CF4 6500
– Hexa fluoroethane C 2F 6 9200 areas, in terms of projects and programmes that
Sulphur hexafluoride SF6 23900 enhance the ability of vulnerable African countries
to adapt to climate change.
Projects in the LULUCF sector, often called
‘sinks’ projects, essentially take carbon sequestra-
tion into account and, accordingly, generate trade-
• Energy demand. able emission reduction units. At present, CDM
• Manufacturing industries. projects are limited to activities in afforestation
• Chemical industries. and reforestation (A/R). In principle, however,
• Construction. LULUCF projects could include the implementa-
• Transport. tion of other sustainable agricultural practices (like
• Mining/mineral production. conservation farming) as well as slowing deforesta-
• Metal production. tion and forest degradation under the Copenhagen
• Fugitive emissions from fuels (solid, oil and Accord.
gas). As shown in Table 13.12, there are more bio-
• Fugitive emissions from production and con- carbon projects in Africa than the total number of
sumption of halocarbons and sulphur hexa- CDM projects, and this is mostly due to the prolif-
fluoride. eration of voluntary carbon market projects.
• Solvents use.
• Waste handling and disposal.
• Afforestation and reforestation. Afforestation and Reforestation (A/R)
• Agriculture. Despite the fact that A/R was included as a legiti-
mate activity in the Marrakech Accords, only four
forestry CDM projects were registered across the
13.3.3 Eligible Land Use and Land Use Change world as at the beginning of 2009 and only nine
and Forestry (LULUCF) activities and projects by October 2009, including the only A/R project
in carbon markets in Africa (Uganda) registered in October 2009. By
While emission reduction can be achieved in all contrast, more than 5,000 projects in the other sec-
the sectors listed above, the land use sector has tors are in the pipeline across the world. This trend
the greatest potential for CDM opportunities in points to some technical, procedural and implemen-
Africa, due to the relatively large amount of ac- tational problems associated with A/R CDM pro-
tual and potential emissions, as well as the ability jects, hurdles that are currently more pronounced
to sequester carbon on the vast area of land. Four in Africa than in other regions.

African forests and trees in the global carbon market 201

Table 13.12 National bio-carbon projects in African countries compared to energy related projects.
Source: Chomba and Minang, 2009; and, op. cit.

Total bio- CDM projects in

carbon projects the pipeline Comments
Madagascar 20 1 More A/R projects than energy related projects
Uganda 15 10 More A/R projects than energy related projects
Ethiopia 13 1 More A/R projects than energy related projects
Kenya 8 14 More projects in the energy sector than A/R
Senegal 7 0 More A/R projects than energy related projects
Tanzania 7 5 More A/R projects than energy related projects
DRC Congo 5 1 More A/R projects than energy related projects
Mali 5 2 More A/R projects than energy related projects
Cameroon 4 1 More A/R projects than energy related projects
Mozambique 4 1 More A/R projects than energy related projects
South Africa 4 27 More projects in the energy sector than A/R
Egypt 0 12 Only energy sector projects
Morocco 0 10 Only energy sector projects
Total 92 87

A/R projects are expected to show substan- afforestation and reforestation, except where sig-
tial developmental benefits for project proponents nificant amendments like fertilization or irrigation
(smallholders, communities). The design and im- are undertaken but, given the cost implications and
plementation of A/R projects must be based on the severe water stress in much of the continent,
a sound understanding of related household and such amendments are unlikely options.
community activities. Afforestation and reforestation of the more fer-
Afforestation or reforestation of most of the sa- tile and water abundant ecosystems offer a more
vanna woodlands in Africa does not hold a large attractive potential in terms of carbon benefits, but
carbon potential due to the inherent low productiv- in most African countries, the same areas are the
ity of these dry areas. Exceptions are riverine and priority for agriculture, settlements and conserva-
groundwater floodplains where the carbon den- tion. This provides a clear conflict for land use,
sity, estimated at about 60 tC/ha (IPCC, 2004), is given the emphasis on food production against the
much higher than the average carrying capacity of long rotation period required by forests.
the general savanna woodlands on the continent.
Moreover, close to 50% of the biomass is below
ground in these arid areas of less than 1,000 mm Biomass energy efficiency
annual rainfall (IPCC, 2004, op. cit.), the estimat- Most of sub-Saharan Africa depends predomi-
ed soil organic carbon being about 20 tC/ha in the nantly on biomass energy in the form of fuelwood
top 30 cm of soil. The low productivity of African and charcoal to meet the bulk of their energy re-
savanna woodlands thus clearly offers slim oppor- quirement. Tanzania is a typical example of bio-
tunities for effective carbon sequestration through mass energy dependence in the region, with wood-

202 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

fuel consumption of 250 kg/month per household 1. Improved woodfuel stoves. Traditionally, cook-
accounting for about 70% of total primary energy ing is undertaken predominantly using firewood,
consumption (Makundi, 2010). Biomass energy charcoal or crop residues as fuel, on a three-stone fire-
consumption has been growing with population at place or a simple energy inefficient charcoal stove.
a constant rate of about 3% per year, with about The disadvantages of the traditional methods in-
90% of the energy consumed mainly by the resi- clude:
dential and commercial sector for cooking, water • High fuel consumption due to their inefficiency.
heating and other domestic and commercial pur- • Slow cooking rate as most heat is dissipated
poses. The industrial sector accounts for the re- away from the target surface.
maining 10%. • Smoke from the fuel cannot be controlled or
Long-term prospect for sustained supply of fuel- channeled out of the cooking environment. The
wood and charcoal is threatened by deforestation, users (mostly women and children) therefore
wanton tree removal and forest degradation in all inhale smoke and this has serious health con-
parts of the continent. This is further exacerbated sequences.
by the widespread use of inefficient technologies • Babies and children are at serious risk from the
for conversion of wood to charcoal and for burning exposed flame from the stove, a common cause
of fuelwood and charcoal in stoves. of horrific household accidents.
A variety of problems beset the biomass sector Efficiencies of traditional stoves range between
as the main supplier of primary energy in Africa. 10 and 20%, while improved stoves with efficiencies
The most profound problem emanates from the up to 35% could be promoted to reduce woodfuel
need to meet the increasing energy demand of a consumption by about 40% (Makundi, 1998).
rapidly expanding population, given the natural Much more efficient but more expensive stoves
resource landscape, with pressure of the timber do exist. Though national initiatives have been
industry on the forests, wild fires, shifting agricul- started to promote the use of efficient stoves, there
tural practices and inefficient production and use of is room for improvement. This is an area that can
fuelwood and charcoal. be tapped by CDM and VC project proponents,
Resources of biomass other than fuel wood and to generate large amounts of carbon credits while
charcoal that are environmentally friendly include meeting sustainable development aspirations of
crop and sawdust residues, animal and municipal African countries, in the area of biomass energy use.
waste, wood shavings and bark. In addition, energy Exploiting such Copenhagen-based mechanisms
crops such as sugar cane, palm and jatropha could as Fast Start Funding, programmes in efficiency
be processed to liquid fuels as substitutes for petro- improvements in biomass conversion and utili-
leum products. So far, the use of these resources has zation as energy can be initiated to produce large
not been fully exploited and as such there is a sig- amounts of emission reductions that can further be
nificant potential in generating carbon credits via leveraged into carbon market investments.
the renewable energy and alternative technologies 2. Co-generation of heat and power from industrial
route. Three biomass technologies are recommend- residues. Wood-based factories can use wood waste
ed for GHG mitigation and are thus of priority to such as sawdust and shavings for co-generation of
the region for CDM and voluntary carbon (VC) heat and power. This will contribute to reducing de-
projects: 1) efficient kilns and woodfuel stoves, 2) pendence on fossil fuels or over-reliance on hydro-
utilization of industrial residues for combined heat power, especially given the projected impacts of
and power production, 3) production and use of global climate change on hydrological resources –
liquid bio-fuels to substitute biomass use and/or diversification of energy mix. There is significant
supplement the use of fossil fuels. carbon emission reduction potential associated

African forests and trees in the global carbon market 203

with co-generation that can be used in CDM and in terms of their productivity and agricultural po-
VC projects. tential. With interest in allocating such areas for
3. Biofuels – biogas and biodiesel. Use of biogas as biofuel increasing, the security of land tenure and
a source of energy generally falls under the ambit of access or use rights on the part of local resident
emission reduction in forests to the extent it substi- communities across rural African landscapes is po-
tutes for unsustainably procured biomass. Biodiesel tentially at risk.
can also be considered a potential carbon market
area under forests in that large areas for biofuels
production will be under the jurisdiction of forests, Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation
or will replace existing low carbon density forests. and forest Degradation (REDD)
In Africa there has been a heightened interest In the 2007 Bali roadmap towards a new cli-
in biofuels as price of fossil fuels has increased, mate change regime for the second commitment
with expectations of further increases as a result period and beyond, it was agreed to expand the
of growing world demand mostly caused by the sectoral scope so as to include emission reduc-
breakneck pace of economic growth of China, tion from deforestation and forest degradation,
India and Brazil. In addition to price driven sub- including through sustainable management of
stitution, more African countries are looking at forests (REDD+). Through the Bali Action Plan
biofuels for energy security purposes. Many com- (1/CP.13 and 2/CP.13), COP decided to launch
panies from Asia and the West, which are eyeing a comprehensive process to enable full, effective
biofuels as a path to the carbon market, have leased and sustained implementation of the Convention
large tracts of land in Africa for biofuel production. through long-term cooperative action, now, up to
For example, by March 2009 the official figures and beyond 2012 (UNFCCC 2007: Decisions 1/
show that there were about 20 companies that re- CP.13 and 2/CP.13).
quested land for commercial biofuel production in The Copenhagen Accord in Decisions 6/CP.15
Tanzania, with land requested area varying from and 8/CP.15 formally endorses REDD+ and
30,000 to 2 million hectares (Sulle and Nelson, proposes a preliminary mechanism for financing
2009). the programme, initially via positive incentives
Biofuels may also provide a new source of agri- (UNFCCC, 2009a). Decision 7/CP.15 also does
cultural income in rural areas, and a source of not exclude REDD+ from applicable market mech-
improvements in local infrastructure and broader anisms when conditions allow.
development. Biofuel production is not necessarily REDD+ is a new direction in forest conserva-
done only by large farms or foreign investors, but tion that will require countries to take into account
can be carried out by smallholder farmers as well. existing research on deforestation and lessons
Biofuel crops such as oils (palm, coconut, jatropha learned from previous forest conservation initia-
and sunflower) may provide important new oppor- tives in order to formulate effective policies that
tunities for improving the returns from agriculture, measurably and verifiably reduce emissions from
including on relatively unproductive or infertile deforestation and forest degradation. Pending
lands. Farmers can therefore take advantage of the the development of modalities and procedures
carbon market as additional source of revenue from for monitoring, reporting and verification for
intercropping with biofuel crops. REDD+, African countries need to lay the founda-
External interest in biofuel production in tion for realizing the potential in this new carbon
African countries is driven largely by the low cost sector (REDD readiness). Key steps that need to be
of land and labour in rural Africa (Cotula et al., taken in order to fully exploit the new avenue for
2008). Investors are targeting many areas of land conservation and earning carbon resources include:
which are perceived as being ‘unused’ or ‘marginal’

204 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

1. Preparing the necessary preliminary conditions side the forestry sector narrowly defined, such as the
for participation by those institutions entrusted agriculture and energy sectors. Better coordination
with management of forests in each country. across sectors is the key to dealing with non-forest
These steps will include undertaking baseline drivers of deforestation and degradation (Angelsen
studies of deforestation and forest degrada- and Kaimowitz, 1999). Four types of policies that
tion in the country that include identifying the could reduce deforestation are policies to depress
factors and processes underlying deforestation agricultural rent, increase and capture forest rent,
and forest degradation. It has become standard to directly regulate land use and finally, the cross-
practice to distinguish between proximate and sectoral policies that underpin the first three. These
underlying causes. Proximate causes refer to the policies and programmes under Copenhagen can
activities involved in deforestation and forest come under Nationally Appropriate Mitigation
degradation, and include agricultural expan- Actions (NAMAs) and in the future they may
sion, settlements and infrastructure extension, even be tradeable depending on the role given to
and wood extraction. Underlying causes are the market versus public funding of REDD+. The
demographic, economic, technological, policy, specific measures, policies and programmes to be
institutional, and cultural factors (Geist and attempted may include:
Lambin, 2002). 1. Reducing rent from extensive agriculture in
2. Undertaking studies to identify effective meas- areas that have persistent deforestation caused
ures to reducing deforestation and forest degra- by conversion of forests to agriculture. This can
dation. be achieved through:
3. Implementing those identified measures con- a) measures to depress the targeted agricul-
sistent with each country’s forest conservation tural prices;
and sustainable development objectives. b) creation of off-farm income generating op-
4. Seeking financing from the Copenhagen portunities;
Financing mechanisms and from bilateral and c) supporting intensive agricultural sector near
multilateral sources to enable implementation the deforestation frontiers with selective sup-
of the proposed measures. Such sources may port of extensive agriculture where necessary;
include but are not limited to, the Norway’s d) instituting measures to curb deforestation
International Climate and Forests Initiative that accompany new roads through forested
(NICFI), the World Bank’s Forest Carbon areas; and
Partnership Fund (FCPF), Congo Basin Forest e) instituting policies to secure land rights in
Fund (CBFF) and the UN-REDD, to mention agricultural areas.
a few. 2. Increasing forest rent and its capture by forest
5. Encouraging local communities, private parties owners in order to encourage retaining land un-
and development partners to implement requi- der forests through:
site specific measures in locales that can reduce a) higher prices for forest products not derived
deforestation and forest degradation. from deforestation;
6. Using the available resources mentioned above b) instituting and strengthening community
to intensify the protection of natural forests and forest management (CFM) so as to enhance the
vulnerable ecosystems via public programmes capture of local public goods and services from
as well as encouraging private efforts, allowing forests;
the intervener to retain any resulting carbon c) introducing and strengthening the regime
credits and other incidental benefits. of payment for environmental services (PES)
REDD+ strategies must include policies out- such as water, ecotourism and carbon.

African forests and trees in the global carbon market 205

3. Regulating land use and land use change di- litter retention in forest and agricultural lands, for-
rectly through enforcement of existing laws on estation of low biomass lands to increase equilibri-
forest protection, ordinances and directives on um carbon density, among other ways, have carbon
allowable land use in various ecosystems. benefits, some of which are eligible for the CDM/
4. Putting in place or implementing existing VC and some for NAMAs under Copenhagen.
cross-cutting policies that moderate land use
change, especially those curtailing illegal log-
ging and land cover change. Scopes under Voluntary Carbon Market
Other important broad measures and policies Voluntary Carbon Standards (VCS) is a non-profit
include decentralization and good governance, organization attempting to standardize carbon ac-
especially anti-corruption measures in the forest counting procedures both under the CDM and
sector. other compliance systems. VCS recently issued
guidelines for A/R and other AFOLU bio-carbon
projects (VCS, 2008). The VCS 2008 guidelines Forest industry and wood products permit not just A/R projects but the broad spec-
The forest sector can accrue carbon credits by utiliz- trum of AFOLU, Improved Forest Management
ing wood waste and sawdust, as pointed out above, (IFM), and reduced emissions from deforestation
to produce power for use by the wood industry or and forest degradation (REDD). IFM includes:
for selling to the national grid. The credits will de- 1. conversion from conventional logging to re-
pend on the carbon intensity of the power supply duced impact logging;
being substituted, with those countries more de- 2. conversion of logged forests to protected for-
pendent on fossil fuels for power generation hav- ests;
ing more potential for emission reductions using 3. extending the rotation age of evenly-aged
co-generation from wood and wood waste. These managed forests; and
credits from co-generation are currently eligible 4. conversion of low productivity forests to
under CDM and VCM. high productivity forests.
A new avenue that may be pursued under the With regard to REDD, the VCS will accept
Copenhagen Accord is efficiency improvements in credits from projects that avoid planned defor-
conversion of logs to wood products. The current estation, planned frontier deforestation and de-
milling efficiency in tropical Africa is about 40%. gradation and those that avoid unplanned mosaic
Raising this value to 65% via installation of newer deforestation and degradation. As such, the pro-
vintage mills will reduce the associated emissions ject proponents may combine a variety of activi-
by the same proportion, and these can be sold in ties spanning the four general AFOLU categories
the voluntary market or credited in NAMAs under (A/R, ALM IFM, REDD) into a single VCS pro-
the Copenhagen Accord. The exact crediting will ject as long as separate risk assessments are applied
depend on the modalities and procedure arising to each project category.
from the Accord.

13.4. Enhancing participation by African High carbon landscapes forestry sector in carbon trade and
Storage of carbon in land increases the carbon den- markets
sity of the landscape. Biocarbon initiatives includ- As mentioned earlier, Africa hosts less than 4% of
ing soil carbon storage, erosion control, agrofor- all CDM projects and 2% of the voluntary carbon
estry (agro-pastoral-silviculture), enhancement of projects, with about a third of the CDM projects

206 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

being in the forestry sector. The relatively low which is a pre-requisite to participation in
number of CDM projects in Africa is due to unique CDM in the forest sector.
barriers in accessing the carbon market in general, 3. High transaction costs for large projects, esti-
with the forestry sector facing even stiffer sector mated at an average of USD 200,000 per project
specific challenges (UNEP/UNDP, 2006) from inception through registration (PIAD,
2003). This impedes investments in CDM in
general, but more so where the other factors ac-
13.4.1 Barriers in realizing the CDM/REDD+ centuate the risk involved. Smaller projects cost
potential in A/R in Africa an average of USD 50,000 but even this is still
The most common barriers to A/R projects in gen- high for domestic project proponents especially
eral but more pronounced for Africa include: given the high rate of rejection at the registra-
1. Political instability. Investment in forestry, es- tion stage.
pecially in forestation is a long term investment 4. Restrictions of project scale. From the begin-
usually extending to many decades. Political ning of CDM, the limit for small scale projects,
instability discourages foreign investors in gen- which are eligible for special treatment by the
eral but more so those long term projects on Executive Board was set at 8KtCO2, though
land. Even if there are a few spots on the conti- this has now been increased to 15KtCO2 per
nent where there has been some strife, there is project. This small size of eligible projects under
a generalized perception of political instability the expedited processing has made A/R pro-
hovering over the continent. jects unattractive to developers and buyers.
2. Lack of political enthusiasm for land-based 5. Temporary nature of forestry credits (t-CERs
activities tied to long term western countries’ and l-CERs, see box 13.1) makes them unat-
interest, given historical realities that include tractive to buyers since they expire and must
vicious colonialism. Indeed, by the end of 2009, be replenished. Mechanisms such as insurance
only ten African countries had submitted a na- or buffer schemes have to be sought in the
tional definition of forests to the UNFCCC, Copenhagen Accord to make land-use cre-

The temporary nature of forestry emission reduction credits

Under CDM the issue of non-permanence of emission reductions is resolved via the use of temporary (t-CERs) and
long-term (l-CERs) for crediting instead of permanent CERs. t-CER and l-CER must be replaced at the end of their
certified period. As defined in 5/CMP.1, Annex, paragraph 1(g):
‘Temporary CER’ or ‘t-CER’ is a CER issued to project participants in an afforestation or reforestation project activ-
ity under the CDM, which, subject to the provisions of section K of the CDM Guidelines, expires at the end of the
commitment period following the one in which they are issued.
‘Long-term CER’ or ‘l-CER’ is a CER issued for an afforestation or reforestation project activity under the CDM,
which, subject to the provisions in section K of the CDM Guidelines, expires at the end of the crediting period of the
afforestation or reforestation project activity under the CDM for which it was issued”. When retired l-CERs expire,
they must be replaced by other Kyoto units such as AAU, CER, ERU or RMU. Unlike t-CERs, expired l-CERs cannot
be replaced by other l-CERs.

Box 13.1.

African forests and trees in the global carbon market 207

dits permanent and fungible with other sector • Build and enhance capacity of Designated
CERs. National Authorities (DNAs) to become fully
6. Limited number of buyers due to exclusion of operational.
A/R CERs from the largest carbon buyer, the • Build capacity in developing CDM project ac-
EU-ETS. tivities.
7. Uncertainty (social and legal). Uncertain ten- • Promote investment opportunities for projects.
urial arrangements, community participatory • Improve information exchange/outreach/shar-
component and land-use conflicts reduce at- ing of views on activities/education and train-
tractiveness in land-based carbon investments. ing.
8. Lack of national policy, strategy and guide- • Set the platform for Inter-agency coordination.
lines for participation in carbon markets. Many
African countries have only ad hoc reactive
frameworks for participation in carbon markets 13.4.3 Removal of key hurdles
and lack comprehensive guidance and strategy. Since the launching of the Nairobi Framework in
9. Lack of financing from local banks. Up until 2006, some efforts have been undertaken to re-
the end of 2009, only Stanbic Bank had a fully move some of the identified hurdles and barriers
fledged carbon investment department at the to the diffusion of CDM in Africa, specifically to
headquarters in South Africa and had posted address the regional and sectoral imbalance:
some capable carbon investment experts in • The CDM Executive Board (EB) has stream-
some of its branches in other African countries. lined the Process from Inception (PCN)
Without local financial institutions being wil- through Issuance, effective 2008 to attract more
ling and able to finance carbon project activi- projects from Least Developed Countries and
ties, local participation becomes limited and Africa with a focus on bringing on line more
stunted. projects from Forestry. This initiative has in-
10. Lack of insurance for carbon projects. The cluded 1) the use of tools, 2) revised method-
African insurance sector must recognize the ologies, 3) consolidation of methodologies, 4)
new opportunities in carbon market and un- introduction of Programme of Activities (PoA)
derwrite such investments. Forest carbon in- to bundle small projects under one PDD.
vestment has a higher risk than most other in- • EB is open to and has been assembling and
vestments, due to possibilities of fire, disease, considering suggestions from stakeholders es-
encroachment, illegal harvesting, and so on. As pecially in Africa and in LULUCF.
such the sector would benefit more than other • There is now a CDM Bazaar (http://www.
sectors from an active insurance service. to facilitate meeting of Project
Proponents (PPs), Sellers and Buyers of CERs,
Financiers and Insurers etc. This Bazaar is
13.4.2 Catalyzing CDM in Africa housed at the UNEP Center Risoe in Denmark.
Having noted the regional imbalance in CDM
project distribution in the world, and noting the
objectives of the Convention and the Protocol, 13.4.4 State of preparedness/readiness of
the United Nations in 2006 launched the ‘Nairobi African countries for emerging initiatives in
Framework’ with the specific purpose of catalyz- carbon trade and markets
ing CDM in Africa (UNDP/UNEP, 2006). The The single most important emerging carbon ini-
Framework has the following five objectives, con- tiative for Africa and indeed for the land-use sec-
sidered to be key priority targets in order to move tors is REDD+. Tropical forests cover only 12% of
the CDM forward in Africa. the world’s terrestrial land area but contain 40% of

208 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

the world’s terrestrial carbon (UNFCCC, 2004, Table 13.13 Forest Volatile Carbon (Gt C) distribution in selected
countries. Source: Terrestrial Carbon Group, 2009.
op. cit.). Part of this pool is the carbon that is vul-
nerable via deforestation and degradation, namely Country Vegetation Soil Total
volatile carbon – 100% of vegetation and 25% in Brazil 76.6 10.4 86.9
soils. As shown in Table 13.13, the volatile carbon DRC 34.0 5.1 39.2
in DRC alone is about 5 times the annual global Indonesia 21.5 5.7 27.3
carbon emissions from all sectors. This indicates China 13.5 4.6 18.1
the importance of reducing or protecting emissions India 4.8 1.4 6.2
from the African land use sectors.
Malaysia 3.8 0.8 4.6
Table 13.14 shows the estimated rate of defor-
Tanzania 3.4 0.7 4.1
estation in the countries with most vulnerable ter-
Vietnam 0.8 0.2 1.0
restrial carbon.
Any measures to implement REDD+ have to Nepal 0.5 0.2 0.7

pay attention to the magnitude of the potential

emission reductions involved. Overdependence on
Table 13.14 Annual deforestation rates for major tropical countries.
land based economic activities for the rapidly ex- Source: FAO 2005, p. 191.
panding population in the forested parts of Africa,
Land area Forest area Deforestation
together with illegal conversion of forests such as Country
Kha Kha % Kha %
via clear cutting, points to a large potential emis- Brazil 851,488 477,698 57 2,822 0.52*
sion reduction from African forests. DRC 234,486 133,610 59 461 0.38
Indonesia 190,457 88,495 49 1,871 1.61

*) Has recently declined by 45% due to the global economic slump.

13.4.5 Participation by forest growers in the
carbon market
Access to the carbon market by African forest and
tree growers – especially small scale tree planters,
is currently dependent on the two existing mecha- Key definitions applicable in the forestry
nisms, that is the CDM and VCS. A few REDD carbon market
pilot projects are also underway in a few African Article 12 of the Protocol limits the eligibility
countries. of land use, land-use change and forestry project
CDM has strict eligibility criteria for land activities to those involving afforestation and re-
to be used for CDM. Other legal requirements forestation activities. To functionalize this limi-
arise from the Marrakech Accord and the Kyoto tation, strict definitions of land use and activities
Protocol stipulations. As shown in the Annex to must be adhered to as well as a clear legal interpre-
the Protocol (UNFCCC, 2005) on definitions, tation of the relevant aspects of modalities and pro-
modalities, rules and guidelines relating to land cedures. The applicable definitions and legal advice
use, land-use change and forestry activities under is presented hereunder:
the Kyoto Protocol, these will impact the possibili- a) Forest is a minimum area of land of 0.05–1.0
ty and ease of participation by African tree growers hectare with tree crown cover (or equivalent stock-
and farmers. The following are the key constraints ing level) of more than 10–30 per cent with trees
and binding conditions. with the potential to reach a minimum height of
2–5 meters at maturity in situ.

African forests and trees in the global carbon market 209

A forest may consist either of closed forest 4. Definition of forest is based on two features:
formations where trees of various storeys and un- • Current: crown cover, and
dergrowth cover a high proportion of the ground • Potential: height.
or open forest. Young natural stands and all plan- 5. Procedures to define eligibility of activity for
tations which have yet to reach a crown density the first commitment period shall be based on:
of 10–30 per cent or tree height of 2–5 meters are • Assumption that tree planting for the CDM
included under forest, as are areas normally form- purposes involves species and management
ing part of the forest area which are temporarily practices which will lead to creation of a stand
unstocked as a result of human intervention such that will have crown cover and height greater
as harvesting or natural causes but which are ex- than the thresholds invoked in the definition of
pected to revert to forest. forest. This shall be substantiated in the PDD.
b) Afforestation is the direct human-induced • Testing that the planting is a land use
conversion of land that has not been forested for a change.
period of at least 50 years to forested land through • Testing that the reforestation activities will
planting, seeding and/or the human-induced pro- be limited to planting occurring on those lands
motion of natural seed sources. that did not contain forest on 31 December
c) Reforestation is the direct human-induced 1989.
conversion of non-forested land to forested land Further assumptions that:
through planting, seeding and/or the human-in- • In land use practice, the crown cover is the
duced promotion of natural seed sources, on land only feature that may be assessed precisely in
that was forested but that has been converted to the current and past situations (e.g. using EO,
non-forested land. For the first commitment pe- land cover maps, forest maps or PRA).
riod, reforestation activities will be limited to re- • Potential of trees to reach a minimum
forestation occurring on those lands that did not height of 2–5 meters at maturity in situ may be
contain forest on 31 December 1989. assessed based on site conditions, tree species
There has not yet been an agreement regarding used and management practices applied. This
the applicable definitions from the Copenhagen is doable for both current and past conditions.
Accord, but it is not expected that they will abro- Given the strict criteria for A/R CDM and the
gate those arising from Kyoto but rather broaden complexity of modalities and procedures, partici-
them. pation of tree growers and small scale forest owners
will need an organizing entity such that they parti-
cipate as a group in a cooperative or under a carbon Conclusions to the legal background for A/R facilitating company that can incur the initial cost
(UNFCCC, 2005, op. cit.) and organize the farmers participation, including
1. The term eligibility is used only in connection the handling of the carbon trading. It is unlikely
with activity, namely afforestation and refor- that individual tree growers and small scale farm-
estation. ers could effectively and beneficially participate in
2. There is no definition of eligibility of land, the CDM market.
hence any procedures for demonstration of eli- The VCM is less stringent but due to existence
gibility of land are not directly based on the of all sorts of players, farmers will also need an
Marrakech Accord. umbrella organization to be able to take advantage
3. Afforestation and reforestation are defined as of the carbon market. The government should have
direct human-induced conversion of land, i.e. a policy and protective role to play in order to guard
both require land use conversion to be eligible the farmers’ interest.
for A/R CDM project activities.

210 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources African participation in the carbon market data show that African forests and trees have bare-
after the first commitment period ly been brought forth into the market. By 2009,
As mentioned earlier, the Copenhagen Accord, the total amount of CDM CERs from Africa was
and later the Cancún Agreements have brought about 21 million out of 630 million global CERs,
forth REDD+ and NAMAs, with a clear ex- of which forestry’s contribution was a miniscule 0.4
pectation of the extension of the Kyoto Protocol. percent of the global total.
After COP14 in Poznan, the concept of REDD A number of reasons have been put forward to
was extended to include sustainable management explain the poor performance in carbon projects
of forests, thus REDD+ came into being in the and programs, including but not limited to, high
Copenhagen Accord and consolidated by the transaction costs, the complexity of rules and re-
Cancún Agreements. In addition to REDD+, there quirements, weak human and institutional capacity
is a drive towards including Agriculture, Forestry coupled with poor governance and perceived higher
and Other Land Uses (AFOLU) as a comprehen- risks on the continent. Though the cost per project
sive mitigation package in the land sector. Such a is declining from the high of USD 200,000 due
move will widen the scope significantly for parti- to various interventions by the CDM Executive
cipating by small scale growers and farmers since Board, such as simplification of procedures and
the most effective measures to implement REDD+ bundling of projects, this element remains the most
require interventions in the agricultural and other universally referred to impediment to participation
land use sector. of African players in the market.
The adoption of NAMAs and public creative There is an urgent need to increase the hu-
financing mechanisms will allow for the main- man capacity needed for effective participation
streaming of low carbon economic development in the market from project proposal development
profile and high carbon landscapes. These can di- to implementation and carbon market operations.
rectly be brought into the carbon market or can Weak governance constitutes a significant barrier
leverage private investments in forestry for carbon especially in the forest sector but this needs a com-
trade. prehensive approach coupled with development of
democratic and civil institutions. Concerted effort
for risk reduction and marketing of Africa where
13.5 Conclusion the risk perception is undeserved will increase the
Africa has a large mitigation potential in the land attractiveness of the African carbon opportunities
use sector that can be translated into significant to buyers.
participation in the current and future carbon mar- Africa’s potential in the land use sector is enor-
ket opportunities. This potential is underwritten mous. African countries should prepare for active
by her large endowment of land and large popu- participation in this new and fast growing market,
lations involved in land use based economic activ- taking advantage of the land use sector where they
ities. Recent global mitigation models show that have a clear comparative advantage. Key to the ef-
African forests and trees have a likely potential for fective positioning of the continent in benefiting
sequestering about 123 million tonnes of carbon from the carbon market is the necessity to develop
dioxide (CERs) per year and reducing emissions by carbon policies, strategies and guidelines within
about 228 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year the framework of national and international cli-
from avoided deforestation. So far carbon market mate change policy.

African forests and trees in the global carbon market 211

AAU Assigned Amount Units (levels of allowed emissions over the 2008–2012 commitment period)
AFOLU Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses
ALM Agricultural Land Management
A/R Afforestation/Reforestation
CBFF Congo Basin Forest Fund
CDM Clean Development Mechanism
CFM Community Forest Management
COP/MOP Conference of the Parties/Meeting of the Parties
DNA Designated National Authorities
DRC Democratic Republic of Congo
EB CDM Executive Board
ERU Emission Reduction Unit (issued for emission reductions or emission removals from JI projects)
EO Earth Observations
ET Emission Trading
EUAs European Union Allowances (carbon allowances under the EU-ETS)
EU-ETS European Emission Trading Scheme
FCPF Forest Carbon Partnership Fund (World Bank)
GTM Global Timber Model
IFM Improved Forest Management
IMAGE Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
JI Joint Implementation
KP Kyoto Protocol
l-CERs Long-term Certified Emission Reduction Units
NAMAs Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions
NICFI Norway’s International Climate and Forests Initiative
OTC Over The Counter market
PCN Project Concept Note
PDD Project Design Document
PES Payment for Environmental Services
PP Project Proponent
PRA Participatory Rural Assessment
REDD Reduced Emissions form Deforestation and forest Degradation
RMU Removal Units (credits issued for net sink enhancements achieved by eligible activities under
Articles 3.3 and 3.4)
t-CERs Temporary Certified Emission Reduction Units
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNGA United Nations General Assembly
UN-REDD United Nations Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation Program
VCM Voluntary Carbon Market
VCS Voluntary Carbon Standard
WMO World Meteorological Organization

212 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

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Change: An Overview of IMAGE2.1 in Global Change Scenarios of the 21st Century. Pergamon, Oxford University Press.
Angelsen, A. and Kaimowitz, D. 1999. Rethinking the Causes of Deforestation: Lessons from Economic Models. The World Bank Research Observer
14(1): 73–98.
Capoor, K. and Ambrosi, P. 2008. State and Trends of the Carbon Market 2008. The World Bank, Washington, DC.
Capoor, K. and Ambrosi, P. 2009. State and Trends of the Carbon Market 2009. Washington DC: International Emissions Trading Association
(IETA) and World Bank Carbon Finance.
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Agroforestry Centre Policy Brief 06. World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi, Kenya.
Cotula, L., Dyer, N. and Vermeulen, S. 2008. Fuelling Exclusion? The Biofuels Boom and Poor People’s Access to Land. FAO and IIED, London.
Ecosecurities. 2009. Transaction Volumes and Values in all Carbon Markets.
Ecosystem Marketplace. 2008. New Carbon Finance, World Bank, Washington DC.
EMF22. 2005. Energy Modeling Forum Session 22. Stanford, California.
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IPCC. 2001. Climate Change 2001. Third Assessment Report and the Synthesis Report. Oxford University Press.
IPCC. 2004. Good Practice Guidance – LULUCF. Oxford University Press.
Makundi, W.R. 1998. Mitigation Options in Forestry, Land-Use Change and Biomass Burning in Africa. LBNL-42767, Berkeley, California.
Makundi, W.R. 2010. Scoping Study – Clean Development Mechanism in Tanzania. UNEP Center Risoe, Roskilde, Denmark.
PIAD. 2003. A User’s Guide to the CDM. Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development, Drayton Valley, Canada.
Risoe. 2009. Risoe CDM/JI Project Pipeline and Analysis in
Sathaye J.A., Makundi, W.R., Dale, L., Chan P. and Andrasko, K. 2006. A Dynamic Partial-equilibrium Model for Estimating Global Forestry GHG
Potential, Costs and Benefits. In: The Energy Journal, Special Issue, pp. 94–125.
Sohngen B., Mendelsohn R. and Sedjo, R. 2005. Global Timber Model (GTM). EMF22. Stanford, California.
Sulle E. and Nelson F. 2009. Biofuels, land access and rural livelihoods in Tanzania. IIED Report.
Terrestrial Carbon Group. 2009. Measuring and Monitoring Terrestrial Carbon – The State of the Science and Implications for Policy Makers. UN-
UNEP/UNDP. 2006. Nairobi Framework – Initiated at COP/MOP6 by UNDP/UNEP/AfDB and The World Bank. UNFCCC.
UNFCCC. 1992. Framework Convention on Climate Change. United Nations, New York.
UNFCCC. 1997a. Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention of Climate Change, FCCC/CP/1997/L.7/Add.1, Dec. 10, 1997.
UNFCCC. 1997b. UNFCCC AIJ Methodological issues. Available at:
UNFCCC. 1999. Activities Implemented Jointly under the Pilot Phase: Issues to be addressed in the review of the pilot phase, including the third
synthesis report on activities implemented jointly, FCCC/SB/1999/5 and Add.1.
UNFCCC. 2005. Legal background to the A/R CDM project activities. ANNEX. FCCC/KP/CMP/2005/8/Add.3.
UNFCCC. 2007. Reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countries: approaches to stimulate action. 1 & 2/CP.13. United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change, Bonn, Germany.
UNFCCC. 2008. The Bali Action Plan. FCCC/CP/2007/6/Add. Reissued on 14 March 2008
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UNFCCC. 2009a. The Copenhagen Accord. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Bonn, Germany.
UNFCCC. 2009b. CDM website:
van Vuuren D., Eickhout, B., Lucas, P. and den Elzen, M. 2005. Long-term Multi-gas Scenarios to Stabilize Radiative Forcing – Exploring Costs and
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VCS. 2008. Voluntary Carbon Standard. Guidelines.
World Bank. 2008. Ecosystem Marketplace, New Carbon Finance, World Bank, Washington, D.C.

African forests and trees in the global carbon market 213

Chapter 14

Godwin Kowero and Yonas Yemshaw

14.1 Introduction over the coming few decades could create risks of
Climate change is the greatest social, economic major disruption to economic and social activity,
and environmental challenge of our time. Scientific later in this century and in the next, on a scale sim-
evidence confirms that human activities, such as ilar to those associated with the great wars and the
burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), agri- economic depression of the first half of the 20th
culture and forest clearing, have increased the con- century. And it will be difficult or impossible to re-
centration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. verse these changes. Tackling climate change is the
As a consequence, the earth’s average temperature pro-growth strategy for the longer term, and it can
is rising and weather patterns are changing. This be done in a way that does not cap the aspirations
is affecting rainfall patterns, water availability, sea for growth of rich or poor countries. The earlier
levels, droughts and bushfire frequency, putting at effective action is taken, the less costly it will be.”
risk African coastal communities, human health, There are significant risks of unpredictable, po-
agriculture, tourism and biodiversity for current tentially large and irreversible, damage worldwide.
and future generations. The climate is already The frequency and severity of extreme drought is
changing, with more frequent and severe droughts, increasing. Higher temperatures cause a higher
rising sea levels and more extreme weather events. rate of evaporation and more droughts in some
The IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report sug- areas of Africa. Warmer temperatures affect hu-
gests that in a ‘business as usual’ scenario where man health via increased prevalence of some in-
world-wide economic growth continues and based fectious diseases. There have been some changes in
on fossil fuels, climate change caused by temper- the ranges of plants and animals that carry disease,
ature rise is very likely to have widespread and like mosquitoes. Warming has also caused and will
severe consequences, including significant species continue to cause changes in the timing of seasonal
extinctions around the globe, real threats to food events and the length of the growing season there-
production,and severe health impacts, with dramat- by affecting, among others, agriculture and land
ic increases in morbidity and mortality from heat based activities.
waves, floods and droughts (IPCC, 2007). With several forest types on the African con-
The environmental impacts of climate change tinent, forest ecosystems will respond to global
have flow-on effects for all aspects of human so- warming in a variety of ways as has already been
ciety. As the Stern (2006) Report states: “The mentioned in other chapters of this book. Suffice
evidence shows that ignoring climate change will to add and reinforce that the projected increase in
eventually damage economic growth. Our actions temperature will likely shift the ideal range for

214 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

some forest species. As temperatures warm, species In addition, urban and rural settlements, roads
may either move to a cooler habitat or die. If the and highways, as well as agricultural fields and
climate changes slowly enough, warmer temper- other human activities limit available habitat and
atures may enable tree species to colonize higher create barriers to the migration of plants and ani-
altitudes. Mountain forests could be the first to mals. Forests in protected areas like those in na-
disappear because when temperatures increase and tional parks and protected national forests were
rainfall decreases, the zone in which they thrive established without considering the possibility of
shrinks. Many factors, including the pace at which changing climates. Rapid climate shifts may re-
different species colonize new areas, determine the duce appropriate native habitats within protected
future composition of forestlands. Where species areas while developments outside the boundaries of
move into new areas more slowly than other tree the protected areas could make adjacent new habi-
species migrate out, the species previously com- tat unavailable and limit the creation of migration
mon will still grow, but likely at a different den- corridors. Changes in the quality of the habitat
sity. Those that are particularly vulnerable include could influence the choices animals make in the
the already endangered tree species, coral reefs and landscape, and therefore influence their move-
coastal mangroves. Carbon dioxide dissolving into ments and distribution and other population dy-
the oceans will continue to make seawater more namics, including making some wildlife species
acidic, and this has potential adverse impacts on endemic or extinct (Hassan, 2007; Caughly and
coral reefs and other marine life. Mangrove forests, Sinclare, 1994). Further, changes in land use, for
which support fisheries, are highly vulnerable to example due to deforestation, land degradation and
rising sea levels and to drought. urbanisation, limit the range of wildlife areas and
Forests are strongly affected by a number of bring wildlife and human beings into contact. This
disturbances, including fire, drought, insects and has led to increased human–wildlife conflicts, in
diseases. Relatively minor changes in climate can addition to human contacts with disease carrying
increase forests’ vulnerability to droughts, insects organisms, such as rodents (Perry and Fetherston,
and fires. Under the global warming scenarios, 1997). Diseases can spread rapidly from wildlife to
insect and pathogen outbreaks will likely increase domestic animals and vice versa, and with devas-
in severity. In some African woodlands and rain tating effects.
forests, rapid climate change and accompanying Therefore, dealing with the climate change
extreme events, such as droughts and floods, could challenge is critical to Africa’s economic security
lead to increased diseases and insect populations and future prosperity. The scale of the challenge
and attacks that could increase tree mortality and, is now widely recognized (IPCC, 1996, 2001) and
in some cases, replace forests by grasslands. Fires, many African governments are moving steadily to
for example, may become more frequent (Barlow implement their national climate change mitiga-
and Peres, 2004; FAO, 2006a). The amount of tion and adaptation strategies.
forest area burned might increase substantially, This chapter examines the context or framework
especially as the amounts of brush and other fu- within which policies to bear on climate change is
els increase and subsequent droughts combine to made, and will probably continue to be made. Since
increase fire occurrence. Some of the models in- policies are about issues, the chapter starts with a
dicate that forest productivity may increase in cer- brief account of identified policy issues that are
tain areas, leading to increased supply of certain directly and indirectly related to climate change,
types of timber, though possible productivity loss globally, at African regional level, at national and
through interactions with extreme events and other personal levels and in different sectors of national
disturbances will likely outpace these gains. and global economies. It then addresses selected

Climate change in African forestry: the broader policy context 215

related issues that feature prominently, but are not policy on economy and livelihood diversification.
always confined to the forestry sector. However, These practical policy actions, however, are sur-
because measures relevant wildlife resources are rounded by complex policy questions such as:
adequately discussed in section 3 of this book, this • Which options are most likely to have an im-
chapter will be devoted to issues relevant to the pact and should be encouraged?
forestry sector and only make brief reference to the • How can activities that might not provide fi-
wildlife sector where appropriate. nancial benefit to individuals and businesses be
• What is the best way to incorporate climate
14.2 The policy environment change issues into existing policies?
Climate change dialogue and policy has evolved rap- In general the policies will largely revolve
idly in recent years. Debate about climate change around cultivating appropriate responses to cli-
has moved on from discussions about whether mate change, through adaptation to and mitiga-
change is happening and whether humans have tion of adverse effects of climate change. However,
caused it, to what should be done about it and in Africa for such policies to be effective, recogni-
how. However, the debate is now gravitating more tion has to be given to the complex and yet unclear
towards the relative allocation of responsibilities inter-relationships between food, agriculture, en-
between developed and developing nations both to ergy sources and use, natural resources (including
reduce emissions and shoulder the cost of adapta- forests and woodlands) and the African people,
tion. in addition to the environment in which all these
The burden of climate impacts is highly un- sectors operate. Policy decisions on climate change
even. While developed countries emit the majority will most invariably cover several sectors of the na-
of GHGs, developing countries, especially those tional economies and have to be linked to broader
in Africa, are more vulnerable because of warmer societal development initiatives and policies like
temperatures, less precipitation and more ecologi- the Millennium Development Goals and Poverty
cal and climatic variation across the continent. This Reduction Strategies, in addition to those that are
situation is exacerbated by greater dependence on country specific.
agriculture, forests and natural resources, limited In the forestry sector the debate and resources
infrastructure and low-input extensive agriculture, have so far been targeted much more on mitiga-
low income, poverty and malnutrition as well as tion of climate change and much less on adaptation
poor social services (health and education) preva- to climate change by humans, forests and trees.
lent in developing countries. Mitigation efforts are important in avoiding impact
Developing countries’ ability to cope, therefore, of climate change; however, adaptation activities
depends to a large extent on the careful choice of are very important in alleviating the non-avoidable
policy actions by their governments and the inter- climate change effects. Clearly there is a need to
national community as well as the strategic tar- maintain a good balance between adaptation and
geting of areas for policy interventions. In this mitigation in terms of attention and resources. For
regard, it is very important to scrutinize the im- if people cannot adapt to the already felt effects of
pacts of current policies vis-à-vis climate change climate change, like the droughts and floods which
and incorporate climate variability and change into can increase poverty and dependence on natural
future policies. Some of the climate policy actions forest resources, how can they build up capacity
can come in form of incentives and investment to to mitigate or prevent emissions from increasing?
create and deploy improved technology and man- ORGUT Consulting AB (2008) emphasizes that
agement techniques, as well as effective public “the scale and seriousness of climate change impact

216 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

within the next few decades on countries of the ment where it is nascent, and compatibility with
developing world will not depend on mitigation ef- the many expectations on forest resources by
forts but on the efficiency of adaptation measures”. various stakeholders.
There is therefore a case for putting up policies and • How to enhance forest carbon stocks.
other measures that will increase adaptation to cli- Many of the components of REDD+ are not
mate change in order to reduce vulnerability and new to the forestry sector in Africa. Therefore as
increase capacity for mitigation, and starting with a point of departure one has to first look at poli-
the variety of options available in various countries, cies and other experiences on activities and pro-
and especially learning from indigenous knowl- grammes that deal with deforestation and forest
edge and practices. degradation, forest conservation, sustainable forest
management (SFM), and enhancement of carbon
stocks in the forestry sector.
14.3 Mitigating adverse effects of climate
change in the forestry sector
Given that current climate change is primarily 14.3.1 Experiences with combating deforesta-
caused by human activities, the challenge is to tion and forest degradation
find ways of mitigating, or lessening, the negative The forest policies that have been implemented
contribution that human activities make through in Africa since many of the countries became in-
GHG emissions. And this appears to be the most dependent some 50 years ago have targeted reduc-
convenient way out following the increased focus ing deforestation and forest degradation. In many
by the international community on measures to re- countries there have been restrictions on access to
duce these emissions. forests for livestock grazing, human settlements
The emphasis in mitigating climate change and crop production. Efforts have also been made
in the forestry sector has evolved from Reducing to regulate deforestation through selective harvest-
Emissions from Deforestation and Forest ing of natural forests, and in many cases guided
Degradation (REDD), that in addition to reducing by annual allowable cut in order to sustain tim-
emissions from deforestation and forest degrada- ber supplies. In addition, there are national forest
tion includes the role of conservation, sustainable programmes (nfps) in many African countries and
management of forests and enhancement of forest programmes/projects/activities that implement var-
carbon stocks (REDD+). ious international agreements, initiatives and con-
Therefore policy and related decisions on ventions, like the United Nations Convention on
REDD+ in Africa will invariably focus on: Biodiversity (CBD), United Nations Convention
• How to reduce or avoid deforestation and forest on Combating Desertification (UNCCD) and
degradation. the Non-Legally Binding Instrument on all forest
• Level of deforestation and forest degradation types by the United Nations Forum on Forests
permissible for socio-economic development. (UNFF-NLBI). All of these target unwanted
• The compatibility of forest conservation with deforestation and forest and land degradation. In
livelihoods of communities that depend on the short African countries have invested considerable
same resources, as well as incomes that could resources in implementing both nationally crafted
accrue to other stakeholders from the same re- policies and those from international initiatives to
sources; or in other words how to handle the improve forestry.
opportunity costs of forest conservation. The forest sector continues to support local
• Introduction of sustainable forest management livelihoods and national economies, and protect
to the majority of African forests, its improve- the environment. However, despite all these good

Climate change in African forestry: the broader policy context 217

contributions deforestation and forest degradation The dry forests and woodlands support the
continue to increase in many African countries. bulk of the African people, livestock and wildlife;
The forest cover continues to decline, and many and cover almost three times the area under rain
forest and related problems either have worsened forests. They also support almost five times more
or are yet to be contained. For example, Africa people than those supported by the rain forests. In
still depends mostly on unsustainable supplies of these forests deforestation and forest degradation
woodfuel. Industrial timber supplies are declining are closely related to human and animal interac-
in several countries that were net exporters of the tions with the forests and woodlands for survival.
same in the recent past. The landscape is littered On the other hand, in the tropical rain forests de-
with dilapidated forests and mosaics of cropland, forestation and forest degradation is not so much
patches of forests and open land where continuous due to support of human livelihoods (though this is
belts of forests used to stand. Rivers that had head- increasing), but related more to timber harvesting
waters in some forests are either dry or are drying and processing.
up because the water regulatory functions of the According to FAO (2009) the main causes of
forests have been impaired. And the list goes on forest area changes in Africa are direct forest con-
and on. version to small scale permanent agriculture (59%),
According to FAO (2011) forest loss in Africa direct conversion to large scale permanent agricul-
in the decade 1990–2000 stood at 0.56% per year ture and industrial forest plantations (12%), inten-
and declined marginally to 0.49% per year between sification of agriculture in shifting cultivation areas
2000 and 2010. However, variations occur in the (8%), gains in forest area and canopy cover (8%),
different sub-regions (Table 14.1). expansion of shifting cultivation into undisturbed
Deforestation and most probably forest degra- forests (4%) and other causes (9%). Clearly direct
dation, when examined at sub-regional basis, is conversion of forests into permanent agriculture is
increasing in the more open forests (dry forests) the main cause for forest cover change in Africa,
and woodlands of northern, eastern and southern accounting for 71% of the observed change.
Africa. In Central and West Africa deforestation In general, the emerging picture is one of long
and probably forest degradation appears to peak. experience in Africa, for almost half a century, in
However, on a country to country basis the picture controlling deforestation and forest degradation
is different, with some countries having increased without significant gains. Reasons for this could in-
or slightly reduced their deforestation rates. Also clude policy failures or absence of relevant policies
variations occur within countries, with forest cov- in both forestry and related sectors. Secondly, de-
er increasing in some districts and declining in forestation and forest degradation are accelerating
others. at a faster pace in the dry forests and woodlands
as opposed to the tropical rain forests. Thirdly, the
Table 14.1 Annual forest loss in Africa between 1990 and 2010. forces behind deforestation and forest degradation
Source: FAO (2011).
are similar in both forest types, but with industrial
Annual change rate (%) harvesting being the main reason in closed forests
1990–2000 2000–2010
Central Africa -0.25 -0.26
and support to human, livestock and wildlife sur-
East Africa -0.92 -1.01
vival predominant in the dry forests and wood-
North Africa -0.72 -0.05
lands. Fourthly, direct conversion of forests into
Southern Africa -0.50 -0.53 permanent agriculture is the biggest driving force
West Africa -1.10 -1.12 for deforestation. Fifthly, deforestation and forest
Total Africa -0.56 -0.49 degradation are linked to overall national socio-
World -0.20 -0.13 economic development. And lastly, deforestation

218 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Others, 9%
Expansion of shifting
agriculture, 4%
Gains in forest area and
canopy cover, 8%

Intensification of shifting
agriculture, 8%
Conversion to small scale
agriculture, 59%

Conversion to large scale

agriculture and plantation, 12%

Figure 14.1 Main causes of forest area changes in Africa. Based on FAO (2009).

and forest degradation is not happening uniformly involve these and other sectors in developing pol-
within the sub-regions or within countries. This icies, incentives and activities that will eventually
underlines the essence of combining national and result into reduction of emissions from deforesta-
location-specific policies and other measures to tion and forest degradation. The opportunity cost
address these issues. associated with measures other sectors take in this
Effective implementation of REDD+ in direction should be taken care of if these policies
Africa, and specifically with respect to reducing and activities are to be attractive and effective.
deforestation and forest degradation, will there- ORGUT Consulting AB (2008) notes that any
fore have to take into consideration at least these policy intervention will require a “…detailed un-
seven observations. There will be need to examine derstanding of the complex set of proximate causes
the adequacy of policies and institutional aspects and underlying driving forces affecting forest cover
that guide implementation of activities that target changes in a given location…”.
deforestation and forest degradation at national,
sub-regional and regional levels. There cannot be
a single forestry related policy guidance for the 14.3.2 New and emerging drivers of
whole of Africa that can adequately contain defor- deforestation
estation and forest degradation. These two phe-
nomena are intertwined with the overall process Increasing demand for food
of socio-economic development. African forests Changes in food demand, in totality and by pat-
and trees underpin key sectors of the economies of terns, hold potential to increase deforestation
many African countries, providing the bulk of the through increased demand for cropland. ORGUT
energy needs, supporting crop and livestock agri- Consulting AB (2008) reports a 75% decline in
culture, wildlife and tourism, water resources and real food prices between 1974 and 2005 followed
livelihoods. It is therefore necessary to adequately by a 75% price increase between 2005 and 2008

Climate change in African forestry: the broader policy context 219

for practically every food commodity. The drastic and sugar cane, and biodiesel derived from vegeta-
price increase is reported to be a combination of ble oils like those derived from jatropha, soy, and
factors that include rapid income growth in low palm. There has yet to be developed technologies
income countries that was associated with in- (second generation technologies) for producing
creased food consumption (because people could lignocellulosic bioethanol that could be derived
afford to eat better) and changing patterns of food from grasses, bushes and trees.
demand. Africa has been registering positive eco- The production of biofuels competes with food
nomic growth since the mid-1990s after decades of crops for land, labour, capital and entrepreneurial
economic decline. For example, Sala-i-Martin and skills. Further, they can also result in undesirable
Pinkovskiy (2010) report that from 1995 poverty in environmental impacts such as deforestation, soil
Africa has been falling steadily, with income dis- depletion and biodiversity loss. In other words,
tribution increasingly becoming less unequal than the ‘fuel versus food’ debate is raising the alarm
it was in 1995, and with the poor taking a consider- on the need to avoid the dangers of negative socio-
able proportion of this growth. Food demand will economic and environmental impacts that could be
continue to increase in Africa as a result of increas- associated with competition for agricultural land,
ing population (one billion people in 2010) and land ownership, and insufficient value creation for
changes in food patterns, putting more pressure local farmers, among others. These challenges ap-
on the declining natural forest estate for cropland. pear to be further exacerbated due to limited avail-
ability and sharing of information and experiences
on biofuel in the African region, as well as between Demand for and production of biofuels African and the outside world.
Another factor affecting the dramatic global food Unfortunately, as this debate goes on, the ma-
price rises has been argued to be the rapidly ris- jor fuels of concern for the majority of the African
ing fossil fuel prices, going well above USD 100 people, firewood and charcoal are neglected in
per barrel of oil in 2008. Biofuels are liquid fuels the debate. They are of much greater concern for
manufactured from biomass (Cotula, 2008).This Africa. Their sustained supply is critical, and so is
rise in prices of fossil fuels has increased the pro- containing the deforestation and land degradation
fitability of biofuels, making it more profitable to associated with their supply.
divert maize and other food crops to biofuel pro- In formulating policies and other measures
duction, because with oil prices ranging between to contain climate change, one has therefore to
USD 60 and 70 per barrel biofuels become compet- consider the combined effect of deforestation and
itive with petroleum in many countries (ORGUT land degradation arising from production and con-
Consulting AB, 2008). The increased production sumption of firewood and charcoal, in addition to
of biofuels has reduced the supply of crops like that which could arise from the production of first-
maize and some oil crops for food, thereby increas- generation biofuels.
ing their prices to consumers. The implementation of large scale biofuel un-
There is also a shift in patterns of food con- dertakings, especially in form of large scale plan-
sumption as incomes improve. With the noted im- tations, has the potential to constrain the achieve-
provements in poverty in Africa and a high rate of ment of multiple goals for rural development that
urbanization these patterns are likely to be more are not always compatible. The development of
visible in the not too distant future. comprehensive and effective biofuel policies and
All these factors combine to exert more pres- strategies in African countries is therefore im-
sure on land in order to meet demands for food perative. Policy and strategic frameworks should
and biofuels. Currently biofuel in Africa is mainly at least outline clear pathways for efficient produc-
bioethanol derived from starch crops like maize tion, employment creation, market development

220 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

and marketing, prevention of land use conflicts, ergy so as to include sustainable management of
and improvement of livelihoods and national eco- forests and woodlands in order to secure sustained
nomies. It is advisable that these frameworks are supplies of firewood and charcoal. In addition,
formulated and guided by a set of principles and policies should seek to improve efficiency in har-
long-term goals that form the basis for making vesting trees for firewood, in the use of firewood,
rules and guidelines to give an overall direction to and in charcoal production. The production and
planning and development. In this regard, biofuel use of fuelwood (firewood and charcoal) merits
policies and strategies in Africa should focus on at much more attention in bioenergy policies since
least four key areas, in addition to the several policy the majority of people in Africa use these fuels for
recommendations in FAO (2008) and Cotula et al. cooking, heating, drying/curing agricultural crops
(2008). like tea, tobacco and fish.
First, they should aim at protecting the poor. Eventually the main land based activities like
High energy prices initiate or exacerbate price crop production, livestock keeping and forest pro-
volatility of agricultural commodities, and could duction, will have to be harmonized with biofuel
adversely impact on food security. Therefore, safe- production since they will all make claims on same
ty nets are required to protect the poor net food land. Such harmonization should be guided by pol-
buyers. icies and actions that ensure that these activities are
Second, bioenergy policies and strategies should planned and implemented in ways that minimize
take advantage of opportunities. Biofuel demand emissions from deforestation and forest and land
is potentially the largest source of new demand degradation. Therefore, if Africa is to take full ad-
for agricultural commodities. African countries, vantage of the opportunities from bioenergy it will
in particular, are well-positioned to benefit from require a functioning hierarchy of policies, strate-
increased global demand for biofuel related agri- gies, programs and projects.
cultural commodities, if proper policies are for-
mulated and effectively implemented.
Third, biofuel policies and strategies should 14.3.3 Reducing deforestation and forest
facilitate development of markets and growth in degradation, increasing forest conservation
trade in biofuels. For example, governments could and eliminating poverty
grant exemption of biofuels from overall fuel taxes ORGUT Consulting AB (2008) reports that ef-
in order to encourage their production and con- forts to support poverty reduction through forest
sumption, hence stimulating an increase employ- projects funded by ODA over the last few dec-
ment and incomes to farmers. ades have not achieved their desired objectives.
Fourth, biofuel policies and strategies should Also projects that employ ‘payment for environ-
ensure environmental sustainability. Future sup- mental services’ (PES), the approach implicit in
port for biofuels is likely to be assessed against REDD+, are also observed to have had mixed re-
sustainability criteria. For example, incentives for sults. Further, experience with forest carbon pro-
biofuels production on degraded lands and restric- jects are also reported to generate few benefits for
tions on types of land to be used for the production the poor. Peskett and Harkin (2007) report that
of biofuels such as wetlands, grasslands, and un- forestry carbon projects are risky investments in
disturbed forests hold potential for environmental developing countries because forest carbon storage
protection. can easily be reversed by people either using the
Consideration in biofuel policies and strategies forests and/or the land on which they stand. This
should not be limited to first-generation biofuels, therefore affects the permanence of carbon emis-
but also be expanded to the broader field of bioen- sions reductions.

Climate change in African forestry: the broader policy context 221

As observed earlier the highest deforestation that of poverty reduction can hardly be achieved
and forest degradation rates in Africa occur in the on the same forest. There has to be some trade-
dry forests and woodlands where the pressure for off between the two objectives. Implementation
land is continuously increasing, poverty is rampant, of REDD+ cannot guarantee that poverty will
livelihood options are few and climate change ef- be eliminated, and that should not be the focus of
fects are severe and are expected to become even REDD+ because poverty alleviation can only be
more severe. And many of the countries also have brought about by a much broader set of carefully
weak institutional structures for forest governance. structured and implemented policies and activities.
In addition land and forest tenure and rights of ac- Therefore the implementation of REDD+ should
cess to forest and woodland resources are either not be guided by policies and programs that focus
clearly defined or are non-existent to many people. on attaining a certain level of reduction of emis-
Within such an environment it becomes very dif- sions while not adversely affecting the poor. This
ficult to implement policies that will not allow or approach is similar to that of managing wildlife
will seriously restrict people from, for example: resources in game reserves and animal parks, with
• cutting trees and clearing forests for crop- wildlife management as a primary goal in essen-
land, tially forested areas; or managing natural forests
• collecting fodder for livestock or grazing for industrial timber production as the primary
livestock in the forests and woodlands, goal, while also securing the achievement of other
• collecting firewood and burning charcoal, important objectives. This means that all activities
• harvesting timber and poles for domestic that support livelihoods, incomes to governments
housing needs, and other flows to key stakeholders should first be
• collecting a myriad of non-forest products evaluated as to their potential to reduce forest cover
that support their livelihoods. and eventually impair the capacity of the forest as
These are the activities that are prevalent in a sink. This is the underlying principle in multiple
African dry forests and woodlands, activities which use management of forest resources. Some of the
hold potential to reduce poverty. uses will have more impact on forest cover than
REDD+ policies in specific forest types will others (Figure 14.2).
therefore have to address the allowable deforesta- Many activities, like collection of firewood,
tion needed for socio-economic development and edible fruits and other foods, honey and medicines
provide access for people who depend on these re- from the forests, and livestock grazing if carefully
sources but in a regulated way that minimises ad-
verse impacts on the resources and at the same time
contributes to their conservation. In other words
REDD+ policies will have to factor in tenurial Wood Fire wood Industrial timber
and access rights to all who depend on forests and Construction poles
woodland resources and in ways that adequately
Product/forest use

address the associated opportunity costs so as to Non-wood Edible fruits Livestock

realise meaningful reduction of emissions. Honey Agriculture
When construed in this manner REDD+ could Medicines Habitation
then be implemented in a given area with the goal
of reducing emissions and with constraint that the Low High

people who depend on that forest resource will not Forest cover change
be made worse off through such a process. This is Figure 14.2 Relationship between forest product extraction/forest use
because the objective of reducing emissions and and forest cover change.

222 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

planned and supervised, might not disturb the 14.3.4 Approaches more specific to the
forest cover. They can be undertaken in the forest forestry sector
that is also managed under a REDD+ objective. Much of the deforestation and degradation of for-
However, some activities like harvesting industrial ests, which in turn contributes to climate change,
timber and poles for housing construction in rural can be prevented through sustainable management
areas, clearing patches of the forest for agriculture of Africa’s forest resources. In this regard, it is es-
and habitation, as well as grazing livestock that sential to adopt policies, approaches and practices
browses on young trees and even destroys trees, that promote SFM. The adoption of SFM practices
will reduce the forest cover. In the dry forests and should be context specific based on the forest types
woodlands harvesting for industrial timber, if done and the socio-economics of the people who depend
carefully will not reduce the forest cover appreci- on the resources.
ably. In many such forests this means taking out The national forest programs (nfps) are es-
1–3 m3 per hectare or a few trees per hectare. It sential instruments of SFM at the national and
is the logging operation that might open up the sub-national levels. The nfps entail a wide range
canopy further, for example through logging road of approaches to policy in the forest sector for the
construction and felled trees falling on others. To implementation of the complete policy cycle. This
incorporate industrial timber harvesting, estimates ranges from policy formulation and policy imple-
of canopy cover change due to logging should be mentation to policy monitoring and policy reform-
made and the effect of such operations on the ca- ing. The national forest programs have come out of
pacity of the forest to sequester carbon estimated, international forest policy dialogues, and as such
so as to enable the calculation of the desired level they serve as a consensual framework for sustaina-
of reduction of emissions. Within such a context it ble forest management. In this way, nfps positively
will be possible to determine the REDD+ target contribute to climate change mitigation and adap-
for a forest that would allow for harvesting of in- tation in the context of SFM.
dustrial timber and poles. Therefore a forest can be Within the context of nfps, countries can be
managed with multiple objectives like production encouraged to set targets to reduce deforestation
of industrial timber and non-timber forest pro- over a chosen period with the aim of achieving
ducts, grazing of livestock, reduction of carbon di- minimal deforestation rates by target years. This
oxide emissions, protection of soils and water sup- could be done by specifying clear and separate
plies, and production of building poles. Therefore commitments for both avoided gross deforestation
REDD+ introduces the necessity to include a de- and forest degradation on one hand, and increased
sired level of reduction of emissions as one of the sequestration through forest restoration and sus-
objectives for forest management. tainable forest management on the other.
Lastly, the benefits that are generated by im- The primary use of African forests and trees
plementing REDD+ activities would require poli- is for domestic energy. Hence, policies and ap-
cies that guide their equitable distribution among proaches that improve energy efficiency are criti-
the different stakeholders, and in ways that will cal. This includes improving not only the efficiency
provide positive incentives that would eventually with which biomass energy is consumed but also
change behavior and actions away from deforesta- the efficiency with which trees and forests are har-
tion and forest degradation. The policies should vested and converted to energy and other products
also facilitate the promotion of compliance with for both domestic and industrial uses. This can sig-
rules and regulations and other activities that will nificantly reduce deforestation and forest degrada-
enhance sustainable management and use of the tion.
forest resources.

Climate change in African forestry: the broader policy context 223

Consideration should also be given to policies and reproductive population sizes and genetic vari-
that increase the supply of forest and tree products ations of planted seedlings, including maintaining
and services. With declining forest estate and in- inter-population movement of pollen and seeds.
creasing demand of these products and services due Levels of slash need to be minimized through re-
to population growth and socio-economic devel- duced impact logging. Stronger fire control meas-
opment more forest and tree resources are needed ures need to be put in place as well, such widening
(Varmola et al., 2005; FAO, 2006b). Policies buffer strips or fire breaks (Guariguata et al., 2008).
and incentives are, therefore, needed to support Markets have to be developed for environ-
growth of private sector, local communities and mental services (particularly those arising from
individuals in forest and tree business. The Clean water protection, climate change and biodiversity),
Development Mechanism (CDM) (and its post and based on secure property rights in order to pro-
2012 version) and REDD (in its various forms – vide the revenue required to support the provision
REDD, REDD+, etc.) fare differently under the of those services; as well as serving as a more equi-
diverse African conditions, given the critical role table way for society to exert influence over which
of forests and trees in the African socio-economic national and global values are delivered.
fabric. The Clean Development Mechanism is re- New and hybrid modes of forest governance are
stricted to afforestation and reforestation, as de- required to replace the traditional mode of forest
fined under the Kyoto Protocol, and this does not governance in order to handle higher levels of un-
suit many African forestry conditions. It is difficult certainty associated with climate change and the
for Africa to adequately participate in CDM activ- complexity of climate change brought about by the
ities because of the conditionalities and complexi- wide range of new actors and interest groups. This
ties involved in the process. The procedures, costs situation is further complicated by spillover effects
and capacity requirements for developing qualified from policies in other sectors like agriculture and
CDM projects seriously inhibit Africa’s participa- transportation. Therefore it is necessary to promote
tion in this mechanism. Hence relative to other the transparent, inclusive and accountable way of
regions of the world, there has been little interest governance of forests to achieve fair and effective
in CDM in African forestry. Political and tenurial outcomes (Seppälä et al., 2009).
uncertainties, together with unstable investment As part of good governance, countries in the
environment, have also contributed to diminished south and in the north need to take into account
interest on the part of CDM investors in the forest climate commitments regarding their procurement
sector. and consumption of goods that drive deforestation.
African countries will need assistance to build This can be facilitated by developing and helping
their capacity to assess forests both for their ability to implement sustainability standards for biofuels,
to maintain or increase human resilience to climate timber products, agriculture and livestock pro-
change, or to assess where forests are specifically ducts, through procurement policies and other
vulnerable to climate change. Countries need to mechanisms. The approach should be building
continuously monitor their forest ecosystems and on the criteria and standards already developed
changes in them in order to be able to make contin- or being developed under various forestry proces-
uous adjustments. ses while continuing to develop product tracking
Management practices that maintain essential mechanisms and passing laws that exclude the
ecosystem services should also be promoted while import of illegally or unsustainably produced pro-
ensuring that national forest programs address cli- ducts. This should go hand in hand with the need
mate change impacts, vulnerabilities and options to ensure that sufficient sustainable forest resources
for adaptation. These include maximizing juvenile are available.

224 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Related to governance are concerns for indige- projects/activities that implement various interna-
nous people and forest dependants. The definition tional agreements, initiatives and conventions (like
of indigenous people could be complicated by vari- CBD, UNCCD, and UNFF-NLBI); all target un-
ous local political situations. However, it is vital to wanted deforestation and forest and land degrada-
support the rights of indigenous peoples and mar- tion. Support to these initiatives in Africa will con-
ginal forest communities if these initiatives are to siderably facilitate the attainment of the REDD+
succeed. Therefore the rights of indigenous peoples objectives.
and other forest dependents have to be considered Whether or not there is carbon money through
in a transparent and participatory manner. In ad- REDD+, the practice of forestry should be re-
dition the free and prior informed consent of these molded within the context of designing plans and
communities will have to be obtained when setting implementing them in ways that minimize these
aside forest lands for REDD+ purposes (Smith and emissions. That should become another dimension
Scherr, 2002). Financial and economic opportuni- of the forestry ethic or culture.
ties provided by the communities participating in
REDD+ activities should be attributed to them
and in an equitable manner. 14.3.5 Other related issues
Carbon trade related to the African forestry Other policy tools for mitigation include setting of
sector is still small, but with potential to grow. national emission reduction targets, carbon capture
The constraints in trade include high transaction and storage as well as encouraging greener technol-
costs of engagement (Schlamadinger and Marland, ogies to reduce emissions. Technological innova-
2000; Torvanger et al., 2001). Also lacking is ade- tion in forestry and ex-sectors tends to be market-
quate information on carbon benefits to potential led and is directed towards maximizing output,
buyers, information on project partners, and ca- quality and profit. Potentially there are, however,
pacity for organizing project participants and en- technological innovations that could contribute to
suring parties fulfill their obligations. Transaction the public good and benefit society at large (such
costs per unit of emission reduction are higher for as mitigating GHG emissions). However, since the
projects involving many smallholders and forest potential for making profit from innovations that
communities. deliver public goods is limited, research and devel-
Carbon trading therefore requires effective in- opment in this area has been rather constrained. The
tegration from global governance of carbon trad- intervention by governments and other institutions
ing to sectoral and micro-level design of markets is therefore required to direct research and technol-
and contracts, and investment in community par- ogy development to those areas that will help the
ticipation in the markets. The impacts of climate wider public through reduction of the GHG emis-
policies on economic growth, agriculture, food se- sions. Equally important, the private sector should
curity and poverty in developing countries can be be encouraged to invest in a wide-ranging portfolio
influenced by level of caps by sector and industry, of low-carbon technologies. Despite the availabil-
sector specific mitigation options, incentive for in- ity of such technologies for energy, transportation
ternational carbon trade, as well as transparency and manufacturing, there is little motivation for
and complexity of administration. the industry to use them. Often, widespread use of
There is also a need to increase considerably the new technology is most likely when there are clear
support to existing forest and related initiatives and and consistent policy signals from governments,
programmes. Existing national forest programmes and of course the markets.
(nfps) in many African countries and programmes/

Climate change in African forestry: the broader policy context 225

14.4 Adaptation to adverse effects of Nevertheless, adaptation has taken place and
climate change continues to do so in many places without policy
Another response to climate change is adaptation. intervention. For instance, as farmers recognize
Adaptation is defined as the adjustment in natural the impact of climate change on crop yields, they
or human systems to actual or expected climatic alter their practices to maximize yields in a new
stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or situation. Farmers may change the timing of farm
exploits beneficial opportunities. Science is telling operations, the choice of crops or livestock breed
us that some effects of climate change are already or the mix of their enterprises. Policy intervention
unavoidable in the short term. In Africa many and incentives may be required, however, to ensure
societies have adapted, and continue to adapt, to that farmers can respond when they need to and
many vagaries of climate change and variability that support is available as farmers consider their
like floods and droughts. But the intensity with options.
which climate is changing, in addition to many Governments need to ensure the right mix of
difficult conditions experienced on the continent policies and tools are available to African farm-
that include poverty, diseases, crop failures, low ers, businesses, households and communities to
incomes and global recession, among others, will understand and prepare for or anticipate climate
seriously weaken the human, animal and plant change pressures before they occur, as well as to
resilience to climate change and variability. adapting to the climate change that is already here.
Climate is also affecting the forests and trees. For example, adapting to the unavoidable impacts
These support virtually all life on land on the of climate change will require African govern-
continent. How forests and trees are adapting to ments to change the way they manage natural re-
climate change is yet to be adequately addressed. sources and deliver public services.
Understanding this is critical to designing any ef- Adaptation to climate change could also be
fective mechanisms to deal with climate change construed as an extension of good development
using forests and trees. The forestry sector has to policy, like promoting growth and diversification
design adaptation measures for its forests in order of the economy in order to increase options for
to ensure that services provided by forests and trees investment, employment and incomes of farm-
are not impaired by climate change. Such measures ers; increasing investments in research, develop-
will vary with forest type, location, management ment, education and health; and creating markets
objectives, expectations from climate change ef- for environmental services like carbon and water.
fects, among other factors. It is very critical that Included in these good policies are those that en-
any adaptation frameworks ensure that forest hance the national and international trade system;
managers have the flexibility to select the most ap- facilitate better ways for handling natural disasters
propriate measures to suit their specific situations by enhancing resilience, improving disaster man-
(Seppälä et al., 2009). agement, and promoting risk-sharing that includes
Other than forests, climate change is negatively social safety nets and weather insurance.
affecting wildlife and has contributed to increasing Effective adaptation policies require judicious
human-wildlife conflicts. Responses to minimize selection of measures within a broader policy con-
impacts of climate change on wildlife should in- text and strategic development framework. They
clude expansion of protected areas, where possible, must go beyond conventional good development
and limiting commercial hunting, as well as en- policy to explicitly target the impacts of climate
hanced trans-boundary cooperation and enforce- change, particularly the impacts on the poor.
ment of international agreements. A strategy for Market signals are essential factors in determining
stemming habitat loss and ‘overharvesting’ could the necessary responses to a changing environ-
also contribute to addressing this issue. ment. But they often involve potentially expensive

226 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

time lags and overlook equity. Climate change Climate change policy hold potential to create
adaptation must therefore be timely and proactive, a product (carbon) for pro-poor investment, there-
and not merely reactive. by enhancing the profitability of environmentally
Adaptation to climate change in Africa is ur- sustainable practices. In order to exploit such a
gent and requires substantial resources. It is un- potential it will be necessary to address a number
likely that developing countries, in particular the of constraints including social inequalities, ac-
least developed countries, have the financial re- cess to land and natural forest resources (Smith
sources and technical knowledge for the required and Scherr, 2002) access to credit, education and
anticipatory and planned interventions. Financial decision-making. The Millennium Development
and technical assistance will also be required for Goals and Poverty Reduction Strategies provide
the additional costs of designing and implementing the framework for integrating climate change
interventions. Climate change is local and location adaptation and mitigation into development policy.
specific. Methodologies to assess adaptation need Risk transfer mechanisms should be included
to analyze local impacts in detail in order to un- in adaptation strategies from the national to the
derstand and plan relevant interventions but recog- household level. Economic diversification within
nize that, at implementation, it will be necessary to sectors needs to be prioritized to reduce depend-
include the interventions into larger scale/national ence on climate-sensitive resources like water, trees
adaptation programmes. and forests, wildlife, agricultural crops and live-
stock. This is particularly important for countries
that rely on narrow ranges of climate-sensitive
14.5 Conclusions economic activities, such as the export of limited
This chapter has examined the context within climate-sensitive crops as well as on wildlife based
which policies on climate change are made at dif- tourism.
ferent geographical and organizational levels and at Among the rural poor, there are many con-
different sectors of national and global economies. cerns that are more immediate than tackling
This concluding part of the chapter highlights the climate change. This can hinder the adoption of
key issues raised in the chapter. climate change measures. The priorities of cur-
rent forestry and ex-sector policies (that have been
made with minimal attention to climate change)
14.5.1 Climate change in a broader context drive the economies of individual countries, and
In Africa, it is critical that climate change meas- can therefore represent a barrier to taking up addi-
ures are pro-poor because they are the ones affect- tional measures for climate change adaptation and
ed and will continue to be affected more seriously. mitigation because they lack provisions for this.
And they do not have resources, including finan- Therefore reforming such policies would be one
cial and technological support to cope with adverse way of removing such barriers.
effects of climate change. Availability of reliable and sufficient and timely
Policies, strategies, and programmes that are information is also crucial, and this is actually one
most likely to succeed are those that will link with of the big constraints in climate change work. At
efforts aimed at alleviating poverty, enhancing this early stage of addressing climate change, na-
food security and water availability, combating tional governments could, for example, intervene
land degradation and soil erosion. They should in order to ensure that appropriate information is
also address the erosion of biological diversity and available through their own sources and by cata-
ecosystem services as well as how to enhance adap- lyzing the establishment of an information base
tive capacity within the framework of sustainable that links with a network of media, private sector,

Climate change in African forestry: the broader policy context 227

academia and research, non-governmental organi- role in the socio-economic lives of the African
zations and other stakeholders. people, as well as the ecosystems services they pro-
The level of awareness of the climate change vide.
challenge, as well as of the roles forests and trees Any strategy to address climate change in
have in it, has improved significantly in recent Africa must also enhance the livelihood of peo-
times. However, more political will is needed to ple who depend on forests; the rights of indige-
make this awareness impact on policy. Policies will nous people, women, youth and other vulnerable
be more effective when consideration for mitiga- groups through clarifying tree and land tenure and
tion is also linked to adaptation. rights.
Issues of reliable measurement (IPCC, 2000), Support should be given to existing policies,
reporting and verification system (MRV) remain incentives plans and activities, in the public and
a concern. Establishing international capacity and private sectors, by local communities and individ-
advisory services, regional centers and networks to uals and other actors that increase supply of forest
support activities like forest carbon trading, meas- and tree products and services, because they do not
uring soil carbon, linking local/rural communities only target reducing deforestation and degradation,
to global markets and mediating between inves- but also increase sequestration of carbon through
tors and local communities, in addition to capacity reforestation and afforestation. These are the key to
building at national and local levels, are critical. containing adverse climate change impacts.
Further, such centers and networks could facilitate Policies and approaches that improve energy
the simplification of procedures for small scale pro- efficiency are critical, given the overwhelming de-
jects to effectively trade in carbon. pendence on forests for energy in Africa. Demand
Serious efforts should be made to enhance the side interventions should focus on increasing effi-
governance of global, regional and national finan- ciency and sustainability of harvesting, processing,
cial facilities to effectively and efficiently manage as well as consumption of forest products for vari-
funding flows for both mitigation and adaptation ous purposes, notably for energy, food, and fibre.
initiatives. The Clean Development Mechanism restriction
It is important to ensure that policies at all to afforestation and reforestation as defined under
levels recognize and result in mechanisms that the Kyoto Protocol does not suit many African for-
promote sustainable forest management and en- estry conditions. This is in addition to the complex
courage substitution and the sustainable use of CDM modalities and procedures, among other
renewable resources. This means that policies and constraints that hinder development of qualified
activities for implementation of REDD+ will have CDM projects.
to be aligned with other national policies, plans The REDD, in its various forms (REDD+, etc.),
and programmes. must not be seen as a sector specific issue, but must
be integrated into overall national development
planning, while remaining consistent with overall
14.5.2 Climate change and forest resources global mitigation strategy. The scope of REDD is
Because of the diversity of forest types and con- limited and needs to be expanded to cover all types
ditions, deforestation profile, as well as capacities of land uses including agriculture, agroforestry and
of individual African countries, there is a need for other land uses (AFOLU). To improve on REDD
context specific policy and action to climate change initiatives it is necessary to learn from the failings
with focus on creating new value-added for pro- of CDM.
poor investment. Forest types and conditions in Africa are very
Forests should not only be viewed as carbon diverse and interact with climate in complex ways.
sinks, but their relevance should also include their For each forest type and condition, there is need

228 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

for accurate data, for example on forest cover, de- to containing habitat loss and ‘overharvesting’ are
forestation, degradation and biomass productivity, required in many countries.
since these are crucial in determining the role and Responses to minimise impacts of climate
capacity of the forests in mitigating and adapting change on wildlife should, for example, include
to climate change. African countries therefore have expansion of protected areas where possible, lim-
to address climate change more seriously in their iting commercial hunting, as well as enhanced
forest policies and plans by building the knowledge trans-boundary cooperation and enforcement of
and information base, in addition to their capacity international agreements.
to engage effectively in global arrangements for Establishing seasonal feeding areas and improv-
addressing climate change. The existing knowledge ing connectivity of habitats to facilitate dispersal to
base and capacity in Africa to respond to climate appropriate habitats are some of the measures that
change through the forest sector is weak. could be included in climate change adaptation
strategies for wildlife.
Involvement of local people in planning and
14.5.3 Climate change and wildlife resources implementation of interventions in wildlife man-
Climate change is negatively affecting wildlife and agement and use is critical to securing local level
increasing human-wildlife conflicts. Policies and participation, sharing of costs and benefits, and
strategies for stemming such conflicts, in addition limiting human-wildlife conflicts.

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Peskett, L. and Harkin, Z. 2007. Risk and responsibility in reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation. ODI, Forestry Briefing No. 15.
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Seppälä, R., Buck, A. and Katila, P. (eds.). 2009. Adaptation of forests and people to climate change. A global assessment report. IUFRO World
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Smith, J. and Scherr, S. 2002. Forests, carbon and local livelihoods: an assessment of opportunities and policy recommendations. CIFOR, Bogor,
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230 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

Section 5

key observations
Chapter 15

Godwin Kowero, David Okali, Emmanuel Chidumayo and Larwanou Mahamane

Introduction The trend in annual precipitation indicates a small

This chapter presents some highlights on each of but statistically significant decline in rainfall over
the preceding chapters. It therefore provides the Africa.
reader who cannot read through the book with an 4. Many of the forests in Africa are situated in
idea of the main observations and issues raised in high altitude mountain regions, and are important
each chapter. By reading this chapter, the reader sources of water. They act as storage and distribu-
will be able to select the chapters requiring further tion sources of water to the lowlands, providing
reading in order to obtain more details. For easy the greater part of the river flows downstream.
reference, the sub-sections in this chapter are based Careful management of mountain water resources
on the titles of preceding chapters. must therefore become a global priority in a world
moving towards a water crisis in the 21st century.
Reduced water availability will have adverse health
Chapter 2: Climate change processes and effects. The water supply situation in Africa is al-
impacts ready precarious and the water stress will be exacer-
1. Human-induced climate is expected to continue in bated with climate change. Less water will result
the 21st century in response to the continued in- in increasing gastrointestinal problems. As water
creasing trend in global greenhouse gases (GHGs) resource stresses become acute in future water-
emissions. deficit areas of Africa as a result of a combination
2. Although climate change is affecting all countries of climate impacts and escalating human demand,
of the world, a major impact of climate change in the conflict between human and environmental
sub-Saharan Africa is its adverse effects upon the demands on water resources will intensify. In addi-
natural resource base. Countries in this region of tion, because maintenance of healthy ecosystems is
Africa are expected to be hit earliest and hardest an underpinning to economic sustainability, there
because the livelihoods of its inhabitants are largely is need in each water basin management unit to
dependent on the utilization of climate-dependent identify and factor into development projects the
natural resources. need for environmental flows.
3. As elsewhere in the world, an increasing trend 5. Africa’s vulnerability to climate change and its
in surface mean temperature has been observed inability to adapt to these changes may be devastat-
for the African region using historic climate data. ing to the agriculture sector, the main source for

232 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

livelihood to the majority of the population. The proving adaptive capacity of human societies. This
vulnerability is due to lack of adapting strategies, is especially true for rural populations in Africa.
which are increasingly limited due to the lack of The diversity of functions and services provided
institutional, economic and financial capacity to by forests, such as the provision of wood and non-
support such actions. wood forest products, soil fertility, water regulation
6. The utmost concern should therefore be a better and biodiversity conservation, give the forests a po-
understanding of the potential impact of the current tentially significant role on adaptation approaches
and projected climate changes on African agricul- undertaken through different natural resources and
ture and to identify ways and means to adapt and land based sectors including agriculture, water, en-
mitigate its detrimental impact. ergy and rangeland management. Moreover, trees
and shrubs in farming systems, including agro-
forestry, have always played an important role in
Chapter 3: Adaptation to and mitigation protecting agricultural soil from erosion and sand
of climate change in forestry storms, thus contributing to sustainable agricul-
1. Globally, forest ecosystems have also experienced var- tural production and food security.
ious threats due to the impacts of climate change. 4. Autonomous adaptation in the context of this
These threats vary with regions, but are generally book is used to describe local community measures
reflected through changes in growth rates, species that include traditional knowledge and practices.
composition and density and shifting of ecosys- These have been spontaneously developed and used
tems. Expected impacts for Africa include the loss by African communities in their attempts to cope
of biodiversity and vegetation cover as well as the with past and current climate viability and change.
degradation of soil productive capacity. The various A number of studies have shown that African com-
manifestations of the impacts have been attribut- munities, particularly at the local level, have histor-
ed to factors like recurrent droughts and climate ically developed coping strategies to adverse cli-
variability. Human factors such as deforestation matic conditions and are currently making efforts
have for long been identified as catalytic factors to to adjust to observed environmental changes. Trees
climate change in contributing to accelerating the and forest products have always been part of their
impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems. coping strategies e.g. in agroforestry systems and
2. Many changes have already been observed in use of various non timber forest products (NTFPs),
Africa’s forests and other tree-based ecosystems that particularly during drought. However, and despite
can largely be attributed to climate variability and the intimate understanding of the forests by these
change, particularly drought. The loss of forest re- local communities, the unprecedented rates of cli-
sources is seriously impacting people’s livelihoods mate change are expected to jeopardize their ability
and well-being in Africa, as well as on the incomes to adapt to present and future changed conditions.
of various nations and on the environment. Various 5. Planned adaptation is the result of a deliberate
adaptation and mitigation measures have been de- policy decision, based on an awareness that condi-
veloped and in some cases adopted in response to tions have changed or are about to change and that
these impacts in Africa. Sustainable forest devel- action is required to return to, maintain or achieve
opment in Africa requires integrating livelihood, a desired state. Planning adaptation is essential
climate adaptation and mitigation initiatives with in order to realize the full potential of forests and
forestry, agriculture and other land based activities. trees in sustainable development in Africa, both to
3. While Africa is the region most vulnerable to the meet the immediate and future needs of increasing
negative impacts of climate change, it also has low populations and to provide the continuity of the
adaptive capacity. Forests can play a key role in im- natural resource base. Achievement of this goal re-

Some key observations and issues on climate change and African forest and wildlife resources 233
quires a comprehensive approach in which a wide Annex 1 parties to formulate national and region-
range of contributions of forest resources to society al programmes to facilitate measures for adequate
is fully appreciated and supported. Planned adap- adaptation to climate change In many African
tation measures in forestry, more than any other countries, adaptation strategies were developed
sector, ought to be considered holistically and in either from the NAPAs or were related to other
coordination with other sectors. It is equally im- individual governments’ efforts in undertaking ac-
portant to create synergies with interventions aim- tivities to cope with the effects of climate change.
ing at controlling desertification, land degradation Some adaptation strategies and actions implement-
and conserving biodiversity, among others. The ed in African countries have involved many stake-
synergy between adaptation to climate change and holders (local communities, local governments,
biodiversity conservation requires a unifying strat- civil servants, governments, etc.) with variable re-
egy in order to enhance the sustainability of the sults. There are examples of failed adaptation strat-
forest resource pools on which poor communities egies and actions as well as successful experiences.
directly depend for their livelihoods. Therefore, 8. Mitigation of climate change is an anthropogenic
ecosystem-based adaptation, which integrates bio- intervention to reduce the sources or enhance the
diversity and provision of ecosystem services into sinks of greenhouse gases. Nationally Appropriate
an overall climate change adaptation strategy, can Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) are voluntary emis-
be cost-effective, generate social, economic and sion reduction measures undertaken by developing
cultural co-benefits, and can help maintain resil- countries and are reported by national govern-
ient ecosystems ments to the UNFCCC. They are expected to be
6. One of the biggest challenges for forest planners in the main vehicle for mitigation action in develop-
the future will be to increase the general awareness ing countries, and can be policies, programs or
about the role of forests and trees in adaptation to projects implemented at national, regional or local
climate change impacts, and to develop livelihood levels. The NAMAs are a relatively new concept,
adaptation strategies that ensure the continuity in and consequently opportunities for developing
the provisioning of forest ecosystem goods and ser- countries to develop NAMAs to support low car-
vices that continue to contribute to food security bon development and mobility have not been fully
and poverty alleviation on the continent. Use of realized.
indigenous knowledge and local coping strategies 9. The Kyoto Protocol has established innovative
should be promoted as a starting point for plan- mechanisms to assist developed countries to meet
ning adaptation. Some of the barriers for dealing their emissions commitments. The Protocol creat-
with forest adaptation include limited economic ed a framework for the implementation of national
resources and infrastructure, low levels of technol- climate policies, and stimulated the creation of the
ogy, poor access to information and knowledge, carbon market and new institutional mechanisms
inefficient institutions, and limited empowerment that could provide the foundation for future miti-
and access to resources. The range of measures that gation efforts. The first commitment period of the
can be used to adapt to climate change is diverse and Kyoto Protocol, within which developed countries
includes changes in behavior, structural changes, included in Annex 1 to the Protocol are to achieve
policy based responses, technological responses or their emission reduction and limitation commit-
managerial responses. ments, ends in 2012. The Protocol has an account-
7. The National Adaptation Plans of Action ing and compliance system for this period, with a
(NAPAs) are provided for through Article 4 of set of rules and regulations. Developed countries
the United Nations Framework Convention on are under an obligation to demonstrate that they
Climate Change (UNFCCC) which requires Non- are meeting their commitments.

234 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

10. At the 16th UNFCCC Conference of Parties years before income from emission trading
(COP16) in December 2010, considerable pro- starts to accrue;
gress was made through ‘Decision 1/CP.16, The b) Lack of private investors for afforestation
Cancún Agreements: Outcome of the work of the Ad- and reforestation, since these activities have typ-
Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action ically been carried out through government or
under the Convention’. The Cancún Agreements donor supported development projects in most
took a step further and came up with several de- of Africa;
cisions including the establishment of a Green c) Uncertain markets for emission reductions,
Climate Fund to be operated by the Convention. especially the reluctance by many buyers in de-
Also measures to capacity building and technol- veloped countries to consider credits from for-
ogy development and transfer are provided for estry activities; and
in the Cancún Agreements. Also the Cancún d) The requirement for projects to demonstrate
Agreements provide “Guidance and safeguards for additionality and absence of leakage (emissions
policy approaches and positive incentives on issues shifted elsewhere as a result of the project) is
relating to reducing emissions from deforestation difficult to fulfill, since most African countries
and forest degradation in developing countries; and rely heavily on wood fuel for domestic energy.
the role of conservation, sustainable management 4. Although the African continent remains the most
of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks vulnerable to climate change, especially as it lacks
in developing countries (REDD+)”. the capacity to adapt to the changes, African voices
are scarcely heard at international climate change
negotiations. Reasons for this include 1) inade-
Chapter 4: Forests in international quate representation because of limited funds, 2)
arrangements on climate change: the lack of continuity in following debates because of
African experience and perspective frequent changes in delegates, 3) inadequate prepar-
1. The United Nations Framework Convention on atory meetings at both regional and country levels,
Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its subsidiary because of funding constraints, and 4) language
agreement, the Kyoto Protocol, provide the glob- barriers to accessing and exchanging information
al framework for actions to respond to climate among anglophone, francophone and lusophone
change. Implementation of the Convention and its African delegates.
subsidiary agreements is governed by international 5. Improvement of African participation at in-
arrangements made at Conferences of Parties to ternational negotiations is being pursued, among
the Convention (COPs), or at meetings of signato- other ways through the development of a Compre-
ries to the subsidiary agreements. hensive Framework of African Climate Change
2. Despite the fact that both the UNFCCC and Programme, under the aegis of the African Minis-
the Kyoto Protocol recognize the importance of for- terial Conference on Environment (AMCEN),
estry for addressing climate change, forestry, and which, among other things, seeks to 1) develop a
in particular African forestry, has not featured shared vision, accommodating African priorities
significantly in arrangements such as the Clean for sustainable development, poverty reduction
Development Mechanism (CDM) for addressing and attainment of the MDGs in any future climate
climate change. change regime, and 2) simplification of procedures
3. Reasons for the poor participation of African for- and the removal of conditionalities to provide ac-
estry in arrangements such as CDM include: cess to international climate funds.
a) Prohibitive costs and lack of investment cap- 6. The Green Climate Fund, the establishment of
ital to develop forest projects over the many which was agreed at the recently concluded COP16

Some key observations and issues on climate change and African forest and wildlife resources 235
in Cancún, Mexico, is the latest in a long list of are based on agriculture, extraction of wood for
bilateral and multi-lateral mechanisms for fund- energy and housing, and collection of non-wood
ing and mobilizing resources to accommodate products for food, medicine and various other uses.
the forestry sector in the climate change regime. African forests, in fact, serve as ‘livelihood safety
While African forestry has not benefitted much nets’, helping communities that live by them to
from notable funding mechanisms like the Clean overcome shocks from natural disasters and eco-
Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto nomic or climatic vagaries. They also function to
Protocol, because of definitional problems for af- maintain the quality of the environment, and com-
forestation and reforestation, coupled with the mand international attention because of their rich
rules that govern CDM, emerging initiatives such biodiversity and the unique products this provides,
as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and as well as their high productivity and potential to
Forest Degradation (REDD) open up new funding influence climate.
opportunities. 3. Since African moist forests are among ecosystems
7. Climate change and the international instru- expected to be most affected by climate change,
ments dealing with it have created a gamut of new it is important that their vulnerabilities and those
challenges, opportunities and tasks for the forest of the people who depend on them be well under-
sector. Meeting these successfully requires fresh stood, in order to facilitate timely response to cli-
perspectives, modified priorities, new knowl- mate change impacts. Furthermore, since tropical
edge, skills and creativity. The way forward will forests are increasingly being considered as critical
be for African negotiators to get familiar with key components of strategies for addressing climate
principles of both the UNFCCC and the Kyoto change, it is important that the status of African
Protocol, as various articles in the treaties are very moist forests be well understood, for effective use of
explicit on the commitments of both developed the forests in addressing climate change.
and developing countries in reducing emissions 4. The bulk of the lowland moist forests in Africa
and financing. is located in the Central African sub-region, and
is dominated by the forest of the Congo Basin,
where, on the average, close to 60% of the land
Chapter 5: Climate change and African area is recorded as being under forest cover. The
moist forests Congo Basin moist forest is, in fact, the second
1. African moist forests include the extensive lowland largest contiguous block of forest in the world after
forests that are concentrated in West and Central the forest of the Amazon Basin.
Africa, and the not so extensive, but widely scat- 5. Lowland moist forests contain over 80% of the
tered, high altitude broadleaf forests referred to wood volume and biomass and more than 70% of
sometimes as the Afromontane archipelago. Low- the carbon stock in forests in Africa, representing
land moist forests approximate to closed forests of 13, 22 and nearly 18 per cent of the world’s forest
FAO (2001) and together with woodlands cover stock of wood by volume, biomass and carbon, re-
about 650 million ha or 21.8% of Africa’s total land spectively. The carbon stocking in the Congo Basin
area. alone is, as frequently reported, equivalent to four
2. African moist forests are the principal base for years’ global carbon emission.
industrial wood production in countries where they 6. African moist forests are currently under consid-
occur and, like other forests on the continent, are erable pressure from human use and are also im-
intricately linked to the socio-economic and pro- pacted by climate change, at the same time that
ductive systems of people in Africa, supporting, be- interest is increasing in their potential to contribute
sides industrial wood production, livelihoods that to climate change mitigation and adaptation strat-

236 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

egies. The impact of climate change is reflected to be adequately equipped to respond to climate
mainly in the increasing rate of species loss, but the change. It is important to understand how climate
effect on forest productivity, which is critical for change is likely to impact on forests in order to im-
knowing the extent to which African moist forests plement adaptation strategies for the sector. In the
serve as a sink for or a source of carbon dioxide are same vein, the forest sector needs to improve the
not yet well understood. management of forests to mitigate climate change,
7. Engaging African moist forests in forest-based especially through the reduction in CO2 emissions
mechanisms for addressing climate change faces from deforestation and forest degradation and car-
the challenge of reducing human use of forests at bon sequestration from the atmosphere. Improved
the same time as meeting the livelihood needs of management of forests, e.g. through the protection
the majority of Africans who depend on forests. of forested watersheds, will also contribute to sus-
The debate on the emerging mechanism of reduc- tainable water supplies for human use, agriculture,
ing emission from deforestation and degradation fisheries, wildlife and hydropower generation and
of tropical forests, REDD, centres largely on how ultimately improve livelihoods, food security, pov-
to meet this challenge. Inclusion of African moist erty reduction and a healthy environment.
forests in global arrangements to respond to cli- 2. Currently little is known about the potential of
mate change must take into account, and provide woodlands in Africa to adapt to climate change.
resources and technologies to develop the full Models suggest that climate change will cause
range of activities in Agriculture, Forestry and shifts in the ranges of many vegetation commu-
Other Land Uses (AFOLU), that avoided defor- nities but it is also possible that different species
estation will forego. respond differently to climate factors and therefore
8. To engage effectively in global forest-based ar- may respond differentially to climate change. If
rangements for addressing climate change, African this is true, then understanding the responses of
countries must themselves develop the expertise, individual species, especially the dominant species,
improve the knowledge base especially on their for- is of paramount importance to the development of
est resources, and create the enabling environment forest-based adaptation strategies. If climate warm-
through policy reforms and establishing the neces- ing reduces the productivity of woodland trees,
sary institutional, legislative and administrative then their role in mitigation against climate change
framework. Policies must be reformed to clarify through carbon sequestration may be reduced. Cli-
and secure forest land and trees ownership, tenure mate change may also affect forest regeneration
and rights, taking equity and gender considerations and afforestation. Thus both climate response and
fully into account, so that benefits from the engage- mitigation by forests need to be assessed so that
ment reach the grassroots informed strategies and measures can be made to
9. Tackling the challenges of engaging African moist address the role of forests in climate change.
forests for effective participation in combating cli- 3. Harvesting strategies need to be adapted to
mate change may in the long run lead to the es- changed climate. Given the predicted decline in
tablishment of sustainable ways of managing the tree growth, current sustainable wood and timber
forests. harvesting rates may represent overestimations for
the future climate scenarios. Clear trade-offs will
have to be worked out between maximizing aver-
Chapter 6: Climate change and the wood- age harvest and minimizing the risk of population
lands of Africa collapse. Indirect consequences of species harvest
1. Climate affects forest condition but forests also affect on non-target species may require special attention
climate. The forest sector in Africa therefore needs where a common resource base is likely to change

Some key observations and issues on climate change and African forest and wildlife resources 237
under climate change. Under certain circum- than the kinds of adaptation that are now flowing
stances, current harvesting regimes may no longer in rapidly from outside in ecosystem resilience con-
be sustainable and will require reformulation or re- cepts.
designing, as parts of the adaptation process. 3. In the Sahel, actions needed should be well de-
4. Establishing effective climate adaptation strate- fined, inclusive, sensitive to local interests and rel-
gies requires that scientists, managers and policy- evant. The genuine concerns about ecological de-
makers work together to 1) identify climate-sen- gradation and the vital role of natural resources
sitive species and systems, 2) assess the likelihood in rural livelihood systems should be drawn on
and consequences of impacts, and 3) identify and analysis of numerous projects initiated since the
select options for adaptation . It is also important to droughts of the 1970s and 1980s that support nat-
recognize that although climate plays a significant ural resource management alone.
role in determining species’ distribution, other var- 4. In dealing with forests and trees, and the emerg-
iables such as human population density, land use ing issue of climate change in the sub-region,
and soils can have similar, if not more, important improvement in ‘household viability’ and other
roles. Issues of population growth and land use structural measures leading to poverty allevia-
change therefore should be considered in develop- tion should also be addressed (including income
ing adaptive strategies to climate change. generation, employment access, conflict, equitable
5. Climate envelope models suggest that for some sharing of ecosystem services). Policy and technical
species predicted changes in climate may signifi- measures that are successful should be reinforced
cantly reduce the suitability of currently occupied and disseminated in order to restore the vegetation
habitats. Such threats are likely to be most keenly cover, therefore containing the effects of climate
felt by species with limited dispersal ability. For change and variability.
such situations, adaptive management may involve
either improving connectivity of habitats to facili-
tate natural dispersal or human-aided dispersal to Chapter 8: Climate change and wildlife
appropriate habitats. Under the latter, success can resources in West and Central Africa
be improved by ensuring that the size of the intro- 1. Protected areas in West and Central Africa cover
duction is sufficiently large to overcome the risk about 9% of the total area in 2000 which is lower
of Allee effects that can drive small populations than the global mean of 11.5%. However, due to
towards extinction. new conservation initiatives such as COMIFAC
and its convergence plan, the situation is improving
as new protected areas continue to be created.
Chapter 7: Climate change in the West 2. Because protected areas are dedicated to the pro-
African Sahel and savannas: impacts on duction of wildlife for socio-economic development,
woodlands and tree resources management of these conservation areas must be
1. The ‘ driving forces’ of change in the Sahel, both en- recognized and granted equal status and legitimacy
vironmental and socio-economic, are highly com- as other land uses.
plex and have led to transformation and continuity. 3. Protected areas could also be considered as car-
The Sahel is undergoing, slowly but inevitably, a bon sinks and applied to the mitigation of climate
profound ‘transformation’ in the way people relate change. Climate change and variability have been
to the environment and to each other in a fluid and presented in this chapter as events with direct im-
dynamic manner. pacts on many wildlife species and indirect impacts
2. There is a need to maintain continuity with the on their habitats, particularly in protected areas.
past. Sahelian peoples have a rich local tradition 4. In West and Central Africa, there is a large body
to draw on what is able to manage change, better of knowledge and experience within local communi-

238 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

ties on coping with climatic variability and extreme that mammals in African national parks will expe-
weather conditions. Local communities have made rience changes in species richness. Models describ-
preparations based on their resources and their ing relationships between the geographical dis-
knowledge accumulated through experience of past tributions of birds and present climate for species
weather patterns. breeding in both Europe and Africa suggest that
5. Scientific data to demonstrate how climate change there is likely to be a general decline in avian spe-
is impacting on biodiversity in much of West and cies. These observations are a source of great con-
Central Africa are limited. To contain this situ- cern about the continuing effectiveness of networks
ation, the Permanent Interstate Committee for of protected areas under projected 21st century
Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS) was created climate change. However, a number of potential
to collect and manage agro-hydro-climatic data, to adaptation strategies exist for reducing the impact
set up an early warning system, and to carry out of climate change on wildlife resources and these
research and training activities mainly through include 1) increasing the extent of protected areas,
AGRHYMET (Regional Centre for Training 2) improving management and restoring existing
and the Application of Agro meteorology and protected areas to facilitate resilience, 3) protecting
Operational Hydrology). Such an information and movement corridors and refugia, and 4) reducing
knowledge base can be used to develop adapta- pressures on species from sources other than cli-
tion strategies to the impacts of climate change on mate change, such as over-exploitation of species
wildlife resources. and preventing and managing invasive species.
3. Effects of climate warming mediated mainly
through shifts in onset and duration of rainy seasons
Chapter 9: Climate change and wildlife and drought include reduction in species distribu-
resources in East and southern Africa tion ranges, alteration in abundance and diversity
1. Africa is rich in wildlife species and apart from of mammals, changes in calving and population
their biodiversity significance, the major uses of growth rates, changes in juvenile survival of most
wildlife resources in East and southern Africa are ungulates and changes in species richness of birds
eco-tourism, safari hunting and local hunting. In and mammals. These changes in wildlife species
most areas that are rich in wildlife species, local will have direct serious negative impacts on eco-
people may be heavily dependent on the wildlife tourism and game hunting.
resource as a source of bush meat. The significant
climate change stimuli to which African wildlife
resources are likely to be subjected in the near fu- Chapter 10: Responding to climate
ture are most likely related to climate warming change in the wildlife sector: monitoring,
due to rising temperatures and extreme events in reporting and institutional arrangements
Africa, such as droughts and floods. Surveys sug- 1. Satellite data could be of significant use for the man-
gest that over 65% of the original wildlife habitat agement of the environment. Projections into the
in Africa has been lost as a result of agricultural future improve our capacity to mitigate or adapt
expansion, deforestation and over-grazing, which to changes and ecological monitoring plays an
have been fueled by rapid human population important role in the development of projections.
growth and poverty. As a result, protected areas are However, because climate change is likely to bring
becoming increasingly ecologically isolated while novel conditions, projecting the future ecological
wildlife on adjacent lands is actively eliminated. consequences of climate change is a difficult chal-
2. Rainfall, more than temperature, appears to lenge due to a number of reasons. Although models
regulate aspects of reproduction in most dry tropical have been used to predict effects of climate change
African mammals. Modeling studies have shown on wildlife, especially species ranges, these models

Some key observations and issues on climate change and African forest and wildlife resources 239
have never been empirically tested and therefore are therefore impeded by poor extension service
their outputs should really be viewed as possible provision approaches and lack of robust approaches
scenarios or forecasts rather than as firm pre- to enhance use of scientific evidence by communi-
dictions of the future changes. Long-term observa- ties. At the institutional level, failures of markets,
tions in time and space provide the best validation governments and local organizations to resolve
of ecosystem scale models but long-term records resource allocation and public good challenges
in sub-Saharan African countries rarely go back further weaken the capacity of local communities
more than 100 years and therefore future responses to adapt to the impacts of climate change. Despite
remain unknown until they occur, thereby making these challenges adaptation technologies have con-
current validations of models of future conditions tinued to be developed by international, regional
tentative. and national research institutes; consequently these
2. It is important to build an efficient communica- technologies are rarely adopted by farmers.
tion link to reach various stakeholders in order to 2. As a result of climate change, all parts of Africa
create awareness about linkages between climate will be subject to more extreme day-to-day and
change and conservation of biodiversity. Climate season-to-season fluctuations in rainfall. This
change is a cross-cutting issue and therefore re- means that African farmers will need to adapt to
quires special institutional and governance ar- more extreme and erosive storms, greater likeli-
rangements. Currently in many of the African hood of flood, longer periods of drought, and gen-
countries, climate change issues are coordinated erally less certain conditions for food and agricul-
by institutions that are responsible for either the tural production.
environment or agriculture. This has resulted in ar- 3. Given the potential impacts of climate change
rangements for addressing and sharing information and the urgency of the threat, ‘community-based-
on climate change that are restricted to a particular adaptation (CBA)’ strategies appear to be the best
sector or specific problems. Furthermore, because approach. But, adoption of CBA is hampered by
most information on climate change relates to the fact that communities are scarcely key partici-
agriculture and water resources, little information pants at policy levels, or at climate change negotia-
has been disseminated on other sectors and insti- tions at regional or international levels, where cli-
tutions. mate change responses are articulated and shaped.
4. A number of technologies – particularly those
focused on water management – are likely to have
Chapter 11: Community-based adapta- great relevance for Africa’s agriculture in respond-
tion to climate change in Africa: a ing to climate change. Known adaptation technol-
typology of information and institutional ogies, including inter alia crop improvement and
requirements for promoting uptake of water harvesting technologies, need to have their
existing adaptation technologies associated informational and institutional require-
1. Poor linkage between climate change research and ments established or strengthened to ensure their
communities leads to poor appreciation of technol- scaling up to reach a large community of African
ogies developed by the scientific community as well farmers. Some of the informational requirements
as integration of lessons and experiences from com- include giving the right information in the right
munity coping strategies. National-level initiatives package to farmers.
are driven by collective action at the international 5. The pursuit and promotion of agricultural tech-
level. Subsequently, local level mainstreaming of nologies by focusing on information and institu-
climate change strategies are top-down and rarely tional needs will require strategic policy and in-
evidence-based. Pathways for knowledge to action stitutional development within a system of global

240 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

governance that links effectively with national and products, such as bush meat, 2) government which
community-level adaptation initiatives. derives revenue from wildlife-based tourism, 3) the
6. Meeting the institutional needs for the promotion private sector (both foreign and local) that operates
and adoption of technologies is the responsibility tourism facilities, and 4) foreign tourists that view
of policy makers. Research should however be re- wildlife resources in national parks and hunt game.
oriented so that the information needs of farmers 3. Increasing temperature is expected to provide
and communities are realized. This includes shifts the optimum conditions for the growth of some vec-
from focus on improving agricultural productivity tors such as the mosquito. There is evidence that
to ‘climate proofing’ – ensuring that we adapt to in some sites in the highlands of East Africa, a
the uncertainties of climate change but at the same warming trend over the last 30 years has improved
time enhance food security. conditions for the growth of mosquito populations
7. It is the hope that this review of the existing in- and therefore the probability of malaria transmis-
formational and institutional gaps and challenges to sion and highland epidemics.
effective transfer of known adaptation technologies 4. Women can play an important role in supporting
will catalyze a re-look at community-based adapta- households and communities to mitigate and adapt
tion, increased investment in adaptation and con- to climate change. Across Africa, women’s leader-
sideration of community-based adaptation as part ship in natural resource management is well recog-
of the global response in addressing the potential nized. Women typically gather forest products for
effects of climatic variability and climate change. fuel, fencing, food for the family, fodder for live-
stock and raw materials to produce natural medi-
cines, all of which help to increase family income
Chapter 12: Socio-economic and while men are involved in timber extraction and
gender related aspects of climate the use of NTPs for commercial purposes. It is es-
change in Africa sential, therefore, that forestry projects aiming at
1. In many rural sub-Saharan Africa communities, addressing mitigation and/or adaptation to climate
non-timber forest products (NTFPs) may supply change adopt a gender-based approach that incor-
over 50% of a farmer’s cash income and provide porates the gender differences between women and
the health needs for over 80% of the population, men.
particularly among forest-dependent populations.
However, expected decreases in rainfall, and in-
creased severity and frequency of drought, can ex- Chapter 13: African forests and trees in
acerbate current exploitation pressures on forests the global carbon market
and trees and expansion of agriculture into forest 1. Africa has a large mitigation potential in the land
lands. Forests provide direct and indirect employ- use sector that can be translated into significant par-
ment for a large number of people in Africa in col- ticipation in the current and future carbon market
lecting fuelwood, forest fruits, honey, resins, gums opportunities. This potential is underwritten by
and others for consumption as well as selling as her large endowment of land and large popula-
employment. These important products play a key tions involved in land use based economic activ-
role in the livelihoods of African rural households ities. Recent global mitigation models show that
as sources of income when traded in local, regional, African forests and trees have a likely potential for
and international markets. sequestering about 123 million tonnes of carbon
2. The major beneficiaries of wildlife resource uti- dioxide (CERs) per year and reducing emissions
lization are 1) local people whose livelihoods are by about 228 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per
historically and culturally dependent on wildlife year from avoided deforestation.

Some key observations and issues on climate change and African forest and wildlife resources 241
2. So far carbon market data show that African plementation and carbon market operations. Weak
forests and trees have barely been brought into the governance constitutes a significant barrier espe-
market. By 2009, the total amount of CDM CERs cially in the forest sector, but this needs a com-
from Africa was about 21 million out of 630 mil- prehensive approach, coupled with development of
lion global CERs, of which forestry’s contribution democratic and civil institutions. Concerted effort
was a miniscule 0.4% of the global total. for risk reduction and marketing of Africa, where
3. A number of reasons have been put forward to the risk perception is undeserved, will increase the
explain the poor performance of Africa in carbon attractiveness of the African carbon opportunities
projects and programs, including, high transaction to buyers.
costs, the complexity of rules and requirements,
weak human and institutional capacity coupled
with poor governance and perceived higher risks Chapter 14: Climate change in African
on the continent. Though the cost per project is forestry: the broader policy context
declining due to various interventions by the Clean 1. Developing countries’ ability to cope with climate
Development Mechanism (CDM) Executive change depends to a large extent on the careful
Board, such as simplification of procedures and choice of policy actions by governments and the
bundling of projects, this element remains the most international community, as well as the strate-
universally referred to impediment to participation gic targeting of areas for policy interventions. It
of African players in the carbon market. is therefore very important to scrutinize the im-
4. The most common barriers to afforestation/re- pacts of current policies vis-à-vis climate change
forestation projects in general, but more pronounced and incorporate climate variability and change into
for Africa, include political instability, lack of po- future policies. Some of the climate policy actions
litical enthusiasm for land-based activities tied to can come in form of incentives and investment to
long term western countries’ interest, restrictions create and deploy improved technology and man-
of project scale and temporary nature of forestry agement techniques, as well as effective public pol-
credits. icy on economy and livelihood diversification. In
5. Key to the effective positioning of the continent the forestry sector the debate and resources have
in benefitting from the carbon market is the ne- so far been targeted much more on mitigation
cessity to develop carbon policies, strategies and of climate change and much less on adaptation
guidelines within the framework of national and to climate change by humans, forests and trees.
international climate change policy. Mitigation efforts are important in avoiding impact
6. While emission reduction can be achieved in most of climate change; however, adaptation activities
sectors, the land use sector has the greatest potential are very important in alleviating the non-avoidable
for CDM opportunities in Africa, due to the rela- climate change effects. Clearly there is a need to
tively large amount of actual and potential emis- maintain a good balance between adaptation and
sions, as well as the ability to sequester carbon on the mitigation in terms of attention and resources.
vast area of land. More importantly, the carbon fi- 2. The forest policies that have been implemented in
nance opportunities in the land use sector also fall in Africa since independence, some 50 years ago, have
priority areas, in terms of projects and programmes targeted reducing deforestation and forest degrada-
that enhance the ability of vulnerable African tion. In many countries there have been restrictions
countries to adapt to climate change on access to forests for livestock grazing, human
7. There is an urgent need to increase the human settlements and crop production. Efforts have also
capacity needed for effective participation in the been made to regulate deforestation through selec-
market, from project proposal development to im- tive harvesting of natural forests, and in many cases

242 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

guided by annual allowable cut in order to sustain new actors and interest groups. It is very critical
timber supplies. In addition, there are national for- that any adaptation framework ensures that forest
est programmes (nfps) in many African countries managers have the flexibility to select the most
and programmes/projects/activities that implement appropriate measures to suit their specific situa-
various international agreements, initiatives and tions. Governments need to ensure the right mix
conventions which target unwanted deforestation of policies and tools are available to African farm-
and forest and land degradation. However, despite ers, businesses, households and communities to
all these good contributions deforestation and understand and prepare for or anticipate climate
forest degradation continue to increase in many change pressures before they occur, as well as to
African countries. The dry forests and woodlands adapting to the climate change that is already here.
support the bulk of the African people, livestock Adaptation to climate change in Africa is urgent
and wildlife and cover almost three times the area and requires substantial resources. It is unlikely
under rain forests. They also support almost five that developing countries, in particular the least
times more people than those supported by the rain developed countries, have the financial resources
forests. In these forests, deforestation and forest and technical knowledge for the required antici-
degradation are closely related to human and ani- patory and planned interventions. Financial and
mal interactions with the forests and woodlands technical assistance will also be required for the
for survival. additional costs of designing and implementing
3. New and emerging drivers of deforestation interventions. Climate change is local and location
include increasing demand for food and demand specific. Methodologies to assess adaptation need
for and production of biofuels. New and hybrid to analyze local impacts in detail in order to un-
modes of forest governance are required to replace derstand and plan relevant interventions but recog-
the traditional mode of forest governance in order nize that, at implementation, it will be necessary to
to handle higher levels of uncertainty associated include the interventions into larger scale/national
with climate change and the complexity of cli- adaptation programs.
mate change brought about by the wide range of

Some key observations and issues on climate change and African forest and wildlife resources 243
244 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

AAU Assigned Amount Units (levels of allowed emissions over the 2008–2012
commitment period)
ADB Asian Development Bank
AfDB African Development Bank
AFF African Forest Forum
AFOLU Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Uses
AFP Agence France-Presse
AIJ Activities Implemented Jointly
ALM Agricultural Land Management
AMCEN African Ministerial Conference on Environment
APF Africa Partnership Forum
AR4 Fourth Assessment Report
A/R Afforestation/Reforestation
AWP-LCA Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action
BMU German Federal Environmental Ministry
BNRCC Building Nigeria’s Response to Climate Change
CAADP Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme
CAR Central African Republic
CARPE Central Africa Regional Project for the Environment
CATIE Tropical Agriculture Centre for Research and Higher Education (Centro Agronómico
Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza)
CBA Community-based adaptation
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
CBFF Congo Basin Forest Fund
CBNRM Community Based Natural Resource Management
CDM Clean Development Mechanism
CEDEAO Communauté Economique des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest
CEEAC Communauté Economique des Etats de l’Afrique Centrale
CEFDHAC Conférence sur les Ecosystemes de Forêts Denses et Humides d’Afrique Centrale
CEIF Clean Energy Investment Framework
CEMAC Communauté Economique et Monétaire d’Afrique Centrale
CEP Cool Earth Partnership
CER Certified Emission Reduction
CERCOPAN Centre for Education, Research & Conservation of Primates and Nature
CFM Community Forest Management
CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
CIDA Canadian International Development Agency

Acronyms 245
CIF Climate Investment Fund
CIFOR Center for International Forestry Research
CII Country Implementing Institution
CILSS Comité Permanent Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la Sécheresse dans le Sahel
CIMMYT International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre
CITES Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species
CNEDD Conseil National de l’Environnement pour un Développement Durable
COMES Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
COP Conference of the Parties
CORAF/WECARD Conseil Ouest et Centre Africain pour la Recherche et le Développement Agricoles/
West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development
CPF Collaborative Partnership on Forest
DNA Designated National Authority
DRC Democratic Republic of Congo
DSS Decision Support Systems
DTMA Drought Tolerant Maize for Africa
EB CDM Executive Board
EBA Endemic Bird Areas
EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
ECCAS Economic Community of Central African States
EMF Eclipse Modeling Framework
ENDA Environmental Development Action
ENSO El Niño Southern Oscillation
EO Earth Observations
ERU Emission Reduction Unit
ET Emission Trading
ETF-IW Environmental Transformation Fund – International Window
EUAs European Union Allowances (carbon allowances under the EU-ETS)
EU-ETS European Union’s emissions trading scheme
EUR European Euro
EUMETSAT European satellite agency
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations
FCPF Forest Carbon Partnership Fund (World Bank)
FEGS Forest Ecosystem Goods and Services
FEWSNet Famine Early Warning System Network
FFEM French Global Environment Facility
FMNR Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration
FSCCPs Framework of Sub-regional Climate Change Programmes
GBP Great Britain Pound
GCCA Global Climate Change Alliance
GCMs General Circulation Models
GCOMAP Generalized Comprehensive Mitigation Assessment Process
GCOS Global Climate Observing System
GDP Gross Domestic Product

246 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

GEF Global Environment Facility
GFDL-A2 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Coupled Model
GFW Global Fund for Women
GHG Greenhouse gas
GoS Government of Sudan
GPG Good Practice Guidance
GSBA Globally Significant Biodiversity Areas
GTM Global Timber Model
GTM Grounded Theory Method
GWP-WAWP Global Water Partnership – West Africa Water Partnership
HadCM Hadley Center Coupled Model
HFC Hydro-fluorocarbons
HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
IADB Inter-American Development Bank
IAS Invasive Alien Species
IBA Important Bird Area
ICI International Climate Initiative
ICRAF International Centre for Research in Agroforestry
ICRISAT International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Semi-Arid Tropics
IEA International Energy Agency
IETA International Emissions Trading Association
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development
IFCI International Forest Carbon Initiative
IFM Improved Forest Management
IIED International Institute for Environment and Development
IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
IMAGE Imager for Magnetopause to Aurora Global Exploration
IMAGE Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment
INFORMS Integrated Forest Monitoring System
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IUCC Information Unit on Climate Change
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
IUFRO International Union of Forest Research Organizations
JI Joint Implementation
KARI Kenya Agricultural Research Institute
KP Kyoto Protocol
KSLA Royal Swedish Academy for Agriculture and Forestry
LDCF Least Developed Countries Fund
LULUCF Land Use and Land Use Change and Forestry
l-CERs Long-term Certified Emission Reduction Units
MDGs Millennium Development Goals
MEA Multilateral Environmental Agreements
MINFOF Ministère des Forêts et de la Faune
MOP Meeting of the Parties

Acronyms 247
MRV Measurable, Reportable and Verifiable
NAMAs Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions
NAPA National Adaptation Program of Action
NCSP National Communication Support Programme
NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development
nfps National Forestry Programmes
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NICFI Norway’s International Climate and Forests Initiative
NIMET Nigerian Meteorology
NOAA-AVHRR National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – Advanced Very High Resolution
NRIs National Research Institutes
NSS Negotiation Support Systems
NTFPs Non-timber Forest Products
OFAC Central Africa Forests Observatory
OTC Over the Counter Market
PCN Project Concept Note
PDD Project Design Document
PES Payment for Environmental Services
PP Project Proponent
PRA Participatory Rural Assessment
PRESA Pro-poor Rewards for Environmental Services in Africa
RAPAC Network of Central Africa Protected Areas
REDD Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
RES Reward for Environmental Services
RMU Removal Units (credits issued for net sink enhancements achieved by eligible
activities under Articles 3.3 and 3.4)
SBSTA Subsidiary Body on Scientific and Technological Advice
SCCF Special Climate Change Fund
SCCU Special Climate Change Unit
SD Sustainable Development
SEARNET Network for Southern and Eastern Africa
SFM Sustainable Forest Management
SHD Semi humid dry
Sida Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
SNV-GOK The Netherlands Development Organisation – Government of Kenya
TAR Third Assessment Report
t-CERs Temporary Certified Emission Reduction Units
TroFCCA Tropical Forests and Climate Change Adaptation
TRIDOM Tri Nationale Dja-Odzala-Minkébé
UK United Kingdom
UNCCD United Nations Convention on Combating Drought and Desertification
UNCED United Nations Conference on Environment and Development

248 Climate change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNFF-NLBI United Nations Forum on Forests – Non-Legally Binding Instrument on all type of
UNGA United Nations General Assembly
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization
UN-REDD United Nations Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
USA United States of America
USAID United States Agency for International Development
USD United States Dollar
VC Voluntary Carbon
VCM Voluntary Carbon Market
VCS Voluntary Carbon Standards
WAP West African Parks
WCED World Commission on Environment and Development
WHO World Health Organization
WMO World Meteorological Organization
WRI World Resources Institute
WSS World Summit on Sustainable Development
WUE Water Use Wfficiency
WWF World Wildlife Fund
ZCV Zones de Chasse villageoise

Acronyms 249
There is growing evidence that climate change and variability is impacting on forests and forest ecosystems in Africa,
and therefore on the livelihoods of forest dependent communities, as well as on national economic activities that
depend on forest and tree products and services. Africa is one of the most vulnerable regions in the world to climate
change. Although the IPCC has published four Assessment Reports (ARs) that provide scientific information on climate
change and variability to the international community, currently little is known about the potential of African forests
and trees to adapt to climate change as well as on their potential to influence climate change.
This is perhaps the first book that, based on what is known, systematically addresses climate change issues in the
context of African forests, trees and wildlife resources, and therefore brings to the fore the forest and wildlife-climate
change debate within and beyond the African continent. Africa has vast areas under forests and tree resources, and
more than anything else these resources are at the centre of the socio-economic development and environmental
protection of the continent. African forests and trees are also renowned for their habitats for wildlife resources. Climate
change is argued to have the potential to adversely affect both forest and wildlife resources in almost all African
This book is therefore timely in that it highlights to all stakeholders, and in a systematic manner, the climate change
issues relevant to the African forestry and wildlife sectors, with the view of increasing the understanding of these
relationships and facilitating the development of strategies for these sectors to increase their contribution, at various
levels and fora, to addressing the vagaries of climate change. The book also outlines the opportunities that climate
change brings to the various development sectors of African nations.

Emmanuel Chidumayo is a leading ecologist of African woodlands and savannas and author of Miombo Ecology and
Management (1997), and co-edited The Dry Forests and Woodlands of Africa: Managing for Products and Services (2010).
David Okali is an emeritus professor of forest ecology, University of Ibadan, past President of the Nigerian Academy
of Science and currently Chairman of the Nigerian Environmental Study/Action Team (NEST); author of Climate Change
and Nigeria: A Guide for Policy Makers (2004).
Godwin Kowero is a professor of forest economics and policy analysis, co-edited Policies and Governance Structures in
Woodlands of Southern Africa (2003), and currently is the Executive Secretary of the African Forest Forum.
Mahamane Larwanou is an ecologist/agroforester with experience in dryland ecosystems, especially the Sahel region
of West Africa, and currently is a Senior Programme Officer with the African Forest Forum.

The African Forestry Forum (AFF) is an association of individuals who share the quest for and commitment to the sus-
tainable management, use and conservation of the forest and tree resources of Africa for socio-economic wellbeing of
its peoples and for the stability and improvement of its environment. AFF provides a platform for information sharing
and expertise and creates an enabling environment for independent and objective analysis, advocacy and advice on
relevant policy and technical issues pertaining to achieving sustainable management, use and conservation of Africa’s
forest and tree resources as part of efforts to reduce poverty, promote economic and social development and protect
the environment.

African Forest Forum

P.O. Box 30677-00100, Nairobi, KENYA
Tel: +254 20 722 4203, Fax: +254 20 722 4001

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